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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 5, 2020 9:00pm-10:01pm +03

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you'll you'll be in to go build united states of you and we will not be with you we meet with global news makers and talk about the stories that matter on al-jazeera. this is al-jazeera. hello i'm still robin and you're watching the al-jazeera news our live from our headquarters here in doha coming up in the next 60 minutes india announces plans to retire treat hundreds of thousands of its citizens stranded abroad because of coronavirus. also president trump denies claims the u.s. was behind an armed incursion in venezuela in which 2 americans were captured. and 3 russian medics fall from windows after criticizing working conditions as the
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country emerges as a new virus hotspot. also no cheering fans but major professional sport is back south korea's baseballers finally get to start their season. and a 97 percent for all in the u.k. 0 car sales in india how the coronavirus has shaken up the auto industry. welcome to the news that india is launching one of the world's largest international repatriation missions flights to 13 countries will start on thursday while warships have already been deployed to bring back hundreds of thousands of workers stranded overseas due to the coronavirus travel restrictions because more. there are an estimated 70000000 indians who work overseas now some of those who
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desperately want to return home will be able to. live in the indian government has given the go ahead to bring back indian citizen stock abroad the travel will be done either by airplanes or naval ships off flights into india was suspended in late march because of the coronavirus lockdown the indian government says arriving passengers will be screened segregated and quarantined that critics are warning the virus may still spread. according to the information from the central government people be put on a plane without testing 1st with or they have coronavirus this is dangerous a plane has more than 200 people if one or 2 have the virus all the passengers will be in trouble the subjects the whole country and raises the possibility of the disease spreading further there are also concerns that poorly paid migrants may not be able to afford a ticket home who is representing stranded clients are calling on the indian
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government to do more to help. good look at subsidizing our only discounting these tickets specially for people who you know and if i do not have the economic ability of buying that but use of to get home is estimated there are up to a 1000000 indians waiting to go home in what will be one of the world's largest international repatriation missions victoria gate and be al jazeera. trashy is the diplomatic editor for the wire and joins me live from new delhi via skype good have you with us live on the program is mr an abyss is an important the just the cli and politically for the indian government they can not get this wrong considering all of the issues that were raised when the lockdown was announced on the social chaos that ensued. that's right to those who don't die soirees a very important political constituency for this government and it is looking at to you know get some back some of the credit that it had lost in the mismanagement of
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well the migrants of course the chief minister of carolers voicing early concern that the infrastructure and the facilities perhaps not ready are his concerns reflected across india with other state leaders or politicians what are they saying also father gary locke chief minister has been that was welcomed of all this we have a look that much from what the state governments but this is the issue that had been discussed during the preparations within the ministry of this in the document in leading up to the announcement of the if you like to bet creation that it's well there had been if you remember the india had evacuated a lot about 2400 people people there knocked out all that. other countries at that time it had been debts and indeed medical teams to those countries to do these are t.p.c. at their best but you've got to finding that those people when they did when they
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did you when those indians were brought back to india and they were in quite some time but not them tested so it was basically a risk of calculated this that the government has taken in bringing back the use of the factory they didn't do it without doing in a screening in terms of what's happened since the lock down to testing and screening what's your impression about how the indian government have tried to really get a hold of the problem that india is facing it had a huge jump in figures on tuesday. that's right and there have been a mob 1900 new cases that when the board did what they lost but it was the indian government has said that this is because the state governments have not just the 4 different numbers for the court which was to cases only timely madam that point me said you mean self but that's one of the reason though you didn't back up to be done in that time even in the 4 o'clock but the action is basically you need to
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show that if you think you can. do enough for the indians nationals have been spotted abroad and what made me think you'd be additionally the indian government again and again if you look at them try to call them up all the indian missions and the facebook loans they have been flooded by these indians what in saying that the . other countries have been. citizens back why aren't you bringing us back you know so this is basically a divulge agreement says indeed it is all about the public relations message isn't it on one side you have the indian government now working to get all of these hundreds of thousands of people back to india via or via sea and yet the domestic migrant worker sell foul of the government on the authorities when they try to get home to their respective towns and villages we saw images of police beating them rather than helping them they beat them and they didn't help them and
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that didn't go down too well with the indian public at large all watching these pictures on the television screens. that's right. basically though the old man's wonder what the white men booklets have been a rather lax what the government starting talking. in the announcement up that got out after just for all of these sickening which led to the migraine work of school in you know call into the streets in the millions yeah you could see the indian cities when you go just walking down there you can see the back when workers at the family's walking dull and you know just going to their 100 walking hundreds of kilometers down to their home to know what that's why this is the look back to light also had the differently abled put them that comes up tell them what they want to basically get out of that. you know big job of those migrant workers and
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there and you know walking what looks beats with well. basically even one thing many of them have but let's not dilute. up walking as it's a kilometer that's all is i think done to themselves and of course i mean if i could just interrupt you just very quickly for of a final question because only 24 hours ago we were reporting of the images we saw from. this estate in the west of the country for our international viewers there migrant workers who had been promised food shelter and again tickets to get back home were left stranded they were getting angry and there was this real concern the most probably the carolus state minister is voicing that initial concern that we need to make sure that the authorities that have new delhi that are taking control of the situation really have taken control of the situation before it gets out of hand because we're not talking a few 100 migrants here we're talking thousands coming back to india. that's right because most of the lives of so migrant welcome knowledge is over we're going to be
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coming back one goes to doing so you won't notice that what is driving the fraud will be basically quoting don't know we just didn't think when you in here and what in thailand but the state governments so the state governments are basically of human response ability in this whole matter and they are the ones that have plans and woke up the warriors basically writing code with 90 and naturally being with me about it that basically this would lead listen to a good number of nifty for them i will leave it there thanks very much for joining us diplomatic editor for the wire from new delhi thank you thank you so much buying a beer or whisky in india's capital state has just become a lot more expensive a 70 percent alcohol tax has been imposed in delhi to try and determine large crowds queuing outside shops police used batons to disperse crowds on monday indians rush to buy their favorite tipple after the government eased virus restrictions and allowed shops to reopen for the 1st time in 6 weeks.
