tv NEWS LIVE - 30 Al Jazeera April 28, 2020 1:00am-1:34am +03
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2 of you you'll explain the entire process and how much progress we've made and where we're going thank you very much. thank you mr president so the blueprint lays out the roles and responsibilities to enhance our partnership between the private sector and the public sector bringing together state and local governments with the federal government to ensure that we can accomplish and achieve our core principles and objectives begin at the 1st slide the core elements of the testing plan include both. 3 elements robot robust diagnostic testing plans developed in partnership with state and i just really want to thank the governor is and health officials both at the state and local levels have been working with us day and night to work through these issues and also all the laboratory directors in many of the states as well as the american society for microbiology who have been working with us to ensure that the plants were efficient and effective within the robust diagnostic testing plans is really unlocking the full capacity of the state
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increasing the number of testing platforms we now have multiple tests for different platforms increasing ability to collect samples increasing testing and laboratory supplies and ensuring that we work together to make sure that every client receives the tasks that they need this is added with timely monitoring simple systems and what i mean by that systems where we bring together the ability to not only diagnose the symptomatic but progress proactively and interactively work with individuals that we know are at higher risk we worked with states to look at where the outbreaks have occurred when they're not in the large metros and we see that it occurs very often in places close settings among our native americans and among our long term care facilities so an active monitoring program that's active integrated and innovated and then combining us with the 3rd element which is the rapid response program relying on c.d.c. to be working with state and local governments to ensure that every symptomatic
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case and critically the asymptomatic cases are quickly tracked and traced to ensure that we can and not only control this epidemic but predict outbreaks before they expand and then finally notice that they want to press conference in the rose garden with president. outlining the blueprint as he described it for reopening states and the effective with the need to have a proper testing plan which he says is being worked out with the help of states and local governments and what with the federal government to increase testing capacity before they can then we open their economies. bring you more from that news conference a little later on now another major milestone has been passed in the corona virus pandemic with more than 3000000 cases reported around the world it comes on the day the world health organization warned that it could indirectly harm the lives of millions of children who are missing out on vital vaccinations for other infectious
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diseases w.h.o. says $21.00 countries are already reporting shortages of some vaccines every year more than 116000000 in funds are vaccinated or 86 percent of all children born globally but there are still more than 13000000 children around the world who miss out on vaccination we know that the number will increase because of 19 already polio vaccination campaigns have been put on hold and in some countries routinely immunization services are being scaled back or shut down as you've been nations begin to ease their lockdowns the w.h.o. has repeated its call that they must track and trace all suspected coronavirus cases of the warning comes italy announced a phased reopening of its economy but the u.k. says it's too soon to relax any measures there and the hayward takes
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a look at the situation across europe britain's prime minister back at work after recovering from coronavirus with a warning that there will be no letup in the lockdown yet i can see the long term consequences of looked done as clearly as anyone and so yes i entirely share your agency it's the government's urgency. and yet we must also recognize the risk of a 2nd spike more than 21000 people have now died from corona virus in newquay hospitals in one of the world's worst outbreaks the government has announced that the families of national health workers who died from corona virus touring this crisis will receive a $75000.00 payout the number of tests being offered in the u.k. is being expanded but the government has faced criticism for the slow rollout of mass testing and there are growing prostrations and questions even within boris
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johnson's own party about how soon the economy can reopen italy has set a date to start easing its lockdown the longest in europe factories and building sites can reopen next week bars and restaurants can't fully reopen in june while schools will stay shut until september. and many parts of europe are grappling with the impact of this crisis. there is anger in some of france's poorest suburbs the lock down and restrictions on movement in communities where people often living cramped conditions has led to an arrest the police have been accused of being heavy handed in their approach racial slurs were allegedly used to mock a man trying to escape arrest. that we as was going you know all are against you but it seems like france is at war against.
