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tv   NEWS LIVE - 30  Al Jazeera  May 22, 2020 7:00am-7:34am +03

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be the hero in the world needs. washing. confronting a new reality no growth targets from china as it reveals how it's going to make an economic comeback from coronavirus. and its outlined a new security law for hong kong with a con down on anything it calls subversive. i'm about this in this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up trouble in the skies the u.s. plans to pull out of a treaty that allows surveillance flights among 35 countries blaming russia for the
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decision. and why football fans are rejoicing in costa rica as the country gets closer to its goal of defeating the corona virus outbreak. china's unveiled plans to rebuild an economy badly hit by coronavirus and clamp down on the protest movement in hong kong premier league has shown that laid out the program for the next year in the opening address to the annual national people's congress a few hours ago it in the set of growth target for the economy is the 1st time that's happened in decades he's also told more than $3000.00 delegates that new laws will be introduced to ensure national security in hong kong we're going to speak to adrian brown in hong kong in a moment 1st let's go to katrina you in the chinese capital katrina's presently given premier league i should say giving
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a confident message that china has covert 99 to control but he has been more cautious when it comes to the economy. that's right cautious being the operative term and we had a hefty speech 23 pages got here but actually it was the shortest speech we've had in years and that's because the message was very clean and very pragmatic the theme was that the chrono virus has had a huge impact on china they've managed to get that under control they're still fighting the war no measures no resources have been spared but because of this the economy has suffered heavy losses but in premier league chung's words that was a price worth paying and because of this and because of the uncertainties due to the pandemic and trade no g.d.p. target has been set in china for the 1st time since 1988 he went on then to elaborate on a few measures that will be implemented to bolster the slowing economy the 1st being to stabilize employment that is key and you repeated that throughout the
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speech $9000000.00 urban jobs will be introduced and they will also invest in rural projects boost agricultural related jobs as well $140000000000.00 worth of government bonds will be issued to tackle card 19 and a defense budget was also raised 6.6 percent it would be just 16 percent this year that's actually the lowest worth rate we've had in recent years and the most telling instruction of all communist government officials on levels of government here in china will be told to tighten their belts there was some good news though the 2020 goal of eradicating extreme poverty will still stand and the government will continue to try to implement the phase one trade deal group of washington but of course many economic difficulties and this is the setting a very different torrent a lot less flowery language a lot less triumphant language and it seems that can be a leak achang here is really ushering in
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a new era of of stairs and here in china the strong economy has always been a key element of xi jinping this presidency and of course the chinese government is also being criticised for the way it was handling the early stages of the outbreak of coronavirus is there any indication about the way that people in china itself feeling about the government. we've got a really mixed picture rob if you go into the countryside where the majority of china's 1400000000 population live many will be full of praise for the government they believe they've done a good job in containing the outbreak and acting swiftly especially as they see news of how the pandemic is growing abroad they feel relatively safe and feel quite grateful but the same time especially in urban areas people are increasingly disgruntled lots because millions have had to take a pay cut or have lost their jobs in china unemployment is key is key
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and related to social instability and president xi jinping has always extol the virtues of the eye and rice bowl making sure that the livelihoods of people across china are safe and that now is in question because the economy has taken such a heavy hit because of the coronavirus so we are seeing more criticism and more uncertainty and fear and that's being felt by the governments are really leakage chung here in his opening speech has sought to reassure the people of china that the economy is in hand and that everything is being done to ensure that it will grow again continue for another thank you very much indeed i want to go over to adrian brown in hong kong. adrian let's talk about this draft legislation with regards to the protesters in hong kong. given the fact that china appears to be ramping up the pressure there what's been the reaction to that.
