tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera June 7, 2020 9:00pm-10:01pm +03
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matter. how does the. diverse range of stories from across the globe from the perspective of our networks journalists on al-jazeera. this is al-jazeera. hello and welcome i'm peter dhabi you're watching the news our live from our headquarters here in doha coming up in the next 60 minutes. donald trump withdraws the national guard from washington d.c. despite massive protests against racism and police brutality the u.s. president says everything is under perfect control. i a symbol of slavery is told in the u.k.
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as anti racism rallies spread across europe. has covered 19 deaths top 400000 globally scenes of desperation in some countries afghanistan is fast running out of hospital beds. and reading books is fast catching up among children in russia. keep them indoors and on time how much now have all the sport including more teams in germany is one does he get joined the protest against a racial injustice. going beginning in the united states for the u.s. president donald trump has ordered the national guard to pull out of washington d.c. that is despite a 12th night of protests across the country demanding change after the death george . floyd mr trump announced the order on twitter saying i've just given an order
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from national guard to stop the process of withdrawing from washington d.c. now that everything is on the perfect control they will be going home but can quickly return if need far fewer protesters showed up last night than anticipated exclamation mark we have 2 correspondents monitoring the developments in the united states kristen salumi standing by for us in new york 1st to our white house correspondent complete joining us out of washington so kimberly we've been hearing from william ball what's he been saying. yeah he's been defending the trumpet ministrations response throughout these protests particularly monday evening that controversy all moment when the white house or at least the attorney general ordering the federal police to clear the area around lafayette square pushing them back using tear gas he denies the tear gas was used although
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the protesters say that's exactly what it was well your bar saying that it was pepper balls also saying that the troops that were present for that execution of pushing back the peaceful protesters that it was really a last resort that the protesters were warned multiple times but they refused to listen to the orders of police and that is why they moved in he was also asked about systemic racism in policing something he did not is a problem. i think there's racism in the united states still but i don't think that the local law enforcement system is systemically racist i understand that distrust however of the african-american community given the history in this country. i think we have to recognize that for most of our history our institutions were explicitly racist. more astonishing pictures of mass protests this weekend kimberly i'm intrigued to find out from you whether we think that all of the disparate
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groups that make up the black lives matter campaign are precisely on the same page because some of them are saying actually will the mayor of washington is a little bit of an issue but if you look at the broader picture if she went with the idea of it becoming the black who lives matter plaza which leads up to the building you're standing in front of that's visible from space that's got the message out there. wow you're really touching on something that has a lot of nuances but it is important it is part of the discussion you're right these protests have not been one voice it is not a monolithic point of view in fact there are a number of points of view we know from the f.b.i. in fact there's everything from the far left and t. which has sort of a radical militant opposition to right wing ideology in that we have in the far right we have white nationalist white supremacist groups that have been marching and in the middle there are also very nuanced different groups and you're right
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what it comes to the issue of black lives matter they're not really very happy with the city's mayor they feel that many of her policies as an african-american woman that has grown up in washington d.c. have actually been detrimental to many of the poorest blacks in the community for example allowing property values to rise the taxation levels so high that people that have been in their home for many many generations no longer can afford to pay the bills are pushed out of washington d.c. and what's happening white people are coming in and making this a less diverse community so there's their argument is that you really don't always speak for us so it's been a problem but overall i think what has happened in this movement is that there is one unified message that there is a problem of racism in policing there is a problem of aggressive use of force that i should point out happens whether you're
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white or black in some cases and there's also a problem of oppressing those that they often have the least means to defend themselves so i think the overarching message is very strong and that's why it's now going to be taken up in terms of legislation on capitol hill the house democrats we know are going to take the 1st steps in a long legislative process at least at the federal level to stop. reforming policing looking at systemic racism looking at the use of police practices chokeholds can hurt you no matter what your skin color is they also know that there have been cases where the bad cops that have multiple charges against them as in the case of the police officer that knelt on george floyd's nass neck killing him at igniting these protests that if there was a registry to make sure those cops were not on the street after multiple allegations against them that would solve
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a lot of problems so the 1st step the legislation being unveiled on capitol hill on monday and what will people are really looking towards is wednesday because that's when an emotional hearing will take place on this legislation and we'll be hearing from george floyd's brother but we should also point out while this is looking at federal policing a lot of the change has to come at the grassroots level where often the voting mesha especially among young people pitifully low according to brock obama so this is just the 1st step in what may take a generation hopefully less to try and reform kimberly thank you so much can be held at white house correspondent there reporting live for the news hour the mayor of new york says he's lifting the city could if you off the south that is relatively peaceful protest bill de blasio has also announced disciplinary action against some police officers for their handling of the demonstrations kristen salumi joins us live with that angle on this big story out of new york city christine just looking behind you there the protest making a point but it looks perfectly perfectly peaceful. yeah the last
