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tv   NEWS LIVE - 30  Al Jazeera  April 22, 2020 2:00pm-2:34pm +03

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their lives to help the disabled in blue to afghanistan on al jazeera. i care about how the u.s. engages with the rest of the world we're willing it didn't take me into a place you might not visit otherwise it feels if you were there. iran's revolutionary guard says it has successfully launched the country's 1st military satellite. everyone come out santamaria this is the world news from al-jazeera streets and homes are inundated as heavy rain flash flooding turns southern yemeni city of aden into a disaster area. also spain's parliament prepares to extend its nationwide lockdown but the prime minister says the end incites in south africa deploys almost all of
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its military to enforce the coronavirus lock down nations. so the news out of iran is that the government says it has launched its 1st military satellite into orbit that is on the likely to increase tension with the u.s. in the past washington has blamed iran. of using its or to sort of using its space program as a cover for missile development though iran denies that we've got same bus ravi with us in teheran to the talks are now actually saying that the moving pictures we saw still pictures but actually this launch happening tell us what will you know about it. well what we know is that iranians in the world this morning woke up to news of what was essentially a secret operation carried out by the islamic revolutionary guard corps from
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a location in iran central desert this morning the i.r.g.c. say that they have successfully used a 2 stage rocket to launch a military satellite into earth's orbit now we do know that above us at around 400 kilometers in thermosphere the nur of the name of the rocket translated from farsi into english it stands for light is now orbiting above us and giving iran's military enormous strategic advantage we've seen iran trying to develop a space program satellite program rocket program trying to develop its own launch vehicles to be able to launch satellites into space it has done so successfully in the past but this is the 1st time we've seen iran launch a specifically military satellite into orbit ok so it comes down and this is widening out a bit more who says what about something that this for example with the nuclear program iran says it is a civilian power program many other countries say it is a nuclear weapons program it's kind of feels like the same thing here. well that is
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definitely the case iran has been criticized on several occasions by western powers who have said that its space program is not specifically for peaceful purposes that its satellite program is a cover for its ballistic missile program but really the commander of the i.r.g.c. major general hussein salami put all of that debate to rest in a statement he made following the successful launch of the new or he said that it's necessary for a powerful military like the i.r.g.c. to have some kind of satellite technology he also said that no armies defense of plans are complete without the advantages strategic advantages that having a satellite in space provide that military and i'll read you a direct quote from a statement he said today we can monitor the world from space and it means a boost for the strategic data available for the i r g c putting the satellite in orbit is a technological advantage for battlefield intelligence so it's really drawn a line under it there is no ambiguity here this is specifically
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a military purpose out of k. . thank you for that. let's hear what the stuff a concession has to say about us and iran affairs analyst he told us on the news now that the technology used will eventually lead iran to progress in different fields. satellite is going to provide to you know parker says it's a multiple purpose satellite actually for both the civil sector as well as the military but in the military sector it will help iran in wars of i.t. it will help iran in wars of intelligence and information against enemies but more importantly it will help iran with it ballast crews and drone missions very much it will make i.r.g.c. and iranian military forces independent of any foreign assistance with regard to satellite navigation and g.p.s. systems it also helps the country more this is probably the most important
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achievement of the day 40 i i g c n iran that it will help iran withdrawing its comprehensive defense plan strategy as a matter of fact those countries that do not have military satellite in this space they fail to draw such a strategy such as strategy the comprehensive defense plan needs you know access to space and this is their main goal and objective and you know the main achievement of the day 40 i.r.g.c. . can look at yemen now as well where a disaster area has been declared in the southern port city of aden after it was hit by flash flooding the prime minister is asking for foreign help people including children were killed when heavy rain inundated the streets and homes. it was a desperate attempt to stop this couple being swept away strangers mixed into the streets in central aden fighting to proofread the current. thinking.
