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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 28, 2020 6:00pm-7:01pm +03

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al-jazeera. this is al-jazeera. i'm adrian figure this is the news hour live from doha coming up in the next 60 minutes banks under attack in lebanon troops patrol the 2nd largest city to stop more protests against the financial crisis. a moment of silence in britain to remember health workers who've died after contracting covert 19 used to just take say the number of dead is much higher than the government is reporting. from some
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veils plans to pull up the anchor on its lockdown we talked to fishermen who've been struggling with the restrictions. nicholas hoult indycar senegal find out next why this country with a small health budget has the biggest the weight of recovery in infected patients in africa. the french football league is canceled as the government bans large events until september and japan's top talked to says the spying to take you live takes is still in doubt for next year unless a vaccine can be found. soldiers are patrolling the streets of lebanon's 2nd biggest city where there's been a 2nd day of violent protests against the deepening financial crisis the security forces in tripoli 5 tear gas and rubber bullets to clear demonstrators who vandalized banks and set fire to cash machines. at least one man died as thousands
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of protesters to fight a coronavirus looked on monday let's go live now to tripoli al jazeera said huldah . what's the situation then i was on. a cautious call no the army is out in force some reinforcements have been sent to the city there are still misses in some neighborhoods where anti-government protesters are throwing rocks our army soldiers army soldiers have been responding with tear gas rubber bullets. they are a lot of the the streets in tripoli it's known as the back street that like you mentioned earlier banks were set ablaze they were found the lies as well as cash machines people really venting their anger on the banks for a number of reasons about 7 posting for capital control people cannot access their savings and if they have a foreign currency account the banks are only dispersing the local currency which
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has lost 60 percent of its value so people really are suffering from a haircut to their money and the fine say that this has lost value as a as well as the lebanese found itself trading on the black market at 4000 liras against the dollar that's a loss of some 60 percent and then you have inflation more than 50 percent to an increase in the prices of of basic goods so people here are losing patience with the authorities not just the banking sector but they're also blaming the political class for years of mismanagement years of corruption and now the state is close to bankruptcy so the situation is quite tense you speak to people here they say ok the army may have cleared the street so for now but we're just going to come back and if we don't come back 3 hours we will come back tomorrow this is not going to end until our economic. hardships and one of these protests happening in tripoli in the
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north of beirut. well in beirut there have been protests in recent days but those protests didn't turn violent at least in the past week if you remember a few months ago we did see violence. at the center of the lebanese capital this protest movement against the ruling elite is not yet started in october but tripoli because this is such an impoverished city it's the 2nd largest city. limits say some 800000 people live here at least half of them do not have jobs and when they do have jobs they earned so when the authorities had to impose a lockdown that's a trying to spread a coronavirus people were stuck in their homes and they couldn't make ends meet and
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not only that you're so high unemployment poverty so this this city really feels like looked at by the authorities and of course there are political reasons behind the anger towards the authorities because many people here feel this is a majority sunni city and this is a country where the system of government is shared between different sects they feel that their sect has been stripped from their constitutional powers so a recipe for more and more violence in the days and weeks to come. as the government responding to people's criticisms. well the government was formed chattering they call themselves an independent technocrat government but in reality they were appointed by the same political party but in power for years the government the prime minister if you ask people he says the right things he says he wants to fight corruption he wants to hold politicians to account but how can the. when they were appointed by political
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parties who control the security forces they keep talking about interacting laws to fight corruption and nothing has been done concerning those billions of dollars the prime minister himself said billions of dollars were transferred outside of the country earlier this this year and they haven't been able to bring that money back this country's leader of hard currency so people feel that this new government is just really a puppet that is on the table to deal with a crisis that they're blaming on the political and ruling elite and the government has still not presented an economic run to rescue lebanon and they're talking about thursday they're saying on thursday they might present that plan but so far it doesn't look like they can solve the worst economic and financial crisis this country has been experiencing in decades. al-jazeera live there from tripoli in lebanon for the moment said to many thanks indeed as we reported lebanon's economy
