tv NEWS LIVE - 30 Al Jazeera April 21, 2020 5:00am-5:34am +03
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the expense of the palestinians 100 years on al-jazeera world tells the story of the british declaration that the middle east. seeds of discord on al-jazeera. this is a great read. and would like to have characteristic prove it's. damage control the white house says fallout from the coronavirus pushes us oil prices into negative territory for the 1st time in history. and kim burrell this is all sarah live from doha coming up so much oil but where to put it that's the question as the global lockdown shows only a few signs of lifting. the right to protest versus the right to stay on life why
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some demonstrators across the u.s. say that fed up with ongoing coronavirus restrictions. in some shops and schools reopened in germany one of several countries easing research. the grim economic fallout of the new coronavirus pandemic for 1st time in history u.s. oil prices crashed below 0 dollars into negative territory on monday it's just rebounded in asian markets to around $2.00 a barrel but why did the crash happen in the 1st place well that's because there's more oil in the market because of low demand and produces a fast running out of storage lockdowns around the wall the response to the coronavirus have produced a massive slump in demand for energy u.s. president donald trump says the collapse in prices is short term and suggested that
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it could even be a positive thing for america. based on the record low price of oil that you've been seeing. at a level that's very interesting to a lot of people we're filling up our national petroleum reserves through dziedzic you know the strategic reserves and we're looking to put as much as 75000000000 barrels into the reserves themselves that would top it out it would be 1st time in a long time it's been topped out with good for the right price and brant crude to the international benchmark for oil prices was also down dropping to just over $25.00 a barrel all of this is sending shock waves throughout the stock markets the dow jones closed down 2.4 percent wiping out some of the gains from recent weeks asian markets are also down and in the morning trading well and the hoff is a senior research scholar at columbia university and
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a former chief oil analyst at the international energy agency he thinks the recent deal by major oil producing nations to record production costs well take time to show results. no production cut could have. the collapse and demand it takes time to cut production 10000000 is a big target is a very ambitious move is to biggest cut in opec history and with the largest number of contributors to it to the cut but there was no way at all that it could offset completely the demand losses reverse the price decline and reverse the the increase in inventories so we are seeing continued increases in the in the storage levels include stories levels rapid increases and pressure on storage capacity growing concerns that the market went out of case to put the oil storage capacity we're not seeing. capacity storage capacity we're going out just yet actually we've seen weapon increases in storage levels that cushing cushing is to 10000000 barrels
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a day of storage away from the from the highs it reached on the 2 years ago so this is not just about the available storage capacity it's also the rapid increase in demand for storage the growing concerns about the lack of storage capacity and the willingness of those who have the storage capacity to really extract and squeeze there was so haven't we don't have the destroyers capacity and the impact of a drop in oil prices may soon be felt in countries across the middle east or some adventure that it's going. it has a number of repercussions for of the gulf economies predominantly for leaders such as saudi arabia which have been trying to control the way the markets have been acting to the amount of oil that it has been getting in the last few weeks you've seen saudi arabia going from the production cut to the plot to cut again and now you see that this massive drop in the we are at a point in oil prices which wasn't seen in the last time we saw the likes of it was
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in 1946 that was right after the 2nd world war it is going to have an impact on economies such as bahrain and oman which do not have the kind of. funds that other countries have it is going to have an impact on opec 2nd largest producer as iraq which has been struggling to pay salaries for its employees these are state employees which have not been paid in full it is going to have an impact on the soldiers on the front lines that iraq is going to have to find money not just to continue its fight against isis but also to continue its fight against the crew no one is endemic you have to remember that iraq is already asking for donors to chip in to help it meet this crisis so it is going to have impact which is going to be far and wide in terms of economics but it also going to have an impact on the political economy of saudi arabia which is seen as a regional leader because of its currency that it has and not just with america and
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the russians but also in terms of how it dominates the region. the pandemic is forced to strike me a 2nd largest domestic carrier and a voluntary administration of the government refused to bail us out that means the day to day running of the business fully placed in the control of another company while a review of its assets is carried out just rally ahead for an $800000000.00 emergency loan after travel restrictions there for the airline with more than $3000000000.00 in debt 1st and has already stood down most of its workforce. it took ages 5 frost and sydney's an echo what does all of this mean going forward what happens next and also why won't the government bail the airline out. this will come as no surprise to anyone who has been watching this fallout over the last few wait wait virgin australia has huge debts in the billions of dollars and as you say most of its fleet has been grounded. kovac 19 and it's been
