tv NEWS LIVE - 30 Al Jazeera June 2, 2020 7:00am-7:34am +03
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flowing river into the sea. one man's fight for the rights of indigenous harry teach a time to swim a witness documentary on al-jazeera. tear gas and stun grenades on the streets of the u.s. capital we've gone from end of toward fully. i'm richelle carey this is al jazeera live from doha. i am you're president of law and order and an ally of all peaceful protesters trump threatens to call in the military on americans to dominate the streets violence doesn't stop. and in
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a really stunning move donald trump left the white house and walked to a nearby church damaged and the young rest of us. were broken and were disgusted and cannot normalize this. entertainment industry calls for a blackout to on our shores floyd. is better and president tonight and the united states is person has continued for a 7th day over the killing of george floyd in police custody he died after being penned down for almost 9 minutes an official autopsy has now concluded his death was homicide involving neck compression and that bears out the findings of an end dependent autopsy which said that floyd die from its success. were chaotic scenes outside the white house and its police cleared a peaceful protest using tear gas and stun grenades. so they were doing that while
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the president was speaking in the rose garden at the white house he threatened to deploy the military nationwide unless state governors got the sometimes violent demonstrations under control he said it was his duty to uphold law and order we cannot allow the righteous cries of peaceful protesters to be drowned out by an angry mob the biggest victims of the rioting are peace loving citizens in our poorest communities and as their president i will fight to keep them safe i will fight to protect you i am you're president of law and order and an ally of all peaceful protesters but in recent days our nation has been gripped by professional anarchies violent mobs arsonists looters criminals rioters and tiefer and others ok so then surrounded by the secret service you can see there and
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also members have his cabinet. blocked across the story to go to this church that has a right near the white house that is why peaceful protesters were cleared using tear gas and so the president could do that just hold up a bible. so the church visited is part of the a pitiful diocese of washington and the bishop archdiocese told the washington post she was outraged at the visit forever and marian edgar. said i was not given even a courtesy call that they would be clearing the area with tear gas so they can use one of our churches as a prop everything he has said and done is to enflame violence we need moral leadership and he's done everything to divide us and has just sees one of the most sacred some most of the judeo christian tradition. with the protesters in washington d.c. there's
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a curfew now in place he sent this report we're about 3 blocks from the white house the police have managed to disperse most of the protesters although actually i'm seeing a gathering of protests is now just behind us actually. and we're seeing some police activity moving in that direction. the core group of protesters however remains behind us kept a limb by limb by the police so the police were very careful to escort the media out of the group and then they kept a cool group of protesters locked in surrounded by the police and we assume that they will be they will be detained shortly but now we just have a standoff effectively as we've seen so often in these evenings a protester joined by one protester or what you'll hear. another night of protests do you think the message is getting through. i think today when i
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deescalate situation the police i think that showed that at least some of them are listening yes we want to say all we want them all to listen we want them all to be involved in our progress but if they don't want to speak up if they want to comply with police brutality that's on them with those police officers were peaceful and that listened and that decided to compromise with us and this have us move backwards peacefully those are the kind of police officers we need everywhere because if not we're going to keep having this problem we're going to keep having to do these marches we're going to keep having to chant we have to keep having to do all of this and we're tired out of the protests carry on into our oldest record will mean we're people stop protesting change looks like the police getting better mental health care change the psych police being vetted more for further change actually looks like making sure that these men and women are ready to police the communities that they're in that's what change looks like changes like prosecuting
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every single police officer with an unjustified police shooting and not under the rug that is what change looks like we need to diversify the police force and the more people of more colors more genders more sexual orientations on these police forces or we're going to keep running the same problems their bigotry in their oppression will keep going on if they do not have more diversity within their police forces they need racial sensitivity training there's just so many different ways that this situation could be resolved that the president and the d.o.j. have refused to do. the american civil liberties union a.c.l.u. responded to president trump's approach to the demonstrations saying this deploying more federal troops to suppress dissent would be irresponsible and dangerous the level headed governor is asking for an even more militarized response to civilian protests against police brutality and systemic racism for good reason as president must not cause the country and its people even more harm and the presumptive