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24 hours have seen a lot of people coming out into the streets for rallies martin is that is continuing and they have been largely peaceful here i you know you can see we're in lower manhattan it's kind of between events right now but lots and lots of people are out with their signs waiting for the next march as we march through the streets . earlier people on the sidelines were cheering and. taking pictures horns honking as people passed so there is a lot of support for this movement. throughout new york that we've seen and it's starting to have an impact on leaders as well the mare and now earlier as you mentioned that he is getting rid of the curfew that was in place starting at 8 pm that was something that demonstrators have rallied against and said violated their constitutional rights last night it wasn't place in many continue to stay on the
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streets past the curfew but the police took kind of a hands off approach and by all accounts it was a relatively peaceful my we don't have exact numbers on a rest but the mare said that it was the best it was a showed the best that the city could be and showed the city at its best and so as a result of that we've got the curfew being rolled back another mare also talking about shifting funding away from police to community organizations that can deal with communities of color where issues are perhaps the strongest that leads to encounters with police that's a major concession on the part of bill de blasio a lot of detail still needs to be worked out and exactly what he's talking about how he's talking about doing that. by talking about taking money away from the police officers that something very strongly we've been hearing from demonstrators on the streets over the last couple of days governor cuomo not going quite that far he also unveiled his own reform program that's expected to be voted on this week so a lot of things happening in response to this outcry that we're seeing in one quick
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concern i should bring up tomorrow is the reopening in new york for the coronavirus after 2 months of being shut down stores being closed manufacturing being stopped some things are going to start reopening on monday so we're seeing the protest movement continue to go strong but also moves towards reopening the city and some concern from the governor about people catching the coronavirus at events like this you can see is a lot of people out. a lot of people wearing masks in groups so they have up to the testing in new york city as a result of that they're encouraging people who are attending demonstrations to get tested all of that to say that the demonstrators are showing no signs of letting up continue to hit the street in force and what continues to be at this point mostly a peaceful demonstration christine thank you very much kristen salumi our correspondent there in new york well and see racism protesters in brazil have taken to the streets in rio de janeiro many of them are also marching to voice their
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anger against the government and president. of the coronavirus pandemic the government recently decided to stop publishing its running total of virus deaths and infections and critics say the move is an attempt to hide the world's 2nd highest number of cases last in america to the sea and human joins us live now from santiago to see it welcome to the news do we know what the latest figures are and how much those figures generating. but they just figures in terms of corona virus we do know there are at least 64000 deaths but the infection rate is still a big question because there hasn't been really widespread testing in brazil and what's happening now is that people believe that the government is trying to manipulate those figures by not publishing as you say the running total for a while there john hopkins university wasn't even including brazil any longer because of this president. has been under
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a lot of pressure from political parties governors mayors and the medical community but he says he's not going to budge they're going to only run the daily total of deaths and and today we understand that it's expected to be between one and a half to 2000 people per day that's more than one person per minute which is extremely high as for these demonstrations they actually have but were called before others in other countries got together to protest against racism in the world in their own countries and in the united states it was called against bulls and that's because it's believed that he is attacking democracy in brazil he is not handling property responsibly the pandemic and that is why the country has this enormous number of infections and. this just about for the for a long time people were staying indoors because the governors have called for lockdowns not the not the president but now they're beginning to come out to show
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that they also count that their opinions count and that they are more than those smaller groups that have been out every single week especially on sundays with the president himself without face masks or any other social distancing measures to show their support for him so it's going to be now a tug of war to see who can bring more people out onto the streets. unpack the numbers for us if we can or give us a broad sense and see if the people who are demonstrating do they just want to transparency from mr. or do they want him gone i mean all the protests crossing the line into being anti government demonstrations. absolutely this goes way way beyond the pandemic what we have in brazil is a very very dangerous cocktail you have an extremely difficult economic situation there was a recession before that economic the economic situation in brazil the number of
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unemployed the number of people who are homeless the people who have no food and of course no medical attention has grown tremendously since the pandemic started in some places more than others but it is serious everywhere and then on top of that you have a president who is fighting with the institutions to take even the with the supreme court and who has said publicly that he will not obey of any decision by the supreme court which is investigating him and his sons for wrongdoings that. theoretically at least impeachable offenses so he's already said he will dock go with whatever one of the most important independence situations of the country says and this is some of his more fanatical if you like supporters have been protesting in front of the supreme court building armed saying that they would that they want the supreme court judges to be imprisoned and or killed so we're getting i would see the real confrontation now between the 3 areas of the of the discrete
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democratic institutions of brazil congress is sort of city there in the middle but then you also have a government that has more and more bringing in the military into the cabinet into key posts and so there is a lot of fear amongst brazilians that this could lead to a military coup or some kind of a military intervention against the state of democracy in that country it based on farfetched some say but it isn't something that hasn't happened before ok lucien human thank you so much and that's america reporting live from some to argo. let's bring in good stuff he's the founder of the brazilian report an online magazine he joins us from sao paolo in brazil ghosts of a riviera welcome to the news hour here his critics would say of mr paulson r.-o. he's been hiding his head in the sand for months and months now for him what do you think he thinks he's trying to achieve by handling this crisis in this very particular way. thanks for having really since the beginning of the pandemic.
