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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 31, 2020 4:00pm-5:01pm +03

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haven't who had never been to india before al-jazeera examines the violent birth of india and pakistan and asks what the future holds for these nuclear neighbors partition borders of blood. be the hero the world needs. washing. this is al jazeera. welcome to the news hour i'm peter dobby here at the headquarters in doha coming up in the next 60 minutes. another night of protests in the u.s. over the killing of an unarmed black man sometimes peaceful sometimes violent with hundreds arrested. solidarity across the atlantic hundreds rally in central london
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demanding justice for george florrie's. 2 and a half months after the coronavirus close to the mosque an occupied east jerusalem reopens to worship. also ahead just a phone call away the zimbabwean grandmothers helping people with lockdown anxiety and depression. and on some a 100 or so with this board including x. in the form germany's top forward division as by munich crash a fortune at 5 nil closer to where cord extending 30th when does he get title. curfews are in place in more than 2 dozen u.s. states after protests entered a 4th night the demonstrations were mostly peaceful but at times they did become
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violent or than $1400.00 people have been arrested for 17 cities now began in response to the death of an unarmed black man in police custody but now it's real work. national outrage over racism sometimes at the hands of police officers mike hanna begins our coverage of. what started out as peaceful protests in dozens of cities or ruptured in violence in los angeles police vehicles were set on fire sending plumes of black smoke over the area similar scenes in cities ranging from seattle where a 5 pm curfew has been set to miami where thousands gathered through the day and where like in so many other areas a standoff with police ended in clouds of tear gas in chicago where demonstrators held signs carrying messages of protest that were repeated throughout the nation. in new york a city that is still to emerge from the ravages of the pandemic
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a series of protests took place throughout the 5 boroughs and in minneapolis the city where george floyd was killed and where the national wave of protests began. the president left the white house in the morning to attend the space x. launch and afterwards expressed his sympathy for george floyd and his family but also had this to say about the protesters the memory of george floyd is being dishonored by riders looters and anarchists the violence and vandalism is being led by anti fur and other radical left wing groups who are terrorizing the innocent destroying jobs. hurting businesses and burning down buildings this in the wake of a tweet saying if protesters had broken the secret service ring outside the white
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house they would have been greeted with the most vicious dogs and most are ministers weapons i have seen the reference to vicious dogs seen by washington's mayor muriel bowser as a throwback to the police use of dogs on african american civil rights activists decades ago and in an extraordinary tweet often the mayor lashed out at the president in the white house saying and i quote while he hides behind his fence afraid alone i stand with people peacefully exercising their 1st amendment right after the murder of george floyd and hundreds of years of institutional racism there are no vicious dogs and ominous weapons there is just a scared man afraid alone. into the night crowds continue to gather within sight and sound of the president's residence clashing with police and secret service agents on several occasions washington d.c.
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became one of more than 11 cities where the national guard has been mobilized and then with the flickering of flames and swirling smoke curfews were declared in a number of areas the same a nation just emerging from a months long lockdown in the face of a pandemic mike hanna al-jazeera washington. gabriel is on the is in new york he says events there were calm all day until small groups started causing trouble. chaotic scenes here in new york city late in the evening i'm in union square area of the city you can see that some of the protests turned out to be violent in a way this is where the real heart of the major conflict between police and protesters were was held after nightfall at one point more than 2 police vehicles were set ablaze we saw helicopters are still at this hour buzzing over the air and
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there are groups of protesters still roaming in certain areas but earlier in the day we saw tens of thousands of peaceful protesters take to the streets in new york to have their voices heard at one point they peacefully protested right in front of trump tower in front of a heavy police presence and then moved down the streets of broadway down to downtown new york city where at one point they were greeted by applause by onlookers these were mostly young people all of whom said that they were out here for a reason i'm here for george floyd i'm here for all of those out lost their lives he's telling i'm here for black america i'm here for me i'm here for my family i'm here for all the america and i'm here for those who can't be here today well i think that america is sick and we have to root out racism and i think that white people need to stand up and do something instead of sitting on their couch and
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posting on their instagram stories this is a manifestation of anger as one man just told me says this is what happens when people get fed up many are exactly that here in new york they say stuff like this is just property that can be replaced but the life of george floyd can't be. the is in chicago one of the cities now under curfew what does this mean for the people there all the abiding by the curfew. actually even after the curfew went into effect on saturday evening i saw images from downtown of people remaining on the streets and clashing with police the city of chicago implemented a curfew on saturday evening until further notice it was forced to do this after for the 3rd time in a 24 hour period protesters and clearly people intent on wreaking havoc
