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tv   NEWS LIVE - 30  Al Jazeera  May 31, 2020 7:00pm-7:34pm +03

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al-jazeera. calls for calm after another dies of fire and fury in the u.s. over the killing of a black man in police custody. and solidarity across the atlantic hundreds rally in central london demanding justice for george foley. oh my midriff again this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up just a phone call away the zimbabwean grandmothers helping people with locked out
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anxiety and depression. to nasa astronauts arrive at the international space station the 1st manned mission by a private company. after a 4th bunch of protests in the u.s. sometimes peaceful sometimes violent state and local officials speaking out to try to calm residents what started this anger over the death of a black man in police custody has widened into a nationwide outrage over systemic racism just over an hour ago the governor of minnesota the state where george floyd died accepted that the system didn't always work for people of color. we don't just right near the top on educational attainment we rank near the top on personal incomes on homeownership on life expectancies things that make this and one that came out a while back we we rank 2nd in a survey of the 50 states 2nd in happiness behind hawaii but
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if you take a deeper look and peel it back which this week has peeled back all of those statistics are true if you're white if you're not we rank near the bottom and what this week is showing all of us is those 2 things can't operate at the same place let's take you live out of minneapolis is live for us there alison where are you what's happening high right now i am on west are actually i am on east lake street as you can see behind me there are a line of cars people with brooms people fencing off and roping off these auburn's buildings you can see right behind me one of the structures that was looted and burned over the weekend i'm sorry on thursday and friday behind me so people are out in force right now are cleaning up and roping up the debris and securing the
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structures so this is very much a community effort with us all about this 24 hours ago i asked about how people were coming together to clear up the mess left behind by the protesters. yes so people are people are out in force again it's a really nice end of may day here in minnesota i think as you heard the governor say this is like a lovely day after a long winter or people are out in force with their brooms with their garbage bags with shovels to kind of clean up the debris i just heard somebody behind me say that he wants to really robot this structure because it is unsound and could fall so people are being cautious but they're also still cleaning up but how do people feel about the community being impacted like this and what's being done in a far these part of this process. well i guess right now the feeling is that you know people are resolved to come together
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to work you know you heard the governor say now the long conversation began about how we can feel this city how we can address these racial inequities i heard the governor say. list off these tick off all these great statistics about the state except if you're white and you know i talked to a number of city council members community leaders educators over the years here in minneapolis and they have been saying those things for a long time that there is huge gaps in skin in actually decent education in and so i think what the governor is trying to say to people is yes here meaning ups are off all of you know we're cleaning up and we're healing after a really painful week but now the conversations we begin to really work to address these inequities i was reporting for us live from minneapolis many thanks indeed
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that's what's happening right now let's go back a bit though and take a look at how things unfolded on saturday night right across the united states is out as there was mike. what started out as peaceful protests and dozens of cities are ready to didn't violence in los angeles police vehicles were set on fire sending plumes of black smoke over the area. similar scenes in cities ranging from seattle where a 5 pm curfew has been set to miami where thousands gathered through the day and where like in so many other areas a standoff with police ended in clouds of tear gas in chicago where demonstrators held signs carrying messages of protest that were repeated throughout the nation. in new york a city that is still to emerge from the ravages of the pandemic a series of protests took place throughout the 5 boroughs and in minneapolis the
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city where george floyd was killed and where the national wave of protests began. the president left the white house in the morning to attend the space x. launch and afterwards expressed his sympathy for george floyd and his family but also had this to say about the protesters. the memory of george floyd is being dishonored by riders looters and anarchists the violence and vandalism is being led by n.t. for and other radical left wing groups who were terrorizing the innocent destroying jobs. hurting businesses and burning down buildings this in the wake of a tweet saying if protesters had broken the secret service ring outside the white house they would have been greeted with the most vicious dogs and most are ministers weapons i have seen the reference to vicious dogs seen by washington's
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mayor muriel bowser as a throwback to the police use of dogs on african american civil rights activists decades ago and in an extraordinary tweet often the mayor lashed out at the president in the white house saying and i quote while he hides behind his fence afraid alone i stand with people peacefully exercising their 1st amendment right after the murder of george floyd and hundreds of years of institutional racism there are no vicious dogs and ominous weapons there is just a scared man afraid alone. into the night crowds continued to gather within sight and sound of the president's residence clashing with police and secret service agents on several occasions washington d.c. became one of more than 11 cities where the national guard has been mobilized and
