tv NEWS LIVE - 30 Al Jazeera April 23, 2020 1:00am-1:34am +03
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their lives to help the disabled to afghanistan on al-jazeera. saves you money i really really not getting anywhere near. bracing for the outbreak the w.h.o. warns the coronavirus has yet to show its hand in some of the world's most vulnerable countries and the us and europe authorities face a major challenge how to ease lock down restrictions without triggering a 2nd wave of infections. watching not just her life from london i'm very keen operator also ahead the launch that's blasted iran's 1st military satellite into space washington tested must be
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held accountable. and on the 50th anniversary of earth day can lessons learned from the pandemic help focus our minds in the fight against climate change. hello more than 2600000 infections and over 182000 deaths the coronavirus pandemic has shut down countries rule life the birds and raised fears of a global recession but as the outbreak slows and some of the worst hit countries the world health organization is now warning of the virus is only just beginning to take hold in other parts of the world's a particular concern is africa where the european union is aiming to set up a humanitarian air bridge to help move aid and equipment most of the epitome exceed western europe appears to be stable or declining. although numbers are
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low we see warming upward trend you know up 3 central and south america and eastern europe most countryside is still in the early stages of their ex and so that we have affected early in the fundamental gotta know starting to see a resurgence in cases well as u.s. states move ahead with plans to reopen their economies their new warnings of a 2nd wave of corona virus infections in the winter the director of the country's centers for disease control and prevention says the situation will be far more severe because it's likely to coincide with the start of the flu season and having to several changes outbreaks would be a massive burden on the health care system and individuals who develop antibodies it will have protective immunity the question is how long but this is going to be the critical question that we will answer between now and next year when it's very
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likely that we're going to have another. wrestling match with this virus as it comes back and we're going to have another battle with it you know aggressively next next winter for the u.s. president is set to do rather to sign an executive order to temporarily suspend the immigration saying he needs to protect american lives and jobs from coronavirus meanwhile tens of thousands of migrants among them asylum seekers are waiting along the country's southern border with their paperwork hoping they will be able to cross into the united states they fear they will have to wait longer for their cases to be heard trom span is the latest in a string of moves made during his administration aiming to curb immigration one of his longstanding election promises let's go live to mike hanna he's joining us from washington d.c. and as we wait for trump to come out and speak with the coronavirus task force he is expected to sign an executive order on immigration so where are we on that. well we haven't moved any further than earlier when but basically president trump
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was saying that he would be signing this executive order in the course of the day we do understand while we're waiting for this news briefing that members of his administration are still continuing to work to draft the executive order self to explain exactly what the president means because that's not very clear either what we understand from what the president has publicly said up to this point is that it will be imposed for a 30 day period and will then be reviewed the president has also said it will not apply to those visiting the u.s. on a temporary basis but will be applying on those who are seeking permanent residence in the country so certainly this is given rise to intense criticism that something that essentially has nothing to do with public health or employment is being used as yet another device by a president trying to advance an agenda which he has done throughout his administration and that is change exactly who gets to be a u.s.
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citizen now an important point as well in the course of the day the report that early coronavirus cases were discovered in santa sent said to county and there the 1st cases with every the 6 but what was important about this apart from changing the timeline within the united states is that they were shown to have been infected within a community travel had nothing to do with infection according to the metal in medical examiners so this once again giving rise and giving weight to those who are criticizing president trump for introducing a ban which would have little impact on unemployment or indeed on public health and of course mike we've also heard a warning from the c.d.c. chief who is now saying that the coronavirus combined with the season of flu could be much worse next year that's a stark warning. that is a stark warning coming from the director of the centers for disease control robert red field who's repeated this point
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a number of times in the course of the day and this is significant too because president trump has pushed back sharply against the comment saying initially and tweeting in the course of the morning that this was fake news which was put out by c.n.n. well firstly the initial interview was actually with the washington post so c.n.n. reported the washington post interview so president trump was wrong on that particular comment but importantly too is this is just yet another example of the president pushing back against scientists who disagree with what he wants to do president trump has insisted he wants to be the cheerleader he continues to assure americans that this pandemic is being dealt with and it's happened in the past where a c.d.c. official warmed early in february that schools would have to be closed that the pandemic was looming president trump on his way back from india was absolutely furious about this the meeting that had been scheduled for him to have them egypt
