tv A Time to Swim Al Jazeera June 3, 2020 11:00pm-12:01am +03
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on senegal sinking villages. if you want to help save the world. sneeze into your elbow. we absolutely believe. that he was tortured in the last 'd 8 minutes and 46 seconds of his life anger and outrage from the lead lawyer george floyd as 3 more police officers involved in his death a charged with aiding and abetting murder. and the u.k. adds its voice to a growing global protest as thousands marched through central london in solidarity with america's anti racism demonstrations.
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and our intake of this is our 0 live from london also coming up china warns the u.k. to back off as britain talks of offering citizenship to millions of hong kong residents . and about turn from sweden's top a.p. to me ologist who are admits the country should have done more to curb coronavirus . and taking it to the streets we look at one man's mission to increase testing in the u.s. communities hit hardest by the pandemic. and it will begin in the u.s. state of minnesota where the attorney general is charging with 3 other police officers involved in the death of george troy and i were charged with aiding and abetting the murder of the white. man who pressed a need to florida's neck for more than 8 minutes as had his charge elevated to 2nd
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degree murder floored son quincy as visited a makeshift shrine at the minneapolis street corner where the 46 year old died last week the death a spot widespread unrest and protests across the united states and the world the family's lawyer says he expects the remaining arrests to be made before a memorial service on thursday. we cannot help to just assist them in america one foot black america and one for white america we must have equal justice for the united states of america. and change is going to comb in the tragic canon of george floyd and i proclaim with his son i have no witness that change starts
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today. were john hendren is in minneapolis and john we're expecting a news conference any time not to give the details of these charges but so far what can you tell us about and. that's why we're expecting the attorney general to outline these charges where they've already been filed online. and just take you straight to that news conference that and hear about those challenges from the attorney general i want to begin with a reminder and that is it we're here today because george floyd is not here he should be here he should be alive but he's not but 9 days ago the world watched floyd utter is very last words i can breathe as he pled for his life we're all heard floored call out for his momma and cried out don't kill me just 2 days ago when i became the lead prosecutor in the murder of mr floyd i asked for time to
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thoroughly review all the evidence in the case. and we look at case the evidence is available in the investigation is ongoing at this time i also said that i know it's asking a lot of people to give us time to people who have suffered for decades and centuries of injustice to be patient. in yet we did at that time and together a very strong experienced team which included. county attorney mike freeman is team and my team we reviewed the evidence together with the b. c.a.a. and we have something to announce today before i announce that i want to say thank you for the patience of the people who shown me and our entire team in pursuit of justice and i'm here to make these announcements right now for us today i filed an amended complaint that charges the charges former minneapolis
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police officer derrick shaaban with murder in the 2nd degree or the death of george floyd i believe the evidence of vailable 2 was now supports the stronger charge of 2nd degree murder we've consulted with each other and we agree 2nd today arrest warrants were issued for former minneapolis police officers. jay aking thomas lane and to tell finally i'd like to announce that today and if we county attorney michael freeman and i. filed a complaint it charges police officer king laying in towel with aiding and abetting murder in the 2nd degree a felony offense i strongly believe that these developments are in the interest of justice for mr floyd his family our community and our state the lead
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prosecutor in this case i'll be speaking in just in the public and this is but this is absolutely a team effort we're working together on this case with only one goal justice for george floyd. i want to thank 1st mr headley county attorney mike freeman who has been a true partner in this matter at every step of the way his experience and insight have been invaluable and will continue to be counted on by the team i also want to thank county attorney freeman's professional staff who have cooperated and worked together with my staff and me and best to getting officers everything from the very minute this case started i also want to thank superintendent too evident evans of the bureau of criminal apprehension and his professional staff for the care and speed with which they are conducting this investigation and i want to thank especially u.s. attorney erica macdonald and special agent in charge rayner droll scoggins who are
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conducting a parallel federal color of law investigation i have heard directly from the leadership of the department of justice that there is full support for her leadership in pursuit of her investigation and as she put it so well one team one goal one mission i agree 100 percent as i said earlier i think mr floyd's family i think and i can speak for mr mr freeman and i jointly think them along with. us attorney mcdonald we think the community for their patience and allowing us the time and space we need over these days to lay these charges. as it is so hard to do and now ask for continued patience. this case continues to be under investigation we will not be able to say
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very much publicly about the investigation except that we encourage anyone who believes that they have evidence in this case to come forward and to be cooperative with the investigation as we develop the case for prosecution which will which will also not be a we will not be able to say very much publicly about it because our job is to seek justice and to obtain a conviction not to make statements in the press but to put do our talking in court so i ask for your patience again while we limit our public comments in pursuit of justice i also ask for your trust that we are pursuing justice by every legal and ethical means available to us i also want to add a word of caution the investigation is ongoing we are following the path of all of the evidence wherever it leads we are investigating as quickly as we can because speed is important we're also investigating as thoroughly as we can because the in
