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tv   NEWS LIVE - 30  Al Jazeera  April 25, 2020 5:00pm-5:34pm +03

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rewind continues with children of conflict johnson we'd love some peace in the school or especially and children do not have any rights here rewind on al-jazeera. the world's health watchdog warns governments looking to end lockdowns that there's no evidence people infected with corona virus develop immunity. robitussin this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up no deaths for the 10th straight day but doubts persist over china's reporting of coronavirus cases suppressing a surge in cases in sri lanka the government really imposes a nationwide curfew. and fears that the fight against malaria could be forgotten as
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humanity struggles with a covert 19 and then nick. a warning from the world health organization if you get corona virus once you're not necessarily protected from getting it again the u.n. agency says there's no end of evidence people who've recovered from the virus have antibodies or immunity from a 2nd infection it's urging against issuing so-called immunity passports they're essentially certificates given to people who've recovered from covert 19 there's concern that by issuing them the risk of the virus spreading could increase chile has announced it's going to be the 1st country to hand out these certificates so people can return to work other countries are looking at antibody tests to help chart a way out of lockdowns how to guess at a vigil is
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a spokesman for the world health organization he told us immunity passports won't be a possibility until the virus is better understood or a vaccine is developed. well we do certainly understand the intention of trying to see who can go safely back who were who would be eventually risk free off effecting other people but unfortunately from the scientific point of view we simply don't know for a person who has been infected with. 90. 2 wires. gets immunity and he should get their meat at the how long this immunity is the last thing we still need to see that through studies and we do welcome all the advances that are being made on diagnostics and trying to get the best that's real show us how many people actually have been infected in the. distance you put it for
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several reasons but at this point we simply don't know so there is no evidence of how much or immunity if any means being provided to adults who have been infected with the virus we understand that the people who have antibodies. may acquire the immunity because these antibodies real. may may stay in the body like the case with other diseases and and recognize the virus when it comes to get at this stage this is a new virus we simply don't know also there's an issue with the number of diagnostics that are being used out there many of them have not been independently verify their research or risk well spoken negative which then brings all sorts of other issues so at this stage these important that we work on that have no sticks and what happened yesterday when we got world read a school meeting to accelerate the process of research on vaccines but also now the
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tools such as that gnostic this is really important for the future but at this stage unfortunately this idea of risk free certificates does not really grounded in science. it was more than 3 months ago that china reported its 1st deaths from corona virus now it says it's gone 10 days in a row without any fatalities singapore meanwhile has reported another $618.00 new cases and now has the highest daily infection rate in asia sarah clarke reports. more than 3 months after the corona virus outbreak the city at the original epi santa is standing down some of its medical teams china's national health commission says all critically ill patients in will have recovered but the last group dispatched from hospital on saturday. the number of patients in severe in critical condition and we had city finally became 0 which marks a decisive victory in the battle against the virus means that the covert 1003 men
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in china has reached international advanced levels. the government is now focusing its efforts on a rise in imported cases in the northern province of helen jiang which borders russia china has recorded more than 83000 cases of the virus but a study published in the journal lancet says the numbers could be 4 times higher if they are just presenting with cold symptoms at a time of winter in china then they simply would have got infected so i had the code maybe being diagnosed with having a cold or pneumonia like symptoms and then gotten better 85 percent of cases singapore now has the highest corona virus infection right in asia it's reported another spike in its daily cases the majority of new infections a migrant workers living in crowded dormitories medical teams have been deployed to step up testing and health checks and the government has extended the nationwide lockdown until june but a singapore totnes its quarantine measures vietnam is starting to lift its
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restrictions the streets in hanoi are still empty but some shops are reopening for business with the health authority there reporting no new cases this week. i observe that the government's decision in strategy are very well thought out and logical and in recent days the outbreak has been pushed back i feel grateful for being a few citizen it's a downward trend being shared in south korea which suffered the 1st major outbreak outside china its government has outlined a 2 year recovery plan after reporting the lowest number of cases since the peak in february but the south korean health minister has warned citizens to accept the reality that life won't return to normal for some time yet sarah clarke al-jazeera . yet nomination neighboring china and it too is getting back to business shops cafes and restaurants are reopening as the country eases restrictions on movements