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clashed with police destroyed buildings and looted so from 9 pm until 6 am until further notice there will be a curfew in chicago the police has vowed if you are on the street during that curfew you will be arrested and again the images that we saw in the evening were very disturbing we saw people throwing water bottles and firecrackers at police the mayor said people were throwing bottles with the urine in them at police people were carrying bats pipes shovels we saw looting people spraying profanity on police vehicles top trying to topple them over some police vehicles were lit on fire restaurants and department store called macy's people smashed in the windows and were looting remember that businesses are already struggling because of the bit pandemic so this is adding insult to injury. now the
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attempt was to try to contain the crowd the 2nd protest on saturday was mid afternoon it began at about 2 pm at the federal building downtown there are as many as a by some estimates 3000 people and what happened is people began marching and then dispersing to the focal points of the protests were downtown and trump tower along the chicago river so in an attempt to contain the crowd the illinois state police began shutting down several highway right. amps and sections of lake shore drive which is a major north south corridor into chicago they also which is something many people say they had never seen before raise all of the bridges over the chicago river to prevent people again from spreading out across the city of visibly angry mayor laurie lightfoot appeared on saturday evening on television and said i am watching a tragedy unfold in our city
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a peaceful protest devolved into criminal contact and it's worth noting that the majority of protesters were peaceful and in fact there's been a discussion underway that the people who are creating destroying things committing acts of violence aren't actually protesters they're just hell bent on. committing criminal acts the illinois national guard has not been called in as of yet but chicago joins the more than 2 dozen cities in the united states that have been forced to implement a curfew this is historic this is the 1st time this is happened since the assassination of the civil rights icon reverend dr martin luther king in 1968 when there was major unrest across this country tasha thank you very much. well for decades incidents of excessive force being used on black people of lead to talk of reform but little action in march of 1901 video of rodney king being beaten in los
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angeles that was broadcast around the world the acquittal of officers involved spot days of riots in february 2012 trayvon martin was shot dead by a member of a neighborhood watch group that led to the launch of the black lives matter movement there were several high profile deaths involving police officers in 2014 including eric garner michael brown and 12 year old tommy rice and 2015 freddie gray died in a police van in baltimore whilst in the custody of 6 offices just over a year later philander castiel was shot and killed during a traffic stop let's bring in calls sadly he's an assistant professor and historian covering the intersections of youth race and crime at emory university he joins us from atlanta georgia call subtle and welcome to the news hour what has to happen here or what has to be promised to change before the situation calms down you know thank you for having me. certainly does need to be there right and i think there's
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something to be cared about policy reform ocala to respond re recommend a restructuring a 1000000000 payout for police and that you know the problems are broken. but that the outcome will be very dramatically based on where you were at the abolition and dreamer and me you know aligned with the right. group will go more. than that and i think we're turning the conversation to come about but people only do this don't they have they only resort to protests like this when they feel they have no other way of communicating their feelings to either the police department the governor or the president. certainly i think that's an angle of it but there are also you know plenty of organizations who are committed to doing this type of work 247365 and i and i think it's important that we identify who know people are and what kind of work that they've been doing on the ground as well does the reaction from either
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local government or federal government have to be very very nuanced in this much is military police units on now on alert that is considered to be highly unusual and the fact of them being on alert could that simply serve to inflame the tensions not lessen the tensions yes no i think i think that's right i think it's difficult to discuss these types of behavior back. without understanding that much of this or much of this does begin and end with you know that advance or enhance police behavior and. you know i'd be remiss to not include conversations floating around about outside agitators and the gators. as well because you know those conversations are worry about repression is real and it's hard to argue with
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somebody medio that are coming out of a c.e.o. saying there are people in the who instigates in trouble full completely different reasons reasons of the simply protesting over the death of george floyd. certainly that's what the footage appears to be and you know and it wouldn't be necessarily new in their historical narrative the repression is real the sort of covert action and that's ructions act and in the past you know whether we're talking. point out whether we're talking you know more recently russian bought i think i think it's important for us identify when long time active in everyone that recognized as real true they don't recognize faces in the crowd it's important that we take that very well ok george floyd's brother we understand has had the briefest of conversations with donald trump he's saying that the conversation did not go well he got the feeling he claims that mr trump just wanted to get him off
