tv Exit Al Jazeera June 10, 2020 11:00pm-12:01am +03
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al-jazeera selects. out of the plan for more dollars on the love god we are the ones grappling the extra mile we are the media don't go we go there and we give them a chance to tell their story. hello i'm barbara starr in london these are the top stories on al-jazeera george floyd's brother has urged u.s. politicians to pass reforms on police protect and quote stop the pain philonous floyd testified before the house judiciary committee on capitol hill he told members of congress to make sure that his brother's death will not be in vain george floyd died in police custody in may sparking weeks of protests across the u.s. and around the world the committee said it was answering protesters calls for a fundamental change in the culture of law enforcement it comes
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a day after the 46 year old was laid to rest in houston i'm here to ax you to make it stop stop the pain stop us being tired join us call for help and he was ignored please listen to the couch i'm making to you now to the cause of our family and the calls ringing out the streets across the world people of all backgrounds genders in races have come together to demand change i wanted him on a joint and make the necessary changes there make law enforcement the solution and not the problem. castro has more now on those hearings from capitol hill. what everyone has so far been in agreement with is that some sort of reform is necessary and just take a moment to even say that in the united states is already indicative of what
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a change in public opinion how far it has come in the last 5 years the latest polls showing that 7 out of 10 americans agree that racism and discrimination is a big problem in the united states in agreeing that the death of george floyd is part of this greater problem of police brutality and the death of black americans in the hands of police officers that is not something to be taking a grant for granted it is a change that has happened only in recent years but what the reforms are calling for it now that is really quite the variety we know that the legislation pending now introduced by house democrats includes establishing a national database through or to track police misconduct and getting rid of what's called requalified immunity for police officers which is legal protection from civil lawsuits when they are accused of misconduct republicans say that they're also crafting their own measures in the republican controlled senate they're very
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similar in some in some forms however lacking there the removal of the qualified immunity which is the sticking point it appears the difference between these competing proposals to address this issue meanwhile the minneapolis police department is breaking off talks with the state police union as part of planned reforms its police chief says the union contract needs to be restructured to provide more transparency. a statue of christopher columbus in the u.s. city of richmond has become the latest to be torn down by protesters that was strangers use droves to drive the statue off its pedestal before setting it on fire and throwing it into a lake a senior british health experts. the u.k.'s coronavirus would have been cut by half if lockdown measures had been implemented a week earlier britain's prime minister says that the situations made were based on the scientific advice that was available at the time. if you please prime minister
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is said to be questioned by prosecutors on friday over the handling of the pandemic the prosecutors are looking in particular at why a red zone was not in force in february around the towns of. regional officials and the government blame each other for the failure europe's 1st coronavirus epicenter and has recorded over 34000 deaths well meanwhile the world is facing its worst peacetime recession in a sentry that's according to the organization for economic cooperation and development the global economy is predicted to shrink by at least 6 percent in 2020 because of the coronavirus lockdowns those are the headlines of witnesses next featuring a norwegian filmmaker struggling to reconcile with her past as part of a violent movement half an hour away.
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atmosphere was fascinating and all i wanted was to be like her shooting herion in a bad nightclub. anything dark and dangerous attracted me. when i was 16 i joined the far right now i am lucky yeah. yeah yeah. yeah there. was a are and. i've kept the propaganda for more than 20 years. for my family has just moved to
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a new place and i have to get rid of famous i don't need. it's embarrassing to look at. it's hard to understand now what was so appealing about it. but when i was a teenager the propaganda of us very important. to music the films be watched it was like a drug. i remember how the not symbols fell so for bitten my heart started beating foster. for many years i kept my pasta secret but every time violent extremism is mentioned
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was. i remember reading about the. leader. when i was still in the movement. when i left the movement ingo was an inspiration to me if he could do it i could do it. but. it has taken months to get to meeting with ingo and i have to promise not to share any information about his current life. the young nazi hunter attracts a lot of media attention. they called him the future of. a
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german filmmaker winfried born knowing it started making a documentary about ingo. it was the beginning of a life changing process. the filmmaker followed around for about a year questioning everything. else on the spot he was on top because of i feel like i might not get kind of a top. level. concomitant. he hated me. if only hated me and the 1st 6 months for a shooting here still hated me i mean because i was standing for something i totally disagree with and i was disgusted by everything i said. because of a need to traditionally sort of him and she sort of the little one time with me one moment finds a consonance force that pushes back with her shoulder and makes it all its own.