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venezuela's president nicolas maduro says 13 people have been captured following what he says was a coup attempt but says the group including 2 americans arrived in speedboats on sunday intending to kill him john holdren has more. 2 americans captured along with 11 others after a failed armed incursion into venezuela they tried to get him by sea but the plan floundered off the coast 8 were killed according to the venezuelan government minister lionel's this man said he'd organized it jordan good roles the u.s. expression forces soldier turned security contractor he was aiming to topple nicolas maduro together with a few dozen ex members of venezuela's armed forces but something 100 hours a daring and 5 u.s. raid was launched from the border of colombia deep into the heart of caracas our men are continuing to fight right now by drew himself claimed that his long time enemies were behind it. yesterday sunday made venezuela face down and attempted
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maritime incursion from terrorists mercenaries that were trained in colombian territory and are financing and support from the united states and the current colombian government on tuesday president trump dismissed that nothing to do with our government the venezuelan government also claimed that opposition leader one boy though recognized by more than 50 countries as venezuela's legitimate leader was in on the plan 'd 'd he also roundly denied that saying this was a ploy to distract from the country's many problems. there will be chaos and they want to hide it they want to hide the lack of gasoline in the main cities and want to hide the struggle of hundreds of thousands of in of swale and here they are the fisherman protesting again asking for the rights to make a living to buy gasoline to feed their families when dura is chaos the opposition say they fear this will be used to persecute them. and the ministre she is
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deploying $25000.00 sick. curity person no to search for anyone else involved they said i'm probably going to be out of the upper half he's under pressure himself not just internally but increasingly from u.s. officials who slapped a $50000000.00 bounty on his head or narco terrorism charges. were real the the incursion was it does give his government something else to talk about john homan now does it or. well after denying any involvement in the developments in venezuela president trumpeted out of washington for the 1st time in weeks let's cross over to our white house correspondent kelly held at for more on this so where is the president going and who is he going to meet. now the president is headed to arizona that's where there is a company by the never how do you well one of those companies that's been pressed into making personal protective equipment including this and 95 mass that hospital and other front line workers who are treating chronic virus are inclined to where
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to protect them and to keep them safe in the midst of all of this what we're seeing is a real shift on the messaging of this white house and particularly the president who is focused on trying to reopen the economy in the midst of this pandemic and doing so in light of some very disturbing numbers the fact that there are studies out now suggesting that with the reopening of the economy there could be an increase in the number of infections of cope with 19 in the united states and also deaths 200000 infections projected out from 25000 by june 1st a day and in terms of deaths that the number could be as high as 3000 deaths by june now the white house has just responded to that wide reporting out of these numbers in fact the press secretary kaley mcenaney saying in a statement just now that this study is based on false assumptions this is not representative of federal government projections in the study she says considered 0
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mitigations this is something the u.s. president donald trump also said as he was departing for arizona she says that the study in these numbers are projections do not take into account any sort of guidelines in place by the federal government in other words no contact tracing no expansion of testing and really also does not take into account the sort of shelter in place protocols that have been put in place so the white house in the last hour pushing back on this wide reporting of these alarming infection numbers that have been projected for the united states but also can be the president you know he's not just pushing back against viruses of pushing back against his chief medical advisor as well they just do not seem to be on same page. no they certainly don't dr anthony found chief who is a widely respected public health official here in the united states and has spoke very candidly and openly often in contrast this time for the 2nd time in contrast
