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tv   NEWS LIVE - 30  Al Jazeera  May 31, 2020 12:00pm-12:34pm +03

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vidual sacrifice makes way for the good of those who will come after. higher purpose. this one is ours. protests and civil unrest flare again across the united states in anger over the death of george floyd in police custody chicago atlanta and here in los angeles these pictures they are among 2 dozen cities imposing curfews president trump is warning he'll stop the violence. and come out santa maria here in doha with the world news from. mexico is preparing
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to ease its coronavirus lockdown even though it's not past the peak we'll meet some medics on the front lines it's. very. fun here. and on their way to the international space station to nasa astronauts blasting off a new era in privatized rocket trying. to protest against racism and police brutality of spread to even more u.s. cities and become violent in many of them what began as demonstrations over the death of george floyd during his arrest as rio woken america's national outrage over the deaths of other black men blamed on police. mike hanna has this report. what started out as peaceful protests in dozens of cities or ruptured in violence
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in los angeles police vehicles were set on fire sending plumes of black smoke over the area similar scenes in cities ranging from seattle where a 5 pm curfew has been set to miami where thousands gathered through the day and where like in so many other areas a standoff with police ended in clouds of tear gas in chicago where demonstrators held signs carrying messages of protest that were repeated throughout the nation. in new york a city that is still to emerge from the ravages of the demick a series of protests took place throughout the 5 boroughs and in minneapolis the city where george floyd was killed and where the national wave of protests began. the president left the white house in the morning to attend the space x. launch and afterwards expressed his sympathy for george floyd and his family but
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also had this to say about the protesters the memory of george floyd is being dishonored by riders looters and anarchists the violence and vandalism is being led by n.t. for and other radical left wing groups who were terrorizing the innocent destroying jobs. hurting businesses and burning down buildings this in the wake of a tweet saying if protesters had broken the secret service ring outside the white house they would have been greeted with the most vicious dogs and most are ministers weapons i have seen the reference to vicious dogs seen by washington's mayor muriel bowser as a throwback to the police use of dogs on african american civil rights activists decades ago and in an extraordinary tweet off her own the mayor lashed out at the
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president in the white house saying and i quote while he hides behind his fence afraid alone i stand with people peacefully exercising their 1st amendment right after the murder of george floyd and hundreds of years of institutional racism there are no vicious dogs and ominous weapons there is just a scared man afraid alone. into the night crowds continue to gather within sight and sound of the president's residence clashing with police and secret service agents on several occasions washington d.c. became one of more than 11 cities where the national guard has been mobilized and amidst the flickering of flames and swirling smoke curfews were declared in a number of areas the same a nation just emerging from a months long lockdown in the thesis of a pandemic mike hammer al-jazeera washington. john hendren are reporting from
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minneapolis who says things have fallen quiet there for now. this is what a curfew was supposed to look like few people on the street few cars in relative quiet but it was a far cry from that just hours ago. police and demonstrators faced off in an area they have been trading control of a night ago the police controlled an intersection behind me and then demonstrators took it over in the day well in the evening the police came back in force marching toward the protesters shooting pellets and firing tear gas it all took about 15 minutes to disperse the crowd we spoke to some of the protesters and this is what they had to say if you don't date drawing gas and say let's not go. as a ripple it may have got picked up in the national right. we need our justice we need our justice the city would not rest until we get out just no justice no peace does that mean we have one officer has been arrested and charged with murder
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but there were 4 officers involved in the arrest of george floyd that ended in his death now the crowd says they want to stay out here in the streets of minneapolis despite the curfew despite the police presence until all 4 of those officers are arrested. and now gabriel is on there in new york he says events there was a calm old day until small groups out of causing trouble when night fell. chaotic scenes here in new york city late in the evening i'm in union square area of the city and you can see that some of the protests turned out to be violent in a way this is where the real heart of the major conflict between police and protesters were was held after nightfall at one point more than 2 police vehicles were set ablaze we saw helicopters are still at this hour buzzing over the air and there are groups of protesters still roaming in certain areas but earlier in the
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day we saw to. ends of thousands of peaceful protesters take to the streets in new york to have their voices heard at one point they peacefully protested right in front of trump tower in front of a heavy police presence and then moved down the streets of broadway down to downtown new york city where one point they were greeted by applause by onlookers these were mostly young people all of whom said that they were out here for a reason i'm here for joy floyd i'm here for all of those who have lost their lives these khalidi i'm here for black america i'm here for me i'm here for my family i'm here for all the america and i'm here for those who can't be here today well i think that america is sick and we have to root out racism and i think that white people need to stand up and do something instead of sitting on their couch and posting on their instagram stories this is a manifestation of anger as one man just told me says this is what happens when