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has been in freefall for months with jobs in short supply and the government struggling with a massive debts over the past week the currency has fallen rapidly forcing the central bank to set the selling price of dollars at $3200.00 lebanese pounds for money transfer funds the governments in talks with the international monetary fund . for a bailout the 5 year plan aims to boost growth to 2 percent by 2024 but requires $10.00 to $15000000000.00 the money is desperately needed with the i.m.f. forecasting lebanon's economy shrinking by 12 percent this year patrick madine is a call an economist and president of the lebanese institute for market studies he explains the roots of the crisis and why reform has proven so difficult. the lebanese government have been borrowing depositors money from the banking system for years and years now the total amount of the posts in lebanon are in dollars dollars the posits are like $114000000000.00 and the lebanese government borrowed
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most of it right around like $90000000000.00 they spent it in the past on different projects on government expenditure infrastructure projects and today they don't have the money to pay the depositors back so the depositors' are running to the bank they said ok i want my money i want my dollars now however this dollar is not available because the government have spent it in the past and the cut the direct consequence of that is that the central bank and the banks are telling those the procedures we can supply you are money in lebanese pound which has been actually increasing the money supply eliminates pound and the creating the inflation you've been talking about and the short devaluation of the lebanese pound on the black market most long holders are domestic lebanese banks including the central bank hold at around 80 percent of the libyan is that only 20 percent is held by international investors so when the government decided to default on that they
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mostly defaulted on the lebanese banking system right so those banks now they will lose around 62 percent of their holdings either directly because they bought government bonds or in directly because they subscribe to some c.d.'s issued by the central bank and then the central bank used this money to buy government bonds so in both cases the benny's banks are the main loser from this haircut on bondholders and that's why their clients now are paying the bill leben on a 1st of all needs a lot of free forum and we've been trying to do reforms in the past years in the past 345 years and it was not working right it was not working because of internal dynamics because you would need. to do some very unpopular reforms like cutting the wage bill you know. you would need to cut spending massively you would need to do some privatization some devaluation of the. and all those forms are very unpopular
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and you would need somebody to impose them on you that's the only way you actually do the right thing and that's where the i.m.f. come in and the i.m.f. does not only imposes those reforms that should be done actually they don't only impose them on you they would also give you some money with them which would be a great a great thing for lebanon because we really lack capital inflows that's actually the main problem here. extensive coverage of the coronavirus pandemic still to come here on the newsroom including the news hour story including spain's unemployment rate jumping to 14 percent as the government there proposes a plan to ease restrictions. growing your own how lockdowns are inspiring people to become more self-sufficient. and support to go out on a saved his team from delegation but not exactly on the way he planned.
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the latest coronavirus data has the u.k. on track to record one of the worst death tolls in europe the office for national statistics has released numbers which are much higher than those provided by the health ministry its figures include people who died outside of hospital and show fatalities topped 24009 days ago on monday the u.k. health ministry said the total number of deaths stood at 21000 let's go live now to london and 12 zeros shown a whole lot of the numbers appear to show us china. police office for national statistics numbers that cover england and wales. released weekly last week 1st set alarm bells ring. because they showed that the actual death toll related to covered 19 was substantially higher than the official numbers released by the government and the n.h.s. hospital hospitals like this one behind me suggested the official number only looks
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at deaths in hospitals the owen s number looks at the much wider picture of deaths in the community in care homes and in hospitals the figures released today make that picture look even worse they go back to april the 17th is an 11 day lag time on this at which point the ins records 21284 deaths from coded 19 at that same time the official figure was 13117 that is a difference of 52 percent it puts britain firmly ahead of france and spain in terms of the severity of their epidemics not yet though ahead of italy and there is a particularly stark picture emerging in these numbers out of the care home sector in this country housing of course some of the most vulnerable elderly people in society in the care homes the onus records a tripling of the death toll in just the last 2 weeks for a running total of around $5500.00 deaths those also course not included in the
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official toll with care home bosses warning that it is the care home sector that now forms the front line of the battle against covert 19 the peak in care homes they say has not been reached at all gives the lie to boris johnson suggestion on monday that this country is in the process of turning the tide it certainly isn't in care homes. to help reporting live from london joe many thanks indeed living under lockdown is inspiring many of us to try growing fruit and vegetables in our backyards in the u.k. demand for seeds is soaring charlie as reports from the southeast of england in the latest of our series report on how the pandemic is affecting farming and food security. watering her crops hilary pav it has repurposed her garden to grow vegetables to help eventually feed herself and her family during the coronavirus crisis she's one of millions of britons now sowing seeds to try and