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to what the president's messaging is saying that he believes that it's very unlikely that this virus originated in a lab and will haunt china and the reason this is significant is donald trump as well as the secretary of state might pump aoe have said just that in fact what dr anthony found she is saying is that he believes that this was something that involves a nature he also says that this was not artificially or deliberately manipulated now what's interesting in all of this is even as he speaks out in contrast to the president the president has said in just the last couple of hours that he has now cleared the way for anthony found she to testify before the republican controlled senate as early as next week this is significant because initially there was a blocking of any of public health officials testifying on capitol hill now we have this lifting of that edict by the white house notable though he does not what. the u.s. president does not want to be found to be testifying in the house that is controlled by democrats the president saying that's because essentially they're trying to use
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coronavirus to sort of weaponize this against the trumpet ministration and essentially win the election in november complete tall white house correspondent thank you. it's a to europe now where russia has reported more than 10000 new cases for the 3rd consecutive day now that raises the total number of confirmed infections to around 155000 infections have been registered in all 85 regions of russia with moscow being the epicenter or concerns are being raised in russia after 3 medics fighting the pandemic have been killed or injured in accidents in the space of just over a week in late april 2 doctors died after falling out of hospital windows one of the women had reportedly spoken out about a shortage of supplies for her staff the other was being accused of spreading the virus to her colleagues a 3rd medic is in serious condition after a similar fall on saturday no he complained the week before about
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a lack of protective equipment i'm being forced to work despite testing positive for cope with 19 well the falls are being viewed suspiciously by many in russia several critics of the government to fall and to their deaths in recent years rachel denbigh works for human rights watch in new york and she says there's no question russia is struggling. there is still a shortage of hospital beds there have been many reports of ambulance ambulances lined up outside of hospitals because they can't find a bed for for the people they're bringing and balances taking them home or and then taking taking them back to another hospital trying to find that the hospital also doesn't have a bed so it's struggling we also have reports of ambulances of shortages of personal protective equipment there was a report of workers who talked about having to actually go out to a home improvement store to buy construction suits that they would then use for
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their personal protective equipment i think there are serious crowns for alarm at how medical workers are being treated if they try to speak out about about their conditions of work there is a law in russia banning fake that dance fake news and in the context of covert 19 it's the expense of criminal sanctions right up to 5 years in prison and fines that range you know up to you know tens of thousands of dollars if you spread what's called fake news and some of the some of the cases that have been which there have been warnings about criminal cases or even the you know the opening up of a criminal destination have included medical workers who were complaining about raising the alarm about a lot of protecting the lack of the protective equipment. britain has overtaken italy with the highest number of crown of virus in europe but foreign minister dominic rob says i can't comparisons can't be made to look quite this is more than
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32000 people in the united kingdom. i don't think we'll get a real verdict on how well countries have done until the pandemic is over and particularly until we've got comprehensive international data on all cause mortality but i think there's 2 points i'd make about the way the u.k. has approached things there are different ways of counting deaths as we know we've had that debate in this country we now published data that include all deaths in all settings and not all countries do that so i'm not sure that the international comparison works unless you can you are you reliably know that all countries are measuring in the same way and it also depends on how good friendly countries are in gathering their statistics plenty more ahead here on the news hour including why the biggest t.v. network in the philippines is being switched off. and hoping to export test kits within months we go inside the iranian lab that's part of the international push for solutions.