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people get fed up many are exactly that here in new york they say stuff like this is just property that can be replaced but the life of george floyd can't be. well the mayor of new york bill de blasio has issued a warning to those small number of write his among the peaceful protests. if you're going out peacefully to make a point about the need for change you have been heard and change is coming in the city i have no doubt about that it's time to go home so we can all move forward but those who are out there simply to create violence those who are out there to express hatred towards our police officers we won't tolerate that if you're out there to commit an act of violence you're going to get arrested tonight. well protests of continued into the night in los angeles with some people looted stores and the fires national guard troops were called in to assist the city's police force officers have been using your gas as well as rubber bullets to disperse the
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crowds there were peaceful demonstrations held earlier in the day the sheriff's a generalist in los angeles who we heard from she said lots of protesters became worried when they heard officers from ice the immigration and customs enforcement were on the scene it was a line of white protesters standing between the police and people of color purchases of color and they were linking arms to try and protect these protests the problem the police. i * have also been seeing people you know really panicked talking about the they've heard the ice is being cold and it's coming to the area i saw a lot of people. i don't know if it was a reminder of there is but i saw a lot of people this leave the protests also that came out on that also being quite a few instances of why protest is throwing objects at flea and protestors of color
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it's turning around and putting on this is a few so far it's really going on inside parliament because this is a peaceful this is about this this is about what not and you were trying to harness him to something that is violent which is not what we want well in his latest remarks the presumptive democratic party presidential nominee joe biden said the past few days of made it clear the u.s. is a nation furious about injustice however the former vice president did add that violence cannot be tolerated in some of what he said the acts of protesting should never be allowed to overshadow the reason we protest it should not drive people away from the just cause that protest is meant to advance. here's some thoughts from brian levin the director of the center for the study of hate and extremism at california state university in san bernardino he was also a state police officer i'm sorry in new york state he says fringe groups are the ones stoking the disorder we are fooling ourselves if we believe that the systemic
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bigotry which takes place in the united states and elsewhere is in some way just limited to police but i think what we've seen here is we had in rapid succession 3 horrible deaths of african-american people who were on arm and. the country is demanding an answer. and i think there's a difference in what's going on a lot of white people like myself feel oh that's a terrible thing but what we don't feel is it going to happen to us most of the protesters have been nonviolent that's the story behind the story and what we seem our interim loper looters and extremists from from different sides trying to exploit this but i can tell you that i'm hearing from my friends across the country who've been involved in nonviolent protests that the majority of these protests
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have in fact been peaceful in till such time that this the smaller number of people exploit that and what that these people do is tarnish the moral imperative of the effort that all of us have to do with rolling up our sleeves to advance racial equality in this nation. the rest of the day's news is coming out open for worship islam's 3rd holiest site helps preserve the weeks of closure to help slow the spread of coronavirus we'll have a live update from occupied east jerusalem and why businesses in indian administered kashmir could be facing economic disaster. hello and welcome to look at the international focus we got the usual rush of showers across much of southeast asia still quite a few showers there into indonesia behavior ones just around borneo sliding
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a little further northwards a seasonal rains on the way up towards the good parts of thailand as well some more heavy downpours coming through here so the chances michel is it's a job at racing policy of indonesia it should be largely fine and dry and the odd heat of the day showers laci fought a dry course much of australia we have got some rather blustery conditions down into the southeast these weather systems these weather fronts sweeping through south australia damage to victoria so you're going to see some rather wet weather here as we go on through the next couple days with those showers just rattling through tasmania seeing some live shows parts of southern areas into eastern parts of new south wales could see some wet weather from time to time of these will sweep through as we go on through wear shoes day fresher weather coming in behind the sydney temperature struggling to get to around 70 degrees celsius further west fine and dry there perth i don't want 22 degrees now on the other side of that rain we've got the clouds started to push its way towards new zealand south thought of
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seeing that wetter weather 1st so make the most of that fine implied by the way ahead of that or clint at 18 degrees. rewind i can bring your people back to life i'm sorry but dates on the best of al-jazeera documentaries in liberal cause the blood and no like and the other student green one continues with kosovo fear and hope this was my return to kosovo and the little village of one decade on i've come back to find out what happened to those hopes and dreams rewind on al-jazeera. route. oh. oh oh.