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oh the reaction has been fast and very swift here on friday we've been hearing from people like the former governor of hong kong chris patten who says the announcement of the security bill that china now wants for hong kong amounts to really a wholesale assault on hong kong's freedoms and autonomy attack near chan a leading figure in the pro-democracy camp has said that depriving hong kong of the right to scrutinise its legislation basically means the end of the one country 2 systems formula at the moment there is a media conference going on again given by several leading figures in the pro-democracy camp and they're essentially saying it's no longer one country 2 systems but one country and one system and he said that she jingping doesn't care what the rest of the world thinks or wants and he is set now on a course of confrontation so i think you're going to hear more of this sort of stuff throughout friday you know i've been living and working in hong kong on and
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off for 31 years and i can tell you that the mood now is pretty much as it was just after the crackdown in 1909 on june the 4th there is a real feeling now that perhaps you know the autonomy that they were promised that was supposed to last for 50 years until 2047 in fact is not going to happen and that slowly those freedoms are beginning to unravel now china has insisted that is not the case you heard the premier of the opening of the national people's congress on friday in his work report saying that china will faithfully implement the one country 2 systems formula but to many people here those words are starting to sound very hollow indeed if you are just as you've been talking to as we've been seeing some live pictures which from what we believe is a pro-democracy protests which is going on at the moment in the center of hong kong and perhaps connected to that press conference that you were mentioning just a 2nd ago. i want to switch slightly to the focus to taiwan because taiwan is now
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urging china to start a dialogue with the people of hong kong what do we re read into the fact that taiwan is getting itself involved in this dispute between china and hong kong well beijing will see this really as antagonistic of taiwan sticking its nose where it shouldn't and of course remember just this week zion when the leader of the independence leaning party in hong in taiwan was of course you know reelected in january and she has said again this week that there is absolutely no way the taiwan would adopt the one country 2 systems formula that hong kong has and you know the united states as well remember this week has agreed to sell torpedoes to taiwan which again has sent the alarm bells ringing in beijing because at the moment you
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know taiwan and the united states are reassessing their relationship and it's a relationship that appears to be getting much closer which again is something you know that will concern beijing's leaders adrian brown in hong kong thanks adrian. the u.s. has announced it's pulling out of a major international arms or court they open the skies treaty allows the $35.00 participating countries to conduct surveillance flights over each other's territory president trump says russia has routinely violated the terms of the deal rob reynolds reports. the open skies treaty ratified by $34.00 countries allows unarmed military surveillance flights over each country's territory it was primarily intended to promote openness and transparency between nuclear superpowers the u.s. and russia allowing both nations to gather information about each other's military forces and activities now president donald trump is withdrawing from the agreement
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saying russia took unfair advantage of it russia didn't adhere to the treaty so until they are here we will pull out but there's a very good chance we'll make a new agreement or do something to put that agreement back together among other things u.s. officials say russia barred u.s. flights over certain heavily militarized territories use the treaty to attempt to normalize its forced annexation of crimea and tried to gather nonmilitary information about critical u.s. infrastructure with a possible view toward disabling it during a conflict in moscow a senior foreign ministry official said the us was not behaving as a reliable partner and that abandoning the treaty will force russia to employ what he called a plan b. without elaborating another official called the u.s. action unjustified meanwhile the troop administration wants to begin
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a new 3 way arms control dialogue including china along with russia trump is optimistic we're probably going to make a deal with russia our arms treaty and china will be maybe included in that we'll see what happens u.s. officials say both countries are aggressively expanding their nuclear arsenals regarding russia a white house official says they've adopted a highly provocative nuclear doctrine that embraces early ask lation and use of nuclear weapons what the russian military is calling escalate to when the u.s. and china have not. arms negotiations and there are no signs that beijing is interested in 3 way party arms talks beijing like moscow is intent on building up its nuclear forces and using us forces to try to intimidate united states and our friends and our allies u.s. officials say they will strongly press russia to help bring the chinese to the
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negotiating table robert oulds al jazeera and least 84 people have been killed by the most powerful cycling to hit eastern india and bangladesh in more than a decade 2nd on poneman made landfall on whedon's state up routing thousands of trees and destroying power lines large swathes of land were also left underwater officials say the scale of the damage won't be fully known until communications are restored and are concerns about the spread of coronavirus and emergency shelters when millions of people sought safety. thailand's 4000000 migrant workers more vulnerable than ever i'm off a recently off due to the covert 19 pandemic with most borders closed thousands are stranded rolling on and outs that are fears their situation could get even worse once the country fully returns to work scott hines a reports from someone. about an hour south of bangkok is some suck on the hub for thailand's seafood industry and home to the largest population
