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tv   NEWS LIVE - 30  Al Jazeera  May 13, 2020 2:00pm-2:34pm +03

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that air pollution travels around the globe death by design on al-jazeera. every generation has a higher purpose. ours. the chinese city orders more than 4000000 people to stay at home but officials say new infections are not the feared 2nd wave. this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up a packing back into london's trains but as people go back to work in england there's division about the approach across the united kingdom. talking an exemption the u.s. secretary of state is in israel to meet the leaders for discussions expected to
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focus on settlements iran coronavirus. concerned about confronting the problem of their us. we have the road with one of the contact tracing teams health in south africa flatten the curve of infection spite the risk to his own health. so millions of people in a city in northeast china have been put into a new lockdown over coronavirus as much of the rest of the country tries to return to normal the residents of jilin are being told to stay at home more than 20 new cases have been reported and the vice mayor of julian city says there's a huge risk of more katrina you as more of the situation from the. it went into lockdown this morning on wednesday morning public transport has been closed and gatherings have been banned and that was since 7 cases were identified in dillon city this week and it follows another cluster being identified in the satellite
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city of sure lon where 14 cases have been identified so that's a total of $21.00 cases in that area since the end of may now all of these cases have been traced back to a 45 year old woman but authorities say it's still a mystery as to how she caught kovan 1000 because she has no travel history and no contact with imported cases but there are there isn't speculation that this cluster had been going growing unnoticed for some time that had been smaller than 70 days that officials said that there were no local transmissions and now they say that they're being extra cautious by imposing these lockdowns they are still also downplaying any fears of a 2nd wave of infections saying that they're basically just trying to make sure this is contained but it is not a good look especially ahead of the national people's congress which is the biggest political event of the year which is already postponed from march when it was originally supposed to be held and that's due to take place in beijing next week
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thousands of people across england have headed back to work for the 1st time in more than 7 weeks it's part of a plan to relax restrictions which have been in place since late march people are now allowed to spend as much time as they want outdoors as long as they follow social distancing rules leaders in scotland and wales and northern ireland have rejected the changes saying it is too early to ease restrictions and hollers in london where he says the reopening of workplaces has not brought the sudden rush that some had expected. well it's pretty much as you see it things have been extremely quiet here marginally busier of course than throughout the last 7 weeks of lockdown there certainly is an uptick of people out and about but this is not a rush back to work it's a very very slow start to the lifting of lock down here and in very specific circumstances the government as you say in england the devolved ministrations elsewhere have been much more cautious but the government here. people who can't
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work from home but who can go to work places where social distancing is possible to do so so you're talking about sectors like construction and manufacturing and urging them not to use the public transport network if possible but rather to walk to work to cycle to work to use cars where they can above all to use their own common sense and certainly reports suggest that the trains and the tube network and the bus network are busier than they've been as a said in the last 7 weeks if not absolutely packed people urged to wear face coverings where they can to stand with their backs to one another if they're concerned about not being able to keep that 2 meter distance between them well the u.k. is extending its furlough scheme by 4 months until the end of october more than $7000000.00 workers a part of the job retention program which covers 80 percent of their wages during the pandemic but it is costing $12000000000.00 a month and employers will soon be asked to share the burden. until the end of july
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there will be no changes whatsoever. then from august to october the scheme will continue for all sectors and regions of the u.k. but with greater flexibility to support the transition back to walk employers currently using the scheme will be able to bring furloughed employees back part time. and we will ask employers to start sharing with the government the cost of paying people salaries now at the top infectious disease expert in the united states says rushing to relax coronavirus restrictions could result in needless deaths and to the fact she's warning coincides with new research from the university of washington that predicts close 215-0000 fatalities by august and that is 10000 more than previously forecast mike hanna has this report thank you casey it was a meeting of the senate health committee like none before 3 of the witnesses on the
