tv NEWS LIVE - 30 Al Jazeera May 29, 2020 5:00pm-5:34pm +03
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be the hero the world needs. washing. police trying to regain control of the u.s. city burning with rage following protest against the death of an unarmed black man . and the u.s. president is accused of inflaming the unrest as twitter hides his message suggesting that looters should be shot. i missed on the attack and this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up help for 2000000 of spain's poorest people the plans to give them some comfort with
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a minimum income. and delivering food to the desperate including one who hadn't eaten for 17 days now the virus is making life even bleaker for people in parts of england. now donald trump is being accused of glorifying violence and inflaming racially charged protests across the united states the president has tweeted that when the looting starts the shooting starts he's referring to the city of minneapolis where the national guard has been called in after days of demonstrations following the death of an unarmed black man victoria be begins our coverage. this was the police said a very different night of protest a police station in minneapolis set on fire as anger directed at those who swear to protect and serve escalated the. not far away more
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burning shops looting and violence protests have spread across the united states in denver demonstrators echoed the demands for justice already heard in los angeles and new york anger over the treatment of african-americans by the police is new but it is very wrong right now. in louisville kentucky the death of george who it has reopened old wounds with protesters demanding justice for an african-american woman who was shot dead by police 2 months ago. it is this video of the last moments of george floyd's life a police officer kneeling on his neck that's driving the outrage floyd's family the city's mayor and national politicians are calling for the officer to be charged with murder we did see a murder on t.v. and it wasn't self-defense the f.b.i. is promising a thorough investigation but it could take weeks for a prosecutor to decide on criminal charges and people here are impatient francis i
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am pleading i am pleading with individuals. to remain calm and to let us conduct this investigation president trump called the protesters thugs and suggested national guard soldiers shoot the looters he also took aim at the city's democratic man donald trump knows nothing about the strength of minneapolis we are strong as hell is this a difficult time period yes but you better be damn sure that we're going to get through this. the protests in george floyd's name are only growing as more people in more cities feel justice in america is far from equal victoria gate and be. al jazeera well joining us by phone now is allison herrera she's a journalist on the streets that in minneapolis alison little ready seen a bill that's a security that had a what's the mood like on the streets this morning. people are sad people are grieving people are angry i just i walked around there's
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a scene near the precinct police building that burned down to the ground and to the shops and businesses that are just nearby i spoke with a woman who she works at the communications it's. a native nonprofit for indigenous you think she told me that she was there until 230 last night at 2 30 in the morning this morning there was no police presence or national guard presence protecting the buildings she told me that the only protection that they had was the american indian movement patrol that's a kind of a civilian led patrol led by indigenous people here in the twin cities and they were guards guarding the building and they were trying to get the city to she told me that they were trying to get the city to shut the gas and then she said there are 5 am this morning the fire started there's also a little indian restaurant just down there that locally owned i spoke with the
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owners of this dry cleaning business just kitty corner there they were cleaning up # the post office is completely gutted and burnt. i want to there's a little apartment building 8 like that that's a serious it's not a senior apartment with senior living but i'm a lot of older residents live there and they were afraid they said that they heard shots and got you know they heard. they heard the building catch on fire and what that sounded like shots 0 so i don't know if any shots were fired but he said it just sounded like a huge boom and just i talked to the couple people who grew up. in this neighborhood and. they were just grief stricken with what they heard and what. allison we've now seen 3 nights of protests and obviously an enormous amount of violence last night particularly we've seen those pictures this morning of those fires still burning is there
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a fear that there will be more violence today potentially are people going to be gathering again do you think. i haven't heard of any gathering. places today but are you i'm sure i wouldn't doubt that there are going to be more potent than gathering. but it doesn't i'm not sure about this area. that. they said that they've been out and or this morning when i talked i talked to one of the national guard members and i asked him if they had any what the plan was to be got that in the area and he said that they were just taking it minute by minute. and so. 9 i'm not sure i don't know if there's going to be any more protests but i would imagine i think just the mood around here i would imagine that there would be some certainly the youngest been very widespread indeed alison herrera on the streets of minneapolis thank you
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very much alison well let's take a look at what president trump has been tweeting about these protests 1st warning the minneapolis mayor to get his act together and then rising that these thugs are dishonoring the memory of george floyd and he won't let that happen trump says he told the minnesota governor that the military is with him all the way any difficulty and we will assume control but when the looting starts the shooting stops well twitter has hidden trumps tweet saying it violates the rules about glorifying violence however it still can be viewed if you click into it with saying that it may be in the public's interests for it to remain accessible well let's get more on this with our white house correspondent can be help that can be what we've been hearing from the white house this morning. well the white house has in fact retreated this tweet kind of in defiance of the actions taken by twitter as you point out flagging the president's tweets or at least of securing it
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without 1st requiring users to read a warning notice so what the white house essentially responded by tweeting this tweet that has been flagged by twitter from the white house official account because the in essence the argument being made by this white house is that this is something that's in the public interest the lying that is really incendiary that seems to be the point of contention between twitter and this white house any difficulty and we will assume control but when the looting starts the shooting starts why is this a problem and why is this so incendiary let's put it in a little historical context it goes back to the race riots of the 1960 s. here in the united states and particularly the words of one miami police chief going back to 967 he uttered those very words when he was referring to a crackdown on what he called slum hoodlum sent of course this understandably inflame tensions and that's the fear that by the u.s.