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of migrant workers in the country primarily from me and more. now because of the coded 1000 shutdown many are without jobs and are relying on food handouts to prevent the spread of the virus thailand sealed its borders with neighboring countries back in march stranding tens of thousands of migrant workers mostly without any assistance from the thai government. mom omo had been a garment factory worker here for 9 years she lost her job when the shutdown started to take hold any day a come a sham i don't know this crisis is probably the worst one that i've experienced there are no jobs in the market and i couldn't find work i haven't paid my rent for the past 2 months. she only has another few weeks to pay what she owes before she and her family are kicked out they want to go home to mandalay in myanmar but can't the average daily salary for my coworkers here and some of the con province is only $10.00 that goes for those who are working on fishing boats the factory workers now
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there's growing concern that jobs like this could become a few are once thailand fully reopened for business to tani gallic ly says thousands of workers have called her migrant worker rights network seeking help the organization has been providing food bags for families but 2 thoughts in each admits even if the migrants are able to get to their home countries they'll end up coming back to thailand once there's work she says they'll return even more vulnerable than before the pandemic as a single and worried that the workers will be forced to work for longer alice for a smaller wage they're quite vulnerable unlike thai workers who have more rights and more boggling power i think fewer workers will be employed but have to work aagot. the thai government has opened selected border checkpoints for a limited number of workers to return home each day but many don't have the money to travel. a few fortunate ones are able to get some work but most remain stuck on land facing mounting debt they'll have to be paid back when they do finally find
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a job scotter al-jazeera summit's a con thailand. still ahead on al-jazeera and leading medical charis he warns of a looming coronavirus catastrophe in yemen. to test track and trace the virus while the u.k.'s new contact that was due to be rolled out nationwide is still offline. for. allison quotes a very good description the moment through most of the arabian peninsula there is still cloud visible sand they're all still showers around mostly over iran or whether pumped up over the high ground in the southwest to saudi arabia or west and yemen there's an increase in the breeze coming in to the divan but it's still pretty warm here 33 for example in jerusalem and 40 or more from rocka down through
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iraq all that out of the gulf states where the wind is so light that humidity is also a problem this time is quite sticky right and nothing's going to change the next 2 days to any substantial degree except maybe just eastern turkey and rockets come down with the increase in the cloud an occasional showers. after tropical africa we've seen the showers come and go and we've got them still forming in uganda or d.r. congo well less visible cloud on the coast of kenya or somalia but look at the way in this coming up now and across the indian ocean the start of the southwest monsoon at least the winds change and that carries on quite strongly across the coast of somalia bringing the occasional dropper right nothing much in one join those is the sky. shells in the ethiopian highlands. it's a dry picture this time the air temp has dropped in port elizabeth there are a few showers mozambique.
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as the world fights the corona pandemic we're learning more about this every day it's a new think you can join our global community. how we come together to fight and soaring your questions can i just ask you think this is directly what's coming on on you tube as you're saying i'm concerned about the frontline phone i think or a climate and keeping you up to date and we've seen countries retreat back and beaten back successfully the strain on 00. 100 a reminder of our top stories this hour china's premier league has shown has not set
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a growth target as the country wants to repair an economy badly hit by corona virus pandemic delegates to the national people's congress have also been told of the plans for the new security law in hong kong. donald trump is pulling the u.s. out of the open skies treaty it allows more than 30 participating countries to conduct unarmed surveillance flights over each other's territory president says russia has repeatedly violated the deal. doctors without borders is warning of what it calls an unfolding catastrophe at its hospital in southern yemen the aid groups calling for urgent help from the united nations after the deaths of more than a 3rd of covered 19 patients be dead. in the port city of aden it's the only dedicated virus to keep in the clinic in the south of the country stuff say they're short of possible protective equipment and virus tests 33 deaths have been officially reported nationwide so hard long is the head of the mission in yemen for
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doctors without borders she says many people thought they were immune. i thought that they where. did. they. keep. them busy. more likely that dad much more. that they could be that much more. the son of a former saudi intelligence officer says his family is being targeted in a bid to force his father to return to the kingdom according to the new york times subtle job he has been feeling for his life since moving to canada in 2017 his son holly did told the newspaper that his brother sister and uncle have been arrested by saudi security forces since march and they haven't been seen. the report says
