tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera June 4, 2020 9:00pm-10:01pm +03
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the world's most an affordable city what i want to make the families desperate to find a place to hold on and how disease. this is al-jazeera. alarms the whole robin you're watching al-jazeera news our live from doha coming up in the next 60 minutes. time to remember the man whose death has ignited anger across the u.s. a memorial service for george floyd is about to begin in minneapolis. i his name is also echoing in the new york borough of brooklyn. and
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a defiant stand in hong kong where thousands of people ignore a ban to mark 31 years since the tiananmen square massacre. also libya's new and recognized government says it's taking complete control of the capital after months of fighting against warlord khalifa haftar. for more than a week the mood has been one of anger now the u.s. is moving to one of remembrance for the black american man who died after a policeman knelt on his neck people are gathering around the country to pay tribute to george floyd the main focus is minneapolis where the 46 year old was killed 10 days ago is just after one in the afternoon there where a memorial is just getting underway in the north central university as you can see
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family friends and civil rights leaders are all there. so thank you so much for your cooperation and god bless you. this is brooklyn new york the home of floyd's brother terence a memorial ceremony has been going on. for just over an hour now. we have correspondents across the u.s. kristen salumi in brooklyn who obviously is with a large group of new yorkers who have been slowly gathering through the day to really remember george floyd a poignant time and time to reflect these past 10 days. absolutely a huge crowd has come out today we are expecting to hear from tasteful the brother
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of george bush who started this movement when he died at the hands of minnesota police officers. big big crowd waiting to hear from also the mayor of new york. dealing with the coronavirus and then also a massive protest movement i wanted to do see to someone that hamilton is here and she's been attending a lot of the demonstrations how many of you been to and what's brought one and what . needed to be said needed to be done and i'm just happy that we could do it peacefully i'd give a lot of. i'd like rather nicely for people young people black people white people to feel like this is making a good catch if they can if you want to you always. when we get back it's when we feel. ok and there has been looting happening
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at night the mayor's come under some pressure because of. that. isn't taking away from the movie anyway of course it's taken away from the movie this is not about doing this is about making our voices heard. stopping something that's been going on for say years and so we can come out make a change make a difference in unity and peacefully. so that's why i'm out here as well what would you like to see happen as a result of all this outpouring of emotion but are there any concrete things that you think could be done to see change. everything but across the board just for a select few it should be every one wrong doing this to put out so when you do wrong you have consequences so that's one issue not doing anything then there should be anything to worry about here the issues that i don't want to see and. a few protests and then it dies out i want to see something change
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and things moving forward but this is a great beginning and you can see it's peaceful and i'm looking forward to the change how do you think the city's handled demonstrators so far are you happy with the response of the mare and the police to high as far as that is concerned in a different. the situation what's it like this 3 months ago but i believe that they're doing the best they can and the circumstances that we are in right now can it be done better i don't know but as long as we're moving forward to progress and understanding that that together is where the change comes from one of our police officers 3 of them were attacked randomly not having to do necessarily with the officers who were randomly attacked have any sympathy for them or any not least a part time and very sympathetic to human life it doesn't matter who it is and so who we are here the lower put lawyers for us to obey and we can't just think
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best. that we should get permanent that i'm totally against that because it takes away happening and. being hurt we're praying for their. families so one can't fathom. that thank you so much for taking time to talk to us to do that so again he was just a crowd he'd heard chanting george boyd's name earlier and. waiting for the mayor to come and take the podium now again as. a situation of protesters on the streets persecuted in place and demonstrators going to continue past curfew through the weekend to keep this message to the right bob. thanks very much kristen sleep in new york let's go back to minneapolis to the trust school and worship center. central university and just listen in to the service that is
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let's bring in our correspondent john hendren who's outside the sunset the north central universe and john obviously the proceedings beginning the full that memorial service we are expecting several people to speak and think about the day has been made he's focused on the the university campus that people gathered to remember george miller and. that's right we're waiting for the family and you're now but there's already a crowd of hundreds of people who have gathered outside people who haven't been invited people who by and large don't know george personally but who came to pay their respects many of them are the people who have been marching and demonstrating in the streets here in minneapolis and there is such