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democratic presidential nominee joe biden or spawned tunnel transactions he said this is using the american military against the american people he tear gas peaceful protesters and fired rubber bullets for a photo our children for the very soul of our country we must defeat him but i mean it when i say this we can only do it together. it's going to minneapolis now all of the started our town and friend has been reporting there about the past week said john it seems like you're kind of in the in the thick of it has a curfew hit yet. you have a care curfew hit about an hour ago so we're now well into that period where police have marched in the past but right now what you see is a peaceful scene this is the george floyd memorial right there you can see that mirror mirror which was just painted in the week since he was killed on that corner over there and his brother terence was here earlier today urging people not to
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commit violent acts not to loot not to set fires and you can see that in myspace that is not what's going on it's a peaceful protest yes they're violating curfew but they're doing it out of civil disobedience to make the point that they want to see all 4 of the officers who were involved in arresting mr floyd they want to see them all prosecuted and in the autopsy the private autopsy that came out today which slightly contradicted the public the one from the hennepin county coroner that one said that he died of a heart attack and that that the police were a contributing factor but are also said that he had underlying health conditions and the art the one that came out today was much stronger it said he died directly as a result of the force placed upon his breathing tube by the 3 police officers and not just the one who had his knee on the neck the other 2 who were so sitting on his back also show the air out of him by collapsing his lungs that report said in that
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report concluded that it was a homicide so that's one of the reasons people are out here today terence floyd the brother of george floyd said he wanted people to be peaceful but he said he also wanted them to protest and that's what they're doing right out here right now richelle and we're just waiting to see if the police are going to come in we've seen them nearby they'd be. gathering every night over the past 2 nights they've come in the 1st 4 nights that protesters dominated and controlled the area we saw fires we saw looting in the past 2 nights after a 1000 extra national guard troops came in that has not happened because they've come in very hard with tear gas and rubber bullets and cleared out any area where they could find protesters and of course tonight this is where they're getting i want to go back i want to go back to something that you said john the fact that there had to be more than one autopsy the fact that george ford's family had to get in and append that autopsy because the indications from the 1st autopsy were that
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there were contributing factors to george florida for a dying looting that you know maybe if he'd been in better health ben and me on this network and it killed him those are the types of things that the protesters are upset about that they have to push and push and push for justice they have to get an outside autopsy because they don't trust the authorities to do the right thing. that's absolutely true it's undermined their faith in authority even more than it already was now they lost faith in the police when this incident happened possibly before then they lost faith in their politicians who ordered the police to crack down on them night after night and now they've lost faith in institutions such as the coroner's office so when i talk to people here they have very little faith in public officials and one of the reasons that terence floyd was here earlier today speaking right there in front of that mural was he said people need to vote out the people they have in office now and they need to
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vote him all down the chicken not just the president the vice president the governor he was joking about local officials invents the kind of people we're talking about when we talk about the corner and the lack of faith people have in the establishment is striking some of the people i've talked to have said only a revolution will overturn this. system other people are willing to settle for slower more incremental change but basically everyone we've talked to here has lost faith in the system here all right john hendren at the latest there on the straight right at that memorial for george floyd john thank you. now authorities in new york have imposed a curfew on the city after a large protest on sunday largely overwhelmingly peaceful did turn violent as the night went on gabriel's on a just as i have in new york so what is happening now it's just after just after midnight there came. it isn't where i'm at right now we're in brooklyn
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outside the barclays center which is task of all arena and concert venue here in downtown brooklyn this had been a flashpoint for the last few nights of protests here and some clashes with police but tonight it was pretty quiet where it's a very peaceful protest that was here but they left right before the curfew went into effect there was a group of a few 100 protesters that came through right after the curfew went into effect with you remember we were live there about an hour or so ago the police just backed off let them go they are now gone we are hearing about looting in new york city at this hour various groups scattered reports of various small groups in new york city that are doing looting but overall at least here in brooklyn things have been pretty pretty quiet for the most part i do want to talk about buffalo new york we're getting some images that have come in to us buffalo new york is about 600
