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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 21, 2020 1:00pm-2:01pm +03

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transport this dangerous but precious cargo. risking your. own al-jazeera. 0. hello there i'm the star and this is the news hour live from coming up in the next 60 minutes a thirst for oil in venezuela shipments from iran are on the way but there's also the threat of a showdown with the u.s. . at least 26 people have been killed after a powerful psycho and smashes into bangladesh and india's east coast. china's biggest political meeting against a backdrop of growing pressure over the coronavirus tension with the u.s.
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and a slowing economy. and a drive to attract tourists back to one of the world's most visited cities that their own safety concerns. and sport had a catheter as world cup organizing committee vows to keep the event affordable for founts us and all the while he says not pricing out supporters has become more important to the to the economic impact of corona virus. now a new standoff could be brewing between the united states iran and venezuela over a shipment of millions of dollars of fuel 5 iranian tankers are just days away from arriving in venezuela to help ease petrol shortages there venezuela's own oil refining industry has collapsed because of sanctions as well as mismanagement alexia brian reports. in the venezuelan capital caracas the queue at the petrol
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station can last for days. this is the richest country in the world and we should not be like this because there is wealth there is oil there is everything the shortages have plagued venezuela for years ever since its 1300000 barrel a day refining network collapsed which critics blame on under-investment and mismanagement by the state oil company now president nicolas maduro has turned to iran for help for fuel itself and chemicals to help get the oil industry back on track. those 5 ships are bringing gasoline regarding the technical support for the reactivation of the refinery what the venezuelan government asked us for in the past week was to bring input materials catalysts which iran brought through the planes. ship tracking shows the 1st of the 5 tanks has left the iranian port city
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of banda rob us and match the 1st tanker fortune is expected to arrive in venezuela in the next few days iran is a longtime ally of venezuela and fellow rival of the united states both countries oil slick design or weedy under u.s. sanctions the white house says it's considering how to respond to the shipment this would be an example of the iranian regime taking the wealth of the iranian people and wasting it in venezuela on the dirt. the u.s. is one of more than 60 countries trying to push nicolas maduro from power recognize an opposition leader one go i don't know as president a force of u.s. vessels including navy destroyers patrol the caribbean on what u.s. officials say is an anti drug mission venezuela sees the vessels as a threat and is sending its own military to a score the iranian tankers through its territory in case the delights it would
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constitute an actual russian. women as a whole but analysts say a conflict is unlikely nobody in washington wants it war her or any sort of conflict with iran over venezuela in the current circumstances so although the u.s. commander in chief of the southern command has expressed concern over the earth and washington is clearly watching it closely i think it is in the current circumstances that probably going to be. the extent of venezuela and iran say the trade is a win win for both countries iran got much needed gold venezuela the oil and both got to send a message to the united states alexia brian el jazeera well we can ask for it izadi he is a professor of wealth studies at the university of tehran he joins us now from the iranian capital for what let's start with the practicalities of this arrangement
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how confident can tear on be that the u.s. isn't actually going to intercept this shipment. you know it's going to be under international law if the united states does that iran and there's a 2 independent countries they can trade in oil over any other goods if they wish to and the u.s. doesn't have any a standing under international law to threaten the shipment of oil the sanctions that iran out of it are facing are passed by the u.s. congress and iran and venezuela not under any obligation to follow u.s. congress dictates so i think both countries iran and find quite confident that the u.s. with nothing gaijin any illegal behavior and if you u.s. does that there would be a response for that me ask you a little more about that relationship do you think that this is more about iran standing with venezuela or potentially more about challenging the united states. i
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think it's both you know it's from presidential as this time you know on has had with the nations of both countries under illegally the sanctions and they are basically trying to help each other comes to willing around the sanctions and this is also a humanitarian gesture by iran because ordinary citizen use gasoline you have seen the pictures from caracas people are standing in bahrain and there's far too that this is not something that iran can tolerate anyone has the ability to help the people in. the u.s. government officials. you know had the clip of government official in the united states saying that you know on his base thing if you don't then you have a government is basing it on young people as. you know it is actually selling the earth has been. ordered in the cities under sanctions and so this is a this is
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a veil actually being able to go on sanctions so overall i think as your reporter said this is a villain win situation for both countries and who cares what the united states is france and i thought you mentioned the possibility of retaliation now we are hearing escalation rhetoric now too in this or obviously comes at a time when the while the scrapping of the global pandemic surely heightening tensions now really doesn't set anyone's interests. no it doesn't and you know when we have the pandemic going on sanctioning iran and then there's another countries by the united states is a sign of arrogance and the fact that they don't care about gold and their citizens we have even people in the u.s. congress are asking the trump administration to suspend sanctions while growing up why this is around but the arrogance that us seeing from the white house is actually increasing sanctions in the last few months why the countries are experiencing their lives for and iran has made it clear that it will defend itself