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become more self-sufficient after realizing that food supply chains a fragile we've started planting potatoes with vegetables because again the solids sell for the winter so hopefully in about 6 weeks we'll start to be self self-sufficient i think and obviously there's going to be a problem with how projects is going to end up in the supermarkets because you know they can't get the migrant workers to come in those lockdowns so you know in the end there's going to end up being shortages i think you know in weeks to come so hopefully we'll be alright others without gardens are using what space they have to germinate tomatoes q cumbers and herbes with very little knowledge you can get a bumper crop of vegetables out of a small of britain's wartime generation were told to dig for victory and responded with enthusiasm hardening britain's reliance on food imports by the early 1940 s. now households with time on their hands are returning to the garden the royal
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horticultural society has seen a surge in visits to its website seeking advice on how to grow your own vegetables fruit and edible plants well seed money factor is a reporting a massive rise in sales in recent weeks in supermarkets most panic buying has eased but egg shelves are often still there considered a staple of the pandemic pantry live poultry breeders across the u.k. have seen their farms stripped of birds as families unable to find eggs in the shops turn to chicken keeping sussex poultry farmer liz andrea c. has now decided to stop selling chickens anxious that some might regret the impulse buys when the lockdown is lifted. love never had so many people call texan e-mail like i said it takes me a good month to say how the stock that i get in and within a week i had sold all my some of my left eye with my march so it was
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a huge panic i think for people to suddenly go oh my god i can't get my eggs the u.k. currently imports 85 percent of its vegetables from the european union but there are concerns that lengthy quarantines could disrupt food supply chains starting to the soil rather than the supermarket for fresh produce could ease that burden charlie and al jazeera i'm sure in the next report in our series predictions of a tough road ahead for british dairy farmers as demand from restaurants and cafes evaporates you can see that throughout the day wednesday here on al-jazeera. germany is seeing a rise in the rate of infections after some restrictions were eased it's currently reporting around $1000.00 new cases each day the virus has killed around $6000.00 people will lead to the deaths of 6000 people in the country al-jazeera is dominic kane reports from berlin. the magic number as it were for the german
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scientific minds and for the government has been what would happen with the what's called the on nor the reproduction rate of the coronavirus government and scientific advisors said the main mission was to keep it below one in other words when one infected person would infect one other person as it were if it was ever above that as it was when the pandemic started in germany well that was the point at which to have lockdowns and to reduce freedom of movement last week before that it was below $10.00 at one point then nor point 9 for several days now robert cock institute which is the representative and authority of body on this topic says it's back at one that means that the government that angle americal in the chancery building behind me has a real problem to wrestle with because she knows that many leaders in this country of different states say our economies are really hurting we need to loosen restrictions and yet the scientific data that relevant ministers plus single
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america have said will inform their decision that data is now going back up again and so it puts her and her government in a real quandary they realize the economic difficulties which would be eased by easing restrictions but they also know that the relevant bodies are saying that with the rate of reproduction of the virus going up it means that a 2nd wave of coronavirus is very possible. spain's prime minister is expected to present a plan for restrictions to be further east that children were allowed outside to play for the 1st time in 5 weeks this week despite the nationwide lockdown people have been hit hard with 23000 deaths and close to a quarter of a 1000000 infections. in madrid says that restrictions will be eased gradually. spain has lost half a 1000000 jobs during this period of time and so the news the necessity of
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restarting spain's economy is really urgent this is what. it is doing today he's presenting the. deescalation plan we're entering the 2nd phase of this of spain's lockdown and what we know so far about this the escalation plan is that the prime minister has requested the 17 out of the most regions hearing spain to be ready to ready to double their intensive care units capacity and be able to isolate or coronavirus patients if needed these these deescalation fane case is going to be slow it's going to be gradual it's going to be what do we mean by a symmetric it means that you won't be the same depending on what region you are in and it will be coordinated from central government in words of prime minister. who will have same rules but different speeds all of these will be related to the number of people in fact all these measures will be reflected in these figures as
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we know so they will be tracking monitoring the number of infections if they go up or decrease for today up to 4 today in the last 24 hours both numbers will figures a death toll on a number of people infected have gone down residents of a care home in the belgian capital been given a lift in more ways than one are able to see their relatives face to face for the 1st time in more than a month the owner of a crane hire company offered his services so that people wouldn't have to shout to their loved ones from the ground relatives are given 15 minutes to visit with elderly residents. senegal has the highest rates of recovery for infected patients anywhere and africa trials have begun on a coronavirus testing kit that costs a dollar and gives results in 10 minutes. report from dakar.