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complete and thorough is critically important but it takes time the reason thoroughness is important is because every single link in the prosecutorial chain must be strong it needs to be strong because trying this case will not be an easy thing winning a conviction will be hard in fact county attorney freeman is the only prosecutor in the state of minnesota who has successfully convicted a police officer for murder and he can tell you that it's hard i say that i say this not because we doubt our resources or our ability in fact we're confident in what we're doing. but history does show that there are clear challenges here and we are going to be working very hard in relying on each other and our investigative partners and the community is support that endeavor to the
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floyd family to our beloved community and to everyone that is watching i say george floyd matter he was loved his family was important his life had value and we will seek justice for him and for you and we will find it the very fact that we have filed these charges means that we believe in them but what i do not believe is that one successful prosecution can rectify the hurt and loss that so many people feel the solution to that pain will be slow and difficult work of constructing justice and fairness in our society that work is the work of all of us we don't need to wait for the resolution and investigation of this case to start that work we need citizens neighbors leaders in government and in faith communities
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civil and human rights activists to begin rewriting the rules for a just society now we need new policy and legislation and ways of thinking at the municipal state and federal levels the world of arts and entertainment can use their cultural influence to inspire change that we need there is a role for all who dream of a justice that we haven't yet experienced in the final analysis a protest can shake the tree and can make the fruit bog that fall down but after that fruit is in reach collecting it and making the jam must follow the demonstrations and the protests are dramatic and necessary. but building just institutions is more of a slow grind but equally important and we have to begin that work as well
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we need your energy and we need everyone's help right now thank you very much i will take a few questions yes ma'am. we believe we have a duty to charge that the charges did fit the facts in this case when we have that we have done so and so our concern is to let the all the energy we can into putting forth the strongest case that we can without fear or favor of anyone or anything these days charges are based on the facts that we have found and we're
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going to pursue them. and. ah more. over and over. the head of the county attorney did an excellent job by gathering facts and has work wopper to be with us at every single step of the way we. consulted with each other on these charges we believe that these are the right charges mike freeman and ice will be we've signed a complaint for these additional charges and so that's that's what we're doing so. oh nation and you go on the world every week sometime and often. can you describe the process involved in your deliberation and what impact you think the fission might have not just in minneapolis right for those across the country watching you
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right now unfortunately i can't delve into our deliberative process but what i will tell you generally is we gathered all the facts that we could we reviewed the criminal statutes we looked at case law we consulted with each other and we arrived at these charges we believe that they're justified by the facts and the law. what does this impact have on a decision. the pursuit of justice is always good and right and we i want to signal to them that we hope that they continue to raise the cause of justice but do it in a peaceful manner it is their right to express themselves and with that i will say that they should they should continue in their own communities a to get together to build just police community relationships we need the faith community to be involved we need arts and entertainment to help inspire us toward
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just as we need everybody is a lot more to do ingest this case and we asked people to do that. for their on the on. their own. were killed i want to thank you for asking that question because part of my comments were to help. set expectations in a realistic light that you know in order to be thorough this is going to take months and i don't know how many but it is better to make sure that we have a solid case fully investigated researched. before we go to trial then to rush it we don't we are in so it will take a while and i can't set a deadline on that when the back. of this record. for
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a 1st degree murder charge well if. you value your 2nd degree on general murder. well committing a felony you want to leave with that charge on it for 2nd degree murder. well according to minnesota law you have to have premeditation and deliberation of the charge 1st degree murder. second degree murder you have to intend for death to be the result. for 2nd degree felony murder you have to intend a felony. and then death be the result without necessarily having it be the intent so that is the that's the state of the law the felony would be the well he was we would contend that george what was assaulted and that and so that would be the underlying felony. except any plea deals
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in this war do you expect all 4 to go to trial and secondly when will the body camera footage be released. you know i really don't have any any idea of what. the negotiations or anything like that it's simply way too early to begin that conversation at this point we're preparing to try this case if something else happens along the way we'll see. but at this point we don't have any we don't we don't have any plans in that direction. footage you know that is something that i will i don't have anything to report right now at this time we're focused on investigating the case and so i think at this time i'll i will consult with the b.c. a and. other partners on the case and we'll come to a conclusion about that again we believe in transparency but we also believe in at their own investigation most importantly the 3 often taken after al allow mr to
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evans to address that issue yeah. good afternoon my name is dragons i'm the superintendent the minnesota bureau of criminal apprehension we are in the process of taking the officers into custody i can report that one is in custody now and the other 2 we are in the process of taking into custody and expect them to be this afternoon. i will as the attorney general said we can't speak about all the details of the case other than what's really in the complaint at this time i will tell you with any investigation as i'm told you all from the very beginning we have teams of investigators from the b.b.c. jointly investigating this with the f.b.i. trying to obtain all information in this case i will tell you that as a regular course of all of our investigations to attempt interviews with all the officers we have been interviewed are now. as individuals in this case and additional information we provide as we move toward.
