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tv   NEWS LIVE - 30  Al Jazeera  June 5, 2020 1:00am-1:34am +03

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it's cannot be proud of what about the guy that can afford it and in that case tell these water in a new 2 part series al-jazeera examines the social financial and environmental impact of water privatized sation loads of water on al-jazeera. is tied to stand in charges made and say get. a memorial is held in minneapolis for george floyd whose death at the hands of police sparked protests around the world. i'm no intent of sound is there a life from london also coming up. libya's un recognized government says it's regained full control of the capital tripoli after
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a year of fighting for hafta. here's the coronavirus is now out of control in nicaragua and people are blaming the government last. tensions high in hong kong as thousands defy a police ban to mount the 31st anniversary of the chinaman square crackdown. a new mourning relatives civil rights leaders and politicians have held a memorial for george floyd a black man whose death in police custody sparked an outpouring of anger across the u.s. and the world when i was at the ceremony in minneapolis stood for 8 minutes and 46 seconds the length of time a white police officer knelt on floyd's neck ignoring his cries but he couldn't breathe through and staff has brought police violence against black civilians back
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into the spotlight a civil rights activist reverend al sharpton gave a unity for floyd saying it was time to stand up in his name. joel which flowage story has been the story of black folks because. 401 years ago. the reason we could be we wanted and dream debian is you kept your me on our. what happened of flurried happens every day in this country in education in health services and in every area. of american life it's time for us to stand up in charges made and say kid showed me off by. george ford's brother spoke at a ceremony humanizing a man who's become the face of a nationwide movement it's crazy then all these people came to see my brother
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and. that's amazing to me that he touched so many people hearts you know that he be in touch you know what you know. you come to thirlwall where we're from people across right now that's how much they love them you know i'm just stand strong as i can because i need to get it out i need to get it out everybody won't just as we want justice the joy which he's going to get it he's going to get it. the name is live in minneapolis and the memorial ring it bringing out to the nature of the man told floyd. definitely most people will remember george floyd from that horrible video recounting the last minutes of his life the tragic ones but the family took pains to let you know who the man was as a brother as a uncle as a father a grandfather
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a son one of the most powerful moments of the memorial this afternoon here on the campus of north central university in minneapolis is when the reverend al sharpton and iconic african-american civil rights leader asked people to stand and take a moment of silence for 8 minutes and 46 seconds that is the amount of time that former minneapolis police officer. on floyd's neck almost 3 of those minutes after floyd was unresponsive and this is where the ceremony took place there's a park across the street here on the campus and there were loud speakers playing the ceremony and you could see people stop and stand in the park for almost 9 minutes for that moment of silence for its family recalled a man that was extremely lovable they said that he was an athletic alpha male someone who is constantly bringing home stray friends who needed a place to stay
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a good meal they said that he. was a powerful huge you get the sense of someone who is a kind of gentle giant and of the family said we did not grow up with much our mother raised us but we grew up with each other and you can see from the memorial service people coming together the family coming together but there were also celebrities in the audience comedian kevin hart a few musicians because of social distancing this $1000.00 capacity church only held 500 people they had to place people every other chair but the university a couple things the university has said that. it will establish a george floyd memorial scholarship more than $50000.00 has already been donated and the president of the university is calling on other universities in the united states to establish a george flower floyd memorial fund as well to quote lift up african-american
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leaders future leaders. of the 3 police officers meantime who were arrested on wednesday have appeared in cooled right and one of the things that the family had been hoping for is that cho vun would get upgraded charges and every single one of those officers would also be charged before floyd was laid to rest that happened the family said that brought them some peace during a very painful time children is now facing 2nd degree murder charges in the state of minnesota that means that there was an intent to kill floyd or that floyd was killed while someone was committing a felony it's expected that the prosecutors were take the latter as a strategy when prosecuting cho then the other 3 charged with aiding and abetting to put things into context 2 of the officers chosen will start with him had been in
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trouble before he had 17 previous police misconduct complaints another one of those officers 2000 had 6 previous police misconduct cases so apparently both of these officers had been the topic of 'd appy accusations of police brutality but today the family was focused on remembering george floyd and celebrating his life. thank you very much indeed. more metal fencing has been put up around the white house as protests continue in washington president trump was reportedly rushed to a secure bunker in the white house when a group of protesters hope to have a temporary barricades last friday he's denied the reports saying he was only inspecting the secured occasion hundreds of active duty troops who were sent to the washington d.c. area in response to any unrest and now expected to head back to their home base.