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amidst a flickering of flames and swirling smoke curfews were declared in a number of areas the same a nation just emerging from a months long lockdown in the face of a pandemic mike hammer al-jazeera washington. i was in serious gabriel in new york concerns that things there were calm all day until small groups began causing trouble at night for. chaotic scenes here in new york city late in the evening i mean union square area of the city you can see that some of the protests turned out to be violent in a way this is where the real heart of the major conflict between police and protesters were was held after nightfall at one point more than 2 police vehicles were set ablaze we saw helicopters are still at this hour buzzing over the air and there are groups of protesters still roaming in certain areas but earlier in the
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day we saw tens of thousands of peaceful protesters take to the streets in new york to have their voices heard at one point they peacefully protested right in front of trump tower in front of a heavy police presence and then moved down the streets of broadway down to downtown new york city where one point they were greeted by applause by onlookers these were mostly young people all of whom said that they were out here for a reason i'm here for george floyd i'm here for all of those out lost their lives he's the taliban i'm here for black america i'm here for me i'm here for my family i'm here for all the america and i'm here for those who can't be here today well i think america is sick and we have to root out racism and i think that white people need to stand up and do something instead of sitting on their couch and posting on their instagram stories this is a manifestation of anger as one man just told me says this is what happens when
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people get fed up many are exactly that here in new york they say something like this is just property that can be replaced but the life of george floyd can't speak . for decades incidents of excessive force being used against black people have led to talk of reform but little action and much 991 video of rodney king being beaten in los angeles were broadcast around the world the acquittal of officers involved sparked days of riots in february 12 trayvon martin was shot dead by a member of a neighborhood watch group that led to the launch of the black lives massive movement. it was several high profile deaths involving police officers and 2014 including erik gone on michael brown a 12 year old tamera rice and 2015 freddy gray died in a police van in baltimore one in the custody of 6 offices just over a year later found a customer was shot and killed during a traffic stop earlier we spoke to what rosa clemente
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a community organizer with the black lives massah a group formed after the death of black teenager trayvon martin 8 years ago in florida she says the people are a breaking point every 28 hours in the united states of america an african american native person south asian person or brown person let the you know are killed by the police every 28 hours george floyd unfortunately was something we have to watch for 9 minutes but we could talk about biana taylor and see who was working during the global pandemic where police entered her house while her and her boyfriend were sleep they thought they were being run out and her body was so riddled with bullets and this is last month in louisville kentucky that they had a hard time even putting her back together i can name you. tony make day a black trance man that was just killed 2 days ago by the police in memphis and i
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could spend 5 hours a week you all and i could not even answer or we wouldn't even vote to the list of multiple police killings this is a not only a tipping point it's an explosion and within against this global pandemic until all those cops are arrested until they go to trial until they get jail time and then serve that jail time i think we're going to be seen this a lot more for many many weeks here in the united states. people have been showing their solidarity for the u.s. protesters by turning out in london hundreds of gathered outside the u.s. embassy some are holding signs reading the u.k. is not innocent it was organized by the local chapter of black lives matter other events are planned elsewhere in the u.k. our correspondent barbara ports thousands of black lives matter marches have made their way down this street white hole some of them stopped opposite 10 downing
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street the residence of prime minister boris johnson. boris racist black lives martyrs and some of the other activists here today pointed out in a break into the team's report to take you live to washington when her muriel balances giving a press briefing. provide an update on the district's response to a protest in the district over night and yesterday i want to start by saying we certainly recognize. and empathize with the outrage that people feel following the killing in minneapolis last week. and we certainly empathize that the killing of george floyd wasn't the 1st in that people were expressing outrage and demanding action we also
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recognize that we are proud of our city and we do not want our city to be destroyed . so our police and firefighters and members of the public safety team for washington d.c. along with our federal partners have been working to make sure that people can exercise their 1st amendment rights while not destroying washington d.c. so i'm going to ask the chief of police to provide an update on him p.v.c.'s actions and then we'll take your questions. thank you marabout for. after say i have been proud of my mare a lot of times as my career as the chief of police and as an officer here in the city one of those more proud times was 3 o'clock this morning when the mare and i were out looking at some of the damage that happened in our city so thank you mary
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bows are. in washington d.c. we witnessed demonstrations on a daily basis an m.p.v. facilitates thousands of events annually prior to last night the democrats demonstrations durations around the tragic death of george floyd in our city were largely peaceful and done so in a safe and respectful way without destroying city property or harming people unfortunately yesterday that changed yesterday around 130 we did have a number of peaceful demonstrations in the city 'd hundreds of people came to washington d.c. to demonstrate peacefully and i want to thank those including our local black lives matter group who held a very large but peaceful car caravan throughout our city. just after 4 pm. the u.s. park police advised that several agitators began throwing objects at their police officers at around 4 30 pm the majority of the demonstrators were concentrated
