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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  June 24, 2020 1:00pm-2:01pm +03

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this is al-jazeera. 10100 hours g.m.t. here on al-jazeera on kemal santa maria and this is the news hour a cooling off for now north korea dials down the threats of military action against the south. you can be a major factor to these deadly lies to be. a plea from the united nations to israel do not mix the occupied west bank and instead continue efforts towards
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a 2 state solution also the race to find a vaccine for the corona virus that has never been more crucial for rural parts of south africa and the show must go on somehow the future of british theatre under a pandemic as the industry struggles to find its way forward. and sport england insists their cricket series against pakistan will go at and that's despite pakistan announcing that tan and their players have tested positive for corona virus. hello everyone after weeks of increasing tension on the korean peninsula including the destruction of a joint liaison office north korea has now announced it is suspending plans for military action against the south and the state media says the decision was made during a meeting of the ruling party's central military commission that was chaired by.
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kim jong un his sister kim your xiong who is in charge of relations with the south remember she had warned all of possible military action those pictures there of course that joint liaison office which was blown up last week and all official talks were ended after that it's south korea says it believes the meeting was quote very unusual and it's paying close attention it said it would keep working to stop provoking of acts from its soil that includes the sending of propaganda leaflets over the border which pyongyang has said is behind its recent actions. we saw the report from the north and we are reviewing it in a close serious way we will monitor the situation our government stance remains the 2 koreas should edge here to the bilateral agreement apart from this we stressed again and will continue to sternly respond to acts such as sending anti north leaflets which creates tensions between the south and north and threatens the safety of people in the border area it's an interesting change of events right
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mcbride is covering this for us from seoul. we know that there does tend to be a patent to these kinds of things we do see an escalation and then a sudden deescalation and often it is north korea that is pulling the strings maybe the north koreans have calculated that this particular escalation has run its course has served its purpose it is grabbed international headlines it has reminded the united states of where the korean peninsula is it has had the effect of unnerving the south koreans may be pushing them towards trying to find some extra measures maybe humanitarian aid the kinds of things that south korea can do despite international sanctions but certainly south koreans are this wednesday giving a guarded welcome to this but there is the cavity at the at the defense minister has pointed out that is this is only putting on hold of these military measures he would rather see a complete withdrawal of them we were expecting the kinds of measures being the
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deployment of extra forces along the d.m.z. it would have increased tension along the border but this does seem to be on the face of it at least a genuine deescalation we know that a lot of the articles attacking the south korean defector groups have been launching these provocative balloons with propaganda into north korea they have suddenly disappeared from north korean websites also these loudspeaker system that often blare propaganda across the barbed wire that in recent times as have relations have improved they've been taken down in recent days they're being put back up again well this wednesday we have reports that once more they again do seem to be taken down by the north koreans we move on to other news and india has announced it is expelling half the staff of pakistan's high commission in new delhi over alleged spying pakistan quick to reject those allegations as baseless and
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demanded india reduce. in islam about in response well just the latest sign of strained diplomatic relations between 2 nuclear rivals more on this with come on in islam about how come all the claims of spying as anything been substantiated here. as far as focused on is concerned they don't deny doing indian highly gaijin on the other hand but based on the foreign ministry a set of facts now come up with a list of indian citizens they say i didn't want the next updated resume in what they say state sponsored it is them in pakistan so indeed both sides trading barbs however should be norgate dishes coming in i don't dimer inventions along the line of control we divide didn't get in but you start he administered to me and running high with 3 wind reports of cease fire violations by sight and not far away the
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metadata region again standoff between chinese and indian forces 'd to make sure they didn't leak that i so indeed what by your study don't know it's a. really big asians that the whole region is going there would have instability and that the indian government only got your gauge and against buggiest on one side of caution let me judge for why needing that cease fire agreement and on the line of control ok when we need to keep an eye on ben come on hyder in islamabad thank you. the united nations secretary general says israel should abandon all plans to annex parts of the occupied west bank and tony the terrorists said it would be quote the most serious violation of international law sedalia thousands of palestinians that rallied in jericho the un security council's also scheduled to meet in a few hours to discuss the issue more than a 1000 politicians across europe have signed
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a petition which opposes the annexation process it is very inconsistent with the message that annexation be not only against international law but it will be a major factor to the secularized the region it will be something that in that of their mind what they believe is that a say which is a 2 state solution in which is there is an other studios can the neutral get a piece of respect each other than get into each other's. i hope that these viruses reason it is not only my own. echoing across the world will be hurt. by these failure of 42 so that annexation does not take place in the 1st of july more with harry force than i was in west jerusalem for us on the news ari we hear from untenured terrace there we've got the security council meeting later on today but i think fair to say that israel generally not one to listen to the plays of the united nations. no indeed especially not spent in