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a demand to remember this man that symbol that this is really just the 1st of a number of memorial services on saturday there will be one in the state of his birth in north carolina on monday there will be one in the town he was formerly living in that used in texas where on tuesday there will also be a funeral and we can expect the reverend al sharpton who will be presiding over this service today to say what he said yesterday and that is he wants to turn this moment into a movement so that the protests that began when george floyd died last monday. shouldn't and they're saying that instead they should continue across the country even though they've gotten charges filed against all 4 of the officers that were involved in his arrest 3 1 of them getting 2nd degree murder and the other 3 aiding
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and abetting 2nd degree murder that was a demand from the family before this memorial took place they wanted that to happen and we can also expect to hear about floyd the man he's daughter his 6 year old daughter giana will be here and other family members probably his brother terence and they'll be talking about 3 him probably as being 'd in recent days as a gentle giant man 2 meters tall who was. churchgoing. man and. so there will be a little mixture of talk about him as a person as a symbol that pretty much everyone involved in their service has already said they want to serve as a symbol and this movement in the streets across the u.s. goes on well john for them because who checking back in with you as the service progresses that's just listening to a little bit more of what's being sung. for
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attorney general william ball spoken to a news conference in washington d.c. he says although a large number of protest is peaceful there are some who are exploiting the unrest at some demonstrations there are extremist agitators who are the hijacking the protests to pursue their own separate and violent agenda. we have evidence that n.t. for another similar extremist groups as well as actors of a variety of different political persuasions have been involved in instigating and participating in the violent activity and we are also seeing foreign actors playing all sides to exacerbate the violence. is an attorney who helped oversee new police policies and training up to the death of freddie gray baltimore joyce we know via skype from baltimore in maryland could have you back on the program mr butler the pictures that we're seeing now from minneapolis just to
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get your reaction really to what you'll see in there to what you experienced in baltimore in the way that the community now. you might say getting around the florida family and around the community of minneapolis well i think they're very similar in the response i mean the odds were quick and pretty immediate to work we perceived to be inhumane treatment of pretty grave and the baltimore city police department back to 2016 full week you clearly see with george floyd in minneapolis i think that's primarily the difference and responses least the large your response you see is that the nation is seeing that the in the main treatment 9 minutes of mr floyd and i think that's why you see probably more lingering are protesting in and an arrest that we did back here in baltimore we're seeing an elevation of the charges against the police officers involved it's enough to put placate
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a very angry american public at the moment. oh i think it's a great start i don't think it's going to be enough no not yet aren't we because of what we all fortunately witnessed are through social media and other outlets because they're not that video we didn't see that we're we're pretty gray and we didn't have that access to a lot of the other unfortunate killings that emerged we've seen i think that's the difference here with floyd that we can see it with your pleas of bystanders asking the police r.c. take some action sometimes you do something but they neglected to do so and i think that's why you see the outrage it is similar to that of the civil rights movement in the. methods they use the reason why they were using this word to show that if we act don't react and maintain our past year but you can see the response from those who are against us in the end the inhumane acts with dogs and fire hoses and police out experience is why you saw
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a court for the civil rights movement in the sixty's and fifty's and sixty's and why you see the large your international support for the protests as a result of the murder of george were indeed the pictures that we're seeing i think are the reverend jesse jackson is also in attendance there along with reverend al sharpton you know after the memorial service as we have a difficult funeral to to go through as well i'm sure for americans and then the talk of reform but under underpins what will be a very lengthy court case i'm sure and reform is the big issue isn't aware reform starts does it start with the police forces does it start with the politicians does it start with the supreme court and legislation or the constitution this is a really complex norio that those in power have to try and navigate these next few months because the african-american community want change and they need it now.
