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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  June 21, 2020 1:00pm-2:01pm +03

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charges against relate to their talking to foreign organizations like human rights watch and amnesty international saudi women reform or oppression on al-jazeera. this is al-jazeera. that is the news hour live from doha coming up next 60 minutes the u.s. president's 1st campaign rally since the current of our crisis brings empty seats and more insults aimed at china. has more names than any disease in there should. i get. congress lou. egypt's president says his military is ready to intervene in libya amid other efforts to calm the fight for control of the country
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. running out of water we explore why property developers are being blamed for draining wetlands in zimbabwe. the thing that's going to break up the assistor acts with a serious message being teenagers taking the lead in the shanty racism. and i'm he just some of your sport has n.f.l. players all wanted to stop training of the 4 teams report kovac 19 cases. so then donald trump has more control to see his 1st reelection rally in months when the u.s. president insulted china and told supporters coronavirus testing has turned up too many cases trump went against advice in holding the rally in tulsa oklahoma where it drew a smaller crowd. expected health officials warned it could worsen
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a pandemic that already killed nearly 120000 americans she had brutality as this and. it have been reported that this rally was intended not just to energize the president's supporters but to lift the spirits of a man whose craved the adulation of his base during the long months of lock down you are so lucky president that's all i can talk you are the trump campaign's hopes of a turnout of 100000 supporters inside and outside this great american comeback rally fell short in fact the president cancelled what had been planned as a pretty rowdy address at the outdoor overflow area because of a lack of numbers those who filed into the 20000 capacity arena had their temperatures checked having waived their right to sue the trump campaign if they contract it covert 19 earlier it had been reported that 6 members of the trump advance team had tested positive for the virus and on saturday told the location of
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the rally it's a new daily record of infections but the president mocked caution and suggested throughout his speech that protesters have been causing trouble outside and discouraging attendance but there were few protesters and no incidents reported before he spoke your ears thank you we had some very people out there was the usual blame for the chinese too but here with racially offensive language has more names than any disease mr. i can. conquer flu and blame for public health officials for the spread of the virus in the u.s. when you do testing to that extent you can find more people are going to find more cases so i said to my people are slow to test things out please the administration officials quickly briefed journalists that the president was just joking as for the unprecedented demonstrations by. race and close across the country against police
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violence and systemic racism the president once again presented them as unchecked anti american anarchy and he presented his general election opponent joe biden as a man with a questionable record on race in failing mental health amid these historic protests if the democrats cave. then the riders will be charge and no one will be safe and no one will have control joe biden who's not the leader of his party joe biden is a helpless puppet of the radical left by far the longest section there was a defense of the president's cautious use of a ramp following his speech of the west point military academy the week before that had led to speculation about his health it had no hand it was like get ice skating this event wasn't simply about amusing the president there are a 1000000 people were reported to have registered for the event giving their phone
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numbers as well as email and whom addresses this is essential information for ensuring turnout in november election especially as a significant proportion of trunk space owns regular voters these events are crucial for the trump campaign is momentum we will know. that the rally did seem like a public health experiment what would happen if you packed thousands of people into an indoor arena many refusing to wear or take a minimal precautions for several hours of singing cheering and shouting in a city experiencing a surge in crude 19 infection we should know in 2 to 3 weeks sheraton see al-jazeera. well let's head now from caroline held man who's a political strategist and she says that trump was at pains to tell supporters just how much you've done for the black community. well what's remarkable about donald trump is that he has inspired the largest black lives matter the largest movements
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and protests in u.s. history so 3 weeks of his sustained protests in major cities and small towns across the united states and if you look at what is different about this particular wave of protests i think it's because we've lived through 3 years of donald trump who overtly throws racist red meat to his base and if you look at numbers from 2016 we know that people with high levels of racial resentment were far more likely to turn out to vote for donald trump because he was the titular head of the birth or movement they tried to label our 1st black president has been born elsewhere he calls you know mexicans rape because he said a lot next judge couldn't do his job because he was black max he put up a muslim and put brown children in cages he said that the central park 5 these boys who are going to wrongly convicted should still get the death penalty during his 2016 election he said that the white supremacists and charlotte's well you know good people on both sides he retreated a video of george floyd that showed that had the right wing commentators saying
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that somehow you know george floyd was not a good person insinuating that he may have deserved to be murdered by police so yeah his legacy is definitely tied to race but i would say it's the opposite of what he's claiming that he has actually made it so clear to white americans that racism is not a theoretical thing that they might you know know happens but they don't witness it we have seen it in front of our very eyes he hasn't hidden it and so for that you know we can thank donald trump for moving the needle on anti-racist legislation further than anyone else simply because he has been so racist during his presidency . on to libya now where the un recognized government is denouncing egyptian threats of military intervention the president bill fattah el-sisi as war in the army could be sent in if t.n.a. forces advance on the strategically important city of sirte and warlord who before have to malik trying to reports now from misrata. after