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urging the government to support it with laurens hundreds of millions in dollars in loans to keep it afloat but the government hasn't done that it did provide some support lost weight to both quantas and virgin but it has pointed to the fact that in a stroller is 90 percent far and orange and why can't those shareholders stepien and help virgin australia continue through this time of crisis it also uses that this could actually be a positive for the company if there is a restructuring or refinancing as deloitte administrators have been appointed to do that this could mean that virgin australia will come through stronger in the long run of course that's yet to be seen but if virgin australia does completely collapse from this if it ministrations can't work this out it will be a huge glory to
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a strong leader and of employees 10000 about 10000 workers and into rectally about $6000.00 more of course when we look like we're heading into a recession this is not what the government wants at all and not clear if there is no virgin australia that just leaves quantas the national airline i mean surely that can't be a good thing for travelers having just the one airline. no not at all and that is what the trade workers union and the main opposition political party in. saying so virgin australia and quantas of the. 2 main commercial airlines in australia and a monopoly is not what you want in an airline industry especially when we're trying to work through this crisis obviously we don't want to see prices going up in the airline industry and the opposition is also saying that this is about national interest we need to make sure that planes are in the air especially going to regional areas if we're going to be boosting unemployment of course we have seen
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lots of people out of work from this crisis and the airline industry is crucial to make sure that we we get back into that way so the government has been certain in saying that we do need true airlines at least in a stroller and that the. main watchdog in this area will make sure that prices won't go up virgin australia has been very optimistic and positive there has been there have been no redundancies right now it does believe that there will be private investors that will be able to. jump in and make sure it stays afloat but that is yet to be sane thanks to nick clegg age there live from sydney german chancellor angela merkel has urged people to stay disciplined to some shops were allowed to reopen on monday the leader of europe's largest economy says a full shot down will be inevitable the number of infections rises again from
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berlin dominic came. for many weeks germany has been in lockdown the possibility of inadvertent infection too high to allow most every day life to go on but now in some states many shops are open once more as here in cologne on monday the 1st step by the government to test how safe it is for economic life to resume that's your issue fed us shia of course it is difficult but if we now ease restrictions then we don't know exactly what the repercussions will be and that's why we have to take it slowly and a step at a time it would be tragic if we knowingly relapsed and if we knowingly endangered these 1st successes. and perhaps because of that fear not everywhere in germany has reopened for business some states want more stringent protective measures in place before opening stores so far at least federally the government is only encouraging
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recommending people to wear these masks in public but certainly some parts of this country that is changing in the eastern state of saxony masks are now mandatory for people in public and the conservative heartland of the varia is about to follow suit you know when i'm asking for just as of next week we'll introduce and mouth noise mask obligation this will be in place for all public transport for all shops including those that have been opened all this time we are the 1st station with germany to do this and then there's the dilemma of how to reopen schools safely most will remain closed until early may but some have now gone back to allow teenagers to sit important end of year exams and who lives in the ghettos. of course i'm somewhat worried the more students there are in the building the more complicated it gets to stick to the framework conditions ultimately we're talking about youths here who might not always be in a position to evaluate the dangers 100 percent which sounds very much like the
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dilemma of min. it is a facing right now easing restrictions should help the economy but it could cause a 2nd wave of infections dominant can al-jazeera berlin. still to come here on al-jazeera the. brazil's president joins a rally against isolation measures put in place by state governments. and an end of a long vertical stalemate israel has rival latest sign a deal to form a unity government. for. the half the rain it's warming up quite happily in japan but the backwash wind was quite cold and the temperatures are actually on their way down through the