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a prime minister who has made a great play of utterly rejecting the united nations and many of its resolutions especially when it comes to israel and the palestinians he'll be looking into other places when he's considering exactly how to proceed from july the 1st which is the date under which under the terms of the coalition deal he has with his partner benny gantz that is the 1st date from which he is able to start advancing an exception he'll be looking to washington d.c. where there are meetings going on this week with senior u.s. officials including the ambassador here to israel david friedman who's returned to washington to take part in those talks as to exactly what and how much the united way united states is prepared to greenlight if it all when it comes to an exception at this stage there are various differing reports on that but there is some indication that what netanyahu has been talking about in recent days which is
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a phase an exception perhaps starting with something relatively symbolic that that might find some favor in washington the other place you'll be looking at is into the mind of his partner benny gantz his former rival and now defense minister he has been saying many different things about an exception in recent weeks but he has been saying that he wants to see it not done unilaterally rather with consultation at least and ideally support of other international players most importantly jordan who he doesn't want to see a peace treaty jeopardized with but that seems to be shifting pretty rapidly yesterday tuesday he was speaking to military journalists here in israel giving them a briefing in which he very much toughened up his tone against the palestinians saying that israel didn't want to get into the palestinians deep expletive the palestinians continue to reject dialogue and to remain in what he called the deep expletive and that he won't. you to wait for the palestinians if that they didn't
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start negotiating if they rejected the trump plan then israel would have to move forward without them so things seem to be lining up in favor of benjamin netanyahu at least for now we use this catch all term of an accession harry a us bill to explain to our viewers how that would actually like let's say july 1st comes and it starts how will that play out how will it actually look on the ground . well nothing is really expected in terms of an immediate change on july the 1st that is the date under the terms of the coalition deal with netanyahu can start the process and that means potentially bringing it to a cabinet discussion potentially trying to get government approval and or getting approval in the israeli parliament the knesset for the legislation necessary to what israel says is to extend sovereignty that is that terminology to areas inside the occupied west bank now under the terms of the trump deal israel believes
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it has the right to believe he has the right to annex some 30 percent of the occupied west bank that includes all of the settlements and a large portion of the jordan valley as well the trump plan also allows for a palestinian state to be created in the remainder of that territory and also with some land swaps in what is currently israeli territory and gaza now what's been talked about most in recent days is not going for that full 30 percent but perhaps starting with areas close to jerusalem and areas that have been talked about in the past as being potentially israeli in the future in a 2 state solution there would be land swaps in response for palestinian for a palestinian state in the future as for exactly how that will change things on the
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ground it won't really make a big physical difference that will be visible immediately but it will according to many outside observers and most important palestinians themselves be fatal to the prospects of a 2 state solution and drastically undermine the chances of a resolution to the conflict ok good contacts there from harry force that on the west bank an extension plan thank you harry. one other note from the region israeli police have shot dead a palestinian man in the occupied west bank police say a cat rammed his car into an office causing slight injuries palestinian officials are questioning the police account though that accounts family say he was driving to pick up his sister on her wedding day let's have a look at what else is coming up for you on this news hour the disappearing symbols of democracy in thailand it's leading to concerns the government's trying to wipe out history also a warning from the german health minister the country could be in danger of a 2nd wave of coronavirus and in sports the f.b.i. says no crime has been committed after a noose was found in the carriage of
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a nascar driver far we'll have those details at about 10 to the. more on that news from germany now where the health minister is warning as we said of a 2nd wave of corona virus infections from regional hotspots this is after reporting hundreds of new cases connected to a meat processing plant welton 600000 people in western germany are now back under lockdown bars gyms and cinema halls are closed and the need to people from different households can meet in public let's talk to dominic cain our correspondent in berlin about well of this it's interesting the the regional model i guess which germany is using as opposed to other countries which just say well we're locking down a well we're lifting it germany targeting those specific areas what can you tell us about the different it places. the thing to remember in the
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federal republic of germany is each state is empowered to look after its own affairs and work with help from federal authorities and so in these particular circumstances what's happened is in north fine westphalia which is the most populous state in germany those 2 particular districts have been locked down but the catchment area as it were takes in 2 thirds of a 1000000 people who are back in lockdown back in the sorts of things which the the impingement on social movements and that sort of in freedom of movement that's all back in play as it were the other thing to say here is that it's not just in those 2 areas where incidence is high incidence is of coronavirus have been reported other parts of germany too here in berlin where i'm speaking right now well not that far away there are properties that are now in corinth being with several 100 people in quarantine because positive tests have happened here as well
