tv NEWS LIVE - 30 Al Jazeera May 1, 2020 7:00am-7:34am +03
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with exclusive interviews and in-depth reports for obvious reasons as the world battled in from pandemic we'll bring you the latest developments from around the globe al-jazeera has ground to bring moodily documentaries and live news. several u.s. states take steps towards reopening on the same day that claims for unemployment support so would cost $30000000.00. i'm given how this is ounces or live from doha also coming up as the u.s. economy struggles president donald trump further sharpened his rhetoric about china's role in the pandemic. china is a very sophisticated country and they could have contained the were either unable
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to or they chose not to. be frustrated un secretary general lashes out at world leaders he says a falling short and they needed more than ever. and fears corona virus is spreading undetected through war torn yemen. we begin with yet more bad news out of the world's biggest economy almost another 4000000 people in the u.s. applied for unemployment support last week meaning more than 30000000 have made claims since march and the unemployment rate hovered around 3 and a half percent between december and february but in march it jumped to 4.4 percent some economists believe the figure for april could be as high as 20 percent hoping to begin clawing back some financial ground more than 2 dozen states are moving ahead with plans to relax restrictions but as politicians in michigan were debating
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whether or not to do so armed protests in surrounded the state capitol building some even made it inside a calling for an end to stay at home measure. i want house correspondent kelly holcomb tazz more on the latest unemployment numbers in the u.s. these are just the ones that have managed to file their claims online or even to get into an unemployment office that has been overwhelmed by the sheer number of americans that suddenly found themselves out of work this is just another bleak indicator we seem to be reporting on them every day that reminds us just how bad things have gotten in the united states as a result of the stay at home orders that were broccoli put in place to you know keep americans safe and well it has certainly resulted in a lower number of deaths than was initially projected there are certainly some very dire impacts economically and this is the latest measure of that now for his part
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of the u.s. president has been speaking at the white house today he was meeting with yet another governor this time new jersey of course a very hard hit state about reopening the economy this is something that is going to be done very gradually and as a result this means that the sort of jobs returning is not going to be a very quick snap back even as the u.s. president continues to project optimism why is he continuing to sort of cheerily the economy of this economic recovery well because it's an election year and he's trying to win reelection in november but it's going to be difficult because most business experts projects that while the jobs were lost overnight could be 2 to 3 years before they come back with the bad numbers mounting donald trump has again focused on china's role in the pandemic he suggested without evidence that covert 19 must have been created to the chinese none of the governments may have chosen not to stop it from spreading petty calling has. a conspiracy theory has been
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floating on the fringes of conservative media for weeks and now it's made its way to the white house you seen anything at this point that gives you a high degree of confidence that they would have instituted a raji was the origin of this virus yes yes i have that was the president of the united states indicating he's seen something that says the coronavirus was made in a chinese lab he didn't say if it was from a us agency or from cable television where he gets a lot of his information after reports that the cid ministration has been trying to get the intelligence community to find a connection to the lab the director of national intelligence issued this statement saying the intelligence community also concurs with the wide scientific consensus that the covert 1000 virus was not manmade or genetically modified and 2 weeks ago the u.s. military seemed to make the same conclusion on the on the lab piece but that's
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there's a lot of. rumor and speculation in a wide variety of media the blog sites etc should be no surprise to you that we've taken a keen interest in that and we've had a lot of intelligence take a hard look at that and i would just say at this point it's inconclusive although the weight of evidence seems to indicate natural some republicans have been trying to point the blame and public anger at china some even saying they should simply refused to pay china back for the u.s. bonds it holds the president though said he wouldn't go that far indicating more tariffs could be his response further straining the relationship between the $2.00 countries and the whole ready stretched bank accounts of consumers in the u.s. who ultimately pay the price for those tariffs pedicle hain al-jazeera of ascott works at the u.s. based economic policy institute he says it's clear what president trump is doing.
