tv NEWS LIVE - 30 Al Jazeera April 3, 2020 1:00am-1:34am +03
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thanks. beyond that we have been focusing not just on ensuring the testing is occurring but that the supplies are flowing as the president just announced he made a decision today to deploy. thousands of n 95 master rectally to new york city's public hospitals and our team will speak about that in just a moment and also the president took the unprecedented step to direct the department of defense to use military health care personnel to operate all coven facilities at the javits center in new york at the convention center in new orleans and at the convention center in dallas and we have formed each of the governors of those states today that their requests we were making those military medical personnel available to operate in all covert facility but we would emphasize to people in that community who believe you've been impacted or contracted to
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coronavirus. contact your local health care provider we intice a page in the new york area that your local health care provider will make the decision whether you are transferred to the javits center and in all cases simply look to the guidance of your local governors about how best to receive the care that every american every american is entitle to have. beyond that let me say that we have been working through famous acquisition process not only to deploy but to to gather up personal protective equipment and in just a few moments you will hear from admiral john polow of check about the extraordinary progress that we have made in deploying not just the strategic national stockpile but also in identifying on the commercial marketplace around america and around the world literally millions of n $95.00 mass surgical gowns gloves protective equipment and at this point
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we've distributed as some 7600 ventilators and you'll hear today specifically about the states that have received those ventilators were just this team is truly acted in an inspiring way and literally is is working with dozens and dozens of people at the at the fema stabilization task force to make sure that we are leaving no stone unturned to find the supplies we need let me also say today you're going to hear from jared kushner senior adviser to the present in the united states but someone that the white house coronavirus task force directed to work with fame on supply chain issues and in recent weeks he's been leading a working group in conjunction with fema that literally has identified millions of medical supplies around the nation and around the world and we're grateful for his efforts and his leadership finally you'll hear from peter navarro who will. explain
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the action the president took today using the defense production act but as you hear details today about the medical supplies that have been distributed those that haven't purchased those that were making available the ventilators distributed to hospitals and those that are available let me just remind every american that you can make a difference in ensuring that every patient has the treatment that they deserve every health care provider every doctor and nurse and nurses assistant has the protective gear to provide the care that you would want your family to have by putting into practice the president's 30 days to slow the spread i mean we we want you to take to heart the president's coronavirus guidelines for america 1st to protect your own health to protect the health of your family to protect the health of your community we know so many people are a symptomatic of people that literally don't know they have the corona virus but
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have the ability to infect others we want you to put these guidelines into practice social distancing using a drive through at a restaurant washing your hands on a regular basis but as we focus today on supplies make no mistake about it every american can make sure that our health care workers and more importantly americans that are struggling with coronavirus have the equipment to support their treatment by putting these principles into practice because the fewer americans that contract the coronavirus the fewer americans will have to enter our health care system and that will continue to preserve the capacity in our health care kaname so we we thank the millions of americans who've responded in the 1st 2 days of 30 days to slow the spread and i'm just absolutely confident that in the days ahead every americans going to do their part for your health your family's health the health of your community and to ensure the strength and vitality of the greatest. care system
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in the world with that let me introduce a juror to speak about the work that he's been doing working with him on ensuring a strong supply chain to meet this moment. thank you mr vice president and thank you for your great leadership on the task force and thank you to dr burk's and dr fathi as well to not of working with you these past few weeks when the vice president 1st asked me to help on the task force with different tasks i asked the president what he expected from the task force and how i can best serve him in the task force what the president asked is that all of the recommendations that we make be based on data he wanted us to be very rigorous to make sure that we were studying the data collecting data a lot of things in this country were happening very quickly and we want to make sure that we were trying to keep updating our models and making sure that we were making informed decisions and informed recommendations to him based on the data that we were able to collect and put together the president want to make sure that
