tv A Very Sicilian Justice Al Jazeera May 23, 2020 4:00am-5:00am +03
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on the stand the differences and similarities of cultures across the center matter when you. use encounter for that matter. hello i'm daryn jordan in doha with a quick reminder of the top stories here on al-jazeera a tape released by brazil's supreme court appears to show president jr both a narrow threatening to fire senior police officers their bosses and even a minister to protect his family the video of a cabinet meeting was released as part of a probe into allegations that bolton are was meddling in a criminal investigation of his son the president denies the accusations. all the information service is a sham a sham i'm not informed and you can't work like that it's difficult that's why i will interfere period it's not a threat it's not an extrapolation from our side it's the truth as i see it i gave
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the ministries for you with power to veto has it changed me or it has to change what i want is to govern brazil. a lot of american at a tennessean human has more. in that recording he speaks and length about his reasons for wanting to sack the chief of police and also the a top ranking policeman in rio de janeiro and he says something to the effect of if i can sack the rio de janeiro policeman i tried to i couldn't i can't sack the the the federal he doesn't mention the word the federal police chief but he says his boss who it was the point will believe chief. and if i can sack him his boss the minister the minister himself because i won't allow anybody and then he uses a 4 letter word that i won't repeat to mess around with my family and he is clearly or seems to be alluding to his 2 sons who are under investigation in the state of
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rio de janeiro for all kinds of of illegal actions and looting in the case of his eldest son flavio of being involved in the criminal militia groups so if the president says that this is not a damning tape at all that he wasn't referring to the investigations he was referring to the security detail of his sons but it's not a very convincing explanation for a lot of people on brazil's coronavirus death toll is pos $21000.00 to almost $1000.00 deaths were recorded in a single day health experts say the true thing it could be much higher due to a lack of testing the number of confirmed infections has 330000 making brazil the 3rd worst affected country out of the u.s. and russia despite that president both tomorrow continues to push for a reopening of the nation's economy at least 85 people have been killed in a plane crashed into a crowded neighborhood in the pakistani city of karachi 2 passengers are reported
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to have survived is not yet known how many people on the ground the killed or injured. u.s. president tom tom says he will order the u.s. flag to be flown at half mast over the next 3 days as the coronavirus death toll in the as 100000 old states of poverty reopened after 2 months shut down but some are still seeing a rise in new infections there are also fears of a 2nd wave trouble so once places of worship to reopen this weekend saying you know override any governors allow it some governors have deemed a liquor stores or abortion clinics is essential but have left out churches and other houses of worship is not right so i'm correcting this injustice and calling houses of worship essential. i call upon governors to allow our churches in places of worship to open right now if they don't do it i will override the governor's. in america we need more prayer not less and the u.s.
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president has also approved a new arms sale to the united arab emirates that's despite evidence the gulf country violated the terms of the last deal the u.a.e. stands accused of transferring arms provided by the u.s. without washington's prior approval to libya yemen and somalia the pentagon approved the sale of a surplus of vehicles worth up to half a $1000000000.00. india's prime minister narendra modi has announced a $200000000.00 relief package for 2 regions hit by the most powerful cycling in decades more than $100.00 people have been killed there and in neighboring bangladesh now the survey the damage done by on from the air your thirties are struggling to restore road links and power to millions of us those are the headlines the news continues here on al-jazeera after a very silly and justice statement watching i thought.
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internet muscling judge and tony not to my town is chief prosecutor in an unprecedented trial where politicians police and the mafia are in the dock together . di matteo is now the most threatened man in italy and the most protected. these are but it'll come in the new company you're the one no one should do that they don't mean that it goes a hold all the name enough to say the couple would own sentiment to get to see behold. the noughties threat to them yeah i mean he but. you know. but and them and all that money. on so one tool. to the list of what i'd write a. song
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started or just to do my city ne ne that i need to see you know new me. and give new needs to. a to me he's in yemen and the be in with dean and this big i want to call man that that i mean. is this it was a window that them both and any movement community me for mediocrity is no course a pew and we're done with the best song it's going to be able to. see by this i want to call my. name a few as you michael in the up but going in but out he did you had to do was done.