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well unfortunately the president is looking for a scapegoat this case you want somebody else you can blame for the now $60000.00 plus deaths that we've experienced in the united states it's certainly true there's plenty of blame to go around the chinese dithered they covered up they didn't they didn't want to acknowledge what was going on at 1st but they got serious after a few weeks very similar in many ways to the united states where the president denied and promise he was going to suppress the virus and didn't respond for 6 or 8 weeks until it was too late now we've had to bring the pen to make spread all 'd over the united states the hardest hit country in the world i think it's got everything to do with the election in the fall the president is pulling out all the stops to try and get the economy going again and he knows that his his best calling card for the election was the strong state of the economy early in the year before
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the pen demick it would be very low unemployment rates and very strong stock market and he was gearing up to sell himself on that basis to the voters but now we are probably entering the worst recession in the history of the united states like a woman could easily exceed 20 or even 25 percent of the time it peaks later this summer and it looks like output of the economy is going to fall one more than it has sensed the great depression in 1933. there as an economy has sustained its biggest hit since the block started compiling statistics and $995.00 foot in the 19 countries that use the euro shrank by 3.8 percent between january and march on employment and timoney the e.u. strongest economy rose by more than 300000 a full families government has already predicted its g.d.p. is on track to shrink by more than 6 percent this hair. dominic cain is in berlin
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and says the huge on certainty is making it difficult for europe to decide its next steps the economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic is becoming clearer than ever right across europe individual governments scrambling to put in place economic measures to try to reduce the damage their countries are suffering and at the e.u. level the institutions and they're doing whatever they can to provide assurance but also credit and the sorts of financial assistance that they think will help the governments concerned the european central bank says it is trying to deal with a very uncertain future certainly that's what the head of the e.c.b. christine lagarde has been saying given the high uncertainty surrounding the ultimate extent of the economy fallout. growth scenarios produced by. star suggests that your area g.d.p. could fall by between 5 and 12 percent this year. depending
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crucially on the duration of the containment measures and the success of policies to mitigate the economy consequences for businesses and workers. and the economic worries clearly being felt here in germany too the economy here is going to shrink considerably in this calendar year more than 6 percent and all voer ministers say they expect the economy to come roaring back in 2021 that's based on projections which infer that there will not be a 2nd wave of coronavirus in this country and while they can't guarantee that ministers angle americal and the leaders of the states of this federal republic are trying to work out what their next step should be how to help the economy more was not allowing coronavirus to flare up again. the u.n. chief has spoken of his irritation of what he says is
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a lack of world leadership during the pandemic and 10 year terrorists is nowhere near enough is being done to help developing countries and his calls for global ceasefire are mostly big not as a diplomatic editor james pace. speaking to reporters by video link the frustration of the u.n. secretary general was clear it's well over a month since he demanded a global cease fire but the fact the u.n. security council has been unable to pass a resolution was the result of what he called a dysfunctional relationship between the major powers and that makes it difficult for the security council to decide as it makes it difficult in many other areas for international cooperation to work secretary-general given the scale of the pandemic do you believe that global leadership has been adequate. it is obvious that there is a lack of leadership it is all is obvious the international community is divided in a moment where it would be more important than ever to be united there is indeed
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a problem of leadership or if you want a disconnect between leadership and poll we see remarkable examples of leadership but they are usually not associated bollard and when we see power we sometimes do not see the necessary to the ship i hope this will be overcome sooner rather than later as a security council session this week a very public demonstration of the disagreements among the world's top countries as the un syria's special envoy spoke during the virtual event one of the ambassadors had not me to this microphone in ukraine my counsel. the french ambassador was on a separate phone call unaware everyone else could hear him ask you. for one second thing you know at the franks my his words were very telling he talked to problems related to the w.h.o. . and then starts to talk about the americans before he's alerted to the fact he's on mute it might refer. to going through security on the
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ballot in that moment the ambassador inadvertently revealed in public the problems the un security council has been facing in trying to come up with a resolution on covert 19 the french have been leading those negotiations for weeks diplomats say it's a torturous process the u.s. is objecting to any reference in the resolution to the world health organization after president trump pulled funding from the global health body meanwhile russia's foreign minister sergei lavrov has been pushing the idea of a meeting of the 5 permanent members of the security council russia china the u.s. u.k. and france at leader level it still though hasn't happened james. spays al-jazeera of the united nations still ahead on al-jazeera. post a peek and we're on. back to work after recovering from calls at 19