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they have been praised for successfully containing the outbreak it's reported 300 cases with no deaths and no new cases for a week acted quickly by putting tens of thousands of people in quarantine using contact tracing and testing. them to. vietnam strategy in the fight against cope with 19 was remote and it focused on early prevention before the pandemic vietnam quickly contained a virus and stopped it from spreading to other communities on top of that the government and the ministry of health employed measures including isolation and medical treatment. a countrywide curfews being reimposed in sri lanka until monday at the earliest because of another surge in cases restrictions have been relaxed and what we're considered low risk areas outside the capital now fernandes is following developments from the capital colombo she says more than 55000 police officers have been deployed across the country to impose the curfew. checkpoints
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like this door to the country or all over the $25.00 districts this one the special task force of the police the sum of $55000.00 police personnel that the police spokesman tells us are on the roads policing this complete lockdown over the weekend now the government had hoped a centrally to start easing curfew indeed in most of the districts on monday things have eased from 5 o'clock in the morning to lakes 8 o'clock at night however with a huge spike in the numbers seen yesterday they've had to clamp down once again not just in those districts but also here in the capital colombo and 4 other districts now these are the scenes this generally very busy street in newgate go to columbus suburb is teeming with people on a saturday afternoon but as you can see the only vehicles that are being stopped and searched are essential services they cause invariably lots of food deliveries health service workers and people like that who are the only ones who are allowed
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on the streets the essential services but everyone everyone else has been urged to stay put in fact 35000 more than 35000 people arrested for violating curfew more than 1000 acres being confiscated by the law enforcement authorities. india's easing restrictions for its 1300000000 people in lockdown shops selling non-essential goods cannot open but only at 50 percent capacity is considered infection hotspots such as larger stores and malls are going to stay shut health officials have reported nearly 25000 cases and 775 deaths on friday recorded the highest one day increase in infections elizabeth put on him is in new delhi and she says there are some caveats involved in the easing of india's restrictions. in areas that are considered known hotspots we are seeing shops reopening and people
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heading out this comes after the home ministry released a statement very late on friday night to come as something those of a surprise saying that all shops which aren't in malls or marketplaces are allowed to open but with social conditions like everyone has to wear face masks and gloves and still observe social distancing the gloves aspects aspect is here they also said that all shops and markets in rural areas are allowed to open nearly 70 percent of indians actually live in rural areas we've had a clarification from the health ministry have said that now barbershops and salons allow it to open because they don't sell items they sell services so non essential items are being allowed to be sold but not known essential services we're not seeing any easing of restrictions in places like delhi most of delhi is considered is filled rather with hotspots and we're actually seeing more restrictions and
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other places like the southern state of tamil nadu for instance india's most populous state of health and predation has extended the bad public gatherings until the end of june so the situation really depends on where you are in the country but certainly shops being allowed to open is a huge relief to the millions of indians again in hotspots zones who owned small standalone shops. but his retail sales have plummeted with their shoppers drop since records began in 1996 month and sales for march fell by more than 5 percent but economists expect this month to be even worse forecasting a possible fall of up to 30 percent despite that ratings agency standard and poor's as left britain's credit rating unchanged at double a praising its swift and coordinated response to the pandemic. a french court has backed a ruling restricting what an online retailer can deliver joining the pandemic it
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says amazon must limit deliveries to essentially it's like hell 5 times food companies are going to be fined 100000 dollars for every delivery that breaches the restrictions amazon employs $10000.00 people across 6 warehouses in france. still ahead on al-jazeera. on call recent northern sweden where a red coats victory for the indigenous saw me against the swedish state has led to a series of revenge attacks on iran day. was was and top of the pops the 99 year old war veteran who captured british hearts know as a number one hit.