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committee chairman were not present because they were self isolating yourself quarantining says to some degree one of them dr anthony felt she came under attack from a republican senator or his advocacy of a cautious approach to the easing of restrictions on me as much as i respect you dr i don't think you're the end all i don't think you're the one person that gets to make a decision dr fox he responded by saying he was guided by science and undeterred by the hostile questioning repeated his warning against state stopping mitigating measures to quickly it is a real risk you will trigger an outbreak you may not be able to control which in fact after dark simply will set you back only leading to some suffering and death could be avoided and could even set you back on the road to trying to get economic recovery a position backed up by some of dr parties colleagues who also gave evidence to the committee the experts were unwilling to be drawn into detail disk. action about
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testing protocols within the united states but dr thought she is on the record as insisting that they are not yet at a standard to affectively the virus this is a critical factor in reopening the society it's an opinion that's apparently largely ignored by president trump who's been encouraging states to open up as soon as possible to sign an accurate reflection of the reality as is the president's contention that the us is the global leader in testing protocols in the span of just a few short months we've developed a testing capacity unmatched and unrivaled anywhere in the world and it's not even close this is a core element of our plan to safely and gradually reopen america and we're opening and we're starting and there's enthusiasm like i haven't seen in a long time this certainly was an enthusiasm in this colorado restaurant that a lot of the state shut down order 'd by opening this past sunday the owner tagging
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president trump in a tweet saying he was opposing what he called the overreach of the state. restraint is now had its license suspended for a month but these scenes other stuff off mike to those health experts cautioning against undue haste mike hanna al-jazeera washington well the u.s. secretary of state is in israel for talks on plans to annex a 3rd of the old point west bank my pump area is meeting the prime minister benjamin netanyahu but he can't the former rivals will be partners in a unity government due to be sworn in on thursday on a student's have rejected the u.s. president's middle east peace plan which backs the annexation or force it has more now from west jerusalem. exactly how will donald trump come down on this the coalition deal signed between gansa netanyahu specifies that annexation can proceed with the coordination i.e. approval of the united states and on the proviso that it doesn't breach peace
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agreements with other neighboring countries and so there are 2 schools of thought one is that donald trump needs this to rally his evangelical christian base another achievement in their eyes in terms of u.s. israeli policy the other school of thought is that it would be damaging to another very important interest the alliance of countries that the united states has been trying to build up arab countries in this region and that this could upset those plans so people will be watching pompei those language and his meetings today to see if they can discern which way the u.s. is really looking to proceed behind the scenes. well that's before that meeting might pump condemn to attacks in afghanistan targeted at a hospital and a funeral and choose day 45 people are killed your state your state called the violence an act of sheer evil afghan president ashraf ghani has ordered the military to resume offensive operations against the taliban and other armed groups
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but the taliban denies carrying out the attacks and says it's ready to fight back alexia brown has this report. was. in the eastern province of manga survivors of a suspected suicide bombing at a funeral struggled to contain a grief. and anger. 7 was going to hurt you was a problem although most of. my brother is male was standing next to me when i heard the bomb blast i saw several dead bodies on the ground and i was trying to call my brother but his phone was off after a few minutes of searching i found my brother among the dead. this attack on us. and another as a maternity hospital in the capital kabul led to afghanistan's president going on the offensive or but fully apart despite repeated and from the international community to taliban have not reduced violence and instead they have increased their attacks in order to provide security for public places and to tax and french
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from the taliban and other terrorist groups i'm ordering afghan security forces to switch from an active defense might to an offensive one and to start their operations against the enemy. the taliban denies involvement in tuesday's attacks its fighters have largely refrained from targeting city since february when leaders signed a deal with the united states for the withdrawal of american troops and to pave the way for talks with government leaders in kabul the taliban now accusing the government of creating obstacles to peace today programme marks a milestone towards this integration of this agreement unless. tress measures are taken immediately by all sides and specifically by the taliban. under the agreement the taliban was to prevent afghanistan from being used as a launching pad for attacks by other armed groups such as i sell and its affiliates well as any state both suffered some battlefield. they need haitians and the
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americans and north. danes a quarter of attacks against. the knotty question on islamic state and correspond province i still says its fighters were behind 4 bomb blasts in kabul on monday which wounded 4 people the result was the un has expressed shock and revulsion at tuesday's maternity hospital attack which killed you born babies mothers and nurses . u.s. secretary of state is urging the afghan government and the taliban to cooperate to bring the perpetrators to justice alexia brian al jazeera. still ahead here on al-jazeera a push to reopen europe to tourism but can the opponents he does rescue the summer season. brazil's president grows increasingly isolated and with his look damages his governance defining his old it's.