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britain's prime minister promises a lockdown exit plan next week. and the final results are in from ali's parliamentary elections could it mean change for those who need it the most. hello there still plenty of showers across northern areas of the middle east particularly through areas of turkey and also a few scattered showers working its way eastwards across much of iran but as a say that rain across turkey it is one thing we can say is the last few weeks we've seen so much rain that some of the countryside is looking very green indeed there's more on the way as well particularly will central and eastern areas through friday you can see they're working the way for the east was pushing on through much of afghanistan and eventually on into northern areas of afghanistan quite an amount
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of cloud across more southern sections of the arabian peninsula the winds are quite strong as well and really we could see over the next couple days yet more scattered showers and thunderstorms very isolated but it's highs that could be quite heaviest the warm of course 38 in riyadh on 34 and on a very warm 43 celsius in dubai then down into southern africa south africa the temperature cools have been coming down over the last few weeks it is that the sauce well the majority of or 70 you see here these beautiful a colors is of course the leaves on the trees are changing the rain is not cleared out the forecast much of south africa plenty of sunshine of the next few days warming up slot in johannesburg and then to the north. reach out the d.l.c. or way across to tanzania. as the world fights the corona pandemic more than learning more about this every day it's a new adventure and join our global community it's up to us on how we come together
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to fight i'm sorry your questions can i just ask you think this is me directly that's coming on on you tube as you were saying i'm concerned about the front line phone that's a great question that keeping you up to date i'm using countries beating back and beating back successfully the stream on 00. you're watching al-jazeera her mind of our top stories this hour as the coronavirus pandemic continues to batter economies around the world almost another $4000000.00 people applied for unemployment support in the u.s. just last week
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a total of 30000000 americans have make claims since late march. with unemployment numbers mounting donald trump has again focused on china's role in the pandemic he suggested without evidence that call the 19 might have a regenerated in a chinese lab the government may have chosen not to stop the spread of. the eurozone economy has sustained its biggest hit since records began in 995 put in the 19 countries that use the euro shrank by 3.8 percent between january and march . the u.k. meanwhile is past its coronavirus peak that's according to prime minister abbas johnson fronting his 1st government briefing since recovering from cars at 19 he promised to lay out plans to ease lock down rules next week the u.k. death toll europe 2nd highest is heading towards $27000.00 these barker reports from london but cleaving britain's coronavirus response after his personal battle with the virus and only
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a day after his fiance gave birth the prime minister faces mounting criticism of his government's response to the outbreak and questions over how to ease current restrictions a bit a backdrop of rising deaths but now the glimmer of optimism in britain's battle with covert mining team i can confirm today for the 1st time we are past the peak of this disease. we're past the peak and we're on the downward slope britain may be over the worst but it's still at risk for now the lock down will not be loosened we've come through the peak or rather we've come under what could have been a vast peak as though we've been going through some huge outpoint turn and we can now see the sunlight own the the pasture ahead of us and so it is
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vital that we do not lose control and run slap into a 2nd an even bigger mounted in the past 24 hours hampers and flowers have been arriving here to 10 downing street to welcome boys johnson's new baby closely followed by scientific advisors of ministers coaching folders it is a confusing juxtaposition echoing a wider national confusion over how and when this crisis will end the government's also under mounting pressure to reach its mass testing target by friday at the start of april the health secretary hancock said he was determined to deliver $100000.00 tests per day so determined he reportedly made $100.00 pound charity betty to achieve it in recent days mobile testing unit staffed by the army have been travelling around the country as the government races to beat its target smashing his goal with an air force fly past his captain tom moore he initially
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wanted to raise just over a $1000.00 for completing the laps of his garden before his 100th birthday to mark the milestone having raised more than $37000000.00 for the national health service . the prime minister described come to told as a point of light for the nation the government is now under pressure to be a point of trust you know i'm certain times. london. russia's prime minister says he's putting himself into isolation after testing positive mikhail misha sin is the highest ranking politician there to be diagnosed is deputy will take his place for the time being russia has so far recorded more than 100000 cases and in excess of 1000 deaths. wealth already has in the chinese capital beijing have eased travel restrictions in time for the labor day weekend which could see millions travel for short holidays one of the city's most famous landmarks has reopened its doors off to being shut for 3 months because of
