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tv   The Heart Of Darkness  Al Jazeera  April 21, 2020 7:32pm-7:49pm +03

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but again without clarification from the white house which so far it has not provided it's really unclear just how much money is available and which oil and gas companies might receive it u.s. stocks opened in the red for a 2nd straight day amid the continuing decline in oil prices pushed the total to around $143000.00 german chancellor angela merkel urged people to stay disciplined as restrictions began slowly easing on monday she says a 4 shutdown will be inevitable if the number of infections rises again. at least $100.00 migrants have tested positive for covert 19 in one of the refugee centers in greece how's that a hotel in the southern region of peloponnese the facility is run by the international organization for migration you know the florentines and a full of the 16 it's free wine now.
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with american infantry landed by helicopter on the edge of the village of near the northern coast of south vietnam the platoon believed vietcong forces were in the area but they faced no resistance yet 504 innocents women children and old men were brutally dragged an. army photographer captured moments of the bloody
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assault. when the story would have been leaked out more than a year later there was an investigation $25.00 members of charlie company and their officers were charged. with murder there were few trials only one person. was found guilty he was never punished. charges against most of the soldiers were dismissed. the what is now family in an underground shelter a place where they all ate well how long. did you stay down in the shelter. from 8 in the morning until 4 in the afternoon surrounded by his memories congress spent years wishing for a way to understand why the soldiers committed the crime that has devastated as a life what would it be like for you to meet a soldier who actually participated in the killing to come back and it meant that here. i would ask him a question. why would he kill ordinary people women and children and women with
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babies in their bellies weeks in hawaii eagerly learning how to be a soldier and 6 months after that he was in vietnam. part of charlie company 1st battalion 20 of them fintry charlie company was assigned the task force barker a special unit created to search out and destroy be a cause operating around the central coast. it had been a dispiriting couple of months for the u.s. military the tet offensive the sea took a song surprised the power that thought it was going to. charlie company the losses have been personal booby traps a mind to take on a 3rd of the comrades one of them the day before so in the morning a mark 60 helicopter machine guns lay down suppressing fire and 3 people took with orders to kill everything that moved fanned out across the rice paddies and into the hammocks that collectively made up the lie. they encountered no resistance whatsoever but perhaps
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a desire for revenge filled their hearts and clouded their consciences perhaps as a military commander feet those boots is about to set foot here again. i'm josh rushing. kinchela is returning to me live. never before fleeing away and then that is a distinct print of an american combat. one of the men who warns. you to say no really what really bothers me is this one. not so much of the shooting but this letter a letter that's true that you have any hesitation about killing unarmed i people i definitely have hesitation about killing i want to. know whether you've killed anyone i cannot accept it i wasn't with that group i was in and outside the village . you stayed back at the edge of a man is deeply shaken. you should educate your younger generations your children
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not to do it again and not to make war anywhere in the world. well those are fine words. i wouldn't want war i would stop war today if it was possible. now that i'm older i can see this but when i came to vietnam i was very young i have never acknowledged. to any great extent that i wasn't me i. but i'm here today to tell you what was done here is as people. think it's a few photos of the party they held when the murder charges were dropped but they had little to celebrate in the years that followed many of his fellow soldiers members of his company have not survived self examination. and afraid to go to the right going out of the. first. room. to
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cover their throats to scalp and. to hear the news to come out until i do. some like for nardo simpson could not live with those memories even medications cannot hold them back i'm certain songs are you know. i can't promise that when you come again i'll be. because before you carry my good out all this focus from shards of the sun for 2 thirds of. fernando simpson committed suicide in 1970. is are a sense of relief that you finally got to confront someone. he tells us he's been a terrible night he drank he wept he was angry he was filled with sorrow he visited the graves of his family and confessed his conflicting feelings standing there
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murmuring to my father my mother and my brothers and sisters i said that yesterday i met one of our former enemies who killed you but i could not do anything i could not beat him or strike him or kill him because that is against the laws of vietnam . knows he is not giving kong the answer he needed. the why some of his questions the way he wanted them answered because there was only one. way to answer and i was we were following orders does call it your job make it right no doesn't make it right in your mind for you murder you know. in your heart. not in the king she told us he was eager to return to me lied to set the record straight about his unit me lie was an isolated incident for our company.