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we have another day a very nice warm sunshine across much of japan also across the korean peninsula the crowd is busy straining away to the east taking calls the rain showers with it maybe just a few lingering. on a thursday but really it's all about this rain across central areas of china so enjoy this fine dry weather across the korean peninsula because that is set to change that rain system or work its way steadily through eastern china so wet day set in friday in shanghai not cold of course $127.00 and look at this mass of blue that actually pushes across the southern sections of the korean peninsula and western areas of japan some very heavy downpours and some pretty gusty winds as well but ahead of that woman. 27 for you the same across the beijing and feeling pretty lucky in the hong kong with a high the of 32 degrees sunny sitting pretty humid throughout much of india and
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across the south and then also some very active some thunderstorms and really this is where most of the weather is going to be the most persistent the rain across much of the south across again into sri lanka just watching this disturbance has been sitting in for a few days into the bay of bengal sleeping in plenty of rain into the andaman and nicobar islands bunch of rain up into the northeast as well certainly into asama on thursday by friday the rain once again back in the forecast could be heavy across into bangladesh. from fossil fuels to modern day renewables as societies develop the energy demands increase requiring innovative solutions to meet such demands as a global power development of investment company nebraska power is uniquely positioned to deliver against these demands we provide business growth promote social economic benefits and provide innovative safe and environmentally sound energy solutions for future generations the breastpin pioneering future energy.
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better get your remind of our top stories this hour and the government of a city in northeast china is warning of a major new corona virus outbreak 7 new cases have been reported in more than a dozen infections have also been called in nearby she learns. thousands of people across england have returned to work people can now spend as much time as they want outdoors as long as they follow social distancing rules leaders in scotland wales and northern ireland they say it's too early to ease restrictions. the u.s. secretary of state is in israel for talks on plans to annex
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a 3rd of the occupied west bank palestinians have rejected president donald trump's middle east peace plan which backs the annexation. the european commission is set to discuss plans to lower border restrictions for some member states in a bid to restart tourism is being proposed that regions which have contain the virus could open up while others would keep restrictions in place for the time being it's actually butler is in paris and she explains that not all countries are on board with the plan. well we just heard from the vice president of the european commission you outlined her the commission's rescue plan for the tourism industry now what she said was that many countries are of course close the e.u. closed its borders in march at the beginning really of the current virus pandemic in the european union but there are some countries should now look at reopening their borders lifting those restrictions now he said that is not the european commission's place to prescribe how and when countries do that but we know that
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some countries have already started looking at this discussing this germany for example announced today that it intends to open its border with france switzerland and austria britain and france have already discussed free travel between the 2 countries so without any corn sea measures or or restrictions the person said that opening borders is one way of trying to get people moving again to try and travel again she also said that the commissioners formulated guidelines for hotels and restaurants some of already started to open across the european union but for others i haven't yet opened they'll be they'll be guidelines and some of the guidelines say that hotels to do things for example like have a special room where people who perhaps have grown the virus symptoms can be isolated they'll be social distancing measures put in place the same also for transport of the governments in a russia has burned their brand a ventilator suspected of causing to hospital 5 at least 5 patients were killed in
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the blaze in st petersburg on tuesday for reportedly started when a ventilator short circuited intensive care ward same brand of machine is blamed for fire which killed a hospital patient in moscow on saturday. riot police in bolivia have fought with protesters who accuse the government of failing to support the most vulnerable during the covert $1000.00 crisis officers fired tear gas and rubber bullets to break up the demonstration which came a day after a national law was extended the government says it's giving cash handouts to families in need but many people who've lost their jobs say they haven't received any help. colombia is boosting its military presence along its amazon borders to help protect against imported coronavirus cases the government closed land borders in march has been gradually relaxing looked on measures over the past 2 weeks but health authorities remain concerned over outbreaks in neighboring countries brazil in particular which has the highest number of cases in the region. well as the
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number of coronavirus deaths mounts in latin america as some governments are being criticized over their response to the crisis support for brazil's president has dropped off the attack containment measures imposed by local authorities and in chile the government is being accused of dragging its feet as infections saw a lot in america added to this in human reports now from santiago. in the city of need that oil local authorities are restricting entry from neighboring rio de janeiro which has the 2nd highest called $1000.00 infection rate in brazil some of the hottest it's necessary because the population is not respecting social distancing and not affects more people if the virus isn't stopped now who guarantees that it will be stopped later. it seems logical enough but not the president. who is blocking it calls from governors to impose a lockdown. at. first he went on a jet ski escapade and the day brazil's death toll surpassed 10000 and called fears