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a 14 month military campaign orders flee faster has failed to take control of the libyan capital the battle for tripoli has exposed how deeply involved foreign actors are in libya. have to has been backed by the u.a.e. russia and egypt while cherokee has given its support to the internationally recognized government or g.n.a.t. signing military in maritime agreements in november that proved to be a game changer. the g.n.a.t. has since retaken control of western libya and are now position to the west of sirte they say they will not negotiate with half sirte and run his forces to retreat from central libya. tricky agrees g.n.a.t. thinks and we support this idea that everybody should go back to their positions back in 2015 when they had this political libyan political agreement we are said to enjoy needs to be evacuated by and the hot air force this is the position of the
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g.n.a.t. but egypt's president abdullah fatah has sisi one of have to smain supporters doesn't agree and. bomb if some believe that they could cross the line in places that matter to us insert or jew for that's a red line sisi has called on his army to be prepared to intervene and. i'm certain if we are need of your sacrifices you are prepared to carry out any mission within our home soil or for acquired beyond our border lines while egypt appears to be intensifying its rhetoric on libya other regional actors are calling for calm algeria hosted the g.n.a.s. phases the ruds on saturday after hosting i give us the speaker of the eastern based parliament last week algeria's president. has said his country's position is neutral and it wants to see a political solution to the crisis. libya's internationally recognized government
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that's the g.n.a.s. denounced will cease these remarks on saturday saying that this constitutes a threat to their national sovereignty and that is a threat to their sick their national security now i spoke to the commanders here on the ground and they say that they are adamant about and to research they say that they want to liberate all of libya from control they also say that their agreement with cherokee is a legitimate one g.n.a.t. and turkey signed a military and maritime agreement in november this has helped the d.n.a. in capturing western western libya retaking western libya from half their forces and they want to continue on now to sirte and they say after that towards the eastern oil port what we are seeing is a real effort from the d.n.a. to continue on they say that they will not accept a cease fire until half their forces. will retreat from 3rd and from.
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they what they want they will not negotiate with have to well let's take a closer look at this till now egypt's president has pushed for a political solution to the libyan conflict and earlier this month banks by the u.s. russia and the u.a.e. sisi called for a cease fire and proposed and the elected leadership council. dismissed the plan as an attempt to save half the often heavy battlefield losses will change now as the c.c. says that egypt has a right to defend itself against so-called direct threats from finances loyal to libya's government forces and supported by turkey he says the aim of any military action would be to protect 1200 kilometer long western border with libya and so help restore peace it's been 2 news editor in chief of the international interest magazine joins us now from london mr hamdi welcome to the program so president says he has said and i quote any direct intervention from the egyptian state has now acquired international legitimacy is this just posturing or how dangerous is the
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situation. i think it's serious i think that we have to remember that the dynamics have changed in libya with techies intervention and we have to remember that we'll have to do was strong he didn't want to negotiate and now that the d.n.a. are strong they are the ones that are rejecting negotiation and the reason being is that he wants to maximize the gains for the genie as much as possible they want sit and go for that to make sure the genie is in the most powerful position possible before negotiations egypt stance is let's do talks now winds to thunder for are in the hands of the n.a.r. in the hands of the eastern government in order to ensure that the n n a continues to have a say in the potential political future of libya i don't think egypt wants to get involved i think egypt is genuine about negotiations maybe not necessarily for the reasons that d.n.a. want it to be. in favor of negotiations but we have to also remember that egypt has
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offered to empower get asylum at the expense of have to so the issue here is not tough there the issue here is not this idea of who want to negotiate who doesn't want negotiations the idea is that now out of the gene are on top now that they are being backed by turkey given that half that was not interested to go she asians when he was on top of the gene they are saying why should we be interested in it let's get as much as we can until we're forced to stop in other words what applies here is the famous verses of the tunisian poet customs ship beat that they can be no justice or in this case negotiations until the powers are balance right now the g.n.a.s. and they let me just go because they said that the proof of egypt's commitment to fight of course will be would be if the g.a.a. they go ahead and to certain go on to try and take the eastern oil port so where will we where will we be at that. i think it's clear that the genie and want to take certain job for it but we have to remember that there are other diplomatic initiatives taking place at the moment akeelah site that was in algeria last week
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it was in algeria on saturday and i was in talks with the u.s. just a couple of weeks ago cortically on this idea of trying to arrange some sort of talks the turkey sent a high level delegation to tripoli to speed up the establishment of its military bases giving an indication that turkey believes that time is limited to pursue this military operation i think you just doesn't want to get him to saying that if you force me i will get involved egypt once everybody to go to the negotiation table egypt was not necessarily wholly in favor of the tripoli offensive but they do back half that they do back i get assad if they do back the eastern bloc egypt believes that given its economic crisis given the various regional issues if the libyan war cannot continue if it is going to threaten the domestic stability of egypt egypt is essentially saying to jeanne a look you proved yourself you ousted half the turkey came in to bail you out come on the message has been received let's sit down and let's talk about this the g. and a are saying listen we're on top there's no reason to sit down let's take as much
