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tv   NEWS LIVE - 30  Al Jazeera  May 21, 2020 12:00pm-12:34pm +03

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crease in hostilities in yemen we listen this is the moment you stop. this is the name. on fighting every night we meet with global news makers and the stories that matter on the edges 0 the in the air. the air. the fuel shortage in venezuela threatens a new showdown between washington and tehran 5 iranian fuel tankers are just days away from arriving in the latin american nation. i am. player watching al-jazeera live from doha with me for also ahead at least 26 people dead after a powerful psycho and smashes into bangladesh and india as east coast china's top advisory body needs ahead of what will be the largest political gathering this
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economy and hong kong a top of the agenda and an appetite for business our vendors at malaysia's ramadan bazaars are finding new opportunities despite coronavirus long time restrictions. i am. a new standoff is brewing between the united states iran and venezuela over a shipment of millions of dollars of fuel 5 iranian oil tankers are just days away from arriving in venezuela to help ease petrol shortages that his way his own oil refining industry has collapsed because of sanctions as well as mismanagement alexey o'brien reports. in the venezuelan capital caracas the queue at the petrol station can last for days. this is the richest country in the world and we should not be like this because there is wealth there is oil there is everything the
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shortages have plagued venezuela for years ever since its 1300000 barrel a day refining network collapsed which critics blame on under-investment and mismanagement by the state oil company now president nicolas maduro has turned to iran for help for fuel itself and chemicals to help get the oil industry back on track. those 5 ships are bringing gasoline regarding the technical support for the reactivation of the refinery what the venezuelan government asked us for in the past week was to bring input materials catalysts which iran brought through the planes. ship tracking shows the 1st of the 5 tankers left the iranian port city of banda rob us and match the 1st tanker fortune is expected to arrive in venezuela in the next few days. iran is a longtime ally of venezuela and fellow rival of the united states both countries
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oil does our weirdy under u.s. sanctions the white house says it's considering how to respond to the shipment this would be an example of the iranian regime taking the wealth of the iranian people and wasting it in venezuela on the dirt. the u.s. is one of more than 60 countries trying to push nicolas maduro from power recognize an opposition leader. as president. a force of u.s. vessels including navy destroyers patrol the caribbean on what u.s. officials say is an anti drug mission venezuela sees the vessels as a threat and is sending its own military to a score the iranian tankers through its territory in case the delight it would constitute an actual mission as even the u.s. . and its women as a whole but analysts say a conflict is unlikely nobody in washington wants it war her or any sort of
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conflict with iran over venezuela in the current circumstances so although the u.s. commander in chief of the southern command has expressed concern over the earth and washington is clearly watching it closely i think it is in the current circumstances that are probably going to be. the extent of venezuela and iran say the trade is a win win for both countries iran got much needed gold venezuela the oil and both got to send a message to the united states alexia brian el jazeera let's get the view from iran joins us now live from tehran says zain what are the bahraini is saying about all this. well fall ever since these oil vessels left iran the government here has been preempting and preparing for some kind of american action or american protest to the shipment in the last week we've seen the foreign ministry to send letters to
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the swiss embassy the liaison between iran and the united states here into iran and a letter as well to the united nations from foreign minister zarif in which they protest any sort of action that the united states might take as well as the ongoing sanctions against iran and late last night the defense minister brigadier general tommy also echoed the remarks of civilian leaders saying that any sort of disruption to the voyage of these oil vessels would be seen as an act of piracy and a violation of international maritime law he also said that any disruption would receive a decisive and crushing response the kind of words that have become very familiar in terms of what iranian leaders say in response to u.s. policy towards them i can't do anything to keep the u.s. from rocking the shipments aine. i mean that is really the most important question something that will factor into the calculus that any american decision makers make with regards to dealing with these oil shipments now there are experts here that