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agreed that it's going to come from all of those sources and it does work. i think what you've seen is in recent years is that the power of the vote a lot of those jurisdictions where you saw that people were being mistreated by their police forces using the city leadership change in those stores dictions i think you can see and you see that now as we go through outlets and cycle here in the states that you'll see people so out and express their just displeasure with those in power with our vote so i think it's a combination of law enforcement working with local and federal state and federal leaders as well to make sure that our horses are heard and that not only just from now americans i think we can't do it alone but think what you've seen across the country now is a unified more diverse crowd of people and people who are making their voice heard in support of this type of change so i think that's one of the going to one of the other things different from what we saw here in baltimore is that there's more but
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you know you know front of people who are expressing their outrage to the inhumane way in which george forbes from your experience of the freddie gray death and what happened to you in baltimore what changes were you able to make either individually or as part of a group that that either how the police force or helped the community or helped change legislation can you just fill our international viewers it on on what you were able to do and how long it actually took to do it. well i think one of the 1st things we did was to educate the folks here in the city so one of the things we did . do a number of different justice organizations were to train people on what their rights work how do. we hate a police stop you start a number of organizations targeting our members of the community who are actively involved in that process an educational process you also saw are a large effort to teach people how to organize and how to express your words and so
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i think what we're seeing now are about 5 years later some of those people who were educated and became active in your hall just as i have been doing so consistently since. ear which is why you see a different response from baltimore now we're going to in the year not just in baltimore we're off the country but there are some young eagles specifically who came of age by music don't work now young adult and leading some of these efforts throughout the country and so i think that education that i think of you know their voice for themselves and for the community is what it's like you're in the works why you see the response you see today and of course when you talk about what the community can do and how the community can change also we have to talk about the position of the police because as we head towards the court case we've been mentioning this for several days no the term qualified immunity is something a loophole perhaps one could describe it as often used in court cases involving
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police officers who have been involved incidents like this where they use it as part of their defense to say that they felt they were in danger is being criticized at the highest level by justice sonia sotomayor and i've been asking contributors to our jazeera over the last few days what their opinion is about this qualified immunity and how this term got to go in part of the reforms that may be needed to see justice for people who end up in scenarios like this. and i think that's our mis term it's up it's fine it's in the application of of the concept so i think of law enforcement officers should have some immunity based on doing to and acting within the scope of their job so i think the difference becomes is using it as dispensed when you acted outside the scope of your job so if you look at the murder of george floyd even and in an interview a few days ago the police chief there in minneapolis indicated that those who participated and were complicit in weis to watch it happen were complicit in the
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actual murder itself and therefore that's why they moved so it was a bass guitars initially and it upgrades its arms to the primary officer and then later the other officers were involved because of that as a result of that complicity to an illegal act that was outside the scope of their employment they would not be allowed to use a car and unity defense are going to try but i think that they would fail but i think that the problem with the policy is not the other concept is not what it stands for but how it's been implemented and so as long as people think they can use that as a shield all of their behavior while they're on the job at think is incorrect i think the message you're starting to see in other jurisdictions now as you see in entries in prosecutions is that you you are starting to see that it won't you won't be there bill yourself on that call i mean the defense if you act outside of your role and responsibilities and the scope of your employment as a law enforcement officer will sell in time for the moment to reflect on the life
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of george floyd and to me buckley thanks so much for joining us from baltimore thank you for having me. on today's other news the one in hong kong thousands defied the ban to attend a vigil in memory of the victims of the 1990 elements square massacre it's the 1st time in 3 decades the memorial's been banned sparking anger from organized this you say it's another crackdown on the city's freedoms 7 o'clock reports from hong kong . victoria park had been sealed off but that didn't deter the crowds thousands defying a police plan to pay their respects to those who lost their lives fighting for democracy in beijing's tenement square they chanted slogans like free home told some calling for independence from my man child but most who joined this year's candlelight vigil we're here to mark the massacre on june 4th 1989 holding
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a one minute silence the fight for democracy has lost it for you know well over 31 years and it's important that we all stand together now organizers of the annual memorials say the police enforcement of social distancing rules are a cover to clamp down on democracy on call now as in going to a new iraq they want to rule by fear and to and ban or are they going to threaten and i think this is very much worried about the future a little more than 3000 police were deployed across the city to enforce the ban some broods were set up to mock the military crackdown allowing the people of hong kong to honor the victims of the tiananmen square massacre the annual vigil in hong kong is one of the only memorials held on chinese territory to mark a chapter in chinese history that the government in beijing with the 30 picket the mainland has suppressed no mention of the channel mathcad but hong kong's unique status as a special administrative region has exempted from that censorship in the past