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as we can and this is why egypt is saying that if you push as much as you can i will bring this force into play and i will force you to the negotiation table right those are the and what will g.m. going to do in that case jna will do that because what would a political solution look like that would be acceptable well to both parties. i think that right now it's out of the g.n.a.t. hands and any and i think right now it's between turkey and egypt i think it's turkey that is pushing to d.n.a. to take it serious and just and so large himself is feeling the pressure from turkey that once to receive tangible rewards for its intervention so large it is not entirely willing to play that particular game in terms of well what's what's going to happen it's in the hands of turkey russia egypt and the u.s. they're the ones who want to go sheeting and i mean get the details they're the ones telling settlers go to istanbul doesn't have to go to moscow telling i get assad to go to algeria when these powers come to some sort of our share agreement
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then we will see the libyan parties come to the negotiating table the reality is that libyans have no agency when it comes to deciding the future of that country the west now belongs to turkey the east belongs to you egypt and russia and it's about these powers as the u.s. tries to reconcile between the different allies egypt and turkey to come to some sort of agreement it's complex hard to explain 2 minutes but that's just of what's going on so a complex situation but ted thanks for giving us your perspective as i mean time to appreciate that thanks for. the 1st major election since much of europe went into lockdown this taking place in serbia more than 6000000 people are eligible to vote for a new parliament the election was originally planned for april opinion polls predict the serbian progressive party president alexander from church will get
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around 50 percent of the votes but some opposition parties are boycotting saying the election will not be fair because of the church's influence over the media let's speak now to natalia joins us from belgrade on the telly been some polls was perspiring as i say back in april but they're running now is there any doubt about the outcome. your polling stations are open from 7 o'clock local time this morning and 6500000 people has the right to wall today can choose between 21 electoral slate and the 1st on that list is serbian progressive party ruling party lead by president oleksandr and they do have a huge support among voters in serbia they did well in the last elections with the more than a 40 percent of votes and every research before this they show that serbian
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progressive party will easily win this elections with more than a 50 percent of vote also there are some in new parties running for the 1st time such as a movement of free citizens lifted by very famous actor in this country. also we have a new party serbian. alliance lead by former also very famous athlete and. water polo player alexander sharp each and he's a new in politics but the only one on local level now he's the 1st time running on the national elections and after many years in serbia we have part of the opposition who is boycotting these elections they said and as they've been saying for a couple of years now that there is no democracy in serbia and that everything is
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controlled media and the whole process in the elections our control is controlled by a serbian progressive party and the president himself so they decided not to run today and i have to say they're among them they are very well known or politicians. in the serbian political scene that we have a former representatives in parliament also former ministers and the called people to day not to vote. polls of course taking place under the shadow of covert 19 of the coronavirus is that affecting turned out to many way. your country still fighting coroner virus we have increasing numbers every day around 100 knew in fact patients but health authorities said that there is no threat for the virus to be spread if voters respect
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a social distance and if they wear masks and gloves on the polling stations and i must say a political analysis is expected earlier that the turnout will be a lower today because of the whole situation with the koran of virus but with the latest numbers. 13.7 percent of voters voted until 11 o'clock local time which is i have to say exactly the same number as on the previous elections in serbia until they appreciate that intolerably church reporting there from belgrade thank you spade has opened its borders to visitors from most of its government announcing today that you member states citizens would be allowed to enter without the 14 day monday 3 quarantine the land border with portugal will remain closed until the 1st of july that's at the request of lisbon spain has been one of the worst affected countries in europe with more than 28000
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deaths and nearly 300000 cases. the owner of a meat processing plant in north west germany has apologized after a 1000 employees were infected all 6 and a half 1000 workers at the factory and their families being put into quarantine the military's helping to track down about a 3rd of stuff whose addresses were not listed the pandemic is highly highlighted the german food industries reliance on migrant labor that is what his vice president says radical new restrictions will come into force from monday to stop what she is calling a dangerous increase in coronavirus cases rodriguez says the metro in the capital caracas will be shut down as well as nearby railway systems passengers will need to prove their essential work as venezuela has reported almost $4000.00 cases and $33.00 deaths their rights groups believe the truth because a much higher. zimbabwe's health minister has appeared in court accused of
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illegally awarding a company a multi-million dollar contract for corona virus medical supplies over dia moyer who was arrested on friday he allegedly chose a company called drax international to provide the government with medical equipment to deflate the prices it's has failed to pass minimum government procurement standards. zimbabwe has enjoyed years of drones and environmentalist brain property developers for make it worse they're accused of causing a drastic fall in ground water levels by building homes on protected workmen's. from her. and dorothy wakeling strongly objected when a property developer tried to build houses on this protected area is one of several with lands in harare ecosystems such as marshes and urban areas that soak up and store extra rainfall and water we have seen all over most of these open spaces that are lived unfortunately that is the target of developers with just randomly booting
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on these. scientists say wetlands purify and store groundwater which is then gradually released into rivers and lakes years of drought in zimbabwe have made these water bodies even more precious in history you've had to seize over the thousands of years that have dried up and people have moved away from those cities we heading in that direction and i cannot say that strongly enough. we are i don't know anyone in the city who does not have a water problem. many dams rivers and lakes are slowly disappearing several parts of the country apart just as the economy worsens wars of bombings are coming to harare from smaller towns and rural areas and it's a method $2000000.00 people live in and around the capital putting a strain on its already depleting water sources. city council's approved development permits after an environmental impact assessment has been done miscible