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in the region how like a jew you think a conflict could be you know iran's ability to cause difficulties for the united states in the persian gulf as quite expensive so if the u.s. attacks on the iranian oil tanker that you don't want to do something to damage the united states interests what should experience this a few months ago with an iranian trying to it being taken over by the british government in the military and in sea and what the u.n. did at that time was to take over the british ship and i think you don't repeat that. experience again if the this wants to engage in this type of behavior. a professor of wild studies at the university of tehran good to get your thoughts on al-jazeera. while iran has been one of the countries west affected by the current virus the total number of cases wild why it has now passed
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5000000 according to a tally by johns hopkins university in iran has nearly 127000 infections media there are now reporting that 10000 cases are among health workers let's get more on this with our correspondents in this robin he's in terror on for us they is a some pretty huge numbers is there an indication from with our ideas on how they're going to address this. well this number was floated by the deputy health minister haas and john bob i.e. he was speaking yesterday evening during a ceremony to mark the 17th annual national organ donation day and he took the opportunity at this ceremony to express the government's appreciation of the country's health care workers at least 10000 of those infected in this country he said were from the health care working community were health care workers that were directly on the front lines of iran's response to the corona virus outbreak now we
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know from figures that were floated by the government last month in april that at least $100.00 health care workers were killed or died from being infected from succumbing to the current virus but we don't know exactly what those most recent numbers are very specifically the deputy health minister left out the total death toll among health care workers so far in iran we've seen nearly 130000 infections since the beginning of the outbreak more than 7000 people have died from the virus in the context within which the health care workers were facing off with the outbreak was 'd a country that was caught off guard a country where the figures were in constant dispute a country that was struggling to get personal protection equipment as well as the medical supplies that they needed to treat patients so certainly it can be said despite the fact that iran's health care sector is a robust one this is one that was under strain under extreme strain by this outbreak and this is the government taking an opportunity to appreciate and
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acknowledge a lot of the efforts being taken by their frontline health care workers in dealing with the outbreak. on it and tehran thank you very much for that update. a powerful site current has killed at least 26 people and left many more homeless in eastern india and bangladesh cyclon on one basset west bengal in addition states with winds of up to 170 kilometers an hour it's destroyed homes flooded streets uprooted trees and cut power to millions of households hundreds of thousands of people have also been moved from low lying coastal areas well our correspondent chatter is standing by for us in the bangladeshi capital dhaka but 1st let's speak to premier rajaram who joins us now via skype from kolkata that's in india's west bengal prema made landfall not far from where you are almost 24 hours or can you describe what it looks like than now. well we went back onto the streets every
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other day and had fallen trees know like you have that is a major concern because they could be like royals which is why the electricity department has said that run must be careful of this also there is of course the last on buckshot charles blow from one end to the other if anybody wants to travel he's going to be a tough guy until all the trees are cleared by the bulk of them once well corp has all respond into action and they did that when the cycle when they would leave the ports of trees having fallen in different parts of the city to assess the damage and do good deed but as tradition well it is going to take a while and the chief minister a month about it is assessing the situation she's a set up especially with all schools they are going to be looking at various aspects and of course as as far as the night was concerned it continues in some areas because a fall cut which is still an ongoing nightmare for people that almost collapses that have been reported as having fallen and people have died in the state of west
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bengal a solid 24 by the nose less than the ones that use worst affected by the nozzles another district which is also worst affected but we must remember also that the state has delayed the call that night in prices which also brings us to the question also what about the car with 900 patients in the hospitals because we have reports of hospitals also having the backlash the cycle on and those in quarantine also that is also a big question so the state has to grapple with quite a bit not just the cycle but multiple with 90 crisis back to you and of course prima india still under current a virus walked down is that hampering the response to the storm. absolutely the law down is creating a very helpless situation for the student ministration because of those who are in child does that is a question as to whether you know you can really go out and help them at this point in time or to do to take a conscious call us or how to really go out and reach out to them you bring in mind
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social distancing norms apart from that people are also all willing to help but keeping in mind that good or not by the situation and printed missourians a one judy has to be careful as to how to reach out to the people in various areas . under 50 and keeping in mind also the state of west bengal and the interior parts or those that is also going to be a big task for the state administration to reach out to the people in the 1st 2 primary rajaram there for us in kolkata thank you very much pema well let's now go to tanveer chattery our correspondent who joins us from bangladesh as capital dhaka tanveer i know that people there are still assessing the extent of the damage but we already know that the economic consequences of this is going to be felt for many months. very much so i mean it's a very challenging time for the government grappling with the coronavirus pandemic and shut down a slow down the economy so to really. as far as the government of the people goes