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the top stories this hour on al-jazeera officials in minneapolis say the stop violence for now after mobilizing the states in time national guard protests and unrest to spread from there to more cities across the u.s. the death of black man george floyd in police custody peaceful marches in los angeles have turned violent with police cars and buildings set ablaze but is despite a curfew there and in dozens of other cities the california national guard has also been deployed and u.s. presidential president donald trump is threatening to deploy the military if needed he says those committing violent acts dishonoring the memory of george floyd. coronavirus pandemic news now and with starting at alex a mosque in occupied east jerusalem which has reopened its doors it had been closed for 2 months to contain the virus worshippers and i'll bring asked to wear face masks and to bring their own prayer mats for sit by these troops and i harry how's
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that going to. i can oh yes it's going pretty smoothly so far as you can see behind me this is one of the but the gates around the al aqsa mosque compound and since march the 15th all of them have been closed because of the restrictions that were imposed by the islamic walks which runs the mosque compound in accordance with the jordanian government the concerns about transmission of the virus whether the whole site was closed to pray goes to to worship is and now for the 1st time it is open so it opened the door and prayers this morning there were several 100 some 700 who went in and prayed in the compound in the spaces that have been set out and also inside the mosque itself we spoke to the head of the of the walk mark is one of the few days ago and he was saying that there were going to be any limitations on numbers despite the fact that israel's
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health ministry has imposed on places of worship a maximum of 70 people inside any place of worship but he was trusting that with the measures that they were taking and with the commitment of the people coming that they would look after each other and themselves and make make sure that this went off as well as possible it's worth noting that this is a sunday so it's a working day here in occupied east jerusalem so joining the course of the day we're coming up to noon present about 20 minutes time that maybe fewer people than you might otherwise expect certainly for example on a friday and there had been some concerns about possible tensions because there was a shooting dead of an unarmed man with special needs not far from here on saturday morning police investigation going on into that he was shot dead by israeli security forces some concerns about possible flashpoint as a result of that but so far though they have proved unfounded there have been 3 palestinians arrested and some 8 jewish people have gone into the mosque from the
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other side side as well the mosque compound rather they known as the temple mount to jews some of them were found to be shouting nationalist slogans and the like and there are some arrests made there as well but terry fawcett's the reopening of a lot some all sc in occupied east jerusalem thank you harry. mexico plans to start reopening on monday 2 and a half months after it went into lockdown problem is infections are still on the rise john heilemann joined a team of paramedics near mexico city. this is how many dorian so he'll finish their shift racing down the highway on the outskirts of mexico city trying to find a hospital for their patient. is just the latest case in a hectic 2 months. don't you think i am 20 years of working as a paramedic i've never seen anything like this i thought the worst sightsee was the earthquake of 27000 this beats it. they work in this work with
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a packed mix crew city suburb code that has hit hard. many couldn't afford to stay home during the government decree quarantine meant a lot of patients. and so he was battling through it was mourning his own loss just 3 weeks ago he came back to him when he recently transferred a dying patient. and i like he was elderly and it reminded me of my grandfather because he died of covert i was looking at this man's last moments of life and i saw my granddad reflected there. now they were on the last case of the day jose luis a big chill delivery man only 39 years old and if he doesn't then. there's no one like that. that has the money. and then it's time to go the paramedics hope this capsule will protect them. it's a tight fit. i want to be
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ambulance it gets very hot patients can get claustrophobic too and this could be a long ride. the 1st. was a. big one of. those. now it's time to see if the hospital would take calls luis. the answer. is yes. the majority insert here it's a triumph an end to a hard shift. but for jose luis his family is just the start they'll join those waiting outside for hours or days to see if he comes back out to john home now does it are miserable according to the u.k. is further easing its restrictions but the government's own scientific advisors are