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officials deny allegations made by some environmental activists that they are purposely allowing landowners to build illegally on with lands and more of that is being used to the board for auction. meaning other institutions. can be. predicted them would live better than a they're full of going toward joes just took up woodlands but if they are not full of coming to council. to at least a piece of land that they presume is in predicted zimbabwe is a signatory to the international ramps a convention a cittie for the conservation and to stand will use up with lands but as urban migration increases even more pressure to build and grow food in marsh areas conservation a say protecting these few remaining water bodies left in urban areas needs more political will and environmentally friendly policies. al-jazeera had already.
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and i left who's an environmental in human rights lawyer at that zimbabwe lawyers for human rights joins us via skype from harare if you know welcome to the program these developments these construction developments taking place on endangered wetlands are happening at a time as we've been hearing of the last rainfall since 1981 drought is just ravaging the country how serious is this problem in your view. it's a very serious problem and something we need to tackle urgently we need all the wetlands to be inserted we have relatively strong environmental laws in zimbabwe but they're not being applied to protect the wetlands so we have a capital city built in our head more to wetland catchment area 22 percent of the city is wetland pretty much all the remaining open spaces are wetlands so those open spaces are being exploited for development at a time when our water table is has been drastically reduced and we need to protect
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all those remaining spaces so what recourse is there for these developments to be challenged in court. so over the past few years about we lawyers for human rights has partnered with an organization called at our wetlands trust dear monitoring about 45 different sites have about 20 cases in the court those those cases are appeals of authorizations environmental impact assessments that have been granted by the environmental management agency or the ministry of environment or appeals of permits and land use changes from the local authorities or interdict where no permits have been granted for developments in a lot of cases you find people just go on to open land and start developing without any permits at all so soon as we challenge those developments then they we have managed to stop a lot of developments but it's been quite overwhelming over the past few years
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we're seeing developments going up at a an exponential rate so we are in a crisis situation we've been engaging with parliament with the city councils with the environmental management agency and the ministry of environment calling for a mapping of wetlands and assessing of wetlands to prohibit all development on wetlands except in the most exceptional cases of national importance which is in accordance with the convention right and of course there is a need for housing isn't there and there's a need for land so how do you manage that situation. a year say you know we need to think outside the box i think we can look to some of our neighboring countries like in zambia know to soccer that they're not really looking at the surrounding areas you know you had out here we have gotten married and there are these areas the councils need to be empowered to encourage more development in those areas.
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because of the economic crisis everyone is turning to her. for informal trade and looking for work but there are a lot of other areas a lot of other centers that could be developed and the center of we could also use vacant plots they can buildings that have already been developed and you know build up. appreciate that thank you very much indeed for the turf you and i live reporting for us there from harare on the simple story thank you thank you. ok let's move on to the weather and it's been telling that flooding as far as genes concerned you know extreme is becoming the norm and we've just gone from drought and now we're going to flood this in a temporary flood we're talking about west side of asia moscow to be precise this is a satellite picture behind me which just shows a mass of thunderstorms and that's really been the thing in eastern europe from western russia recently but moscow to concentration of these young reported 4050 millimeters bass is always the case if you channel this into any one place you will
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get this sort of flood and this is moscow yesterday but we've had the same in ukraine better reuss other parts of eastern europe and the reason at the moment was a frontal system that's coming down through eastern europe things that three's company which means all temperatures in here have also come down bosco's in the thirty's and we here we've had talking about the twenty's so the change over the tape taking place and the focus of moscow has a sunny one the temperatures in the low twenty's slowly rising but you know i get the impression then you've got the change in the weather type commune here pushing all this rain further south towards the balkans and you'd be right to think that eastern europe down to the balkans is the area of wandering the thunderstorms sorry for a case of point 3 days over one day of rain and then you've got cloud at least so the rain is coming in and possibly spinning off was natural fact western europe is going to be the new place where having seen all the rain in the east and the cloud in the west western europe now warms up heat wave on the way another extreme yes
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extreme the weather the new normal rob thanks very much larry. still ahead here on al-jazeera how israel's political bottoms are united is affecting its plan to start parts of the occupied west. because of protests hundreds of businesses have been boarded up artists are using that as an opportunity i'm gabriel's on to a new york that story coming up. and the race for the spanish football title as he has well as the mind games between barcelona and real madrid. frank assessments tourism but income stream is dead in the water what's been the result seen poaching go up quite significantly informed opinion there has been a very aggressive political rhetoric that has become very normal in israeli society in-depth analysis of the dates global headlines it's time for diplomacy to save the
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country they cannot all be seen to grady but it's great to meet face to leading to all continues inside story on al-jazeera kenyan journalists in pursuit of press freedom and justice i have the feeling i think desperate situations where someone says they hope you can afford being clean and investigating government corruption and the national health care system some of the transaction to see nigel the collapse. of money that is the next plane to africa uncensored and publish will see that some people don't want to publish many of the doesn't like the oscar who's truth is it anyway on al-jazeera.