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lockdown measures the forbidden city which houses an imperial palace used by various industries will only allow up to $5000.00 businesses every day. a funeral home is being investigated in new york after the discovery on wednesday of dozens of bodies in an refrigerated trucks the owner says he had no option but to store bodies on ice in the rented vehicles because he ran out of room the discovery in the area of brooklyn was made after neighbors reported a smell coming from the vehicles it's unclear how many of the people there died from the coronavirus eric adams is the bara president of brooklyn who is also served as a new york state senator he says there should be more coordination to help funeral homes increase their capacity. some of us in metairie stop burying at the same level that they were doing a lot of our cremation locations were sending back bodies because they were
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receiving too many and our morgues were not whole in the bodies long enough so that we could continue a real flow so when you think we had an increase in deaths a large proportion a decrease in burials and cremation because of the overflow 'd and no coordination in between you i'm sure we have more places in the city where you have bodies are being stored and some really an ethical matters because of this soon as kobe 19 was on our radar we should have put all the individuals involved in the room to coordinate a real coordinated effort we should have increased the hours in our mosques right now many of the close in a 6 o'clock chief medical examiner's office is closing around 8 o'clock i think everyone should be on a mold will we increase in the by you of people we have to hand do we should have a crease hours 'd also i think we should be broke into 1212 p 12 am at minimum if
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not 24 hours and we should need to have an extended of freezer space to hold about as we can all bodies at grave site so i simmered terry's will you able to have more land to do so this was a very challenging role we put our funeral directors in. his kong have a chronic virus could be spreading through more 20 gammon undetected containment vessels have been stepped up off the country recorded its fast to death some wednesday solid bounce reports. inside the walls of the hospital in aden patients are dying of a mysterious respect her illness. the u.n. says it's likely corona virus is spreading undetected in yemen doctors are on alert yet the patients results a negative at the in the. situation is very tragic during the last 2 days we've had 2 deaths and then 3 deaths as
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a result of infections in the wrist perche retract the strange thing is that the current affairs tests a negative but the symptoms of the cases suggest it's a similar disease or the corona virus is present it was not diagnosed correctly. human recorded its 1st case of corona virus on a protein there were no further cases reported into wednesday nearly 3 weeks later here at aden german international hospital with 5 cases were confirmed humans health minister says 2 of those people dies human in its health system have been ravaged by 5 years of civil war the u.n. has wound if coronavirus catches hold it will be catastrophic only half of humans medical facilities a functional the population is acutely malnourished there is a cholera epidemic and more than 24000000 people need aid to survive and that. we expect the spread of more cases but we can mitigate the spread of people follow
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instructions was protective measures like wearing face masks social distancing staying at home and washing their hands regularly. after the new cases were revealed a brief curfew was in acted in aid in the city closed its mosques in moves and extended the shutdown of restaurants and markets a number of private hospitals in aden stopped receiving patients. in the capital sana'a health workers have been disinfecting in fumigating the streets for more than a month this week they moved in to disinfect shops in the busy double salon. place but the head of the new star had after the suspected cases were discovered we hope that sterilization measures are intensified and people are here to work masks and taking preventive measures human. just humanitarian crisis trying to keep our pain dimmick that may be in the midst. of moving now to some other news the top prosecutor of the international criminal
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court says the court has jurisdiction of the palestine the clarification could lead to an investigation into allegations of war crimes against israel for 2 been soda ss the areas of investigation include the occupied west bank east jerusalem and gaza reporters located to decide on the matter of jurisdiction in may israel is not a member of the i.c.c. . donald trump reportedly pressured saudi arabia into ending its oil price war with russia by suggesting the kingdom risked losing u.s. military support that's according to a reuters news agency report it says the us president told crown prince mohammed bin some on that of oil production wasn't because it be powerless to stop congress from approving the withdrawal of u.s. troops from saudi arabia that veiled threat was said to be made during a phone call and the april 10 days later the world's biggest oil producing nations agreed to cut production by nearly $10000000.00 barrels per day. sigurd's new bell
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is a middle east analyst in washington d.c. he says u.s. criticism of saudi arabia has been growing. we have seen that over the past 2 years or so or you and i have really sent jamal khashoggi was murdered at the saudi consulate in istanbul we have seen that the us political establishment have on a regular basis criticized saudi arabia record on the matter but also criticized its war in yemen and the latest incident over over to oil crisis has really been. a cumulative effect of. lingering anger with saudi arabia the united states as permanent strategic interests which includes preserving its own energy industry and india event that saudi arabia is trying to undercut america energy industry while shoring up its own which is only