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president using the same words that's what's happening once again twitter feels this way but we should point out that the president's supporters feel that this is another example of social media and specifically twitter which is of course a very popular platform particularly for this president this is twitter taking sides essentially to embarrass the president in an election year now we should point out that the american civil liberties union has just weighed in on this controversy in the last few moments putting out a statement calling the words of the president hypocritical immoral and illegal a gross disregard for racial terror they also responded in their statement to his call for sending in the national guard to quash this violence saying that this sensually the law enforcement in minneapolis and in that state. if minnesota should ignore the president we call the national guard and law enforcement to comply with the law and not president trump pretty astounding to see these statements in writing not just from the president but also the response from one of the most
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powerful sort of groups that advocates for those that feel that they have been disenfranchised who have been hurt by racial violence now speaking out so strongly indeed can we help that there are white house correspondent thank you very much kimberly. a t.v. crew who were reporting on those minneapolis protests was arrested live on camera take a look do you know why i'm under arrest. why why am i going to a mad men is c.n.n. reporter human is who is showing demonstrators being detained the crew was then scalded away by police c.n.n. has issued a statement calling it a violation of its 1st amendment rights minnesota's governor has since apologized and the crew has been released. while going to the coronavirus pandemic found thousands of people in spain have been struggling to make ends meet to during the lockdowns there the government's been trying to provide aid to families and early a ministers decided to approve
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a new basic income scheme to help about marginal reports from the capital that a simple sound which some fruit and water is enough to get thousands of spaniards through duty in spain food banks soup kitchens and charities have been overwhelmed and some even forced to close during the coronavirus outbreak but demand has increased 30 percent since the american see locked own in march thousands of spaniards have joined the so-called queues of hunger for the 1st time . son i won't tell it is a hospital cleaner in april she found herself out of work she spent all her savings and at the age of 44 she had to appeal to charity for the 1st time in her life. i feel really back on depending on others i always depended on myself at the beginning in one day before i say no but then i realised that if i have
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forward and come cherie then we can all eat says a corner virus outbreak over 1000000 people have lost their jobs in spain the loss of employment has been compounded by school closures and increasing bills after more than 2 months of a strict lockdown the spanish government plans to spend $3000000000.00 euros a year to provide the poorest households with a minimum income over $850000.00 families will benefit from it single parent families will get the quiver end of 500 dollars and families with 2 of those 650. today is an historic day for democracy and for me it's an honor is deputy prime minister of this government to announce a new social right the one in spain a minimum bartle income i think we can qualify it as the greatest advance in social rights in spain since the approval of the dependency law in 2006 the government's
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intention is to reach the maximum number of people in need but over 2000000 spaniards who work in this economy pay no tax or working without a contract will be left out of this initiative if there's a silver lining to cover it $19.00 clout is that many spaniards one have to depend on the charity of strangers. madrid. well still ahead on al-jazeera taiwan's president empathizes with the people of hong kong despite a warning of military action by china against the island. and a warning that hundreds of millions of workers are being exploited during india's coronavirus walk down and could end up deep in poverty.