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some version. just off and all those notions. flushable almost a loser who just you know but they must have been pleased doesn't mean that i didn't resist pushing to do the same not enough reason to prominent. in the moment when i have as it is in that they also fought off because a lot of them missed on a confronted at the time and liberalist me and i for female journalists needed that side on the same amount and that this must be a latino as a vegas act on the way as i'd thought than what they did at the office on how to factor stuff escanaba. do you win the canyon and. also also to kind of launch a mission modeled off of using the. so much before looked online that also i can't afford that stern. and i don't go one should have an image that someone can use it to. a company usually found amongst my guns banal is a bit of a month some time out of his must come just when the own feet that follow because.
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that's a must be through conflict zone so how many is a woman and. 4 months off that's clever she does the type loops in this. the government did seminars that i know it's got some notion in bunch not government took it from uniforms with a tiny murdunna no touch none. that i took just found out so i cannot in the most abandon this one i'm just like i'm new not just pushed. what they've sent a lot in this kind of deed the must haves of humans of the new guys thing bunch just that i want the 60s enough to finish that it's a kind of a new telling i do this in a blend them. the thousands i want to go that's the best missed in this but we had to vanish do that i do ya do this is some of it but you can finish off for your metaphor about me to god cup it in the skin but it wasn't just a moment we flushed i'm not over the i've listed for 3 fun for me said mr.
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buck's out of text would watch out for us and for the soft i'd say that if he wanted most i think you should also start on the number given to be bold and go down once the police baton on diet and i mean that's what i do miss baxter in the moment. my family would only disempowerment manifest i believe a fire in the. clipboard that's because. vodaphone i see an a on the guns and the definition does a book but if i mean a book form of a commodity and people shoot a baseball team depiction homestudy expeditor. as it is a bit all this i think that but it's fun to. talk to guts and that is that the model is what. ingo started an exit program in germany to help people leave the far
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right and. it's nearly 25 years since he left the movements i wonder how long it took him to get over it and make peace with himself. it's very obvious every day is a struggle. i think it's not founded enough though to ask a little of the most of. it's not johnson i was hoping for. with my past want me for the rest of my life. i still feel ashamed that i spent almost 2 years of my life in a right to be angry. how could i believe that we were disappearing here. how could i beat up other women. i wanted to hash people anyway i can't. keep down i wonder if there's something evil in me.
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was. there meant to be admired to germany enough. they were taller more violent and better organized than in scandinavia. mandela was the leader of a paramilitary neo nazi group his nickname was the pistol. yes left the movement and is living in hiding. and grew up in east germany. when he was 13 he joined a neo nazi group. deemed. by those on board an
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all of its stores. a shop to buy. the truth us is is and. it's but it's all of your. nicks is written. on a man was convicted of extortion assault and arson. he was still a convinced me you're not see. but in prison something fairy unexpected happened. to come a hot accused into shoving a fox. into dolphin. and dolphin. decision. and.
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went. and took a shower because if being a comment on school is. just what seemed. at each weekend. i mention if it was. contacted ex to germany and got help to leave the movement in 2006. it helped me much it's time to talk to you just so it's a given that has seen an email it's. dusty imbecile hits he have a good fettle a few businesses. assault if. dusty must feel a lot of us would fall into futile von vaults will move on find. i
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was bullied in school. and i remember feeling invisible. i scaped into books on television. and i was fascinated with true crime stories like the jack-o. and watching punks and skinheads fight on t.v. . what. kinds of outsiders to track to me. one moment i wanted to be a constant the next moment i wanted to be an anti-fascist. i thought nobody liked me. and when someone said the new nazis were a bunch of losers i thought maybe that's where i belong. when i was 16 i switched sides betrayed the left wing and joined the far right movement.