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research all kind of family on the creek there are strategic. really pushing pressure into doing a case recalling just on a commuter train the worst thing dodgers what things you're up to so most b.r.t. the woman did last. 210-0000 parker carpenter stop ability to record but here. you have those tunnels check around with your children down to 20 gentlemen cars that are 3 and i wanted to record them to send back and what you thought of switching to len tommy and joining up with jordan pretty much everybody. to mattel is up against powerful forces for the 1st time in italy's history members of the police and the political establishment are in the dock alongside mafia bosses a key witness massimo chanche mino the man on whose testimony the prosecutor has
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built his case is the son of a once powerful mafia politician. in to the point i guess also telling me see that john there a lot could be not the only not. a female so long as just invent meal i want i mean you know and men. how. about. today the threats against him a towel bringing young protesters onto the streets in solidarity with the judge even though the state mafia trial is about events that occurred 25 years ago. video that i mean an allusion to $1.00 a 1000000 ration going on to a mafia order guy needs when i say he beat this guy gee i think god he made endure a little bit of the letter board review. but i thought it was an. inquest approaches so we still want to live but not when you're beyond all input
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that enough you'll see can knock on should be to with was that the g. and missile a bomb or equate bully to she a. faulty bullet c.-a general to the chain get it to resume soon and then we'll end it there he got me going for until they had no. christie for charlie woman he just took on the missing going to. call a few. minutes by his crystal ball just saw say love it does. not apply is. because new york if you know me and the crystal stuff. did you because there's so you got about it in very popular molly the scary 3 if you had a very tough mudder monday a lot of the formal you caught on to revive. it. subsidies
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he will get down to cheney and the cheney out and up order to go home and wasteful norm warner get i might just sort of do it for the lot of you know in guy you know . and i'd join it. gale norton is seen by. norm i gave our old man che rescale pay to keep our promise. yet there is the magic that no $100.00. city school in the real. events on the investigation. center on pal of mine cicely's capital.
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is the power base of the sicilian mafia known locally as cousin nostra. oval. office that's it all done. by then and its own son and kissing it when the time is called that if you know. i let my days and 3 doughty. give you an honest i mean yeah just a lot of money. can i get that she did on a lot of stuff in a while pasty. better much. better the terry dollar deal the last time. the bank. said that.
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you recorded over one door they were all over than me she's got an order i went to the mafia limits to the young. man on board and on what she said listen to the song. that i start though and this was what sony to me apart got to the us and out of many dead friday. deficient may be may be able to. if you give us all a moment. in course almost well in big here debate out. there. he
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did it a look at its own. tunnel is a former mafia assassin turned state witness he claims to have committed more than 30 murders you are. going to get for the people of your old t.v. also on. your plate my you would not call that if i'm not. real. all of a gentle friend than me any diarrhea. staver be sonia rewiring probably our corner if we would johnny falcone if our borsellino ferrera ain't they magistad to get the corner no fear. la mer fear. is there a doorway home talk they love magister do or combat there is a possibility mentis concreted. central to demand
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tears case is the story of edulis most famous anti mafia charges jovani falcone and paolo possibly known. in the 1980 s. they prosecuted hundreds of cars and nostra gangstas known as the maxi trial it was the largest mafia cold case in history. europa she took a man bocconi me told me to join you for calling opposing news. euro instrumenting useful then someone for calling will soon enough level robin will show me just a month's impressionists. inquire your meaning for corning was a new no no but they will question a moment to the discussion to. $475.00 mafiosi will brought to court $346.00 were found guilty. cause
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a nostra boss of bosses top tory and evaded arrest but he was tried in absentia and sentenced to life in prison. these convictions sent a signal to rayna that the mafia is packed with corrupt politicians policemen and judges was now under threat. in a moment in kuwait local non-natives bremer gun the protests will mark advent of the need even arena ciccone been 50 better than what they start in but see show a dishy the kovalchuk vendi gossett. i had the auburn valley but i lost the none of the there on it and got. in a spectacular display of mafia brutality judge giovanni falcone was blown up on may
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23rd 1992 and. his wife and 3 bodyguards died within. 2 months later while investigating falcon is my. judge powell. and 5 of his bodyguards were killed by a massive car bomb in via. a residential street in palermo. the last thing about their presence. on the river in the other maybe. even on the pulley to a major part of the song will be pizzicato. nominally one of the guts of the polo. stock powerful proud of. its flaws. it could be the start the fuck up hates.