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in general now we know the southwestern part of the country is very badly he'd typically this sort of cycle and maybe decades ago it would have actually taken far too many lives not because the country is experience that is there's a lot of cycling shelters and the rescue takes place at least 2 days ahead of the cycle and that's why very few life fortunately will last but the economic devastation is huge. disaster management council said it could be well over $1000000000.00 for right now the areas that where he is famous for fish cultivation shrimp cultivation and also the delta is famous for even across land a lot of farmland and these farmers depends their livelihood on the days and there'd be years to come before that can recover from this respect i spoke to a lot of my contacts in those areas they said there's a lot of salt water lot of places are still inundated from bangladesh thousands of mud houses and tin shelters where washed away by the title as high as 4 to 5 meter
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high so things are really bad more information is coming gradually. by tomorrow or more time that we've also been talking about the hundreds of thousands of ranger refugees who were in the camps around on the preparations that they were making for the storm how have they coped with. well fortunately the storm didn't hit the campaign area or. there were wind and a lot of rain the danger was of torrential rain which could cause a mudslide and flood in the camp which every month. and also the pandemic of 19 at least 6 cases were found so they're also in a panic but luckily. the storm didn't hit that we also know that $100.00 plus growing those were sheltered. called posh and charter island off bangladesh mainland they were rescued from boat those people are still in shelters because
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those highly prone to strike prone but they're safe right now and things that little stable in the can because the storm didn't hit but they're still in danger for torrential rain anytime in the months and season tanveer chattery there for us in the bangladeshi capital dhaka thank you ted. has plenty more ahead for you on this news hour and losing. your relocate the latest problem facing the embattled u.s. state of michigan. a taste for innovation with ramadan markets banned malaysia's street vendors on taking their meals online. and in school it is no sign of social distancing at north america's most popular most sports series it's here with the story.
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chinese leaders have observed a minute's silence for coronavirus victims at the start of their biggest political gathering of the year the opening session of the top political adviser a body started a day ahead of the national people's congress that's when china's leaders will likely announce measures to kick start an economy which has been hard hit by this pandemic well we will speak to our correspondent between beijing shortly for more on the national people's congress that fast her report. just over a year ago president xi jinping was surrounded by allies and moved with an air of confidence and leadership on the world stage. this week he sat alone at a world health organization conference defending china against accusations it failed to do enough to prevent the coronavirus pandemic. act it was openness transparency responsibility. china's leaders and the 3000 strong
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parliament will meet on friday amid growing international anger and criticism led by its biggest trading partner the us donald trump accuses china of covering up the outbreak beijing denies this but the argument is pushing the 2 countries closer to confrontation and phase one of the deal to end their 2 year trade war hangs in the balance he's mixing politics economics and also security issues very very dangerous mixture any kind of miscalculation could result in a real tragedy. another thought in china's side u.s. support for taiwan wednesday's inauguration of president when has pushed beijing's goal of reunification further away and in hong kong the virus emergency has failed to quell pro-democracy protests as china's. over the next week surging and china sentiment abroad isn't its orally challenge at home leaders must have
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a slower economy rising unemployment and new clusters of the coronavirus new outbreaks in behind and in china's northeast have struck fears of a 2nd wave of infections and in rural areas millions wait for an end to the life of poverty 2020 is the government deadline to create what it calls a moderately well off society. previous n.p.c. has never had to dear old these conflicts and difficulties like the one this year there are too many tasks it's mission impossible. but when the national congress opens problems. pageantry and 1400000000 chinese look to president xi to pave a path through what many see as an increasingly precarious future well for more let's now speak to katrina in beijing katrina just how different is this year's
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people's congress going to be especially for president xi well it's significantly different many analysts that we've spoken to recently told us that at no time has an n.p.c. gathered where the conditions have been so difficult there sorry many challenges internally and externally as we just heard the economy is slowing in so many people are losing their jobs this was supposed to be a time when the chinese government was celebrating 2020 was the deadline for the government to eradicate extreme poverty nationwide and yet so many people seem vulnerable to enter poverty losing their jobs and the coronavirus as well it's down to single digits in terms of new cases but it's still not under control and externally there is this increasing drum of criticism an ngo leveled at china because of its handling of the pandemic many countries raising questions as to how this virus spread so quickly in affected so many countries and this criticism the
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loudest of all is coming from china's biggest trading partner of the u.s. well let me ask you more about that katrina because we also heard from u.s. secretary of state mike pompei or and he has hinted at reviewing hong kong special trading status with the u.s. what are we hearing from beijing. that's right well the u.s. and china that bilateral relationship has get it has gotten worse and worse in the last few months they've been leveling blame at each other or of the virus and other issues and that language has gotten more harsh and more hostile of the weeks as the weeks have gone on so the u.s. has complained about china's a handling of the pandemic as i've mentioned also unfair trade practices security issues to do with technology and most recently as you mentioned he's bringing up his u.s. secretary of state my pump is bringing up ton his relationship with hong kong let's take a listen in hong kong or decision on whether or not to identify hong kong as having