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democracy group said china's introduction of national security rules in hong kong which target acts of terrorism and political dissidents could threaten the future of large gatherings and demonstrations it's the majority of society cannot express or chant no doubt fuss racers and their anger for a peaceful protest and for certain people with a way out and escalations off to protest actions off already questions maybe be pro-choice buy buy buy more and more people in home call god in hong kong legislative council the kind. it's as prodemocracy council is through liquid to delay a vote on a controversial national and the bill what it. is to remind the world that we should never forgive tar this communist party for. its own people 31 years ago hours later the bill which would criminalize the mocking of
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china's much of volunteers anthem was passed those found guilty face 3 years in jail and a $6000.00 fine the national anthem legislation will become law on june 12th sarah clarke al-jazeera hong kong now libya as you recognize government says it has full control of the capital tripoli of society with forces loyal to ward cleaver have to generate forces have also retaken control of an abandoned port in southern tripoli after launch an offensive to take control of the capital just over a year ago the fighting continues but government officials say they have to has also lost significant ground in areas close to his stronghold of tough hold of the wide as well. this is the old the inactive international airport in southern tripoli and it's now under control of forces loyal to the internationally recognized government of national accord after the manage it to drive our forces
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loyal to the world honey fair have said from here that happened after heavy fighting as you can see. the remains of the fierce battles that happened here over the past year have those forces remained in control of this airport for the past year and now the government forces say that they have also managed to push back half that its forces beyond the administrative borders of the capital tripoli this airport has been very strategic for both sides from here have those forces used to target the government forces locations with heavy weapons and also with airstrikes the problem remains as the government forces say in the land mines planted by hazardous forces in the vicinity of this airport which pose a threat not only for the government forces but also for the displaced civilians
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who cannot wait to return home now the government forces are preparing for a fresh offensive to move on the city of huna south of tripoli which is the last of stronghold of have that his forces in the west of libya. but not all comes as libyan prime minister is also rajma the turkish president encourage. the one shows turkey will increase its assault force erosion that has to and this whole system of the biggest obstacle to peace turkey has been politically and militarily backing the tripoli government in its fight against warlords khalifa haftar forces . further we've had a fruitful meeting with mr soros that will contribute to the peace security and welfare of the libyan brothers maintaining stability in libya as soon as possible is a priority for ticky as we have stated ever since the beginning of the ongoing crisis the solution can only be achieved with the political process under the auspices of
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the united nations the u.s. navy veteran michael white who has been detained in iran since 2018 and has not been released and is on his way home it comes following an iranian scientist arriving back into iran after being freed from a prison in the united states donald trump has thanks switzerland for their assistance with the release. and state back taxes from china and iran have allegedly targeted the email accounts of those working on the u.s. presidential campaigns of joe biden and donald trump according to a senior google security official this attempt is the latest indication of the digital spying routinely aimed at top politicians officials say there is no sign of compromise of either campaign well still ahead here on the news hour we'll tell you why the u.s. and china's tit for tat conflict has now taken to the skies. over the lock down protests of protests over senegal state of emergency turned violent those stories after the break.
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alan you're in the tropical cycle and it never was that dropped a meter of rain ever salada it's here it's this is this massive cloud they're producing a lot of rain this time in western yemen they will be flooding from the interests of shore and he brags of completely otherwise the arabian peninsula is dry and sunny and hot of course a bit of a shame all may be picking up the gulf during friday but look at the temperatures it bringing with it 49 in kuwait and about 43 in their heart it's not a pretty dry shamali are still fairly human a suspect breeze and exists through saturday as well now if you're on the coast of lebanon for example it's much better who talk about the twenty's and sunshine with a bit of a breeze and that's true course through most of the coast of north africa is a bit more in the way of sherry windy stuff in morocco rabbet often does that
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reflect in the forecast 2425 degrees the showers are not exactly obvious and the wind is fairly strong as it runs through libya but it's been changing directions it's getting cooler in tripoli a warming up in benghazi south of all that of course plenty of shows throughout africa is the time when you tend to get some big hands and drift so the west was and they might into hurricanes not yet but the big shots are certainly showing up with the orange scent is a moment rare. join our global community they call that crisis is just slap does in the face of the blessing upon latin upon latin human health equals global health keeping you up to date is one of the boys situation where we have a human rights prices that persist beyond the help prices your questions is a dialogue just nothing we are now approaching
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a crossroads this is an opportunity that we must block miss the stream on al-jazeera throughout history human kind has come together to prevail in our darkest moments this is a moment for pretty much the opposite side laying low saving humankind by really really not getting nearer to every generation has its moment where individual sacrifice makes way for the good of those who come after this one is ours.