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them i sort of have been that. a simple enough you know. a back that it went up a sauna keep focused between are going sort of although. it's. course in the best sort of school based. reporting. we have got under-sea called the tivo for a lost art or the mafia it could. be utica church just logically i mean is that a case that. we then will get diverted to mean our charge of the leave the love of beloved lots of the a lot been known to the part of. the catholic bull durham is that we're going up will see believe the illuminati law illuminati freight the. credit gained momentum
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or momentum really did go see one the pala starting to roll down the left but it moved all. the way down one of the key level of the those old lena. stop along the part of the good logically my brother was just the chair the limp his threats. a limp that loyalist. yellin tell us is some i just. what i did hear out of the base is that. the. door at people. ceilings here want to be a law we. got to call it a bet on a robber look for you got break. here out of here to your model dollar get everybody out or even girls it was time. to leave.
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if they could be got off the table if you like but we did. as a tree planted to mark the spot where paolo ponce lino was killed and notorious son of palermo has come to pay his respects. someone feel the need to defend he not only. in their own obviously but it. in the past and most of too much he also doesn't you know how pathetic with that sunny day in the uk with that so he will appear. in my view fetal. than it out it. it was that silly they look at the door and they put that blanket off in the corner of the books in the. most remote chance you may know is a key witness for demand tears prosecution team. he's also one of the accused
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charged with mafia association acting as a go between for his father and buffy up aussies. while. their label can. shoot all body balls and feels they get into the upper look their own probably not bother. me as they get up than. the provenzano. welcome to shoot on. you miss you know they're not all will be summed up our luck and it goes on also a lot of complaining on the me about it will. be touch and she may not start the one scene more. mice that blanket rule more detail of the. god of the will be a little it's a great book it's
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a gondola proclivities that are based out of a mafia or maybe audio you quest but the. i'm off you know this was done to the spider he meant the live bomb the the file is too soon and he traffic is to perfection. to the i'm not feeling a space good aspect to me tidy aspect of the law. my mafia is supposed to a war going to get soon and deep all day. as if she thought it either but they are both still the little star. no one thought they were really not get a limo met my boy is the mulatto not young girl but killer bomb baton on the ah look.
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at that you were given up out of their course and lost about a president that double doreen that envelope in about the last stop on the label. wally. cole psyche that i maffia barely that it better same but less than a huge. you can reach the lip balm it's all about delivery my kid have other liquids there i'll start off putting up a nice person is he she gonna general is it just that you cannot stop but suspend the list stretch of they don't love each one of their culture to do it all in one really mentally sick wastegate are asked that the fact. is that they're not going to say get it that it is that all about that the baggage that allowed to rule nor now the reason that the. doorman mild
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the way near the aim of fuels you have endoscopy doc and a lot about it they chiggy warriors call outs on it but it's going out there is that. in 1903 the mafia unleashed a wave of bombings across city. an explosion outside your feets economy in florence killed 5 people including a mother and her attorney i'm told. in milan 5 more were killed in a blast outside the gallery of modern. in rome the same night bombs party destroyed 2 churches wounding 22. in january 1903 israel is most wanted godfather talked already enough was arrested in palermo near the comfortable villa where he'd been living. while in prison his terror campaign continued to cross it today still in jail today rena is accused in
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di matteo's trial of violent blackmail against the state. a them on the phone that persisted you weak amy still bundled up with you when i stood at the g.m. i feel was a few nights out that i just thought it lost. and at that reward it bettendorf read. i thought of going on that if you. already know i thought a couple he could recall should look up what he calls almost a sense or practices thought i seldom want but i guess when this polycom done the better gospel better meet you to balance that out you want to do it but i want you to lengthen so little couple because.