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we had the best people doing the best jobs and making sure that we had the right people focused on all of the things that needed to happen to make sure that we can deliver in these unusual times for the american people the president also instructed me to make sure that i break down every barrier needed to make sure that the teams can succeed this is an effort where the government is doing things that the government doesn't normally do where we're stretching where we're acting very quickly and the president wants to make sure that the white house is fully behind the different people running the different lines of effort to make sure that we get everything done in a speed that the president demands the president also want us to make sure we think outside the box make sure we're finding all the best thinkers in the country making sure we're getting all the best ideas and that we're doing everything possible to make sure that we can keep americans safe and make sure we bring a quick end to this in the best way possible and balance all the different aspects that need to be thought of while we do this this truly is a historic challenge we have not seen something like this in
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a very very long time. but i am very confident that by bringing innovative ship solutions to these hard problems we will make progress today we are briefing the president earlier he asked me to come out and talk a little bit about what we're doing on the supply chain task force which admiral plug check has been leading and and what he's been very impressed by is the way that we've been resourceful to find product all over the world all over the country and we are finding ways to solve the different problems the president's been very very hands on in this he's really instructed us to leave no stone unturned just this morning very early this morning i got a call from the president he told me he was hearing from friends of his new york that the new york public hospital system was running low on critical supply he instructed me this morning i called dr katz who runs the system asked him which supply was the most supply he was nervous about he told me was the n 95 masks i asked what his daily burn was and i basically got that number called a bad check of nature we had the inventory we went to the president today and
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earlier today the president called mayor de blasio to inform him that we were going to send a month of supply. to new york public hospital system to make sure that the workers on the frontline can rest assure that they have the n 95 mass that they need to get through the next month we'll be doing similar things with all the different public hospitals that are in the hot spot zones and making sure that we're constantly communications with the local communities one thing i will say just based on data is that we've been getting a lot of data from different governors and from different mayors and from different cities one thing i've seen fema do very very well over the last week or so is now we're getting real time data from a lot of cities people who have requests for different products and supplies a lot of them are doing it based on projections which are not the realistic project projections the projections change every day as we see the cases as we see the impacts of the stop spread effort that this task force recommended and the president has been pushing forward so i do think that will see that hopefully
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they'll be impact of that and the task force has been working very hard through the fema group with admiral plugged check to make sure that we're getting the supplies to people before they run out and making sure that we're doing it in a proper way i'd like to just introduce admiral plug check who before coming to this i guess still is he's the vice director for logistics for the joint staff i got a call from one of the senators saying well why don't you put a great military person in charge of the logistics in the supply chain in the defense production act and i said well the president already did that this is the best man that we have in the country for supplies and logistics join the task force 13 days ago over at fema and he's built a team really at the direction of vice president that includes people from fema o.m.b. the f.d.a. h.h.s. the white house in from everywhere else and what they've done over the last 13 days has been really extraordinary we've done things that the government is never done before quicker than they've ever done before and what we're seeing now is we found a lot of supplies in the country we've been distributing them where we anticipate
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there will be needs and also trying to make sure that we're hitting places where there are needs so i can tell you the people in the in the task force they're working day and night you gotta lie. people in the government we recognize the challenge that america faces right now we we know what a lot of people on the front lines are facing the fear that they have that they want to have the supplies they need and our goal is to work as hard as we can to make sure that we don't let them down so i just want to thank everybody and. he's doing an amazing job. thank you it's good mr cooper but president today i'm going to cover. a couple items a couple 5 things 1st thing i want to talk about. is resources pushed out from the federal government. and then i'm going to talk about. this air bridge which you may have heard about i want to talk about data as you said were. mr kushner actually right we're trying to be data driven and talk
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a little bit about how we're trying to expand the. to meet this challenge so the 1st thing i want to talk about a surgical masks. so we've all. quickly stated numbers here so these i'm about to go through several different slides to to give you just scale and matching tud of federal resources that have been plied at the problem so for 27100000 surgical masks pushed out to state state governments. for end $95.00 masks. 19.5000000 and 95 members and so if i was if i was in a local hospital that was running short i would i would look upward because the federal government has pushed out on resources so for protective gloves 22.4000022.4.4000000 pairs of protective gloves.