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the line so the reason for the conversation we may never know is that conversation had gone in a different direction and george floyd's brother had been saying very positive things about donald trump's reaction to the contents of that conversation might not have helped maybe. you know and i had made a historian in the room that you know brings the nuance maybe yes i may have you know it may not have but i do think it's important identify how i'm. critical of the language surrounding these types of events and refrain from using language to riot and preferred term rebellion your ball and uprising so we can you know emphasize how these are tied these types of events are tied to longstanding right so what that meant i think that go beyond kind of any one particular incident ok we have to leave the cult subtly thank you very much thank you. well
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solidarity protests to being held in london today hundreds have gathered in felde square and they have subsequently marched towards number 10 downing street the prime minister's official residence in central london whitehall some holding signs that say the u.k. is not innocent and one they can see it on your screen black lives matter it was organized by the local chapter of that organization other events are planned elsewhere in the u.k. will stay with these live aerial pictures coming to us from the helicopter there in the skies over london and we'll bring in our correspondent now team barbara what's the atmosphere like. well peter the atmosphere has disappeared i'm afraid to say because the thousands of black lives matter marches have made their way down this street white hole some of them stopped opposite 10 downing street the residence of prime minister boris johnson chanting boris racist like wives of martyrs and some of the other activists here today hope pointed out
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when people have asked why are you protesting this isn't america they pointed out that there's a whole string of black people mainly black men who have died in police custody over the years with a very very rare action taken by the force and nobody convicted they've also been chanting say his name george floyd into a fog a square earlier on they knelt down they took a knee in solidarity with those protests as we've seen in the u.s. they've also been saying but there are issues around to help as well of course people are aware we're in the middle of a carpet 19 pandemic in the u.k. 6 out of 10 n.h.s. health workers who've died from the virus have been blamed black and minority ethnic that is far beyond the numbers present in that workforce and among the population even if you take away factors like poverty and geography people who were
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black came from minority. groups are far likelier to actually become ill and die of the disease and just to be clear here i mean the backstory to the metropolitan police force in london it has been accused itself of being institutionally racist not in the past few years not even in the past decade but there was for sure and issues there particularly over issues with say stop and search in some borrowers of london where black people were coming into the crosshairs of police action nobody was killed by a white police officer in the u.k. in london but there is an issue there at the nub of the relationship between the metropolitan police force sometimes historically and the people who make up the population of london. oh totally this goes back decades i mean the last major. unrest
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rioting in london was 2011 that was sparked by the killing of a black man who got him out but as far as 980 there were riots in the southwest city of bristol again partly because of this issue of stop and search. apologies for that we seem to have lost the sound circuit to my colleague on the streets of london we'll go back to him just as soon as we can we'll stay with these live pictures coming to us out of central london you can see there from the helicopter a good few 100 perhaps thousands of people on the streets of course we will get into that loop where the metropolitan police force give us a number as to the number of demonstrators in the demonstrators will probably claim a much larger number there is a british chapter of the black lives matter campaign they're organizing this much more peaceful perhaps less combustible protest there in the u.k.
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the may have seen across those several cities directly affected by the aftermath and the the consequential caroll aree protests and the looting that has happened across america as a result of those protests trying to call to account the people responsible for the death of george floyd 5 days ago let's wrap up some of the top stories for you here on the news mexico's preparing to ease its coronavirus lockdown even though it's not past the peak will meet the medics serving on the front line. and on their way to the international space station to nasa astronauts blast off a new era in privatized rocket travel. and action resumes in the flight capital of the world i will have more details in the sports there's.
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a roadside bomb blast in somalia has killed at least 8 people in a minibus passengers mostly from the same family were traveling from the capital mogadishu to a funeral in a nearby town no group has claimed responsibility but many previous attacks were blamed on al shabaab fighters. ethiopia has expressed dismay by the cross border fighting with sudan that targeted a military camp a sudanese army captain was killed and several others were injured in the eastern city of get a phone thursday in a statement the european foreign ministry extended its sympathy and condolences to the victims' families and it's called for a joint investigation into the incident to avoid further escalation the sudanese military is blaming armed groups supported by ethiopia. let's talk jonas horner he's the deputy project director covering the horn of africa and senior analyst
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covering sudan for the international crisis group he joins us on skype from melbourne jonas horner welcome back to the news hour what's really going on here it seems like a very complex crisis evolving on the ground. yes thank you peter. the main thing to i think to highlight here is that in some ways the dynamic that's playing out on the border between sudan and ethiopia is not entirely new. groups of have used lands and pressure on the sudanese sides of the border project case friends and bashir the government the previous government before the transitional government arrived in khartoum allowed this this was under appreciated by sudanese farmers the new government was already in talks with the europeans about solidifying that that border again but i think you know this there have been concerns from the ethiopian side about the end of egypt in this that has been