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how the satellite picture gives away where is active weather where there's cloud rain here it is running through the north and see japan the sea towards japan itself or cartoon parts of honshu but if you're in tokyo it's a mainly fine looking picture and increasingly it's a sunny picture is right sean even in hong kong which starts off rather cloudy becomes warm and sunny slightly less humid by the time you get to the end of monday the rain as you can see mostly had in the ocean a bit maybe nation hard and the frequent showers we've seen in java are far fewer now and increasing likelihood now is to see showers in thailand him bangkok for next 2 or 3 days is like to humid and more likely than not to be sundry at least once during the day the ark obviously sandstorms out as well and jakarta certainly not out of the risk area but in india and bangladesh it's increasingly likely we'll see big thunderstorms in the northern plains or nepal a particular orange tops that dangerous dangerously big thunderstorms and they tend
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to show themselves in bangladesh more than anywhere else but that's where they are in the forecast for the next day or so temperatures are rising elsewhere it's a largely dry picture now in the arabian peninsula and temperatures are rising here the wind out the decor to doha for example to a rather hot 40 celsius. they journey to work can be a challenge on its own. but for some peruvian villagers traversing one of the world's most dangerous roads is a risk that comes with the job. but we follow the journey of these people as they get there to survive. risking it all. on al-jazeera.
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daughter al-jazeera a reminder of our top stories this hour the world health organization says there's no evidence people who've recovered from covert 19 will develop immunity to the virus it's urging against issuing so-called immunity passports over concerns that could increase the spread of the virus china has reported 10 consecutive days without any deaths from covered 19 the original source of the global pandemic is now detecting mostly imported cases and a few local transmissions of the virus. and an island award curfew has been reimposed in sri lanka until monday at the earliest because of another surge in
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cases restrictions have been relaxed in what well considered low risk areas outside the capital colombo. the death toll in the us has passed 50000 in the west covert 900 outbreak anywhere the state of new york is hardest hit coming under cuomo has warned reopening the economy to early in any american state will be dangerous if you say well we're done can't stay in the house anymore let's just reopen just. start business tomorrow let's go what happens that's what happens all the progress we made is gone and all experts or virtually all experts will say not only does the virus spread increase but it increases to a higher point than we had increased the 1st time. despite that note of
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caution demonstrations are continuing across the u.s. against a virus lockdowns it has to say stay at home orders violate their civil liberties that's what the government does when society does reopen that's of more concern to privacy advocates say have a chance of reports from washington. within weeks of 911 the patriot act was passed in the u.s. with no congressional debate it allowed unprecedented surveillance with minimal oversight over american citizens the alternative the government suggested was responsibility for another terrorist attack the laundry list. needed he had wanted for many years at the time they were sure and says the measures would be temporary but they've been routinely reauthorized by congress yet mass surveillance proved ineffective counterproductive and the data was being used for purposes unrelated to terrorism it was only 12 years after the patriot act passed with the whistleblowing of edward snowden that we discovered the extent of
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the mass surveillance and only then was the government's bulk collection of information about americans limited now with the spread of covert 19 snowden and others so there's an opportunity to learn from the past systems to monitor everyone's location at all times of being formalized in secret at the point these policies are being sought these benefits are theoretical often there is no evidence for them and they may never materialize that keep ability will exist in 3 months in 3 years and in 30 years if we allow it to be implemented today clusters of disease do need to be located swiftly and closed off and smart phone data is being used to locate those not adhering to social distancing requirements but we have few specific details on data collection facebook and google have been in talks with the government on sharing information they collect about us online advertising companies that track our movements are discussing new covert 1000 revenue streams
