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tv   NEWS LIVE - 30  Al Jazeera  May 6, 2020 8:00pm-8:33pm +03

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china could have prevented the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people worldwide . the u.s. accuses china of covering up the corona virus outbreak while it still had the chance to stop it from spreading. i'm convinced all this is just there live from doha also coming up the british prime minister gets a grilling from the new opposition leader as he defends his handling of the crowd a virus outbreak. the u.k. was slow it's not down slow on testing slow on tracing and slow on supply of protective equipment. divided spanish parliament extends the coronavirus state of emergency for
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a 4th time. and thousands of unemployed migrant workers in india begin the long journey back to their homes. the u.s. is taking another so i have a child as tensions escalate over the coronavirus pandemic the u.s. secretary of state mike pompei a blamed china for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people around the world the again accused beijing of covering up the operators because at 19 there was no true win win for the communist regime china saw then that it had an emerging public health crisis on its hands the new china could have prevented the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people worldwide china could have spread the world descent into global economic malaise their choice but instead. instead china covered up the outbreak and hon its national health commission ordered virus samples destroyed on
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january 3rd china disappeared brave chinese citizens who raised alarms it deployed its propaganda organs to denounce those who politely called for simple transparency that brings us to today 120 days on china is still refusing to share the information we need to keep people safe. beijing had already hit back at the u.s. saying tariffs should not be used as a weapon of the president threaten to impose them china has also criticized u.s. claims that the pathogen originated in a. let's cross now to our white house correspondent kimberly help to that end kimberly about the virus originating in a laborde tree in new han the secretary of state doubled down on that claim saying that there was quite a lot of evidence what else did he have to say. yeah he said there was evidence but of course we haven't seen that evidence says the u.s.
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president 1st made that claim back in april that the white house had definitively seen intelligence saying that this virus originated in a lab in china even as some top members of the part of our risk task force have suggested it was national rather natural in or in origin in terms of my pump ayos comments he has not only doubled down on these claims pointing the finger at china but he's also doubled down on the president's finger pointing out of the world health organization saying that the world health organization according to its rules needs to demand an investigation of china something it says it has not done and other words what the united states' position is according to the secretary of state is that much of this in terms of origin in terms of how long china knew about all of this could be resolved but the issue comes down to transparency there's an in need for an investigation and it has not yet been conducted so this is the
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position that the white house is pressing the latest coming from the u.s. secretary of state john kerry that has of course playing a lot of criticism about how the trump administration has dealt with this a pandemic the death toll continues to rise but we should be hearing some interesting testimony next week on capitol hill what more can you tell us them. yeah a couple of interesting testimonies will take place on capitol hill one of the house one of the senate the one of the house particularly perhaps concerning to this white house given the fact it comes from a whistleblower by the name of dr rick bright he is one of the top vaccine scientists in the united states he says he was pushed from his job because of political pressure from the white house he accuses this white house of trying to fast track the drug hydroxy chloroquine one that the u.s. president has been fond of in order to treat covert 19 it's not
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a cure obviously but also that there was an effort to try and obtain this drug from labs and from manufacturers in india and pakistan that had not been approved by the food and drug administration so he is now going to testify in the house of representatives that's a body on capitol hill controlled by democrats but also we are going to hear from dr anthony found she who is one of the top infectious disease specialist also on the court a virus task force interestingly he is being blocked from testifying in the democrat controlled house of representatives instead he will be testifying in the u.s. senate a lot of interest in his testimony given the fact that he has questioned the narrative coming from this white house about the origins of this coming from a lab in china saying it is natural in origin now we are watching very carefully the u.s. president is about to sign a proclamation for national nurses day to see what more he might have to say about
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all of this we're also expecting to hear from him at 800 g.m.t. as he will once again be making appearances in front of the television cameras what i can tell you though is a lot of headlines here in the united states over the fact that just one day ago the u.s. president was saying he was wrapping up his quote a virus taskforce now in a tweet he says just the opposite that it will continue indefinitely thank you that house correspondent can really help us. well now from katrina here who has more on the exchange of words between the u.s. and china from beijing. well the u.s. and china have been engaging in this war of words for months now and the foreign ministry spokesperson what union or only added to that further today at the press briefing she 1st said that any idea of raising using tariffs as a weapon was a braun and she said that only all parties will basically lose out from the increase of trade tariffs of this of course is responding to president trump's