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senegal is doing what most countries count testing everyone symptoms are not entering a health center for the novel coronavirus it has no shortage of testing kit thanks to this lab at the best researchers are developing a one dollar quick diagnose ticket originally made to test for dengue fever patients drop blood or saliva onto the devices and wait for a blood line to appear like a pregnancy test explains researcher i do sell tests there is no need for a highly equipped it's a simple test that can be done anywhere the idea is to rip at least produce $2.00 to $4000000.00 kits not just for us but for african countries so that we can detect and isolate patients quickly the sick are administered a cheap anti malarial drug called chloroquine commonly found in sub-saharan africa where malaria is endemic while the world health organization cautions the use of it to cardboard scientists says it's an affordable treatment for poor african countries dealing with the outbreak. in its clearing. is
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a virus from respiratory system proven in making said people on the mall contenders . know more sick. with only 50 ventilator machines for $16000000.00 people senegalese engineer using a 3 d. printing machine to produce more well imported ventilators cost $16000.00 this one is just $60.00. sinegal is counting the cost and it's paying off more than a month into the outbreak the small west african nation suffered only $2.00 death with most patients treated healed senegal has the largest rate of recovery in patients infected with the current virus in africa the 3rd in the world ahead of countries like the united states and france and while it has a tiny health budget compared to those countries it has a wealth of experience in dealing with infectious diseases and outbreaks over $3000.00 children died of pneumonia last year in senegal thousands more from
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malaria coronavirus is one of many deadly infections the country is dealing with lessons learned from the aids epidemic the recent a bull outbreak were key strategy in dealing with the pandemic i'm addressing because summers are already. important because coming in the country and the mutation of movement in confinement of people from pm to 6. so since. these measures were taken when there were less than $100.00 cases scientific modeling predicted tens of thousands of infections and hundreds of deaths but this has not happened early detection and african led research means senegal is so far beating the odds nicholas hawk the car. in syria millions of war refugees are facing what's being described as a potential catastrophe the u.s. based humanitarian organization refugees international says that they're crammed
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into small areas making them more vulnerable to the spread of covert 19 nearly 3000000 civilians in italy a province of boxed into an area which was home to just half a 1000000 before the war began 9 years ago so far the virus is blamed for the deaths of 3 syrians and 42 infections mostly in the capital damascus but doctors fear a major outbreak could result in what they call a bloodbath because 83 percent of the population lives in poverty hospitals in have fewer than 100 ventilators to treat around 3000000 people so hard trash is a senior advocate for the middle east of refugees international she explains why so many syrians in a glib a so vulnerable. at least for the past year and a half have been really going through a very brutal you know all the military are pencilled led by the syrian regime and backed by russia it started last year in 2001000 and brewery it escalated in
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april and last year 1 1000000 people were displaced because of the offensive then a ceasefire was a breach and gave a kind of a rest bite for people but then violence escalated again and between december 2019 and february 2020 another 1000000 people have been this place. when you talk to people inside labor or you know all activist and humanitarian workers in turkey they all talk about really very deplorable condition living conditions so what we know is there's an estimated 1200000 people who live in refugee camps along the borders they are literally crammed. you talk to people they tell you we don't even have access to latvians you know all. 3040 of them things 50 people have to share the same toilet they have to walk for long distance to access
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to oil and they don't have access to water and shelter is one of the major issues they are facing you know because of the lack of space because the the territory controlled by opposition groups is shrinking it went down from 7000 square meter to 3000 going meter just between last april and now people are literally crammed you know pete of families to 3 families share one tent even in apartments you know families are hosting other families. syrian media are reporting that at least $23.00 civilians have been killed in a bomb attack that happened in the northern city of a free and where the target appeared to be an oil tanker turkish state media described the blast as a terror attack but didn't provide further details the city has been under control of the fact troops for 2 years now. we get
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a weather update next here on the news out then the un's top human rights representative feel for me and mark prepares to step down leaving a damning assessment on the plight of the working. in sport destroyed in rugby league players who regret going camping instead of social distancing. but. had a few more like you know the sections of the middle east meihua tickles across the south the temperatures have been on the high side but they've also been a few shots and scott thunderstorms across as a soggy across into castle you can see some pretty strong winds straight interior. dust on wednesday and the shadows scattered really throughout areas of the turkey and on again it's a western areas of iran and all the way. in the day certainly more evident on the
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rain fairly heavy too as it sits across as far southwest region but the temperatures up again 36 across into riyadh doha the same and as i say the winds are pretty strong coming out from the south as we had tools and over the week and then down into southern africa the rain very heavy still across these coastal areas of tanzania pushing down into northern areas of mozambique up in uganda and also southern sections of ethiopia but for the next couple of days a conditions are going to be dried generally throughout much of south africa and will start raining cloud play as we go to warm a day in johannesburg with a high of 21 degrees some scattered showers the particularly heavy lighter than we have seen let you close much of madagascar but really across the central regions will see the usual way of and of course turning to havea thunderstorms and it later on in the day. in a war torn city in iraq
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a medic documents the stories of the survivors recording back hopes and dreams for a peaceful future after american troops withdrawal. but the conflict is far from over. he turns the camera on himself when i so take control and his family are forced to flee nowhere to hide a witness documentary on al-jazeera. in countries like mine people have been killed to be really united states have privatized the ultimate public function for this was a deal with saudi arabia things were done differently saudis other arabs when they came to britain to be all to help to the past bombs deals you know you will rumsfeld this meeting saddam isn't that interesting. shadow on al-jazeera. all.