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at this time i believe we have the team to complete this work out like to just introduce david boyd as well he is a deputy at the attorney general's office he heads the criminal division and he he has the lawyers to get this done and also we have some experienced lawyers that have begun attorneys office or working on this thing together. i mean. her. out of. the. you know i can say that i did not allow. public pressure to impact our decision making process i was prepared it was stand whatever
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calls came. we made the charge we made these decisions based on the facts that we have been gathered. since this matter occurred and made the charges based on the law that we think is applies so that's that's that's my answer yeah. i'm. going fine it's going great i spent a lot of time in a county when i was a trial or myself and i know a lot of the i know all these and all the lawyers their respective. words were going on fine and i introduce you ok and in the fever release it will represent the county attorney's office its 1st deputy it from mike freeman.
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knowing that i'm going to let the people prosecute cases every single day to prosecute this case now it is true that i've tried a lot of cases and i've tried homicide cases but on the other side of the courtroom the people who know how to prosecute i'm going to let them do that work. are. you know i think it helps me anticipate what some of the some of the attacks on our case might be. i see no reason why we can't get a fair trial here with the charges that were just while i'm at it correct. now they will say maximum. so yes. well but it's
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a. risk for but does your involvement in this case now put you on the sidelines in terms of the legislative process of working for police reform legislation you know. i'll continue to do all the duties that i have which involve legislative which involve a lot of we've been very active in the civil space we've been active in representing state agencies in government will be i'll continue to supervise it as i always do but i feel i feel very confident in it because i have excellent professionals who are going to be focused on this like a laser beam every single day. when we. are only. i feel a tremendous sense of weight. i feel that this deal this is
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a very serious moment i can honestly tell you i take no joy in this but i do feel a tremendous sense of duty and responsibility. i don't know the answer to that question maybe. i would just i answer that in terms of that is left up to the various shares that we work with on this they make as commissioner snow noted the other day security decisions in the best place for everybody in light of everything that's going on right now on the twin cities again those are decisions based on the analysis of the sheriff and they work closely with the department of corrections to make sure that they have everybody in their custody where they should be based on safety assessments. thank you all very much.