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of coronavirus paranoia. now is the toll approaches 12000 he's issued a decree to allow barbershops beauty salons and gyms to reopen as essential services the prestigious british medical journal the lancet says bonds are not all may be the single biggest threat to brazil's fight against corona virus. in chile the government is also under fire accused of taking too long to impose widespread quarantines in the capital. infections have soared from 15 to more than 30000 in just 2 weeks nationwide the majority here in santiago the death toll is still relatively low but that's likely to change very quickly this is the entrance to the emergency room of one of some towels oldest and largest public hospitals the beds in the critical care units are now almost full and that isn't even the worst problem it's the lack of nurses and other technicians that are needed to care for
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patients that need emergency care. the air force is airlifting recovering patients to other provinces to share the load short staffed and the 90 percent of beds taken the government has declared what it calls the battle for santiago will clearly worried president. is overseen the arrival of massive amounts of protective gear and more ventilators and it'll dimple that there see that these next weeks will be very challenging and would require the best of all of us. but many say the government should have done more already like these mourners who are waiting for a loved one to be brought out for burial a bell says he lost his nephew and his uncle in less than a week with no one in the what is now world dying because of the incompetence and greed of our leaders who refused to declare a total lockdown in santiago we were supposedly experts prepared for the worst but it's a bunch of lies more than half
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a cent is now finally under quarantine but it may be too late to prevent the health system from collapsing even before chilling reaches the peak of the pandemic you see in human al jazeera sent the al. south korean authorities are combing through people's personal data to identify anybody who visited nightclubs at the center of a coronavirus clustered so more than 100 new cases have been traced back to the capital city to one neighborhood which is known for its nice for its nightlife mobile phone data credit card statements and surveillance camera footage being studied to identify potential infections more than 7000 people have already been traced and tested. many voters in the u.s. state of nebraska largely avoided polling booth for its presidential primary election instead they shattered a state record for mail in ballots with nearly 400000 votes sent through the post republican president donald trump and democratic challenger joe biden securities
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victories a loss to any person election took place in wisconsin was in early april and resulted in at least 19 people testing positive for coverage 19 sri lanka's election commission is deciding whether to hold parliamentary polls in june the election has already been delayed by 2 months because of a nationwide coronavirus lockdown milf and as reports from colombia preparations for a poor that was meant to be held quickly but the coronavirus pandemic injury lanka forced the snap parliamentary election to be delayed when it became apparent people couldn't go to the ballot box really bore on. election or the patients or that it would be thought they'd get the public or the government open or the working elected we have a think about. a better way we have to think about the democracy president got out there rajapaksa dissolve parliament in march and call the polls 6 months
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early in a bid to win control of the legislature but with a nation wide curfew ordered to come back coronavirus the election commission delayed it that triggered fears of a potential constitutional crisis as the election was meant to be held within 3 months the new date of june the 20th phones outside that tragic says there be no need to recall the parliament. law does not expect to do the impossible whatever happens i have no need to recall the old parliament i can only convene the new parliament if a new illustrators are appointed by an election. the opposition says the election must be here soon we are very mindful of the necessity to have elections the importance of elections and the protection and promotion of democratic institutions having said that we need to have a precious environment an appropriate context where we can
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have a free and fair election. critics argue large campaign rallies canvassing for votes and voting in ballot boxes will risk people's health several individuals and groups of british and the supreme court to delay the election even further but with restrictions easing and an election approaching the court doesn't have much time to decide minute and then there's al-jazeera colombo health workers in croatia have apologized to the relatives of a virus victim who was buried using another woman's name the document mix up happened after 2 elderly women were admitted to a hospital and split earlier another mistake in the capital zagreb led to a virus free woman being treated in a covert 19 ward. south africa has managed to stem the tide of corona virus infection and a key part of its response has been contact tracing that's a strategy that is drawn heavily on its experience of battling