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for the back you're watching al-jazeera news hour means they'll run the reminder of our top stories minneapolis is remembering georgia's floyd those whose killing spawn nationwide outrage memorials are being held in cities across the country for the 46 year old black american who died after a policeman on his neck during an arrest. there. well it was the trust word and worship center north central university. and then in new york also civil society and that this is gathered in brooklyn to remember george floyd and to speak there to respecting his brother also to lead part of the service there in new york. let's go back to minneapolis
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and we can join our correspondent john hendren who's following events for us john obviously people's slowly gathering for the memorial service. at north central university a time to reflect really in a time to think about how to move forward. out here legal ground because i. have not been invited that they've come here to pay their respects many of them have been protesting in the streets and they didn't want to stand outside their services being broadcast outside while the family and their close friends are inside inside there will be here monday presided over by the reverend al sharpton what he's been saying is he wants to turn this moment into a movement so the protests shouldn't end with the services that martin would
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typically you're going to be sure to hear you know if there is more work to be john as far as he ended family are concerned family members will also remember the way it is the gentle giant father of the secure the borders beyond. peace loving church going to like the stock market to be remotely for the united states and to a church here in one city after another you see young african-americans if you like relief in america the movement as a reverend wants to go to war or to care more about that in coming days because there will be more ceremonies that cover much ground as the protests that we've seen across the e.u. that there is going to be serious leaders 1st in north carolina on saturday and we're going to that it is her hometown of houston on monday existing day after that in houston there will be there are seriously took george bush will be well remembered by the grammarians and the reverend who's obesity in this war is to be
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the beginning of a movement that continues through to the. other. children will what we all say obviously and not just minneapolis but also. new york brooklyn is is this sense of community said. of civil society from all walks of life from all strata of all backgrounds wanting to show a united face really in what is a very fractured united states of america right now. that is crucial if you look around at these people here they're. raising. your level. it's pretty astonishing to me is. that their theories that leave. you should leave.
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your job because some of the. contradict the families of. everybody. we are hearing now we. hear you're getting want to. read. it and the rumors are. each other your easy. answers are down. for the moment john 100 thanks very much 109 minneapolis for us. well as people remember george floyd in minneapolis 3 men charged with the murder of a black man in the state of georgia are appearing in court and all brick was chased and shot 3 times by retired white police officer and disarmed in february but they were then only charged in may after
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a video of the shooting in brunswick led to nationwide protests a 3rd man who captured the killing on camera was they to charged with felony murder and to go ahead joins me now by phone from miami and he was the latest from the court hearing. well this is a court hearing to decide if these men will face criminal charges it is a preliminary hearing but it's been a very difficult day for ahmad aubrey's family because they've got to have some horrifying testimony in particular. one witness who is the lead investigator for the georgia bureau of investigation saying that travis michael the son of the former police officer one of the 2 men accused of murder stood over mr our brief body after shooting and killing him and used a racial slur the worst one you can possibly imagine and then you've got the defense team standing up trying to clear these 2 individuals who appeared virtually
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because of the covert 19 pandemic but this is a case that is being followed very very closely it took 74 days before anyone took any action and that wasn't until the video was released ahmad aubry was killed on february the 23rd and it wasn't until our video was released and went nationwide if not worldwide that any action was taken it turns out the district attorney's office in that area part of the case is off to other officers because one of the men gregory mcmichael was a former police officer who worked for them so a great deal of criticism of the authorities in this part of georgia and a great deal resting on the outcome of this case because the judge in this case will decide if they do in fact face criminal charges of course one wonders how this case is going to resonate given sort of the current situation in the protests in support of the late george floyd. i mean i think it's very important to say that