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how do you want to their mind about top stories this hour the u.s. president donald trump has held his 1st reelection released in secret a virus crisis began the crowd in tulsa oklahoma was smaller than expected after critics said the event threatened to spread over one team. even recognize government and labor is denouncing egypt's threats of military intervention president. has won the army could be sent to jail in a force's advance on the strategically important city of sirte. coaches a car 2 pilots and service parliamentary election which was postponed because of the global pandemic polls predicts the governing party of the president alexander future will win a clear majority it's been said by much of the opposition. the top federal prosecutor in new york has agreed to step down after a stand off with donald trump of the u.s. attorney general geoffrey initially refused to resign vying to continue his
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corruption investigations into president trump's associates in another legal battle the white house has failed to block a tell all memoir on the former national security adviser i kind of reports now from washington. john bolton was president national security adviser and had a front row seat to some of the administration's most sensitive than perhaps controversial decisions now he set to release a book about what he witnessed and it's not good reading for the white house that's why it tried to stop the book's publication but a federal judge has now ruled that while bolton had gambled with national security the administration had not shown how it would suffer. if the publication of the book went ahead and he refused to grant an emergency injunction the phrase used by the judge was the horse is out of the barn he also indicated the administration may have had greater success if it had brought the injunction at the time that john
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bolton allegedly walked away from the review process and before the widespread publication of quotations from the book it's been a rocky few days for the attorney general william barr and his justice department late friday he tried to demote the prosecutor of new york's powerful southern district court. but jeffrey berman refused to step down they should just tell you that over the last night i have nothing to add to that. this morning i'm just here to do my job just waiting in his office though was a letter from the attorney general confirming that president trump had agreed to fire him with immediate effect on the 33 year old bar. where you know that the bar got my department but we have a very capable very early on i thought it. says berman's deputy will run the department until the president's new choice is in place and he will now supervise
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among other cases the investigation opportunities bank that has been indicted on fraud money laundering and sanctions offenses we've had a great relationship in his book john bolton alleges turkish president no one asked president trump to use his influence to get the charges dropped and the president said to erin want one point look those prosecutors in new york or obama people wait till i get my people in and then we'll take care of this and i thought to myself and i'm a department of justice alumnus myself i've never heard any president say anything like that ever they're highly classified as usual the response of the white house is to attack others president trump lashed out at john bolton in a series of tweets pointing to the judge's criticism as i quote a big court when he continues bolton broke the law and has been called out and
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rebuked for so doing with that really big price to pay he likes dropping bombs on people and killing them now he will have bombs dropped on him. we. think. we got to be the federal judge has ensured the public will be able to read john bolton's allegations in full on tuesday that president trump appears adamant civil or criminal charges against the former national security adviser inevitable economic times mike hanna al-jazeera washington. israel is a few days away from beginning to annex nearly a 3rd of the occupied west bank but is the july the 1st start date set by the prime minister benjamin netanyahu approaches a workable plan remains unclear the united states is backing the annexation if netanyahu can reach agreement with his coalition partner benny gantz i force it has this report. benjamin netanyahu has plans for an accession have already been
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delayed he was told to slow down by the white house sort of the unveiling of the trump plan in january now that being complicated by the differences with his former rival now coalition partner benny gantz has called for coordination not just with the u.s. but also with arab neighbors. the trump plan and visit israel an extinct 30 percent of the occupied west bank with a future palestinian state given israeli territory elsewhere israeli officials have leaked various options in the media one is to begin with some or all of the major illegal settlement blocks arielle ma'ale adumim and the etzion bloc near bethlehem the mare of a fraught with in the etzion bloc argues for moving quickly and taking what's been put on the table by the us administration and i think prime minister that i now understand that you can't postpone such an opportunity relying doubt there will be a better one in the future because i don't recall ever in the past having such an opportunity i don't think he'll give it up just a 2nd option though fraught with risk given jordan's vehement opposition to any
