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tv   Black September  Al Jazeera  April 22, 2020 12:33pm-1:01pm +03

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coal means a lot of the country's fortunes we bring you the stories and developments that are rapidly changing the world we live in to get a break that down that was a slogan that one of the prime minister boris johnson counting the cost on al-jazeera. be the hero the world needs right now no. washington. in 1948 the state of israel was proclaimed. palestine was lost. 16 years later in 1964 the palestine liberation organization or the p.l.o. was founded. made up of different factions the p.l.o. has been at the heart of the struggle to regain palestine ever since. the.
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by the end of the 60s the palestinians had become masters of their own destiny. but a bloody showdown was on the horizon. not with israel but with fellow arabs. the palestinian commando movement emerged as a force to be reckoned with in the region following the defeat of the arab states in the 1967. the palestinians had taken their 1st steps towards emancipation from the out of work. and that. would allow us at the arab league all of these factors doesn't look at blow to the arab custodianship of the palestinians and
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their cause and thus palestinians became the masters of their destiny. the palestinians took full advantage of the state of chaos suffered by the defeated out of regimes palestinian guerrilla factions the most prominent of which was fatah consolidated their grip on the refugee camps in the arab world hundreds of fresh recruits and rolled to join these factions the image of young for the even more freedom fighters clad in the traditional palestinian headscarf became an icon of resistance. egyptian president jammeh knob nasr cast aside his initial misgivings and embraced but. at the same time he dissolved his traditional alliance with the arab nationalist movement a rival palestinian faction to father. not that i'm. not a broke off his relationship with the arab nationalist movement and our doctor not only did the adopt but he also took out a fight with him on
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a trip to moscow while the hell outta play him up the last set and. i walked in and massive met me across the room and lo and behold the salvia troika got target worked towards me and greeted me and. the next day they launched an official dialogue with militants in. other arab regimes also vital influence among the palestinians as a way to gain leverage on the regional scene both iraq and syria encourage the establishment of new palestinian factions allied to them at the classified cia document found that fact that independence had influenced serious decision to set up a palestinian faction whose allegiance lay firmly with damascus the syrian government unable to subvert fatah for use as a political weapon recently organized a group known as the vanguard of the people's liberation war but not all arab states held the palestinians in such high esteem king hussein was still reeling
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from the loss of the west bank in 1967. the father to be i mean. he's also key patient of the west bank effectively meant the loss of half the country imagine a person suddenly having to walk on one leg that's why the 1967 war was such an earthquake for jordan. in jordan armed palestinians strolled through the streets enjoying freedom of movement and launching operations from jordanian territory against israel jordan began to view these attacks with increasing alarm nasr was assisting the palestinians in training and arms but he ensured that no operations were launched from egyptian territory without stringent egyptian control and coordination fatah and other palestinian factions acted with much greater freedom within the weaker state of jordan in 1989 palestinian commandos shot down a lebanese army helicopter during clashes with the lebanese state. and egyptian
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brokered agreement known as the cairo accord put an end to the clashes. but the accord effectively legitimized the presence of on palestinian factions on lebanese soil something which was to have serious consequences for stability 11 on in the years to come. besides creating waves in arab regimes the palestinian factions also revolutionized their own society in 1989 for the leader yasser arafat was elected chairman of the p.l.o. the election marked a new era the guerrillas were in the ascendant overthrowing the traditional hold of more established palestinian families such was the impact of the p.l.o. on the fedayeen that out of its image had made the cover of time magazine. but it was in jordan the base for most of the palestinian factions where the fedayeen is growing assertiveness because most probably yes they had set up a state within a state in jordan and the actions they planned and carried out soon began to rock the region. armed gunmen roam the streets of the capital amman and jordan's other
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main cities like in a bit and suck up palestinian guerrillas no longer restricted themselves to bases in the more inaccessible parts of the country complaints about palestinian excesses quickly about at 35 innocent houses between 19671971 there were more than 30000 cases of lawlessness from the throwing of hand grenades to premeditated murder there were even attacks against his majesty the king all of this was tolerated with tremendous patience by his majesty because i think he felt a certain responsibility for the events of 967. to his dying days he felt it especially the loss of jerusalem. king hussein may have felt for the loss of jerusalem in the west bank in 1967 but his patience with the palestinians was beginning to wear thin for their part palestinian figures to this day contend that dark forces were at play determined to bring about