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threat of raising tariffs on china and because of this outbreak she then used a very strong language to level her own accusations at the trump administration namely she said that they were misleading the international community intentionally she also said that the trump administration was blaming china as a political strategy simply to get donald trump reelected all part of a larger anti china smear campaign to divert attention away from the trump administration's mishandling of the crisis back home and she also referred to these accusations as you mentioned that covered 1000 originated in a chinese lab specifically in the war hunt institute of role the g. saying that these are groundless and she demanded that the u.s. produce the evidence that they say that they have and she also said that the beijing was quote unquote fed up with washington's tricks sprains parliament has extended the country's state of emergency for a 4th time minister pedro sanchez has asked for another 2 weeks allows the
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government to control people's movements as it gradually relaxes a lockdown spain is one of the worst hit countries with more than 25000 people dead from the are broke and it was live for us in madrid marseilles so part of it has voted to approve this extension how did it all go down. well have presented has faced plenty of difficult difficulties to get this approval he has been struggling to get enough support of the several political groups in order to approve these 4 state of emergency lockdown but after days he had to make several concessions to disbelieve the parties he has to be called governing or governing coalition with the with the local autonomy he has to be he need they need more transparency he needs to be reporting weekly to the rest of political groups and the most important they have asked him to find a replacement for the framework of
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a state of emergency because they won't be supporting no longer the state of emergency lockdown ok martin this allows the government to control people's movements while it gradually relaxes the lock down so what does this mean in reality and also how badly is the economy being affected by the lockdown. yes well prime minister but there's tons of presented these the gradual deescalation plan that has already been put in place in several regions it has several faces of 15 days each and each region has to has to report how the the actual situation of not the number of him factions is in the region how is this development if they've got enough. intensive care unit capacity and if they have if they are able to isolate cover 19 patients once you do have all these
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parameters correct you will pass to the next next case more and more of the most of those spanish regions are entering the or moving to a face one next week that means there will be a be able to open small shops or bars and restaurants that have to hotels could open less of the capacity 50 percent or 30 percent but some of these businesses are saying that is not worth the they cannot be that they cannot stand the situation an opening in. less capacity and not having tourists or not having. people going into into the the bars or the restaurants think that there is a math error there live from madrid germany is making moves to emerge from the pandemic lock down turns to anger merkel said the 1st phase of the crown a virus has passed she announced a range of steps to ease restrictions thanks lou to allowing people from 2 different households to meet while more shops and museums will be reopening social
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distancing measures and along with the wearing of masks will remain in place on public transport to mccain has the latest from there then. widescale relaxation of many of the restrictions that have been in place in this country now for the best part of 2 months a show of unity from anglo-american all the german chancellor in the building behind me the chancellery with the prime minister of bavaria mark is a key ally of hers and the mayor of hamburg a social democrat widescale unity from them but there is clear disagreement from certain other leaders of german states big german states about the way forward on the one side angle or merkel is keen to stress that this is the end of the 1st wave that all the precautions the hygiene at precautions wearing masks preserving social distance of very important on the other side important ministers from important states saying that the economy of germany is really suffering very badly indeed and
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that all sorts of different enterprises businesses shops restaurants must be able to reopen also we know now that the german football season is likely to recommit in the 2nd half of this month the decision has been passed as it were the responsibility for the decision is being passed by the government to the appropriate german football association so that is likely to restart and that has been welcomed by the prime minister of north rhine-westphalia arm in lash it another key conservative politician in this country but clearly as i say behind the scenes there is a degree of discord in important german government circles about what the steps forward should be because they are all worried about the potential for a 2nd wave of infection. so it's come here on al-jazeera reports from south korea where a consistent drop infections means knock down manages a plus. israel approves the construction of thousands more settler homes in the
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occupied west bank we'll have the reaction shortly. hello that's a very well weather conditions across the arabian peninsula to the north has seen rather unsettled conditions a massive cloud as you can see and look at this cloud here clearing away from george now that brought a severe storm with it look at this is actually time lapse video so it shows a storm coming in very very rapidly it wasn't quite that quick but down on the ground this is waltz it actually looked like that we've got these very very strong winds really blowing that rain so actually quite dangerous visibility extremely poor but the good news is that that system has cleared well out of the picture so through thursday dry bright clear conditions we've got this line of cloud further to the south across arabian peninsula this may well again just be wanted to showers
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maybe a scout of the storm but the winds are going to change in direction so sunday by friday coming down from the north it should feel a little bit better that freshman cooler even so 34 on a very warm 40 celsius across into dubai now the rains very heavy cool seasonal rain throughout much of central africa but they've been particularly heavy and will still be heavy through because as tanzania up into kenya and also pushing up into southern areas of somalia also very heavy out tools the west across into kabul and into nigeria or the although it is fine and dry throughout much of south africa but a warm day in cape town a 24. for . thousands of nepalese children a truck become human lives and forced to stay in a legal financial. one a 18th follows one girl's journey home to her remote village. on out to 0.