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actually warning it's all happening too quickly then bibelots about from london. a socially distance demonstration organized by the activist group extinction rebellion calling on the british government to get to grips with a crisis not covered 19 but climate change paul stevens a former detective sergeant in london's police force was among those calling for a citizens' assembly on how to rebuild the economy before carving 19 we were investing billions in fossil fuels we were subsidizing aviation all of that was killing the planet is going in the opposite direction now that stopped that paul's right now is the time to change direction it's much easier without that momentum got in the opposite way the weekends brought new warnings of another kind on monday some primary schools in england are reopening and people can visit outdoor markets and car show rooms but several scientists on the government's advisory group known as sage say things are changing too soon they pointed out the government's test
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trace and isolate program so crucial if another peak in infections is to be avoided it won't be fully functional until the end of june you are level you know between point $7.00 so it's only a bit below one so we've got radial and dream actually and it's really important. we use the editing very wisely and we don't lose control again i can understand the desire is for the relaxation of the social measures but we really can't go back to a situation where we've got the numbers of cases and just returned in the past some scientists have also said the number of new covered 19 cases still are to around 8000 per day is too high to move to a new phase of relaxing restrictions for a monday people in england can meet in parks or gardens in groups of 6 not the current limit of 2 but the sunny weather has raised the prospect of people preempting that of course what's important with these changes is that the
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guidelines still say keep 2 metres away from people you don't live with by and large that is being observed but it's far from you. universal and if people start to lose the distancing habit that could be a real problem as more of society opens up the government's trying to balance restoring personal freedoms against preventing the virus from getting out of control but critics say lock down measures being lifted too quickly the al-jazeera london india reported another record daily jump of almost 8000 new infections on saturday but it is certainly it's strict lock down the government's trying to cushion its economy from the worst contraction in 40 years one region are particularly affected is indian administered kashmir already correspondent elizabeth purana has that story dalai constrain it with its borders reflecting the surroundings no cattlemen a is would usually be filled with tourists at this time of year but the houseboat
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sit empty and the boat men roll and. their paddles the only sounds to be heard apart from the birds. would usually make around $7.00 a day violent tourists around the lake but he's only work for one month so far this year you get a wind up but it looks as if we are completely dependent on tourism we leave our homes in the early morning for work and during the day and feed our families in the evening we are really suffering. so to the entire local tourism industry by this time last year nearly $200000.00 tourists had visited indian administered kashmir when the indian government revoked the region's autonomous status last august it also told all tourist to be imposed restrictions on movement and cut off telecommunications. the government said that was needed to maintain law and order in the area which often sees protests and attacks against indian rule
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tourist numbers dropped by 85 percent in the 2nd half of last year compared to the year before we had just started. to see some. for the month of june july and. that it has been a very very bad situation for all the tourism clears and. the coronavirus coming in. as they said it the industry is bleeding. and tourism isn't the only sector reflected the chamber of commerce and industry estimates the region's economy has lost around $20000000.00 a day to get knocked down that's on top of the $2000000000.00 economic hit in the 2nd half of 29. on the factory which makes wood and vinnie is he doesn't have many buyers and stocks of piling up i have to be in installments i have loans from banks so i can't pay them i don't know what how what will happen
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and the question really is very unpredictable and we don't know which year we can work and which are we cannot. it's very challenging. india's government said it will spend $250000000000.00 to help prop up the economy nationwide but business leaders and media say they're being forgotten i would help financial help is in i.c.u. if there is no financial injection and dimed injection it will die soon this is going to be a normally a disaster for that there should be a dial borning unless emergency government help specific to the region isn't sent. elizabeth rodham al-jazeera new delhi the afghan government has released 710 taliban prisoners and after 73 soldiers were freed on saturday president county ordered freedom for 2000 fighters in response to the taliban's ceasefire declaration during the holiday
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a roadside bomb blast in somalia has killed at least 6 people in a minibus passengers mostly from the same family were on their way from the capital mogadishu to a funeral in a nearby town no group has claimed responsibility but many attacks previously were blamed on al shabaab fighters. from the 2 nasa astronauts are due to dark with the international space station in just a few hours as they launch a new era in extraterrestrial travel they are the 1st americans to blast off aboard a privately build space 6 rocket from the united states since the last space shuttle flight 9 years ago and gallica has a report now from florida. very few but here if it. was after a previous weather delayed a falcon 9 rocket in its capsule the crew dragon lifted off from launch pad $3098.00 at cape canaveral. on board veteran astronauts doug hurley and robert