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for face shields. 5.2000000 face u.s. . for ventilators we have pushed. to the states more than 7600 ventilators and i think as i was coming over here that numbers change slightly i think it's now 7640. given to the states to the program of the states and we wanted you to have some numbers now as we've indicated. we have ventilators in the national stockpile we pushed ventilators out we're holding ventilators to put to the point the need but we're also buying ventilators asking the industrial base who produces approximately. prior to cove it approximately $30000.00 ventilators a year we're going to over the next several months by the end of june. work to
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acquire 100000 so one of the one of the tools that we're going to again anticipate needing we've already executed is all of those vendors that we're buying them from we'll need potentially we'll need help in their supply chains with their suppliers. them we might rate orders we might help them get ahead of others in that endeavor so i think as navarro is going to talk a little bit more that live. let me talk about the air bridge. though it's not normally takes approximately $37.00 days to get from overseas it product load it get it to the united states and distributed that's about $37.00 days so to prime the pump so to speak
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we have lined on an air bridge to get product here faster working with our major suppliers. as they have as they work to fill orders to get more to health care workers now we are working to align transportation to product and one of the things we're also doing is the team that works for me are scouring the globe and finding pockets of personal protective equipment that might not otherwise be in the u.s. hospital supply chain that is also going on these flights. 6 completed. and a number scheduled 2820 flights scheduled here in the near future we're we're working towards some days we'll have one flight some days there might be 2 flights multiple flights over the next coming days these 28 or e's 4 as i can see out there.
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a couple of weeks the then again matching product to flights to create volume in the supply chain here faster than a 37 day. i'm just going to leave that up as i talk about a few other items so let's talk about new york city and the public health hospitals and i believe it's their call in new york city health and hospitals the president directed as i speak there are. pallets being formed truck being loaded. and i gave a an address in new york city here an hour or 2 ago and one of our distributors is making that happen and that delivery will happen tomorrow. on the data front this is almost done president this is a commercial supply chain with 6 to 7 major distributors of
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health equipment. we brought them all in. and we said we. we need to make informed decisions and we're going to help make informed allocation decisions so within a matter of days. feeding from their business systems their employees resource like systems. i brought on board a tool a supply chain tower that the duty was using to manage a supply chain for a very complex weapon system. their data goes into a data lake we have a tool to be able to use their data and see it i can tell what product is coming in what their orders are what they're filling with they're not filling and see the volume in the supply chain and understand what they're doing down to the county
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level we're working to get it potentially down to the hospital level so this 200 some odd and 95 respirators we took a look in there in the in the supply chain we said we we can't we have the volume to go do that i call the distributor and they're making they're making that happen we anticipate as the hot spots around the country. we anticipate these vendors and our direction helping them allocate product to the right place at the right time. so if i talk finally about expanding the industrial base so the vice president was at wal-mart the other day. who told him i want to get in his game how do i do that so i got the call. and we provided them specifications. and wal-mart is going to have use their suppliers to cut fabric make gowns so product that's not always the case we have
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lots of folks that want to help. believe you will see in the coming days the use of the defense production act in creative ways to help people that are not doing this today to do it we have sensually. leads the number yesterday was 210 believers but probably grew today that we're working with. to find how each one of those might need help to get in the game that's not in the game to increase the throughput through the through the health care market again the president gave me one task to get more. to our health care workers now. and i took that to heart because i have not that i don't need that from the president that that direction to move out but i i have family in new york my sister's a nurse practitioner in a western hospital. and my niece is
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a nurse on long island hospital. and i have other health care professionals in the family so i have skin in this game you know. the president asked me to get more health care workers to give more to health care workers. like to hand over fist of or. the $200000.00 is going out and that is as we are specific it will be it'll be delivered more for you to me over the period i can what what the announced what the evidence on fact is the balance is being loaded right now to send $200095.00 mass to do york city to the public health hospital just to do the public health warehouse in new york city all the health care workers. help is on the way based on the tools and the data you have available to you where is the long gym where has it been a big deal how do you how do you identify that because as you say all this when we