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to asia pacific now where one of the toughest coronavirus lockdowns in asia is to be eased even further hong kong chief executive carrie lamb says cinemas and bars can reopen later this week between e.u. has more from beijing. the government and kerry lamb said that they were very confident that hong kong had stabilized its corona virus outbreak enough to be able to ease some of those very strict measures that have been in place for weeks so starting from this friday groups of up to 8 people will be able to gather in public and they'll be able to eat together for example in restaurants previously that maximum group number was for also some key venue some key businesses will finally be able to reopen that includes jims cinemas and here's has some bars as well as beauty parlors and finally they also announce some opening dates for schools which
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many families have been looking forward to so starting from may 27th older high school kids will be able to attend school but they won't be all at once younger high school students as well as primary school students will be able to resume classes from the beginning of june and now this follows weeks of corinna virus cases in hong kong dwindling in fact in the last 16 days there have been 0 new local infections the have been some imported cases but there have been very few in the single digits if any on some days and it also follows months of real real economic battering that hong kong has seen the the economy in hong kong declined in its 1st quarter this year by about 9 percent compared to last years that the government was very keen to get the economy going again but it's not quite out of the woods yet the government said that they're going to give every hong kong that is in reusable mask that they're expected to wear when they're out and about and some businesses including night clubs karaoke clubs as well those saunas and bath
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houses will remain closed for at least another 2 weeks or so further easing lock down restrictions with sports leagues getting underway go the baseball season is up and running after being to spend in march this rubber bride reports from ensure it will be some time before it's business as usual. the final warm up for the long awaited start of the delayed baseball season local incheon favorites s.k.y. vns take on visitors and why eagles but conspicuously absent from the stands their fans instead many of the seats occupied by printed versions of spectators while real fans could only watch on t.v. or online through a club stream that combines the action in the park with the cheering in homes. pinioned the into look. we are hoping to deliver some of the atmosphere of the
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stadium to the fans at home so they feel as though they are here at the game. they're also joined by potentially millions of baseball fans around the world as the 3rd ranked baseball playing nation after the u.s. and japan south korea's live games are in big demand in a world starved of live sports action so good. we welcome the increased attention on korean baseball it's great to promote it and it's all thanks to our citizens for getting us to this stage south korea's success so far in defeating the coronavirus is also allowing the football k. league to start its season later this week but again without fans in another sport for which large cheering crowds seem indispensable so crowds are important because there they are part of what we expect when we go to see a game or when we watch a game the noise the tension the drama the anxiety the happiness the and more
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this is this is not driven by empty stadiums this is driven by full stadiums south korea's baseball teams hope to start adding the essential family ingredient soon even when the fans are finally allowed back in there will still be a long time before we see packs stands again their numbers will increase only gradually with empty seats between them and for now their silent stand ins will have to do and when they do return they'll find previously unheard of precautions for the players such as low hugging and no spitting the way baseball is played and the way it's watched is turning into a very different game robert bride al-jazeera incheon south korea. well the leading broadcast network in the philippines has been ordered to shut down president has regularly criticized c.b.s. opponents accuse them of targeting independent media the telecoms or thought he
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says the company's broadcasting license has expired the networks being given 10 days to respond to the closure decision. from manila the season deceased order according to the national gallery communication commission is immediately executor and that's something that the department of justice secretary also said however based on local interviews with the commissioners of n t c it remains to be seen how exactly he is going to implement that whether they're going to need the help of law enforcement to come in and actually literally physically stop the network from airing the letter was received officially this afternoon a.b.s.e b.n. continues to air today and this is a complete turnaround from what he said a few months ago that it may issue a provisional authority to a.b.s. pending its approval of the extension of its franchise in congress now the
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spokesperson of president of the good that they're doing for the past few months of said that the president has nothing to do with this although last year the president himself threatened that he will shut down a.b.s.e b.n. because of the network's failure to air his presidential campaign ads in 2016 now this is seen as a major blow to press freedom according to rights experts here they see this is the time when the biggest media network in the country would substations across the country is needed for information dissemination of the current pandemic and the situation in the country now this fight denials from the philippine government experts also say that this is seen as an impervious curtailment of press freedom and also spawned by political retribution of this government. cambodia's political rivals have held a rare meeting but officials around them say the 2 spoke nothing of politics opposition figure came soaker went to pay his respects at the prime minister hun sen's home after his mother in law's death soaker is facing treason charges over
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a video showing him talking about receiving advice from u.s. pro-democracy groups so cars trial has been the joined since march 2 to the coronavirus outbreak libya's internationally recognized government has launched an offensive to capture a western a base controlled by warlords khalifa haftar. been used to launch air strikes on government forces they recently seize control of major cities along the western coastline and rejected have to call for a ceasefire during the holy month of ramadan well for more on this let's speak to jason takis the founder of the consultancy firm of libya analytics and he joins me now via skype from. have a finance that correctly here jason in the u.s. state of new jersey good to have you with us on al-jazeera if the air base falls which is probably what seems to be the aim of the official government is it game over the have to. now.