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behnken manning the 1st commercial spacecraft to take nasa astronauts into orbit shortly after launch the falcon 9 rocket successfully landed on a drone ship in the atlantic ocean an engineering feat that space x. worked on for years this is a new era in commercial spaceflight for the u.s. who've been relying on the russians to make trips to the international space station nasa say it's a moment of nostalgia and triumph in turbulent times so maybe there's an opportunity here for america to many pause and look up and see a break shining moment of hope and what the future looks like that the united states of america can do extraordinary things even in difficult president donald trump and vice president mike pence row on hand to watch the historic launch the president called the mission an inspiration i'm so proud of the people at nasa all the people that work together public and private. when you see
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a side like that it's incredible despite guidance from officials to social distance the beaches and roads along with space coast were packed with spectators eager to watch the launch i remember growing up watching you know challenger i remember being in school watching it i think i'm with you on it's one of the most exciting things happen to kids to be able to look up to it and to go for it and and to dream that's gone and and it's it's nice to see that when the crew arrives at the international space station it's expected they'll stay on board for at least a month this will be a crucial test of the crew dragon capsule is designed to all. we dock with the space station although the astronauts will money really fly the capsule is the approach unlike the iconic space shuttle the capsule will make a water landing when the crew comes back to earth if all goes well on this mission it will pave the way for paying passengers and potential missions for their
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a field for nasa this marks the end of a 9 year hiatus in the beginning of a public private partnership. own space x. says this will reignite the dream of space and the next missions already planned for august then there's talk of putting people back on the moon and even venturing to malls and gallacher al-jazeera miami florida. half past the hour on al-jazeera these are the top stories officials in the u.s. city of minneapolis site of bonds for now off to mobilize in the state's entire national guard protests and unrest has spread from there to more cities over the death of black man george floyd in police custody john hendren a small from minneapolis. there are still protesters out over the town but they are no longer in this same region so they're finding other places but they're still
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upset over the fact that only one of those 4 officers who kneeled on the back of george floyd have been arrested and charged that officer was charged with murder and manslaughter but people here want to charge against the other officers and they're also just simply upset that these events continue to happen. protests have continued into the night in los angeles where some people loosened stalls and lit fires national guard troops were called in to assist with the los angeles city police force there were peaceful demonstrations held earlier in the day. meanwhile u.s. president donald trump has threatened to deploy the military if needed he says those committing violent acts are only dishonoring the memory of george for some other news for you alex a mosque in occupied east jerusalem has reopened its doors been closed for 2 months as part of virus containment measures worship is being asked to wear masks and to bring their own premise the afghan government's release to $710.00 taliban
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prisoners off to 73 soldiers were freed on saturday president bush ordered freedom for 2005 is in response to the taliban's ceasefire declaration during the. holiday . a roadside bomb blast in somalia's killed at least 6 people in a minibus passengers mostly from the same family were on their way from mogadishu to a funeral in a nearby town no group has claimed responsibility but many previous attacks were blamed on al shabaab fighters. and 2 nasa astronauts are due to dock with the international space station in a few hours as they launch a new era in orbit they are the 1st americans to blastoff aboard a privately built rocket and the space x. manned mission is the 1st from the u.s. since the space shuttles were retired 9 years ago. will have the news off in half an hour rewind this next drew out history behind has come together in our
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darkest moments this is a moment for pretty much the opposite where retreat from the world could actually see that every generation has its moment this one is ours ringback. hello welcome again to rewind i'm fully back to bill since al jazeera english launched more than a decade ago with built up an incredible library of award winning films here on rewind where everything is it ing some of the best of them and finding out what's
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