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whispered in an address and there's concern because right now within the region this is a heightened moment we've talked between sudan and cairo and at a summit regarding the ethiopian girds grandson stam and the potential ethiopian feeling in july so that as you know in fact in some ways a lot of the a lot of the narrative around this incident but historically this is. not not uncommon and as such in terms of i think there are several that it's already does this mean that the relatively new government is quite happy to push this in the direction that it seems i guess is a continuation of what went before or is this purely the sudanese military for their parts of this nasty conflict are they operating with autonomy and doing it off their own bat. well i think you know the sudanese will 'd suggest that
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they have been on the fence in this and have been protecting the sudanese on the guitar side of the border it's the incursion came from the militias coming through from on the european side and and frankly you know on her itself it is a relatively anarchic little corner of the world pressed up against sudan and eritrea and there's plenty of banditry and all the farmers there really can't carry weapons so the violence is not an uncommon event in that one of the worlds i think you know the sudanese who have lost personnel will be concerned they've deployed the head of the supreme council of cities are these armed forces general talk about what han out there last month to review some of the convert incursions but i think what's going to perhaps set this on a more reasonable top way is the personal relationship between the prime minister humbucking parks and prime minister abbey in an ad a suit who have their own relationship. very sympathetic to say he hoped there for
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years when he was with the un himself before he was prime minister and prime minister abbott came down very much on the side of the civilians during the protest movement and during talks with the military so obvious is very familiar with things like with the occurrences in khartoum and and my hope is that there personally as a ship will probably will be able to overcome any of the violence that's ongoing ok ethiopia's relationship with his neighbors i mean with this relationship with kenya basically ok has been for a few years ethiopia's relationship with somalia heading in the right direction everyone who studies that area will tell you that so where did the irrate relationship with saddam on initially begin to go wrong. well i mean i think as i said i think i feel that the prime minister some subs have a have a good relationship and a lot of the violence on this border is relatively localized around you know the
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use of farmland which which is which has been historically nice think you know that there is there are heightened tensions as i said particularly due to the grammar may some stam and and so that has ever put a little bit more on edge and i think that's that's really where a lot of this this particular tension comes from and there's been attempts for resolve this since 2030 there is a joint effort committee between the sudanese and the ethiopians and as i said the governments of the 2 of sudan and he had already been in talks to to to resolve this ok we'll leave it there jonas want to. thank you very much thank you peter. time here world weather we've been joined by everton thanks very much peter got lots of warm sunshine for you even in scotland yesterday we could see 27 are you just lying about not lying well now and then and now it's been absolutely fabulous 27.5 celsius in the the northwest highlands yesterday obviously it's not going to last that which doctors get to double figures by the end of the way that let's
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enjoy it while it's their loss of sunshine around across much of that northwestern corner of year not just in scotland single oriya sunshine going to marry of high pressure just store around scandinavia through a norway pushing across into sweden and around the high the winds travel in a clockwise direction so we're pulling in that warms from the continent pushing in across england and up into scotland this was the scene in germany lots of warm sunshine there people enjoying the sunshine the beaches of southern england a sublime sunshine here and even up into scotland there you go largely clear skies just a little bit a fair weather cloud bubbling up there but as we go on through the next couple of days it will gradually go downhill little more cloud starting to push its way into the northwest of europe actually as we go on into monday much of france and germany looking fine and dry warm 28 celsius there in paris southern parts of france will see some wet weather northern areas of spain just around the pyrenees and some
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sharp showers here as well showers continuing just around that eastern side of europe at least 10 celsius in moscow it will warm up here as you go on into choose they will see more that cloud and rain coming down across scotland that sets the scene for what's to come then start to see the cooler gradually pushing further south was bright skies do come back in behind but it will feel a good deal fresher by midweek peter apart from our girls ok over to them many thanks to all concerned. still to cover for you here on the news hour including to cope with 19 challengers in the democratic republic of congo beating the myths and the virus itself. if. you. are driving concerts in cinemas and seeing a revival during the pandemic. also ahead one of football's most iconic coaches prepares for a major challenge once the resumes in italy. when
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the news breaks and the story builds when people need to be heard and the story told this pandemic is revealing the weakness of governments in the face of health crisis none of them receive health insurance for their work i'll choose iraq as teens on the ground to bring you more rewards winning documentary school to feel like. and life it's a party that does do what it says on the team on air and online. isolating times the listening post cuts through the noise leave the looking at another side of the story not the information around the outbreak but the misinformation separating propaganda from fact it's reality and we have a lot exposing the optics triangle for manipulating rhetoric and claims but they cannot manipulate the listening post your insight guide to the media on al-jazeera