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the leather world the severity of corporate needs in crisis and has tried to the flick any blame for the economic fallout of the pandemic or the death toll. from the from the start what he tries to do is to put the blame on state governors because here in brazil we are a federation then lowered ministrations have a lot of power so he's trying to the flag the fire the flight of blame just yesterday he said that the millions of jobs that are being shut down brazil are by no means the federal government's fault and now because of the quarantines created by state governors the 3 worst affected countries let's globalized this gustava the 3 worst affected countries the united states the u.k. and brazil you've got 2 presidents and one prime minister would it be fair to say that all 3 men boris johnson both sonar and donald trump they all have that kind of populist tinge to them where they go for
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a simple dynamic of politics where they try to sell a message and yet there's a disconnect they're not handling that popularity and that populous message that they desire to put their desire to have when it comes to popularity they're not handling it very well they're not handling the crisis very well that's what their critics might say. absolutely and i think the comparison between boss another and donald trump is the best one because most of the has taken his political cuckoos from the american president from going against socialism lation should the found the hydroxide chloroquine as a possible cure for 19 to defend the major crackdown by military forces when we have a government or in say races protesters this week he has called and to fascist movements that have protested against his administration terrorists which is.
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mimicking what donald trump has done over the past week will this do for mr paulson r.-o. could this end his political career if he carries on determined lee doggedly trying to handle it in the way he's handling it because it occurs to me you know you can't disguise people who've got 19 you can't hide them away you can't make them disappear and people talk to people and clearly even through websites like your own the truth will get out there. you can't hide quoted 1000 patients but has to sure that the government is doing everything in its power to do so for instance we have shown just yesterday on the president reports that in places where authorities are saying that they are beating over the 19 and that the death numbers are very low we have seen skyrocketing numbers for deaths related to acute respiratory syndrome so the government is trying to do any kind of way to not only more so now
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the but also state governments are trying to hide the data we regarding if this will do for boston at least hard to predict right now because of many question marks we have in brazil this far boston are the is by any standard the least popular president in history recent history after just 15 months in office but then we have late last year just told the very big presence of the military forces that have remained quite them big was to their commitments for the marker see they at one point hint. to supporting bush so there are those democratic rampant at other points they say that they will keep order in brazil so that them be gear with see has deterred many actors from pursuing action against also now though there is also the question that nobody knows what's the deal with the vice president who is
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a former army general and no impeachment has moved forward in brazil without political actors knowing what will happen once the president dissolved so there are too many question marks to know right now the president has engaged in horace trading politics to manage just enough votes 'd maybe to block an impeachment so at this point at least in the near future i think it would be safer to assume that both another will stay put. but without power to do much at least not democratically ok good stuff or great to talk to again thanks for your insight good stuff rabiya are there in a couple of brazil. and solidarity protests against racism have been hurled across europe including in london for a 2nd day in a row thousands of people gathered outside the u.s. embassy the demanding an end to systemic racism and police brutality is not a bubble. i was marching to the american embassy but demanding change at
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home the protest in london was the latest of many across the u.k. that have echoed events in the united states but demonstrators a clear that there are huge challenges facing their own country and 5 people think the case in this and you case like you said not all that happens here every day people don't speak about it but finally before speaking up people started to know by this current moment in time the black lives are being largely affected were 1st police brutality were 1st introduced lies racism and people are here to fight to say no more before the weekend britain's home secretary said people should not be attending protests because of the risk of spreading covered 90. when he wore mosques physical distancing wasn't always possible but for many the importance of making a stand outweighed any fears there's been a series of protests here inspired by the killing of george floyd in the u.s. but bringing in grievances specific to britain as well and they're part of
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a trend that spread right across europe now in italy they gathered for an impromptu protest in rome taking a need for nearly 9 minutes the same length of time a white police officer had his knee on george floyd's name. there was also a large anti racism demonstration in the spanish capital madrid was the one you're looking to do think this is about racism which i think is institutional and structural and we have to protest against it this was one more case that shows that the system damages a minority and because we are not protesting every day does not mean it doesn't exist. back in britain they pulled down a statue of a 17th century slave trader in the city of bristol one common demand on recent protests is better education about black history. i. as people continue to take to the streets across europe discussions are starting