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annexation would be to begin with the jordan valley israel says it needs a defined and defensible eastern border here but it has economic interests to $11000.00 israeli settlers live in the illegal jordan valley settlements using disproportionate water allocation for year round agriculture 85 percent of the land is off limits to palestinians and it's here in the jordan valley that benjamin netanyahu is finding some of the store just opposition to his plans for annexation to the truck plant as a whole and it's coming from a powerful settler leaders here they're lobbying against annexation based on the trump plan because it means agreeing in principle to a palestinian state emotional ought if the meaning of extending sovereignty is to get a palestinian state we say no thank you we give up on sovereignty we keep living as we are right now out of national responsibility because a palestinian state would endanger the existence of the state of israel. perhaps the least likely option of all the one still floated in the mess and you know
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friendly newspaper would be to start with the 15 so-called enclave settlements these would be small israeli islands within the trump lands palestinian state for the palestinian leadership the precise nature of the 1st step doesn't matter any annexation is illegal and must be stopped what we hope is that israel should not continue to be above and got a national law. what we hope is that there really is that should feel the heat of the national pressure for any of the options to happen 1st the united states says gansu netanyahu need to agree potentially giving got some leverage in his argument against unilateral moves. but netanyahu has leverage of his own in the form of rising poll numbers against doesn't agree to an accession he could simply engineer another round of elections are a force at al-jazeera in the occupied west bank. china's controversial new security law could be imposed on hong kong within weeks china's top that is the body has
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announced a 3 day session starting next sunday but it's not specified if it's directly related to the proposal details of the lowermost on saturday revealing mainland courts will have jurisdiction have a certain national security crimes has taken some expected entity a diaper and who's a lawyer and author of books including city on father fight for hong kong he joins us via skype from hong kong. was the. give me a bit more clarity now on how this law will be in force including a security office which is to gather intelligence also to oversee education in beijing allowed to overrule hong colt origins it's pretty extensive and what do you make of it. yes it's i think it's much more extensive than anyone was expecting we knew that the law would introduce 4 new criminal offenses to hong kong or those of secession subversion terrorism and colluding with foreign forces but what they weren't expecting and what has been revealed in the last day or 2 was just such
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a deep and intrusive intervention into the very governance structure and legal structure of all called including creating an entirely new national security agency in hong kong and new departments within the prosecutor's office and the police force here in hong kong to both investigate and prosecute national security offenses so it's a very wide and deep intervention into the very structure of the whole can't government legal system right and china of course would say it's needed to tackle subversion in terrorism and what they call collusion with foreign elements. would be rejects criticism and says people it is interfering so what do you make of that . well it clearly is undermining one country 2 systems as people had generally understood it in hong kong and perhaps the rest of the world i think beijing sees this as what they call closing a loophole 'd in its national security apparatus they i think in beijing did not like seeing hong kong being used as what they felt was
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a great base for subversion of the communist rule in the rest of china but they're doing that by undermining the understanding many had that hong kong hong kong which would rule hong kong with a high degree of autonomy and the hong kong legal system would remain separate and distinct from that of the rest of china now with these new out this new law will introduce a mechanism for in some cases and we don't yet know exactly what cases they will be national security offenders will be subject to rendition to mainland china to face jail in mainland chinese courts and also beijing will be appointing a national security adviser from beijing to sit in this national security organization in hong kong the 1st time that effectively a communist party appointed commissar will be sitting inside a hong kong government institution so these are things that are really very different to the expectations that people had all how one country 2 systems should be operating through to at least 2047. votes influence can the bins nasa community
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bring to bear on this do you think on friday the european parliament voted to take china to the international court of justice in the hague if this nor is carried through is going to make a difference. look i mean i think notwithstanding the impression that china will go ahead and do whatever they want to do regardless they are sensitive to their international reputation they want to be seen to be playing by the rules and of holding rule of lore and indeed one of the sections of this document released over the last couple of days specifically included references to the rule of law to the i.c.c. piaf to human rights and so on and so china do. sensitive to their international reputation remaining intact and so to that extent i think international pressure it's a national attention to the issue can at least cause china to press moderate some of their worst instincts and ensure that these he's done as far as possible in