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it's hard to find women who want to talk about their experience in the far right movement. i wonder if it's somehow considered more shameful for a woman. to suddenly i find angela who surprisingly open the bottle cost. i was involved in the violent far right for most 8 years. we'll believed that as white people we were better than everyone else we truly believe that the. there is a conspiracy that exists against the white race from the time i woke up in the morning till the time i went to bed at night it was all about what am i doing to protect myself and sure that you know were not wiped out. it was a very fear driven life.
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if you're just joining us the. federal building in. the way. my immediate 1st thoughts were he's like me you know i wonder do i know him is he somebody you know i've i've come across and i started to wonder to myself is this what i'm willing to do. there was a daycare center in the building there was one image that. has always particularly stuck with me all of these years and it's the image of a fireman carrying a baby and you can't tell if it's alive or dead covered in soot that was.
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when they realized that i was trying to withdraw they sent some some subtle messages about. what was not going to be permitted to happen and. that those messages included walking outside one morning and finding the front of my building covered with bullet holes. so instead of walking away i became an even better racist and a better skinhead to try to prove myself. i went to prison for my part in an armed robbery and it was a hate crime. there were women in the prison from around the world different ethnicities different religions and instead of being shown anger and hatred from all of them there were some
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specifically some women of color who treated me with kindness and compassion when i never would have treated them the same way there was a really big article in the newspapers about my case and one of the women found the article found the paper early in the morning with the article in it and had it so the other women wouldn't see it and this was a woman of color who had no reason to protect me they re humanized to me and they. they helped me to see that i was a human being with potential. for the 1st time i feel like i've met someone who understands. i want to ask you something yes do you think that anyone can become extremely yes given the right
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circumstances yes. i'm just so convinced and i feel like something bust inside me. like i left go of something. the far right movement wasn't what i had expected. most of the time we sat around waiting for something to happen. everybody was paranoid and spreading rumors about who might be a mustard agent or a police informant. nobody trusted me. i had no one to talk to. i felt stuck in a movement full of hate and i saw no future. thoughts when i called
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professor to libya to go a specialist in far right extremism. i had seen him on t.v. . he talked about this in a different way. not like the police the social workers that. i called him and asked if we could meet. today 2 would have been to go is the director of center for extremism research at the university of oslo. to. have articles for parliament or who dare to think that i've been urged to go to. civilians up and i wanted to get this. to get to that i love. to get i. just want some in the office but no so. it will not do a lot this week but the line at the bar for gifts.
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like you. know if i'm. remembering to do that. it's on so many. if any. have been there for with up get up on that but. what do you. do when they've been dyed so salty that. for talk to did they sort of them are. fascinated now or just want or. some book rather salto to them are a nationalist here thought on order. or i can't believe i'm going to get the anything from you or. else myself to say you get the best spendings make. what they did he'd given me then they met therefore don't say shit different from his list or. who could not talk to little told to rely on.
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the tale of a store or. a also she enjoyed an impersonal embodying that something to do or be had me upon those from the can on the coast could stop by next day but fresh ones were so fast. that the media or some. expected my time always talked to t. talk or perfect for the start of the make shift and i go all disputes some of it there she admits that he comes to money. so there are social door to the teeth but it's the mistrust of. militant islamists there's a been. 6 months after i met i called a friend and asked for help to leave the movement and while all my comrades were
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away for a nazi gig in sweden i moved all my belongings into. a friend from the radical left wing movement. i 1st met cute when i was 15 at the anti fascist protest in loon. she had every reason to hate to be when i switch sides and join the far right movement. but still when i needed help to leave i called. his grandmother thanked and i think. my. call to someone not so far. from that since they were. at school would. think.