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like it is good to have you with us adrian figure here in doha with the news from al-jazeera the headlines soldiers are patrolling the streets of lebanon's 2nd biggest city tripoli where there's been another day of violent protests against the deepening financial crisis the security forces use rubber bullets to clear demonstrators who set banks on file. the u.k.'s independently run office for national statistics says the number of people who've died with coke at 19 in england and wales is. 52 percent higher than government figures indicate unlike the government the last counts those outside hospitals. spain is looking to ease its
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strict coronavirus lockdown as number of the number of deaths slow the prime minister is proposing a gradual exit strategy which will allow businesses to open and people to work. france's prime minister edward felipe says the lockdown has helped to save $62000.00 lives this month alone but keeping it in place could lead to economic collapse plans to ease the 6 weeks locked out in france are being unveiled in the national assembly politicians are trying to weigh growing frustration from the millions stuck at home against the risk of a 2nd wave of infections the number of new daily cases has fallen after this 165000 infections who thought the good life we feel that a prolonged halt to production and entire sections of our economy a lasting disruption to the schooling of a large number of children the interruption of public or private investment the prolonged closure of borders the extreme restriction of the freedom to come and go
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to meet to visit relatives or parents would present the country not only with the painful disadvantage of confinement but in fact with the much more terrible risk of collapse. let's go live now to our desires and who joins us from all the land in southwestern france so the prime minister said the government's de confinement plan could be described as freedom but with some exceptions tell us more. our story that was the lead the french foreign minister said that this was all about giving french people a certain amount of freedom back but of course with restrictions now the freedom is because the number of current virus cases and thanks to ins has been going down as has number of deaths so far also wants to look at loosening it's not down but of course the needs to keep a set amount of prescriptions in place and want to sculp a 2nd wave of corona virus infections that what the french prime minister is
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promising is from maybe 11 which is the date that has been set for this loosening of this knock down. crunch people will now be able to go after the house without a permit they'll be able to move around much further than the one film it's an image that they currently have but they'll be mr jones one of the areas of life so for example that each region will have to choose whether or not they can open up schools businesses whether or not people go back to work that would really be left to different regions so that means regional heads that means mez that means directors of schools and the reason being the government says is what we need is a they used in progressive not done the grady takes into account the fact that some regions have had grey hindsight generates and other regions have had no infection rates and what the government wants to do is make sure that those infection rates in some of the regions where they've been very no don't suddenly soar because people are moving around the country so they'll still be a lot of restrictions in place such as working from home transportation will still
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be very limited are and as i said a really progressive say used in knock down loosening of the lockdown that will present. that's what the prime minister the french prime minister is saying now of course people around for all have been watching this very closely because they have been in lockdown for some 6 weeks now they have another 2 weeks to go and we visited some fishermen and fish women in the northern ports at beloit and also in the southwestern part of oil to see how they've been living the call 6 weeks. early morning in france's biggest fishing port billowing silk male fishermen returned to dock to unload their catch when they look down began 6 weeks ago the city's wholesale market closed prices plunged and fishing stopped to survive financially the fisherman had to come up with a plan by the prices at the auction hall were. really low. and the
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fisherman decided actually not to go out sheep station and now it is better. we're not in critical mode anymore we're not in survival mode anymore thanks to a new organization that was set up also if issues and fishermen reduce the number of boats allowed to operate to control supplies and protect prices some fishermen though haven't returned to work because of the health risks social distancing on board is impossible to show man says we don't want to go fishing because we are too close to try that when we go fishing so they decide to not believing the hard work and stay at home but the part of the fisherman says ok we are going to have a good bust and also to to try and find a solution for all this is small scale fishing is in financial turmoil too in the south west and poor many of the boats a family owned and operated the coronavirus crisis has also had an impact on fisherman and women here in the port of why all they've had to adapt to the