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of some of these posts to. deliver just that still need to link the chit that sunni i'm be untidy not because they're in on it gotcha though it is couple the mafia the ukraine that in turn. some other lena but i'm not according to a companion your idea. of land or the let me a t.v. but london live in the. it's not up to the us that the mafia. it lena you both the. even this war in general would go to a fight as a better list then it would be when you have cheated but i still. think of the.
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queen you don't so most other than a me not sure my songs that they do you the you are the more. given in the book and the keep it was a strategy. for the united kingdom. it was the old. the. the old. meaning ventured out for a couple to cause an allstar to condemn them or too much to start punches a hole president in the last part of the dahlia illusional president. reagan as ordered to kill di matteo was met with public outrage the people of palermo protested in numbers not seen since the murders of falcone and bosal you know. the
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t.v. . money they let me know. they are a military solution that encounter abhimaan of any doubt though in the door to me that n.b.c. want to many has that say on and on the bottom you know the song i. know you must use that are the last images that are the volume of the jet and i believe you know you are not evil yarmulke my more out of them all. the threats against judge to material have inspired young people and palermo to take to the streets united against the mafia. protesters claim there is a conspiracy of silence from the government of a demented man's plight. out of style or law allow a mafia all see that will compete ok in all cement just about the none so most holy cause he commented on the shut his holy fuck on a bush cindy not. me 8. oh you know sit it out see a chandon in cats a bit lonely but can a wonder now but then jenna back at you know that's it sam look at who we have seen
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but all that the lone a stop. to talk at you but i'm by far am can all share the love 80000 when a book about that eva that i will startle and i'm after. haha. how. the he'll you care. for the bodies on the line india's biggest star but the industry stunt performers are unknown and under when i won a slates the men and women risking it all for the brought lots of dollars on al-jazeera . a story of blackmail. scarcity. you'll have children i have strangled i have a story of courage a lot of the fear is real. passion. and
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a very sicilian just. move. war. or. i'm daryn jordan in doha with the headlines here in al-jazeera a tape released by brazil's supreme court appears to show the president j. bolton are threatening to fire senior police officers their bosses and even a minister to protect his family the video of the cabinet meeting was released as part of a probe into allegations that bolton are was meddling in a criminal investigation of his son the president denies the accusations. i would not want for him to my entire family just for fun or a friend of mine because i can't change someone from the security because it belongs to the structure will change if i can't change i would change his boss and
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if i can't change his boss oh change the minister. and brazil's coronavirus death toll has passed 21000 up almost 1000 deaths were recorded in a single day health experts say the truth figure could be much higher due to a lack of testing the number of confirmed infections has surpassed 330000 making brazil the 3rd worst affected country after the us and russia or thirties and pakistan say the death toll from friday's plane crash in the city of karachi is likely to rise at least 85 people were killed when the airbus a 320 crashed into a crowded neighborhood 2 passengers are reported to have survived and it's not yet known how many people on the ground were killed or injured. u.s. president donald trump says he'll order the u.s. flag to be flown at half mast over the next 3 days as the coronavirus death toll me is 100000 all states of partially reopened after 2 months locked down but some are still seeing a rise in new infections there are also fears of
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a 2nd wave. places of worship to reopen this weekend saying override any governors who don't allow it. the u.s. president has also approved a new arms sale to the united arab emirates that's despite evidence the gulf country violated the terms of the last deal the u.a.e. stands accused of transferring arms provided by the u.s. without washington's prior approval in libya yemen and somalia and india's prime minister narendra modi has announced a $200000000.00 leave package for 2 regions hit by the most powerful cyclon in decades more than $100.00 people have been killed there and in neighboring bangladesh modi surveyed the damage done by saddam from the air those are the headlines the news continues on al-jazeera after a very society and just a stage and that's what i thought. thanks to. the.