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we didn't do that with every village we went through he specially wants his grandchildren to understand that they were not evil that bad things happen in war and throughout our days there was defensive. you have me to break down and cry. but at the last moment. this is our crew was boarding a plane to a different destination kid who had to remain in the airport for a later flight did break down and cry and our vietnamese translator who lost a brother in the war went back and. there is a cycle in war. aging soldiers expressed sorrow regret they apologized to their victims they say never again they say let us raise our children
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. to love peace not war. but their sons and daughters are already engaged in the next the next killing. their talk anger hate fear they are taught to kill. and they betray their own goodness and they too will pay. and they will say how could we have done this this. should never have happened. and never. is a cycle of war broken. heart of darkness from 2008 a moving and very personal fellow well we're joined now from washington by josh rushing himself a 15 year veteran of the u.s. marine corps josh thanks for speaking to us on a rewind can you take us back to the moments in the film when you brought together
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ken she'll along with one of his victims what was that moment like when ken came he came a belief i remember was like straight from the airport that's my 1st time to meet him you see it on camera me shaking his hands he gets out of the van. we had just planned kind of let's just walk around a bit see what you remember kind of put you back in the place and while doing that kong saw us and came over and started to inquire about you know who killed was and where he was there in vietnam and it all started to unfold before our eyes and this really emotional moment that i would not have set up in such a way. because of the motions were so high but we couldn't quite stop it he really seemed to struggle though when you were questioning him he struggled answering your questions what do you think was going on through his head at the time i 100 percent believe that in order for ken to continue to live his
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life that he had made a very intentional twice to silo what had happened in vietnam he had the memories but there was no way that he was going to engage with the morality of it i just had the sense that he feels like if he started to even a bit he might not be able to control the flood of emotions and guilt and everything else that would come with it and at the time he was only 19 years old and he was clearly believing that he was just doing this he was following orders so josh let me ask you this as a former soldier yourself how difficult is it when you're actually in the field in your order to do something that you morally disagree with i think. it's easy to sit back and and judge that situation and think that you would act differently but the reality of it is when you go through boot camp they they really break down who you
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are and they build you back up into this other thing for me it was this u.s. marine that was my identity and so you had this kind of ultimate trust in your leadership that you're not going to be given orders that are illegal and so of course you follow them then you take that person and put it in a place like vietnam where everything you ever learned about a moral compass seems to be thrown out of the window there and so you don't you lose a sense of what's right and what's wrong in that that kind of environment and yeah you end up following orders but i still think there's that bit of humanity in you that says that this is it right in the court documents we kynge someone testify that they saw him firing into a crowd of civilians while saying i don't want to do this i don't want to do this so clearly he was struggling with it but the thing about war as we sing young people to fight these wars who don't have the wisdom that we gain as as as older
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people you know there's a reason there's not a bunch of 40 and 50 year olds fighting wars the entire marine corps 172000 people if you take the average age including all the 4 star generals in the marine corps the average age is still just over 20 years old that's how many young people at the bottom of that pyramid and now it at my age 45 looking back at a 19 year old kid that is a child and yet we give them weapons and put them in the most complex situations you can imagine and have a make life and death decisions and i make a side note here that actually no are no survivors the village of me i wasn't even a meal i was name something else that was the meal i was a misnomer on an american map so that original village named in survive no one really survived to the village that day congo's a completely different humor. that he was before that happened in that shape who he end up becoming the soldiers that we tried to get to go none of them really survived either the ones who didn't kill themselves there weren't really complete
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pictures of human beings that they would have wanted to be but those who do survive war and get old enough to realize it's atrocities and how wrong it is it's already too late because the next generation the next generation young kids will the they're already there fighting the next one well what i've done to me a lie i like to think i've done the right thing but. i don't know i will say they were heroes to come out of the lies well i mean i was stopped by an american officer or an officer you thompson who literally lowered his helicopter in between americans who were far machine guns into the crowd of civilians vietnamese and he told his door gunner on the helicopter that if they didn't stop fire the americans to open fire on them and that would've been the only case i've ever known of u.s. troops intentionally firing on each other but that's the level it was was that to to stop what he witnessed that day thompson was and his crew that i mean they were heroes to come out of that josh rushing thanks for speaking to us rewind and that's it for this week if you want to see
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a longer version of that interview you can check out the rewind page at al jazeera dot com but for now until next time by. rewind returns can bring your people back to life i'm sorry and brian you updates on the best of documentaries. i was the floods and the like and the other. rewind continues with children of conflict we'd love so peace in the school or especially. children. right here rewind on al-jazeera.
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the latest news as it breaks with no treatment or vaccine for her and a virus volunteers to say they'll continue to provide the services they go to fight between with detail coverage a little down without any planning for india's millions of lines with glucose. and fearless journalism from around the world for many coming to this place if the only chance they have to leave at least once a day. eyes early test street and trace frank assessments why is italy struggling to cope with the number of grown viruses failure to really aggressive action really get them behind the herd informed opinions it's believed much more challenging in a place like eve it is one then to later very relieved more in-depth analysis of the day's global headlines as india done enough to nip the spread of coronavirus in
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the inside story on al-jazeera every generation has higher purpose. hours in. the us president says the government will bail out the oil industry after prices dive and the negative for the 1st time in history. the b. m sam is a band the sound is there a live from dar also coming up donald trump announces he'll suspend immigration saying he has to protect americans from coronavirus save jobs. a dire warning from the un the.


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