tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera April 6, 2020 6:00pm-7:00pm +03
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in the age of the coronavirus information is more important than ever when i want to east investigates the battle for truth in china and beyond on al-jazeera. al-jazeera. i'm richelle carey with the news hour live from doha coming up and our coverage of the current virus pandemic the british prime minister tweets that he's in good spirits today after being admitted to hospital for her sister covert 19th sentence . the number of people dying in spain has slowed again and now the focus shifts to maintaining that trend. the democratic republic of congo sealed off its business and political hub hoping to clean up the suspected source of its outbreak. and with
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no treatments available yet we'll look at whether the answer lies in a therapy that's worked during previous pandemics. and the union that represents more than $80000.00 athletes as many schools are facing a financial catastrophe the world prize association says the league season is need to be finished to avoid a huge loss. the number of people known to have died from covert 1000 around the world has gone past 70050000 of those are in europe but the trends there are continuing to show improvements including in spain and britain the prime minister boris johnson remains in hospital for treatment in tests after testing positive for cocaine 1010 days ago yes been tweeting though that he is in high spirits of germany which has kept its mortality rates low as helping harder hit european neighbors has long been
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the markle says the e.u.'s facing the biggest test of its existence all japanese prime minister shinzo has begun steps towards declaring a state of emergency so we have 4 correspondents joining us this news hour art. her as in madrid with the latest numbers in spain dominic cain is standing by in berlin white house correspondent kimberly how could will analyze some of the mixed messages coming out of washington 1st though let's go to worry chalons who is outside the london hospital where prime minister. and is under observation so worried what do we know about how the prime minister is doing. well we've heard from a couple of different sources in the last few hours one boris johnson himself with a couple of tweets and also from his spokesman. over the tweet boris johnson put out now he said and i think you might be able to see this on your screen as well that last night on the advice of my doctor i went to the hospital
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routine tests as i'm sitting experiencing coronavirus symptoms are in good spirits and keeping in touch with my team as we work together to fight this virus and keep anyone safe and then he went on to praise the n.h.s. doctors and nurses who were looking after him and also everyone else in the country that has been afflicted with covert 19 the statements or the briefing that his spokesperson get gave were a little more fleshed out than this he was saying that essentially boris johnson has be admitted to hospital not because his symptoms been getting particularly worse but that it's been lasting for longer than they hoped it would 10 days on he still has a cough and he still has a fever the spokesman was asked also about the capacity to which morris johnson is
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still carrying out his very demanding day job as prime minister of the country and this person said that yes boris johnson was still getting his regular box of work as he put it that the prime minister did remain in control of the government in charge of the government and that any decisions required action from the prime minister well they would be given those and that that that action would be taken. boris johnson has given. charge of the daily coronavirus meetings to dominate rob the the foreign secretary but i think 2 big questions questions remain after all of this one is well what's the real states of boris johnson's health because when the spokesperson was pressed on whether or not the prime minister was showing any signs of pneumonia or pneumonia is one of the most serious parts of the coronavirus infection. can lead to death.
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the the spokesperson dodged the question and said well he just has persistent symptoms of coronavirus the other issue that doesn't really have an adequate answer as a whole got hold on if this man is in hospital and he's been in office with all because he's got coronavirus then he should be resting and he should be getting the proper medical attention assuming that these getting those things then how can he also be fulfilling all of his functions as prime minister and i think those 2 questions don't really have adequate answer is yes ok great alan's live in london and of course we will be going to london and the coming hour we'll make it a regular briefing from downing well numbers released from spain show the daily death toll continues to fall 637 people did still die though in the last 24 hours but that is down nearly 40 from the previous day lockdown measures are in place throughout this month it's go to spain now or march to herrera's and following
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everything for us in madrid so martin what is the latest at these numbers and we have to remind people the numbers are still awful we don't want to pretend that they're not but the trend is going in the right direction. yes so there's no gun trend continues and according to health ministry figures released today in spine we have in spain we have $135000.00 plus of these from corona virus with $4200.00 new cases of people infected in the last 24 hours these 4250 percent less than last week but what we have to highlight is that $19400.00 of all these 3135000 a 14 point percent of people infected are healthcare workers this is quite worrying because the spike the supply of protective equipment to the health care workers this is not not making any effect at all these people are still at the blowing they were in a very safe conditions we have reduced
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a death toll of 13000 we've 637 new fatalities in the past 24 hours this is the lowest number since the dawn of items of great the 6377 new fatalities were also in the past 24 hours but we have to be a little cautious with these figures because we see that doing that we can see the regreased doing just during one of the deaths takes longer so tomorrow we might see these there. this the talent is being increased which will help prime minister better santa and now saturday base 15 days extension of the state of emergency lockdown in spain and 2020 feet this will be approved on thursday in the congress but he's also announced that this extension will be a large and now they're working on what terms of conditions this extension will take place whether they will keep the other measures this means keeping non-essential work or economy in standby that's now cut or they were easy these measures what he's slamming right now is to launch these nonstarter but china deed
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that means isolate 100 people but we've. seen dramatic orloff a lot symptoms of coronavirus in several buildings so you. already requested the 17 regency spain to provide at least public private buildings where he can launch and deploy all the people that have to do without symptoms ok mark to her oh with what's going on there in spain march to thank you very much germany does have more than 100000 confirmed cases but so far it has managed to avoid fatalities on the scale of some of its european neighbors hospitals and several german regions or even treating patients from italy and spain to mccain joins us live from berlin and it's really remarkable what has happened in germany dominic and has long been talking about it what does she have to say. well she sends rachelle this is who you would crisis that the e.u. not just germany of the e.u. has faced since the e.u.