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situation and come up with creative new ways to keep that business is afloat off to the lock down flaws but are now hard to find a way to sell her fish with a market shot she decided to sell her catch directly to local customers and fishmongers now she fishes in the morning and in the often new delivers his sea bass and souls by fan he said. this crisis has shown us that if you rely on one system of distribution it's a catastrophe there's no doubt we need a royals wholesale market for its infrastructure fridges ice but we've learnt that we also need our own local fishmongers and customers workers in the countries fishing industry hope that the situation improves all through the french government loosens a smoke down from a levels and once restaurant school canteens and shops are permitted to reopen the financial recovery is likely to be slow in the short term but then least it's on the horizon. but tash of the prime minister seem to leave the government quite
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a margin for maneuver in many areas what's the strategy here. yes the prime minister says if i made the 7 so just a few days before this made the 11th date when the government will loosen its lock down is it by may just sevens we feel that the risk is too high to loosen the lock down then we won't do it's and also the prime minister is giving so much power to the regions to really decide on how much they want you cannot they region and i think what the government to doing is just being incredibly cautious because what they don't want is a 2nd wave of infections to come and of course people in france just feel though in some way the government misjudged the situation out of there is a touch about reporting live from other broadly in southwestern france i do love the sound of rain are probably thanks to tasha. pierre haski is a journalist based in paris and also the president of reporters without borders he
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joins us now live via skype good to having you with us. here what do you make of the prime minister's plan. i think it was a mix of good news and bad news the good news is obviously that there is a prospect of ending or loosening the lockdown on may the 11th the bad news is as the prime minister said we will have to learn to live with the virus as long as there is no treatment or vaccine and that will be several months or if not years ahead so 'd the prospect of having this new life where we have limited freedom where our cultural life sports life social life will be limited were working will be subjected to many adjustments and limitations this is a very green prospect for many people maybe thought a bit too too quickly that 11th would be a return to the world before what about this proposal to split the country into red
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and green zones. yes that's been the demand from people who live in regions where there has been very little infection and we have 2 hot spots in the country the east where it all started and the paris region which is the most populated area and more densely populated area the rest of the country has actually very limited or low rates of infection then they consider that being locked down in the same way as those who have very high rates was a bit unfair and so there will be this different situation where between the regions where things will be more loose and more possible and the regions where it won't be so fast the price to pay for that difference is that we will not be able to travel within the country the limitation is 100 kilometers without the serious reason to go beyond so that means our jail has been enlarged in the way we we were
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limited to one kilometer though it's going to be 100 kilometers but i think it's still a sense of relief obviously there's a lot of anxiety there has been a lot of anxiety in the country about the state of the economy people's finances whether they will have a job after all of this the government's trying to tread a pretty fine. fine edge here in general do you think people are happy with what the government is doing they think it's getting it right. well people have been very 'd angry with the government in the 1st few weeks of the pandemic because they felt there was a lack of preparation or lack of anticipation that there were no masks no p.p. for the medical staff and so that anger. prevailed and you know now and that's why the prime minister has been very cautious in his announcements because he knows it's the credibility of the government is at stake they cannot go
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wrong in this loosening of the logged on because if anything goes wrong if we have to go back to confinement after several days or several weeks their credibility of the government will be ruined and it will be very hard to go back to normal life the economy's obviously the key factor the prime minister had very greenman somber words he said we received collapse of the national economy if we grew or we went on longer with the consignment so there is a balance to be to be reached between the economy and public health and that so i think is a summary of the world wide situations but here at the moment this is the key moment for a for this situation really gets to appear in it many thanks indeed to hear housekeeper live in paris. now to the us where the number of confirmed coronavirus cases is fast approaching a 1000000 president ronald trump is promising to expand testing some states begin
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easing the lockdown restrictions florida's governor is in washington to meet with the president right now let's go live to our white house correspondent kimberly how could they felt we were due to get a press briefing a live one after that meeting between the president and florida's governor what was that meeting about kimberly and why hasn't that live press conference happen. well there's some confusion over whether it was a press conference or tape played back we have a new press secretary here at the white house she may not have understood the lingo fully when it comes to a press conference and what that means to you and i what we're hearing now is this really is more of an oval office meeting that we're custom to and we expect that there will be tape playback of it very shortly that meeting now underway between the u.s. president to and republican governor rhonda census of florida why is this significant well this is a major state in the united states it contributes significantly to the u.s.