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a hiv aids al-jazeera joined one contact trace her working in northwest province as historic it is and was in a bit concerned about conflict in court. but communicable diseases put the need to dealing with outbreak response or dealing with conditions and more that needs were needed. reeks of this. because some professional need to get a place that. might be sensed incest. soul i'm here to if they need. it what been a bit more about. just to prevent their. spreading. that is what was and wasn't was once you will hear. so you'll continue screening. and fortunately in my case all of them where
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i think meaning that you can have a nice living. as a health care example not only. considering not only concentrating on the current one. i. get into the house i do the whole last lesson in the environment but sometimes. i don't tend themselves need to. check whether these people are not crowded. where you land. in a small house and they were crowded and then belgrade and 10 is not going to. happen then. i advise there will be transported to agree to be translated to. the significant area where the train will take. my
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position. no conflict. no sin. then if you will be so you see where there is no greater feeling why am i. here and there are no symptoms. working from home has been so successful for twitter that it says workers can now do it permanently social media company says most offices and business travel went resume before september twitter announced that once offices do reopen those who are able to work from home can continue to do so if they choose governments worldwide have businesses to shift to a remote work set up to help contain 19 libby sandor is an assistant professor of organizational behavior at boston university in australia and she says there are benefits for both the employer and the employee but smaller businesses or they could struggle. one of the benefits of people being absent from hiring ease greater
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participation in the workforce so it gives organizations access to a greater talent pool that includes older workers people who do have caring responsibilities or childcare needs and so it opens up 7 you know much no possibility for the organization in that white people are returning to the office then obviously they have to put those arrangements back and i thought to be able to find workers who don't have restrictions together to attend the office so many issues with waiting for time is that people who do feel professionally and socially isolated a they're all at the time you don't have a chance to want to get a card or you know get a coffee so the problem and come up with a new idea that is face to face encounters are really important and they do help organizational creativity so that's removed and people who work from one penitently do you feel that they can get overlooked for promotion and that they don't have a relationship with a colleague it's not possible for every company some companies already have
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flexible work arrangements where people can work from home but not all of them do and as you said not everyone has access to the technology to do that and it is a great cost contentiously small business he doesn't have that in place and he might be struggling to recover from their current situation. or let's have a quick recap of the headlines here on the air and the government of a city in northeast china is warning of another corona virus outbreak 7 new cases have been reported in chile and more than a dozen inflation's have also been recorded in nearby city training here has more from beijing. all of these cases have been traced back to a 45 year old woman but authorities say it's still a mystery as to how she caught kovan 1000 because she has no travel history and no contact with imported cases but there are there isn't speculation that this cluster
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had been going growing unnoticed for some time that had been smaller than 70 days that officials said that there were no local transmissions and now they say that they're being extra cautious by imposing these lockdowns they are still also downplaying any fears of a 2nd wave of infections saying that they're basically just trying to make sure this is contained thousands of people across england have headed back to work for the 1st time in more than 7 weeks it's part of a plan to relax restrictions which have been in place since late march people are now allowed to spend as much time as they want outdoors as long as they follow social distancing rules it is in scotland and wales and northern ireland rejects the change saying it's too early to ease restrictions. the european commission is set to discuss plans to lower border restrictions for some member states in a bid to restart tourism under the proposal regions which if contain the virus would open up while others would keep restrictions in place for the time be.
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u.s. secretary of state is in israel for talks on plans to annex a 3rd of the occupied west bank might be 3 prime minister benjamin netanyahu and benny gantz the former rivals will be partners in a unity government due to be sworn in on thursday palestinians have rejected president all trumps middle east peace plan which backs the annexation. when i was before that meeting might describe 2 attacks in afghanistan as an act of sheer evil that's off the dozens of people were killed in attacks on a maternity hospital and a funeral and choose day afghans that president has ordered the military to resume attacks against the taliban and other groups the taliban has denied responsibility all right jump to date with the headlines on al-jazeera we've got more news coming up right after inside story my colleague mr taylor here with the news of that.
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is the corona virus pandemic making it hard to treat all the diseases in africa u.n. agencies warned decades of progress in treating aids malaria and other illnesses could be reversed how do you decide what gets priority this is inside story. hello welcome to the program it's the coronavirus pandemic is putting enormous strain on health systems worldwide.


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