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from the federal perspective because it's a federal republic the ministers here are hoping very much that by empowering the states they are able to prevent that 2nd wave but it's pretty clear also that they are afraid of the 2nd wave they reopened this economy as quickly as they felt they could hoping that they wouldn't have to reimpose lockdowns well now they're starting to have to do that domenic cane with the uptake from germany thank you for that done it will stay with corona virus issues and human trials for oxford university's covert 19 vaccine beginning in south africa this week the country is grappling with the highest number of cases in africa or over 100000 factions and more than 2000 deaths and it's funny to me the reports from a stock splits in the east and tape one of the poorest provinces is likely to be hit hardest unless a vaccine is found soon. albert stearman was buried here barely an hour ago
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his family says he died from covert 19 they wanted to bury him at their home and some dues are in rural eastern cape but locked down restrictions mean this is his final resting place not in a cemetery stared at a solitary grave in an open field to comply with restrictions just a few people attended the funeral the freedoms of tradition and custom replaced by social distancing rules who. have never showed any respect to my father even when he worked at the mine. he died as a poor man now he has been buried like garbage because of the corona it is really really painful the local councillor says 33 people in this village have tested positive for corona virus but he thinks the number is far higher we don't have resources whereby people can test. just undermine it as a simple they did it as
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a symbol for them after a long time after somebody is dead then each whereby the lord knows this is all happening to this concern that funerals which usually attract hundreds of people are helping to spread the virus at the cemetery outside the small town of baqubah east police keep watch ensuring there are no more than 50 people attending the burial is short and people leave quickly. the eastern cape is large much of a rural and people don't live as close together compared to other places so the spread of the coronavirus has surprised experts who are worried this province may be some africa's next epicenter some estimates say that as many as 80 percent of the people here make it covert 19 but in rural towns like this one medical facilities are understaffed and under-resourced this hospital and stacks approach was closed when we filmed here stafford protested against the lack of personal
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protective equipment shutting some of the units or thirty's or restrict to travel between provinces to curb the outbreak and permits are required to make a journey here people are screened for the virus we passed through the site twice in 2 days on the 2nd day we were not screened at all along with dozens of other passengers in vehicles passing through temperature checks and collecting contact details only resumed once we began filming while the number of covert 1000 infections grow the government is still easing some of its restrictions and here in one of south africa's poorest provinces inconsistent plans and policies may add to the rising numbers. for me to malaria al-jazeera eastern cape south africa. very pleased to have shabbier matthew with us now on skype from johannesburg one of the scientists leading this clinical trial as a professor of vaccine ology at the university university of toronto dr thank you
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for your time i know you're busy and fact i believe the trial has even started you've begun vaccinations today can you tell us about the sort of scale and the time frame that you're working with. so thank you for having me so we just about to vaccinate but as a participant in the next i was out and work really looking at this and are going up to $2.00 disciplines in a study that has been designed for south africa or 1001 kind of accident and 1000 would get to see both and that would allow us to be able to get great for the safety of the vaccine as you obviously have got a vaccine except to back again scope it might. so there must be a huge amount of anticipation for you because. you just don't know do you put your best medical thought into creating something but it will only be well actually how long will it be until you get some sort of result so it's something i
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think is one of 3 come to his greatest particular vaccine used and you've got to rate that not the company that's already been stopped at the united kingdom they've already endorsed him well isn't it intelligent participants but because of the waning epidemic in the united kingdom there is in some general this in terms of them occurring cases of get infected to be able to venerate you read that a vaccine works or not in south africa fortunately for us. if you know how put to check to be as you just mentioned without a covert manc you know it's like what we've been one of them and during this participants over a period of about cracked 6 weeks and based on the cut in a decade ago but inside africa we anticipate that we would be able to get in i'm sorry if i had on about november yes that's correct seen actually protects against go but not in wow so it's really it's still long term isn't it gosh that's a good 5 months or so away if you do see positive results then i guess i mean how
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does it roll out from there because. focusing on out of south africa with you but that this is obviously a worldwide issue. but back then you've been rendered x. your direction is shown to work in south africa it doesn't mean that you get to give a book to south africa because there's a hold not the box we don't need to be faulted for expects you to be license speculated about it and for companies that are going to be producing this vaccine to be able to manufacture that scale so i'm going to most optimistic case not you know it might become a little on the market talk about tomorrow or next year but given that the volume the current scene that is going to be elevated above it's great to be very restricted because it's going to take time for companies to scale up their production as a b. so fortunate this is almost sort of according to praise or. excess good as seen in quite the public well should be about the i can safely say that we all wish you the best for this thank you for making the time for us today and.