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you know it is you know so it's difficult because people are suffering from there is suffering from. economy and social impacts there is optimism in some parts of europe but the worst of this crisis may be over but the still no unified approach in how to keep safe going forward in most parts of germany people have to wear face masks in shops and on public trial. called. elsewhere some families are seeing one another for the 1st time in weeks albeit through the glass put together all the things i am a he would is there a. health check experts in the u.k. are investigating possible links between a rabbit dangerous condition affecting children and the corona virus over the past few weeks hospitals in london have reported a rising number of children with stomach pain vomiting or die rich it's dead some into what doctors call a multisystem inflammatory state requiring intensive care symptoms include
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information of the heart country's health minister says he's very worried by possible links to the virus after some of the children tested positive. and said take it back to the president taking questions from the media nobody's going to do it and we recommend that they do it as quickly as possible but safely we want everyone to be safe and i think you seeing that you see a lot of governors get out and they want to open it up many are thinking about their school system that not a long way to go in the school system right now for the season for this year but i think you'll see a lot of schools open up even if it's for a very short period of time are they going to be a good thing because as you see in terms of. what this vicious virus goes after young people seem to do very well young people seem to do very well so i know that there are some governors that aren't necessarily ready to open up this states but they may be ready to open up their school systems will say but that's their choice but the word is safety. ok rapid but safety yeah place go ahead
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please thank you mr president i don't question for you regarding one of the members of the coronavirus task force and that's secretary of h.h.s. elysees up on january 28th in the premier in the briefing room told reporters that for the individual americans the virus should not be an impact on their need to be like 3 months later when than $55000.00 of our fellow americans have now lost their lives mr president why is he still your top health in my eyes and why is he still serving as he teaches secretary but i think it's a very unfair question because you have many great professionals some of them you have great respect for and you have many people on the other part of your mission alex asr but he of many people in the other party that have said the same thing and with even more confidence so a lot of people didn't get that right. i was i was very fortunate whether it was
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through luck or whatever that we close the border we put a ban on china other than our citizens coming in we had our citizens you can't keep out american citizens you know gee you can't come back into a country that's a little tough to do but we put a ban on china that was very fortunate but i could tell you that nancy pelosi was dancing in the streets in chinatown she wanted to go let's go out and party now that was late into february so you don't mention that but you could mention that had any of this please go ahead people got the president has not been in a previous place to know people but. you should he should have no complaints places . yesterday you reach way to someone who lives a bit difficult attempt quoted i'll quote you play it played the mortality rate of the coronavirus by i do reporting to him picturing do you believe that's true that there's some sort of conspiracy theory recording the number of effective speaker reporting well i can only say what we're doing where report. very accurately if you
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look at other countries other countries or not i mean you can look at china you can look at numerous countries where i don't think those are right numbers i can only say what we're doing it's very important to us to do very accurate reporting and that's what we're doing john go ahead please it's we have it mr president thank you place mr president and i ask you about. the papers protection plans p.p.p. print help small businesses down there but a lot of concerns today with the website oh it's just not working the doctor to. see if they're deeply frustrated well it's fixed on their it impacts will not be able to help us struggle this is you know well i just came out and i hadn't heard i heard there was a glitch we'll find out whether or not that so certainly it did work out very well for the original amount of money this is the 2nd and i'll find out about that will fund we're relying on the banks to go out into an accurate place in the back of it thank you to get aid mr president well i wouldn't mind doing that i don't know what the legal status of something like that i would like to do that as far as i'm
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concerned i'm not involved in that process but i would certainly like to have it listed i'd have to find out if there's a legal problem but if there isn't i would do it gladly place the president kerry spearing right part is and a majority of polls show that americans point china for the spread of the coronavirus and yet they're taking advantage of the crisis to make the world order and their countable and how do you keep our country well surely there are a lot of ways you can hold them accountable we're doing very serious investigations as you probably know and we are not happy with china we are not happy with that whole situation because we believe it could have been stopped at the source it could have been stopped quickly and it would have spread all over the world and we think that should have happened so we'll let you know what the appropriate time but we are doing serious investigations business is from relying on china for their supply chains how do you how do you fix that well we've already discussed that and especially having to do with medical supply. eyes and others and others if you look
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prior to this virus the deficit was coming way down under my administration because i put massive tariffs on china we took in tens of billions of dollars gave some of it to the farmers who were unfairly targeted by china nobody's ever done that before we never took in $0.10 from china now all of a sudden i think you know very well we've taken in tens of billions of dollars by help the farmers by giving them 2 years ago $12000000000.00 all coming from china and we have plenty left over to and then the following year 16000000000 and this year we're also going to help our farmers but nobody's ever done a thing like that because they were targeted unfairly by china so we're doing a very strong investigation and we'll let you know what the result of that is we should be able to get the answers to. president. as you talk about potentially reopening up america again as we see in this life behind you what that are you going to look at in the future to see if restrictions need to be reimposed yeah