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economy this is a major tourism spot and it is set to have its stay at home orders expire on thursday so this being tuesday there is a lot of eagerness about how that will happen and what it will look like and also it appears that there may be a bit of an attempt on the part of this governor to get a blessing from this republican president and why would that be important well because another republican governor didn't follow the orders are the guidelines of this white house and paid dearly for it in terms of a very strong public rebuke that coming to the governor of georgia late last week when he ignored the federal guidelines that are in place that you should have a reduction of coronavirus cases for 14 days before to reopening and that resulted in the president strongly criticizing that decision still he pressed ahead but it appears this governor looking for something a little more slow little more methodical so we're watching for that very carefully
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to see what the u.s. president has to say because of course his tone on these public briefings has changed as well no longer are we having these daily coronavirus briefings now we'll be watching for another rose garden appearance by this president coming in the coming hours where he is set to talk about the paycheck protection program that keeps millions of americans on the payroll as a result of funding from congress why is house correspondent kelly how could report . live from washington kimberly many things. the un's top human rights representative to me are stepping down after spending the past 6 years raising the alarm on atrocities committed against minority muslims and have final report she said the military's actions bore the hallmarks of genocide or accuse the civilian government of doing nothing to change things florence louis reports. the human rights envoy to myanmar made her pronouncement visit to myanmar in january 2017 she seen here in rakhine state in august of that year security forces attacked the
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mainly muslim rohingya minority there and the myanmar government has not allowed to visit since military commanders said the crackdown was in response to attacks on security posts at bahrain get fighters nearly 3 quarters of a 1000000 escaped over the border to bomb british many reported rape torture and abuse by soldiers and protest the gambia accused me of genocide against their will and launched a case at the international court of justice last november. tonight the charges and defended her country for granted pretty gambia is placed before the court and incomplete and misleading factual picture of the situation in rakhine state and. yet it is of utmost importance that the court assess the situation obtaining on the ground and her crime dispassionately and accurate for the remainder little has changed in becoming the still denied citizenship are unable to
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move freely and have little access to health care and education me or mine has done nothing to dismantle the system of violence and persecution and the rohinton remain in recovery and live in the same dire circumstances that they did prior to the events of august 2017. many have tried to escape to neighboring countries risking their lives with people smugglers but increasingly no country wants to let them in the malaysian navy recently prevented a boat carrying around 200 rangar refugees from landing and last week the bangladeshi foreign minister said 2 other boats carrying around 500 people in the bay of bengal wouldn't be accepted either. in the last 2 years the rangar have also been caught in the fighting between the myanmar military and the our economy fighters for the armed groups. the un says fighting has intensified with near daily
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reports of violence tens of thousands of civilians. have been forced from the hopes the myanmar government has imposed an internet blackout in several townships for months and the government's accused of arresting journalists and government critics in her final report to the united nations human rights council last month lease said the optimism she had when she started the job 6 years ago has been lost and she's watched devastation and tragedy since florence al-jazeera her little boy just ahead here on the news are. so. the city known for its rich musical history refuses to be silenced by the pandemic. and how this referee is transferring his skills from sports to the streets to help fight the coronavirus that's coming up with joe.
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from fossil fuels to modern day renewables as societies develop the energy demands increase requiring innovative solutions to meet such to moms as a global power develop into the basement company nebraska power is uniquely positioned to deliver against east amounts we provide business growth promote social economic benefits and provide innovative safe and environmentally sound energy solutions for future generation the breastpin pioneering future energy when the news breaks and the dumping of garbage in the river by the government has wrecked our lives when people need to be high and the story needs to be told to many coming to this place in the only chance they have to eat at least once a day with exclusive interviews and in-depth reports for obvious reasons as the world battled with them from pandemic we'll bring you the latest developments from around the globe al-jazeera has teams on the ground to bring new moon boldly documentaries and life.
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the target talksport his job adrian thank you the rest of the football season in france will not be allowed to resume because of the korea virus pandemic that's because the french prime minister announced the government is extending its ban on big sporting events until at least september football's league and had 10 rounds of games left to complete when the action start is not yet clear what this means for cycling sort of france which has already been pushed back to august the 29th last week there was a similar announcement in the netherlands which saw the end of the busy football league cut short with no champions relegation or promotion but some european football leagues still hope to return to action these are shots of tottenham
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players mingled arriving for their 1st training session of 48 days the premier league italy said they are and germany's bundesliga are all trying to get going again you a phrase given them until may the 25th to submit plans to restart all knots. in south america argentina have cooled off their football season which isn't the worst news for diego maradona argentina's f.a. made the decision and wrote the team's won't be relegated for the next 2 years it meets in the club that married on a manages him last year won't go down despite being in the bottom 3 when play was stopped because genius clinch the title on the final day of the campaign in march. japan's top doctor says it will still be difficult for tokyo to host the olympics next year without a corona virus vaccine the games has been pushed back a year to next july because of the pandemic at a great cost to japan which is already spent around $13000000000.00 on hosting but the country remains in a state of emergency and a one year delay may not be enough time according to the president of japan's