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i was curious and i tell my last. man on alt. beasts because i want our dog to. commit effort out there everything is not that but a whole does of it is all that i'm off this mortal tank. will give us our thoughts and. manners. to take the lives of also i would i saw you all to or might. they collaborate with bollywood in an unlikely place. you know if i'm not in denver . i think i'm going to know what with my mother here she was pretty incredible experience there's just there's a lot of love but attraction and respect over the world people a world away from mumbai
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a nation has taken indian cinema to its heart out as you well reveals the color and passion of morocco's. one half scottish and half lebanese so diversity is really important to me and al-jazeera is the most diverse place i have ever worked we have so many different nationalities and this is a nice book together in this one news organization and this diversity of perspective is reflected in our coverage giving a more accurate representation of the world we report on and that's a key strength of al-jazeera. to scarcity has become a major issue the demand is going rate up and the supply is going straight down turning an essential natural resource into a commodity traded to profit just because it's like. it's cannot be priced what about the guy thank you can't afford it that guy still needs water in
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a new 2 part series out to syria examines the social financial and environmental impact of war to privatized loads of food on al-jazeera. hello i'm barbara starr in london these are the top stories on al-jazeera george floyd's brother has urged the u.s. politicians to pass reforms on police protests and quote stop the pain philonous floyd testified before the house judiciary committee on capitol hill he told members of congress to make sure that his brother's death will not be in vain george floyd died in police custody in may sparking weeks of protests across the u.s. and around the world the committee said it was answering protesters calls for a fundamental change in the culture of law enforcement. i'm
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here to ax you to make it stop stop the pain stop us being tar join us call for help and he was ignored please listen to the couch i'm a consumer now so the cause of our family and the calls rang out the streets across the world people of all backgrounds genders and races have come together to demand change on it him on a charge and make the necessary changes that make law enforcement the solution and not the problem. meanwhile the minneapolis police department is breaking off talks with the state police union as part of planned reforms its police chief says the union contract needs to be restructured to provide more transparency a statue of christopher columbus in the u.s. city of richmond has become the latest to be torn down by protesters demonstrators
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used ropes to drag the statue off its pedestal before setting it on fire and throwing it into a lake. a senior british health expert says the u.k.'s coronavirus the death toll would have been cut in half if lockdown measures had been implemented a week earlier britain's prime minister says the decisions made were based on the scientific advice that was available at the time meanwhile the world is facing its worst peacetime recession in a sentry that's according to the organisation for economic co-operation and development the global economy is predicted to shrink by at least 6 percent and 2020 because of the coronavirus lockdowns and the o.e.c.d. says the fallout will be even worse if there's a 2nd wave of the pandemic when this continues next and i'm going to have the al-jazeera news hour for you in just under half an hour hope you'll join me then right.
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know his good of all good will to take the lives of all so he would out the sorry often or isn't my fault like you like to say out there was no one put it this conlang that was it for me as a. fascist out democrat the fascist there or at least an uneven focused. and you can have it out but i it would affect my it could be a serial to. do all the involved and. yeah you fred i'm all that. it's our goal
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to give. it up. for thousands who looks like writing out. of the good. and the work to that is i thought you had a good hard to gobble up as i liked the bit about you think. that. something in thing i just adored understood that. when last i managed to save i ask among one of us thank you on the. wonders of. christ about us in the only yes and in the time of all this commandment. i wonder what would have happened if i didn't have anyone to call. what if they hadn't helped me. how far would i have gone
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when ya it's to split them off you pick just kilometers you don't see the obvious just because of this many chris all i. know. of them focused was this was done i just wish i clearly rid. of my. sins. of. interest and love him a few months when you know. mustn't fall into his old ways to shrink for it's all he wouldn't i'm still going on to. feel for the whole office in the shop was nothing gordon. can get i need to get normal i know lost in a whole short are no more often bo has nothing to do don't force exist i just sit
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in there most you know come on up pull up it's and come past one on some was in the point go on and on in my head in cancun was. a swell. how man talk talk heist so you so it's i not i am one i don't often stop one to 5. and z. is all from so best of ice and does is done through source list just been feeling as if he is. the same pattern i was a history of us. until towards and fought on so with little hope doesn't seem futile.