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came into existence she says that the e.u. needs solidarity that's a theme the senior colleagues of finance and the foreign ministry of foreign minister that have been speaking about today in the european newspapers they penned an obstacle in which they said that germany is prepared to see and easing all the financial restrictions as it works to enable a mechanism set up in the last decades to help countries who really need of the european stability mechanism and they want to see tens of billions of euros given x. to you it's really into spain to the 2 countries really suffering the most casualties in this current prices to help them the plane not so far at least entertaining the idea of what's called europe wants in other words where the german government would see to a way of guaranteeing the debts that public countries have taken on important things to say here is this is something that in germany is
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a big deal they really have for a long time really opposed the idea of as it were paying off the debts of other countries but now there is a shift in opinions and the point that i'm going to methyl is saying solidarity yes and also when she was pressed the palms when you can these restrictions were all having to endure in europe comes to an end she says well look it's not for the governments to to pleasant days on when it can be done they will look to restrict to ease restrictions when it's is possible to do so that's a nod in the direction of what's happening in austria the austrian governments and said that it plans to use to row back on some of the restrictions on the freedom of movement starting from the net in the next week on the 14th ok dominic hang on live from thailand ahmed thank you very much. the president all trump has struck an optimistic tone in his daily quota virus briefing saying an end to the outrageous insight that what the number of deaths in the u.s. approaching 10000 health experts are warning the worst is yet to come how did you
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cast our reports conflicting messages from the president of the united states we see light at the end of the tunnel things are happening these are happening and the country's top health officials but next week is going to be our pearl harbor moment it's going to be our 911 moment and it's going to be the hardest moment for many americans in their entire life the u.s. surgeon general warns many more people will die in the coming days the expected surge adding urgency to the cries of state governors asking the federal government for deliveries of life saving equipment so we governors republicans and democrats have been urging the president to do what he should which is if he wants to be a wartime president be a wartime president show some leadership mobilize industrial base united states that's what we need. trump says ventilators from the federal stockpile are in route
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to several states and claims the u.s. has conducted more coronavirus tests than any other country per capita though testing in the u.s. is still far behind south korea and germany trump says the u.s. has stockpiled 29000000 doses of the anti-malarial drug that is being used experimentally to treat kovac 19 the president says he has so much personal confidence in the treatment that it was his idea to have patients waiting for the right to sue if the drug ends up doing them harm that's hydroxy clerical and. there's rhythm eisen. and again you have to go through the medical people get the approval. but. i've seen things that i sort of like so what do i know i'm not a doctor so when reporters later tried asking the doctor anthony felt the government's
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top infectious disease expert trump stopped him from answering that i was able to weigh in on this issue hydroxy for when would you think about this is one of the limitations you know i may be a fish doctor 15. meanwhile doctors and nurses across the country continue to plead for donations of more masks and gals bracing for the apex of cases still to come castro al-jazeera maryland at a white house correspondent kimberly how could it joins us from washington d.c. camilla think that exchange that we just saw with dr fauci president trump and a reporter kind of sums up what's happening you will get one message one day from the medical community the next day present donald trump says something completely different even to what do we have to lose what is the plan what are the message what is the message that is coming out of washington. yeah we've got really 2 messages you've you've hit the nail on the head there is that the u.s.