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. ok let's recap your top stories for you so far this hour curfews are in place in more than 2 dozen u.s. states after protests enter the 4th night the demonstrations were mostly peaceful but at times they did become violent on 1400 people were arrested in 17 cities over the death of the black man george floyd in police custody. solidarity protests are being held in london hundreds have gathered to introduce square today they've now moved on they have been marching towards the prime minister official residence number 10 downing street some held signs reading the u.k. is not innocent. a roadside bomb blast in somalia has killed at least 8 people in
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a minibus passengers mostly from the same family were traveling from the capital mogadishu to a funeral and a nearby. chinese state media is taking aim at u.s. leaders as it compares the protests with the pro-democracy movement in hong kong beijing's been infuriated by condemnation from western capitals especially washington but his handling of often violent demonstrations that started last year the editor in chief of the chinese government tabloid the global times wrote this on saturday u.s. house speaker nancy pelosi once called the violent protests in hong kong a beautiful sight to behold u.s. politicians can enjoy this site from their own windows for more let's go to hong kong and our correspondent david gopalan so david what else have they been saying. and we've got the gremlins on the news today i concede if you you can't you apparently can't hear us we will put the money in the slot and we will go back to
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do if we can before the end of the news hour. let's get more on the coronavirus pandemic the al aqsa mosque in occupied east jerusalem reopened today it had been closed for 2 months to contain covert 19 worshippers are being asked to wear face masks and bring their own prayer mats hurry force it is in occupied east jerusalem he says worshipers are relieved to be back at the mosque for prez. just a few minutes before noon prayers and the last people are now starting to come in through the entrances here to the alexa mosque compound this is of course a hugely significant day after more than 70 days of closure since march the 15th this is a site that is of course hugely important in terms of religion but also in terms of the culture of this place this is a large open space inside the walls of the old city here in occupied east jerusalem
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and it's a space that is really somewhere that people can come to relax to congregate to mix and to breathe people have been saying this is a moment that they can breathe again the very 1st people in came in for dawn prayers very early this morning making the most of the fact that for the 1st time in more than 2 months gates like this were open but now i'm linda. imaging and selling them and i we were feeling lost but today i can breathe again i felt like i couldn't breathe before the in the mosque thank god i can describe my feelings now there had been concerns about possible tensions between palestinian worshippers and israeli security forces particularly after what took place on saturday the shooting dead of an unarmed 32 year old man with special needs very close to this site here he was shot dead by israeli security forces having run away and hid in a rubbish bin area his parents saying babsy didn't understand commands to stay
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still and to stop there were protests against that there is investigation going on into that killing as well as that there have been some arrests inside the compound itself there were hundreds of asli of palestinian muslim worshippers also hundreds of jewish israelis were allowed in as well under the preexisting system whereby they are allowed some limited access a bit really that the overwhelming feeling is one of festivity here and a quiet relief that this most importance. bass inside the old city is now open again. ok let's take you back to that developing story that we've been covering the british angle to the protests going on in solidarity with george floyd hundreds of activists gathered earlier in the last hour or so interim square in central london and the house of commons and they walked past number 10 downing street the. relatively new u.s. embassy in central london protesters could be heard chanting black lives matter and
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say my name george floyd in the central london squares as they were making their way to where they are right now what you're looking at is that life into pictures coming to us from the u.s. embassy others held up placards saying racism has no place and i can't breathe that particular chant i can't breathe a direct reference to the chant that we've heard over night in the middle of the protests in the united states across those many cities that have been locked by curfew not because of coronavirus now because by a curfew imposed by the local state governors because george floyd was saying that as he was being pinned by that police officers need derek. is the officer in question has been removed from his job and charged as well the protests comes after an event in one area in london on saturday is set to be followed by several more we understand across the capital in the coming days of course the united states if
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you've been following this story has been rocked by what 5 days heading into 6 days of protests across many cities and states after mr florida black man he died in police custody this week in minneapolis we've seen many many peaceful protests across the states others however have turned into violent confrontations between the demonstrators and the police we were talking to one analyst here on the news hour in the past what 40 minutes or so and he was saying one issue that will have. to be dealt with later on is the way that the relevant police authorities and the political authorities have to get a handle on how much of the trouble has been instigated by people who. we've seen those pictures overnight despite calls from local governors calling for calm one teenage protest in detroit.