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i will say to them that i pledge and i promise to hold. all the everyone accountable for the behavior that we can prove in a court and that if i don't charge it it means that we did not have the facts to do that so. i'll simply say that as the people who are legal professionals professional prosecutors we have taken i do the seriously and we are working with the people who gather the facts and this is and we have and we have done that we have done the work that we believe is possible ethical and right
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yeah well let me look. let me be honest here i mean our country has had has under prosecuted these matters. in minnesota and throughout the country. and so that i think the trust as a result of is starkly not holding people who are public guardians accountable for their behavior in situations where we should have so that i think is the origin of the trust problem but we can't we can't control the pass all we can do is take the case that we have in front of us right now and do our good faith best to bring justice to the situation and we will. and we want to play minnesota attorney general keith ellison there holding a news conference into the death of george florida and the new charges being brought he is the lead prosecutor he said that the amended complaint against the former police officer in who had his knee on death and neck when he died as being
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now changed to murder in the 2nd degree he said he believed that the evidence supports that stronger charge he also laid out the fact that arrest warrants have been issued for 3 other police offices who were there at the scene and they have been charged with aiding and abetting in a 2nd degree murder he also said that he strongly believed that these new charges are in the interest of justice however it was going to be difficult to get a conviction as historically that has been the case is broken john hendren who's in minneapolis for us so john some stronger charges which the family had been asking for and also charges for those other police officers who were present at the time of trial troy's death. that's right those are the charges we were expecting the elevation of the charge against derrick show over and from 3rd degree to 2nd degree murder what does that mean well 3rd degree is is extreme disregard for human life 2nd degree is murder but not premeditated murder and the difference between those 2
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charges is as a penalty of up to 25 years in prison to 40 years in prison now the other 3 are charged with aiding and abetting in 2nd degree murder in the charges can range on that but those are very very serious charges against police officers all 4 of them have already been fired and we we have heard from the prosecutor there from the attorney general that one of those other 2 officers derek chauvinist already in custody one of the other 2 officers is in custody and they are seeking 2 other officers who we also heard something different and that is that there is a parallel federal investigation by the f.b.i. as to whether these officers violated the law committed a crime. under color of law meaning acting as a police officer so there could be a federal charge later after that as soon as you said keith ellison points out that it could be difficult for them to win this case these are very rare cases for police to win they did win one in the past year in chicago the officer who shot
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look on mcdonald 16 times as he walked away a knife in hand but with his back to police that officer jason van dyke is now serving a significant prison sentence i believe it's 7 years so these are very serious charges and they're very much the charges that we expected and they are the charges that everyone out here at this site were george floyd spent the last moments of his life have been calling for the family of george floyd who said they want all 4 officers charged and many of these protesters say they will remain in the streets until this happens and now you have those charges and on that point and do you think across the country in various cities where these protests and take place that this will be enough to take the heat out of the protests or do you think they will continue in spite of it. it's got to give the demonstrators pause this is one of their demands and they have met that demand now the 1st one was that there be an arrest that they achieved last friday when derrick
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show up and was charged now they've got charges against all 4 officers but you also heard something else that keith ellison said there and that was that there is systematic change that needs to go on that one prosecution won't end this that this cycle of police officers killing off an unarmed young african-americans is one that has to and the discrimination within the department is one it is an issue that the governor is looking into he launched an investigation just yesterday into the minneapolis police department in their police departments all across the country where if you try to protesters and civil rights activist that sort of thing needs to go on so this is a start one hopes that what would happen is this would perhaps take. the intensity edge off of some of these protests and then allow it to be a sort of continuing movement as we've seen in recent years with the black lives matter movement has had a number of protests all over the country but in general most of those protests are peaceful but we really won't know the answer of that until we look in the streets
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later tonight and in the coming days and very briefly john the also the expectation that this could take months going to because they the investigation has to be sorry doesn't it. that's right the investigation has to be thrown out officers have rights or they're allowed to call witnesses they're allowed to look at all the evidence all the videotape all the discovery in court and then there will be arguments made in court and that all does tend to take months and it can take as long as a year in some cases you can see that the prosecutors have acted very quickly charging the 1st officer 4 days after george floyd died and then these other 4 officers in the next week this is unusually quick action in a case against a police officer but now it's up to the courts and the courts have their own schedules so we'll see how that goes but you're absolutely right it's likely to take at least 2 months john 100 thank you very much indeed. all the charges against a former police officer accused of george floyd's death have been increased attention is now charged with 2nd instead of 3rd degree murder 3 other offices
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a charged with aiding and abetting and will be arrested or died after shaven knelt on his neck for nearly 9 minutes to the florida state only to our beloved community and to everyone that is watching i say george floyd matter he was loved his family was important his life had value and we will seek justice for him and for you and we will find the very fact that we have filed these charges means that we believe in them. tens of thousands of people have marched through london to protest against racism it's in solidarity with demonstrators in the u.s. the event was mostly peaceful but there were small scuffles outside the prime minister's down a street home and a police officer was reportedly punched star wars actor john wiggo was moved to tears as he spoke to protesters. from the school. to this day that don't require suffrage. that you thought that the e-mail that was
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never the case that it will be with you let's start the day we are perfectly aware of that question of our philip morris. on some other news now in china as one that britain britain any attempt to interfere in hong kong will backfire it comes after the u.k.'s prime minister said he would often millions of people from the city visas and possibly citizenship if china persists with enforcing a new security no move has been criticized as an attempt to end the semi autonomous status hong kong has enjoyed since britain handed it back to china in 1970. those are the top stories do stay with us on out there at this is europe is next and i'll be back with a full news hour in just under 30 minutes time thanks for much watching us see that bye for now.