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seidel job he worked in the interior ministry for nearly 40 years and was the right hand man for prince mohammed bin nayef the crown prince's cousin than a.f. was arrested in march of partly because he'd been complaining about the crown prince muhammad and solomon subtle job his son told the new york times that the crown prince known as n.b.'s feared the former intelligence officer knew too much since m.b.'s became calm prince and 2017 several well known critics have gone missing saudi journalists. was killed in the kingdom's embassy in turkey in 2018 the cia says the crown prince ordered the operation. gulf affairs on a cigarette no bar says the detentions are tarnishing saudi arabia's international reputation. if we may call it so it's just delayed as example all of the senior members of. the saudi
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establishment and of the royal family going all the way up to the king's brother who are now languishing in in prisons and out as really undermining the social contract if you will between the summer saudi royal family and the people i think that the tactical approach is to obviously to draw as much attention as possible in the united states to these high level individuals i think the long game here is really tied to the upcoming u.s. presidential election and india and joe biden. wins i think that we can see a whole sale of releases of high profile sound the dissidents and members of the royal family president trump as we know yes personalized his relationship with the crown prince mahmut and it is there for unlikely that any sort of lobbying will be
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really sway him in the immediate to long term but these developments on fortunately are only adding to the already severely damaged reputation that saudi arabia has at united states high level talks have been held over a controversial mega down being built by ethiopia the prime ministers of ethiopia and sudan met in a video conference so down in egypt fear the $4600000000.00 nile river project or trap their essential water supply ethiopia says the dam will bring economic benefits to all 3 countries but morgan has more from the sudanese capital khartoum . this all started when if you propose that sudan if you and egypt sign an initial agreement because it wants to start filling the dam by july now that is something that sudan last week has rejected and said that all 3 sides should come to the negotiating table but because of the global pandemic the coronavirus they are going to have to do it virtually and that is what has happened over the past
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few days now today in the state the prime minister of sudan and the prime minister of if you have your health talks along with the ministers of irrigation and national security and intelligence from the 2 countries and it follows talks between say ministers from from egypt and sudan on tuesday and they've all agreed that they will go back to the negotiating table now the question is when will they do that that is yet to be decided the 3 sides have met before they've held several rounds of talks here in the sudanese capital hutton they've also help talks in washington d.c. and were set to sign a deal in late february but if you can withdrew during the final moment saying that it needed further consultations with its leadership now before withdrawing the 3 sides have said that they've agreed on the schedule for filling the dam as well as mccann isms for drought and dry periods but they were not able to determine or identify or come to an agreement on the terms of drought and the dry period. people in israel have held small scale celebrations marking jerusalem day the 53rd
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anniversary of occupying east jerusalem after the 6 day war with coronavirus restrictions still in place a human chain around the old city replaced the annual parade by numbers were limited at the western wall israel occupied the city after the war with many viewing it as the unification of east and west jerusalem and we thought it was among the crowds in occupied east jerusalem. but this isn't quite as advertised this marking of jerusalem day or 30 said given permission for some 700 people to gather at several locations around the outside of the old city here in occupied east jerusalem here inside the jaffa gate you see we have got a few scores of people without much social distancing going on it has to be said that this is a much smaller marking of this day than what we usually see usually it's tens of thousands of people who march through the heart of the city through the muslim quarter as well often causing some tensions with palestinian residents though see this is a a triumphalist commemoration of the beginning of the occupation in 1967 instead of
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that we're seeing a much smaller limited gathering because of the coronavirus restrictions also would be surprising if authorities haven't taken into account the fact that most of the residents here in occupied east jerusalem have been denied access to their 3rd holiest site the al aqsa mosque compound throughout the holy month of ramadan a full commemoration of this day by right wingers settlers religious nationalist jews could well of that's a great attention is unusual it's ending on this day with some 450 people allowed to gather at the western wall and this is a very different commemoration than we usually see. the u.k. government says it will rely on traditional tracking methods while technical issues delaying the why the release of its coronavirus tracing app is being child in the isle of wight and it was due to be rolled out across the country by the middle of may john holl explains the delay. well this is the very picturesque setting the
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isle of wight off the south coast of england for the piloting of the initial version of the national health service smartphone app designed to be used in conjunction with human tracing and a vastly expanded testing regime to make what boris johnson hopes will be a world beating test trace and isolate system in place by the 1st of june the apis or so the trial is going on we understand from government ministers and downing street who've made it all but clear that the app is not going to be ready for that 1st of june deadline issues still being worked out says downing street those issues may have to do with privacy and data collection we'll spend the next day or 2 trying to find out they will roll out 1st the human elements of tracing an army of 25000 new recruits newly trained by the 1st of june able to deal with 10000 new cases a day says the prime minister and the testing regime scaled up to 200000 tests a day by the end of the month we are promised in terms of that issue that pledge