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president continues to be a cheerleader whether it's advocating a return to work at that would perhaps avoid the stock market something he feels is important for his reelection or. you have the public health officials who are sending a much more dire message that people need to stay home and we saw this in the latest task force briefing the u.s. president is now touting right to try legislation that he put in place in 2018 which is exists to allow those that are perhaps terminally ill who have little hope to try a drug that has not gone through clinical trials so the president is sort of referencing this legislation as he talks about the potential for these anti-malarial drugs that have not been fully tested saying that you know what if you got to lose by potentially trying these drugs under this law that he put in place in 2018 the problem is this isn't something that's being indorsed by public health officials instead they're keeping a very consistent message that people need to stay home age wash their hands as so
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will the fact is that you have not only the u.s. president but also his trade representative advocate against giving medical advice from a position of authority but of course they have no medical background now the other quick thing in all of this for shell is that there's also some concern about the dispatching of medical equipment across the united states the feeling that there isn't a person who is in charge of this and to coordinate in this in the way that many members of congress would feel comfortable that's what we have the top democrat chuck schumer now pushing the white house talking to the chief of staff over the weekend saying look at you need a military person in there to try and coordinate all of this there's this fear that as centrally the messages are not really mix but there really there is no plan sort of a comprehensive plan coming out of this administration and you're right in then as such you have states competing against each other to get the things that they feel like they need for the residents so what is the impact right now across the u.s. we know that the new york continues to be the epicenter but there's also an eye on
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the easy n.s.o. just broadly what's happening. yeah absolutely right louisiana michigan there are bunch of states including colorado where a lot of people travel have 2nd homes sort of a ski destination that is also popping up in terms of a high number of cases what we've got here though is what many believe is an incomplete picture because of a lag in testing and a lack of availability and testing that the picture in the terms of the number of infections the united states may be much higher than is actually being represented right now 338000 cases 9600 deaths those numbers climbing we expect they're going to be very high this week but again many people feeling that this is not an accurate picture and that the numbers are perhaps much higher especially given the fact that people literally have mild symptoms are not being tested not going to the hospital and then there's a symptomatic spreading that's taking place at all in terms of the economic impacts
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we've also had one quick cannot make indicator that's just popped up in the last hour we're now hearing that a lot of the major u.s. airlines united an american being the 2 big ones have now slashed their flights into new york airports by 90 percent it's nother indicator of just how hard not only we're seeing things in the united states in terms of public health but also economic health and indeed can really help with the wrap up there kimberly thank you. the democratic republic of congo's government has shut down its capital's main commercial hub for 14 days as the epicenter of the nationwide outbreak many of the 12000000 people who live in the city will be affected by this decision the virus has infected 161 people and 18 have died. japan's prime minister shinzo obvious preparing to declare a state of emergency along with the one trillion dollars stimulus packages and infections surge in major cities says it would last about a month that allow governors to call on people to stay at home and call for businesses to close. a formal declaration is expected on tuesday more than 100
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people have died and there have been more than 4500 confirmed cases. and as japan imposes new measures china is heading in the opposite direction the city of where this outbreak began is preparing for its lockdown to finally come to an end. with just days to go before the city reopens council workers in han a trying to bring it back to what it was before these biosecurity barriers have been here since the middle of january closing off access to some residential compounds and alleyways now the city of unleavened 1000000 is preparing to come out of lockdown later this week. because of the measures we took we can time the outbreak so quickly even the makeshift hospitals have closed and there are a few new cases. then doesn't show up as have returned to the streets happy to be out of their apartments but still apprehensive. on the situation is improving but
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we shall not drop our guard the restrictions will be lifted but we shouldn't relax this if he was the epicenter off the pandemic now it represents something else what life can look like when the worst is over. many southeast asian nations however a still in the early stages of responding to the crisis attire in thailand is known for its vibrant nightlife it's almost unrecognizable now police and government officials patrol the streets to enforce a national curfew between 10 pm and 4 am every night in the philippines temperature checks on people and disinfection on now a daily reality there are more than 3000 confirmed cases and at least 150 deaths the lock down on the main island which includes the capital manila is likely to be extended for another 2 weeks in singapore health authorities say foreign workers
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dormitories are particular concern as more workers fall ill in the cramped living spaces the city state has been praised for its early efforts to contain the outbreak but authorities are urging ordinary people to support health workers and stay vigilant because they're very stretch and they're very tired very exhausted some of them read our hearts go out to them and in vietnam people are almost halfway through a 2 week lockdown the streets of hanoi usually bustling with motorbikes are quiete authorities say now the public has had time to adjust to the new rules they will be strictly enforcing fines for those who break them jessica washington al-jazeera. there are no proven drug therapies or effective vaccines for the virus yet but the u.s. food and drug administration is looking into a treatment that's worked during previous outbreaks and for schapelle has more. shortly after stepping on board this mobile clinic francis wars became the 1st person in florida to participate in an experimental treatment to fight coke at 19