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at 17th and pennsylvania avenue northwest they broke the glass they spray painted and flattened the tires of 3 u.s. secret service uniform division vehicles a little bit before 6 pm that same group began to march southbound on 17th street northwest continuing towards constitution avenue. around 7 pm a small number of subjects were involved in multiple instances of intentional vandalism and destruction of private and government property most of that occurred just north of lafayette park in our central business district there were multiple instances of rocks bottles and incendiary devices being thrown at law enforcement person personnel who were protecting lafayette park and other parts of our city
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north of the park there were windows being shattered and graffiti being sprayed around 9 pm rioters started throwing incendiary devices at officers and setting small fires occur around the city and looting some of our businesses again just north of lafayette park 2 vehicles i want to correct that 3 vehicles were set on fire. and the agitators were able to set up a structure that was attached to one of our buildings that was under construction on fire there were 2 other small fires and small businesses d.c. fire and e.m.'s to their credit were quick to extinguish these fires as well as many other small fires that were set in dumpsters 'd and trash receptacles. and p.d. worked closely throughout the day and the night and early into this morning with our local law enforcement and federal partners to manage the chaos in some
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instances the metropolitan police department deployed o.c. spray and sting dogs. the metropolitan police department made 17 arrests i've been asked a few times where the arrestees were from we had one arrestee that was from chesterfield virginia 3 from alexandria one from woodbridge 3 who had no fixed address one that we were unable to determine an address and the 8 remaining had some ties or lived in washington d.c. . charge 14 were charged with rioting 2 were charged with burglary and one was charged with simple assault. i don't anticipate that will be the all of the arrests that we make relative to this incident the downtown
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business district in washington d.c. has a very sophisticated and expansive video system some of that is owned by the government some of that is owned by private businesses this is a period of time where we are going to ask our private businesses to review the footage that they own if they 'd have images of anybody who destroyed property or hurt people in washington d.c. last night and into this morning this morning we asked them to share that with us you can call us 120-272-7909 extension 9 we will also have our criminal investigator the chief of. police department speaking at that press conference which. the man washington d.c. was saying we do not want our city to be destroyed let's bring in our white house correspondent. who is in washington what do you make of company.
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well i noticed the tone was different what a difference 24 hours makes when we had the d.c. mayor and the u.s. president exchanging barbs on twitter really arguing over the response the u.s. president had for his part criticized mayor mariel bowzer sensually denying that her metropolitan police department had supported the u.s. secret service on those 1st night of clashes that took place outside the white house that was firmly denied by mayor muriel bowzer and in fact that was followed by a statement by the secret service in fact the and i saw it with my own eyes the metro police department have in fact supported and that is something standard that we see this sort of tandem partnership that occurs with the u.s. secret service and even the most routine of protests or even a transport of
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a dignitary so this is a mayor this is not known for her fiery rhetoric and that's exactly what we saw one day earlier but a considerable shift in the tone this time around but i think there is another layer to this press conference and for those of us who have lived in washington d.c. for some time well i wasn't here for the race riots that occurred back in the late 1960 s. the effect that it had on the city lasted decades and that was something that i did have the opportunity to see and really we've seen the city come back in a vibrant way in the last 10 to 15 years and you heard the mayor there speaking expressly about her support for people having the opportunity to express their 1st amendment rights to push back on institutionalized racism that they perceive to be within police departments around the country including perhaps here and so she wants to protect that but at the same time the city taking a very hard * and firm approach to those who may be taking advantage of that and i
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want to share very quickly adrian the fact that there have been numerous stories from business owners that we have spoken to here it algis. here who've said that they saw the peaceful protests and then they saw individuals who may not be even part of the black lives matter movement who have been going around attacking buildings with hammers for example and really seem to be exploiting the situation and that's what we heard there the police department and the mayor saying we will not allow the city to be destroyed embracing the fact that this is a pivotal moment in american history where people are pushing back on what they see as a systemic problem that needs to be change but not allowing those businesses to become the victims of that effort the now taking questions from the press will stay listening will bring you anything news with that comes out of that for the moment can be how could in washington many thanks indeed now to the corona virus pandemic the al aqsa mosque in occupied east jerusalem has reopened it had been closed for 2
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months in order to try to contain the virus worshippers appealing us to wear face masks and to bring their own premis. is very brief a brief look at what's going on as far as the pandemic is concerned the governor andrew cuomo of new york state is briefing the press let's listen in to what he's saying. long string use told us the ultimate goal make america the land that fulfills her promise great news for americans that's what this is about. we can do this and we have shown what we can do use this moment use this empowerment use this mobilization and use it for good use it for good.