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he got back from india was canceled and pushed back for 3 weeks the c.d.c. official herself who made the solutions statement was basically pushed aside within the organization so here once again we are seeing president trump's anger and pushback at any scientists to give something against the kind of message that president trump is wanting to put out which no doubt he will be continuing to put out when this news conference does get underway all right mike hanna will speak to you then thank you for the time being while new york the epicenter of the u.s. corona virus outbreak is ramping up its testing capabilities to better understand how many people have been infected and who can safely go back to work governor andrew cuomo said that restrictions could remain in place until they know more about the virus christmas salumi has more. with strict social distancing measures in place new york has seen its corona virus infection rates slow the state has recorded about a quarter 1000000 cases overall
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a 3rd of all of those in the united states governor andrew cuomo says more testing will be necessary to safely loosen restrictions you don't know how many people were infected you don't know what is happening on the infection rate spread all you know is the hospitalization rate so testing will give you 1st of all more data on how fast the an infection is spreading and how fast it's spreading where i'm going to go you know while diagnostic tests like this reveal an active infection blood test can reveal who has developed antibodies thought to offer some immunity for the disease to recent studies in california suggest exposure to the corona virus and therefore immunity may be more widespread than thought but scientists caution it's too soon to draw conclusions it's really important and if we're going to be making conclusions about the prevalence in a larger population that we have to sample that population without introducing
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extra bias so while that say is important we should not take that as a i am a word for true prevalence in our community new york has begun ramping up its capacity to be able to process 40000 coronavirus tests per day this week that apartment help also began approaching people outside of grocery stores like this to randomly collect 3000 blood samples and test them for antibodies in the rush to do more testing the accuracy of some brands has been called into question and experts from the world health organization as well as the top administration say the antibodies themselves need further testing nobody is sure but with antibodies is fully protected against having the disease or being exposed to get some of the taste of. issues essential to the may give a false negative result but as the economic cost of fighting the disease continues to mount state authorities are under enormous pressure to find a pathway out of the lockdown as safely and as quickly as possible kristyn salumi
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al jazeera new york or virus cases are still on the rise across europe as countries grapple with measures to contain its spread spain is debating whether to extend its lockdown but other nations have taken small steps to ease restrictions here in the u.k. the government's faced criticism or over its testing strategy as the official death toll crosses $18000.00 son to go has more on the situation across europe the house of commons normally rowdy for wednesday's prime minister's questions resumed its business and social distancing firmly in place without boris johnson at the helm in his place the foreign secretary since the start of the outbreak we delivered $1000000000.00 items of personal protective equipment and tens of millions have been distributed via the devolved administrations but we break away from that
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report to take in light of the white house in the us president donald trump as well as the coronavirus task forces speaking on the pandemic let's listen and lot of. tremendous things happening the number of new positive cases continue to decline nationwide. recent hosp ott's appear to be stabilizing the hot spots are. in some cases very interesting what's going on and they're going down they're going in the right direction cases in the boston area now declining the chicago curve appears to have flattened which is terrific in detroit is past its peak. these trends demonstrate that our aggressive strategy to battle the virus is working and that more states will soon be in a position to gradually and safely reopen it's very exciting it was very exciting even today watching and seeing what's happening and people are getting ready and they're all excited i do want to mention manderson
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a very good job for us dr robert redfield was totally misquoted in the media on a statement about the fall season and the virus totally misquoted i spoke to him he said it was ridiculous he was talking about the flu and corona. coming together at the same time. and corona could be just some little flare ups that will take care of when to knock it out will not get out fast but that's what he was referring to coming together at the same time and i think rather than waiting i'd ask. dr redfield to come up say a couple of words just to straighten that out because he didn't say it was a big a big explosion in the headline in the washington post was totally inaccurate the statement wasn't bad in the post but the headline was ridiculous which is as i say that's fake news and c.n.n. is fake is like crazy and they had just totally the rocks are which they knew they were asked to change it and they wouldn't do that. and it was for also
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a list actor redfield who is you know a real professional to come up and explain please. thank you mr president and i really do think it's important to clarify this as we build the confidence of the american people when i commented yesterday that there was a possibility of the fall winter. next fall winter could be more difficult difficult more complicated and we had 2 respiratory illnesses circulate at the same time influenza and the corona virus 19 but i think it's really important to emphasize what i didn't say i didn't say that this was going to be worse i said it was going to be more complicate our more difficult and potentially complicated because we'll have flu and corona virus circulating at the same time i want to emphasize that we continue to build the nation's public health infrastructure to ensure that we have