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which many people feel a long overdue nadeem barbara al-jazeera. coronavirus pandemic has now crossed another milestone the number of people dead globally has now crossed 400000 the total number of infections is nearing $7000000.00 the us has the highest number of fatalities and infections followed by brazil russia and the u.k. india has become the 5th worst affected country in the world nearly 10000 new cases were reported on sunday the highest daily increase so far the number of deaths is rapidly on the rise in latin america but as we've been hearing today brazil's government has stopped publishing its running totals critics say that is an attempt to hide the world's 2nd highest number of infections doctors in afghanistan well they're warning of a looming disaster because hospitals are fast running out of beds the number of
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reported infections above $20000.00 but a shortage of testing kits means the total could be much higher. we're doing 2000 tests in our lab every day that we are receiving 10 times that many samples and it takes 5 to 10 days to get the results of these tests beds and quarantine centers clinics and hospitals are filling up very quickly we're not able to diagnose korean team and treat all our patients because of a lack of medical facilities staying with her story vicky kern is the country director of the international rescue committee in afghanistan she thinks enforcing social distancing is difficult for a majority of afghans because they live in poverty. afghanistan currently has over 12000000 people that are food insecure and with covert it's likely only to get worse unlike other countries many other countries afghans need to work every day just to put food on the table for that day so social distancing staying at home
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is not an option even if there are lockdown measures in place because the choice is between starvation or catching kogut and most afghans are going to risk over it if you look at the numbers of male versus female that have officially been tested positive for kobe but there are many more men but this could be because women have a difficult time accessing health care facilities for cultural reasons globally 75 percent of the health care workforce is female in afghanistan according to the human humanitarian response plan only 15 percent of nurses were female and 2 percent of doctors and with the health facilities being overwhelmed there are there are just many don't have separate areas for females while staying with another aspect of the pandemic is countries in europe start with much from locked on the u.k. is about to enter its next stage 14 days of quarantine for most international
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arrivals into britain critics question how useful the measure will be as there is little evidence new cases are being imported it's also anger at the tourism industry which accounts for about 10 percent of the economy john a whole reports from one of the most popular tourist spots struck for the pony from birthplace of william shakespeare. rough winds do shake the darling buds of may and summer's lease and all too short a date in shakespeare's sonnets the fragility of love is compared to the fleeting english summer this year in the town of his birth they're wondering whether summer will come at all. sent down taking. the tourist business in the business side we have 6 months where we take an 80 percent of our income and say we've lost 3 of those this year that who raise our ice cream parlor owners sasha and her mom sarah say the government's plan to
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quarantine most people arriving in the country from monday spell the end of their business i mean nobody is going to come and. stay in one place to be. national tourism is big and strong and we have a lot of tourists it's why we got so many small businesses because the tourists here. if william shakespeare were alive today he might have turned covert 19 into an opportunity he did after all produce some of his greatest and darkest works while under lockdown himself at home during successive outbreaks of the bubonic plague in the late 16th and early 17th century. spirit deadly disease had drama and tragedy written all over it but the actors and theatre companies given life by his works now as then face financial ruin yeah we're sure that shakespeare really understood the emotional difficulties of being in lockdown and the economic
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difficulties he had some options that it's even harder for us right now so often when there's a place in london they would go off on tour because they would find that actually transmission wasn't as bad outside london of course the global economy means that transmission has been the same everywhere so we haven't got some of the options he had but we do have his plays the play that i was rehearsing just before we had to close the tail. almost certainly written in a time of lockdown because of plague and it really speaks of healing that can happen after long periods of not being able to do what you want to do plagues have come and gone theater and shakespeare's plays survived above all today he might have urged patience come want to come may says macbeth time and the hour runs through the roughest day jonah how al-jazeera stratford upon avon still to come here on the news hour for you the libyan warlord telly for half as allies push for a ceasefire as the un recognized government prepares for a new advance. report from the world's biggest fruit and vege market the feets
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mexico is now a hotspot for corona virus infection. and in the sports names with santa and historic win for this mixed martial arts fighter as another all time great were time this process time. blowing now that's a fairly strong wind more or less the north this one's coming out of the hearts of iraq's not particular dusty at the moment is probably easing really has brought the temperatures down a little bit all things being relative kuwait is about 47 rather than 4944 rather than 48 the breeze is easing during monday and indeed tuesday and weather's not much of a breeze a class can slow moving and it's being kicked off by the mountains to give a few showers and thunderstorms recently they will be light of the still there more