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she had her chances with the protesters in washington to tell us what's happening where you are right now. where a couple of 100 protesters outside the words are split what's been going on of last few hours or there are protests across the city right now we understand. often they stop and pull was a particular around the city and i have 8 or 9 minutes of silence to denote the time the amount of time it that the police officer knelt on the neck of george floyd's but the big difference today however is the military costs on wednesday no one was about. a block away no it was not anywhere near even the perimeter fence which is around the white house itself is about 2 blocks from the white house today we'll look at a look at of you. this is the 1st time we've seen the white house in ages actually and there's not even a row of security behind the fence which is what we saw on tuesday just
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a handful of. beautiful old talking uniformed security services secret service rather uniformed federal police. maybe a little bit more movement in the back there from national guard troops that maybe you can see in the distance but it's a very light policing we all know this is deceptive of course we all know that there's 4500 national guard service people in d.c. right now and you do when you drive around or walk around d.c. you see that all clumps of them with their lives. and their rounds just not here at the moment we also know that we've also also always had that threat off the active military that you alluded to just a moment ago 1600. military trained to kill these these are soldiers u.s. base you go overseas and kill people at the troubles always dying this around around but it's always been sort of a threatening it's something threatening in the background that within the hour they can get on buses. with their nets and police the streets d.c.
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as you mention in the last hour we had at least some of those active duty troops will now be going i will show my side of it seems you know minority at least at the very least right now but we know that there is that presence but we have these questions the mayor wants all troops from out of d.c. to go by. but she has no control which is also asking how long this fence will will stay she says it's it's restricting access of americans to what she calls the the people's house and the d.c. police chief is also asking how long will these troops stay on the streets of d.c. they have no control of the we have no control over their local control federal control. unlike the rest of the country we don't need to invoke the insurrection act to take federal control over the national guard and active duty troops he doesn't need to do that here so we're trying to figure out i did this with a police chief suggested i mean he said he understood it seemed like we were under some sort of military occupation right and we just don't know how long that's going to last she have a tendency thank you very much. 100 also gathered in new york to remember george
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floyd christiansen nummi is there for us christine any sign of the protests dying down. not at all after 7 days since they 1st took the streets here and the market the movement was going very strong earlier in the day we had actually thousands of people in the borough of brooklyn for a memorial service for george floyd many of those demonstrators then marched over the brooklyn bridge into lower manhattan and you can see i'm gathered right here behind me this is foley square in manhattan it's where the federal building is located many courts are located the brooklyn bridge is just south of here and as the demonstrators came into this area. it was interesting to see what happened they were basically trapped by police into this little area where we are now and if you look on the side over here you might see some of the officers who've been trying to allow cars to move in and to still get through the area.