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a showdown. levon the columbia to be honest we're not saints in jordan we made mistakes but these mistakes we're made out to be sens to then in intelligence used to create their own field day in organizations whose role was to wreak havoc in the country we apprehended one such organization set up by military intelligence with some 70 members we deported them to syria and we let the release of them the revolutionary zeal of the palestinians knew no boundaries radical leftist ideology could be seen sprayed on mosque walls private property was considered up for grabs had the thought. that this left and zeal i called adel a childhood manifested itself in the celebration of lennon's birthday and deliver a marxist speeches from puppets of mosques it was an excuse for theft expensive cars would be stolen and the excuse was that they belonged to the bush war classes
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it was leftist immaturity had that. they were absent provocation and the democratic front for the liberation of palestine used to paint slogans such as all power to the resistance what does this mean it means that the democratic front was working towards the overthrow of the you're doing your gene are. tensions were rising on the streets of on the dominant palestinian faction fatah attempted to distance itself from such excesses but the artifact could not or would not rein in the different factions and was unable to prevent the situation spiraling out of control groups such as the popular front and the democratic front were independent factions over which arafat exerted little control things began to come to a head in july 1970 when palestinian factions in jordan staged massive rallies condemning president nasser for accepting a peace plan submitted by u.s. secretary of state william rogers palestinian demonstrators shouted insults at nasr
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the egyptian leader was furious. for they have. to get out of the house nasser's aide haykel said what are you doing the president is upset your swearing at us and using the radio station we provided you with in egypt to do it then nasr received us in alexandria he said he had been pacing up and down for 2 hours trying to stop himself from saying anything that would hurt us. with tensions increasing in jordan it was a bad time for the palestinians to fall out of favor with nasser to this day some palestinians feel the egyptian leader gave a nod then the wink to king hussein of jordan punish the palestinians yeah. that's true he told king hussein to twist our ear but he didn't ask him to massacre us. and then nasser went to murder someone threw so he would not being cairo when things came to a head. but the jordanians were still in 2 minds about what course of action to
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pursue against the armed palestinians in their midst the prime minister was recommended a more conciliatory approach and the good news. is i don't know much and of the data to which we i told him the palestinians will not withdraw unless they are faced with a superior force so what. are you dissenting i said no this is our recommendation based on the intelligence available to us. his majesty then intervene and the doctors in my recommendation. on september 6th 1970 the popular front for the liberation of palestine or p f l p forced the jordanians have. it hijacked airliners belonging to swiss air and t.w.a. 8 and forced them to land at a disused runway in the jordanian desert known as dawson's field and. a 3rd
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hijacking of an israeli aircraft was thwarted midair with one hijacker killed and the other captured. the plane landed in london and the hijacker layla khalid was taken into custody. then at the f.l.b. member in bahrain hijacked a british airliner and forced it to fly to dawson's field to join the other 2 hijacked planes. this spectacular act of air piracy was masterminded by a senior b f l b leader called where the i had. the p.f. open was born from the remnants of the arab nationalist movement and headed right towards us it adopted a revolutionary marxist doctrine when the 100 was one of its co-founders he had become a mastermind of airline hijacking. beginning in 196800 had put his theories of revolutionary violence into practice by hijacking several israeli and western aircraft but the multiple hijacking in 170 was his most important feed to date it
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required meticulous even scientific planning at the end of a shut it off during the planning stages when he had sent in g.'s and surveyors to those on field they had returned with a recommendation that their own way could handle more than jets. what you had that has shit or atilla mike and yaquis kenny ak a been up but i had to get done what the up that spoke in charge or he was obviously the man in charge he told our chief of staff to pull the jordanian tops back he added that if we didn't comply it would immediately blow up the planes within seconds and he emphasized that in english by saying i mean it. i remember this clearly. on september 12th the p f l b removed the passengers and blew up the planes. with his hold on power rapidly disintegrating king hussein formed the military cabinet to finally deal with the
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anarchy in his country. the cabinet included intelligence officers are now on a board gallatin ficarra letty directly when the military cabinet was formed on september 16th i became minister of information it was told me i would be the principal negotiator with the palestinians he said we would scare them into coming to the negotiation table he never said anything about driving them out of door to. prime minister was peter's conciliatory approach did not win the day the jordanian army had other plans and deployed in full force into the streets of amman and jordan's other cities vicious street battle soon erupted between army troops and palestinian groups fighting for their lives the 5th day you put up a stiff resistance in the face of a jordanian army bent on exacting revenge for all the humiliations it had endured at the hands of the us casualties mounted with the palestinians estimating that around 4000 people were killed most of them civilians in iraq where many.