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killed having been shot. the latest pictures coming to us from the u.s. embassy in central london evolving situation as we go through the day here. let's go back to hong kong to tell us the chinese government is using the american protests to criticize american leaders just take us through what they've been. well chinese state media has been giving blanket coverage to the events unfolding in the united states telling its viewers that this is what democracy looks like the global times seen as a mouthpiece for the communist government it prints in both english and in chinese and is a major source of news within the country and outside the country has been publishing some very pointed at a tory also attacking the politicians which had supported the hong kong protests now a lot of the articles have also been drawing parallels between what's happening in
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the united states and the hong kong pro-democracy protests which unfolded last year where there were many scenes of violent confrontations between the police and protesters and the editorials are asking the u.s. politicians like my from nancy pelosi and even donald trump whether they stand with the violent protesters and rioters of minneapolis as they stood with the protesters of hong kong using a very popular chant during the hong kong protests now they're also asking whether you know pointing out that china did not send in any army or any threat of the army coming in so on kong while there were almost daily protests but you know within days of protests in the united states the president had said that they would be calling in the national guard and even possibly the army so they're trying to draw parallels between what's happening in the u.s. and what was happening in hong kong and pointing fingers saying that asking what
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kind of support there is in calling them hypocritical so they're really using this opportunity to turn the tables on the u.s. and the u.s. politicians after china faced so much criticism over how it handled the protesters and hong kong now to put it into some context here this has been a very heightened week of heightened tensions between the u.s. and china with china beijing saying that it was going to impose what's. well the national security law in hong kong the u.s. has called that a were press of law and has said that it would limit to hong kong human rights and in fact the u.s. president on friday said it was going to remove special policies that it had given hong kong because of that law comes into place on kong would no longer be seen as autonomy as and that's seen as a huge rebuke to china so this is basically china now turning the tables on the u.s. and now many social media users mocking the u.s.
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saying that asking whether they should summon the u.s. ambassador for the human rights abuses they're seeing in the many states where there are protests and riots pretty much doing what the u.s. normally does when they accuse china you know human rights abuses saying that they're going to summon the chinese ambassadors to express their concerns thank you very much. ok let's get some more for you on the corona virus pandemic mexico planning to start reopening on monday 2 and a half months after it went into lockdown but infections are still on the rise as well as john allman joined paramedics near mexico city. this is how majority insert he'll finish their shift racing down the highway on the outskirts of mexico city trying to find a hospital for their patient. is just the latest case in a hectic 2 months give everything to the guy and 20 years of working as
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a paramedic i've never seen anything like this i thought the worst was the earthquake of 27000 this beats it. they work in this work with a packed mix crew city suburb code that has hit hard. many couldn't afford to stay home during the government decree quarantine meant a lot of patients. and so he was battling through it was mourning his own loss just 3 weeks ago it came back to him when he recently transferred going patient. and i looked and he was elderly and it reminded me of my grandfather because he died of covert to you and i was looking at this man's last moments of life and i saw my granddad reflected there. now they were on their last case of the day jose luis a big chill delivery man only 39 years old because he doesn't. think there's you know much. as the money. that the n.l.r.b.
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that those are the m 4 and then it's time to go the paramedics hope this capsule will protect them. it's a tight fit. i want to be ambulance he gets very hot patients can get claustrophobic too and this could be a long ride. his 1st. visit. though this is one of. those. now it's time to see if the hospital would take jose luis. the answer. is yes. the majority insert here it's a triumph an end to a hard shift. but for jose luis his family is just the start they'll join those
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waiting outside for hours or days to see if he comes back out to john home now does it or there's a work order too. now the indian government is extending the coronavirus lockdown and what a designated as high risk areas until the end of june another record daily increase of almost 8000 new infections reported on saturday local authorities have been asked to identify potential containment zones where large numbers of infections are being reported elsewhere restaurants shopping malls and where the dissenters will be able to open from a week on monday. the number of confirmed infections in the democratic republic of congo has risen to nearly 3000 after cases jumped significantly on friday still many people don't believe cope at 19 as a threat something activists are trying to change in charlotte dallas. cases of coronavirus in the democratic republic of congo are climbing fast
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activists have stepped up to educate people on how to stop the spread or. the disease is among us it is killing people it is continuing to spread and the challenge is indeed to eradicate these doubts that are being nurtured among our population was volunteers are up against many who don't believe coded 1000 is in the congo and blame protective measures for a loss in income. but the business no longer works become a word seller but i make my money and we are told that the disease is in this country but we don't see that disease here where all of the body. i myself have been sick more than 4 times during this period of corona virus but i treated myself and i assure you that corona virus has nothing to do with it. public skepticism started with the 1st reported case in march which the health ministry in tribute had to abandon citizen linseed it was