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so that when we look back. we say yes the story was all too familiar in some ways. what happened to mr floyd was all too familiar but the outcome was different and the outcome was historic and it was actually a moment of positive change. back has to be our goal. all of us from the angry young protesters on the streets frustrated. and or john. lashing out. to government officials on both sides of the line to the police officers 99 point they were going to leave. use this moment for good he said make the outcome different make it a moment of positive change that will take you live now to chicago where the matter
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of that city is speaking let's listen it devastated seeing the images and reading the reports of reckless destruction that played out across our city and really cost our country is heartbreaking now make no mistake there is a lot of righteous anger and grief oiling here and across the country and that isn't just about george floyd although that was the catalyst for this expression it's also about the choir mcdonald and clintonian greer and others before incense it's about so many members of our community who have lost unjustly over the generations and is about a system that demands change and we must recommit ourselves in this moment to fundamentally changing the things that have plagued us for way too long
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including our original sin of racism. so i stand shoulder to shoulder with those who have come out peacefully to express our righteous indignation as we should and as is all right and that's why i'm also hurt and angry at those who decided to try to hijack this moment and use it as an opportunity to wreak havoc to loot and to destroy you should be ashamed of yourself us what you have done is to dishonor yourself your family and our city and it's long and probably to see as a leader a bold and vibrant peaceful protest and i urge you and you know who you are for think long and hard about what you can and should do
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to devote the passion and the energy that you showed last night in wreaking havoc in our city to do something different with your life and your talents to think about tomorrow for you for your families for your loved ones and for your city i know you can do better than what i saw last night and i pray to god that you will find it in your heart to emplace something better for yourself in our lives those who decided to smash the doors of apartment buildings and people's homes and and it's still a level of insecurity i just have to wonder where were their parents and what are we teaching now we don't need to hand. anyone
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a gift to point to us and say that's what they do. as i said yesterday when you give anyone when you or anyone behaves in this way we all have. i did mean the very same forces of racist upright oppression we are fighting the false validation that they crave this chaos and destruction is not the right tactic to bring change how do we transform the systems of institutional racism that have stolen the lives of our long ones over generations certainly not by sitting businesses on fire and smashing windows not by sitting people's cars on fire not by swinging hammers and shovels and throwing your own at the police we saw 4 shootings in the loop last night from 7 to
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11 pm 6 people were shot one person killed is that how we bring social justice how we seek change no this certainly is not any true and lasting change towards justice towards the betterment of our country that has ever happened came from the hard work of organizing in our communities with love not hate the hard work a peaceful nonviolent protests as espoused by no less than mahatmas gandhi and the reverend dr martin luther king they spent their life and their blood striving to better all of us through peace and transparency fervently passionately to be sure but always with an eye towards peace.
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during this covert crisis we have seen people organizing their communities form a new tool way groups providing hollow and support to the unemployed our elders and so many more in need thousands literally thousands of community volunteers bringing strong communities in our hour of great need. that's the work that we must lift up and celebrate that is how we change life for the better in our city and that the work that we must support and must continue that was lorelai foot mayor of chicago appealing to protest us to remain peaceful those who hijacked the protests she said should be ashamed of themselves chaos and destruction not the right tactic to bring about change we must change the things that have plagued us for too long she said let's bring in
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a very brief correspondent the tasha good name who's in chicago what do you make of what you had then it. well it's definitely in keeping with the comments that mary lawrie lightfoot mayor lori lightfoot has been making all along she is the city's 1st female african-american mayor and she has said from the start since george floyd died in police custody on memorial day evening that she shared the anger and frustration of african-americans and other people of color who have been in their minds mistreated by police in america that she supported their right to protest but to do so peacefully and that is not what has happened in chicago i do think a distinction needs to be made between protesters and what i would describe as agitators people who interspersed in the crowds bent on wreaking havoc you heard her enumerating the ways in which things deteriorated at one point yesterday there
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were as many as 3000 people on the streets of chicago most of them peacefully protesting but in the evening there were reports of people throwing urine at the police at them carrying pipes and shovels and bats and of course we've seen the destruction in a commercial corridor of people smashing in restaurant windows and looting and smashing in store windows including a national chain called macy's and looting now deserve matushka reporting live from chicago by the way to new york's governor andrew cuomo says he expects the state's attorney general to review police conduct in new york city protests within 30 days. but news continues here on al-jazeera the one i want to east which is next.
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in india the coup with $1000.00 knockdown was sudden sivia and absolute days og but on live it got him a dollar. bob i did say. some full days from a some foreigner love done wanted out of. india's prime minister nuri interim oh the punched $1300000000.00 people into confinement with only 4 hours notice across the country tens of millions of migrant workers suddenly found themselves without jobs and unable to return to their villages.


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