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korean peninsula and northern china is about 0 and hop in the city of course of our ice sculptures but not this time of the year for that cold the share is influencing the highest temperature in chief in solving a 9 degrees it should be 17 or 18 that's the average and is 21 in tokyo with number of the few showers and it's fairly dry all the way through china dry and cooling down but along the south coast big shout out of ella ping they are in the philippines as well they're pretty widespread through minister indonesia but they're fewer than they were observed and in the forecast the blue represents the showers and all that many in java there are a few steps are going to be dry because you can see the not exactly what's for nor are they in thailand or cambodian any degree at the moment but there is some we need to watch and that is the northeast of india and especially bangladesh is the time of year when you get some pretty big thunderstorms building the cowboys shock is it can be pretty deadly the certainly hint of them showing cells here of the blue and the orange represent those big thunderstorms not just on the sea and back
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to nearby and carcasses one place to watch there around. counting the costs the great lock down africa to sink into its 1st recession in 25 years on its health service pack the strain of the pandemic and a story of ups and cuts but what does it mean for the gulf economies plus europe's colonna bones counting the costs on al-jazeera. holding the powerful to account as we examine the u.s. is wrong in the world on al-jazeera.
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you're watching al-jazeera reminder of our top stories this hour for the 1st time in history u.s. oil prices have crashed below 0 dollars produces a fast running out of specs to store their oil early trading in asian stock markets has seen a rise slightly sitting at just $2.00 a barrel lockdowns response to the coronavirus endemic have produced a massive slump in demand for the energy and excess supply of oil in the markets. pandemic has forced to trade the 2nd largest domestic air carrier into voluntary administration after the government refused to budge on a strategy ahead also for an $800000000.00 jeans he loaned after travel restrictions jeff the airline with more than $3000000000.00. the world health organization is warning against complacency is some european countries ease
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restrictions nurseries in norway have reopened and small businesses are trading again in some parts of germany and denmark. frustrations of a lockdown measures have spilled into the streets with some defying official advice by joining protests groups across the u.s. have demanded an end to their structure and this concern the country still is not ready on fish as will. some state see they're getting ready to reopen the u.s. is seeing an increase in anti looked on protests this one in pennsylvania one of the latest. small parts of the u.s. are reopening beaches in florida fish and this is in texas but for some things aren't moving quickly enough seattle saw one of the biggest protests demonstrators angry at the governor's stay at home order trying to limit the transmission of covert 19 i really feel that our governor is overstepping his. his authority on
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this shutdown proclamation that is really hurting our economy this is the tour now this is a tool to keep us at home and i house arrest we're not on house arrest we have to suffer just as we can where last fall we can still distance from people i'm not on house arrest terry here in denver colorado some nurses protested the protesters blocking their cars are ging people to go home but the demonstrators have even won the approval of the president even though their actions go against the guidelines in shooting by his own administration where you're allowed to protest i mean they they feel they watch a protest and they were all 6 feet apart and it was a very orderly group of people but the washington post reports that the protests are not an organic realize ation of people's frustrations but they're being organized by a small group of conservative and right wing activists this acts of whole new aspect when we're talking about a contagious infectious disease can be passed by the very gatherings that
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we're talking about lifting the restrictions that we have. you have to understand you know regardless of what side of the political. true you were on this is the account. should not be somewhere because. many states are seeing there needs to be more testing before they can even consider opening up and they need help with that from the federal government and there's a new poll just date which says almost 60 percent of americans are worried stitches will be. leading to many more deaths from the virus alan fischer. bringing in breaking news now coming out of the u.s. president donald trump has just tweeted that he'll be signing an executive order temporarily suspending immigration this is his tweet he says in light of the attack from the invisible enemy as well as the need to protect the jobs of our great
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american citizens will be signing an executive order to temporarily suspend immigration into the united states so this is coming out of this just happened actually just signed this just in the last sort of 8 minutes and we will be bringing you more of course there will be fallout to this we are expecting reaction to this and we'll bring you all of that as soon as it comes to hand. the u.s. has obviously been dealing with a huge outbreak it has the most cases of coronavirus in the world it has the most deaths deaths there jumps to 42000. we will be going to our cross point john hendren as soon as we can get him up for now that is all we have for you president donald trump tweeting that he is planning to sign an executive order to temporarily suspend immigration into the united states. telling you now across latin america the number of corona virus infections have to