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a congolese citizen who denied being sick and to politicians and business leaders have publicly accused the government of hyping kind of it to get more international funding for compounding skepticism is a lack of testing in the 2 months since the 1st case listen 5000 tests were conducted for a population of 84000000 that's good because we don't want to have you know there's another you could but when you go of it as you can see it is a disease that's not no in here and people think it doesn't exist so we must explain it does exist and also make people aware of the steps that need to be taken . a surge in conflict has heightened concerns in the last 2 months nearly half a 1000000 people have fled fighting in east india see the biggest displacement in the wound is they sprayed so does the virus. campaigners have called the congo a boat without a captain but the 1st challenge is to convince citizens the virus is dangerous and
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among china ballasts and jazeera. feeling anxious or depressed in zimbabwe the go to person is called a go go their grandmothers waiting with a few words of comfort to help anyone in distress. in the city. i have to pull in with the law is what's known as a community grandmother a volunteer local culture psychiatrist she waits on a so-called friendship bench for anyone to come and talk to her about their problems. but with the coronavirus pandemic she can't be clients anymore you know i think as you can do to one of them to go to who this is so she gets free therapy sessions using social media platforms such as what are her friends she binge you and i know your mother at the friendship bench people come with many problems some are depressed because a family member has died or they are sick some talk about suicide for others it's domestic violence abuse cases. often can't leave home because of the nationwide
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lockdown when the young mother needs someone to talk to she records of voice message and sends a to helpline number. then she waits for a reply from a community grandmother or go. down. in the enemy frame told me that. this global when you. when you tell we do use the secret there's no one who's going to know what. the it's only you know in the world health organization says in some countries mental health problems often go undiagnosed and something had been stigmatized and discriminated against i think maybe one of the biggest challenges is the cultural context in which we live in where most people haven't really accepted mental health as a problem that they can actually face and secondly because they may not understand
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or know that they're actually facing or experiencing a mental health problem health experts say globally there has been an increase in anxiety and depression as people struggle to cope with coated 19 and job losses most people in zimbabwe work in the informal sector. selling in busy markets and on the streets that's no longer allowed because of the corona virus pandemic millions now. african countries often don't have enough psychiatrists working in public health care these grannies say they are trying to help as many people as possible at a time when lock downs and travel restrictions are a way of life. al-jazeera zimbabwe. on the other so the break will have the sports news for you this been does leadership band shows just why it is still the most feared squad.
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if you want to help save the world's. sneeze into your own. frank assessments tourism but income stream is dead in the water what's been the result missing pushing the globe quite significantly and in-depth analysis of the day's global headlines inside story on al-jazeera. from london is one of the most important cities in the world and decisions made here have an impact right around the globe and so here and i'll just say right we will show you the true impact of those decisions on people but how it affects their everyday that . we are free to put them on air and to really engage the stories because we know there are all he says interested not just in the mainstream news but also the more hidden stories from parts of the world that often go under reported.
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to the wall. to. i've 2 nasa astronauts are due to dock with the international space station in about 40 minutes after beginning a new era in space travel they are the 1st americans to blast off on board a privately built rocket is on the caliphate. very few but here if it. was after a previous weather delayed a falcon 9 rocket in its capsule the crew dragon lifted off from launch pad $39.00 a at cape canaveral. on board veteran astronauts doug hurley and robert behnken manning the 1st commercial spacecraft to take nasa astronauts into orbit shortly
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after launch the falcon 9 rocket successfully landed on a drone ship in the atlantic ocean an engineering feat that space x. worked on for years this is a new era in commercial spaceflight for the u.s. who've been relying on the russians to make trips to the international space station nasa say it's a moment of nostalgia and triumph in turbulent times so maybe there is an opportunity here for america to many pause and look up and see a break shining moment of hope and what the future looks like that the united states of america can do extraordinary things even in difficult president donald trump and vice president mike pence row on hand to watch the historic launch the president called the mission an inspiration i'm so proud of the people at nasa all the people that work together public and private. when you see a side like that it's incredible despite guidance from officials to social distance
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the beaches and roads along with space coast were packed with spectators eager to watch the launch i remember growing up watching you know challenger i remember being in school watching it i think i'm with you on it's one of the most exciting things happen to kids to be able to look up to it and to go for it and and to dream that's gone and it's nice to see that when the crew arrives at the international space station it's expected they'll stay on board for at least a month this will be a crucial test of the crew dragon capsule is designed to all. dramatically dock with the space station although the astronauts will money really fly the capsule as they approach unlike the iconic space shuttle the caps you will make a water landing when the crew comes back to earth if all goes well on this mission it will pave the way for paying passengers and potential missions for their a field for nasa this marks the end of a 9 year hiatus in the beginning of a public private partnership a long musk who own space x.