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a high degree of autonomy from china still pending closely watching what's going on there this week pro-democracy legislators were manhandled while trying to stop or procedural irregularity by pro shit pro beijing legislators leaving hong kong activists like martin lee and jimmy why were hauled into court actions like these make it more difficult to assess the hong kong remains highly autonomous from mainland china. so just as we've heard them like pompei are questioning beijing's relationship with hong kong and questioning whether hong kong still has enough autonomy to warrant special treatment from the u.s. that allows it to function as an international financial center well beijing and the foreign ministry responded this morning on thursday with a statement saying that the us through these words is blackmailing the hong kong government and that it's interfering in china's domestic affairs it went on to say that the chinese people are not afraid of mike pompei was words that the chinese
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government will continue to do what it takes to save god the country's sovereignty i mean recently actually for the last few years beijing has maintained that these poor democracy lawmakers and pro-democracy activists in hong kong a little more than puppets of foreign powers such as the u.s. and that there really an extreme faction and today beijing's c.p.p. c.c.v. advice advisory body i mentioned that has met from this afternoon raised the relationship with hong kong saying that beijing supports improving the system and mechanism relating to the constitution and basically all of hong kong and macau so it does seem like they're looking at that no details as to what exactly that means but it's very hard to imagine that at this moment in time beijing will relax its grip on hong kong and if anything it's going to do the opposite and further tighten it katrina you there for us in beijing thank you very much katrina well for more on the national people's congress we can also speak to michael pettis he's a professor of finance at picking university's school of management he joins us now
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from the chinese capital michael this year's congress is obviously taking place in the middle of a global pandemic and massive economic downturn what kind of turn do you think are we likely to hear from leaders when it comes to growth. well i think it's pretty clear that there's a tremendous debate going on and by now i assume it's resolved because they have so little time left as to exactly how they're going to respond to the pandemic we know that most of the the good sources of growth in china the sustainable sources which are consumption exports and private sector business and aimed at serving consumption and exports are almost certainly going to be negative this year so if you want positive growth and they do want positive growth then they're going to have to rely on that on the old work courses which are mostly non productive economic activity and result in the soaring debt burden which are basically public
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sector infrastructure spending and real estate development so we're really curious to know what the what the division is going to be among those various sources of growth well as are hearing that from our correspondent president she has also had some pretty ambitious targets for eradicating poverty in china where does this leave all those patterns. well it's. obvious it's going to be much much harder because we don't know the extent of unemployment the data is pretty poor and doesn't really give us a good sense of that but most people assume that unemployment is anywhere from 10 to 20 percent and probably closer to that 20 percent then to the 10 percent number and. like in most other countries kogut 19 has had a much worse impact on the poor the young the self-employed women etc so the problem is that the there is a there's been
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a surge in unemployment and it's particularly affected the least well off within china so that risk putting a lot of people that have been recently taken out of poverty right back into poverty again michael aside from private 19 all of this has also taken place in the context of these escalating trade tensions with the u.s. and with also about the countries do you think that a downturn here for china was inevitable. yes i think i think given 1000 really didn't change anything and i think i think it's a mistake to assume that i think the main economic impact of code 19 will be to accelerate a lot of trends that are already taking place you know. a lot of people will argue that this whole trade conflict that's primarily a trump she thinks and that's simply not true trade as a share of global g.d.p. has been contracting basically since 2012 trams presidency has not really changed
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the direction very very much there are fundamental problems with the existing global trading regime and countries like china would still depend quite heavily on foreign demand to resolve their domestic demand deficiencies are going to be are going to be badly hurt by kogut because at 19 because one thing that we do know about it is that it's going to cause a significant reduction in global exports so export ing economies are going to feel the pain particularly badly. michael has us that professor of finance at packing in of acetate thank you for that giving us your insights and outta there. well it is now time for the weather and his jenny i see cycling on plan isn't quite done yet no not quite i mean the worst really is over by fall so you know there's some sort of good news and i still there but not so is it. you can see this is it of course it's still a mouse he can see the last few hours it's a little stall so the organization is no longer has that core it no longer has
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a really strong winds and again just living in close you can see that what we are dealing with is a massive club but you can see also where it is pushing it's pushing to the east away from bangladesh pushing up into the northeast of india and of course it still has some very heavy rain embedded within it so this is the rain is we go through friday now the areas of dark blue and yellow of course this is where we've got the really heavy downpours this again could well lead to flooding across many areas and is pushing up into puton as well but continuing all the time to move away to the east the winds are say really not a factor but the rain will continue to work its way to the northeast but eventually study by saturday should be a much better day across bangladesh and really through friday a much better day across into west bengal as well now you know just to the north you got a line of rain working its way through nepal that is also going to get caught up in this as a circulation is further to the northeast and again some yellow areas pushing up into view town so in actual fact we could still see a lot of rain across this region so for the next 3 days i say the rain is not done