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we're looking very much in reliant very much on the local areas the governors and that's been the way it has been for me maybe not for everybody but for me that's the way it's been at the beginning and from the beginning the governor some of them are doing an extraordinary job not all of them but some of them and i think all of them maybe hasn't have a chance to do that some will be a little bit different the air is a much different manhattan is much different than montana you have a lot of different circumstances but and obviously if you look at the virus it hits some areas hasn't hit very much other areas not even at all almost not at all but the entire country has been infected west virginia as an example i spoke to jim just as the governor of west virginia and they were a long before anything hit and they had numerous deaths even a west virginia and they were really the last one to be hit so we're dealing with the governors we had a really great call today as i told you very very solid these are these were not
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complaining people these were people that were they had everything they needed they had their ventilators they have their testing they see they're testing is growing they're growing they're testing we're helping them we're getting them that what they need and that was a group i wish i mean i'm sure some of you were on the line even though you weren't supposed to be and i think you know what the result of that call was please go ahead why do you say that. i said i'll be. there any. $30000000000.00. for the piano get off by the fire with grace and look and do it. well we can do something much easier than that we have ways of doing things a lot easier than that but germany's looking at things or we're looking at things. and we're talking about a lot more money than germany is stuck in a bit you know please go ahead and if you can't we haven't determined the fundamental think that's a very substantial view look at the world i mean this is worldwide damage this is
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damage to the u.s. but this is damage to the world please it's an attorney general well you are correct on your watch out for. i mean violating it there are orders what's the strategy there with the federal government. local authorities or what do you have to ask attorney general barr but i think he wants to see like everybody he wants to see people get back in wants to see people get back to work he doesn't want people to be held up when there's no reason for doing it in some cases perhaps it's too strict he wants to make sure people have their rights and they maintain their rights very importantly so a lot of people would agree with him but you'd actually have to ask that question specifically from a legal standpoint to attorney general. government feeling it would depend on the state it would depend on the circumstances of the state been some states are you know perhaps a little early and some states are a little bit late and the attorney general i read that and i saw that and frankly the attorney general doesn't want to have rights taken away because you know there
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are some people that are not allowed to open up a store or really lose their livelihood and by the way that causes death also between all of the things that happen and this is been a big study. you know the fact that people aren't allowed to have their freedom causes tremendous amount of problems including death so that's what he's talking about plays in the back. maryland and other states other we're hoping specifically said they seen a spike in people using disinfectant after your comments last week i know you said they were sarcasm i can't imagine why i can't imagine why you responsibility oh i don't know i can't imagine i can imagine that yeah go ahead please president dr at the fout she says that we need to increase testing by double it at least so is the rockefeller foundation where are we going to be doubling that's it it doesn't really matter what they say there and we just left him we just had a meeting but because we're going to have much more than doubling very soon now
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there are big believers in testing and then there are some governors that don't feel as strongly about it at all you understand that they feel much differently about it but we're going with maximum testing because it's something we're very capable of doing but will be much more than doubled you know mike i'd like you to answer that we're going to be much higher than doubled on testing very shortly mike place. thank you mr president. i hope the american people looking on today are as proud as the president and i are of the incredible public and private partnership that you heard from today it was 2 months ago that we had done less than 10000 tests for the corona virus in the united states because president brought together these incredible commercial labs brought together the best known retailers in america. now mr president we have 5400000 tests and as
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you said earlier today we've we've done more than 200000 tests in a single day. as we met with governor sedate i sense the enthusiasm among governors for the way that testing is scaling all across the country and we assured them on the call today that we're going to continue to directly partner with them to to make sure that all of the resources you heard about today continue to be expanded but i want to ask who's we literally working day in and day out with the governors to describe some of the numbers for exactly where we will be we're we're north of $5000000.00 tests done now. it is it is remarkable to think of the pace of acceleration but admiral maybe you could speak about exactly when we will reach the point that some of the experts say that they think we need to be at whether that the b. 300000 tests today or 500000 tests today but what's remarkable to me as