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so i think you should step back a 2nd there are 2 move he components that the m. and a which is half tires army has in 'd western libya that's where he has loyal allies fighting against the g.n.a.t. and then this air base and what's happened now that we're 13 months into the war is that for the 1st 12 months of the battle for tripoli the l n a had air superiority and now in the last month the g.n.a.t. with turkish now has secured air superiority if watching the farce that there's a curiosity will be complete and the g.n.a.t. will be able to use drones against her who are not and to repulse the attack on tripoli so in theory where do you think have to actually stands right now to who know was heavily bombarded by the government and i think just a few weeks ago when they were said that they taking full control of it i mean how
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do you see the shifting control of this area because at the moment it is still very flexible as i pointed out there has been a shift in air superiority and now certainly the g.n.a.s. turkish alliance has the air superiority when you initially said oh is it game over for half part that's kind of conceiving things incorrectly. but in like trying to even sort of not try to see anything i mean i'm not trying to i'm not trying to conceive anything come just generally as we are looking at the way that the the official government the d.n.a. has no managed to gain ground over several weeks another thing on have to main position of strength and he seems to be cornered so one would ask is it game over if the if the airbase is taken over by government forces because that is have to stronghold. hey i'm is relieved is anyone that have tolerance on the back foot
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and his attempt to have a horrible brutal dictatorship does seem to be forward it least in terms of control in western libya what i'm trying to point out is that his ability to rule eastern libya and the power he has over many tribes in the center of the country will not be changed rather the next phase of the civil war would start it's been 13 months that the libyan civil war has been defined for what we in the field call the war for tripoli or the 2nd war post office exception if that attempt to take tripoli is defeated which would require both this in tanny's to completely support the g.n.a.t. so that watch it could be retaken and the target is to be defeated we would then likely just go on to a 3rd phase of civil war 'd and the threat to tripoli would be relieved but it would be like tar is finished ok so where does have to support still continue to come from because obviously he still you might see fighting obviously intensely
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a week or so ago we had reports of officials from the u.n. he going to sudan looking for maybe more mercenaries to support have to campaign where do you think the international support is going to come from is he still supportable that's a great question we have not seen any of the international flip side rather the coronavirus has mitigated the of billy of how far supporters to project power into libya so. the russian mercenaries and support from the u.a.e. is still coming to have to our but they have to deal with coronavirus in their own country so it's lower on their priorities whereas turkey the main supporter of the g.s.a. sees libya as a truly existential threat and coronavirus has not affected its ability to send syrian mercenaries or aerial support so after is still going to receive support
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from his backers but the setbacks that we're seeing make it go back to war like the status quo ante before the assault on april 4th 2019 were hard to support from the syrian a contrives in the east and his ability to control the oil installations which he still has he's made some media mistakes and some of those are even comical but unfortunately he is going to be where he's going to be until his health or fundamentally the international geopolitics changes they will see what happens tracing back to the moment thanks so much for joining us from new jersey whether. still ahead here on the news. this is different this is the this is going to be challenging for us to come back. with most traffic ground when we look at the impact on workers in the u.s. . and after fleeing violence half
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a 1000000 refugees in kenya now face another battle those stories after the break. hello there's some pretty strong winds through northern sections of the arabian peninsula to the north of there we've got a massive cloud and this is bringing in the rain and some of this will be heavy as we go through wednesday northern sections of iraq on into the north and west of iran so we could have some localized flooding because see here the winds really coming through the eastern end of the med that continuing through northern sections of saudi southern areas of iraq so we could have some sand and just really being picked up meanwhile more rain across to the west of yemen over the next couple of days and those winds remain strong 3 will southern areas of saudi by then and we could just have the odd isolated shower or thunderstorm plenty of rain and
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thunderstorms through central areas of africa meanwhile across much of south africa it means fine and dry maybe just saying with the far east coast as you cincy but a warm day set in capetown wednesday with a high of 25 the rays a to the north remain very heavy particularly through coastal areas of tanzania up into the coast of kenya as well and corresponding right the way across towards the west and then really by thursday the rains of anything becoming a little bit heavy a 2nd across the west through areas of the republic of congo back into the d.l.c. but all the while staying fine and russia south and again another warm day in cape town with a high for you of 25 degrees celsius. gold mines were tough to turn up the volume on the untold story smelled way you don't know to examine the u.s. and its role in the world we're going to bomb the taliban in submission and bomb them to the peace table during gunfire coming from the direction we're going to go
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i mean holding the powerful to account doing this room has cancer and knows that someone that lives here stands can sell. fault lines coming soon on al-jazeera expelled from their base in jordan in lebanon and left in the political wilderness rebellion was rising in the ranks of the p.l.o. but was this just another inevitable step on the road to victory this is a part of the long march to overcome that just for the conflict that would cost on a fad his leadership in life. chronicling the turbulent story of the struggle for a palestinian home. p.l.o. history of a revolution on al-jazeera. more. of
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the muck you want to bring out is there is news hour with means the whole robin a reminder of all top stories india is launching one of the world's largest international repack creation missions flights to 13 countries will start on thursday while warships have already been deployed to bring back hundreds of thousands of workers stranded overseas due to coronavirus travel restrictions donald trump is denying any u.s. involvement in what venezuela's president calls a coup attempt nicolas maduro says 2 americans are once 3rd. teen arrested as part of a plot to kill him opposition leader hunger wider also denies any involvement. russia has reported more than 10000 new virus cases for the 3rd consecutive day that raises the total number of confirmed infections to around 155000 infections have been registered in 85 regions of russia with moscow being the epicenter.