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the capacity to stay in the containment mode those of you heard me talk before i told you that in january and february up to february 27th 28 this nation had 14 cases we were in the containment mode and then unfortunately the virus overwhelm. well we got into supreme in mitigation we are building that public health care capacity now to make sure that we stay in the containment mode for the upcoming fall and winter season so we will not need to resort to the kind of mitigation that we had to this spring i have confidence that our public health response of really case recognition that we've talked about isolation and contact racing combined with our plans for increased surveillance particularly in for the most vulnerable will be an effective public health strategy so our nation will be able to maintain itself in the containment mode and again that will be supported by the american public's continued cooperation obviously in the areas of personal hygiene
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and the types of social distancing strategies that may be appropriate the key. to my comments and the reason that i really wanted to stress them was to appeal to the american public to embrace the flu vaccine with confidence one of the greatest tools we have as we go through the fall winter season that we're into is to get the american public to embrace the influenza vaccine and thereby minimize the impact of flu to be the co respiratory disease that we confront thank you very much for your field. he was misquoted. he said they could come together that in talk about that and his whole purpose in making the statement was to get a flu shot so that next fall we don't have such a big seasonal flu and we possibly won't but as you said this it's possible if the
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corona even comes back and he doesn't know that it's going to and neither do i we spoke at great length and i think the doctor will speak if you'd like to continue but we may have some embers and we're going to put them out of corona but we may have a big. who sees it but that's different flues very different from corona who follow ok so i feel for you and the washington post which you did the interview with i think or do you were saying there's a possibility that the assault of the virus on our nation next winter will actually be much even more difficult than the one we just went through and when i said this to others they kind of put their head bar they don't understand what i mean we're going to have the flu epidemic and the prone to virus september just the same time is that what you said to the washington post yeah that's what i was trying to say to you just a minute ago that the issue that i was talking about about being more difficult is that we're going to have 2 viruses circulate the same time this spring that we just
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went through february we had the benefit of having the flu season ended so we could use all our flu surveillance systems to say well this is grown of ours we need to focus next fall and and winter we're going to have 2 viruses circulating and we're going to have to distinguish between which is flu and which is the corona virus and so the comment that i made it's more difficult doesn't mean it's will be more impossible doesn't mean it's going to be more as some people said worse it just means good more difficult because we have to distinguish between the 2 and what i was wanting to do and what i want to do again here is appeal to the american public to recognize they can really help like they did with mitigation which they really hoped i need them to help now the best prepare us for getting the flu vaccine in taking flu out of the picture for well what are you going to have to come. up with for them for what that whatever your rights are so well from the washington
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post you were accurately quoted america really quoted in the washington post as difficult. but the headline was never. the headline the headline says c.d.c. director warned 2nd wave her fires. likely to be even more devastating it is that when you see. what he said shortly if you have the 2 things i want is i actually think it's actually going to be i think the american public is going to heed the request to really look at their vaccine has and see the vaccine with confidence for flu and i'm confident that the public health infrastructure that we're putting together now across this country so that we can early case they diagnose eiseley and contact trace as i say a block and tackle block and tackle that system is going to be there and we're going to be able to contain this fire was the right thing and they are a part of the theory that if you you're. right i say we talked about
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this yesterday when you asked me this question and someone i think used the word devastating and i want to really again emphasize to the american public that when we 1st interacted with this virus for the 1st time in the. february and march timeframe we didn't have an understanding of its transmissibility all of its symptoms we do now and i think what we're building together in that when we talk about the public health and their structure it is very much working on the surveillance piece but i think we also know the strength of the american people and their ability to immediately understand how to protect themselves but not touching their face making sure that they're washing their hands but the other piece i want to just talk about and we mentioned yesterday also that we have this summer while we have flu surveillance that we can utilize in syndrome and management that we can utilize we have all of that time to prepare clearly the testing algorithm that you
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would need in a flu potentially if it came back potentially and so we are preparing for that potential right now and i think we spoke to you all about that and talked about how we're not. really preparing for today and tomorrow but we're preparing for 6 months from now 3 months from now and making sure that all of these pieces are are in place i think what dr clearly was asking for just like we asked for every american to follow the guidelines he's saying please add to that guidelines getting your flu shot and then you're you're going to do this it was years ago and it will not come we don't know it because it's a very small confined so we put it well i think the great thing is we will be able to find it earlier this time and i think that's what we're talking about we'll find those cases earlier so what dr redfield said we would be able to stay in containment phase and what we're also hoping and we talked about this about 4 or 5