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he's also the mayor of miami who has recovered from the virus and has been symptom free for at least 14 days researchers hope his plasma can up a critically ill coronavirus patient nearby as i got 3 or 4 instagram messages that were very similar asking if i would be willing to donate blood or plasma and with the same number i was actually at my parents' house because they were decontaminated my house and actually call back the patient right away the patient's family right away and they were very emotional they were very very grateful and are very hopeful that with this donation hopefully he can he can be saved the american national red cross wants other recovered patients to do the same plasmas the liquid portion of blood that's full of antibodies that fight infections blood is drawn in pipes through a special machine for extract the colored syrup donors then get their red cells and platelets back in a process that takes a little longer than donating blood recipients will then in theory be able to share
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the donor's act of immunity. after 1st approving it for emergency use the u.s. food and drug administration has now authorized johns hopkins university and the mayo clinic to begin clinical trials to see if passive antibody therapy may shorten the duration of illness the severity of disease or prevent people from dying from it all together and to find a way to boost the immune system of frontline health workers their egos. and banded together to try to work together for. and i think in the end science will went out the f.d.a. gave new york state's department of health permission to conduct the experimental procedure last month though it's only been used on a handful of patients die in a parent's became the 1st potential plasma donor in her state and is working to connect recover patients to opportunities to save lives through facebook we are keeping a running list of every study that we can find around the country and making that was available in acting as a matchmaker of sorts between research institutes and survivors to make the system
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more efficient an expedited process because we don't have time to waste lives are on the line this treatment predates vaccines and was used to fight the 1800 flu pandemic as well as more recent outbreaks of the corona virus family like sars and mares one donation can generate nearly 4 units of plasma i could help poor people however it's not known to be a safe and effective treatment for cover 19 we don't understand a lot about the immune response to this virus we're assuming it's similar to other viruses and there are good reasons to think that. and so we think that within $7.00 to $14.00 days after the onset of an infection that people will develop an immune response and benchley make high amounts of antibodies although exactly when the peak of antibody production will be we don't know and and how long it will stay permanent we also don't know that either institutions in 20 states are coordinating their research through
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a national code 1000 program to answer those questions together they hope to discover therapeutic treatments that will help reduce the number of infections and his pressure on hospitals and health care workers and or should help al jazeera. dr hamann areas of rochester at lancaster university and here k. we appreciate your time very much so and you did a very thorough job of explaining this in the package but just the bottom line what is it that this particular type of therapy dies i think this is an incredible discovery especially when we don't have vaccine one ted if you take and especially because we already know that plasma treatment has been and used for many other infections such as software's evil our spanish flu and there's me $100.00 a year already proven tyrell be so certainly this has a lot more advantages especially in the front line workers. say doctors and nurses who are highly exposed to the treatment due to the virus so using the plaza big
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meant a lot of merchant class syrians were simply give the force to their front line who merely fight at the ship to their to the nation very effectively so what does it do . so they're not going to solve their country in a lot of antibodies which are the molecules that are required to neutralize the line is if it comes again but instead of someone in a healthy state is in fact a bit of virus body immune system that's tom same and for the whole lot of small molecule we've got the monoclonal antibodies the lot antibodies which are decisive factors for immunization so if you gave the large amount which is a sprinkler yellow part of the blood from those fires these would have loads of monoclonal antibodies and transfusion of this large amount to any of the well known both are only one of glandular frontline workers were lying to them and not antibodies that if they were become infected they will be having enough immunity to go to google buying the united states and remove them from their body are there any
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risks or side effects to this. you know a couple of record here you may use that need to be gay it can especially the time for something factions what if you use that lot of money in the later stages of the infection then the chances for survival would be relatively less so you have to apply the plus mind at least it is of infection bend the therefore pushing off the right it's relatively less and that equated with the level of antibodies in the plasma so that is on the 2nd issue could probably arise if someone is already 'd having an underlying parties are already frail and have admitted me. i mean system if you transfused with a heavy quantity of the plasma that when process react but these are the things that definitely need to be tested before it is approved by the document to an f.d.a. and that is what is ongoing so if it isn't paranoia if it is approved what are the challenges of scaling something like this up to be able to do this by on
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a big scale yes so. as one of the reporter just mentioned that one donation can provide an a supply for poor people so i think the major challenges are lies that merely into a thriving and scaling up enough off the plasma that can meet the demand of the people but the 2nd challenge immediate that because the most of the people who are in the community those are probably not showing and if you need those signs we're having and not backing off a couple of these so that you can screen people who are infected before and have enough and people are you in their lives that can be used. as a peak meant and to turn to challenge me to be is to facilitate the volunteer chair so that people are willing to heed to major to and scaling while at the quantity that is required to implement that moss population dr mohamed merah appreciate your expertise very much there. still ahead on al-jazeera c.n.n. i mean you see no i don't have a bookie radio t.v.