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say in accordance to the sanctions currently against iran there is nothing to stop them from selling refined and user products like gasoline to venezuela in exchange for gold in fact what the former iranian envoy to opec actually suggested that this become a model for future transactions from iran iran now recently in the last few years able to refine oil to end user products like gasoline the. former official said that that should be a model going forward but we also have to consider that iran has a lot of influence right here geographically in its own backyard in the waters of the gulf in the waterways around iran there are important shipping lines for oil and trade of all kinds and iran has said over and over again that it is not above using its pressure points in the gulf waters in and around the neighboring countries in the middle east to exert its pressure on any sort of u.s. activity in the region in retaliation for anything that might be done to its interests abroad we've seen this in july $29000.00 the events of july 29000 when an
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iranian vessel was stopped in gibraltar by the british in return iran then to control of the pair o. and blocked it from crossing and that standoff lasted for a good amount of time and iran iranian leaders here in tehran have been reminding people publicly that it could do that again iran has a great number of military assets in the waters of the gulf and the united states has accused iran on several occasions of using its fast boats to harass its naval vessels iran wanted to remind the united states iranian leaders saying again that it cannot be ignored for its ability to retaliate in this part of the world and that is something an expert told us earlier this morning as well no matter what your feelings are policy as a nation towards iran one thing that people can no longer ignore as iran is will. able to retaliate regionally to protect its interests abroad thank you zain for that zain best for us in tehran and venezuela has filed a legal claim to force the bank of england to release $1000000000.00 worth of its
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own gold the government says is to help fund its coronavirus response the bank of england has held on to 31 tons of venezuelan gold since 1800 because of u.k. and u.s. sanctions a number of nations use the bank of england to store their 1000000000 reserves in other world news a powerful psycho and has killed at least 26 people and left many more homeless in eastern india and bangladesh psycho and battered west bengal in odisha states with winds of up to 170 kilometers an hour it's destroyed homes flooded streets uprooted trees and cut power to millions of households hundreds of thousands of people have shifted from low lying coastal areas let's get an update on the situation in india from pre-marriage jairam who joins us from kolkata prima western god is where the cycle on made landfall almost 24 hours ago how much damage has a cost there. was massive damage when i was
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on the streets or schools are closed or scenario where i saw trees just a line under the old and not any one lane that i'm talking about like even even smaller so that little scenario or every other street that i know all the. information that i've thought about those feet going to get $15000.00 healey of all kids all go that it was collapsing and electric. that had fallen you know got to go higher. so that is something we should look into and even frankly electricity department has for the city very careful all these little they could live while. there are simply. not this is not a hell of a lot here told you. that are not. do that. and that in fact in a vacuum it's implied a little be lingering there it's going to go. there's evacuation is in the way of all the exclusion and. that is what. little be
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a positive grappling in the actual mark. that it is assessing the situation and if we're going to get a feel. good if the naked lawsuits. thousands also you know called in the last the. government has agreed to the deadline for dominant says that it stands. the good think. it does read it in the done in look it did and i think. that is literally devastated. the damage that has been done and now that's. thank you very much for that. apologies for the sound quality on the. reporting from kolkata.
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but always says the extent of the damage is still being assessed. now we know for sure that the hundreds and thousands of houses around delta plane have been destroyed or washed away oxfam reported the same about thousands of my houses were washed away by the tidal wave and we also know about $5000000.00 people are out of power and this area of the southwestern bangladesh which took the biggest hit is an area where there is a large aquatic farming as well as regular farming so a lot of this people are going to suffer from this destruction of the farmland now we also know that the country is fighting through the. $1000.00 pandemic due to the shutdown there is an economic loss so there is a major challenge ahead this is also a monsoon season and rehabilitation work is going to take time by and large we still have a lot of reports to see what comes up but the damage has been very severe this is one of the hardest psych on since 197-2007 so we'll know file that down the road.