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so i sometimes touch does own. give hard on your concern your daughter of mom and on the money at stanford of harvested treasure was she not. just. my start. in judge ito do you want 5 or. is shop in the majority of the comfort of hong got to. confront is. justin manhood. do you feel to come from. before i knew it enough and is a fall for young and it's your concoction. does consultancy giant have eaten. it if whisky just can't it's hidden. one under
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a. buckets getting up. when it's wrong and is. needing art that's easy. and you shot in terms of about it's a big field. nice moment obvious for. there must be a place in the chain to stand over guided tours in britain. cunt is mentioned mission dining on the old. federal shriya based on old friends of hall for me all. need for time he. does off. my top dogs all and his future even off next and perhaps
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shrink. as many as. no modified or or interests over special position must. dragged through by. email for give awards or. does consumer not turn with questions. and been done. by it isn't on done. can touch some group. feel it it's. it wouldn't pick it. up. sometimes i think about the kid have happened if i had stayed and the movement had been better organized.
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the ideology wasn't important to me in the beginning but gradually i started believing what they told me. when i was 16 i was willing to do anything to prove my loyalty. they really had started a race war. how far would i have gone. overboard skirt love you all so do says don't have your nose bushels of this was made up just soldier move through choosing your roles q shows. us through 4 shows of what hotel sort of old. in 1904 an air france flight was hijacked by the armed islam a crate with the intention to cross it over paris. during the attack they announced
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we are the soldiers of merit. 3 passengers were executed. david was a member of the armed islamic group and fully believed in jihad. and uproot jew or in the truma could already 6 o'clock. davies grew up with his catholic mother in a suburb outside leone. when he was 15 he drops out of school and converted to islam.
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does not all. yugoslavia the cream is off on his c.v. . besson delphia one of the 2 lawyer is your. vision of a bad army lash you know what baskets of us and you decide that. is your vote was one that was unique to combat and was not more proud to call me by jihadist. short bless them all 4 percent supervision for more revels in dummy up his role. in men used in of a bus or. you know her father moved. to preserve what they'll do movie cecum suckers deviant jihadist. astronauts to visit jihadist tonight with a movie of. the.
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day it was sent to a training camp in afghanistan from by al-qaeda and became an active member of the armed islamic group. more costs them a top class out as. their home loan to alter. their border when virtual pull when a. long pull down if i can actually differ but he pulled in a knot and. put 2 but only that has been. said to go up.
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to meet your jaw stay there through the noise please seek help or it was up to us this recently shared her sure you know what to do god's will be obeyed most or you came in with where your excuse really pressing need to she didn't want to go it was a straight jacket with tang busy doing this to be of no exclusion yet between a 100 will be on the extreme disagreement issues are you opening your mind if you accept your p.c. . hit the wall of what you're but it's a couple on the. elephant came out it's all but what it. is just. as you're 6 and fickleness made me want to see a man. well you just said listen can only guess your lazy our group is let me start with this or bomber can use your. religious roots and not expose it to the question of what you deserve it they were hoping like you meant the police investigation led
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to the arrest of david's and other members of the on to slam maker. donald trump liberty city quiz on design. because only the skin is a senator because. mr david is resistant to. any plane of evolution. but. i did talk to him. of over a year for vacation by them i think i'm a commune that worked at the feast or my this big deal until katrina you put the kettle your please don't bother to talk to the tree. just a 2nd that in fact it's s. i'm about. david was convicted to 6 years in prison for aiding the terrorists.