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a lay person mr president because of this partnership you forge we're we're almost there and will be there very very soon for the american people but everyone who is as anxious to see america reopen as this president our entire administration are should know that the 3 phased approach that the president outlined 10 days ago we believe and i believe increasingly governors understand around america that we have a sufficient amount of testing today for every state that qualifies to enter phase one to begin to reopen their economies mr president with your permission i'll just as an majority give some specific numbers about about how quickly for all that we've done how much more quickly you'll see an expansion of testing because of the partnership that you witnessed again here today. thank you mr president mr vice president. the number of tests that need to be done depends on the state level you
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understand that places where there is high virus circulating will need many many more test places that do not have high virus circulating may need less test but let's assume dr she was talking about about a $4000000.00 per month number which was sort of a week ago where we where we are. so we will according to the governor's plans for next month we will easily double that $4000000.00 number we will have over $20000000.00 swabs that we're going to send out will have over $15000000.00 tubes of media we have all the tests matched machine to machine in a focused area we've gone state by state and understand that and this is not even including what you just heard the $5000000.00 per month test by lab corps inquest or the point of care test by abbott or all the other tests that are out there so in may we're going to be doing more testing in this country and people talk about
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south korea a lot. the state of the states with the least amount of testing will double the overall cumulative number per capita that south korea has done in 4 months to give you that understand. where the sounds are probably promising walgreen the p.b.s. with the drive thru time to prognosticate here but we sat here in the rose garden back on march 13th these companies were here some other companies were here by my count only 16 are in drive through test sites if instead of by the companies that were here i'm wondering if you and of course mr vice president back in early march you said we'd be at 4000000 i testified the following week for just now got their last few days so what did you learn about what went wrong you don't want to have her go to last more than a half or 2 months of what's going to go right now what lessons did you learn from the mistakes of the last you know what john i by appreciate the question but it
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represents a misunderstanding on your part and and frankly the a lot of people in the public spar about the difference between having a test versus the ability to actually process the test. i mean the truth was when the president to me to leave the white house coronavirus task force 2 months ago we saw the production of lots of test kits going into the marketplace but as the president has said many times what he understood early on was the old system would never be able to process the tests at the massive volume that we would need in the midst of an epidemic and that's why the president brought together these extraordinary commercial labs that you've heard from today literally sat them down in the roosevelt room and said we need you to turn all of your energies loose on doing the kind of high speed testing would be necessary for us to reach the numbers we're at today and so there was no disconnect at all there were there were lots of
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test kits out there admiral and frankly there still are today there are literally millions of tests that could be run in the old style slow laboratory that is are still conducting tests today whether it be at the c.d.c. or at state laboratories but what the president brought about with this public private partnership has brought us to the point where we've done 5400000 tests to date and and literally you just heard that by next month it could we could be doing as many as 2000000 tests a week all across the country to give the american people confidence that we can reopen and get our economy moving again so what does what you said formally about 7 weeks ago you were just talking about that's being sent out not actually be being completed on what would you john i think to precisely correct that in my 1st week on this job. we were informed that h.h.s. i believe id t. was the vendor that had distributed a 1000000 was distributing another 4000000 and and we believe they did but again
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those were tests that frankly but for the president's leadership we'd still be waiting on those tests to be done in many cases because they were tests that were designed. to be running the old laboratory model but early on in the president's direction we brought in these incredible commercial labs we partnered with these extraordinary retailers and now we stand here today literally one day last week more than 200000 tests in a single day about the time that that we were making those comments we we've done less than 25000 tests in the entire country but we've met this moment with american ingenuity with incredible companies are represented here and we couldn't be more prone to follow it. but i think it's very important to know and this you can get from any other country i think if they're being honest done only do we have the most testing in the world by 4 but we have by far the best testing oh endless going
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at it and think you are and then let's switch gears and talk about. your reports circulating now that i meet well be fully exonerated this week if that were if that were the case is there any reason why you would not bring him back into the administration. i will only say this i think that general flynn is a wonderful man he had a wonderful career. and it was a disgrace what happened to general flynn let's see what happens now but what happened to general flynn should never happen again in our country what happened to other people should never happen again in our country what happened to your president of the united states should never again be allowed to happen. go ahead please mr president thank you today one of economic advisers he said the u.s. likely to experience it 20 to 30 percent. in the tepee in the 2nd quarter of
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course since the great depression do you agree with that assessment but i can tell you the 3rd and the 4th quarter of particular are going to be i think spectacular we were talking about it with the executives i think we're going to have a phenomenal 3rd quarter nobody you know except one country can be held accountable for what happened. nobody is blaming anybody here look at it a group of people that should have stopped it at the source but so what happens and 2nd happens and 2nd what we are doing is i think we're going to have you can see a big rise in the 3rd but you're going to see is an incredible 4th quarter and you're going to have an incredible next year i think you're going to have a recovery look i built they were just telling me inside and it's fact i built the greatest economy with the help of 325000000 people i built the greatest economy