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george floyd and i mounted our brief deaths are by no means the 1st this is just fueling the flames of a long burning fire i think you know we can all go back to all the cases michael brown eric garner they go on and on but this one was particularly graphic you saw these 2 white individuals who decided to arm themselves because they thought mr albert was a burglar and basically block him off in that truck and then shoot him dead in the street there is a 3rd man there is also accused of murder he was the one that film that the one of the released that video and old 3 years and now face serious murder charges that could go to jail for a very long time but it is i think the fact that it's simply authorities 74 days to do anything and it is the fact that people now know that the local district attorney's office didn't take action try to sweep the whole thing under the rug according to some people who studied this and i think it really does go to the heart of the state of this nation right now and particularly the state of race
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relations indeed and the gallop in miami thank you. vaccine summit has raised $8800000.00 exceeding its targets the vaccine alliance as it's known is raising the money to restart routine immunizations for preventable diseases in africa and southeast asia we know is ations of been put on hold due to the coronavirus crisis putting millions of children at risk. in the past 20 years one thing has reduced child mortality by half that vaccinations but since the corona virus outbreak many countries have suspended their immunization programs putting 80000000 babies at risk preventable diseases like measles polio cholera and the area worst slowly being wiped out but the world health organization is now reporting outbreaks of measles in cambodia in the pool and clusters of cholera in ethiopia there are fears the hard won gains may be eroded we cannot
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exchange. group for another. we cannot afford to lose. and everyone has work so hard. we need joint concerted effort by accident nations track and there are many ways we do this wild leaders pledged $8800000000.00 at a virtual vaccine summit to ensure some $300000000.00 children between now and 2025 get the protection they need. to die is $300000000.00 australian dollars total it comes to mind also on the agenda how to make an eventual vaccine against covert 19 available to those who need it most not just the countries who can afford it i would like to announce the launch of the covert 19 global vaccine access facility or kovacs facility as recalling that participating countries will receive access to
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a portfolio of vaccines procured by the facility and based upon an allocation framework and add a negotiated price the race to find a vaccine is unprecedented what usually takes 10 years is being attempted in 18 months to depart trees are pulling ahead of the pack with small but successful clinical trials oxford university is testing its facts seen on a 1000 volunteers while the u.s. biotech company done a announced its vaccine had already generated antibodies in 8 volunteers who have a does develop a successful vaccine stands to make millions despite calling for a new era of global health cooperation at the summit the u.k. and the u.s. have refused to back a w.h.o. initiative that would make an eventual vaccine patent free both countries have already reserved millions of doses of the future vaccine but the u.n. is warning against vaccine nationalism because with corona virus unless everyone is
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safe no one is safe. al-jazeera. and he has an assistant professor of population health science policy. hospital icon school of medicine she joins me now from geneva good to have you with us again on the program misspell i mean how important has this pledging conference been considering we are in the middle of this covert 900 pandemic well one of the things that is clear and this happened with every outbreak expect the death toll nonviolence is much greater than that for the birds in this particular case children where we see for every 100 or the mandarins there's 100 deaths from back in the many seasons and it's probably 1000. other diseases such as malaria tb age which are as you know ongoing brenda mix so it and looking at these diseases like measles which not killed 10 times as many kids in the congo as ability when we've had these vaccines
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the 50 years so we shouldn't really back when we should have been out to eradicate museums by now and indeed that was it and yet to give it to bush to decern which is also going to. end in i think what's really important is that you know we need doesn't like the vaccine we need public care and we need primary health care indeed where would you need to focus now the money in terms of not just buying the vaccines but what type of vaccines and which parts of the world need the most for which diseases. was it the media was instead of verbal killer and as as was pointed out we i mean outbreaks not only in sub-saharan africa but also we've seen them across the us in north america in cambodia in ukraine in italy and as a disease which you know which is not only has a significant death toll but an ongoing mobility that to really wonder pocus on i don't. know this is not there it said this is not the last endemic and we need to