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it is rainy season in yemen but with neglected infrastructure the water makes its own path through the city turning roads into rivers meaning record sound we had to be safe from movie crews our god these boys trying to cheer up a woman they rescued i seem to have compounding the trauma is that this also happened a month ago then the un had to bulldoze thousands of tons of rubble and model to the streets almost 5000 families were displaced the water also harbors an invisible danger yemen is battling a cholera outbreak of disease spread through. some 400 kilometers north in the capital sana residents a cell which in what they can from floods a week ago he winds and rain killed 7 people injured dozens and damaged 16 refugee
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camps and the neighboring government of marine. the heavy rain destroyed everything they weren't expecting and it came from the mountains and swept everything away without warning running to go codes busses everything in its path. and yet there is a potentially more ominous disaster on the horizon yemen has had just one case of coronavirus the u.n. has ruined it would be catastrophic if it catches hold here only half of yemen's medical facilities a functional the population is acutely known nourished in a. 80 percent to 24000000 people need aid to survive mostly national companies including tetra pak and you know lever and donating tens of thousands of virus testing kits to yemen the shipment will arrive next week. a devastated health system and neglected infrastructure a symptoms of yemen's 5 years civil whether it will continue is under negotiation we've all noted. continued violence where mr griffiths is doing is trying to get
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parties to agree to a nationwide. he's far as the stable nation is far those discussions are ongoing obviously challenge the circumstances. but that that's what he's trying to do challenging circumstances prove that yemenis are is a lucian can't come soon enough charlotte ballasts. the latest global developments now on the coronavirus pandemic and spain's parliament is set to vote on a proposal to extend the nationwide lockdown until my the 9th some restrictions have already been eased for example children can go out for walks for next week and some factory and construction workers have returned to their jobs and the 200 night 1000 people have contracted the virus in spain and at least 21000 have died small to heroin now in madrid he says there are criticisms of the government's proposals
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to ease the lockdown. this is extension has been the most go to the actual as it's all it's completely linked to the decision an abscess city from spanish government allowing children under 14 years old to go with the parents to the groceries to the chemist or to the bags these problem to the huge criticism being all the sex that some sectors of spanish sonic society political parties n.g.o.s the parents association saying that it was it was crazy mad taking this decision up to 6 weeks of lockdown just allowing children under 14 years old going to these places that were. very risky of contagious of course 19 so few hours later a health minister announced that these decision has been have been amended so that these children will be allowed from next week to go off for walks not to parks but for a walk with the parents or an adult just at least for one hour or so so this decision
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was set this announcement get made yesterday is what all these political parties where saying that they will approve this extension of. a state of emergency loved down today in the congress completely associated to this decision that was made yesterday by the spanish government prime minister put their sentence set the yes collation that would start from a 9th would be very secure and will be gradual and various no he also gave all the power to the health ministry to make any decisions regarding this. lockdown measures whether to to implement them or to revoke whatever the they decided to. south africa's president has announced a $26000000000.00 rescue package to deal with the economic impact of covert 19 so around of course are unveiled what he called an extraordinary budget in a special address to the nation about $2600000000.00 will go to the poor in the form of grants south africa's already under
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a 5 week lockdown it has more than $3400.00 infections and $58.00 deaths and then on top of that more than $70000.00 south african soldiers which is nearly the entire standing army of being deployed to enforce the lockdown they will join in the early $2300.00 personnel already on the streets from a dealer in johannesburg forest says the army's been criticized for its selective enforcement of locked down roads. it's areas like this which so far those 2000 troops you mentioned have been deployed and are monitoring movements here they're patrolling the streets we've not seen any here in car his so but that is also one of the criticisms from many members of the south african public at that is that there's a disproportionate use of the army in certain areas if you go to the north of johannesburg in the suburbs you won't see police you won't see the army and so far we understand that the concern from the government is trying to monitor and enforce
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the lockdown in areas like this one just behind us there is a supermarket where there's a queue clearly the supermarket is trying to restrict the number of people coming in but outside in that queue there's very little social distancing now earlier today the minister of defense spoke on radio saying that the aim of putting more soldiers on the street would be to enforce these very strict restrictions and at the same time in this area we've seen police patrol and they've done nothing to move anybody on the streets away and there are dozens of petitions walking up and down there is a normal amount of traffic so they the implementation of the lockdown clearly for the government is one that has not been easy depending on where you are in south africa. our coverage continues in a moment we'll look at small businesses in the u.s. you could certainly see the helping hand from the government after the senate approved a 500000000000 dollars aid and i just. got highly unconscionable thailand where the