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and this was a big group and as we've seen over recent days they have been marching through the streets they won't stay in any one location long you have different meeting points at different parks and the police tactic that we just witnessed is basically to divide the groups as they're marching through the streets keep him in smaller groups that's thought to be a last chance for violence that way right now we're just seeing a lot of chanting kind of a standoff with police on one side of the barricades and demonstrators on the other it's all been very peaceful but very loud as other parts of the group have already made their way north. again we were at this memorial earlier in the day where there are a lot of speakers memorializing george floyd including george ford's brother terence who was at the event and all of the speakers resoundingly called for the pressure campaign to continue it. for peaceful protests but more protests until the
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demonstrators get what they want which is basically a more just system of policing in this country and we're starting to hear talk about specific reforms that the demonstrators want as well but right now the focus is very much on the streets and showing no signs of abating christine salumi thank you very much. judges have ruled there's enough evidence to put 3 suspects on trial over the shooting of another black man in georgia. he was out jogging when he was chased and shot 3 times by a white retired police officer and his son in february 3rd man who captured the killing on camera was later charged with felony murder footage of the shooting in brunswick was leaked online in early may sparking a nationwide anger and investigators told the court that one of the suspects used a racial slur after killing our very libya's u.n. back government says it has regained full control of the capital a battle for tripoli against forces loyal to the warlord holly for have to has
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raged for more than a year the city's main airport fell back into government hands on wednesday both sides say they're now preparing for ceasefire talks up there we'll have reports from the libyan capital. government troops liberating the capture of gaza been as she disappeared in the southern outskirts of tripoli it was a stronghold for forces loyal to the warlord to have to launch a military campaign to seize the capital more than a year ago then a month or so you were at the site and the after us forces are fighting to reinstatement of due to the libya but they're fighting to defend our homes and nation. the battle in and around this abandoned airport in southern tripoli has been tough but the government troops have now given out how to fight or has. they say this is not only a military achievement but a political gain as well. by taking control of the
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airport we have now secured the whole area and facilitated our advance much further beyond even ministry to the borders of tripoli our primary was to liberate cities occupied by have 2 fighters and or you christian the reason to advancement is attributed mainly to turkish military support of government troops and the withdrawal of russian messines who fought alongside have to as men for the past year have those forces took control of this airport they took shelter in its concrete buildings and used it as a base to target many areas inside tripoli the government's troops say they've had to move carefully to avoid landmines are planted by half that is retreating the fighters the mines pose a threat not only for the troops but also for displeased the civilians who are
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desperate to return home. the next government of is likely to target the city of daraa who are now south of tripoli it's the last and major stronghold for hafter in western libya mom or dad where hate. tripoli still had this half hour daily coronavirus death toll surged to a new high in brazil and mexico which continue to ease restrictions. and while senegal appears to be winning its battle against coronavirus restrictions a pushing people to the limit. of. hello there mostly funny kid throughout much of australia because they call it the same about you you can see this little massive crowd. that is an area of low
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pressure and that will bring more rain showers on friday mainly to the north island some fairly strong winds at times as well as another system there just beginning to creep in to southern portions of the south in the same system or bring some rain showers some very brisk winds across into much mania and fairly cloudy conditions across much of the queen's on the coastal areas $1.00 to $2.00 shots likely in and around cannes it's fine enjoy the act across the west in perth for the next couple of days which is around $25.00 degrees which is about 6 degrees above the average for this time of year what we will see though is a few more showers just impacting these coastal areas it should be mostly dry in adelaide and they should be drawn melba say showers around the coast more of that kind of spinning further through much of queensland upon into a north of australia and there's rain showers working their way into the north island of new zealand very heavy amounts of rain still across southern and central areas of china it is so large the impacting this area most of the rains that you know friday will stay well to the east of japan but sunny through saturday the
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beginning to push into the west on that could be very heavy at times it could lead to some localized flooding in areas. in the grip of the house. with the capital open now one of the world's most on a portable one i want to meet the families desperate to find a place to hold on and how does either. al-jazeera. now is.