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in yemen rob and southwest side sink. the monsoon winds are blowing now across the north in the nation are characterized by these clouds here and this is the model forecast so the wind comes up against the higher ground this this coast here the horn of africa disappears and eventually takes the rain with it up on to the western side of india but where it hits the coast here in somalia or in kenya tends to breeze a fair amount of rain which of course will produce flooding somalia is the case of the moment specifically dishy the forecast for monday tuesday and wednesday is at least wet to start with pretty steadily 2728 degrees south of that you don't expect to see very much rain nor indeed really cape town seen a few passing showers and sits in the sun but 22. on counting the cost a special report from iran has done what you will sanctions failed to bring the
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country's marketplace to a near standstill plus despite the highest death toll in the middle east the government has shifted focus from saving lives to save the economy counting the cost on al-jazeera. when you're from a neighborhood known as a hotbed of radicalism. you have to fight to defy stereotypes. but on the morning call chunks joined the stories we don't often hear told by the people who live them you know my. sound box set this is us. on al-jazeera. al-jazeera. every.
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morning. we're like. welcome if you just joining us you're watching the news our live from doha i'm peter dubey let's just recap your top stories u.s. president donald trump has ordered the national guard to move out of washington after several days of peaceful protests in a tweet he said everything is now on the perfect control on saturday u.s. cities for some of the biggest demonstrations since the death of george floyd 2 weeks ago. anti-racism rallies are spreading across europe in solidarity with those happening in the west over the death of george floyd in london thousands of demonstrate. at the u.s. embassy similar protests have been held in spain italy and also in belgium. also in the u.k. in the city of bristol and to racism protesters a statue of
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a 17th century slave trade of hundreds of people in the bronze monument to edward colston. before it was thrown into a river the statues presence in the city center has long been controversial. ok let's wrap up some of the top stories for you to libya forces from the un backed government have reached the city of sirte as they continue to drive her have to fight as further to the east the warlords cease fire plan announced with his egyptian allies on saturday was quickly rejected by government leaders in tripoli mahmoud reports from the. proposing a peace deal in cairo egypt's president abdel fatah has sisi with libya's warlord honey for have to. who's 14 month old fence if to capture the libyan capital collapsing this week announcing it is time for a ceasefire and old foreign fighters to leave
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a comment that if it were barbara. the initiative aims to guarantee a fair representation of libya's 3 provinces and a presidential council elected by the people under the supervision of the united nations to manage libya's leadership for the 1st time in the country's history but the proposal was swiftly turned down by the tripoli based administration the head of the high council of state told al-jazeera that any deal offered by the egyptian rejean is the rejected the context of what has just been reported about military advancements in the last week the series of defeats that have suffered the over the last 2 months and its practical exit right now. from the west of libya suggests that in fact the cairo initiative ration as it was called is more about trying to salvage what remains of after this project to protect what remains of his military
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forces in the east have to his forces have suffered significant said backs in recent weeks losing control of more towns on saturday including a benny will lead as d.n.a. forces continue to drive have to his fighters from western libya moment but in the afternoon hours sink full control of the capital tripoli and recapturing catheters a stronghold city of thought who now on friday government forces are now gearing up for an offensive to recapture the city of sirte another half to the stronghold and hometown of libya's former dictator moammar gadhafi in libya. surge is not our ultimate target we're determined to move further to we reach the stronghold of half to the east of the country. while saturday's focus was on peace talks in kadal in libya this was the scene following again. as live position in green just south of misrata another reminder that
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a lasting peace appears a far from read church in this oil rich country the egyptian initiative seems contradictory to its major rule in fueling the libyan conflict by backing the war in tripoli the balance of power has recently shifted in favor of the d.n.a. thanks to turkish military support which the government has was part of an official agreement. mahmud up to. tripoli. 140 kilometers west of sirte. in 2016 search was the stronghold for dash for eisel they had control of the city for a while and forces here and in abu ghraib which are primarily from misrata are the ones who who entered a certain they lost many lives in the battle for sirte and when have to took
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control of the city in january they felt very betrayed they felt they felt that you know they lost over 700 men to defeat dies and now 4 who are have to take control of it they felt betrayed so they are very eager and adamant to go into certain now forces here to tell us that they they they yesterday after the commander announced the operation they had they successfully went into the western gates of certain approximately 30 kilometers west of sirte which is a which is about 100 kilometers east of this area here a number green. there's there's this is a very wide an open territory it's a desert so the terrain is very different there's towns scattered across the road so the next town from here is about 30 kilometers so in in any advances here the
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g.n.a.t. will have to move ahead quite a large distance in order to find cover in the next town and this will you know slowly though it's their way into the city of sirte government forces in southern yemen of lost control of territory ourself to seizing it fierce battles over forces in the coastal province of between saudi backed government forces and separatist fighters the separatists supported by the united arab emirates launched their offensive last month aimed at winning independence. moral march has been held for the former palestinian islamic jihad secretary-general ramadan shala who died on saturday in beirut's palestinians considered him one of their main resistance leaders he did play a pivotal role with islamic jihad during fighting in several major israeli wars targeting the gaza strip general shiela had been in a coma for more than 3 years. as we were saying earlier coronavirus lockdowns are being lifted in some latin american countries to among them is mexico but there are