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have millions working he's going out the door as you well know the front line i'm going over there really and you know i'm going to you i mean as you this way we put up a lot of numbers i have said that if you're not you're in a hospital and you're not seeing p.p.a. i would look up to the state level 1st. call them doesn't raise that money they can't get it. and the reason for that is the president wanting to governors and also. private sector we haven't seen any numbers out there about what is going to try him there can you tell us what percentage of the supplies on these large cargo planes are going to private companies 1st female nurses this is supremely person. so. this product that we're moving is primarily a commercial product. that would enter the commercial system and be distributed through financial business transactions between hospitals and these distributors to
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clarify that that explains why states say they're bidding like down because the supplies are going to the private sector and they have to go there to get the. help things as an oil things work right so i'm i'm not here to disrupt. a a supply chain say look these these 6 distributors 67 they have 6 to 700 warehouses they have trucks to go to the hospital door every day. we're bringing product in they're filling orders for hospitals nursing homes like normal i'm putting volume into that system i would say that. we have the data now last so we put together this data element over the last you know what 13 days. if the people in the problem build this i am now seeing
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truth about what's in the supply chain and i would say that. there's been some abnormal behavior. going on but yeah both house oversight committee democrats say the thing that officials told them that the ventilators that the government has ordered will be ready until june which is will that be expected to be will the defense production act memo signed today do anything to speed that up. or will miss navarro talk about that we're on line to receive several 1000 ventilators in the month of april and several 1000 more ventilators in the month of may ramping up to a big number in june again you going from you know an industry that produces about 30 annual 30000 m. to through a very big number of. companies have consistently state think when you are to me to say yes you know sort of not done anything that they can guarantee you and different states have more and more urgency in his so we marry up we're
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marrying up where cd see where the demand for kobe it is to watch in this commercial system we're provided we're providing that to the to the commercial system and we are making allocations to those most pressing need. 13 days. we have the data we now can make informed decisions and so all of the i need i need i need i now know. no the volume that has been happening and needs to be will live with that. present by the way this is playing on this as well you talk about value alluding to the fact there is possibly some senior business going on that the product is here in the united states and can come here yes it is coming here it's coming from china to work warehouses it's being made
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here in the united states and in warehouses but it's going to the highest bidder so what can be done to keep. those products here in the united states not go overseas where companies are making a lot of money and they can get interested in their lives to the most critical places here in the u.s. i would love to hear your good time comes from we are there how is that being done because doctors i've talked to a 3rd a great great question is from here let me give you the good the bigger view of the deep will directly address that what we have essentially is a nation at war we have a wartime president stand behind me the defense production act is one of the most powerful weapons this administration can use to fight the invisible enemy of the virus when i spoke with you last week i explained the 3 points of the compass d.p.a. can be used to hit that the 1st one is mobilization of the industrial base this can involve things like repurpose ing from say
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a distiller like primeau ricard from liquor to hand sanitizer it can also involve expansion of production which is having honeywell which makes in 95 mask open a new factory is smithfield rhode island with respect to the 2nd point of the compass allocation of resources we have 2 issues there if you look at the manufacturer itself you what you want to make sure is that the supply chain which can go 70 years deep has enough components in that supply chain so we can actually make what we need and then once it's made you also want to make sure that it goes to the right right people and then the 3rd point of the compass which which addresses what you're talking about. is is basically bust them i call it hoarding of critical or threaten material so let me walk through what the president did today in terms of a strong action what we've done the d.p. across those 3 points the 1st order president trump signed was was vigorous swift
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it was the g.m. order which directed g.m. to make ventilators in kokomo indiana to interim time which is to say as fast as possible as the president mentioned he spoke to mary barra today the c.e.o. of g.m. that is moving forward at the same time as the 4 project is moving forward in ross and bill michigan and i've issued a challenge to those 2 companies aleph or versus ferrari this is ford versus g.m. let's see who gets those ventilators out 1st now the 2nd point of the compass which these 2 orders addressed today is this allocation of resources issues the ventilator companies themselves. expressed concern that in this rush to build ventilators there were 3 pressure on that supply chain so would say they requested that we do in the president do this they use the d.p.a. to give this gentleman here is one of the strongest gentleman world terms of applying things is to give him the ability to prioritize that supply chain for