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every generation has a higher purpose. ours is to stay out of. the way the end. of the week. your geologist there are a mind of our top stories this hour u.s. secretary of state has double down on accusations against china same a country could have prevented hundreds of thousands of deaths if it had been transparent about the who had outbreak earlier beijing head back in u.s. threats to reimpose tariffs as punishment for the pandemic. spain's parliament has
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voted to extend the state of emergency for another 2 weeks minister pedro sanchez wanted the extra time as his country one of the worst hit by the outbreak has already started to relax its lock down. german chancellor angela merkel has announced a range of steps to ease restrictions including allowing people from 2 different households to meet more shops and museums will be reopening. and one of the most senior scientific advisors to the british government has resigned after breaching the crown of our slow down rules that he helped to create professor neil ferguson was one of the leading voices on the scientific advisory group more than 30000 people have died in the u.k. overtaking italy as the highest number in europe are going to cross johnson was asked about that number at his 1st prime minister's questions since he recovered from covert 98 opposition leader care stumm asked how the u.k. could have the 2nd highest death toll in the world. at this stage i don't think that international comparisons and the data is is yet that to draw the conclusions
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that we want what i can tell you is that at every stage as we took the decisions that we did we were governed by one overriding principle and aim and that was to save lives and to protect our really chest mr speaker the argument that international comparisons can't really be made when the government's been using slides like this for weeks to do international comparison just really doesn't hold water i'm afraid that many people concluding that the answer my question is the u.k. was slow into lockdown slow on testing slow on tracing and slow on the supply of protective equipment so how is following this a nun didn't he says the 1st exchange between the 2 leaders has already made headlines in the u k. one influential online news publication called it the most meaningful pm cuse in a decade and the 1st of potentially many to come. boris johnson put on notice here
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that he is up against a brand new opponent who is going to give him potentially a much harder time than he's used to with lots and lots of difficult questions to be asked that will be asked that has already begun and on says that the prime minister the government frankly probably at this point in time just don't have so curious time or he is a prosecuting lawyer by profession he's used to asking the hard questions that was absolutely on display today so the prime minister wanted to say that there were improvements in care home in the care home crisis in this country secure starmer said no doubt according to your own briefing on tuesday night that noted deaths in care homes are still going up week on week the prime minister wanted to talk up his new testing target of 200000 tests today by the end of this month secure starmer said while the targets only as good as the strategy that goes along with it testing tracing what happened to that strategy 2 months ago prime minister he didn't have an adequate answer it's the sort of thing this government is going to face now week on as this crisis develops and particularly in the are often market
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and india dozens of specially arranged trains are taking her more than 100000 stranded workers their element history says it will pay the cost of the tickets off the government was criticised for charging fares the quantifiers locked down stranded migrant workers in cities nationwide many struggle to find food after losing their jobs and accommodation others have walked hundreds of kilometers to get home the government effort to repatriate workers has been resisted by business owners who fear they'll have no workers once the lockdown is lifted elizabeth prana reports from the top british. they build homes which they could never afford to live and work has restarted at this construction site and author for this but many of the migrant laborers have decided to leave because they haven't been paid in months. they waiting for special trains organized by the government to transport workers to their home states. the district
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magistrate came and took all of our names and dollars we get a message on our forms about the queen's we've been waiting but we haven't got anything and we have no means to leave. there are around 700 laborers from all over india who've been living in 10 checks next to the construction sites. the only food many of them get is from a wealthy benefactor who's spending around $200.00 of his own money every day to feed $1300.00 laborers in the area. 5 of my friends and i check every day how much food people need and we feed them we aren't sponsored by any political party or n.g.o.s it's my own resolve that i'm carrying out. some workers have decided to walk all of instead of depending on the kindness of strangers for food or the government to transport them to start. the work has restarted but who will look after the children at home we have to think of our children too and not just work who's feeding them here we worry about our children we won't be scared at home.