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new data shows that global car sales plummeted to record lows last month as a result of the pandemic in the united kingdom the number of new cars sold in april decreased by 97 percent compared to a year ago france and italy reported similar declines as governments impose lock downs and car show rooms were forced to close over in india carmakers couldn't ship a single vehicle to dealers in april after the world's biggest stay at home restrictions to stop the corona virus from spreading and in the u.s. around half of states did allow dealerships to remain open even so toyota and honda say sales were down by more than 50 percent last month john hendren is live for us in chicago a city with long standing links to the auto manufacturing industry good to have you with us john every part of the automotive industry globally has been affected as we
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just said but the industry was just recovering where you are and it really doesn't look good now. that's right so help 29000 was a pretty good year for the north american automakers employment was up sales were good and it's starting to look nostalgic because 2020 is setting up to look like one of the worst years like v. worst years since the recession of 2008 to 2010 sales are down something like 40 to 60 percent manufacturing stopped in detroit in march and april but believe it or not it could be worse you were just citing some of those international auto sales numbers well india sold no cars 0 in the month of april as you pointed out the u.k. sold something like 4000 with a 97 percent drop so the united states out of makers are not doing so bad but their earnings haven't been particularly good we saw ford post a $632000000.00 loss in the 1st quarter chrysler just today on tuesday
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posted a $1800000000.00 loss that included shutting down plants in china europe and north america so the virus is definitely hit these companies they've faced pretty much the same fate as the oil industry nobody's driving anywhere and therefore no one is looking at buying new cars despite a raft of new incentives online sales and touchless delivery of those cars this industry has been devastated and they're really just looking for this coronavirus to pass and of course it does have an impact in other directions because this is one of the industries that president trumpets the polls it wholeheartedly and relies on in terms of a huge vote spending unemployment he it could impact on his reelection hopes. absolutely and unemployment has surged 30000000 people have applied newly for unemployment since this coronavirus pandemic hit the us that is more than it any time since the great depression and it particularly affects areas like those states
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that put trump over the edge in 2016 michigan pennsylvania ohio these are the states he's really targeting and really needs nevertheless the u.s. government is not offering at this time a bailout for the auto industry it's offering some loan guarantees it did bailout ford chrysler and general motors back in the 282010 period this time those companies appear like they're going to be able to get through this except if there is a 2nd wave of the virus and meanwhile as you point out a lot of people are unemployed michigan where all these cars are made many of them there is one of the tightest lockdowns in the entire u.s. and that is going to make things difficult president trump has seen his popularity numbers go down he's seen internal polling that has been leaked that show him losing to the democrat joe biden in the fall in november so trump is very worried
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about this is this is why you keep hearing him talk about rosy numbers with the coronavirus how the numbers aren't nearly as bad as they could be and i was constantly talking about opening up the economy he wants to give people a reason for hope that just in the past 24 hours he says he thinks the year 2021 will be a fantastic here economically in the u.s. he's hoping that people will see that optimism children in chicago thanks to the update. let's join a best threat he's a chief economist at lakefield partners joins me now via skype from syracuse in switzerland good to have you with us on the program it does seem that the car industry globally has hit rock bottom but we sort of need to look at those that supply the industry too and unfolds far going to being quoted today by saying that spare parts may be in short supply and making them could be costly coated 1000 shutdowns are going to affect the supply chain in some shape or form no matter which production line we're talking about and this is going to affect the consumer
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. yes well i think the current history is really caught in a perfect storm on one side and that's how it all started there was an issue with the supply that one shouldn't forget $34000000000.00 of car parts are being produced in china so when the corona virus. was starting in china that supply chain dried out and actually meet. for a western you know your companies to produce their cars after dad what happened is your 2nd wave when we coronavirus it to european shores is that then deep in man tried plummeted and on top of being in an able to to produce cars demand certainly completely dried up the real problem most probably will be for dealerships who want to sell obviously the the retail car if you look at that u.k. scenario a drop of 97 percent in sales those that were sold we look at the research
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were sold or cars that were bought were bought as fleet cars were bought in bulk that were preordered dealerships themselves have a huge problem ahead of them don't they because it's a very big purchase a car for an individual. well i think at this stage and that's part of the demand is clearly that the willingness to go into big spending items is at this stage very low financial instability and not being sure that you will be able to retain your job is definitely not very interesting to go out and buy something as expensive as a car so i think those purchases move definitely be put off for a while and once it's reopening then you still have the supply sitting in the show rooms or cars that are getting older in your opinion in terms of the supply chain in the manufacture ring of cars whether it be in the u.s. in the u.k. or across europe what is sort of the short term solution and how long will it take
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for car sales and production to get back to any sort of normality well i think it will take quite a bit of time d.o.d. hoped at be can have is that the needs of transportation in the context of tourism might change a bit and go back to the old days where everyone was traveling with a car so that might actually bring back a customer's duty to the showroom and decide to either buy a car or a camper or whatever set of 4 wheels or 2 wheels that would be actually the only positive story that i seem to short run in the long run one can only hope that the devastating effect of unemployment is bouncing back very quickly into being employed and having a job and financial stability so that everyone goes out and buy these big items again rivest from lakefield partners thanks for joining us from 0 in switzerland thank you now with most flights grounded low paid workers across the u.s.