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i don't even have a computer to listen to those learning programs the global crisis has altered the state of learning and it's mainly poor students with no computers for suffering the most. tapping into its foreign currency reserves iran supreme leader perms $1000000000.00 to fight copa 19. and support this call for we'll have to wait another year to defend his title and he will have that in just a bit. the weather's looking lousy fondant right the much of the middle east we have seen some rather lively weather that cross eastern parts of minutes right in this area clad in producing some very heavy showers some very strong winds as well when strong enough it's parts of egypt as day to work sand storms the strongest winds now in
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the process of easing away but we have still got quite a blow going on just around greece turkey see how or if a strong winds will continue with some showers here as we go through chews day meanwhile across the levant lotty fine and dry will be a few showers a bit was the caspian northern parts of iran will see some showers long spells of rain that was a weather easing over towards minustah this pakistan pushing over towards afghanistan as we go through the next few days the showers a little more widespread come further south here in doha is fine and dry as is the case across a good part of the arabian peninsula you can follow that sunshine on the other side of the red sea and see that eastern side of africa what a fine and dry weather here got some showers just around the gulf of guinea have towards west africa was sierra leone towards liberia maybe seeing a few showers there into ghana as we go through the next couple of days so i was also run a bit family. but.
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all i worked as stay with my son steve my wife rest internment and mass indoctrination we were children are now in the process of reeducation or chinese assimilation forced labor and the use of high tech surveillance we're being complicit in the human rights abuses that are occurring an australian investigation into china's systematic repression of the weakest tell the wild on al-jazeera.
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route. welcome back you're watching al-jazeera and take a look at the top stories more than 70000 people have now died from corona virus globally with europe accounting 450000 of those spain and italy have reported the most fatalities in the world britain's prime minister boris johnson is in the hospital for tests and observation he did test positive for coke in 1010 days ago a short time ago he tweeted that he is in good spirits and president donald trump is sounded a note of optimism saying there is a light at the end of the tunnel that's despite a warning from this nation's top surgeon the surgeon general that american ship
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prepare for their hardest and saddest week. iran's supreme leader has backed the president's request to withdraw $1000000000.00 from the national development fund money will be used to fight this pandemic so for more on this let's go to zain basra in tehran so 1000000000 dollars obviously that is a lot of money zain how is it actually expected to make a difference with what iran is dealing with uncoated $19.00. that's exactly right this is an enormous amount of money it's actually $1000000000.00 euros just $20000000.00 shy of $1100000000.00 but we have to look at this in context of how much money iran had originally from the international monetary fund that asked for $5000000000.00 so there certainly is a huge gap in terms of what they've liquidated from their national development fund and what they think they need so certainly what we're likely to see here is this money being funneled directly into the health sector the president has said that
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this will be used to facilitate everything the health ministry thinks it needs they're going to be making domestically all of the things they need to track and treat the coronavirus mass gloves ventilators they're also going to be using this money to pay the health workers that are currently actively involved in treating patients that have been infected by covert 19 that are suffering from the disease this includes workers that have been retired that have been brought out of retirement they'll need to be paid so that's really what we're seeing here but we have to look at the fact that the supreme leader in the past has been a wary of of dipping into the national development fund this is borrowing against the future of the iranian people something that's already uncertain and this time last year when iran was stricken with floods he was reluctant to approve a similar request for far less money that was made by the president so. a proposal so we could go and why now why is this happening now. the timing is everything i
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think this is something that the iranian government would have been apprehensive about doing in the 1st place certainly they wanted to take up the international community the world bank the i.m.f. on the offer of funding to help deal with the current virus but this comes on the heels of the i.m.f. rejecting the $5000000000.00 request from the iranian government something that iranian officials say the united states the had a hand in orchestrating they blame the u.s. for not letting the i.m.f. secure those funds and transfer those funds to the iranian government to help combat the virus here this also comes just days after 50 economists sent a letter to president hassan rouhani warning him that if something wasn't done about the economic impact of the spread of this virus of the government's attempts to try to deal with the economic impacts here have been more miss a country that's already been suffering greatly these experts these economists iranian economists warn the president that if he doesn't do something soon that this could lead to nationwide protests all right at the wrap up there from tehran saying thank you for going to lebanon now which has called on that's allies abroad
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to provide aid as it deals with this global outbreak president michel made the appeal in a televised address long running economic crisis is left at poorly equipped to handle a public health emergency that supported more than 500 factions and attacks so has the latest from beirut. so 2 far there has been no response from the international support group. a group that comprises from western nations gulf arab states so they were invited to the presidential palace the president the prime minister appealed for financial assistance the state is close to bankruptcy and is in the midst of an unprecedented economic and financial crisis before coronavirus arrived to the country so they're really struggling the state the struggling the president saying that yes we know that you have conditions. to reforms to an economic plan
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that will involve for example trimming the public sector as well as a fight corruption but in the words of the president we were in the process of doing this and then the coronavirus arrived so we had to divert our priorities and resources elsewhere the prime minister saying that his economic plan will be soon presented so basically they were trying to gain the support of the international community when this new government was formed a few months ago following months of protests against the leaders of the international support said we want that credible government. of the people but they want to see for example if these politicians clamp down on that based on custom of . billions of dollars at the beirut port at a such as that there's also a political side to this problem many in the international community see this government is controlled by hezbollah a group the united states and some gulf arab states consider a terrorist organization so them providing support is going to be quite difficult