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about ordway and consistent with the principles of the rule of lauren and fundamental human rights and it is apparent we appreciate a perspective thanks very much for the thank you. thank you. place in the u.k. says stabbing attack that killed 3 people at a to park in the southern town of reading is now being treated as a terrorist incident a 25 year old man has been arrested as part of the investigation 3 people were seriously wounded in the attack british prime minister boris johnson described it as appalling and said his thoughts are with the victims. the racism campaign is in the netherlands have been fighting for change for many years before the black lives matter we raised the profile they wanted the what black people christmas tradition and they've repeatedly said wearing blackface is offensive that 5 years after a black man was killed in police custody the officers involved received suspended sentences for assault and they want the netherlands role in the slave trade in
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colonialism taught in schools and reports the activism baton has been passed to a new generation. of boy people were. sending a big message to the world from a small town in the south of the netherlands 3 sisters between the ages of 12 and 14 produced this video and posted it to nearly 300000 followers as part of the black lives matter. it was a few more than a 1000000 times what's going on with the racial crisis. changes stat 20 twentieth's now it is time and we have to change we don't have to wait any longer and i think it's very good people are now coming to the streets and one just having experienced racism themselves at a young age they urge other teenagers to learn about the history of slavery and colonialism the same message no one is spreading in belgium the 14 year old has collected nearly 80000 signatures after initiated
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a petition to remove statues of king leopold the 2nd the colonialists leader has been accused of mass murder in the former belgium colony of congo. it is like you put a statue of hitler in the middle of it i think jewish people would feel very uncomfortable in berlin if that would happen i feel the same here someone who has murdered so many people does not deserve to be on. protest also in the netherlands against colonial statues like this one honoring a man accused of mass murder in the former colony now indonesia. no you are going to. run. against racism a. new generation that is increasingly about the future. of the planet researchers say previous generations grew up to be more focused on their own lives and successes while young people now. with i think young people are
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fed up they've been trying to say hey we should be mindful of our history we should leave mindful of institutional mechanisms in an exclusion of institutional racism and the politicians aren't doing anything if it were up to these girls in amsterdam the 1st thing politicians should change is education inspired by the protests in the united states they filed a petition to make it mandatory to teach about racism in dutch cools it received so much support that parliament has to consider it i think. part of connecting to other people no matter what their race is no matter what their color it's just a way to connect and you get inspired by other. people protesting or whatever and then you will want to do the same thing. 2020 is the year of change that's what all these young activists would like to believe that fasten al-jazeera in the south of the netherlands. but as americans grapple with
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coronavirus and black lives matter. new york displaying the vision of hope and healing the protest is on board store fronts in the district. thanks brooke. where some people see an eyesore artists see it candice the stores in new york's soho district 1st closed in march because of the covert pandemic but then were boarded up for protection during the recent protests and spread occluding and now weeks later the entire neighborhood has become an open air art gallery of sorts of protest art work on almost every block artists have converted boarded up businesses into artistic statements to mark these unprecedented times i think. we're living through the greatest period of change in. i don't know maybe think the berlin wall found on one corner we find artists trevor croupe
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painting his 2nd mural in the neighborhood hundreds of people of that bank you to me as they're walking by. you see an outpouring of creativity some artists i haven't painted for years are painting out here on another street lydia benny ery she's originally from greece and has painted faces of black people that have been killed by police and we have 30 members of them not to forget them this is their. day and they decide to say to work in process because every few days they continue to kill somebody eventually all these stores will reopen and this would be it's been put here to protect the doors and windows will all be taken down and with it all of this art will be lost forever. it's already happening with the looting over shops are preparing to reopen a group called soho social impact is trying to preserve as much of the art as
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possible and there is a lot from the hopeful to the defiant to the art that makes you think telling the story of new york and america the past few weeks on the most unlikely of canvases gabriel is on to. new york. still ahead here in sport the russian teenagers who had to step in when the senior teammates were 14 ahead of a top flight not to come out later in support. international trade would you have supported having free trade with nazi germany or the japanese or chinese nazi germany controversial immigration policies that you want to as a well founded euro persecutory should be able to comment the off minister from syria he's closed the door to syrian refugees is that compassionate maybe his son goes head to head with syria trump advisor stephen moore this year the trump
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deficit cross a trillion dollars you'll be urging everyone not to reelect a little from well no i'm not putting out a gun on al jazeera. when the cold 19 pandemic hit iran. a filmmaker cut adrift from his crew began documenting life from them up down amid ongoing international sanctions. an intimate portrayal of isolation and one of the world's least understood countries coronavirus locked down iran people in power on a. you're.