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250 millimeters across many areas some areas locally could see as much as 300 millimeters of rain so the flooding threat still really does remain now elsewhere in india the heat is one of the main stories at the moment particularly through montana pradesh but the warnings in place and sunday by saturday 45 degrees in porn calls this is all ahead of the onset of the southwest monsoon and by then the stasi when the rains come in time it does do begin to come down but it's a woman from a thanks very much jenny still ahead on al-jazeera the changing of the gods growing concerns that brazil is turning away from science. as it struggles to cope with the pandemic. and in sport we look at the challenges facing women's football as at a time when all top level leagues have been suspended. refugees heading for
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a better life in australia to send it and sent to remote islands indefinite detention in conditions of conscience. smuggled out for each and eyewitness accounts the main thing you're doing for pain for even asking them not to harm themselves not to kill themselves witness chasing asylum. on al-jazeera. there is no channel that covers world news like we do as a roaming correspondent i am constantly on the go covering topic from politics to conflict and stuff just our mental issues the scale of this conflict like nothing you've ever seen that's not what we want to know is how do these things that people we revisit places stay even when they're no international headline. al-jazeera really invests and that's a privilege as a journalist. you
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know there i'm a saucy attained let's remind you of our top stories this hour venezuela says its military will escort 5 iranian tankers bringing fuel to ease years of shortages both countries are under u.s. sanctions and the white house says it's considering a response to that shipment. the total number of confirmed coronavirus cases wild wild has passed 5000001 of the worst affected countries has been iran and where there have been nearly 127000 infections at least 10000 of those were health workers. can up operations have begun in eastern india and bangladesh after the
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most powerful site trying to hit the bay of bengal in 20 years at least $26.00 people were killed thousands of homes destroyed and power supplies come to many communities. while we can now speak to most doctors saying he's the humanitarian directive to save the children in bangladesh and he joins us now from the capital dhaka thank you for being with us right now at a very busy time i know that you'll all still assessing the damage but can you give us a sense of the destruction that you're seeing there on the ground. thank you that's just the thing is that you know. started divorce starting bangladesh since the 6 pm last night and continued the whole night and this morning it was still in part of the country and not some kind of lend depiction states that the bus station that has been knocked out in bangladesh is usually the low lying coastal districts the areas. by 5 to 10 feet you know. and this is because this is
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especially another cell and what that means is actually into the mainland of the media and significant damage in you know the frost and he grabs. them and also he was one of the number of you know. shelters which is temporary in nature test opposes the 2nd one has also caused you know damages in some kind of investments which is which is the protection dams around most of the sticks and there are some breaching forums that because of. storm surges and because of that breaching points there was use amount of water that in fact in the mainland after the c.v.r. divestiture and sufferings for the people at around 2400000 people evacuated to take shelter more than 14000 sure does that has been you know it was the day before . due to pass the time during the cycle. we
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understand that the situation was still. somewhat what is deciding but right at this moment people started. turning toward their homes since that some of that yes the water live a lot of that is the situation over in bangladesh i want to ask you how is the relief effort itself going coronavirus restrictions for instance hampering things that. i think this is a good question in passing such a critical time which we never seen or like them before the cauldron of light us over 1000 season as well as this big super cycle on so we are trying to maintain the show distance that you know because you're not meant to as a. volunteer n.g.o.s we try to. raise the awareness among the people that only those people will be taking children who are who. may well in next year and it's not infected the people who are already infected they were separated
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and then they separate isolation center was there they were kept in that the strong buildings are that it is in the school colleges but that relief operation as he said just a starter from the government side and your side because the prime minister has instructed. all the government is going to show to start getting a lot of damage depending on shell does that has been. because of this plan which is ongoing but if you look at. that still oh we have to have a lot of things to do in terms of the sponsor just just being a started but i think need to be more you know you know you know i know a number is to be infused at most i can say that people are already beginning to return to their homes what are the most critical needs for them right now. i mean this is one of the area that we need to look into what we got the information from
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field offices our part to stop what being in the field we had all pretty much on board on the ground and we're getting information from them and what information we got that died at this moment the need is you know for some kind of water wash facilities because because of the situation there is some hygiene issues that they have and repairing up shelters and in the next visit might be declining off some kind of support because standing groups like them is. 5000000 people what disconnected from the electricity last night because of the safety situation but now the situation is becoming better but the says been something that it yes of the run was very big and you just almost impacted all over the country. to say in that humanitarian directive to save the children in bangladesh thank you so much for joining us on al-jazeera thank you very much well thousands have also been forced from their homes in the u.s.