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civilians bear the brunt of urban warfare we estimate that we lost around $150.00 fighters in black september and as for the civilians at a fight exaggerate. sensei's around 10000 died but the real figure is around 45000 civilians killed. in the region out of anger mounted at what was perceived as an attempt at liquidating the palestinian liberation movement promises of military assistance to the palestinians from iraqi forces stationed in jordan failed to materialize and work. well with iraqi forces stationed in jordan one non-sale to assist the palestinians their duty was to aid the defense of jordan against israel they didn't let the palestinians down while iraq kept its forces out of the fighting the rival bathurst government in damascus sought to intervene syria mobilized its armed forces and sent them into jordan to support the p.l.o.
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fighters however syrian defense minister half of the i said refused to provide air cover to the advancing syrian armor king hussein contemplated the unsavory option of requesting israeli air support in a bid to beat back the syrian advance 1st the israelis agreed to mobilize their forces to get the syrians attention. and then and that's all they did actually but they were ready to use the their air force if requested. we managed to get the message back to them that the king doesn't want you to go in on the ground we don't want you to mobilizations fine don't do anything until we say to that is get ready to act if necessary but don't do anything and as you probably know this was a dramatic moment. king hussein used his own air force and. stood down the syrian air force he knew that the israelis might go into action if the
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syrian air force acted. another large area that can fuck up the law and then you can muster an amount of half of that arsenal i am and i'm not sure what the determining factor was for us or. was it his relationship with the jordanian regime or any was an internal power struggle within syria but it had anything to do with the threats he was getting from the americans and the israelis not to intervene he was aware of all of this and he may have used the circumstances to his advantage because shortly afterwards he mounted a good intel and came to power. as its position at this time would be a precursor to his future split with yasser arafat the palestinians were now on the run. an arab league delegation headed by sudanese president jefferson to marry and including kuwait defense minister schiff saad lobdell also arrived in the jordanian capital and managed to whisk a beseeched yasser arafat out to cairo. there at 11 and. the arab
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delegation came to a man they dressed arafat in kuwaiti role and smuggled him out check sad was a hero on september 27th 170 nasir brokered the cease fire agreement which was signed by artifacts and get. the following day nasser died leaving the palestinians without their. father hussein signed a further agreement regulating the presence of palestinian fighters and doing what some palestinians refused to accept that you. think he meant collapse and in july 9th in 71 king hussein continued his attack. the jordanian army overran the remaining p.l.o.
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bases in. sions forcing the palestinians to capitulate. some palestinian fighters chose to give themselves up to israeli forces across the river jordan rather than surrender to what they viewed as a grim fate at the hands of the jordanians. and so forth the palestinians would term the events that led to their expulsion from jordan as black september. the p.l.o. had held sway over large areas of jordan now it was transformed into a broken movement in search of a sanctuary. one affect us leaders otherwise known as abu iyad was determined that the p.l.o. remain a force to be reckoned with despite the defeat in jordan. and imam will have. little that apple yet gathered a group of us and said you have to prove to the world that the revolution has survived. you must show the world the long arm of the revolution.