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have been hard hit by layoffs before the pun demick they were fighting for a paying crease the those who remain a facing years of financial hardship elizondo reports now from philadelphia. at philadelphia international airport wheelchairs used to take elderly or immobile passengers to or from their planes and gates sit empty and for the wheelchair attendants many have been laid off or facing difficult choices like reginald smith a husband and father forced to choose between possibly contract in coronavirus at the airport and bringing it home to his family or quitting his job knowing it would lead to financial hardship he chose his family's health my wife was high risk. at this had. cost him her i didn't want to do it so when people come out all across the we're no matter who we know me good they'll turn around we're.
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a labor union representative says over $600.00 philadelphia airport workers he represents from the service employees union have been laid off they were all contract employees hired by 3rd party companies. and you know they seem to be leaving them out entirely you know of the equation and they're the ones who their wives or sausage right although we're at philadelphia's airport passenger traffic has plummeted from 90000 travelers a day to just a few 100 a day of the 450 daily flights most have been canceled and up to 165 permanent airport stores less than 10 remain open it's unprecedented it this is different this is this is going to be challenging for
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us to come back many airport workers won't be getting their jobs back until people start flying again and airports returned to how they were before the coronavirus pandemic but some experts say that could be as. long as 2 years from now in empty airports devoid of busy commotion to provide livelihoods to so many people that used to work there gabriel's on go out zita philadelphia. iran continues to be the crown of the middle east but is joining global efforts to fight covert 19 scientists are working on developing testing kits that could be ready for export within months but it comes as there are growing signs of a covering iran with daily deaths falling to their lowest level in weeks. into her own. in laboratories like this all over the world scientists are trying to answer the same questions how can covert 1000 be stopped is there
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a cure when will this global crisis be over at the pasteur institute into one iranian experts are working with chinese colleagues to try and improve testing for the virus something that has been a challenge since the early days of the outbreak so i'm coming here for just to have a 10 to. condense on training and know how to use the test because you would see more here but it has to if you please stop i'm sorry our interview with the visiting expert was cut short by security i mean i mean you know the government here has been criticized for responding too slowly to the pandemic and it seems officials and remain sensitive about anything related to its coronavirus response. set up in 1920 the campus into herat is named for french scientist louis pasteur a 19th century pioneer of modern medicine this institute runs dozens of labs and employs hundreds of staff across the country the government hopes research and
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development here will enable iran to export diagnostic kits and medical equipment this facility is nearly 100 years old and one of the largest of its kind in the middle east for years scientists in these kinds of labs have been fighting all manner of diseases infectious diseases and now their priority the inescapable priority for these men and women is the try to find a way to fight over the 19 why is the virus more severe in some patients does it mutate and can survivors develop immunity. answers to these questions and the discovery of a vaccine in a place named after a pioneer in the field would be an outstanding achievement and the head of the institute made it clear that is the ambition that. we are working on producing the technical knowledge for a vaccine and focusing on medicine and treatment to see which medicine could be a good candidate for curing the disease but on the day of our visit iran's president was more guarded in an address to his cabinet house and rouhani was clear
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there have been no breakthroughs social distancing is the best policy and everyone's in this for the long haul. than know about face on the assumption that the us i mean unfortunately remain these people for some time and nobody in the world can predict when this epidemic be days weeks or months you have to observe has a protocol as well continuing work production and the activities you do support on all that comes to corona people have to be general there is no treatment no medication or vaccine for it so fundamental thing is to be careful about ourselves while finding a cure is the end goal testing is also important last month the revolutionary guards unveiled a handheld device they said was capable of detecting an infected person from 100 meters away but its effectiveness was criticized and iran's health ministry did not approve it for use with no easy fixes scientists carry on with their research how
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to end the pandemic remains an open question and they intend to find the answer. kenya shelters nearly half a 1000000 refugees from neighboring somalia and south sudan they live in crowded camps at a risk of corona virus outbreak with little or no access to health care welcome reports from nairobi. and the radio fled fighting in her hometown in south sudan when she was 2 years old her parents brought her here to calcutta refugee camp in northern kenya it's been a home ever since over a decade it's become a city of shacks home to nearly 200000 people trips to the water pump with the market are essential to the way people get food to eat she's worried about the spread of the coronavirus in the camp. where we fetch water we have to
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queue and social distancing is practically impossible that scares me. and those among nearly half a 1000000 refugees in kenya many escape the conflicts in neighboring somalia and 1000 on most living camps like. so far no cases of the virus have been identified here but refugee rights activists say cramped conditions and the lack of health care could be a recipe for disaster unfortunately it means possible devastation people who are infected will not be able to be isolated people who. will be a lot of transmission the spread will be fast and the response will be so. the un's refugee agency released this video showing measures that have been taken to prevent the spread of the virus during food distributions he says it's added extra water points for washing hands but that doesn't change many of the realities inside and
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outside the camp protecting refugees from cruel admirers is not only about protecting refugees or about protecting host communities really it's about protecting all of us and if everyone is not protected then the truth is now in this for. people in kenya and other parts of africa waiting to see if when the coronavirus will spread as much as it has in asia europe and the us health experts say could be disastrous. says life's already become more difficult the crisis has pushed up food prices worried about her family in the weeks ahead she says all they can do is pray to god malcolm web al-jazeera nairobi kenya. yemen sooth the rebels over the world's the 1st known quote a virus death a mechanical sort of which they control they hear these health minister says the victim was a somali national who was found dead in a hotel is increased fears of the water all country which the u.n.