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state of michigan a one in 500 year flooding event the failure of 2 dams and days of heavy rain has left large parts of the state's munched john hendren reports. across the midwest days of pounding rain water swelled to historic floods that swallowed entire towns . the worst of the waterborne havoc swept over central michigan where surging waters overwhelmed to nearly century old dams submerging whole towns beneath the deluge. in driving those quarantining from the pandemic out of their homes and into the streets we quickly got our to do. a couple changes of clothes and ourselves we had to do what we had to do as far as finding a place to stay out of the way as we would be sleeping in our vehicles in oppression warning one of the breached dams the town of midlands 96 year old
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eatonville dam was raided and satisfactory in 2018 it's now the latest failure in a nationwide infrastructure crisis floodwaters blew electrical boxes. and collapsed bridges like dominoes bridge after bridge after bridge it's hard to believe that we're in the midst of 100 year crisis a global pandemic. and that we're also dealing with a flooding event that looks to be the worst and 500 years as michigan struggled to cope president trump threatened to cut funding for the state over the way it is preparing for the november election president trump opposes an expansion of mail in voting saying fewer republicans would be elected that way and the state of michigan has sent applications for all of its 7700000 voters to vote by mail but the threat to withhold funding at a time when michigan is
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a hot spot both for corona virus and flooding could hardly come at a worse time whitmer a democrat urged the president not to inject politics into the crisis one another is not the enemy the enemy is a virus and in this case the enemy is also a plot of the water surged across michigan in the midwest in illinois a river swept over its banks and into the town of lists out in ohio 1st responders rescued stranded residents in boat say after streets turned to streams. back in michigan local officials say they fear the worst is yet to come as floodwaters continue to swell john hendren al-jazeera chicago now japan wants to extradite 2 men from the united states accused of helping foreman isaan boss score an escape from the country japan issued arrest warrants for michael taylor a former u.s. special forces soldier and his son and january japan says they helped go on a voyage of financial misconduct trial by failing to his childhood home levanon
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they were arrested in the u.s. on wednesday. now brazil's government is sanctioning the use of an anti malarial drug to treat coronavirus despite a lack of evidence that it works president triable sonora support for the drug has caused tensions within the health ministry where military personnel have now been appointed to keep artists brazil has the 3rd largest number of infections world wide and its health system is struggling to cope latin america at its alice in human reports. to brazil is now latin america's ground 0 with couvade 1000 infections spreading faster than anywhere else and president bush for not all has responded by getting his new health minister to approve the use of hydroxy chloroquine controversial anti-malaria drug is untested for treating coronavirus and can have serious even fatal side effects. but president bull so not all sense is 93 year old mother has
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a box by her bed you go there to. prescribe it to all my supporters and give those left wingers to buy no. he's referring to a soft drink popular among the poor and also not his last health minister resigned because he refused to greenlight the use of hydroxy chloroquine but his interim replacement a retired general who's not a doctor has had no problem following orders i go back to use just named 14 more members of the military to keep health ministry positions brazilian epidemiology just dr julie valley badal says he's extremely concerned. indiscriminate use of couric is dying jurists what is happening here is more political than scientific do you think that the president is militarizing the public health system though he said it's sad to see that the government is throwing science aside and that it is indeed militarizing one of the most important ministries in any country especially during a pandemic. with more than 800000 deaths and rising
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a group of the opposite. deputies have submitted impeachment against bill so noddle accusing him of crimes against public health. or the way he's managed the pandemic is putting brazilian lives at risk promoting crowds and close contact that increases infections and or tuesday more than 1100 people died in 24 hours and the president insists on using a drug that has no scientific evidence the president himself doesn't know the difference between a republic and an absolute monarchy. right now only supporters are out on the streets demonstrating we should critics decide to come out of their self-imposed foreign team to call for the president ouster as brazilians have successfully done before narratives days in office could well be numbered you see in human al-jazeera . while the current virus pandemic is devastating the tourism industry worldwide
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airports are empty as hotels and tourist attractions remain shut huge numbers of jobs are at risk as countries work out how to safely reopen and restart pumping cash into their economies the world tourism organization says more than a 1000000000 fewer trips are expected this year lockdowns of also closed famous attractions such as the taj mahal in india the economic toll there is staggering 38000000 indians face unemployment 2 years of the near collapse of the tourism and hospitality industry while the aviation industry is also enduring its worst crisis in history with passenger demand down by 90 percent in the u.s. and europe that's already cost $32000.00 job cuts and airlines in europe which accounts for hard of the global tourism market as well spain and greece are looking to reopen for tourism the some of that across europe the entire sector is preparing for a tough season while some restrictions are being eased it's expected to take until next year for the number of foreign visitors to rebound here's our desires natasha