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meanwhile america's top infectious diseases expert is warning the next few weeks will be crucial in controlling what he calls a disturbing surge in corona virus infections and then he found she testified in congress about the white house's response to the emergency he contradicted president on trumped by saying he hasn't been told slate on testing more from russell and jordan. saturday night in tulsa no masks required donald trump used his 1st campaign rally since the start of the kobe 1000 pandemic to talk about a spike in cases in the south and the west when you do testing to the extent you can to find more people you get to find more cases so i said to my people slow the testing down. and even though several trump campaign workers and 2 secret service agents tested positive for covert 19 the president stuck to his call while heading
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to his next campaign rally on tuesday. every hour we. get. i don't kid let me tell you let me make it clear we have got the greatest testing program anywhere in the world we have better than anybody in the world our best the best in the world and we have the most of them by having more than we find more. less than an hour later on capitol hill a hearing about the white house response members of trump's coronavirus task force said there could be a viable back scene by the end of this year but they disagree with the president's view on testing knowledge i know for sure but so my knowledge none of us have ever been told to slow down on testing that just is a fact in fact we will be doing more testing dr anthony fauci and his colleagues
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testifying the pandemic is not over after 3 months of stay at home policies and now ongoing anti racism protests urged people to stay vigilant and as you wear a mask and you're in a situation where you're getting animated in a demonstration or in a rally or wherever you are avoid as best as possible the urge to pull your mask down and shout more than 3 months into the public health crisis and there's still a confusing message coming from the highest levels of the u.s. government rosalynn shorten al-jazeera washington. well coronavirus lockdowns worldwide have cost the jobs of millions of migrant workers the u.n. says many more will fall below the poverty line this year we heard from the international labor organization is wednesday distillates there are approximately one $164000000.00 migrant workers nearly half of them women and the ilo says the
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loss of jobs directly impacts their families think about remittances which are expected to decrease 20 percent this year surging nations to protect migrant worker rights and to use their skills when they return home with a nearly 3 month lockdown in india created the worst migrant crisis since the country's independence back in 1947 there was the hurriedly imposed curfew it left tens of thousands of migrant workers stranded without shelter food and water and even as restrictions most remain without jobs and those with purana has more now on the impact being felt in south asia. up the wahhabis back home in pakistan off to 7 years working in saudi arabia he has a new life in his old home and swap. i was earning good money for my family but because of the pandemic everything shut down i lost my job it was difficult survive there without a job so i returned home. he's opened
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a fruit and vegetable shop so he can continue supporting his family but the $60.00 a month he's earning is a fraction of the $400.00 he used to make as a laborer and saudi arabia. of the why this one of $40000.00 pakistanis the government says have returned home after losing their job or the seas it's a similar picture and neighboring india which is the world's biggest receiver of worker remittances at least 50000 and workers have returned since early may workers from india and. more than $100000000000.00 to. the world bank expects the amount of money sent by all foreign workers to their families will fall by 20 percent this year as millions lose their jobs and return home. and do you. to national has sent 25000 workers overseas in the past 15 years but their business has virtually ground to a halt. because it's
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a kind of they cannot use work but this was. because. the industry is sinking. commission says are especially important in low and middle income countries more than foreign investment and ate in a way the image of the economy was acting as a. tool for the families relatively poor poorer families. and hunting the standard of living giving education to their children and giving better health care the united nations says the loss of money will be an evenly spread and warns that tens of millions of families who rely on remittances will fall below the poverty line this year elizabeth pradhan al jazeera new delhi. not symbols of thailand's democracy or vanishing as monuments and historical buildings are taken down or 3rd or even renamed pro-democracy activists use wednesday's anniversary of the 932 revolution that introduced democracy to thailand to raise the alarm about the
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government's attempts to erase history so what are the reports from bangkok. early morning 88 years after the revolution that brought constitutional monarchy to thailand protesters gathered at the nation's monument to democracy. despite police warnings they projected historical footage of the people's party from 1932 as the revolutionaries read out their democratic manifesto ending absolute monarchy they also laid down a replica of a missing plaque that once marked the spot where the revolution began. their attempts to delete history by getting rid of the people's party placable any democratic symbols this shows that the government wants to devalued the revelation in 2017 the plaque was removed from royal plaza without notification it was replaced with one bearing a pro-monarchy message the area was heavily guarded on the anniversary journalists prevented from filming nearby raj had done none avenue is