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that we had announced the birth of a new group which came to be known as the black september organization taking its name from the conflict with jordan. in november $971.00 at an out of the finance ministers council in cairo black september struck its 1st blow. the target was this man jordanian prime minister was done on palestinians accused of responsibility for their expulsion from the. cupboard nothing has ever been on it none of that was one of our group decided to assist and it was by any means possible. that there were 4 of us in the hit team i was under the command of and abbas and seller . they ordered us to go to egypt it was sunday november 28th
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1971 the 3 of us waited for was fit in the lobby of the charlatan. as soon as he entered the hotel we opened fire on him we shot him 14 planes then we gave ourselves up. that was the plan that we were to kill him and then go to try to gain many exports. the role that yasser arafat played in forming black september and planning its operations has always been open to conjecture today al jazeera can finally reveal the truth. of here are 5 new everything. he wasn't a guitar player he was the leader of the revolution and the canister. that the film mob. used to act in concert with arafat when we were preparing for an operation in jordan arafat came to our camp that didn't meet with us then came by helicopter and met with us while arafat was in another room in the camp he didn't want to meet
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with us but later on he denies it us on. the assassination of tel was just the opening shot of the black september organisation . a more dramatic operation was carried out the following year at an event chosen by the palestinians because they knew the whole world would be watching. at the 1972 munich olympics black september operatives infiltrated the olympic village killing 2 israeli athletes and seizing another 11 as hostages. the kidnappers demanded a prisoner swap and the plane to fly them out of western. holding the hostages at gunpoint the kidnappers were transported by bus to an air base and then
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flown by helicopter to an airfield where 2 of them were shot dead by german snipers . when they went to inspect the aircraft. german authorities claim another of the kidnappers then lobbed a hand grenade into the helicopter killing all of the israeli hostages to this day one of the principal planners of the operation remains under paint. the. wall. where the hostages were all army officers we killed only army officers who were dressed in sports track suits their israelis kill unarmed civilians we did not murder children or unarmed civilians but 2 months before munich the israelis bombed the school killing children so the world must have a more balanced outlook further acts of violence ensued grabbing the world headlines
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. in march of 1973 black september gunmen stormed a diplomatic reception at the saudi arabian embassy and. the siege ensued which ended when the gunmen executed the american ambassador to sudan his deputy and the belgian chargé d'affaires. at the classified u.s. state department cables stated the operation was carried out with the full knowledge and authority of yasser arafat the report also stated one of the primary goals of the operation was to strike at the united states because of its efforts to achieve a middle east peace settlement which many arabs believe would be inimical to palestinian interests. by the end of 1973 the p.l.o. leaders had decided that the black september organization had outlived its usefulness. in the aftermath of the october $973.00 war a new political climate had emerged yes a modified no recognized that there was
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a limit to what military action could achieve and that the palestinians must present an acceptable political program to the world if their liberation movement was to achieve its goals. defeat in jordan and the series of headline grabbing acts of violence had ensured the survival of the palestinian revolution but damaged it in the eyes of the world. a fact decided that from now on the gun would only support but not supplant his political agenda. but the spoon was not shared by other palestinian factions nor did it prove realistic as the p.l.o. was soon drawn into a civil war in a neighboring arab country. the time had come for the p.l.o. to seek a new and peaceful solution. pursuing a path of diplomacy but what was to turn their agreed let's draw from lebanon into
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one of the most horrific civilian massacres of modern times women children killed we couldn't believe our last chronicling the turbulent story of the struggle for a palestinian homeland p.l.o. history of a revolution on al-jazeera. every generation has a higher purpose. ours to help. al-jazeera while goes on a roller coaster journey in iran and discovers how football can empower a refugee community itself belief and identity. i'd like to prove to the world cup comes up. i will be able to prove myself to my councilman friend and myself people to decide to charge afghan united on al-jazeera. policy imposed decades ago pregnant woman part that she put
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selectively goods and have only boy is changing demographics across asia with far reaching consequences for. poor socially disadvantaged young men so you have the system or people at every level being given money money to agree to certain station or money to get other people to agree to sterilization al-jazeera examines the politics of population control the way disease outbreaks have impacted dense urban areas like during the flu pandemic in the early 1900 has played a role in how our cities look in run urban planners reacted to that flu and other outbreaks changing how cities were zoned and led to updated infrastructure like ventilation and improved sanitation but after what's been learned from pandemics and their influences on our skylines and way of life we also need to keep pace and adapt it's easy to assume that cities are fertile ground for spreading viruses and
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diseases millions living working at commuting in such tight conditions but one expert says it's about much more than just density it's about how all this was put together and how it's run. this is al jazeera. hello and welcome i'm peter w. watching the news live from doha coming up in the next 60 minutes iran's revolutionary guard says it has successfully launched the country's 1st military satellite. more heavy rain and flash flooding turns the southern yemeni city of aden into a disaster area. spain's parliament prepares to extend its nationwide.


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