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but for in paris on the struggle that the french government is facing to try to balance economic. needs with public health. i think it's been teach to c.v. call is both a passion and a business for yet but a coronavirus crisis has put the brakes on his tool company in paris he hopes it is some countries begin to ease knockdowns and travel restrictions tourists will return to the city without them his business may struggle to survive work more or less with tourists for in your tourist former europe and us. it's really hard to work hollywood's persians and don't really that's kind of tour. paris is famous monuments are shot so it cafes restaurants and hotels like this one another way sis in the center of the city it opened less than a year ago the managing director says the financial impact of covert 19 is the worst she's experienced in her 25 years in hospitality i mean normally in this
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period during july and august for example we have a lot of people from the middle east from from dubai from riyadh but the problem now we can say that we have totally lost 2020 because there is no doubt that the business for not coming back i mean strongly coming back before 2021 paris is one of the world's most visited cities tourism one of its main industry so reopening and reviving the sector is vital for its economy but doing that safely when the health crisis isn't over is a huge challenge paris is not alone in this is global world so every capital every city is hope the same challenges actually so i'm pretty sure that we will all be committed to have the same safety measures everywhere some of paris's smallest museums have been limited to reopen only 10 visitors at a time are allowed in the committee foundation since distancing isn't forced
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mosques are mandatory but the new rules haven't dissuaded. her so it was unfair. threw open as. if talking again we're asked to show i think again and the authenticator should be that the french government has yet to decide when borders hotels restaurants and cafes will fully reopen last week the prime minister announced a more the $19000000000.00 tourism rescue plan he said saving the industry is a national priority but so is safeguarding people's health it's a fine balance for everyone but when is paul to tell what's around the corner with al-jazeera paris. now ramadan is the holiest month in the muslim calendar and in malaysia it's also a time when small traders and hawk as make the most money but as their shops remain closed because of the pandemic many vendors have gone on one front 3 reports from kuala lumpur. mohammad darawshe is kind is taking down the day's
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orders via social media to stand out from the crowd he and his business partner post videos of their protest sandwiches no locally as well every few days on a digital platform of abandoning files this year definitely less compared to the previous years with a lot of competition online it's quite hard to compete for the past 4 years and are if and his partner have had a stall in one of kuala lumpur's ramadan street markets selling mostly food for if the break in a fast these extremely popular in malaysia and ramadan is usually a lucrative time for the food vendors but the government has banned them this year because of the pandemic in their place countless groups have been created across digital platforms for vendors to sell on line. been the hardy who sells meat skewers. is a member of at least 10 groups but there's also some of the facebook groups have
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been really helpful to my business especially the one that's focused on some pairing because of the location that we're in it's helped me a lot it's probably helped some of the others here too he can also count on walk in customers because his shop is in a food court and still allow to open it doesn't have the same festive atmosphere but food courts like this one in a suburb of quality it's the closest thing to a ramadan this year almost everyone here whereas a months hardly anyone lingers they pick up their food and the. it's not as lively but i'm grateful we can still buy food at the stalls there aren't as many choices but. maybe that's a good think we don't end up wasting as much food keep it up it's not as crowded as a ramadan bazaar we can observe physical distancing and that can help us break the chain of transmission. the pandemic has changed the ramadan habits of many muslims in malaysia this year but also hopeful it may have created new ones and
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opportunities for the future florence li al jazeera. all spore says next here on al-jazeera. say they're focused on making the event more affordable fads. that story.
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it is now time to force in his car this as a thank you so much ahead of katter's world cup organizing committee has vowed to keep the event affordable for fans as an author while he says not pricing out
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supporters has become more important due to the economic impact of coronavirus organizers say they'll do all they can to help supporters travel to their tournaments cancer is getting ready to host the 32 nation event in november and december of 2022. always said from day one this will be. one anybody who wants to come to the end of to be able to go you know you demonstrate that truly global scope. lives turns from all the different clothes to ensure that the leaders. know is still committed to ensuring that we create a balance between the flow of the world cup or price ranges who work for close arms and at the same time pressuring them as well as functional services. will you know there's no shortage of worst person to look. at those that this is trying to rip people together if ever you know there is. only.