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economic impact of covert 900 on the critical tourism industry is hitting hard with no visitors one elephant camp is struggling to keep the animals fed. how low we still have high pressure dominating the weather across northern parts of china towards the korean peninsula so here it is largely fine and dry weather weather showers there in the process of pulling away as this system just south into the open waters long chain of clouds and rain the seasonal rains pushing the way back into southern parts of china and here it is set to stay very wet so over the next couple days cooling off as well 21 celsius in hong kong the tuscaloosa go on into friday some very heavy rain in the heavy rain stretches its way into the far
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north of the further north you go with the sunshine 26 in beijing a warming up nicely tokyo at around 18 degrees celsius dry slushy dry to across much of south asia but we have some very heavy showers the cowboys shockey continue to bring thundery downpours into bangladesh the far northeast of india just around west bengal behind it with a chance of seeing some showers shall is to insist frankly as we go on through thursday carol it could catch some showers as well as we go through friday more heavy downpours you notice there into bangladesh a sound state the found northeast of india the northern parts generally fine in try and once again 20 hot. but. i'll just watch goes on a roller coaster journey in the wrong way and discovers how football can empower the g.g. community itself to lead and identity. i'd like to prove to the
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world cup comes up. i will be able to prove myself to my colleagues from friends and myself i would be able to play the psychic child for afghan you know it's on al-jazeera. the top stories this hour on al-jazeera iran says it's launched its 1st minute treat satellite into orbit which is likely to increase tensions with the united states in the past washington's blamed iran for using its space program as a cover for missile development to heights that. the disaster areas been declared
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in yemen southern port city of aden after it was hit by flash flooding the prime minister's asking for foreign help countries already of course been ravaged by years of civil war and spain's parliament is set to vote on a government proposal to extend its nationwide lockdown until may the 9th which it is a result of these and some restrictions which were put in place to do the corona virus pandemic. in the united states the senate's approved nearly $500000000000.00 in extra age to help businesses and hospitals during the pandemic the his the house of representatives will now vote on thursday on what would be the 4th such package since the crisis began a total of about 3 trillion dollars mike hanna reports from washington d.c. with many senators working from home the boat with taken by voice all in favor say aye. i'll pose no. fear to have it this follows intense negotiation between the white house and congress in recent days at the core of our
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greenman is 320000000000 more for the paycheck protection program which is already shaving millions of small business jobs and helping americans get paychecks and shed a pension works. democrats successfully 4 to include $75000000000.00 for hospitals and $25000000000.00 for testing which had been excluded in the initial republican proposal we don't have enough chests that cry rings from one end of america to the other to urban suburban rural north east south and west we don't have enough jess well now help is on the way because democrats stood and fought for it president trump says he'll sign the bill when it passes in the house of representatives on thursday but in coming hours his signature will 1st go on an executive order limiting immigration it would be wrong in jersey for americans laid
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off by the virus to be replaced with new immigrant labor flown in from abroad we merge 1st take your the american worker take care of the american worker. the details of yet another ban on immigration and travel into the u.s. is yet to be made public no visas have been issued for weeks because u.s. embassies are shuttered around the globe and this week the restrictions on travel across the u.s. has southern and northern borders were extended for another 30 days president transfers the order will not apply to those visiting the u.s. on a temporary basis but rather on those seeking permanent residence critics argue that the move would have no impact on public health or unemployment but is rather yet another intent to decide who gets to be a u.s. citizen in the long term administration officials have been working through the day and night to draft the executive order and clarify exactly what the president means
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mike hanna al-jazeera washington. well the pandemics brought many tourism industries to a halt thailand for example which is estimated to lose $24000000.00 visitors this year because of travel restrictions and lock downs and the impact on talent elephant camps has been devastating owners are running out of money to even feed the animals scott hardly has a report now from canton ability. well the elephants of the tower we charge camp enjoy their morning river back washing away the dust cooling down from the searing thai summer but unaware that their future is uncertain. the mom or caretakers are keeping their routines as much as possible despite missing the last 3 weeks of the tourist high season like all non-essential businesses in thailand the government ordered the camp closed because of kobe had 19. don't run long so
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cohen has run the business since he took over from his father 20 years ago when it was started as a refuge for stray elephants the revenue from the visitors mostly foreigners usually covers the 30 $1000.00 it takes to run the camp each month but now he's struggling along the way i told my stop that we have to fight and together the camp is not a sheen you can't just simply tun it off a managing living beings my staff and my own life and i contest him to stop them wrong says that there are many other people in his community harder hit by the pandemic than he is with funds from previous tourist seasons he's able to keep the elephants that for now but that might change he might need to ask for donations if he's not able to reopen the park over the next few months one way he's offsetting costs local farmers are allowing the more hoops to chop down banana trees for the 25 elephants to the feed on the soft tree trunks as drought has prevented them from bearing fruit. the camp is the only home assume kit mate he shot taken has ever