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entire letter most recently the italian state is on trial for concluding with the mafia. the chief prosecutor in the case and the most threatened man initially is judge anton you know di matteo. i'm in a few no one to. stop. these for the 2001 move. to the day to me not to go see old law and international to say he. came into the. kitchen. and sure you got to eat. the day she. delivered. so don't do a lot of it if you're going to just let people do and then. thank
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you. they are not going to be here it's the simplest. and he's going to use a couple of years he's got these and you know it will look when we come back she just simply money. shot in my life i didn't carry some of yours will be my father but it came in. premium for it you just got to be understood. 1010 jane taken on hall school to school the kid is a. stingy man and medical sampai. is the circles of. many going to me steam of course to me from most. but oh no molly. postal known no law she.
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sort of war known by the. known address for the the long time of the by the. hero could be school but it's so with so many of us that soon the steam marquinhos the scent don't. you think. it is the same but a. drop of a sauna people in a civil suit. of saw me when i was sponsored be that awful grand. masti represent the god of the stuff though but i believe they do visionary ballet of books but i haven't got the. full fare just out of work or that i'm a little startled but the particle america nor yet there is a more western or not god they call it you know not god you know. massimo changi mino is accused of mafia association into mattel's trial he
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claims he turned informer because his knowledge of collusion between the state and cousin astra put him in danger. john cimino decided to tell his story and to one judge in particular. i. mean only not there but over there were they get asked all are. there are shows over which back to what they parted a culture of a conflict with promises for. a lawyer from in toronto probable to be a stance that i'm a lawyer. you're thinking you know it all so this is about it leslie coursey was the other you know because one of the. ileo something as simple molly that. if i do it on the 30th they are free money i bought a fashion e. only because i knew nothing worth i'm going through other potential you know a skull theory a story or
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a little love in all of the trivial or more the film i'm just about that. will not go well it's a power that if we answer that's all you need one of them we. do we will join a gang calling it or continue of course. every year paolo bossa leno is commemorated in the street where he and his bodyguards were killed. thanks. to mattel has come to honor the man who inspired him to become a prosecutor and whose murder he has spent his career investigating. for selena liked him a tale lived a life under the threat of death. then there was the then south to the then sue. give a listen quiz to see a juice. do you know them from to any of the media.