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concerns it is too soon the number of deaths and infections continues to increase and hospitals in the capital often ling up john holeman reports from one infection hot spot. this is the world's biggest fruit and vege market this entire would be about. and it's become a hotspot for covert infections in mexico that it. it's not hard to see why it's an ant hill of activity a city within a city is they say here we dress like this to go in knowing which way to us but most people here work with next to no protection when you lifting this. even the most slows you down and as for not touching others face gets off a 1000000 visitors every day there's really no way that they can motion this thing going without one fish market officials say they have managed to lower the number
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of clients coming in during coded that they've had less than 500 cases but most of the people we talked to have been sick have there been people from your fiction avoided. a woman or woman yes some in this is known around 9 or 10. a $100.00 has been able to but after a month in isolation you have to come back. here because money runs out in the little time i was out my savings got used up. and it's not just the $90000.00 workers here that depend on the market. this immense space the size of $400.00 football pitches is the beating heart of mexico is food chain pumping out produce across the country and that's why mitt scarcities government decided they couldn't close it. but they have sent in health brigades 17 of the to patrol the market. but it's a drop in the ocean and it doesn't help that some here still don't believe in coded
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i don't know that come or not good they think oh this is a game they're like whatever nothing's going to happen to me. just outside of the centro communities enough struggling with the virus to. this is car you home 57 it's going down unfortunate nickname covert streets. black bows hang alongside the more colorful. residents told us about 20 people have died here not going to see this family shut itself off for a month when 3 of them got sick the street cemetery protocols and perhaps divine help none of died just this one was very many people live will go to work in the central bass toss and from 3 in the morning cause of passing through here to get their say must have something to do with it he's done his job here but even divine protection hasn't saved the streets residents from discrimination. then those. going to if you're from cairo 157
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a lot of people see you as lepers taxis don't want to take you you have to go and look for the doctors because they don't want to come here come back next door in the center customers have been staying away to. follow says from. he has had this stool for years but it's in trouble. it's really hit us there are days when we just have to throw the producer way fiber 10 creates that we have to check out now traders say things are getting better numbers are picking up as the country begins to reopen the question is if fresh customers mean fresh covert cases to join home and how does it or make scarcity. ok let's just show you some live pictures coming to us out of central london what you're looking at right now appears to be an effort on the part of the metropolitan police force to in effect cattrall protesters inside. the area of trafalgar square where the
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been coalescing around nelson's column over the past 2 or 33 and a half 4 hours perhaps to the right of that shops we don't have any control over this camera but just to give you a more precise idea of what we're looking at to the rights of the shot or now underneath that shot would be the mel with his pink tarmac leading up to buckingham palace clearly the metropolitan police force is run by a police commissioner crested adik protesters to find another way to make their views heard. has taken the policy decision that those people should be kept there why well because if they get through those archways they've got a clear line of sight to buckingham palace and if they were to hang a sharp left that would take them around to horse guards parade and then they could sort of bunny hop their way through or around st james's park if they wore warranting to get to buckingham palace of course the majesty queen elizabeth
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seconds official residence in london president dick has been urging the protesters to. go another road literally and metaphorically thousands of protesters massed for a 2nd day outside the u.s. embassy that's what we've seen in the past 678 hours before they made their way to whitehall perfectly peacefully. our correspondent on the ground not even barber was taking us through the atmosphere was generally pretty good we have seen other protests around the u.k. edinburgh glasgow wolverhampton manchester and the city of nottingham as well we'll keep an eye on those live pictures for you if there are any major developments. we'll bring them to you just as soon as we can you can see there it would be nice if that we could get a slightly closer shot as i say we don't control the camera so we can't the police are being pushed back by the sheer weight of numbers of the demonstrators
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who are there where the mile meets trafalgar square you're just on the westerly edge of the west end of london as well you're adjacent to the strand theater land and along to the old witch as well one protester or perhaps an innocent possible by the gentleman there being held to the ground by the police a woman there being taken away. by a policeman you can see there what looks like traffic cones they've either been thrown from left to right from camera left to camera or they've just been knocked over because the police were moving back and forth just before we went to these pictures the police were moving back and forth in a wave and we had a slight we had a very small aerial shot as well that showed a very relatively small number of metropolitan police being called up as