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known both his parents were working there when he was born he's now raising his own family on the camp and the other markets have taken pay cuts more. i'm worried about many things the elephants my family how am i going to feed them how am i going to pay my bills. with little time to prepare the elephant camp has been blindsided by the corona virus and even if it reopens it's unclear if it will be able to survive. i can see where this outbreak is going to am i have no idea what tourism industry will look like in the next few months but i think it will be like this for a while i have to carry on type issues estimate that the flow of tourism dollars will be down 60 percent this year so the monk and those at the camp will have to carry on and most likely in the next few months they'll also need to find other ways to get their next meal it's got harder al-jazeera cancian a bird and obviously not just thailand feeling the pressure globally they tourism
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picture is pretty bleak trade groups say up to 75000000 tourism jobs will be lost in 2020 asia will be hardest hit were around 30000000 jobs are on the line 6000000 people could be member john dent in the e.u. the outbreak will cost the industry up to $2.00 trillion dollars in lost revenue and tourism plays a massive role really in the global economy in recent years accounted for one in 10 jobs worldwide. and over 10 percent of global g.d.p. mario hadi with us now he is the c.e.o. of pacific asia travel association on skype from bangkok nice to see you mario when we talk about and maybe you can give us the example from thailand or asia more widely when we talk about a tourism job which may be lost that can actually be any number of things can't it not necessarily something that directly deals with a quote unquote tourist. no because the india acts in terms of. revenue
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generated from term tourism is far wider than just actually flights and hotels and tourism activities to farmers producing food into farms to pretty tourist to consume are also affected people are running day you've been a taxi isn't it grabs the next hour of oh so affected entertainment is affected and it goes far far beyond just travel and tourism so the indirect is quite significant it's billions trillions of dollars as you mentioned before across the world that will be lost specifically in asia pacific and represents over $800000000000.00 of losses forecast of this year and as you mentioned about $49000000.00 jobs in the asia pacific region specifically and so anyone associated with the tourism industry wants things to change eventually obviously for lockdowns to end and for people to be able to travel freely do you think that will happen when the skies are open the gate will people be like oh i just need to get out i need to go on a holiday which could actually spark off
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a 2nd wife if we're not careful. i do believe that people have a deep desire to go and travel overseas starting leading a sentiment analysis and surveys we've been running in recent weeks and actually show demonstrated to us that people are really want to go and travel and explore again however as you mentioned there are some risks in traveling and what we're seeing in the short term is most likely the focus will be on domestic terrorism as they lock down started to actually research and start to be released internally within the country at least in thailand that mystic tourism most start to pick up again we hope that slowly after that regional tourism most start again but long haul travel we suspect will take several months away from now until restrictions are lifted and a confidence in a trust in people to travel overseas will need to be regained is that a bit of a wake up call about diversifying economies there are a lot of countries around the world which are dependent on any one thing in this
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part of the world the gulf obviously oil is very important way you are tourism is very important that comes clearly with its own dangerous. obviously it is i actually i wrote an article about a year ago which was very provocative at the time where i said what happened when actually chinese stop traveling and the purpose of that article was a specifically to i like the risk to various destinations around asia pacific and the world who have been focusing very much on outbound terrorism out of china as one single source market and so obviously with the with this current situation initially from china we saw a huge amount of drop diversification of the source markets are critical that versification the product offering but also critical and i sincerely believe also that the expectations of the travelers moving forward will be very different and likely will be an expectation of people looking for nature and wellness not to be in crowded environments obviously. and so i do believe the industries will be
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changed for ever moving forward can be fascinating to see how things change when it mario hadi from the pacific asia travel association thank you thank you very much but of other news for you now and police in india are being accused of targeting muslims during investigations into communal violence earlier this year they have arrested dozens of people including those leading the protests against that citizen citizenship amendment act accusing them of being responsible for the attacks and within 50 people were killed in 3 days of violence in delhi elizabeth purana reports now from new delhi. we're calling her cider to protect her identity she lives in northeast delhi and hasn't heard from her brother in 10 days she's afraid for both their safety side a says that on april 10th police came to their home and asked her brother to go to the police station to make a statement about being shot during the communal violence in delhi in february. they called us at 9 at night and said we're not going to let him go because we've