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but lebanon is suffering. a hospital in one of india's worst affected cities has been locked down the walk hard ospital in mumbai was declared a contaminant zone after 3 doctors and 26 nurses tested positive for the virus was withdrawn is in new delhi she says that this will put more pressure on a region that is already struggling. in mumbai as you said no one's allowed to enter or exit until all of the patients and their tests negative for corona virus twice then nearly 300 patients and nurses who will be tested after those 3 doctors and 26 nurses tested positive and that is one less facility in the state with the highest number of cases and deaths which is now fully functioning now there is concern a lot of concern for maharashtra not just because it has the highest number of cases and deaths but also because last week that was the 1st reported case in
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mumbai the dot of the slum that's one of the largest slums in the world it's home to more than a 1000000 people and since then they have been 5 reported cases one of whom died and they have been to containment zones created in the heart of the after the 1st patients death around his home and also of the doctor who tested positive huge concern because over a 1000000 people living in really close proximity many without full access to basic sanitation another really big concern in maharashtra also in india right now as elsewhere in the world is the lack of personal protection equipment for health care workers we've had a number of at least 800 faked around the country a number of doctors resign in delhi citing the lack of personal protection equipment we've seen reports of doctors in west bengal other places in fact being given rain coats and sunglasses to wear while they're treating patients with the virus pakistan has opened its border with afghanistan for 4 days to allow stranded
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citizens to return home the move follows a request from kabul and the afghans have been trapped since the border was close suddenly last month and more than 150000 have returned since this outbreak began. the pandemic has for schools around the world to close with students continuing their education online that many in some parts of africa are missing out because the resources aren't available catherine so i reports from eastern kenya where students thousands of students rather in urban and formal settings and role settings are struggling maybe we'll skip this but this is the new normal in many schools in kenya we are you know quick checking before the last one starts and julius my sharia is settling into the idea that he might be remotely teaching his students for months my machine has honed some of the telling us we are experiencing . is dealing with a few technology cliches and the fact that not all children might give 100 percent in vachel classes it will not take us through this light but he says
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a coronavirus has shifted the future of landing by jury to their mom no organizing some groups that they're doing their own discussion they're doing discussions on new and engaging teachers even ways that attorney unimaginable about 150 kilometers east of nairobi in which this parent homeschools he still has her. he uses a television learning program started by a government institution but it's not easy you know the program which is coming. up with the laughter because sometimes kids want to. sometimes they. want to go have tens of thousands of students across the country are now adapting to virtual studies on t.v. radio or online but many have no electricity internet or devices to keep up state school students are suffering the most in 2013 the government promised free laptops
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to primary schools saying it would gradually expand the program to secondary schools but our project has been slow to implement coronavirus has disrupted every aspect of life education has been badly affected by the disease and it's closed indefinitely many children are likely to lag behind in their studies. re told by the reason he entered secondary school but now she's back home and her days full of housework and chores she lives with her mother and siblings and today the only mill they have is from mentored partridge in school should have had 3 hot meals seen in sr i don't have a radio or t.v. i don't even have a computer to listen to those learning programs i'm afraid when i go back to school i'll be behind the children who have to devise is the only time the gets to revise
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is just before sunset and only for a little while because once darkness sets in she's limit had with no electricity and money to buy solar land tents she uses flashlights her story echoed by many others across the country katherine saw al-jazeera east and kenya. the pandemic has forced the u.s. to reexamine its 2020 alexion cycle dozens of states have postponed primary votes and campaigns have moved on why now there's worry over what the situation will look like for the presidential election in november alan fischer reports this is the shape of campaigning for president in the time of corona virus and i know with this pandemic there's a whole lot of anxiety everything has moved online the big rallies have gone shaking hands kissing babies the cliches of presidential runs have disappeared because of what we fear in social distancing coronaviruses changed the way politics loops but not the underlying principles most elections in terms of actual
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work is really done in the phone calls and the turning out voters through personal appeals in the past those were all done sort of knocking on doors and then you saw people move to the telephone and now you've seen them e-mail the candidates challenging the president they're also missing out invaluable if the around the in the key swing state would bring free media coverage through to attention even donations but they're not happening. and the president doesn't have that problem donald trump has had to cancel rallies and he loves food in rallies but he's been speaking to the country every night from the podium in the white house and he hasn't restricted himself to just talking about the voters he covers many of the topics that his base expects if you look at nato. the abuse that was given to every country you know they really began with vice president
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hence the referring information in a setting where he had been put in charge of the task force and not too long where after president trump kind of commandeered the show. one of the highlights of the campaign is the conventions the large gatherings to formally nominate a candidate it's not even clear if he can be held this year although president trump insists there's no week he's canceled if this lasts until november there will be questions of how people can even vote safely could own a virus has made an immediate impact on campaigning in the u.s. at times like these the country tends to rally around the president but his response to the virus will make it the core issue in the 2020 alexion on fisher al-jazeera washington.