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says this will reignite the dream of space and the next missions already planned for august then there's talk of putting people back on the moon and even venturing to mars and gallacher al-jazeera miami florida. thank you very much a p.t.o. will by munich have taken a major step closer to securing an 8th abundance legal title in a row they thrashed also doff 5 nil on saturday given dusty's going to twice in the league's top scorer now has a $29.00 goals that this season fine are now 10 points clear at the top of the table and normally. it's the 4th game off to the restart no and of course the challenges are anything but normal you get used to it or gradually and the way my team are ramping things up and how they are performing is very good i have to say i'm just a little proud of that and frank di sheikh ahmad slaughtered then and
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85th minute when i had to secure a 21 victory out told the result this team in memphis 5 points away from the relegation zone with 5 games left in the season also stayed at 6. italian football is slowly getting back to normal in syria teams that have resumed training go with the season set to restart on june 20th matches have been suspended since early march some doria coach a cloud euro neary says his team will face a huge challenge to stay in the league they sit 16th in the table with 26 points or from 25 matches just one point above the relegation zone. notes are similar to their citizens our main motivation must be always to be all the time above the relegation zone because we are not absolutely certain that we are going to finish the championship so as we don't know that it's better to be in that position in order to avoid any scare. while the u.k. government has given the green light to folk in patches of sport to turn up from monday with horse racing set to be the 1st live sport event to come back it will
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resume with an event in newcastle this will be the 1st meeting as since the racing was shut down in march less than a week after the conclusion of the festival races will be staged behind closed doors. for so i have returned to the fight capital of the world at last vegas on saturday the ultimate fighting championship station event there. be a tyrant would be and what was the 1st fight night in the city since mid march the show happened behind closed doors or boxing will also make a return to las vegas next month with the promotion top of grant putting on 6 empty venue events however according to bring magazines ryan. who we spoke to earlier were unlikely to see any marquee matches happen behind closed doors. there is a tremendous our appetite right now for live sporting events even that are under
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these different circumstances with the closed door events i think that people are hoping to have some new content to to watch dare will be some of the bigger names. taking game back into the ring i think that the issue will be getting the big fights into empty arenas. beds because when you talk about finances are a big portion of the big income stream the live gates that that's not available you can't sell tickets boost can't sell tickets so i think that for a sale like a tyson jury versus deonte wilder the match that's not going to happen probably in . a closed venue ah but we may see some of these bigger names so-called stay busy fights against lesser opponents on where they would take smaller
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paychecks than they would for some of those bigger fights this is going to be right now there is a honeymoon phase where the promoters may get away with some of these lesser quality match ups but after a certain period people are going to want to see better fights are going to see want to see you may not get the big marquee paper of you type fights but they're going to want to see even match ups you know mostly good match making russia lanka has and national cricket team will resume training on monday a group of 13 cricketers that from across all 3 international formats will participate in a 12 davis then still training camp at the colombo cricket club. trying to convince the india to tour the country folk close door limited to oversee areas into line. the start of the major league baseball season in north america may have been halted by the global pandemic of but this plenty of action happening in south korea is a baseball 10 bishop medal huss junior a hit homers in consecutive and is to help the k.t.
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wish to beat the key warm harris not for me pizza santa thanks very much when we come back we'll bring you live coverage of the space x. docking that will be something to look forward to see you on the other side of the break. in the case could you have or associated to the police department it has the potential to be biased in a number of different ways there are too many opportunities for the computer to get . those officers who commit those data entry is wrong to be saying that your son mission is wrong to. kill becoming a suspect before the actual crime and in-depth examination into preventative policing pre-crime on al-jazeera. rewind it can bring your people back to life i'm sorry book takes on the best of al-jazeera documentaries
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live close to the top of the list of no value like any other student green one continues with calls about fear and hope this was my return to kosovo and the little village of one decade on i've come back to find out what happened to those hopes and dreams rewind on al-jazeera. i was a prison. i was barely 21 yes or just me old mother and the father of my 8 months. when parents imprisoned the government doesn't have any plan for the tradition left behind so this shouldn't need for. they need shelter they are searching for love. my passion is to see that this should you know prisoners are also given another chance to live on which it is because they're not
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a party to that cranes committed by their parents when i finally get their place to build a home for these children and they see them become somebody used to fall into society fending for themselves. would give me satisfaction. another night of protests in the u.s. over the killing of a black man sometimes peaceful sometimes violent with hundreds arrested. solidarity across the atlantic hundreds rally in some from london demanding justice for george floyd.
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hello again i'm peter w. watching al jazeera live from doha also coming up.


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