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medical association now that's our tsunami i think it would be difficult to hold the olympics without a vaccine being developed i'm not saying that japan should or shouldn't host but i expect it would be difficult to do so i want to believe that the numbers of infections in tokyo is falling but there's just not enough testing being done so it's difficult to assess that our asia correspondent robert bryant has more on this story and explains why postponing the olympics again may not be a good option. when the japanese government last month finally made the decision to delay the summer olympics until next year it was considered the sensible thing to do and by delaying it a full year until summer 2021 that seemed to be a pretty safe bet but now as the coronaviruses continue to spread around the globe with world leaders or medical experts warning that social distancing will have to
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stay in place well into this year and that in fact a vaccine won't be available until many months after that suddenly summer $21.00 is looking a lot less safe at the moment japan is under a state of emergency and will remain as such until the end of the 1st week in may gradually the numbers of new infections are falling day by day but there are still questions over the kind of medical infrastructure japan has in place the lack of testing that it is doing and about just when exactly japan will be able to declare that it has finally has the coronavirus under control all of this uncertainty has led to your sheer i'm ali the president of japan's 2020 summer olympics organizing committee to be quoted in one japanese sports newspaper saying that if the games can't be held next year then they should be scrapped increasingly it is looking
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like for the tokyo games it is 2021 or bust well that is launched a half a $1000000.00 funds to support professional athletes who are struggling during this pandemic its president said k. says the fund will be used for athletes who have lost most of their income in the last few months because of suspension of international competitions. the l.a. lakers say they've returned a $4600000.00 government loan meant to help out small businesses during the crisis the lake has qualified for the loan which is meant to help pay employees and rent the team says it returned it when it found out that the government program was running out of money. and finally a handful referee in tunisia has transferred his skills from the sports to the streets of his local town 19 year old abdul haq at legally has been dressing in his uniform and issuing red yellow and blue cards to those who are violating social
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distancing rules by standing too close in line for the supermarkets or food stunts it's also symbolic effort to try to raise awareness of the dangers of coronavirus. our i age and that is all for me back to you i love it i think we're far enough apart our way yeah. that's been devastated by hurricane katrina and it's now one of the u.s. cities worst affected by the coronavirus pandemic but new orleans is turning to one of its heart beats music to keep the city so alive heidi jocasta reports. new orleans is famous for its jazz funeral. sendoff for the dead with mourners dancing in the streets. so at a time when so many are being buried the city's silence only amplifies the pain
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until you listen closer. there's this this was this that you feel even though everybody's heart. the. new orleans musician margie perec is still making music for her online fans today's venue is her neighbor's living room the only live clapping from the thunder outside. it's so soothing for the soul because we get. to make music with people and. i gave it a great names she called it. not touching yet touching ok. they live in a place called musicians village an enclave that emerged from the devastation of hurricane katrina to give displaced musicians new homes. we're fairly we're going to help each other happens and we're going to fight through this together.
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covered 19 came at a bad time it's music festival season in south louisiana many local artists have been booked to perform at one of the largest the new orleans jazz festival now canceled gone too are the 300 $1000000.00 the festival normally generates for the economy. all of my income and of my revenue stream is gone now the last all were. you know all of our local gigs. are stable future. to the west of new orleans in the heart of cajun country festival internationality louisiana is also canceled. miles neagle says after 10 years as an attendee he had finally been invited to perform it's going to be ok
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i know it's going to be ok it was just kind of like kind of what john is or. even 80 year old al johnson a legendary musician and a mardi gras icon the. has downsized to his porch ready. but in a city that normally loses with music these notes still find their appreciation. over. really. these louisiana musicians say when the epidemic finally passes the 1st thing they'll do is play to a live audience that needs healing i do joe castro al jazeera. and that study is out will be live in london washington and southwestern france
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next person you know about 0 seem to get it just about. with its 25 year long broadcast license coming to an end will president bush 3 go to tertius succeed in shutting down abs c.d.n. t.v. by the fulfilled may join us for special coverage as we look at the possible demise of a media giant and the ramifications for press freedom in the philippines on al-jazeera . becoming a living legend of the young age was simply not enough. he transformed his
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influence on the pitch into political clout the piece to the ivory coast. hosted by eric cantona football rebels begins with a look at the life of t.v. it's all about the football he succeeded with politicians not. deviate from the ibori and civil war on al-jazeera. when covert 19 1st struck china and began to spread across asia. some in the west criticized come to measures as too harsh or too weak. but have the different experiences before asian nations in fact not shown the world to root out of this group undemocratic. coronavirus lessons from asia on a jersey. throughout history humankind has come together in our darkest moments
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this is a moment for pretty much the opposite where retreat from the world you could actually see that every generation has its moment this one is ours. the. banks under attack in lebanon troops patrol the 2nd largest city to stop more protests against the financial crisis. hello i'm adrian forget this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up france's private esther says the lockdown has saved lives but keeping it in place could lead to economic collapse. a moment of silence in britain to remember health workers who died after contracting covert 19 used.


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