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the total number of confirmed corona virus cases worldwide has passed 5000000 that's according to a tally by johns hopkins university the virus has killed more than 320000 people and roll down that containing it have devastated the world economy the outbreak originated in china but the u.s. and europe have been the worst affected still ahead on al-jazeera getting tourism into gear for the summer how the french government intends to kicks on the sector and save jobs last month has migraines why its government has been accused of breaking international norms and see. hello there plenty of showers and thunderstorms throughout much of indonesia some heavy rains in the fall calls into borneo and also over the next 2 days of rains
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becoming more widespread throughout much of the philippines our friday those rains very heavy into much of mindanao also you can see here the central northern areas of borneo very heavy downpours the make an insular and northern sections of sumatra notice as heavy on saturday and again a bit of a break across into borneo the next polls that have you any thunderstorms is on its way but it doesn't really make it to many regions as we go through the day now down into australia plenty of cows streaming across much of the north we are going to see some heavy rain here particularly through queensland meanwhile across the new south wales just sitting off the coast there a fairly vigorous storm system some strong winds plenty of rain making things feel much cooler just 14 in melbourne 60 degrees in sydney not a bad day friday across much of new zealand temp is not too bad either 18 degrees in christchurch and fine and dry in perth on friday also on saturday a very warm day there is some rain on the way i'll show you in just a moment but meanwhile some very heavy rain throughout much of the queensland as i
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say resist. on the way towards the far southwest that means by sunday time it does it down i will see rain for that a few days after that. but . with no guaranteed paid sick leave millions of americans are forced to choose between work and health i don't use my leave to get my mammogram and use my leave to care for my mother as the coronavirus brings employment laws into focus fold lines examines the human cost of losing business before he. can i say see fallen behind people get sick the impossible choice america's paid leave crisis on al-jazeera. to. form. the
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end to. welcome back you're watching al-jazeera live from doha top stories this hour venezuela says its military will escort 5 iranian tank is bringing fuel to ease years of shortages both countries are under u.s. sanctions and washington says 'd it's considering a response to the shipment about 4 cycle has killed at least $26.00 people in eastern india and bangladesh psycho and on destroyed homes flooded streets uprooted trees and cut power to millions of households and the total number of confirmed coronavirus cases worldwide has passed 5000000 researchers at johns hopkins university say the virus has killed more than 320000 people lockdowns aimed at containing a tough devastated at the world economy. a chinese leaders have observed
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a minute of silence for corona virus victims at the start of it the biggest political gathering this year the opening session of china's top political advisor a body started one day ahead of the national people's congress when china's top leaders will meet unlikely announce measures to kickstart the struggling economy that's been hit hard by the pandemic and speak to katrina you in beijing for is so katrina the advisory board the body department meeting and they talk to a number of issues every year but this year is going to be different isnt it. quite different this afternoon and it's known as the 2 sessions opened here in beijing the advisory body is made up of about 2000 economists and other political political commentators analysts business people and they advise the government and tomorrow we'll have the national people's congress which is a a room full of thousands of the most powerful people here in china including president xi jinping and this year it's different because there are so many
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challenges that this body faces we've spoken to so many analysts and they've told us never before has the n.p.c. met during such trying times of both internal and external difficulty is that they face internally a slowing economy rising unemployment more businesses going bankrupt and turning to the government to stimulate the economy after the standstill brought about by the coronavirus and also the virus outbreak here is yet to be brought under control and externally you've got more and more countries really growing angry and criticizing the chinese government and the chinese sentiment growing in various areas around the world and this criticism is led by china's biggest trading partner the u.s. and the u.s. secretary of state mike on wednesday catrina hinted reviewing hong kong special trading status with the u.s. what's been the response from china. while the u.s. and china have been leveling attacks at each other for the last few months and in
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recent weeks this language has been growing stronger and stronger the u.s. has a variety of complaints it's taken up china's handling of the pandemic unfair trade practices and also lately it's taken up some very sick sensitive issues here in beijing as opinion in taiwan and hong kong let's have a listen to what mike pompei i had to say about this on wednesday in hong kong or decision on whether or not to identify hong kong as having a high degree of autonomy from china still pending closely watching what's going on there. this week pro-democracy legislators were manhandled while trying to stop a procedural irregularity by project pro beijing legislators winning home from activists like martin lee and jimmy why the court actions like these make it more difficult to assess the hong kong remains highly autonomous from mainland china. so there mike pompei are questioning the hong kong's autonomy and whether hong kong