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reinforcements and you can see there now the police not moving as such so they're not being pushed. out of the way that's interesting you get a better sense there of how many people are on the other side of the archways so i guess you could say that that particular area that's hundreds if not thousands for sure and always what happens in this kind of situation the dynamic is always the same the put the protesters in the protest organizers say oh we are thousands the metropolitan police force will say they will probably hundreds so pick a number between hundreds and a 1000 or so it's probably in that rough. ballpark figure we'll get you across all the developments there just as soon as we can. lock
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downs in russia hissing book publishers hard shops are shut publishing business is a facing bankruptcy but some young children are getting around the lockdown restrictions thanks to a project aimed at spreading the love of reading books as priyanka gupta. schools remain closed to moscow but these days 10 year old timothy khan again is keeping himself busy every righ he's been reading to 7 year old. 1500 kilometers a real burg she is visually impaired like timofey dasha is also stuck at home because of corner biased restrictions. but a project called reading aloud from by russian foundation is springing this so far apart together for then it's a way out of boredom and into new friendships were gay yet grew on that only i thought that i could do to cater huge amounts of my time now that everybody is in
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lockdown and it's especially boring for children it's ok for appearance they keep on working at a distance but kids just have nothing to do it's all so i found such an area for myself where i can spend quality time. scolds reader temporary relief from isolation. she always waits for it gets traded about 10 minutes ahead of the agreed time she sits down on sofa waiting then she shouts out mom mom who's calling it is such a ritual i say it is time of calling. the project in russia involves 200 kids bringing book reading and a passion for classics to children with disabilities and. i found a common language straight away good for them we like it very much they call each other from time to time they may call each other just to chat yet these children both develop works the publishing industry in russia is in crisis lockdown
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restrictions are being eased and even public events remain banned the government has made an exception for the book fair and red square about $300000.00 were at the 3 to festival last year with books that is full all across russia but this year in moscow there are tight restrictions on the number of visitors allowed because of the need for social distancing. the ruling on the meaning of the morning but unfortunately the pandemic has not made more people read our 1st thought was that people would sit at home and books would be on everybody's mind however the situation is that people who did not read before the pandemic do not read now either those people who read before the pandemic now have started to buy less books due to economic problems. for timofey that's not the case at least for then there is a happy ending priyanka could go on to see her. the leader of the catholic church is appealing to people to follow coronavirus guidelines as countries start coming
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out of months of lockdowns pope francis sounded the warnings when a service in rome attended by several 100 people it's of these gradual reopening now allows the public to gather in vatican square on sundays still ahead here on the al-jazeera news out of the korean championship just prior to the team to be baseball action coming up after this break. a journey of personal discovery by a great grandfather he was a slave of the leave property al-jazeera as james gannon expose his family's legacy of slave owners shut down like my family's status and wealth has benefited from their choice to enslave people and america's debt to the black people today some of us so scar we even scared to speak out because there's a problem with. al-jazeera correspondent
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a moral debt. a plea for help scenting secret to the outside world i never expected anything like this it's a one in a 1000000 chance to be the recipient of a message in a bottle essentially this desperate note eventually leads to the official closure of china's notorious labor camp system. i don't know how they survived the letter from my son jack a witness documentary on al-jazeera. time for sports center thank you very much peter well there have been more protests in
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germany's top football division against racial injustice had one nil went over the bremen on sunday and both teams took the knee in the center circle well players from cross at the league have been using games as a platform to express their feelings the german football association has said that when it comes to anti racism rules banning players from making political statements will be ignored all of heavyweight boxing champion anthony joshua let protesters through his hometown of what the united kingdom justice says racism is a virus and needs to be stopped. complier summer. is good racism. how long are we going to allow racism to spread through our community and right now we are in the community and affect our lives without using the vaccine you already have in your possession what is the possession be our new you want
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a vaccine on our screen. african national teams should be preparing for the latest round of qualifies for next year's cup of nations but coronavirus means the future of the continent's biggest sporting event it remains in doubt the 2021 cup of nations is due to kick off in cameroon next january all qualifying games were spondon indefinitely in march the charmin to is crucial to the financial health of african football the $2819.00 tournament in egypt generated revenue of more than $80000000.00 and the african countries may face a fight for the services of their players with many based in europe who are likely to be allowed to prioritise a club games over international fixtures as football makes its return all more because sports writer. says that while the start date for the tournament remains in doubt africa football needs to focus on securing its financial future.