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those better ventilator manufactured and he will do things like give them what's called the d o rating in the defense procurement which will allow them to get what they need now the 2nd order which the president signed today. has to do. with the other part of the equation which is once they make the stuff ok where does it go to the right right folks and this is a 3 m. order and to be frank with the last several days we've had some issues making sure that all of the production the 3 m. does around the world. enough of it is coming back here to the right places so what's going to happen with the signing that order and prompt time as we're going to resolve that issue with 3 am probably by tomorrow close of business because we can't afford to lose days or hours even minutes in this crisis now the 3rd part
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of the compass the 3rd point there are things gets to the hoarding issue the president stood up here with with he's the commander in chief but we have a sheriff in town to attorney general barr and he stood up here with her project tourney general bar and the current bill barr said i'm going to go out and bust them and guess what 3 days ago. d.o.j. went into a warehouse in jersey grabs p p e and the beauty of that the beauty of that we wasn't only sees but within hours it was turned around and given the health care professionals in new york and new jersey that's a beautiful thing that's a beautiful case of using the d.p.a. now it's going to happen tomorrow is the president's going to sign another order which is in the works this is interesting there is a black market springing up which you have described where we're having people bid against each other brokers come in their bidding and bidding on all is different p
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p e it's driving the price up and guess what you know where it's going on the domestic sources here are being export. when the president probably heard about that he said that's not going to happen on anymore on my watch the tomorrow we're bringing that order and what's going to do this it's going to empower customs and border protection with the help of people like the post office and express mail consigner. like u.p.s. to basically a deal with that issue so we're going to crack down unmercifully and i would say to the hoarders out there the brokers are trying to make money off of the misery of people in this country around the world that's got to stop but you've got inventory what you need to do is pick up a phone and not call somebody out in around the world you call fema and say we got some stuff will give it yet a fair price and be done with that because that stuff has absolutely got to stop so that's that's your hand so that's that's what we're going to be looking for and
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when we hear cases like this we're going to aggressively issue order after order to crack down on it now before this is not my role to take a bunch of questions but let me tell you one other thing before i leave the podium of the it's a story which i'd love to share with you today that because this again illustrates one of the key principles of this president in this vice president which is to wed the full force of the federal government with the full power of private enterprise and just 2 days ago we at the white house got an urgent s.o.s. from the chief of police of the new york police department and they are in a situation now because of the strain on their resources where personnel such as their homicide detectives were half ring to go on into houses and deal with with covert issues without protective gear now the beauty of this president is because of his leadership we were able to solve that problem in 2 phone calls 2
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phone calls the 1st one went to feeding over kovac the general dynamics phoebe can you call tom kennedy at raytheon i need you guys to to basically scoop up all the tyvek suits you can find any gloves you can. this president under his leadership and that voluntary efforts in the pride of patriotism he talked about earlier that we had $4000.00 tyvek suits delivered to the new york to be within 16 hours that's that's a new record in trump time that the same time a 2nd phone call was made to tara angle of personal record and laura lane at u.p.s. they were on the same fall cause i said terrell or we got this issue they need a hand sanitizer literally within 2 hours we had 50 gallon drums 6000 gallons a hand sanitizer on a u.p.s. truck heading up to the n.y.t. pedia had probably arrived today with
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a promise from prono that they will continue to supply the n.y.p.d. throughout the course of this crisis so that this this is a beautiful thing that america is rallying to we are becoming a stronger more united nation and i couldn't be more proud of this president this administration these guys up here are doing a heck of a job organizing the supply chain and my promise to you is that the president is going to use that the p.a. to make sure that the pit american people but if they are health care professionals get the p.p. the medicines everything we need so let me let me stop there i don't think it's my place here to the field a bunch of question which of the 5 americans i think we're. going to go ahead and say you know good ok coming from you know. one of the one of the. things that this crisis has taught us are.
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is that we are dangerously over dependent on a global supply chain. for our medicine is. like penicillin our medical supplies like masks and our medical equipment like ventilators we have right now as we speak over 50 countries have already imposed some forms of export restrictions in their country against the rest of the world and what we've read we're learning from that is that no matter how many treaties you have no matter how many alliances no matter how many phone calls. when push comes to shove you run the risk as a nation of not having what you need and if there's any vindication of the president's buy american secure borders and a strong manufacturing base philosophy strategy and belief it is this crisis because it underscores everything that we see there so the.
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