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they are following much other news from around the world so let's get you up to speed on that as many as 23 soldiers have been killed in mali during an attack on a military base in the gallery chip that happened in the town a bomb at about 4 am local time sources say the camp was destroyed and military items stolen no one has claimed responsibility that was hot as a neighboring senegal and he explains the reasons behind the fighting. well this is an area where several armed groups are you have a lot of islam will mostly mean which is an al qaeda affiliate and then a new comer the islamic state in the greater now both have been in talks in january to try to join arms together but those discussion have fallen out and now they have been. attacks between the 2 groups and that's a recent development just as early as yesterday the 2 groups were launching attacks at each other in the area further west of this area of go
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150 kilometers away is where there was a manger un peacekeeping stabilizing force and the french forces side by side we were there just a year ago and the u.n. peacekeeping forces were keen to show us their firepower and their ability to quickly react i know they were so close to where this attack took place they failed to prevent this attack it's a big blow to the money and forces who have been on the forefront of conflict with these armed groups that are more and more active in the north of mali just to give you a perspective on when this is taking place there's been $83.00 aerial deployments from the french forces and it comes at a time just 2 weeks ago where the mullion opposition leader was kidnapped not too far from the area now there's been discussion between the government and the armed forces to try to free this opposition leader but it seems that these attacks will
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go on until the government can find a better solution to this conflict in the north of mali. and any president hadi has ordered the release of all prisoners in the southern city of ties with the exception of those who are jailed on major criminal charges this comes after shelling at a women's section of a prison in the southern city on sunday local sources say 5 female prisoners were killed and several others injured that the rebels had been blamed for the attack but they have denied any involvement ties is yemen's 3rd biggest city and a major center of the conflict. and so blocky a former soldier will spend 23 years in prison for the 2018 contract killing of an investigative journalist and his fiance. had been investigating alleged high level corruption before he was shot dead by marshak the double murder lead to a nationwide protests and eventually brought down the government of
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a separate trial is set to resume soon with 3 people charged with ordering the killing. coming up next in sport is there london or things you know well. as ben stiller's makes me international cricket here hitting trouble on a virtual formula one race track. checking out to geneva where the general w.h.o. the world health organization is giving its update on the chronic virus pandemic intertainment in the world. lady gaga and my friend huey
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runs the founder and c.e.o. of global citizen. the blue joe has been working with global citizen for several weeks on the together at home concert series with artists like chris martin and john legend giving free online performances now we're working with lady gaga and global citizen to take this concept and make it even bigger sue the one world to give the at home virtual global special on saturday the 18th of a preview it's now my great pleasure to invite lady gaga and hugh evens to say more about this very special
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event one world. return dress good morning good afternoon and good evening to having one who is listening and watching i would like to thank the world health organization and the united nations as well as bubble citizen thank you very much dr tatar as and then star of your leadership in this fight against her that 19 and thank you very much to the world health organization for asking me to collaborate with you on a special we are also very well to all of the health care professionals across the country and around the world are on the front line strength of the 19 that's got the pandemic that it's faster free i'm so thankful to them and i'm also praying for those who have struck who are saying. it's been a pleasure to partner with bubble citizen and we have been working out together behind the scenes to raise money but the world health organization and i would also
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like to spend my prayers as well to people that are losing their jobs and are having effort and feeding themselves and their children. we are we're using money for the world health organization's covered $19.00 solidarity response and 7 days we had to 7 days ago we had a call with more than $68.00 leaders from some of the world because it's a most generous companies and i asked them to join my corporate kindness as their been any relations of the land the best have been very very generous during this time since then we have also all and plan to around the world as out and tech companies in the northeast. and i'd like to reiterate our deep gratitude to the medical community and i i have my heart it's is. a keen and warm for those who are in our doctors those nurses who are sleeping ours to
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make it on in fact the only as are their patients that what you're doing and we do have an ear to what is happening with the w.h.o. briefing they did briefly turned it over to us lady gaga she's part of an effort to get it to raise funds and awareness but once the medical briefing actually began so we will take you back to that in the meantime let's take a take a time for sports now with what andy thank you so much for show the mother of manchester city manager pep guardiola has died after contracts in coronavirus in barcelona the last summer carrier was 82 years old in a tweet city said everyone associated with the club sounds the most heartfelt sympathy to put his family and friends. mccoury a former cop spar munich of research it seems training all german bunds they get same sort of been given the all clear to have sessions under certain conditions players are being swiss in small groups or pairs and kept at a safe distance. italy sorry a league says all player salaries should be reduced by a 3rd if the season doesn't regime crucially the italian players association yet to