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kilometers north of where i'm at right now in upstate new york and apparently a vehicle drove through a line of police officers just within the last hour or so we're told by local media reports up there that 2 officers were injured and have been taken to a hospital and they are according to local media reports both in stable condition and that 2 people from the vehicle were arrested that's all the details we have we don't we're unclear on what what more was behind this but certainly some tense and scary moments up in buffalo new york this evening and says that the. that's a good point to broaden this out that you know we're you're covering this is from new york city bit by bit the entire state is actually on some level involved in this so what have we been hearing from the governor of new york and the mayor of new york city trying to to navigate this situation. it's complicated i mean
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they're dealing with a lot here i mean 1st of all both the governor and the mayor say they support peaceful protests they've said over and over that they want justice for george floyd as well but they are very much not wanting to see scenes of looting and vandalism that again only a very small percentage of the protesters are doing late into the evening and those are those who are demonstrators 95 to 99 percent of the people that are thousands that are demonstrating are doing it very peacefully we've been out here for 4 straight days now so i know that firsthand but clearly this is complicated as well because we're in the still in the middle of the corona virus pandemic here in new york city that's why you have this mass i only took it off just when i'm talking to you i want to put a break back on so listen they're trying to balance allowing people to protest with their 1st amendment rights but we're still technically new york city is still technically supposed to be shut down because a coronavirus it's not reopened yet we're on a week 10 now so it's very complicated quite frankly we've seen 2 prices going on
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right now one of corona virus pandemic and also of these historic protests and i suspect the governor and the mayor both know that the protesters that are protesting in new york they're also protesting the n.y.p.d. as well as on the life for us in new york thank you. president he is a community organizer a black lives matter protester she says the racism against african-americans is rife among both republican and democratic leaders and quoting the u.s. president. he's a mental maniac white supremacists a so nothing he says surprises me i think what we have to focus on right now is that he's actually invoked the insurrection act which the last time it was used in this country was an $1807.00 that gives him the right to deploy the united states military to any and every part of the united states of america we understand republicans on white supremacists but we also have enemies that are democratic
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party people and leaders including the governor of new york andrew cuomo in the mayor de blasio of new york city they have in polls a new york state wide curfew to blast seals daughter who is african-american was arrested yesterday but he has chosen to put 4000 more police officers out there so we have to be very clear that we're getting hit on both sides of both political parties and that to last you know is a reason why this is happening all over the country under his tenure now one police officer has been indicted or removed for any excessive force or murder and governor cuomo has never chosen to speak out against one police officer ok let's head over to the west coast now there had been a series of protests throughout the day in the city of los angeles and california
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where it says to a quarter past 9 in the evening it's starting to get dark there right reynolds is live it's been covering this throughout the day so how the day play out rob. well let me just tell you what's going on right here we're standing on sunset boulevard rachelle and that bus you see behind me from the los angeles sheriff's department is about to be loaded with people who have been placed under arrest by los angeles police you can perhaps see. a line of people and police over there they've been. handcuffed with plastic restraints and we don't know what they've been charged with i believe that 2 people were just arrested here simply for curfew violation it looked like from what we were able to tell but there also was some unrest in this area and just over a few dozen meters from me there is
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a chain drug store that was broken into and items were taken another shop on this side where the same thing happened so here in hollywood tonight this has been sort of the focus of some of that. police activity and looting activity that we've seen over the past couple of days i would point out however that we spent many hours today in west los angeles at a very peaceful protest where police were were not really in in there they were keeping a low profile until some people decided to go out and try to block one of the major freeways here and police asked them to leave so they were they were herded off but it feels a little different tonight michelle from past nights in so far as there's a very heavy police presence it seems to be fewer. people who are
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unrestrained in their activity of illegal activity and again there were there were numerous a very peaceful protest today and so you know it's the same syndrome when the sun goes down things start to go a little bit sideways but again just from my impression it seems like it's it's not quite as bad as it has been friday saturday or sunday nights so let's bring this back to what this is all about this is all about and protest against racism and against police brutality and often the conversation tends to be are away from that to cover all these other things but that's really what this is about what is the governor of california said about those specific issues rob. the governor of california. gavin newsom gave a speech today and answered some questions from reporters who said that