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plans to walk 600 kilometers with her friend and children to their home state of madhya pradesh since the lockdown began on the 25th of march an estimated 10000000 laborers have been stranded in cities all states which they're not from with no work or income and a long way from holland. with all public transport had sold over half a 1000000 often hundreds of kilometers. after protests by migrant workers the government agreed to organize train services hard last week but government leaders are under pressure from industries as they reopen with company managers fearing they won't have enough workers. the state of connecticut cancelled the trains just a few days after they began saying migrant workers needed to stay to do their part of reviving the economy the cancellation follows a meeting between the states leader and the real estate developers association of india i think it's an extraordinary act in gratitude because we essentially believe
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that the migrant workers that have been abandoned in this case are the very individuals who will build our own future prosperity. for his sharma says that the economic impact of india's knock down will be felt for a long time because of its humanitarian failure but my quince less willing to return to the cities and is a bit proud of al-jazeera greater noida orthopathy. the head of the world health organization is urging countries to boost investment in health care not only to fight the pandemic but to prepare for the next one as we work on responding to this pandemic we must also work harder to prepare for the next one now is an opportunity to lay the foundations for resilient whole systems around the world which has been ignored for too long that includes systems that systems to prepare. prevent and respond to emerging genes
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if we learn anything from 9 to him it must be that investing in health now will save lives later. south korea is also among countries lifting restrictions its containment of the virus has been widely praised let's take a look at some of the details soon after the 1st infection was confirmed in january testing kits were quickly approved and patients isolated mobile tracking apps and drive through testing centers to trace and contain the virus were all introduced early on along with fines for breaking quarantine the number of infections hit a peak on february 29th and the curve last in significantly after that by mid april new cases were reduced to single digits allowing the parliamentary election to be held $255.00 south koreans have died and more than $10000.00 cases record it. has more from the museum of modern art in seoul. this is a further indication of restrictions here in south korea gradually being lifted as
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the country emerges into this strange new post virus world here at the museum of modern art along with other museums galleries libraries across south korea they are all being allowed to open but only with very strict precautions being in place we have the usual temperature checks of everyone entering the numbers here are strictly controlled 1st of all you would have to have registered online to visit your museum of modern art and with no more than 100 people at any one time allowed inside it's basically all part of what's known here as every day life quarantine basically the new normal but it's one the south koreans we've been speaking to seem to accept as part of the recovery from this outbreak and they are certainly welcoming the fact that they can now get back into public venues pound the limited the number of people here which is good because it's not so crowded and. what it is
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what people are still aware of the distancing measures also being allowed for the 1st time religious gatherings sporting events all those occasions that bring people together as long as they're still practicing the basic principles of social distancing then they're allowed to do so. israel's defense minister has approved the construction of thousands more settler homes in the occupied west bank around $7000.00 to be built in the ephrata settlements south of bethlehem the homes are illegal under international law and abraham is in ramallah in the occupied west bank and says the approval of the homes is further proof international law is being ignored. paul stevens have been arguing for years that israel is building these documents which are considered illegal under international law and then creating facts on the ground that then are presented to palestinians as part of the ology on the ground in a peace deal that they should accept this is this new announcement for the solidify
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their argument that when playing for years that israel is ignoring international law and it's using its good relationship with the u.s. right now mainly between the u.s. president will trump and israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu to do actions according to international laws that are illegal and then asking palestinians to accept them so for posting is a been saying that they no longer view the u.s. as an honest mediator for peace and they've been asked for an international peace conference whereby different players in the region and in the world today a role in ending the conflict. well boats carrying a hanger refugees have arrived in bangladesh the refugees are from me and not in some of pain transferred to a small island described by rights activist says the house has it not attend jim has a story. just 2 weeks after hundreds of. been
