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tv   South Africas Deadly Politics  Al Jazeera  April 27, 2020 12:32pm-1:01pm +03

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sunday. schools and universities in some parts of china that were closed because of the pandemic are beginning to reopen and social distancing measures will continue during lessons students in the city will hand where the outbreak began will start heading back to school and that's as early as next week south korea is considering opening schools in may so has begun lifting social restrictions with large churches reopening on sunday in the past week and a half the country has reported less than 20 new cases each day and to australia more than a 1000000 people have chosen to download a mobile phone tracing up the software uses bluetooth technology to connect with other phones so users can be contacted if they're exposed to covert 90 year to date with the headlines got more news here in our right after witness. as corona virus continues to devastate the united states the race to the white house goes on joe
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biden has all but secured his place is the democratic nominee but can he beat still trump joining us for continuing coverage of the u.s. election 2020 on al-jazeera. that was make sure that the story that i'm telling isn't back for it's always on something simple question why should people k. 'd. killings it's. it's a reflection of the posts the society that's why isn't. headed home where shouting families about the money. that all of us acted out about
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it have an assault that isn't they are all that important that i wouldn't call it that i want your.
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the way. my good woman lives i was. a very serious a happy very ok there was russian arguments ok. just that. sleepiest of it was very challenging 6 o'clock 7. having not only have i love you christmas and now i'm on holiday here tomorrow i'm doing that the problems of prayer. i started working in case a really truly 70 need is really been leaving office. now please
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june sample 0.0 and imbue chief. this is new to me so this is usual on the block he pleaded there's a lot happening so today it's a big trial kicking off for cleveland's. there's 8 people the caring including a police senior police officer used to work at the durban central police station and bushel but the main story here is not only the trial but i was recently in touch with my people at cleveland and there's a new head man who just moved in like a month ago it's almost like oh let's wait and see who's next politics in was in the tile is very securitized almost every politician doesn't matter which party you belong to you need to have a bodyguard that's us and is in of course of the stuff that crops up as we come along.
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90. and. 200. and 56 messages. and never intended to become a journalist it was a career that i always tell people who choose me. our revenue. and 5 yeah we can talk about how many people are affected by this land. i really want to start covering politics i just to get a sense of what it was like if i really cut my teeth into it and i discovered just like passion for it but i didn't even know existed i started working in case it in
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an attack when it was just almost every week i was covering the murder of a politician and it wasn't something that was necessarily getting attention but then i realized that this has to become pick up that people need to know about this i've worked so hard to make the problems part of the national agenda.
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appear in the story put it on to their. houses to have them. when i'm done the 17 i realize this strange thing still so happens a case of dockets going mystic. witnesses actually ending up being killed just on the case and still back to the killing officer mark article which then promotes the issue is going to shuffle because. like i think we have a think tank i want to ask if these are her own personal bodyguards these are the ones provided by the states. what things can
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we talk to about what country talk turns out i don't know there are so much in training that already goes looks of american manager with trial he knew or told her as long going cases that or. under way. by the right to go. where member traum yanira tape demanding your son to use a large bank in a talk is the only living minutes when in full it isn't. so. much and. i think i will try to be patient and religion and just a little less questioned and fortunately for. me we were. we won't if they see us shamba nurtured and learned through the lens a loss in just
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a moment then a trauma and some piss in it and no one has to go to answer when the night when will 2 years in. and you know that you know you're used and yeah you. can. meet. it's kind of. supportive cause that's where your faith car and all my ensued sleek said 3 general cindy so much on the day he was assassinated to leave the masterminds behind to hit us. to see that face today has her story all right so we should say will start off from long. standing to the right time and now living in more the. cessna simply winning one so soon get them we're going to leave him in this is shanley's. we're now on to a book and i'm hopeful i mention it many naive and the
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then began to be intriguing over the statement the stigma. ending into something i mentioned. i was playing the making it playing in the rain the people that you believe our response we've been is that they are around us if. we believe in. is. that as long as there's still the mountain in the back of that's what i want to know yeah when he. gets paid jobs and the same position that you are in the swiss. rolling that you councillors have turned down being placed in a witness protection up program ahead of the child saying they refuse to abdicate their judi's and the wards that they so the pay
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a say they still draw strength from the life of cindy so much that god and his death was not something. you. believe lives almost like
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a visible depiction of the inadequacies of the failures of the states because so many people were killed and grieving the thing is who was behind it so. badly bush. is nearing fees ok that's. what happened when in business i like. to do. the math and you. told me to tell me. 4 wives recently i did as i said by scientists. but have not. done well for months. and. i was no more karna and where on the commission pointing in that
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way or i'm a politicians i figure i live in plans as a freelancer. i used to as. unemployment rate because we were told. i was under no interest to the outkast we've never been to the record until we. were demoted. that might as how. do you know. about prevent a severe bias if it was not what was she going to tell it was ready to go into didn't we. i said to lateral you for him of course and. i want to learn this from someone produce our own talk all. the. presenters we're good to nurses who could do and i would do the do them homework or not was so full there was no i was. told to go
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so no mind example now i've come here. even in a handbag. when you miss manners would. know which means when when your bunch. of you shows it is the person it was close to what it is about above no question but. those to. buy you about to do but the value of an. so we. all know the good. from our. last. candidate. who says. it was reality that. opening in iraq absolutely
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right i planned to do. what happened. to me to. my jaw and. back out why patrolling trying. to kill and for me. thank you and i we flew back when i'm out that money. due to. begin to fall in and learn the truth now. and then. and no big lesson to move on to. well now i need to lead. them and inequalities. and you know when our returning and since trying to 15. 1000 years.