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rate across all central and southern areas of china as that time of year but these rains of course can be particularly heavy it is actually working where east was in the same direction as that cloud becoming really quite heavy late in the south today it does mean a wet day in shanghai one of the shots further to the south across into taiwan but really the heaviest of the rain working its way across. throughout suffered enough by sunday it does push more rain into western areas of japan the bulk of it though should stay to east but very shiny pattern across much of central homeshare the same time more rain work its way across northern areas of china but i should say mystic you enjoy throughout much of the korean peninsula and then down tools indonesia usual showers and thunderstorms here we've had some pretty big thunderstorms in bangkok over the last few days and how look at this not an image we see very often captured on film this is called cloud iridescence you can see the light that what it is is actually an optical phenomenon so what you're looking at is the light diffracted through the water droplets so they could be more sightings
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of things like that because of all plentiful thunderstorms bangkok some very heavy amounts of rain across areas of me down across some of the peninsula also see the se seeing some heavy rain over the next few days and certainly on sunday some very heavy rain developing free will central and southern areas of the philippines and sunny showers and thunderstorms in kuala lumpur. as the world fights to corona time to make learning more about this every day it's a new year new joining our global community it's up to us on how we come to be able to fight on sharing your questions can i just recently directly that's coming on on you tube as you're saying i'm concerned about the front line phone that's a great question but keeping you up to date. for the stream on 000.
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hello again i'm mr let's remind you of our top stories this hour spain's government is due to announce a new basic income scheme for a 1000000 poor families this imposed latest measure to help spaniards struggling to make ends meet because of the coronavirus condemning. police in the u.s. city of minneapolis are trying to regain control of the another night of protest against the death of an unarmed black man in the national guard has been called in and the mayor has declared a 72 hour state of emergency while president of trump has tweeted about those protests saying he's prepared to have the federal government assume control trump
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wrote when the looting starts the shooting starts to as it hasn't hidden that tweet behind a warning saying it violates its rules about glorifying violence. while staying with that controversial tweet from the u.s. president and earlier i spoke to scott mucous he's a professor of american studies at the university of birmingham he says trump's message is not just provocative it's violence in its own way. it is for that reason that twitter. whom trump has been waging war on all week i've the tweets as you noted and it allowing re tweets or. replies now if donald trump was seriously concerned about trying to step back from what we have seen in many and minneapolis over the last few nights and them in cities like google in kentucky that he might support chicken fry the minneapolis mayor who has called for charges to be brought in this case against the officer who is accused of killing george floyd he might support take reprised call for protesters to stop the
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burning to stop looting and to start a dialogue on a way forward the troops interest is not in trying to make pace trump his interest is twofold here 1st is of course to look like he can come in and save the situation by making threats and secondly because this is tied to something that started earlier this week which is when social media including twitter began flagging his dissent from ation about postal voting being fraudulent that is a lie but trump is using it to possibly undermine the members elections so trump in other words is politicizing exploiting this situation with potentially dangerous consequences look i mean racial violence and indeed. police violence against unarmed african-americans is not new it's been around for decades i grew up with it in the american south what we have seen is in areas far beyond the south think about los angeles in the early 1990 s.
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think about in recent years the killing of our north african-americans from missouri to new york to south carolina which led to the black flies matter movement this is an ongoing issue which needs discussions of justice needs discussions of trying to protect those who are unarmed while at the same time trying to ensure that we have responsible security forces in america the difference now in 2020 is that we don't have a man in the white house a like a barack obama who might support those efforts we've got a man who's exploiting potentially inflaming an already tense situation. now china says it will take any necessary measures if the u.s. insists on interfering in hong kong president donald trump is expected to make an announcement later on friday about china's controversial national security law for the territory me with him gone the u.s. has significant interests in hong kong we urge the u.s. to have a clear view of what the situation and to stop interfering in hong kong affairs and
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china's domestic affairs if the u.s. is determined to harm china's interests china will take on this a serious countermeasures the u.s. has asked the u.n. to discuss hong kong affairs which is publicly interfering in china's domestic affairs and damaging the principles of international relations china of course opposes this their plan will not succeed the u.n. isn't a tool that the u.s. can play china and other countries who uphold justice won't allow the u.s. to blackmail the u.n. for its own purposes while taiwan's president has reiterated her support for pro-democracy protesters in hong kong china considers taiwan as one of its provinces and one of its senior general says military forces are ready to attack the island to deter ambitions for independence alexy o'brien reports. a wall of welcome for taiwan's president sign when to a bookshop owned by hong kong dissident lam when k. is known for selling books critical of china's government he sought refuge in
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taiwan's capital last year after being detained by chinese agents forcing his shop in hong kong to close president used to visit in taipei to reiterate his support for hong kong's pro-democracy movement. the enduring spirit to fight for freedom of the hong kong people is largely recognised by the taiwanese who also feel empathetic and we are willing when the hong kong people need help to provide assistance so i was the 1st world leader to pledge specific measures to help people from hong kong who may leave the territory because of a new national security law passed by china's parliament on thursday. the legislations triggered a new wave of anti-government protests by hong kong activists who say the law further destroys its autonomy and allows china's government to silence dissent. and fight for freedom there is no freedom of speech.