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to get of would put it in the army just maybe how. immigrants modeled one could be a. good job that was given to me who did. not work i'm sure. today is one very big celebration the day off done and that's why we are going to collect the things you can see here we didn't order we broke and we will broke and
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really suck. someone to care for their summer says something like that kind of. tell it's a. little bit tough to see of some of the subtle. it's particular to drop your son and say something like that kind of. good look. good then. you're not me. not some of us the jamaat do you get a set of 4 sort of from. your heart
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a hanging of bucky be pretty cool new. book. or don't go. all in on him. if. you're not supposed to get home lucky you got to. he. would it be you have will go down don't come in but i'll get a start and. walk the talk of. the little munch as i get. to know what it will take before i'm going to. get stuck here.
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if that the sooner the better part of the force is going up or if your ship might be going to blow in money even if the biggest deal even. get paid when if you built one up but i will make you all of the gas to get sober but will be the sort of the day people like t.v.'s the sport that made it people their own met that nastasya made of a good family day where you don't need a missy not an inch from them but it's not because of that stuff but to do the homage to both of us just decided that it dived. a good i'm not going to get closer but not done to put it on and on it gets
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a lot of autonomy. i think it might make you sad but i think it would be hard to figure out why did you buy the stuff. for an audition is. this a 125. comment he can manage could ultimately compete sort of. meet the. needs of the. good. of the us the. first of the. one moment a lot of the order whatever so you know. we're going to. do the clip
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on cue down of the getting the party for another check at all the kids of the town and local fish do you look at the. local. movie good. to hear what. the man must never have known in south america been beaten that could be enough to manhood with him just to give a comparative advantage of the stop them from jumping up and down and down up and. throw enough to know what the what if i can put out the left on their image i'm a bunch of bull in a minute but i back yeah. i'm going to matter what a minister put some on got here when somebody made a whole no good tailwind on the noble committee from the bad gal of man must kill
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give you something to. intimate i'm glad i've had some you know melamed i've lost the love cos you're not gone but i. go to. say them you know them you know that peach a say i want it good they're gone but i thought was a low is is monica to me tell when a calm got out he said i'm going to waltz and you know it wasn't a day clear you're going to get on with a calm got at the price haven't got it then you know but i kind of got it what i really want beaches here you know now. it's
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. gordie's job got to be david he gave got this big thing with his hand and not be devious minable to the senate one nice doily nice. guy need those who say would you bet that what i said that libya had no part that the way the us was saying it. was me and american we have a commodity is composed of. one and we enjoy my son here when i can have when he's called me without the time or the it's sad to see him a good one to lobby got that you may support that i got better when i'm with in china i see him and. was ornamentation was good to be sent to deal for days. after everybody 31 legged telling me who nobody tellin if . no figure. to know now figure then in the
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going was of the nation was good deeds. the month after i shipped the beginning. at the dia who don't know diddly a bit of my name as you must it is very new one of them us. but he no woman makalu speedy got along well when he got us beauty allows them to go those pretty at all would be peace on the. community. yet the good doing many good isi ho. ho. or he's huntin the thief.
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you know i'm going to have no model going to go or going to magic and. get out there you know they will do because. we're not better man. if. we send a male more if. they are nice nepal where he still. going and of legal immunity says. he's out of the go amiss bureau thing to me or he do near there your daughter going here i know these are more than one in and there will be any earlier and i know these are going to cut the ilo i don't apply. you. order then and then must do don't know moment to tell a lot and that's why it's
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a low body of shit when the longing for the. moment you're living on the verge of death will be with you and it was a. matter. of me coming over you know that. made it to so you're not on a sudden david cardwell but you're now with them then in. then then him and his new compliment on what it down to sit down don't deny civil society the hobby of the hour don't let them down and i wonder why i wouldn't go on and on. yet i can. tell you had never seen it on a billboard dime said add lightish pride in shell out on the name got on the. ticket now then. got to tell. some of the other when they're. down on some of the you i
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mean because you don't care for the festival. bagay or they would want that i can't get past them committee and everybody must do what i'm asked they're going to look at the under you. supported or don't you do any other one of the mind or there didn't i thought they were down at the. medical aid to get there though. well you. have a total of 11 mammals. yes just the mystery of what i was at the start i've been there playing with them even beside them in their living room you know i got. a standing by the minute to. him and there are legal arguments.