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ago wasn't. why. i didn't concern among us and i must. add to the total well isn't it just pay that management agency head but think about developments that have wielded well in his sleeve so that is it is to be a little less than to later wanted to close them when they are. needed t.n.g. by you haven't really read. on a summer stock and women are in the round sum angie. doesn't even she lacks understand and is. of course there's a bone and say here are cool. and understanding
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is as i've been shaving no one to blame and. i just have to solicit on. who to his name. who needs only come visit me is from m.s.n. i take is they we energy and someone asked him oh. it was the mr benson. flowing again tension. day i got. a little in our eyes.
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when i. came. i'm very passionate about journalism and i've i throw myself 110 percent into whatever i do but then i did taste sometimes how demanding it is of every aspect of my life. this is so much to do so many stories to tell you know just never get the the wrists time the need. for. my day saying no man i'll tell you about my heart i'm so tired like i was always tired even let her go to jail like 0 just always exhausted those a day i was at a store i collapsed twice in one day doing flips like fainted twice. then they were
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like you want to go to the hospital here. i was like no other go back home i get to the doctor's office and i literally collapsed at the doctor's office. so you commissioned this new book. i'm talking about me do you think at some stage as i was writing a book on political columns like iran's up when you're asking a book but i'm not you don't just write up what i'm looking for is to get a bodyguard we doubled up as a hit. most of the particles didn't write. it so that ok with. you when you're out of work or personal. only i think i don't think so i don't think we're told that. just don't be here and write about it because i mean when i was younger are used to have this and it's going to see you know i think that i'm a journalist it's a form of
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a sort of qubits case who is just as much he said to me you've got to we've got to be fixed yeah refused because of me it would be a sort of weakness. but now that of all that i'm not. that they've been so busy with or. were. that's not easy to most people to continuously talk a little bit in especially with a case like sitting here so mark as we have is just still a lot of unanswered questions when you don't want to. feel like you're exploiting someone's pain. even though it's true and just trying to make sure that the story doesn't die.
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on the islands of the long run. from news from africa or noses job sound. all casing and so on and on and camp in mumbai airport to carjack. ok. bye. i think the assassination of sin is a much darker as what really made people see what the hell is going on. but it's not one person there's a much larger context to would like to tarry aeration above the moral fiber of society as well. we're down on my musings on our big.
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i don't have airing them. so you'll go on not oh yeah i was going to look for them . in scripture shawna at the july he was still busy he had left in his intimate contact after a little while joan was walkin around with all our love and our. social and relaxed you know last day i get home i thought last day it's been a challenge i very much be the whole district of here so you miss him a lot and movie i'm missing you millions. dial his crew member. over non-valid just say such as it was a. couple of school in just bending to looking only. and. 'd
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how it. was. just the basics and then whatever else needa come back and finish. my parents do worry about the risks that come with the job. i think they've seen the months of passion that i had like you actually just kind of stopped me starting . as it's our one attaboy looking at. mates political killings possible so he said so your little to me recently. created 5 minutes waiting list people who are eager to barack and in our parenting at actually now become an industry to deal with i mean well.
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i'm back with. the trial of the so-called liberal and 8 has been postponed i'm joined by newsroom us because was a minute tell bureau chiefs who is in studio with us this afternoon so share with me than see under their experience your experience of covering issues around the violence the killings at cleveland's also. you also have been tracking the political killings and. the killing of cindy. but talk to me about glib lends itself has now become almost a business the business of killing and hit men as become so prominent because of the high levels of unemployment you know death is always hard to tell weight literally death is a hard it's a way i mean this whole network that's said to have involves
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a policeman it's involved politicians during the morani commission of inquiry we had heard that ziggy burns was a place where politicians go shopping for hit men and the problem here is the weapons that are used for these assassinations are not legal. on armstrong. i'm so tired of the killings in this province but i don't really get disillusioned and then there's even much leisure time for that. is good i'm just going to fall apart that's why i always just keep going keep going keep going until const up. contact starts a story like. our fire. in
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a war torn city in iraq a medic documents the stories of the survivors recording bare hopes and dreams for a peaceful future after american troops withdrawal. but the conflict is far from over. he turns the camera on himself when i so take control and his family are forced to flee no where to hide a witness documentary on al-jazeera. one half scottish and half lebanese so diversity is really important to me and al-jazeera is the most diverse place i've ever worked we have so many different nationalities and this is east brought together in this one news organization and this diversity of
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perspectives is reflected in our coverage giving a more accurate representation of the world we report on and that's a key strength of al-jazeera. eyes only test treats and trace frank assessments why it's really struggling to cope with the number 4 on the virus page failure to take really aggressive action will get them behind her informed opinions it's going to be much more challenging in a place like haiti where there's one ventilator 3000000 people in depth analysis of the day's global headlines india doesn't up to nip the spread of the out of hours in the inside story on al-jazeera. when the news breaks over the night of the dumping of garbage in the river by the government has wrecked our lives when people need to be heard and the story needs to be told to many coming to this place of the only chance they have to eat at least once a day with exclusive interviews and in-depth reports for obvious reasons of the
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world battled them from pandemic we'll bring you the latest developments from around the globe al-jazeera has ground to a new moon boldly documentaries and life. this is al jazeera. hello i'm rob matheson this is the news our live from doha coming up in the next 60 minutes fighting talk from britain's prime minister as he returns to work after his personal battle was caught on a virus. this is the moment when we have begun together to wrestle it to the floor. days from loosening the lockdown in italy lays out a time.


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