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the amount of top stories here on jazeera a memorial service has been held for george floyd the black man whose death in police custody sparked protests across the u.s. and the world ceremony ended with everyone standing for more than 8 minutes to mark the time of white police officer knelt on his neck. judges in the state of georgia have ruled there's enough evidence to put 3 men on trial over the shooting of another black man a mad artery in february. the libyan war highly for have to us forces have gathered outside the capital tripoli after troops loyal to the u.n. backed government regained full control of the city. mexico and brazil have recorded their highest daily death tolls as coronavirus continues to tear through latin america mexico reported 1092 fatalities or wednesday will than double the
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previous day's figure while brazil recorded 1349 deaths there are more than 1000000 confirmed cases across latin america most are in brazil which has more than 584000 infections the 2nd highest number in the world samuel almeda is deputy head of mission in mexico and honduras for doctors without borders explains why the death rate could be so high in the region. 1st there's a high level of co-morbidity meaning there is people with. a large percentage of the population with diabetes obesity or cardiovascular disease that's one aspect another cause could be that their fragile house system that we have in the region which is again mostly focus and on the big cities but also this rural areas that the people cannot access or devoted publishes including the big cities doesn't have access to quality or timely health care. as nations around the world locked down to
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help contain the coronavirus nicaragua us president assured his country there was nothing to worry about schools and businesses remained open as that it will take encouraged residents to attend concerts parades and sporting events doctors in the country now say the situation is out of control to reserve or. i would give. an express burial in the middle of the night that's how we see it all had to bury his father. by the order of the new government he says father allegedly had covert 19. when i entered the cemetery i had to actually naturally because there were orders that the body must be buried and there was no turning back so the only thing i could try to do was to stream it so that my friends on facebook could be with me at the time but i don't. reports of people being buried at night show the death toll of over $1000.00 is higher than the government of the new lot of big i would like to acknowledge officially only $46.00
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people have died since the pandemic started but independent sources say the number is closer to 980 most death certificates say the d.c.'s died of a typical pneumonia. critics say the government was also behind a campaign to convince the population that than demick will only attack the rich. we are battling with 19 about extreme measures radical measures that would kill the country and the people we are keeping regular activities open in taking special measures to protect the most vulnerable. but among the dead are journalists like more this who also allegedly died of covert 1000 his relatives blame the government for how he was treated. they killed him this is murder they did not give us any information of what was happening we will continue fighting as we start thinking. it is a backyard american or nobody can say anything because they have
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a muscle in the mouth all takers are the owners of nicaragua they are the owners of nazi. doctors in the country have created an independent commission as reports show hospitals are struggling to cope with the situation. we have the 2nd poorest country in the region we come after haiti we have horrible hygiene conditions trash collection is not working in the capital people don't have any water 24 hours a day the government is not taking any measures to protect the population. when you look at the guy has when he got out was president since 2007 and has battled opposition brutally in the past few years the fear is that his denial of calls it 19 will have devastating effects in a country that is already in desperate need. police in senegal have fired tear gas and rubber bullets at protesters who are demanding
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an end to coronavirus restrictions while the country appears to be containing the spread people fear it will lead them to going hungry instead of close hack has more from the capital dhaka. angry at the government's restrictions to contain the coronavirus protesters in senegal 2nd largest city burn an ambulance and health center meant to protect them from the outbreak on friday president mikey cell announced an extension of the state of emergency including a curfew until the end of june that decision led to demonstrations throughout the country many of those protesting are labour's unable to travel to the farmlands to plant seeds ahead of the rainy season in the southern city of camps police fire rubber bullets protesters demanding action to address water and food shortages and in downtown to car the military was deployed to disperse an angry crowd of residents who are out of work. among the protesters i'm a deuce are people on the walking eating good we've got kids family and you go
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intending to stay home that's hard thousands of funny cattle herders have been stuck in senegal's luger region since the outbreak began in march the government restrictions on movement designed to curb the virus have coincided with the hardest months of the dry season cattle are dying of thirst and people are going hungry. hoping to quell the anger and stop the protests the minister of interior announced an easing of restrictions allowing people to travel from one region to another but a curfew is still in place and so is the state of emergency which allows president monkey cell to rule without any oversight from the parliament amnesty international's senegal office accuses the government of abusing its power during the state of emergency and of human rights violations hundreds of feet have been violated by the police many people. i see talk.
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tried and sentenced to 6 months again and this is happening and hopefully these are of the kind of. similar protests have taken place in brick enough according to the u.n. 200. 65000000 people globally face hunger many of them live in west africa while senegal has been successful in containing the outbreak looming is a possible food and economic crisis putting people on edge because hawke al-jazeera the car tens of thousands of people may have been killed by police in the philippines with near impunity that's according to a scathing report by the un on present would you go to tatters war on drugs the report says detectives vowed to crush crime since coming to power in 2016 may have effectively granted police permission to kill government figures suggest more than 8600 people have been killed but some estimates suggest triple that number have died un human rights officers called for an independent investigation. a u.s.