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says is either quipped unprepared to fight the virus. a fire has broken out at a residential building in the m.r. r.t. city of sark sharjah residents were evacuated as flames ripped through much of the building it's unclear if anyone was injured in the blaze whose opposition leader has been released from prison after her lawyer argued she risked contract in the virus fujimori the daughter of former president alberto fujimori was jailed in january she's accused of illegally accepting more than a $1000000.00 from a brazilian construction firm during her 2011 presidential campaign she denies the allegation. that deadly hornet species is threatening to wipe out entire populations of honeybees the asian giant hornet has been spotted on the canadian border where it's decimated bee colonies now the kill insects are heading for the
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u.s. and the gallagher reports. they've been described as hornets from hell and with good reason the giant asian hornet is about the size of a matchbox it sting can penetrate a beekeeper suit and they kill around 50 people a year in japan in december the washington state department of agriculture verified 2 sightings of the hornet reports of honeybee colonies being destroyed soon followed their one of the largest hornets that we have on the planet and so that's what makes them so unusual and make some strikes. to people and they do not occur here it's thought the hornets were either deliberately released or arrived or stowaways on international cargo they become active in the spring and scientists say just 15 of these giants can destroy an entire colony of $30000.00 bees in ours their habit of devouring native honey bees is now
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a real concern our biggest fear is that it will actually impact small beekeepers and maybe drive them out of business raise costs a larger just something we don't want to see plans are now in place to begin trapping and killing the hornets before they established themselves as a dangerous invasive species for years now bees of being dying at record rates impacted by climate change disease and pesticides the agricultural industries already been fighting a battle to keep healthy colonies alive now there's a new threat according to the department of agriculture one in every 3 mouthfuls of food is in some way a product of b. pollination crops like apples blueberries and cherries all rely on these scientists say this new threat needs to be tackled before it's too late pollination is a huge our culture on the agricultural systems we have here in the united states and so if this were to become well established and then start spreading it could be
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pretty catastrophic members of the public of being warned not to approach the hornets if they see them for now they're confined to the remote northwest of the united states stopping them spreading further is now a priority to gallacher al-jazeera and finally to celebrate children's stage during the pandemic south korea's leading couple switched to the popular video game line craft. president mungy in and his wife came and took off and a virtual view of the blue house palace instead of the traditional guided tall using them minecraft characters they thanked children for being patient with school closures and reminded them to wear masks and wash their hands social distancing rules are set to be further relaxed on wednesday and some businesses are allowed to reopen. towards the al-jazeera news my colleague barbara starr of wallander new
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center will have more news after the break but until then for me on the team that's your time and your company. as the world fights the corona pandemic we're learning more about this every day the new patent your new join our global community. how. to fight. your questions and i just to see directly what's coming on on you tube as you're saying i'm concerned about the front line and i think are a climate and keeping you up to date and we've seen countries retreat back and
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beating back the strain on 00. played an important role in. face. choices and sacrifices made in the name of a mother's love to provide for her children a woman in thailand must deprive them of the love they crave and focus this compassion and kindness on her work with alzheimer's patients from the west. one this was spam of the travel halfway around the world to leave their own mother in her care. witness kissing mother goodbye on al-jazeera. when a prime minister takes a lump of coal into his own parliament that call means a lot to the country's fortunes we bring you the stories and developments that are
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rapidly changing the world we live in get breaks it down but it was a slogan that whatever the problem is of course jobs and counting the cost on al-jazeera. the inner am. india announces plans to repatriate hundreds of thousands of its citizens stranded abroad by the coronavirus. hello i'm barbara starr you're watching al-jazeera live from london also coming up the u.k. overtakes italy it has the highest number of coronavirus faith palace he's in europe aiming to export test kits within months we go inside the ring in lab that is part of the international push.


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