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oh on. your fusion. off you shot for this. or i mean all. also lloyd their lunch out of a message on the 31 little thing that is a label that i feel a little. known so v.o.m. . vive or point all new meaning to the old and the shadows that had been vocal man and ice can feed the son of the. barrel said advantage a one man trickle but i had better man telomere for me young. men the margin and men are the best force and you can foresee any government in
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a minute again a shouting. match of any of them in oh you propose u.t.v. martinique i'm from. mafia boss the took a latin on was arrested and palermo in 2014. while in prison he contacted di matteo. and the 2 of whatever in said a quarter of what i call logistics epic and so forth i basically queer look at but there was richard that in a moment of laughter. because big i don't get used to like we store and in this procedure we're going to have been i think that going in confronting on an old obama but i had. his face concealed
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on already a letter to the court that he'd received from a senior mafia boss. but it's not the any other of us that update a simple matter of judgment off the bull is a bit actually but blame i suppose of it was simple so when i say that if i looked in doubt that the book did not fail. i just subsequent hearing did not dare revealed further details of the matter popped described by my fam pos calatinus. 'd
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confronted. and thought oh great job in advance at the cia officer i've just got the. president that one of course. but. of course the who knew we shared a photograph and that i was a photography are going to join me for going to potable city. let's hear about all of it i'm going to do it on my sauced out there who we indeed offered over a few. it this way that way. it looked at a bus and you know they lost the support i guess the switch in the hallway. annoyed children not us the queen the effect of the fremantle i liked and thought of the only you know common core course i got a lot of it but all i know is that we took my request that the out of. the lot of
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suspected it was men from inside the state who had authorized the murder of boss selina and sanctioned the assassination of di matteo. you know. i should note that that article did not fail if it is the one on the top of andi and part of the the i think also that it was the other letter with a unit of on top of that article that they copied a line of you know what i want you to kitchen are. a little let's start up this you know as i don't see all of them actually do that you don't really see if it is a deep interest if you talk to says they don't see when you say it. is they have been killed and how do you know if i don't know studs have been trained to quote him or said you know it's always this. from the mateo. she said in the congo has one last thought on mafia. you know when i start ok c r b's on any month any at all start with school or. course if they really mean it.
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because all the modules throughout the convention more than not interesting to want to talk to a degree or a chair are brought back but all that i get i merit. the. them of your so enormous cost more but. no nor of years gone up dramatically. well that part didn't deny g.t.d. any chair. said dame pope who came up on the way down again assume that i said look they owe it to know you question was that obvious when you 'd were
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you know i've been a bit. and still because i'm about. but. i don't know but it meant that i. get paranoid yelling at all and. all sorts of beat up was the rest of it i meant this it ends your quest in the fed end but i've told all about the list you do. a lot of that the boss of the game on that are almost at the going to go. in november 2015 protesters gathered in rome to show solidarity with the beleaguered prosecutor organizers wrote to italy's top leaders requesting messages of support for demand taylor. only one of them the president of the senate responded on your own tickets for 40 minutes we're going to miss sure no percent of republicans but i mean there isn't
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and me because she was doing good. and also the media go to that i mean found. a boy back yeah maybe i should want to see more that's why she just all not because sure. it was still going down throughout the post and you combine you know you might it and post a little. yes but deep. that lets you she'd get but football on a national anthem mafia. study get a nice throughout the sauna. i will bet
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on a video that steve will it will soon make one that he needs a know what i want to come by yet or call you to the morning but a day to be got a job in the morning. does he she ne yes but the bad news for us but the. week seattle. in the zone and every inch of the bottom of the law is that us and for the mint that he got the. young can elaborate song known as the. in face of a sin keep on the lamb into my fields. i. wish the oath of it i saw it was illegal at the room demonstration salvatore
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brother of maj a judge panel boss leno read out a letter from. folks and i meant the full function egypt ok. now where are you that he's that guy and do you balance your vote would you say i do little more powerful than god yet i'm going to tell him in the hour or so down a few hours i can see him to go do you doubt that if you go them over the young dr will go to jail because of the love of god because of oh well you know you're going to see a bit of it all my fault that you know i did not say i was 5 below. i am. i guess i c am. i. am
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a tale learned that more than 2000 people across italy joined the protest in rome but it is political leaders once again failed to speak out over the threats to his life. she's on. the. in the fed ends. demand and number will got to. be. a number of got to the this indictment the 4th and quite up to 40. 7. was the vision of the yet and that the new york could out to a 3rd of its sort out of its own home and got that zone of the out but it never had to. force. its.
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diffusion meant to mean anything she lost could not. mean you'll stop ok's allah in my just thought they will fall lucius will pull aug out and enjoyed it b.n. you know the strategy india did it stop. it's only natural better than the math they all saw what if it meant. new near enough they come from team dale and you know to the load you did not make them for me. as so many see all this and do is some months out of me with that in the room already could he be on was even if i don't at all way normally boyo. the more you know follow.