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past 100000 brazil which is the region's west affect the country the president says he wants to and nationwide restriction this week and state leaders say the country isn't ready townhome and has ball. the critics of brazilian president tell you both are not over this rally was another outrage perhaps the most serious since coronavirus begun he spoke to supporters outside of the brazilian army headquarters many of them called for congress to be closed leaving the military intervention to get there and his wish an end to the currency measures imposed by many state governments oh no. we don't want to negotiate anything while we want the sanction for brasil. desperate for people to get wood despite brazil already having the highest rate of corona virus cases in latin america. 70 percent will be infected if not today then next
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week or next month it's a reality we have to take care of the elderly and those with health problems the rest have to be careful but have to wark. there's widespread opposition to that and to him yesterday there was. a movement of brazilian government governors 20 out of $27.00 governors of brazil state governors they have signed a document in crimea and in defense of democracy and of course repudiating also that it was participation that. demonstration showed that happened yesterday and trench out of $27.00 this is significant so bill a disease like this there are more than $40000.00 cold big cases in brazil hospitals a stretch to the limit this video shows one in the amazonian city of my. besides
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living patient. even as the president spoke at the rally he was coughing. he's angered many with his distaste for social distancing but appearing with the crowd some of whom called for the army to intervene and support him. nation of brazil escaped military dictatorships only 35 years ago. the next day the president seemed to make you to argue that isn't to say we don't need to close in what we have here is democracy and respect for the brazilian constitution but he still repeated his call for an end to quarantine measures in brazil by next week. on home and i was dizzy to. bring you more now on that breaking news president donald trump's plans to sign an executive order temporarily halting immigration to the united states this was his tweet. just come out in the past 10 minutes or so the
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lot of the attack from the invisible enemy and the need to protect jobs of great american citizens he plans to sign this executive order we can go live now to john hendren who is standing by for us in chicago john other countries have closed borders to non-nationals because of coronavirus but suspending immigration i mean how significant a development is that. i believe we have some technical difficulties getting in touch with john there we will try and connect with have again and bring him back if we can but as i said breaking news out of the u.s. president donald trump tweeting that tape plans to sign an executive order to temporarily suspend immigration into the united states. and when you say executions appear to have dropped around the world for
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a 4th consecutive year however an amnesty international report shows they increased in some countries it says thousands of people are believed to have been put to death in china last year the exact numbers unknown because it's not disclosed to the public in iran at least 251 people were executed and 20194 of them were younger than 18 at the time of the crime amnesty says there were $184.00 executions in saudi arabia that's a rise of more than 20 percent from the previous year executions also rose in iraq south sudan and yemen. sent giorgio is amnesty international's advocate and advisor on the death penalty she joins me now from london i'm having we can talk about asia pacific because we spoke there about the increases that we've seen around the world but what's the picture coming out of asia pacific. yes
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we were so mixed picture. in there where we can say that the same happened in the pacific region last year 'd we saw the lowest number of exits using country in the region for the 1st sign since 2011 with afghanistan thailand and they were stopped in their excuse and within their execution are now on hold at the same time we also saw dignity and drops in the 2 countries that. are looking for that plan in singapore. and were positive. development we also saw a number of protests harvin that that's your are. a user in the region remains a matter of great concern from its international. to continue to view us for such as dogs or should not be allowed to be punished by that and the international law
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and secrecy remains a great concern you mentioned china earlier and thousands of excuse and we can report on you can simply we can add that is our but is anyone still up light says where we got a stance from us and past us you go but it are meant that if you send rates remain high but we cannot really report on that because the security secrets and it remains that while you are looking for abolition of the death penalty some countries are looking to resume executions to reintroduce the death penalty run us through that how was sort of the countries are looking to resume using the death penalty. so it's only in 2019 that we had further matters of concern as you mentioned some countries such as the philippines. sever abuse same that are introducing that we all start sri lanka and you. know executions are one of.