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possible through u.s. security guarantees that is a red line. no american president can accept and president and prince mohammed of saudi arabia miscalculated believing that he has a personal relationship would trump would be able to smooth over this crisis but at the end we saw that it not work. mollies constitutional court has confirmed the results of this month's elections president abraham cast his posse has won the most seats in parliament but not an outright majority the pandemic candid threat from groups led to an historic low turnout like less hike reports. celebrating his victory is 1st time candidate and newly elected m.p. . as member of the opposition some very says time has come to finally confront the failures of all these ruling party for them and say why these politics is not going
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well he mali and peace and do what they are supposed to do our elected officials have failed to represent us this will not change. president. party rally from mali was challenged in control of the parliament for the past 7 years after the president counselled elections twice on the grounds of insecurity despite more attacks from armed groups in the corona virus spreading the elections were to head in april. soon to see. some 2nd ram went ahead as normal for most of miley despite disruption from terrorist groups in certain areas . the president's party won most of the seeds but failed to achieve majority among the winners is mohammed under un sanctions for his involvement in organized crime and association with armed groups but ali won as a ruling party member in another way their opposition leader say he won in the central region despite being held in captivity by armed groups who kidnapped him
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during his campaign while no one has claimed responsibility his family suspects militia groups close to the government for his abduction the government blames. that group and islam in the greater so called for a boycott of the vote attacking polling stations military outpost and threatening the population filmed on mobile phone an armed group using stolen military vehicles seen patrolling a village in mali central region where the mali an army is retreating. fearing attacks and the coronavirus few came out to vote with a record low turnout of 23 percent use paper vended my good deed believes that the real winners of this election are armed groups. born. here being held hostage mali is in the hands of armed groups they're surrounded us they have destroyed villages they are killing population and forcing people from their homes
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they have destroyed people's food reserves i fear them more than anything else including the whole coronavirus $4000000.00 millions are in urgent need of humanitarian assistance many of them displaced it's become summaries new job to not only represent them but to hold the government to account that has so far failed to bring peace to mali nicholas hawke al jazeera. can be done with the headlines on al-jazeera as the coronavirus endemic continues to beso economies around the walls almost of the $4000000.00 people applied for unemployment support in the u.s. just last week a total of 30000000 americans have made claims since late march our white house correspondent kelly health has been. this is just another bleak indicator we seem to be reporting on them every day that reminds us just how bad things have gotten
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in the united states as a result of the stay at home orders that were roughly put in place to you know keep americans safe and well it has certainly resulted in a lower number of deaths than was initially projected there are certainly some very dire impacts economically and this is the latest measure of that. several u.s. states are beginning to reopen after one house guidelines on social distancing expires more than 30 are expected to relax their stay at home morris allowing some businesses including restaurants to reopen. with unemployment numbers mounting donald trump has again focused on china's role in the pandemic he suggested without evidence that covert 19 might have originated in a chinese lab and the government may have chosen not to stop it from spreading the eurozone economy has sustained its biggest hits since records began in 1995 votes
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in the 19 countries that use the euro shrank by 3.8 percent between january and march your strongest economy germany announced a steep fall in jobs in april the number of unemployed rising by more than 300000. russia's prime minister says he's putting himself into isolation after testing positive mikael machinist and is the highest ranking politician there to be diagnosed is deputy will take its place russia has so far recorded more than 100000 cases and in excess of a 1000 deaths yemen has recorded its 1st 2 coronavirus deaths sparking fears of a major break in a country ravaged by civil war 5 new cases reported in the southern port city of aden yemen is already dealing with a cholera outbreak those are the headlines the news continues here on al-jazeera right off to the stream to stay with us.
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al jazeera. wherever. i'm femi oke a this is the stream home edition it is a show that is produced under lockdown conditions and we talk about lockdown life around the world today. domestic violence gender based violence child abuse jena coronavirus pandemic and this topic was suggested by a regular viewer if you are she advanced to live a day before that called 900 pandemic the woman would have the option of leaving home in order to run away from the violence or even go to the police immediately and report but now they have no choice but to stay at home these.
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