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seen footage of him and he lied to us we asked them to show us proof but they didn't they said we'll show it in court but how can we go to court when it's shut they haven't let us see him or give him food cider doesn't know if police have charged her brother since the lockdown began 4 weeks ago he's one of dozens of people arrested in connection with the attacks 53 people were killed in the worst violence of the delhi territory in decades it began when supporters of the government citizenship amendment at fort hood protesters complaining the door was anti muslim even though we've had reports of. even before the lockdown before the lockdown lawyers were still able to physically visit police stations they were able to make it to court to file applications needed to protect the rights of the arrestees those options are unfortunately no longer available because of the distractions on court functioning. also arrested a prominent members of the citizenship law protest movement including made on high
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that a recent scholar at jamia millia islamia university among the charges against him rioting murder sedition and promotion hostility between religious groups. civil society organizations say police are trying to blame muslim leaders like hi there for february's weiland while ignoring members of the hindu majority of the party who openly called for attacks on protesters picking them up. looking for conspiracy and after time when all of us are fighting the enemy. only for the students who have been arrested scanning for the very top democracy the m.p. and hi this lawyer told al jazeera the charges against him and others a baseless delhi police didn't respond to al-jazeera requests for an interview but they tweeted saying delhi police has done its job sincerely and impartially and all the arrests made have been based on scientific and forensic evidence including
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video footage sarah and her parents and many other families are still waiting to hear what the evidence charges against their loved ones elizabeth purana al-jazeera new delhi fumo stories and brief greenhouse gas emissions from australia's devastating bushfire season this year have exceeded the country's average annual emissions a government report estimates at least 830000000 tonnes of carbon dioxide released between september and february the report says most of those emissions should be reabsorbed by forests in the coming years but it goes on to say climate change could impact the forests ability to recover in the 1st place facebook will buy almost 10 percent of the indian digital company geo platforms for 5 and a half $1000000000.00 the biggest foreign investment in india's technology sector geo has more than 380000000 subscribers and operates broadband mobile services online commerce the still allows facebook to partner its whatsapp messaging service
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with geo as it looks to expand into one of its largest growth markets and business has been booming for the world's largest internet streaming service during the pandemic between january and march netflix signed up 16000000 new subscribers doubled the number it was expecting and its shares have gained 11 percent over that time. it's now past the hour on al-jazeera and these are the headlines iran says it has launched its 1st military satellite into orbit a move which is likely to increase tensions with the united states in the past washington's blamed iran for using its space program as a cover for missile development denies that same bus arriving with more on this from to him. we know is that this is what the revolutionary guard the i are g.c.c. is their 1st military satellite being launched into space they call it the newer
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one and it is orbiting in the thermosphere at around 425 kilometers up that's about half the distance of the 1st satellite ever launched into space by soviet russia sputnik of course now we do know what that iran has for the 1st several years for the 1st decade of this century they've been developing the kind of rockets required to achieve orbital launch they achieve that in 2009 and since then they've launched a number of satellites a disaster areas been declared in yemen's southern port city of aden after it was hit by flash flooding the prime minister is asking for foreign help and a country that's already been ravaged by years of civil war spain's parliament is set to vote on a government proposal to extend its nationwide coronavirus lock down till may 9th madrid has already started easing some restrictions put in place due to the pandemic and a 208000 people have contracted the virus and at least 21000 have died. south
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africa's president announced a $26000000000.00 rescue package to deal with the economic impact of covert 19 countries under a 5 week lockdown and also more than $70000.00 soldiers which is nearly the entire standing army will be deployed to enforce it join the nearly $2300.00 personnel already on the streets the u.s. senate's pasta nearly $500000000000.00 relief package to help small businesses it will also provide more funds for hospitals and for coronavirus testing the bill now goes to the house of representatives for a vote and as we mentioned a little earlier business booming for the world's largest internet streaming service during the pandemic between january and march netflix signed up 16000000 new subscribers may double the number it was expecting and its shares gained 11 percent that's me for today thank you for your company inside story is coming up next.
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why did u.s. oil prices hit negative territory at unprecedented fall in american crude oil sales has added to the hardships caused by coronavirus so what will that mean for the u.s. and the global economy this is inside story. hello and welcome to the program i'm richelle carey that's one of the world's most valued commodities but the coronavirus lockdowns to overturn the dominance of oil 4th of a barrel of u.s. oil fell to less than nothing on monday.


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