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was. the hong kong demonstrations have won widespread sympathy in taiwan which china considers its territory to be taken by force if necessary. when hong kong was returned from british to chinese rule in 1907 the new special administrative region was promised freedoms under the one country 2 systems concept but china says those freedoms are being undermined by violent protests. and the protests. going on. but china is facing growing international pressure over the law with u.s. president donald trump valen a tough response china's leaders a telling western powers to back off. we would relevant countries to respect china's sovereignty abide by international law and basic norms of international
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relations be cautious and refrain from interfering in hong kong's affairs and china's internal affairs in any way. this pro-democracy statue called the lady liberty of hong kong once stood briefly on top one of the territories mountains now it's on display in the museum a symbol of anger and defiance and the liberty protesters say they long for brian al-jazeera now sudan has accused the ethiopian army of backing militias crossing into sudanese territory and raiding farm land and resources a sudanese army spokesman says ethiopian fine has reached the eastern bank of the at a river aiming to redirect the flow of the water saddam's military says one of its officers was killed during that incursion although the sudanese region where these attacks are happening is not contested there's actually been no formal demarcation of the border area returning to the coronavirus pandemic now in the reopening of hundreds of south korean schools has been suspended and others forced to close
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after an increase in corona virus cases there have been 58 new infections mostly in seoul and link to an online shopping warehouse. well india's government is being accused of using the coronavirus emergency to exploit millions of workers after 2 months of lockdown some of india's biggest states have suspended most labor laws in a bid to restart the economy trade unions say changes to working hours wages and health and safety standards we can work as rights at a time when they can protest elizabeth purana reports from new delhi. overseas the production of clothes for his designer label in his workshop and. sales fell by 70 percent in the past 2 months locked down and hammond says he'll have to layoff around 75 of his 300 employees. the suspension of most of the state's labor laws he no longer beats the government's permission to fire in this
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difficult finding the street is going to be suffering a lot of these losses by it's going to be harder this is what was a very important support that we got from the government. with a provision which is home to $230000000.00 people is one of many states to change its labor laws including getting rid of the minimum wage extended working hours and reducing employee benefits. the states say the changes will help businesses and get the world's 5th largest economy back on track workers are already paying the price . as soon as the changes were announced it was fired from the woman's we're factory he's worked in for 4 years the. work is continuing at the company and 800000 people are working new workers have been hired on daily wages and none of those who used to work at the company have been brought back. trade unions say the revised laws will drive down wages in a country with a minimum is just over $2.00 a day union leaders defied lockdown guidelines to protest in new delhi which police
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quickly dispersed blood there then when. i go to work we're going to look i don't resent the idea. of the country on the. the net 6. then doesn't really have any member you already know. the biggest changes have been in states ruled by promise to marry the movies but if you jump the party critics say the government's using the economics mob to push through laws that supplants of 1st being elected 6 years ago and at a time when people aren't allowed to protest the international labor organization has warned 400000000 indians could slip into poverty as a result of india's lockdown and is urging prime minister modi to send a clear message to states to homes labels and protect workers from exploitation elizabeth piron of al-jazeera new delhi. leading french common you fat tra rhino could slash up to $15000.00 jobs in the next 3 years the company employs around
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$180000.00 staff globally and wants to reduce costs by more than 2000000000 dollars it was already struggling before sales slumped during the cove in 1000 crisis and a day early a joint venture partner ness on announced for the closure of its factory in spain and 3000 redundancies while not leaders of some of the poorest parts of the u.k. are concerned they weren't cope if the government reintroduces austerity cuts there in the wake of the lockdown there are fears that benefits and social spending will be slashed in order to pay off the huge debts that have built up from supporting workers who've been laid off lawrence lee has more from middlesbrough in northeastern england. what will things be like when it's all over for rich places maybe not so bad but poor communities have a right to be worried the post industrial landscape of teesside in northeastern england tells a story of joblessness poor life chances and the virus the high mortality rates