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make everyone a little bit stronger and more resilient because putting all of the money into coming back to it doesn't prepare is going to know exactly what the next pandemic will be one after that so i think we had to be very smart about things and look at the what directions that certain means some to how in africa in southeast asia and not in and south america and focus there we need to get back to school where we can have school lunches and and nutrition programs and support programs and even do vaccine program from schools and nesting wormy and all of the other diseases that that should lead to making us and you know much stronger than me in the longer term but for your time thanks very much and he's farther from the. hospital i can school of medicine thank you. place instead of fired tear gas and rubber bullets the protesters who are demanding an end to coronavirus
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restrictions demonstrators torch police vehicles and health center near the capital dhaka calling for an end to the state of emergency a nighttime curfew is because it has more from the capital. angry at the government's restrictions to contain the coronavirus protesters in senegal 2nd largest city burn an ambulance and health center meant to protect them from the outbreak on friday president mikey cell announced an extension of the state of emergency including a curfew until the end of june that decision led to demonstrations throughout the country many of those protesting are labour's unable to travel to the farmlands to plant seeds ahead of the rainy season in the southern city of camps during police fire rubber bullets protesters demanding action to address water and food shortages and in downtown to car the military was deployed to disperse an angry crowd of residents who are out of work. among the protesters i'm a deuce are people on the walking eating good we've got kids family and you've all
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intended to stay home that's hot. thousands of full only cattle herders have been stuck in senegal's luger region since the outbreak began in march the government restrictions on movement designed to curb the virus have coincided with the hardest months of the dry season cattle are dying of thirst and people are going hungry. hoping to quell the anger and stop the protests the minister of interior announced an easing of restrictions allowing people to travel from one region to another but a curfew is still in place and so is the state of emergency which allows president monkey cell to rule without any oversight from the parliament's amnesty international's senegal office accuses the government of abusing its power to the state of emergency and of human rights violations hundreds of feet have been violated by the police many people have been i see torture. tried and sentenced 6 months again and this happened in every region of the country
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. similar protests have taken place in brooklyn or faster when you share according to the un 265000000 people globally face hunger many of them live in west africa while senegal has been successful in containing the outbreak looming is a possible food and economic crisis putting people on edge nicholas hawke al-jazeera the car. from monday foreign airlines can once again fly to china beijing refused to let an american passenger flights because of the pandemic but the easing of restrictions follows an announcement by the u.s. that it's banning all chinese and lines from june the 16th trina you reports now from beijing. beijing airport is known for being one of the busiest in the world but since the beginning of the pandemic it's largely been quiet fearing imported coronavirus cases chinese authorities had restricted the number of foreign airlines
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flying in and out of the country starting on monday. that. an increasing number of carriers including u.s. airlines will be allowed to resume operations. china has already announced relevant policy adjustments we hope the u.s. side will not create obstacles for resolving this issue the move is an apparent retreat from an escalating ellen dispute with washington on wednesday the u.s. announced it would ban chinese allies starting on june 16th it said beijing failed to respond to requests by united and delta airlines to reserve flights this month while chinese carriers continued flying to american cities the u.s. airlines are ready to resume their flights to china and they would like to not necessarily be there. but with flexibility to operate from the. nation. 6 in much china's aviation regulators implemented
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a so-called 51 policy limiting foreign airlines to one flight a week it says international flight quotas will be increased as the pandemic eases but routes will be suspended all halted if more than 5 passengers test positive for the coronavirus beijing's airline dispute with washington escalate tensions at a time when u.s. china relations are already under immense strain both sides are continuing to fight over trade practices the origin of the coronavirus and hong kong national security . but as diplomatic tensions increase the millions of passengers who usually fly between the u.s. and china every year will be hurting for a few a travel restrictions. and more smooth landings. al-jazeera beijing. well still ahead here on the news russia's president demands swift action after delays in teaming up i feel spill in the arctic polar region.