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should still receive special treatment from the u.s. that allows it to function as an international financial center well china's foreign ministry responded with a statement early on thursday morning saying that the u.s. is blackmailing the hong kong government and interfering in china's domestic affairs it also said that china does not fear these words from the u.s. and it will continue to do whatever it takes to safeguard the security and the sovereignty of china now this is really the same kind of language we hear time and time again when it comes to any comments around hong kong or taiwan and from china's perspective any pro-democracy lawmaker pro-democracy activists is really in their opinion heavily influenced by the u.s. when it comes to to wanting to to break away or really push for any independence away from china in china's opinion it's really doing its best to uphold the one country 2 systems policy but of course these democratic pro-democracy protesters have said that since 1997 china has really failed to hold up its or in part of the
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bargain and uphold and protect the democratic rights of the hong kong people thank you for that katrina you live for us there in beijing. now the coronavirus pandemic has devastated global tourism tourist sites are roped off airports are empty and millions of jobs are at risk as countries work out how to reopen and pump cash into their economies up to 1100000000 fewer people are expected to take trips in 2020 according to the world tourism organization have emptied major tourist attractions with iconic size like india's taj mahal closed to visitors the economic toll is staggering 38000000 indians face unemployment due to the near collapse of the tourism and hospitality industry while the skies say silent the aviation industry is enduring its worst crisis in history with passenger demand down by 90 percent in europe and the us that's cause as many as $32000.00 job cuts at airlines in europe
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which accounts for half of the global tourism market and his al-jazeera is that in paris on the struggle the french government is facing to balance economic needs with public health. so i think you've been teach to c.v. call is both a passion and a business for room yet but a coronavirus crisis has put the brakes on his tool company in paris he hopes it is some countries begin to ease knockdowns and travel restrictions tourists will return to the city without them his business may struggle to survive work more or less with tourists for in your tourist former europe and us. it's really hard to work hollywood persians they don't do really such kind of tour. paris's famous monuments are shot so a cafe is restaurants and hotels like this one a not shari'a way sis in the center of the city it opened less than a year ago the managing director says the financial impact of covert 19 is the
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worst she's experienced in her 25 years in hospitality i mean normally in this period during july and august for example we have a lot of people from going. released from from dubai from riyadh but the problem now we can see that we have totally lost 2020 because there is no doubt that the business for not coming back i mean strongly coming back before 2021 paris is one of the world's most visited cities tourism one of its main industry so reopening and reviving the sector is vital for its economy but doing that safely when the health crisis isn't over is a huge challenge paris is not alone in this low his global world so every capital every city i've got the same challenges actually so i'm pretty sure that we will all be committed to have the same say to measures everywhere some of paris's smallest museums have been limited to reopen only 10 visitors at
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a time are allowed in the committee foundation since distancing isn't forced mosques are mandatory but the new rules haven't dissuaded. for her it was essential to reopen. again we asked for showing again and the author of the culture should be that the french government has yet to decide when borders hotels restaurants and cafes will fully reopen last week the prime minister announced a more the $19000000000.00 tourism rescue plan he said saving the industry is a national priority but soon safeguarding people's health it's a fine balance for everyone but equally when it's paul to tell what's around the corner it's actually a bottle of al-jazeera iris. now ramadan is the holiest month in the muslim calendar and in malaysia it's also a time when small traders and hawkers make the most money but as their shops remain closed because of the pandemic many vendors have gone online france really has
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a story from kuala lumpur. muhammad jarrett is is taking down the day's orders via social media to stand out from the crowd he and his business partner post videos of their protest sandwiches no locally as well every few days on a digital platform of abandoning files this year definitely less compared to the previous years with a lot of competition online it's quite hard to compete for the past 4 years and are if and his partner have had a stall in one of ramadan bazaars street markets selling mostly food for if top the break in a fast these extremely popular in malaysia and ramadan is usually a lucrative time for the food vendors but the government has banned them this year because of the pandemic in their place countless groups have been created across digital platforms for vendors to sell online a.t.l.
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been mohamadi who sells meat skewers. is a member of at least 10 groups but there's also some of the facebook groups have been really helpful to my business especially the one that's focused on. because of the location that we're in it's helped me a lot it's probably helped some of the others here too he can also count on walk in customers because his shop is in a food court and still allow to open doesn't have the same festive atmosphere but food courts like this one in a suburb of quality it's the closest thing to a run that. almost everyone here whereas a mosque hardly anyone gets they pick up their food and the. it's not as lively but i'm grateful we can still buy food at the stalls there aren't as many choices but maybe that's a good think we don't end up wasting as much food. it's not as crowded as a ramadan bazaar we can observe physical distancing and that can help us break the
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chain of transmission. the pendennis has changed the ramadan habits of many muslims in malaysia this year but vendors are also hopeful it may have created new ones and opportunities for the future florence al-jazeera. malta's government has been accused of breaking international law by turning away more than $100.00 migrants stranded at sea activists say maltese armed forces left several migrants to die when they were forced to libya last month sonia gago has a story. 101 people in distress. caught at the mercy of the maltese all sora t's on april the 11th the vessel they were on had come from the libyan port of zlitan and had been drifting in malta a search and rescue zone. alarm phoned the ngo that locked the case said several people had been left to die at sea under the watch of the maltese armed forces