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that you want to play do you ted there are no longer even i'll give you the case of . the siege of the people i'm a. little comical by the way the slim. but i act a year to the middle. year bookie. the past year was only. made a bunny got your paper little medal paper money council got to be a major problem with your mouth. good to. day in the cup which go in deliberately rather just as your logical the law tellem least.
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lose them to him if it's in their. i think. what the world do you have the crappier the police that are there no hope on them and people in the torah. says casement in the bitter ship is where you make it diminished now if he kept up of it will actually feel. is he probably a little too because your say that you know she and i can see. that the woman. up here. can abolish the biggest of an illegal. and. been. a big lefty guess if you're skiing.
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and actually go. a he had a nice theobald innocent amir. now after all for a pay the main man at the head of the security say again lynch was ready to go a glimmer came only to give me a thorough thought. of what is abolished in are we about one is or theme but just quickly want to tell about my son because they could. not imagine that kind of i'm a pretty after any. merely those out of the many babies sitter for a set of maid and to be able to marry the man was quite a bit of work. really am i sure what i mean your. hello la monica must have been many go ahead i would. have been
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a good one of that there. a low. a low. mad but not this one phantom as you get out of these. little animals you got out of a little boy limber in that arm i said i look around about doing that then i look it over. but i think it has been gathering they will know i'm a conservative i don't know about the other credit card or. charity get on it but there was a lot of talk today but the announcement on the democratic came that they will conduct a video that allow me tell me. if the family come to alaska. pakistan mccauley is there the problem of. it's near. people but you know me.
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so let me tell you know not take it or don't get richer. but you whine about yemen is how you google danny. said to me i asked her to i will take him again if bella magadan. with the. damned you are like. what did the damage. my looking whatever. you want to let in the going on yeah. i thought of. getting mad and that it got this. tension in. i check their money to what i want to get about what they're going to they're going to buy the lock ma'am but i believe we have got to get a. lot of mag but then the middle of. june or to.
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now and i don't. know. when they're bad on the blog along. a lot of money. or you know buy a good old get into the corner. or the good only into the reality of the noun that the natives are going to moderately then the minute i. 'd got it. down with that i'm a good day i might have been. doing softball get me
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a dog get the hog get the. dog and the dog again he is leading. us up when you need the most brutal and you had you know snake on ya and most don't know the magic of the what i'm being made can eat an egg on bellamy got that a job. was will get me mad at that. i'll give you don't you know. i'm make it seem as though i guess i'll just feel young i thought of my hanging. because that's your way to play your. part but i was. i hold. my tongue robert borsak not about the moment of. what were possible not think when
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you're. going on here. but on where. was the. first. such. to comfort. the gun to their cussed must do cicily ounce of it got soft. i noticed that. my mother. didn't cut the guts out of the building at the sugi mother kept accidentally didn't have to go to get this opportunity gail how can you am not having out on them is permanent and. then i was
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the weather striking up nicely now across much of australia the clear skies for the most part places the flaps down towards south that area of high pressure that's why we have got the clear weather the calmer weather winds easing off now down to us across that southeastern corner of australia and it should be largely fine and dry still quite a breeze though just around the east coast temperatures picking up embrace been off to some very chilly mornings for queensland we are going to see those temperatures just not enough to touch as we go through the next few days say 23 celsius in the heat of the day for president 24 there for perth were to the mid teens for
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melbourne and also for adelaide on the other side of the ditch we have got increasing cloud and right making its way across new zealand and temperatures will struggle here crushed snow woman around 9 celsius by friday snow levels starting to fall as a system moves through. the fire and dry across the korean peninsula northern parts of china not too bad into japan the west the weather that's further south we got some very heavy rain it's essential parts of china the seasonal rains here that's going to continue looking across a similar area as we go through friday possibly some localized flooding but you can see for much of japan escaped the cloud on friday and stays fine i'm dry. as bombs continue to rain down on afghanistan civilians are paying the ultimate price they are completely forgotten and no $1.00 is listening to. these people while those responsible operate with impunity this is about owning our mistakes
12:00 am
says about things accountability in a nasty unaccountable war has anyone from the u.s. military been in touch with you since the night. for klein's investigates afghanistan civilian loss in the u.s. air war on al jazeera you know. the. this is al-jazeera. this is the al-jazeera news hour live from london coming up. we. absolutely believe . that he was tortured. in the last a 8 minutes airport in 6 seconds just like. anger and outrage from the lead lawyer george floyd as 3 more police officers involved in his death.
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