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in the history of the world. and one day because of something that should have never been allowed to happen we had a close our country who had a close our economy i built it we had the best employment numbers and the best unemployment numbers for hispanic americans for african american for asian american for everybody best stock market numbers and by the way the stock market was up very substantially today and people are seeing a lot of good things a lot of very smart people investing in the stock market right now it's 824000 approximately 24000 and if you would have said with the tragedy that this country had to endure and go through with all of the death and the people that died and were so badly hurt by what happened and you can only say god bless them but if you would have said that our country would be in the position we're in now we're ready
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to move forward we'll never forget loved ones will never forget these great people that sacrifice for a reason of incompetence or something else other than incompetence what happened at a point where they could have protected the whole world not just us the whole world . but we have the greatest economy ever in the history of our world and i had to turn it off in order to get to a point where we are today and now we're making a comeback and i think we're going to have economically from an economic standpoint next year an unbelievable year and i think that you're going to see a fantastic 4th quarter and the 3rd quarter will start to build but the 2nd quarter obviously you're going to have g.d.p. lack of growth i'm looking at the head of wal-mart what a job done in going through something and they were they were doing yeoman's work including getting us millions of of really very very protective outfits and i mean
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the job that doug and wal-mart did was incredible millions of outfits and those a high quality have seen in those a high quality that's what we need so people have stepped up to the plate i think we're going to have a really good i think it's going to start building i think it's going to build fast i think it'll be a tremendous tremendous comeback. and you know so i say i built the greatest economy with all of the people that help me and all of the people in this country we built the greatest economy the world has ever seen and we're going to do it again and it's not going to be that long ok yes explain if you think president opening up the country you believe you'll keep up to further restrictions with what we're looking at that it depends on how long it's taking europe to heal italy is starting to make a comeback i'm very happy to see that with my friend the prime minister is it's tragic what went on in italy and spain and france and germany frankly in every every country over there it's tragic but we'll be looking at what's happening in
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europe and certainly we want to do that and they want to do it too they want to do it very badly yeah let. me watching the president try presenting his blueprint for increased testing as he tries to get the states to reopen and he said in spite of all the damage that he thinks that will be a tremendous comeback the the u.s. economy he also said that he believes that it could have been stopped the epidemic at the source and he's in conducting an investigation serious investigation into china's role let's bring in our correspondent a white house wasn't complete help it secondly keen as you suggested earlier that he's he's very upset about the fact they call him a has been damaged in this way and he wants to to bring it back doesn't he. yeah there's no question that the president wants to do that but he can't do that as long as there is in adequate testing so the purpose of this rose garden press conference to announce sort of
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a national strategy or blueprint guidance for the governors as they reopen their states to expand testing to expand testing capacity and also for the opportunity for the president to boast that he believes per capita that the united states is the leader on testing no some would argue that south korea certainly has been the leader on that but the argument from this coronavirus task force is the united states has taken the lead now a couple of other headlines that could have come out of this as a result of the questions following the core of ira's task force briefing which this supposedly isn't that was cancelled and this was called but in for all intents and purposes that's what we are watching is that the president is once again blaming china for this saying that it should have stopped this global pandemic at the source there was a question there regarding germany now taking some punitive action against china the question with the united states to the same the u.s. president saying that this is still being investigated but not ruling that out now
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one other interesting question that was important in all of this because the reason this was called off and then pushed back on was it seemed the president was very unhappy with the suggestion that he by the media that he had put out information that could lead to deaths it was the public relations disaster of last week when the president suggested injecting disinfectant might be a good way to kill coronavirus but of course it could also kill a human asked if he in fact should take responsibility for any deaths the president saying no i take no responsibility i can't imagine why the question that's going to be one of the headlines committee how could thank you very much indeed. and that's it to have here in london for the moment more news from our colleagues in doha in about half an hour's time thanks so much for watching by fanatics we know what's happening in our region we know how to get the plate that others can offer i
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was just thrown here to put it on purpose the fires are still more normative. the way that you can tell the story isn't what can make a difference. because i'm going to. do this i'm doing. a month on the coals for the community she fled but you don't leave the beach the. lenders themselves you sleep and most of the body to. body diplomatic. immunity are you.
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