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the unrest the situation that's going on now is not the fault of the black community it's not. that african-americans are not to. bear the responsibility for this situation. is that analogy. in the past there have been. there have been incidents unarmed black men have been killed things like that have happened over and over again as we all know and instead of really addressing the problem in a fundamental sort of way he said we've been sort of through meeting the branches you know here and there and adding a few things like police body cameras or this or that but not really addressing the idea of like ripping up the the plant by its roots so so he said that that's that's
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the job that is ahead of us right now you can see some of these people are being prepared to be put on board the. the sheriff's bus i don't again. you make a really good point that you know this tends to get a lot of attention but again i can tell you that we spent most of the day talking to protesters watching protesters who were 'd passionate but peaceful and i think that that was the main thrust of the activity here throughout the day in los angeles a city that has seen. it's cher believe me of civil unrest and and police violence absolutely going back to the beating of rodney king back in 1902 i believe it was rob great wrap up there from los angeles thank you very much . social media has captured thousands of encounters between protesters looters and
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police some think you're white demonstrators committing violence and vandalism while ignoring pleas from the black protesters to stop that's open a tense conversation about the role of non blacks in this movement i did a castro has more was a black woman tries to cry stock to a group of white leaders in oakland but the chaos drowns her out here to be mad at me a black woman who put him back i matter to non-black protesters vandalize a cafe but the african-americans whose lives are actually on the line fear they'll pay a little bit down down don't break them oh you want to go behind that people couldn't and black people didn't do it and in denver. was reporting that black activist and school board director tate anderson intervened when he saw a white man defacing public property i do get very frustrated and. people of color
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are destroyed during a day or a day and getting blamed for it but you get asked for it. right the daytime protests organized by black civil rights groups have been largely peaceful across the u.s. . but the nighttime rioting has involved people of all races the over the non-blacks are allies and marcus or even white supremacists as some have accused is unclear. and we do not to write our arms our own solar arrays and part of that is yet letting us you know boys for the hard way for what the divisions here are not simple protesters of various races in washington d.c. attacked a white man after he destroyed a sidewalk then they turned him into police. and a young white woman jumped in front of a young black man near the white house blocking him from advancing police the
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widely shared clip showed a moment of racial solidarity even as many black americans insist they write this chapter of their own history. hi joe castro al-jazeera washington. a black business owner has been shot and killed by police in kentucky and the early hours of monday morning david mcentee was shot when officers moved in to disperse protesters during the curfew and louisville police say they were shot at 1st while the chief is job and fired into officers have been put on administrative leave with folks right now giving voice to not trusting law enforcement one of the most important things we can do to build that trust is to make sure that we are fully transparent right now about it and if it bears out. that that actions were taken wrongly i guarantee you will act and lock strongly protests have again continued into the night in kentucky with the riot police
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called and to break up the crowds look at those pictures there and the officers who are armed with the tongs and fire tear gas as they advance through the center of louisville. and former u.s. president barack obama has written an open letter to americans calling for them to vote if they want real change he's also urging protesters to refrain from violence he wrote i saw an elderly black woman being interviewed today in tears because the only grocery store in her neighborhood had been trashed if history is any guide that story may take years to come back so let's not excuse violence or rationalize it or participated in it yet if we want to bring about real change then the choice isn't between protest and politics we have to do both journalists covering the protests have increasingly come under attack by police officers even after clearly identifying themselves let's show you some of what's been happening so on sunday a cameraman from the b.b.c. was rammed by police that is right outside the white house
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a reporter with vice film this moment when he was forced to the ground and pepper spray despite identifying himself repeatedly. please also fire pepper balls at this reporter during a live report in lowville kentucky others have been shot at with rubber coated steel bullets photographer linda toronto was partially blinded by one law covering protests in minneapolis on friday the same day a team from c.n.n. was arrested live on air they release were released rather a short time later the state's governor has sent apologized artist office as an international press and city board member has a journalism united states has been under fire for a while now you have 1st amendment protection for journalists journalists are the eyes and ears built into the u.s. constitution that the journalist would be a checks and balance on not only government but institutions the government as well