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ok let's move on the sport has paid a big thank you so much the n.f.l. players union is recommending that all players stop workouts saying the risk of catching coronavirus is too great their medical director made the recommendation of the 4 teams report of positive covert 19 tests among their players tom brady's new team the tampa bay buccaneers have closed part of the team's training facility of the 3 players they caught the virus the bucs haven't named the players affected rio de janeiro's may have suspended all professional football matches in the city just 3 days after play restarted saying safety protocols needed to be put in place on thursday flamengo played bangle in the state championship of american our stadium in their 1st game back in nearly 3 months but at a field hospital just meters away from the pitch to covert 900 patients died brazil is dealing with the 2nd biggest outbreak of the virus in the world. in the german
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bundesliga byron munich defeated fribourg $31.00 on saturday was also a special night for polish striker robert leaven dobbs keep levodopa ski school the 2nd and 3rd gold for byron taking he's telly for the season to $33.00 there to recruit for a non german player in a single season in the bundesliga freiburg also now out of contention for qualifying for european football next. one club assured of playing in the chairman's evening season has been assured dog month and thanks to a 2 man over rb leipzig basic you would 2nd place in the series that wonderfully get 19 year old norwegian gold machine owning a hole and screwing up both goals for dortmund in this one. the european football for mind snakes season but a 31 win over vertebrae meant that they have avoided really geishas goals from robin quiet son john paul bushes and edelson fernandes guarantees that minds will play in the city came next season however vertebrae mn the club which has played
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longer in the bundesliga than any other are in trouble they are currently positioned in the relegation playoff spot italy said they are return to action on saturday for the 1st time in 3 months the teams held a minute of silence to honor the victims of coronavirus before kick off in the 1st game between torino and parma nicolas and cruel to score the opener for today you know in the 15th minute and then went down on one knee to pay tribute to the black lines matter movement the match ended 11 in the other game of the day verona beat kalyani into milan are in action later they face some doria despite being 9 points behind leaders eventers intern's coach is confident they can still catch them. i see what i mean to. avoid we all really want to restart it's not nice just to train we all need to compete winning the catch up game against some doria would move us just 6 behind you ventus in the still another 12 games so the gap is not immense we
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have been working well tactically and physically so i feel good about things now to an extraordinary story from the russian premier league crossed off season tire team was quarantined of the 6 of their players tested positive for corona virus for the pearl in sochi refusing to postpone the game rostov sent the junior team instead the 16 to 19 year olds got off to an excellent start scoring the opener. but unfortunately there is way the underdog story. they went on to be thrashed $101.00 by sore cheek incredibly raw stuff 17 year old goalkeeper stopped the 15 shots including this penalty to set a new record in the russian premier league and he was also named man of the match. 6 time forming a one world champion lewis hamilton says he is launching a commission aimed at increasing black representation in motor sport hamilton says there are still institutional barriers in formula one and that the sport needs to
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be as diverse and multicultural as the world we live in the british racing driver has spoken widely about race issues since the killing of george floyd in minneapolis. paralympian and former f one driver alex the 90 remains in a medically induced coma after crashing his hand bike into a truck in italy zanardi is in a serious condition after the crash on friday the 53 year old lost both of his legs in a race car crash nearly 20 years ago doctors treating him gave this update after he underwent surgery you know but on the phone at the moment he's serious but stable he arrived here with major facial cranial trauma a smashed face and a deeply fractured forehead he had surgery to fix that the numbers are good although it remains a very serious situation in a serious condition means it's a situation when someone could die improvement takes time in these cases turn for the worse could be sudden the next step is to try and stabilize him over the next week or 10 days then if things go well he could eventually be woken up and
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reevaluated the p.g.a. tour has moved on from its coronavirus scale with no more positive cases and the final round is set up for a 4 way race to the title at the r.b.c. heritage toro hatton is one of those 15 on the par he's going for back to back wins although he's lost victory was back in march before the coronavirus break horseracing return to action in new york state on saturday with the 1st race of the american triple crown series the belmont stakes belmont is usually the last in the triple crown should you all but the calendar has been rearranged because of coronavirus another consequence of the disease is that no fans were present at this race that did not stop the terms of the law from racing to victory though a 3 year old becomes the 1st horse breeding in new york to win the belmont since 1882. and those who would leave it most false news for me again later nic we'll see you later in a couple of hours thanks very much believe that that is it this is awfully funny
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will be right here with a number of our musical religious community conquered by from. the nature's news as it breaks the early warning on evacuation same draft prevented many deaths and off a full face less struggle to rebuild their lives with details coverage on home finds it so cold in the middle of a deepening cold pool between china and the united states from there around the well to the government close to bankruptcy many say such initiatives will not be enough to deal with what prime minister has found yet warns could be
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a major food crisis. in germany's capital there is a barber like no other sort of what it is the harm done i'm marco struck cross what you have. but as his city changes he's moving with the tide. and going on the roads. the stories you don't often hear told by the people who live there. the master barber of berlin this is you know an al-jazeera. viewer in beijing looking out the pacific ocean you'd see american warships when mess was that somehow time is aiming to replace america and around the world all the chinese are not that stupid these guys want to dominate a huge chunk of the planet this sounds like a preparation for our 1st president george washington said if you want peace prepare for war the coming war on china part one on
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a just. plain important role. ringback the u.s. president's 1st campaign rally since the coronavirus crisis brings empty seats send more insults aimed at china. has more names than any disease an issue i like and they. can use lou. they are watching al jazeera live from doha with me fully backed people also ahead egypt's president says his military is ready to interview.


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