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weeks ago that we're hoping that the flu. infections also go down because people are much more aware of respiratory illnesses and how to protect themselves when you get your vaccine but we also want to also protect individuals from getting the flu because of the vulnerability we know in certain populations to flu and the devastating outcomes to flu we could prevent and decrease both of those things so i think we are assured that the c.d.c. is putting in place today what we are going to need in the fall so that we can stay in containment if potentially the virus comes back. to. come back. it will be coming back. forward to this is that we. put what you were saying when i spoke to a group like using future come back yes there's no you and you have the embers of
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corona. but in my opinion from everything i've seen it can never be like anything that we've witnessed right now would you say that. nothing like the love. we. i'm not going to have some tempers are growing and you can have a big food system and if they combine you get here if they come to get their stuff great but we will not go through what we went through for the last 2 years as it is accuracy. i understand that the united states the for the people cared of them all but how can you say that you know it won't come back in the same level that it has today what it is estimated might not come back at all to have it may not come back at all he's talking about a worst case scenario where you have a big flu and you have some corona and if it does come back it's not going to come back and i've spoken to 10 different people not going to be like it was also we
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have much better containment now before nobody knew about it nobody knew anything about it we understand it now if we have pockets a little pocket here that would have it put out it goes out and it's going to go out fast we're going to be watching for it but it's all possible it's also possible it doesn't come back at all. but i don't understand how you know it will come back and scare and say it's not as if it does it's not going to come back or anything near what we went through but you could have a mess where they come at the same time and if they come at the same time the flu is not the greatest thing in the world jeff it's not the greatest thing either if they come at the same time you have them both but if we have embers of corona coupled with the flu. that's not going to be pleasant but it's not going to be what we've gone through in any way shape or form you know if you don't think that it's a come back to the state serious right now why are you still directing at taxpayer dollars the standard bird secret german insulators tense because we have to have
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them for other reasons something else could come i mean we do know about corona now we know about corona but look at what happened and now we did have the h one n one swine flu we had that we have other things that have happened. we had various forms of flu but nothing like what we've had here nothing at all like what we had here with a virus but something could happen i think that the stockpiles will make it hundreds of thousands of ventilators right now nobody writes about that you know at the one time all they talk about was ventilators and because you didn't think it was possible for me to solve that problem and i solved it and nobody can believe it i just spoke to world leaders today who desperately need ventilators they said the job you've done and we're sending 500 to mexico then another 500 to france we're sending some to spain we're sending some to italy we have them they're being made by the thousands and world leaders i spoke to prime minister i mean i went through
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a lot of different calls today i want even tell you but i want i can give you a list if you want but i went through a lot of calls to a lot of leaders spoke with pakistan they would like to have some ventilators we're going to get them some ventilators but they all said to be one thing it was incredible that you solve the ventilator crime because that was a big problem the testing problem we've done more than any other nation in the world go a step further if you added up the testing of every nation in the world put them together we've done substantially more than that people aren't satisfied so let's say we had $350000000.00 people in the united states at let's say and if we gave every one of those people a test 10 times so we give $350.00 people a test 10 times the fake news media would say. with the 11th time he didn't do his job trump didn't do his job because you have a lot of bad reporting out there it's very sad and it's so bad it's not true and i
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want to if you want to the leaders of the better we're going to stop progress let's let's get on to one of the subjects i wanted that to be i wanted that to be cleared up if you want we can get on to it later but i want the vice president to speak but you want to get the news accurately you want to write it if you if you take a look at what you wrote about the ventilators. and when we became the king of ventilators were making different factories all over ventilators by the thousands in fact my got back from wisconsin 1st thing it did he called up i said how's it going he said you not going to believe he just saw a plant a factory where they're making ventilators i think i can say the words were unbelievable he said it was unbelievable when he saw the quality of the equipment the the professionalism a tremendous number of how many workers would you said with are far. out or about to trip over. do what he thought this could be done the fake news was very unhappy