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stranded at sea were rescued off the coast of southern bangladesh another boat this one carrying around 50 people was allowed ashore on saturday. the rohingya seen in this video shown by a local news outlet are believed to have been on one of 2 fishing trawlers that have been adrift at sea for months this was after their families had to pay ransom money to traffickers on a bigger boat and that bigger boat is still potentially off the coast of ka-zar and these traffickers are still holding potentially hundreds of people on this boat until they can pay ransom money to allow them to go to shore and i was a spokesman for bangladeshis coastguard denies there are currently any boats full of working or refugees in the areas they patrol. according to government officials 29 of the new arrivals were taken to bus on char a remote island in the bay of bengal where it had previously been planned to house up 210-0000 broking a refugee. human rights watch called it
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a dangerously flood prone island without adequate health care the government of bangladesh is claiming that they've been sent there for quarantine because they don't want to so-called contaminate the refugee camps and cox is bizarre but the reality is that the u.n.h.c.r. and other agencies already have quarantine facility set up before it and they've already processed more than 400 people from a previous boat so this is an excuse by the bangladesh government to operationalize the island of basilan char which they want to do for quite sometime in mid april bangladesh rescued $396.00 rohingya refugees from a vessel adrift for almost 2 months after failing to reach malaysia dozens on that boat died survivors spoke with the reuters news agency about the abuses and deprivations they endured as the family get a reduction in the traffic is right woman and some of them got pregnant on the but 3 of the woman survivors are in this camp the knowledge of the day were $510.00 in
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total on the boat including kids we ran out of food within 5 days after we sailed of. rights groups are now urging the bangladeshi government to allow around $500.00 more rohingya currently stuck on the 2 trawlers in the bay of bengal to also come ashore. those boats have been adrift since malaysia rejected their arrival because of coronavirus restrictions the bangladeshi foreign minister said last week that those refugees are malaysia's responsibility to look after. reigning in mosques have found a way to hold services during ramadan even though they closed people in tehran can go to drive in religious ceremonies after if they are that's the evening meal breaking the ramadan fast organizers say they can fit 4 and 500 cars. germany's leader has given the green light for the football league to resume in the 2nd half of may it will become the 1st major european league to return to competition the point is the goal was halted on march 8th because of because the 19 hour break
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teams return to training in early april all matches will be played behind closed doors. you're watching or does there are these are the top stories u.s. secretary of state has doubled down on accusations against china saying the country could have prevented hundreds of thousands of deaths if it had been transparent about the outbreak earlier of aging hit back at the u.s. threats to reimpose tariffs as punishment for the pandemic. in terms of my pomp ayos cobbett he has not only doubled down on these claims pointing the finger at china but he's also doubled down on the president's finger pointing out of the world health organization saying that the world health organization according to its rules needs to demanded investigation of china something it says it has not
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done it other words what the united states' position is according to the secretary of state is that much of this in terms of origin in terms of how long china knew about all of this could be resolved but the issue comes down to transparency there's an in need for an investigation and it has not yet been conducted spain's palm and has voted to extend a state of emergency for another 2 weeks prime minister petro sanchez had asked for the other 2 weeks that allows the government to control people's movements as a gradually relaxes the long term german chancellor angela merkel has and also range of steps to ease restrictions including allowing people from 2 different households to meet while more shops and museums will be reopening. chimneys later has given the green light for the football league to resume in the 2nd half of may it will become the 1st major european league to return to competition all matches will be played behind closed doors one of the most senior scientific advisors to the british government has resigned after breaching the coronavirus lockdown rules
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that he helped to create professor neil ferguson was one of the you leaving voices on the scientific advisory group more than 30000 people have died over taking italy is the highest number in europe and in india dozens of specially arranged trains are taking home more than 100000 stranded workers the railway ministry says it will pay the cost of the tickets after the government was criticised for charging fares the coronavirus lockdown strad migrant workers in cities nationwide many struggled to find food after losing their jobs and accommodation. to stay with us the news continues here on inside story.
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why is the mortality rate. lower in some countries singapore and castle stand to the dead many deaths well. it's exactly behind that this is inside story. hello and welcome to the program i'm peter. 19 started to hit the world many of us were concerned about whether we would become infected some said it's as bad as the flu others predict the news about health system.


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