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but to be sued but won't put quite. that they could stay on my for me and of a preamp and body more museum useful so are most walls under your song plays on. but let but visited by the. room in india do leave your usually usually left as a feeler beautifully limited magically physically stall you get a few little cacique a good age usually a couple you. get the mules for growing liability in the middle. as you. said to clean jed used sick there he can see death could prove almost fell so if you. show that
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he's came a multi. says. into but to so can post because of oil of asses. and about is one of. david stopped believing in just when he was released after 4 and a half years in prison he was ready to start a new life. without friends or family to support him the reaction came when he realized how alone he was. in then on the quest for you know goes to. excuse it a little bit of where. you
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were going to go to conjure so to please all these people did connect it. you know course it did because of the 2. over all of it to suck up to fit the city do a loop redo it is quite hopeless so if you do. to live in middle of us. is see limited to my features over level 60 sequel to determine or. sun paul cook to put it up to 72 via effective to put it up to this a busboy no time or little they don't give me that akaka you know for bubble sake you can't tell just a different city do eat bone lol blessid was a woman probably many school simple visual. results anyway.
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so kimosabe out of the p.c. . and into tiny details which are the law but you're also going to keep doing x. . i've only is at the touch of the departed not passing me a plain essential view you decide on the name of she deceived about spilled over skin miss essex all middle school would know just as if. you got expressions if you mean . it was the best feeling and accent your whole says the best and if the lecture i get you a little best from sceptic but in the control of accepted. what's
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money man has decided to me. he doesn't feel safe and things are not exactly going well but the diverse. uncle divides that he always said well the newseum tends to stay at home have you do much else here. do you understand how it seems. to make a lucia you miss little segments to give you an for by phone and all to decay astonishment you know as does the u.s. view which stumps and some surveys and one feeds munty to 4 knots when god lets them go to. for information a knock on yom which intensely shunned knob and visa process will. be forced on him does on weekends by the nazi office of oxen. and hops as was done are nothing but
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cause if you know you must answer is jewish priest of your results. job. is to was you can hold on and you must i'm so. happy for these most just it. just all to all for to get well it's just a fly on the obstinate to sell to dot com skimming goes calista shy i'm. pretty dense bushell biggest game. but somehow they kill. a. tyson define young. man a fossil fuel on. which. i remember traveling to a nazi concert in lower saxony in 95. i had been in the movement for here
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and finally i was going to meet the germans. i don't remember any music. i just remembered being in a crowd with lots of skinheads. i'm trying to find the concert venue in law time. i remember i was so excited to be that. was when more than a 1000 skinhead started shouting nazi slogans chills went down my spine. it was not a game anymore. for the 1st time i started thinking
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but. how low the weather remains slushy thought and dry across much of australia high pressure still very much in charge but we have got a few showers in the full cost we want to see showers just around the base the side of new south wales these will ease as we go through the next couple days i will brighten up will be more in the way of sunshine as a barrier of high pressure so quiet here. it's a much of the southeast it's over towards the western side of the country where we are going to see some tad of rain rolling through this area of low pressure just fade against western australia will roll across doubly way as we go on through thursday eventually it does make its way all the way through the nullable and they'll push into good parts of southern parts of south australia as we go on through the weekend down to the southeast it's generally fine try new zealand generate dry just notice some welcome rainfall some much needed frightful pushing across the north island as we go on through friday we got some rather less welcome
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rank continue across central parts of china here we have asked seasonal downpours they are continuing more heavy showers a rolling into central and southern parts of china just knocking a little further north was the slot the way across the korean peninsula fed with a right to come into japan for a time hot and sticky in tokyo at 29 degrees. to the old to 0. let me ask you how worried you are about the increase in hostilities in yemen we listen this is the moment to stop all military action this is the moment to concentrate on fighting we meet with the global news makers and talk about the stories that are on the edges their own. investigating the use and abuse of power across the globe announces sierra.
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because many countries around the world rely on micah to make their products cooler but who pays the price for making the beauty business she. when i went east investigates. on al-jazeera. this is. 0. hello i'm barbara starr and this is the al-jazeera news hour live from london thank you for joining us coming up in the next 60 minutes. i'm here. to make it stop stop the pain. george floyd's brother urges the u.s. congress to pass reform police brutality so his death isn't also in vain this is the minneapolis police chief.
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