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that it was done but you guys don't ask me about ventilators. everybody immediately preceding never mention it you never mention it business or is what a great job we've done with ventless we're now supplying ventilators all over the world because no other country could have done what we did and you should say that's a great story instead you say truck was slow or slow we were so fast plus we put the ban on so much earlier when nancy pelosi is an example you don't say this when she's having her rally in san francisco in chinatown in san francisco nobody wants to say that if we didn't get a doctor found she said this if we didn't close our country to china we would have been so infected like nobody's ever seen when you saw the chart and we were at the top of the list in terms of success nobody wrote it i said where is anybody could it is that your nobody wrote it in terms of mortality you saw that nobody wrote it germany and our country the most successful in terms of we're telling nobody wrote
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it it would be great if you wrote the truth but let's get on with it because i want mike to speak and they will take some more questions on the assumption good like 2 and i think you probably will it's been encouraging to watch states begin to open up as and it really has been it's a beautiful thing to see is restrictions are lifted we must maintain vigilance and continue practicing social distancing. i encourage governors to follow a careful phased approach and i want to remind all americans to adhere to our guidelines very important the governors are going to and here hopefully or they're going to do what they think is best i want them to do what they think is best but ideally they'll add here washing hands avoid close physical contact as much as possible in wary face covering when distancing is impractical there are cases we flatten the curve and really made tremendous progress but we must guard against
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a dangerous rebound we don't want to rebound that's so important is what we're just talking about we don't want to rebound the doctor doesn't want to rebound these people definitely don't want to rebound i don't think you want one do you especially we don't want rebounds after all this death death that we've suffered network and of you work and death that was unnecessary should a never happen should and never left that little area where it started you know it and i know it and they know it in our all out war against the virus we continue to make great strides on testing famous testing doing more than anybody else anywhere in the were nothing funny about that and most of the governors have never faced a situation like this before. but we're helping them find unused testing capacity within the states tremendous testing capacity that the governors in many cases didn't know they had and additional capabilities are coming online every day we're
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coming up with new equipment like the abbott laboratories equipment. on site 5 minutes great success everybody wants it but you can only make so many of those machines so we have many other forms of testing we have many other machines that do it very quickly and by the millions by the millions our task force issued its reopening guidelines earlier than april 30th to give governors the time that they needed to develop testing capability and capacity and customized plans for their states which many of them did we have had some governors a fantastic job on testing and on a lot of other things i spoke as you know governor cuomo is here and we had a great conversation on testing yesterday and they're doing a really good job in new york we're working very closely with each of the states to help them succeed i spoke earlier today with governor newsome california and that
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was all about testing that conversation he's been scaling up really well really good. then i agreed to help him get some of the critical supplies that california needs to make use of the tremendous capacity that they found this is a tremendous testing capacity and i'm going to do it very quickly he needs certain things on that we're going to get that to him very quickly now could he get it himself yes but i can get it faster he understands it and he's done a great job and we're going to have it too and we're going have a lot of it to him over the next 2 days and we're going to. leave it up the following week get him a lot of additional he's done a really terrific job in california some of the governors have done a fantastic. working with us i told the governor of georgia brian kemp that i disagree. strongly with his decision to open certain facilities which are in violation of the phase one guidelines for the incredible people of georgia they're
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incredible people i love those people they are they're great they've been strong resolute but at the same time he must do what he thinks is right i want him to do what he thinks is right but i disagree with him on what he's doing but i want to let the governors of i see something totally agree tj's totally out of line i'll do but i think spas and beauty salons and tattoo parlors and barbershops in phase one going to face 2 very soon is just too soon i think is too soon and i love the people i love i love those people that use all of those things to spazz of the beauty parlors and barbershops tattoo parlors i love them but they can wait a little bit longer just a little bit not that much because safety has to predominate we have to have that so. i told the governor very simply that i disagree with his decision but he has to
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do what he thinks is right i'm excited to announce that in the coming weeks the air force and the birds are incredible. and the navy blue angels equally incredible will be performing air shows over america's major cities and some of the cities that aren't major cities are going to be doing a lot of work a lot of very dangerous flying it's dangerous you know the the odds when you start going at massive speeds and you're 18 inches away from each other and it's dangerous work your son is a great pilot and i don't know if he can be could he be could be a 1000 feet i think i think he probably could from want to hear an hour of it one of to be because it is it's incredible what they're able to do and to sacrifice our front line what we're doing is we're paying tribute to our front line.
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