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the. patented who's data collection has been key to the trumpet illustrations deportation program is creating kuvin 1000 models for the government i think all abortions are good time for a century companies are seeking takes. on to their education and to set themselves up to normalize the techniques i tip ensure profits what's been called for is full transparency exactly what information is being collected by whom how long has it been kept for and how is it being used particularly by law enforcement agencies it is traditionally the disadvantaged in society who bear the weight of surveillance right you know we talk about the color of surveillance well the color surveillance of black browed and that's definitely something to be thinking about when you think about data when you think about health you know when you think about the ways in which healthy that could be used in a variety of particularly commercial contacts or to treat people differently when
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they should be the consequences of pandemic policy of a civil liberties go beyond and tronic surveillance and president shows a robust debate needs to occur for policies are not good and not after she ever tansey al-jazeera washington. it's world malaria day and health officials are warning that the coronavirus crisis could contribute to a rise in deaths from the miskito borne disease a report from the world health organization says the covered $900.00 pandemic is causing severe disruptions to malaria medicines this is leading to a weekly increase in cases across parts of africa well area is present in 41 countries the highest number of infections are shown here and read it occurs mostly in tropical climates where mosquitoes thrive and transmit the parasite to people there were nearly 230000000 recorded cases in 2018 which resulted in about 400000 deaths and the w.h.o. says if no action is taken the number of deaths could double dr pedre alone so as
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director of the world health organizations global malaria program he says the lives of hundreds of thousands of people in africa are at risk if the covert 1000 outbreak continues to disrupt malaria treatment. we need to. maintain our culture the predations we need a distribution of it control tools we need to we may open the city axis of. 2 or pregnant women to pump that moves and treatment of malaria we need. is. the response if the. show has released recently of how can we do so in a. save environment in other words not putting a risk the. safety nets the create around.
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what insurance. when so who. is negative it's one of the worst case in a. civil war just just in 2020 is year malaria it's double in africa from just over 301st and in excess of 7000 just. an iraqi man believed to be a member of eisel has gone on trial in germany accused of genocide and murdering his easy child the 27 year old is also accused of crimes against humanity war crimes and human trafficking is german wife is on trial in munich and also accused of killing the 5 year old girl and 2016 un experts warn that the un group was committing genocide against disease in syria and iraq. this is a date but it is important to say that legal history is being written today it's
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the 1st time in the world that the genocide of the u.c.d. people has been brought before a court i'm very grateful that this is a german court and it is also so to speak a blueprint for future trials and that's why we're here today to remember the victims. do women a mother and have 5 child slaves he said to have you. punished them and kept them locked up and the most serious accusation in these proceedings is certainly that he said to have tied the daughter to a window of punishment at 45 to 50 degree thousands outside in the blazing sun where the child is said to have died. bangladesh is facing criticism from rights groups for leaving 500 rohingya refugees stranded on board 2 fishing trawlers in the bay of bengal are believed to have been at sea for weeks the bangladeshi
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foreign minister says the refugees are not his country's responsibility 10 days ago 61 year died on a stranded boat bangladesh rescued 396 others from the vessel but even adrift for months. a hong kong bookseller previously detained by china has reopened his shop in taiwan one winkie was held for 8 months and 2015 after working in a shop selling books critical of chinese leaders if led to taiwan a year ago when hong kong announced its controversial plan to allow extraditions to china which has since been scrapped. now it's been 5 years as a powerful earthquake struck nepal thousands of people were killed 800000 were displaced most of the reconstruction has been completed but it's not for everybody . reports from. 7.8 earthquake struck parts of. his home in the quake.