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rules. to take you straight back to minneapolis where the brothers of the georges floyd speaking his memorial service let's just listen and you know play kits with the foot and. you can throw you can't throw it you know. because the ball never came to me. and years down the line because i was catching one hand to hand anyway you through it i still have anyway
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the kitchen he said i can throw but i just wanted you to go get the ball. the ball don't need to come to you you need to go get the ball but you know my brother we did a lot of things together from like talking with dancing. cooking with our brothers and sisters. and so much we may but not a man a sandwich is together you know it was it was a family thing you know. every day we know when we come in the house all mama's know have a huge plate of food separate from each other and we would sit there and although we did said who played it was and i'm like in like 10 i live and i'm talking about the plate with 6 pieces the chicken is man and he waved begin to me you know maybe he's huge so i am from from the head being in the house with
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my brother man if it was just like expire and to other people because my mom used to taking the kids and most down with george's friends and they wanted to stay with her they loved her you know and my brother he was ok with it so did you had 3 to me they were grown didn't because they kicked me out the room they were 3 man like 1617 they grown sleeping in the same big waking up going to the same school and they wouldn't leave each other at all they always wanted to be with each other at all times and i remember nights when the day before school we didn't have a washing machine so. we would all go in and put our socks and underwear in a bathroom sink and just oil washing and washing and if we didn't have detergent we
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would use soap but we watch we got to be clean. so we would literally then write out that it we would take the socks and hang them over the hot water heater and we would take gun away i'm hanging over there and we will fight about it me and his friends and i love you like no no no no you did it last night because you're close by to still be deaf the next day if you don't put on what he did. from from dad and we learned a lot of stuff but it's crazy because we would like we didn't have a dryer so the fastest way to dry you close with the put it in a of an analytic let it dry faster like that. it was this i love my brother man we had so many memories you know together i remember him waking me telling me hey man can you i'm a close family and i look at him but then i look at his side and i say you're
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a big bro you right i could use this it was just amazing it would you go and see people how they cling to him they wanted to be around him you know george he was like a general every day he walks outside to be a lot of people like just like when we came in wanted to greet him in wanted to have fun with him. guys that was doing drugs like smokers and homeless people you couldn't till because when you spoke to george they felt like they were the president because that's how you made to feel. he was he was powerful man he had a way with words he could always make you ready to jump and go all the time everybody george we didn't call him george we called him piri if you if you called him perry you knew him directly you know. because george was the name everybody account of
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big george big fellow it you know georgie porgie had so many different names but i'm a go ahead and that. i'm just a mess crazy man all these people came to see my brother and that's amazing to me that he touched so many people hearts you know that he be in touch in our hearts you know. you come to 3rd war where we're from people across right now that's how much they love them. you know i'm just stand strong is that came in because i need to get it out i need to get it out everybody want justice we want justice for george he's going to get it he's going to get it. thank you. it happened in every way. i'm just going to echo some of the things that alarmists talk about and
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that is that we come from a long line of large family members mothers or feelings of 30 and if i can kind of fast forward a little bit. my aunt moved to she lived in houston and she would always talk about being there not having any other siblings close close to her so my mother decided to move to the houston area back early 8081 and so we came to houston and we were all excited that we could have somebody close to us because the only time we really with each other is like doing the holidays or when people travel to visit my grandmother. long story short i mean we don't have a whole lot you want to i'll just there are as we listen to the memorial service out in minneapolis for george sloyd his brother for lowness floyd speaking there talking about the fact that we want justice for george and he's going to get
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a round of applause in the auditorium his sister now speaking and we expect this. we expect them to speak for some time or my colleague more and more from our london new center here on al-jazeera to stay with us. a journey of personal discovery by a great grandfather he was a slave of the only property al-jazeera is james garner and expose his family's legacy of slave ownership don't like my family's status and wealth has benefited from their choice to slave people and america's debt to the black people today some of us so scar we even skew to speak out because it's a problem. al-jazeera correspondent
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a moral debt. to scarcity has become a major global issue the demand is going straight up and the supply is going straight down turning an essential natural resource into a commodity traded to the profit just because it's life doesn't mean it's going to be priced what about the guy that can afford it that guy's teles water in a new 2 part series al-jazeera examines the social financial and environmental impact of water privatized nation loads of water on al-jazeera on the deserted streets of we've become familiar figures couriers on bicycles delivering food or medicine to lock down colombians most of them here are venezuelan migrants mike almost a mother of 4 says contagion is always on her mind not of them receive health insurance for their work and exposing themselves and very few seem to have it yet there may be a bright side people who look down on them as own skilled migrants now say they're
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essential to control the virus i receive messages on the out saying that we are you know so i was a nurse back who what i am doing is not all that different from my passion helping others. so when we feel the love in your city and thankfully the 1st of a series of the morals is held in minneapolis for george floyd whose death at the hands of police sparked protests around the world. and more barricades go off around the white house says president trump lashes out at his former defense secretary for accusing him of stoking divisions. on our intelligence is out.
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