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if the british government tries to pay off its huge debt through austerity and they can't begin to imagine how much worse things will get it's almost too difficult to comprehend how we would go about doing that because we're i think we're as low as we can get in terms of the the cuts that we've made our frac on even start to think about how we would make more cuts 1st hand experiences of all this show a town already on the age we need to live is vital supplies to 17 people with underlying health conditions and therefore most at risk in this tiny house of for asylum seekers including an elderly woman from sierra leone who has diabetes given the things binny has seen any more cuts to services would be catastrophic but there was a case right here in memphis right centile middles for someone who did not eat for 17 days 17 for 17 days so she has been going over food banks she saw the food banks were closed and even though she was fully entitled. as
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a citizen but she was look at you know overlooked and she was almost going to die disease thrives in poverty the economic response to the health care crisis will make or break places like this. just before all this started the new british government swept to power on a promise of what it called levelling up plowing money into the forgotten english northern towns but not only has covered 19 put all of that on ice it's also led to a new enormous national debt the debts which towns like middlesborough are in no position whatsoever to help a back. story here could be that of any port town in any country which has taken on massive debt nationally or globally that that will happen we will lose generations we will lose businesses people will lose hope hope the health and social implications will be colossal that it isn't an option borrowing
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these new affordable rates prudently and spending intelligently is the only solution to this so many of the problems here predated the virus but maybe the health care crisis could have a silver lining after all better jobs stronger communities surely mean healthier people gloriously al-jazeera middlesborough. and again this is al jazeera and these are the headlines police in the u.s. city of minneapolis are trying to regain control after another night of protests against the death of an unarmed black man the national guard has been called in and the mayor has declared a 72 hour state of emergency president on trump has been tweeting about those protests saying he's prepared to have the federal government assume control trump right when the looting starts the shooting starts tressa hasn't hidden that tweet
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behind a warning saying it violates its rules about glorifying violence our white house correspondent can be how it explains why that comment has upset so many. why is this a problem in why is this so incendiary let's put it in a little historical context it goes back to the race riots of the night 160 s. here in the united states and particularly the words of one miami police chief going back to 967 he uttered those very words when he was referring to a crackdown on what he called slum hoodlums and of course this understandably inflame tensions and that's the fear that by the u.s. president using the same words that's what's happening once again well a t.v. crew reporting on the minneapolis protests was also arrested live on camera. one of their a c.n.n. reporter among human is who is showing demonstrators being detained the t.v. networks since issued a statement calling it
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a violation of its 1st amendment rights minnesota's governor has apologized and the crew has been released spain's government has announced a new basic income scheme for a 1000000 poor families and so latest measure to help people struggling to make ends meet because of the coronavirus pandemic taiwan's president has reiterated her support for pro-democracy protesters in hong kong saying when visited a bookstore in taipei run by law. hong kong dissidents known for selling books critical of china's government china's congress has approved a security into one home kong which critics say destroys its autonomy for french common you factor renner has announced it could smash up to $15000.00 jobs in the next 3 is the company employs around $180000.00 staff globally and wants to reduce costs by more than $2000000000.00 well those are the headlines the news continues here after the stream stay with us. frank assessments tourism but income stream is good in the uk what's been the result is your pushing go up quite significantly and
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in-depth analysis of the day global headlines inside story on al-jazeera. i after e ok welcome to the stream i want you simply chose from the streets of hong kong on wednesday hong kong time right police are in the streets they are facing civilians and protesters in their guns are pepper spray pellets now this protest may be a very rare thing in the future because there is a national security bill that he's trying to be pushed through and it will also relate to hong kong as well as mainland china and that is what we're talking about the possible impact of his national security bail on hong kong as if you have a perspective a point of view and you and you to jump into the chat.
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