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tired of living in a temporary shelter her family is rebuilding their house. near the capital katmandu where 800 homes were destroyed and 7 people died i never cared man by many of our neighbors have left their temperature shelters we felt alone so we decided to rebuild our house and. the 16th century town is a draw for visitors contributing significantly to its tourism economy it is home to the temple of much in the not with valleys farmers prayed for rain and a good harvest the temple collapsed during the. reconstruction has been slow some. differences organ donation. of the temple we have formed a committee to move forward. reconstruction authority says more than 80 percent of homes and public infrastructure damaged in the quake have been rebuilt across the country. the number is significantly lower those behind the
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reconstruction effort are hopeful of progress. 400 homes have been reconstructed in the next one to. temporary shelters. local officials say 50 percent of reconstruction is complete but the remaining may take longer. to farm and community and. until reconstruction is complete many families here will continue to live in temporary shelters. and. a group of indigenous sami reindeer herders in sweden has been targeted by revenge attacks following a long mock court case in january the how does one back exclusive rights to hunting
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and fishing in their area of the arctic but that's led to heightened tension between the sami and local swedes already reports from vice noctua near the norwegian border. this is modern day reindeer herding. sweden's indigenous saw me people crossing frozen lakes on snowmobiles to feed the reindeer by hand a symptom of their disappearing pastures here in the arctic reindeer herding so important for and disarm a culture in sweden we are struggling to you know skipping reindeer to survive or winter and it's very costly and puts a lot of strain some families and. the effects of climate change and the impact of mining and dams are part of a growing list of problems adding to that strain these are going to have been moved up into the mountains for the spring and summer where the spike all the dangers that face them they should at least be safe from a new one the to merged over the winter that new danger was
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a spate of killings of reindeer suspected to have been carried out by swedish neighbors in retaliation for a court case that the sami community won against the government and which gave them back the right to decide who hunts and fishes on their land loss all that young is one of those who has found his animals slaughtered in the words. i let my reindeer loose here and a man drove up in seed you don't come here with your reindeer or will shoot them we've already shot 7 or right and if i meet you alone in the forest i'll shoot you too it's been a tense winter most of the swedes are good people but we have this clique that has such hatred towards reindeer and reindeer hooters. tensions rose in january of to sweden supremes court ruled in favor of the saw meet reindeer herding union of good whose line stretches some 300 kilometers from here near the norwegian border it could set a precedent for 50 other such areas covering hoff of sweden and may also hinder
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plans for more wind and water power plants and mines which have already decimated reindeer pastures the government in stockholm has condemned what it described as racism threats and hate against the saw me but hasn't commented on any strengthening of their rights so maybe they. saw the supreme court stated that the international indigenous rights conventions sweden is bombed by must be observed in decisions affecting the saami we must see changes in legislation and see it applied not least when it comes to maining and forestry. back up north of the cases caused uncertainty both to swedish hunters who now need missions from the reindeer herd as union and you don't have membership tempering enthusiasm for what is a rare victory for that people and while the coronavirus devastates the economy the creation of yet more industry on these lands could be a bigger priority than giving the salmi a real say in the destiny of the country. sweden.
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a 99 year old military veteran has hit number one on the u.k. singles chart for the charity song supporting the british health service. captain tom moore of originally aimed to raise a $1000.00 for health workers by walking $100.00 laps of his garden instead he's raised nearly $37000000.00 and the name of the song you never walk alone. this is all just here are these are the top stories the u.k. hospital death toll has passed 820000 up by more than 800 in 24 hours the figures being released as retail sales sold their shoppers drop since record began in 1996
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despite that ratings agency standard and poor's has left britain's credit rating unchanged at double 8 praising its swift and coordinated response to the pandemic the world health organization says there's no evidence people who've recovered from covert 19 developed immunity to the virus it's urging against issuing so-called immunity passports over concerns they could increase the spread of the virus. well we do certainly understand the intention of trying to see who can go safely back who were who be of ranch. risk free or expect the other people but unfortunately from the scientific point of view we simply don't know if the person who has been infected with. 90. 2 priors. gets this immunity and if it gets the immunity how long this immunity
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is lasting and china has reported 10 consecutive days without any deaths from covert 19 the original source of the global pandemic is now detecting mostly imported cases and a few local transmissions of the virus and an island wide curfew has been reimposed in sri lanka until monday at the earliest because another surge in casings restrictions have been relaxed in what were considered low risk areas outside the capital colombo. india has begun easing its nationwide lock down some of the small neighborhood stores relied upon by the country's 1300000000 people are being allowed to reopen a large malls are still closed and as the headlines the news continues here on al-jazeera after risking it all could buy. london is one of the most important cities in the world and decisions made here have an impact right around the globe
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and so here at al-jazeera we will show you the impact of those decisions on people but how it affects their everyday lives. we are free to put them on air and to really engage those stories because we know that all anybody else is interested not just in the mainstream news but also the more hidden stories from parts of the world that often go under reported.


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