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navy veteran detained in iran says 2018 has been released president donald trump confirmed microwatts release in a tweet a photo has been released showing what standing next to the u.s. special representative to iran brian hook a veteran stopped over in switzerland on his way back home it comes a day after an iranian scientist sirus as gary arrived back in tehran after being freed from an american prison thousands of people in hong kong of defied a police ban to attend a vigil marking the anniversary of the channel 9 square crackdown comes at a tense time in the city as china stages what's seen as another crackdown using a security law to erode hong kong's freedoms so clark reports. victoria park had been sealed off but that didn't deter the crowds thousands defying a police plan to pay their respects to those who lost their lives fighting for democracy in beijing's tenement square they chanted slogans like free home told
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some calling for independence from my man child but most who joined this year's candlelight vigil were here to mark the massacre on june 4th 1989 holding a one minute silence the fight for democracy has lost it for you know well over 31 years and it's important that we all stand together now organizers of the annual memorial said the police enforcement of social distancing rules are a cover to clamp down on democracy on call now as in going to a new iraq they want to rule by fear and to and ban or or they go expression and i think this is very much worried about the future a little more than 3000 police were deployed across the city to enforce the ban some broods were set up to mock the military crackdown allowing the people of hong kong to honor the victims of the tiananmen square massacre the annual vigil in hong kong is one of the only memorials held on chinese territory to mark
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a chapter in chinese history that the government in beijing with the certification the mainland has suppressed all mention of the chatham massacre but hong kong's unique status as a special administrative region has exempted from that censorship in the past democracy group said china's introduction of national security rules in hong kong which target acts of terrorism and political dissidents could trip in the future of large gatherings and demonstrations it's the majority of society cannot express or chant no the officer asians and their anger for a peaceful protest and for certain people with the way out and escalations off to protest actions or all radical actions maybe be prochoice bye bye bye more and more people in home call god in hong kong legislative council their kind. it's as prodemocracy council as true liquid to delay a vote on a controversial national and the bill what we're good to go through rude mild a world that we should never forgive the chinese communist party for
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kilo it's all people 31 years ago hours later the bill which will criminalize the mocking of china's much of volunteers anthem was passed those found guilty face 3 years in jail and a $6000.00 fine the national anthem legislation will become law on june the 12th sirrah clarke al-jazeera hong kong. and one of the top stories in our 0 morning relatives civil rights leaders and politicians have held a memorial for george floyd the black man whose death in police custody sparked an outpouring of anger across the u.s. and the world mourners at the ceremony in minneapolis stood for 8 minutes and 46 seconds the length of time a white police officer knelt on floyd's neck ignoring his cries but he couldn't
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breathe. joe nj flowage story has been the story of black folks because ever since 401 years ago. the reason we could be we wanted dream debian is you kept your on our. what happened of flow it happens every day in this country and education and health services and nearly every area of american life it's time. to stand in charge is made and say good meet. judges have ruled there's enough evidence to put 3 suspects on trial over the shooting of another black man in georgia barry was out jogging when he was chased and shot 3 times by white retired police officer and his son in february
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a 3rd man who captured the killing on camera was later charged with felony murder footage of the shooting was leaked in early may sparking nationwide anger and investigator has told the court that one of the suspects used a racial slur after killing operate. the libyan warlord highly for have to us forces have gathered outside the capital tripoli after troops loyal to the u.n. backed government regained full control of the city a government of national accord forces are also retaken tripoli airport which has been closed since 2014 after us forces now say they're preparing for political and military talks backed by the u.n. parting continues elsewhere but government officials say have to has also lost significant ground in history on hold of to who live. there is the headlines next stop one i want east investigates the housing crisis sweeping new zealand thanks for watching. there is no channel that covers world news like we do we revisit places of the state and as there are really invests in that and that's
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a privilege as a journalist. new zealand is known as a prosperous and progressive nation its young left wing leader just. came to power promising kindness and compassion one of mine is key policies is fixing the housing crisis inequality has deepened on her watch and in an election year the cozy 19 pandemic is only making things worse one i want to make the family struggling to find a place to call home good morning and the man helping the homeless become hard. every morning struggling families white house side the doors of the aaa pay seeking help to access and their chance he grants.


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