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using dangerous maneuvers they attempted to force the migrants back to libya and eventually made them land in italy giving them fuel and an engine for the journey according to those on board there has been a surge in migrants arriving in malta this year and the government says its reception centers are full prime minister robert a bail of out he would prevent war from landing unless the e.u. completes a deal to share the burden when the pandemic hit to europe or employed private boats to intercept migrant vessels coming from libya before they could reach the island where people who are trying to escape from libya are not changing their plans because of a coronavirus and of course the solution has to be found at the european level but in the meanwhile. refused to rescue people in distress. while italy a multi continue to be the main landing zones for refugees and migrants coming from
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libya both countries complain that not enough is being done to help them deal with the ongoing crisis and in the middle of a pandemic and a deteriorating security situation in libya many vulnerable people there are seeing their struggles become tougher than ever with little or no possibilities of a way out on a diagonal al-jazeera. climate change is having an unusually effects near the south pole by turning parts of on talk to green rooms of spreading on the snow giving the world's most bang continent a splash of color rising temperatures have made the spread so prolific it can be seen from space well then $1600.00 gross have been identified over 2 square kilometers spent time to say the overall impact will be insignificant and that is a professor of earth observation at the university of leeds he says it's another indicator of rapidly melting ice sheets getting warmer and warmer and for some
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time now we've seen the signal of that change in the ice so you might have heard stories about ice melting or ice takes breaking off. but this is interesting because this is now showing is that it's warm enough to change the things that can live there as well it's definitely not a positive side of the story to think that antarctica will no longer be the cold frigid place that everyone expects to be and will be somewhere different types of creatures want to recall in our eyes in the very distant past i thought it was just a forest actually that was many many millions of years ago and we don't expect it to be anything like that soon but if it all you can live that and then when the algae and then they get there then something will come of it worms course is a real problem for everyone around the planet because the ice melts and so can the sea and we feel that instantly wherever we are on the ground even though antarctica
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is a very long way away if the city's sea level changes it changes around the whole planet and in fact it effects as most in the northern hemisphere if ice is lost down south and and then in one respect the fact that we see new life forms emerging in antarctica is just another signal that the place is getting too hot and too hot for the ice to withstand. thank you and. i'm fully back to go with the headlines on al-jazeera venezuela says its military will escort fine iranian tankas bringing oil to easy is a shortages both countries are under u.s. sanctions and the white house says it's considering a response to the shipment zain is in tehran where he says he rein in officials have been busy preempting any sort of u.s. reaction to these shipments official letters have been sent to both the swiss embassy the liaison between iran and the united states here into iran as well as to
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the united nations the foreign ministry protesting any potential reaction from the u.s. and late last night iran's defense minister brigadier general amir hatami echoed a lot of the remarks that civilian leaders have already been making for several days he said any disruption would be considered piracy and as against international maritime law he also said that any disruption to this voyage will receive a decisive and crushing response familiar words from the senior leaders here in iran when it comes to dealing with us a powerful psycho and has left a path of destruction in essent india and bangladesh on pine has killed 26 people destroyed homes flooded boats and cut power to millions of households the total number of confirmed coronavirus cases worldwide has passed $5000000.00 researchers at johns hopkins university say the virus has killed more than 328000 people down's aimed at containing it have devastated the world economy chinese leaders have
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observed a minute of silence for coronavirus victims at the start of its biggest political gathering of the year the opening session of china's top political advisory body started one day ahead of the national people's congress that's when china's top leaders will meet and likely announce measures to kick sop the struggling economy that spain hits hard by the pandemic. and japan wants to extradite 2 men from the u.s. accused of helping former nissan boss carlos go and s.k. from the country japan issued arrest warrants for michael taylor a former u.s. special forces soldier and his son in january they are currently in custody in massachusetts japan says they helped go and avoid a financial misconduct trial i feel child at home in lebanon and you're upset with headlines on al-jazeera coming out makes its fault lines. we understand the differences and similarities of cultures across the world. so no
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matter what you see al-jazeera will bring you the news and current affairs that matter to you. al-jazeera. i'm almost sure you know this but the brain tumor i had to choose between my job or my mom and of course i was going to choose my mom i had to take my doubt myself where i was at work at the time i didn't have to take time off but i have a customer yelling at me you know every day people need 19 states are being forced to make an impossible choice between going to work or caring for themselves or their loved ones i was working the day that the twins were delivered by the syrians section and up through 2 months after their birth pretty sharp right the 1st week daycare trouble and it just broke my heart you know every time that they cried for me as i handed them off i had a.


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