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2020. some brits united. switzerland has taken another step towards firing its attorney general me caliber he was in charge of a crapshoot investigation into football's world governing body fifa a parliamentary panel has voted to open an m.p.h. meant process against the 54 year old the judicial commission are accused of a serious violation of his duties a fraud trial relating to the 2006 world cup collapsed last month. english premier league teams are likely to be given the all clear from the u.k. government to resume full contact training by the end of the week players are now able to train in small groups with a view to restarting the season behind closed doors in mid june the league has confirmed 6 positive tests from its 1st round of mass testing for corona bias in
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favor is working with one of the game's most powerful player unions to help the women's game through the coronavirus pandemic has just published a report outlining the challenges female players are facing it's a need to protect the rights and working conditions of players that it's high time when all top level women's football has been suspended 50 represents the interests of more than 65000 male and female footballers based in countries all over the world their most recent research revealed that close to 80 percent of the women's players they spoke to doubted their clubs had a clear strategy for growth while one in 4 countries recognized by fee for a still don't have a women's national team we've been talking to manned vandervoort out what needs to be done to help the women's games through the upheaval caused by coronavirus. there certainly is a concern that women should have equal access and opportunity to be tested and
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you know have a security and peace of mind that they're safe and healthy and looked after when when they return to place so i think the opportunity is is in making the decision making the decisions now so that women's football can. not only survive but but exceed expectations when we come back so it's about it's it's today about making the right decision on behalf of the players and behalf of the survival of the game over the long term and certainly if if leagues are returning to play certainly there should be safety protocols in place for for the women as much as the men there's always been the need but there's more of an opportunity to have this conversation about about things like labor standards and in women's football and the need for the need for basic labor standards when when we return things like contracts for players things like. tracking and ensuring state workloads if the
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game improves because players are given the opportunity to be elite athletes then we'll see the commercial investment in the sponsor investment and attendance and interests continue to rise and increase straightly as national rugby league competition is still on course to resume a week thursday or vice catchable has been announced with game set to be played at empty stadiums venues for the opening 9 rounds were confirmed with all that just to take place at one of 6 grounds teams may be able to play matches at their home stadiums if coronavirus restrictions are eased later in the season. if you take into account the ends and flows of form injuries you take into account that you know we're playing in society different stadiums. one thing reminds you coming this will be a tough competition for all 16 teams and you know what i think this is it will mean more than other years given all that we've been through to get to getting back up
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and running. and there's no sign of social distancing north america's most popular motor sport series nascar this was the 2nd race back since the cove it 19 disruption denny hamlin won the rain shortened race and darlington north carolina and wanted to make out busch finished 2nd after taking chase elliott out of the race things got pretty heated between the 2 drivers bush though did take the blame for the crash try to apologize. they're upset they're mad i'm not just going to fix it and we're going to have the ice cream the mariana and so obviously they are going to do well on it and there are repercussions that i'm sure i'm going to have later on down the road. ok and that is all your support pronounced as they are back to you thanks very much for that said from maine is starting to taper this news out but we are now hearing that the death toll from slight turn front has risen to 8440 but it will be in the stand have all that for
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you in just a minute to stay with us here on al-jazeera. i usually test trades and trace frank assessments it's only struggling to cope with the number 4 on the virus failure to take really aggressive action really behind her informed opinions it's going to be much more challenging in a place like haiti where there's one ventilator very relieved people in depth analysis of the day's global headlines india done enough to nip the spread of the
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one of ours in the inside story on al-jazeera. another early morning another ceremony to bit health workers by well. 29000 to cuban doctors and nurses working in 59 countries around the world has confirmed cases of coronavirus increase so does demand for cuban medics medical services at the on its main export while western commentators assume cuba sends doctors mainly to expound influence experts on the other health system draw a different conclusion you're making a big sacrifice why are you willing to go. because there are other people that need many people that is sick and dying and not just and right people shouldn't be dying when there are people who can help them. because the world finds the corona pandemic we're learning more about this every day it's a new patent your new join our global community it's up to us how we come together to fight on soaring fuel questions can i just honestly say i disagree directly that
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coming on on you tube as you are saying i'm concerned about the funny like oh nothing very quiet and not keeping you up to date and we've seen countries beaten back and beaten back successfully the stream on 00. the end. of rising death toll at least 84 people have been killed after a powerful psycho and smashed into bangladesh and india's east coast. player watching al-jazeera live from doha with me for the back t. ball also ahead a thirst for oil in venezuela shipments from iran are on the way but there's a threat of a showdown with the u.s. china's biggest political meeting against a backdrop of growing pressure.


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