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including the police have seen since the beginning of the trumpet ministration a a widespread distrust of the press fueled by the president's own tweets and own words continuing calling the media here in the united states the enemy of the people and certainly putting down the role that that we play in the important information cycle getting information out to the world about what's happening so yes to answer your question there is sort of a feeling by local sheriffs as well as a member something larger police forces that there's a bit of impunity that journalists are impeding the police's ability to do their job not understanding that the press has an important role and actually can't even protect the police just certain extent because they are filming everything. there is akin to serious calling out for black out tuesday
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a day of silence reflection and meaningful action to honor george floyd a number of major record labels have pledged to refrain from business activity in response to for its killing and the protests and record says it won't release new music this week and stead it will help organizations bailing out protesters who were arrested while exercising their right to assemble peaceably musicians and hollywood celebrities have also joined the chorus of people demanding justice for george floyd stars like an apple michael b. jordan hall z n ariana grande they joined demonstrations over the weekend others have been sharing messages on social media calling on the music industry to take action to provoke accountability and change dozens of artists are speaking out about racial injustice were broken and were disgusted and cannot normalize this pain not only speaking to people of color if you're white black brown or anything in between i'm sure you feel hopeless by the racism going on in america right now no
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more senseless killings of human beings no more seeing people of color as less than human we can no longer look away george because all of our family and humanity he's our family because he's a fellow american police brutality been going on even even way before i was born but he has be it been more visual ever since you know social media started getting popular another way for the people to take power i don't want to make everything political but it is what it is it's by bullet and when i say body i'm not only talking about the president we could both for many years we go both for judges and we can also board for the a's district attorneys yes we could both for these people for our county we sure can. i don't understand how that can. be.
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there. got to be own way c. to come this way. all right let's go to the west coast of the us that is sacramento california that's the northern part of the state it's about half past 9 30 in the evening there there is a fire going there and curfews are now in effect in a lot of major cities across the u.s. as these protests continue against the the killing in police custody of george floyd we'll keep you posted. take out the headlines right now on al-jazeera and it's been an unprecedented night in the united states protests continue for a 7th day over the killing of george floyd and police custody so these are the
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scenes outside of the white house police went in in this manner and cleared a peaceful protesters tear gas there stun grenades a wall that was happening president trump addressed the nation from the rose garden he threatened to deploy the military a state governor isn't contained violent protesters this past week has seen nationwide demonstrations against police brutality and racism most of the protesters have been peaceful there though has been looting and vandalism trump said it was his duty to uphold law and order we cannot allow the righteous cries of peaceful protesters to be drowned out by an angry mob the biggest victims of the rioting are peace loving citizens in our poorest communities and as their president i will fight to keep them safe. so after that speech the president was surrounded by secret service and he took
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a very unusual step he walked out of the front gate of the white house to go to a nearby church that had him some damage from the protests that is why peaceful protesters were removed forcibly the bishop of that particular diocese that episcopalian diocese for the washington post she felt outraged by the visit and that she was not warned that the president would be as she put it using the church as a prop reverend mary and ed gerberding also said that everything the president has done is to inflame violence and in minneapolis people have been holding a vigil at the site where george floyd was killed he was penned down for almost 9 minutes by a police officer an official autopsy has now concluded his death was homicide involving neck compression and that bears out the findings of an independent autopsy which said that floyd died from asphyxiation. of the headlines keep it here the strain this next. night in america is a region of wonder boy tragedy and b.s.
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violent but it doesn't matter where you are you have to be able to relate to the human condition i'm going to right away you. know i think it's a life and it's my job to shed light on how and why. i am from the i can eat what she the stream in the u.k. if you lack all round you'll most likely to die from koblick 19 we have an impressive lineup of guests who are trying to work out why if you have a take and you and you jump into that shot with not to hear from you and that's one way that you 2 can be in this. i am going to introduce you to the guests in the guess what you should use them sounds to use and then start with.
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