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like you do that's not happened if you don't think about. if you say that there remains confined or is no longer the same was in is are and that we're very certain that it's just a matter of time before we can consign that. when example was the united states where not only we ringback had one state and harm so. but it was for any honest it we did yes that's right or in a country establishing an official red zone execution thank you because i'm sure we will have to leave it there for a time my apologies that is care as and i will go there from amnesty international we're going back now to that breaking news out of the u.s. that president donald trump has tweeted that he plans on signing an executive order to temporarily suspend immigration into the united states i believe now we have connected with john hendren who is live for us in chicago john are saying you know other countries have closed borders to nonresidents or non-citizens because of
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coronavirus but suspending immigration is something different isn't it how major a development is this. it's huge but it is exactly in character for donald trump a little surprised that we didn't hear about this happening earlier it must have had to be vetted by white house attorneys and that might have taken a while but this president has used every opportunity he could to restrict immigration from other countries there was the ban from muslim countries that was overturned in court modified and then you've had him views this emergency to stop border crossings from mexico and now you've got the immigration ban this is after all the president who told everybody he was going to build a wall and that was going to stop illegal immigration into the united states and now he's stopping legal and legal immigration what that could do if it lasts a long time is cause some problem for people who need specialized workers technical
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workers people who work in the sciences which after all right now is very much in demand so this is something we didn't hear that was coming it came sort of out of the blue but it's very much in character for donald trump to do this and you could see he announced it long after his news conference so nobody could really question him about it. thank you that. that is john hendren live from chicago thank you. israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu and his main rival benny gantz have agreed to form an emergency coalition government it and a year long for this crisis and prevents a fulfilling action the past say that will stand the country through the coronavirus outbreak the government will last for 3 years with netanyahu serving as prime minister for the 1st half they can't for the 2nd half netanyahu has to stand trial for corruption and denies all charges.
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you're watching on g.'s there are these all the top stories in the u.s. president donald trump says he will sign an executive order to temporarily suspend immigration into the u.s. he says it's to protect american jobs after the coronavirus pandemic left at least 22000000 people applying for unemployment benefits. for the 1st time in history u.s. oil prices have crashed below 0 dollars this produces a fast running out of space to store their oil early trading in asian stock markets has seen it rise slightly sitting at just $2.00 a barrel lockdowns in response to the coronavirus pandemic have produced a massive slump in demand for energy and an excess supply of oil in the markets based on the record low price of oil that you've been seeing. at
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a level that's very interesting to a lot of people we're filling up our national petroleum reserve strategic you know the strategic reserves. and we're looking to put as much as $75000000000.00 barrels into the reserves themselves that would top it out it would be 1st time in a long time it's been good for the right price the pandemic has forced a strain me a 2nd largest domestic air carrier and the voluntary administration the government refused to buy a without to destroy you had asked for an $800000000.00 emergency loan off the travel restrictions left the airline with more than $3000000000.00 in dix the world health organization is warning against complacency as some european countries ease restrictions nurseries in norway have reopened and small businesses are trading again in some parts of germany and denmark. israel's prime minister benjamin
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netanyahu and his main rival benny gantz have agreed to form an emergency coalition government ends a yearlong political crisis and prevent a 4th election the pair say they will stay in the country through the coronavirus all break the government will last 3 years with netanyahu serving as prime minister for the 1st off against for the 2nd singapore has reported a record jump and daily infections with more than $1400.00 cases confirmed on sunday health officials say most of the new cases are among ex-pat workers living in dormitories the world health organization had praised singapore for it if it's in containing the outbreak but the government has been struggling to stop the virus from spreading among its foreign workers those are the headlines stay with us though the news continues here on al-jazeera after one o one east which is up next. the difference in. similarity of cultures across the.
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