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that it will be a world beating system while the u.k. seems to have a long way to go to beat the likes of south korea a country that by early this month of registered 0 new infections until suddenly an outbreak was noted in a soul night club of that country's very aggressive and effective test trace and isolate system went into immediate action 65000 contacts were traced and contacted tested as well of those who'd been in the nightclub $170.00 of them were found to be infected they were immediately isolated and within days that outbreak was declared contained that's what a world beating system looks like the u.k. at this point does appear to have some way to go. costa rica has become the 1st country in the americas to resume professional football matches the central american nation is credited with having one of the best coronavirus strategies in the region to the relief of football fans and all. appollo reports. this week
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marked the return of 1st division football in costa rica after the country suspended matches on march 17th. it may not be a return to the packed stadiums of the past but the sport is back at least on screen the 1st matches are being held in empty stadiums but in easing of restrictions given the relatively low coronavirus contagion rate in the country means people can watch from other public spaces and the role of. people come to restaurants to share and celebrate the same us in the stadium reopening the full tournament means a light at the end of the tunnel a light that gives us hope players have been able to resume regular training and complete the remaining 7 rounds of the regular season albeit under strict new rules though many footballers just seem glad to be back on the pitch some of them form the person we were trying before but it was without contact and it was in the sorry today we were afraid to let the 1st day of school come again to training having
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contact having some time on the pitch these things we used to do thank god we are back. it will still be some time before fans can return to watch live games and authorities say that while the coronavirus remains a threat extreme sanitation measures will remain in place if. you had to draft a manual for procedures to meet the sanitary guidelines set by the health ministry this includes disinfecting stadiums why games a plague the need for spectators to wear masks and social distancing inside the stadium football is considered go said league as national pastime at the government's decision to reopen the regular season has been widely applauded for media thousands of families make a living directly or indirectly from football and in costa rica football is a feeling a passion it's a joy that the country has been without for 2 months and we as a federation are obliged to try to stabilize its economy. it was the 1st country in
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central america to report the arrival of qubit 90 widespread here it's by the general public to containment rules and guidelines appear to have paid on the limited al-jazeera. this is al-jazeera these are the top stories china's premier league has been outlining the country's plans for the next year or the opening of the national people's congress he said beijing would not set a growth target for 2020 and will step up spending to bolster an economy badly hit by the corona virus pandemic so you. should let me while recognizing our achievements we are also aware of the difficulties and problems we face the shock of the covert 1000 pandemic has sent the world economy into severe recession disrupted industry and supply chains and caused a contraction in international trade and investment and volatility in commodity
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markets. pro-democracy activists in hong kong have condemned the new national security legislation imposed by beijing they say it marks the end of one country 2 systems and governance is a live pictures from hong kong where a small number of protesters have marched to the chinese liaison office in hong kong under heavy police presence donald trump is pulling the u.s. out of the open skies $20.00 more than 30 countries to conduct surveillance flights over each other's territory the president says russia has repeatedly violated the deal cleanup operations are underway in eastern india and bangladesh after one of the most powerful cyclons to hit the bay of bengal in 20 years at least 92 people have been killed. doctors without borders is warning of what it's calling an unfolding catastrophe at its hospital in southern yemen aid groups asking for help from the u.n. after the deaths of more than a 3rd of covert 19th patients admitted in the port city of aden it's the only
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dedicated virus treatment clinic in the south of the country the son of a former saudi intelligence officer says his family is being targeted in a bid to force his father to return to the kingdom according to the new york times a subtle job he has been feeling for his life since moving to canada in 2017 his son khalid told the newspaper that his brother sister and uncle have been arrested by saudi security forces since march and they haven't been seen. high level talks are being held over the controversial mega dam being built by ethiopia but prime ministers of ethiopia and sudan met in a video conference so down in egypt fear the $4600000000.00 nile river project will trump their essential water supply if the o.p.'s says the dam will bring economic benefits to all 3 countries those are the headlines coming next on al-jazeera it's the stream good buy. talk to elders there are winners of the let me ask you how worried you are about the increase in hostilities in yemen will listen this is the
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moment to stop already 30 action this is the moment to concentrate on fighting everybody we meet with global news makers and talk about the stories that matter on the al-jazeera. platter like a walk and you can still need a whole week of episodes that it means just buy you out online community look at the coupon and buy less and climate change is just too well as you make. and how lucky has she friend that she wanted to grab the intersection. and. you've already jumped in. the change or no desire.


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