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it's the morning must be much on cimino is due to testify in court there are rumors he won 2 pair. is in a court of only 15 year to get a shanshu nino. and also d.n.a. asa should be out on. patrol polk it should be in a book out that jackson made that. there will dos i'm going to feel lucky to leave it alone while you these in the safety of the public will tell you don't ever go you'll see a social shield. you'll get a look in christa momot will elect the stool to grab a c.e.o. look. he can see that. they did he teach invented the less strategy if you do i
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after months of anticipation he witnessed massimo chanche amino is ready to testify he alleges that members of the italian establishment conspired with the mafia and part father taught torino during the wave of terror attacks 25 years ago. on day one gentlemen and makes an astonishing charge that the state made a secret pact with 3 and a successor he claims that the new boss of bosses but not a province on was allowed to run his crime empire undisturbed by the authorities in return for ending the bombing campaign clients that i meant to get out here are the little tailor they are for the chaos of this thread in the young of us r.t. or a certain species of people swear by the. first day that. what they look where they
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where their governments are this is a comment to anybody or. you and i. would last us only about that question for the more the theater land taken us on all of it there are. so bad that he said yes it. already said or of course if you should quit. today that this will ever implement warlow. destroyed by the chino that i will. fight shape up. or go out on a long tether were care and they've are prone to tunnel plans little rebuttal of the more tense everything to tell ya know when the day that we the forest for the night because when asked about the. blackout it will get on all. going on. but i trundle nearby services on that although we don't want santa i bet if she
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goes out also this collation to go into. other people d.c. about it but even with it all the way you brought together i think a lot of it we only had a single shot. but remember percent done loony go protest so good then i mean the poor are regarding our lead then multilevel we powerless doesn't achieve that we need better make a see i believe me i'll take on the nod of the cell you know a lot better man and so on your spade or given i'm in the chair that i spent a good bit i mean. and there are monthly sales skills suffragettes so invaded the s.s.n. and broke out of here spent on my journal you know and is simply in the dark but number then if you need a source. the state mafia trial is still ongoing all the accused denied the charges against him further arrests have been
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be almost saw an account of in the limits of us god said it best that the quickness . caused and not that the cd can and the order of the moment and if you will. everything ok and then list oldest chick under these we should add a chair it love ada but i joined the less dodgy can of a go ganja didn t. that jani the band. sounds he responded differently i meant a shit about gene annoyed by c. no on tina for them or. at least jam wanking we both thought she called man and j.
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the main fade to on it's own it but i sent the quote above on it's an article called oh well ok switches so in a subtle. hello we've had some flooding recently around the midwest michigan in particular we've got some more heavy rain potential flooding hits the central parts just around kansas oklahoma the system making its way further east where it's through the
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remainder of saturday going on into sunday ashley said the next couple of days seeing some lively storms streaking across the central and southern plains heading over to will cease to see people 19 celsius in new york 26 in d.c. quite humid and sticky $26.00 here down towards the southwest well the fire risk continues it stays bone dry for the time being that dry weather stretching up across much of that western side of the u.s. a little we'll see what it says showers into washington state and maybe into be say central areas seeing some lively showers those showers running down across parts of texas and we'll see some lovely showers too into the caribbean big area cloud here producing a fair bit of wet weather into cuba southern parts of mexico yucatan peninsula policing some lobby showers see some wet weather there to nicaragua and costa rica you might catch a shower with syria to jamaica and also into hispan yola not too bad for the
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eastern arlen's germany fine dry and sunny. i will not fight for them to my entire family just for fun or a friend of mine because i can't change someone from the security video emerges of brazil's president in a foul mouthed attack on police he tries to protect his family. well i'm down in jordan this is al jazeera live from also coming up daylight reveals the scale of the devastation of a passenger jet crash in pakistan the task of searching the bodies.
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