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has to do in this war in our notion in this war infrastructure to find new sponsors to help promote africans which work because quality african football can bring you can bring you sponsors where his office will is that the consideration of african football. is still organizing the competition incoming role in jury in february but the discussion now is that it's difficult the general secretary a moroccan. he said recently that we may play the qualification games. october november but i think i think it's a little bit hard it's a bit hard and we still have 4 rounds for a round of much and so it's going to be difficult so generally it is right this question i think among the next 2 to postpone the competition and so and still 2022
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brazil's amanda nunez has confirmed her status as one of mixed martial arts all time greats in a speech to canada phyllis yes ben farah a behind closed doors a u.f.c. contest and last vegas she became the 1st to weight champ into the core successful defenses of both titles so. this is my my my moment you know i feel like i should really like enjoy 90 in be happy for ever if i make history tonight guys like nobody ever did that before that is amazing and conacher has announced his retirement from the sport for a 3rd time the from a to a to u.f.c. world champion made his latest declaration on social media he said you want your old irish superstar also retired last year and in 2016 the great a has a record of 22 wins and 4 defeats. one of the beautiful things about this board is
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you don't have to fight this isn't the n.b.a. or the n.f.l. where you better be a practice you better show up and do this you better do that you don't have to do anything here and if these guys want to sit out retire right now or anybody feels uncomfortable in any way shape or form of what's going on you don't have to fly you baseball season in north america is yet to get on the way but the korean league is in full swing defending champions the bears made a remarkable comeback to be to tigers on sunday the tigers were leading to nail but the bears began to get their act together in the 6 inning to level the contest before getting the game winning run in the 7th inning and seal a $32.00 victory this is their 4th straight win. that's it for me santa thanks very much let's wrap up this news with a developing story coming to us out of central london let's just show you the latest live shot there what you're looking at just now significant because that set
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of arches those 3 arches there equidistant in the foreign office and the u.k. government treasury. police in the yellow tab and some of them in full riot gear as well they've managed to keep a relatively small number i say relatively small compared to the mass demonstrations that we've seen people making their way to the u.s. embassy a quick way way across the river and east of what we're looking at right now down towards the relatively new u.s. embassy in an area of vauxhall which is across vauxhall bridge heading from north to south we've seen one perhaps 2 protesters being pulled from the crowd we don't know for sure i guess there's potential there to say that they have been certainly detained perhaps arrested by the metropolitan police force clearly for president dick who is the metropolitan police chief she's worried that there is a good potential here for this sort of flashpoint situation to escalate into something much more unpredictable something much more ugly as they move forward
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trying to keep a lid on the copious tensions on the streets there of central london the rain is next i'll see it in 15 g. tomorrow until the end of. june. 3 years into the blockade we look at the future of the g.c.c. crisis and its impact on life and cause the people in power is back with no investigative document and intact. stories of the world battles the corona pandemic al jazeera brings you the latest from around the world a new 2 part investigation asks whether water should be
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a free natural resource or commodity traded for profit as protesters take to the streets in the country back to school but 19 cunt donald trump survived these historic challenges. do you announce his era. told to old sarah. let me also you how worried you are about the increase in hostilities in yemen with listen this is the moment to stop all the 30 action this is the moment also trades on fighting we meet with global news makers and talk about the stories the on the edges there are. on the atlantic coast of west africa communities are at risk. as rising sea levels and a manmade disaster of threatening people's lives on land and at sea. al-jazeera wild expose the impact of climate change and
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a catastrophic human error. on senegal sinking villages. taking the need for racial justice black lives matter protests continue in the u.s. as donald trump orders the national guard to leave washington. and demonstrators in britain topple the statue of a 17th century slave trader with a message that the u.k. is not innocence. 0 live from london i'm terry navigator also ahead.
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