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sign off on any deal events as players including christiane eldorado have already agreed to take a cuts. now the board of the represents more than $80000.00 athletes around the world says the economic price of coronavirus on sport could be catastrophic the world class association believes it's crucial that time is given 1st suspended seasons to be finished it says regime in competitions like the premier league major league baseball in the n.b.a. should be given priority over international events in order to avoid huge financial losses the world players association works with more than 100 sporting bodies in over 60 countries is just released some guiding principles to help sport navigate the months ahead the safety of athletes should come before economic and political decisions to ensure sportsmen and women are pushed back into action too soon and it was professional athletes to set the right example for all fit and healthy people who can still transmit the virus even if they have no obvious symptoms but we've been talking to brendan schwab the executive director of the world players
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association he says pay cuts are another big issues facing athletes in all sports. i think the key in terms of the negotiations about about pay cuts he's not to put introduce these moral element to it to shame the players into into taking a pay cut we've seen throughout the world the players being responsible i understand if revenues not coming in then that's going to impact salaries i think there's been some shaming of athletes and it's very interesting to say leno messi for example say to the leadership at f.c. barcelona we were always going to do the right thing the fact that we are visible and successful and there may be some reputational opportunity around that does not help the long term health and safety is said to be the primary concern but the reality is in a lot of these negotiations players are having to choose between the economic survival of their industries certainly over the next year or so and health and
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safety there are some critical issues being negotiated at the moment to make sure the players aren't rushed back in we're saying sports starting to acknowledge the players will have to do for example another period of pre-season training even though the seasons are technically underway and we still waiting for more information from the world health organizations and the medical experts to make sure the athletes themselves annoyed at grave risk to the virus itself there's some 85000 athletes which are members of the unions that belong to the world players association many of them make humble livings like ordinary working people and so therefore they're suffering the same anxiety the same cash flow problems the same employment insecurity as very many working people are today. also open championship has been cancelled for the 1st time since world war 2 because of the global health crisis shane larry was due to defend his title at the
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royal st george's course angel event will now take place in 2021 this year's 1st major the masters were supposed to start this week that's also impossible. obviously like everybody else i'm very disappointed. to cancel this year's open championship. at the end of the people's health and safety calm way before any golf tournament and i'm sure they are of the heart of it is and have made their decision based on everybody's health and safety formula one same williams have put some of their stuff on sampras leave and given their drivers a peco it's george russell and nicholas that safia to have their salaries reduced by 20 percent bosses from all seem to be meeting to discuss what can be done to protect the sport while racing is suspended. well so much for drivers all compiling themselves by taking polls in virtual races with one not so unexpected names
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joining them on the grid looks as though londoners things are not well. ben stokes . doesn't quite make it to the boundary gets back onto the circuit and get it's going to be my only cricket i haven't really got any more but ben stokes calls in the slips england cricket so ben stokes ended up finishing an 18th position in the 2nd virtual grand prix organized by f 120 drivers compete remotely from their homes around a version of melbourne's circuits with the streamed live online for only driver. rice. 13 rhonda's took part in the virtual tour of flanders the 31 kilometer i streamed live on you tube belgium and pick champion greg was crowned the champion at the 104th edition of the real race that was due to take place in belgium on sunday obviously counsel shoots what's going on at the markets. all right that is high schools looking for an irish andy thank you very much thank you for joining me
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as well for the news hour we have plenty more ahead on the other side of the break lots of briefings that will get you up to speed on what's going on across the virus keep it or. al-jazeera right after we. join the global conversation off the bubble so that people get expand their brains maybe have a different view there is a dialogue women in cambodia are in fact telling their here we don't know how much they're getting paid for it it's hard to track it's hard to treat everyone has a voice tell us what you think and you'll call the thing. it could be a law right here in this case we need to step away from gaming people are not necessarily game perfect this is
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a journey of progress and not perfection amount is iraq. from the al jazeera london broadcast center to special guests in conversation to see resistance and i see joy in the midst of pain your books do that unprompted uninterrupted why are all of the people of color and they're just one call it the right that is why do you think they should every people of no color exactly fatima bhutto meets marc lamont hill i very much thought i was going to get shot they look like a bad movie studio unscripted on al-jazeera another early morning another ceremony to bit health workers by well. 29000 cuban doctors and nurses working in 59 countries around the world as confirmed cases of coronavirus increase so does demand for cuban medics medical services at the on its main export while western commentators assume cuba sends doctors mainly to expand influence experts on the
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other health system draw a different conclusion you're making a big stock of why you're willing to go. because there are other people that need me people that are sick and dying and not isn't right people shouldn't be dying when there are people who can help them. a british prime minister tweets that he's in good spirits today after being admitted to the hospital for persistent coburg 1000 symptoms. are suckering this is officer life and also coming up the number of people dying in spain has slowed again now the focus shifts to maintaining that trend. democratic republic of congo.
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