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a historic district directly tied to the 1932 revolution lined with art deco buildings constructed after the transition to a constitutional monarchy the style was meant to represent the modern era or democratic architecture but in what's seen as a growing effort by military royalist conservatives to remove monuments and reminders of democracy the crown property bureau announced a renovation project will replace the art deco facade with a neo classical style to appear more thai. people have been using these historical sites as a political to the government is becoming more and these the architect as a threat to the ideology of democracy monument here is the crown jewel of the art deco district designed after the arc de triomphe in paris to serve as the focal point for the grand avenue it was completed 7 years after the revolution the same year the name of the country is changed from the thailand officials say they don't
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plan on altering the monument but some conservationists are skeptical. it's not just russia done numb avenue where reminders of democracy are being erased 2 army camps bearing the names of revolutionaries were recently renamed and in $2800.00 in the middle of the night the security forces removed the constitutional defense monument from this traffic circle in bangkok unfortunate there is a group of people in this country. so powerful one. the forget about a past a short distance from where the constitution defense monument once stood there's a buddhist temple built to celebrate thailand's democracy the ashes of the revolutionary leaders are interned on the grounds a place of worship that has so far been untouched by the attempts to revise the nation's history scott hodler al-jazeera bangkok. mr everton fox is here with a look at the way the nowadays lovely blue skies what europe is going to say yeah that's right and you to say the earlier the coldest place guys in moscow for the
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prime perforate were there for anything the best of the sunshine is actually further west you can see largely clear skies hot sunshine as well scorching heat across that western side of cuba and tripping out also very very humid this band of cloud will gradually come through and break that heat as we go through the next couple days with some thundery downpours plenty of sundry downpours at the moment though further east this is the same in serbia where we see some very very heavy rainfall that has led to some flooding that flooding rains or stretches across parts of the balkans pushes up towards ukraine up towards that eastern side of poland as well further a west seville 44 celsius yesterday lots of heat around as i said west is best for the sunshine that's where we have the clearer skies at the moment and it's going to remain that way for much of mainland europe as we go on through the next couple of days there we go with our rather more active weather into central and eastern parts but as we go through the next couple of days this weather systems here will gradually not sure way through and have something of an impact this is where the
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heat is you can see just about everywhere getting into the mid to high twenty's if not low to mid thirty's and heat for anything will topple a little further reese words as we go on through the next couple of days fresher weather gradually coming back in behind so we hang on to the showers across central parts of europe will gradually see some wetter weather coming into western areas of europe it'll freshen up quite nicely as we go into the weekend come on lovely thank you everton we'll see more from everton at 1300 hours g.m.t. in our next news hour still ahead in this one though an outcry in lebanon from activists who say freedom of expression is under fire. also corona virus infections increasing in iraq doctors are warning the health system is close to collapse and in sport japanese baseball fans find a new way to grab a front row seat to watch the. take.
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a global pandemic mass protests demanding change economic recession and geo political tensions not to mention the small matter of a looming election join me steve clemons in conversation with leading voices on the bottom line your weekly take on u.s. politics and society on al-jazeera. this underwater treasure is a risk of disappearing coral bleaching caused by rising temperatures but we think the great strain the eric 'd heritage's iconic litter is an industry based on steps we will lose instantly if we have another bleaching event of these magnitude if this continues they just will not be the opportunity for the corals to recover in between those major. scientists supporting for strong climate policy from the government to reduce emissions without this situation and they get worse.
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rule. this is the news hour from al-jazeera these are our top stories north korea says it is suspending plans for military action against the south but decision follows threats of attacks from the sister of the leader kim jong un and then the demolition of the yes on office last week. u.n. secretary general antonio turner says urging israel to drop its plans to annex parts of the occupied west. and he says the move would devastate hoped for on a 2 state solution. and germany's health minister is warning of a 2nd wave of corona virus infections hundreds of new cases connected to
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a meat processing plant a little more than 600000 people in western germany are back under lockdown bars gyms and cinemas have been close. to where human rights groups are concerned that threats to freedom of expression in lebanon they say defamation laws increasingly being used to silence government critics at least 100 activists have been detained since october when protests reignited against the cost of living and concerns over government corruption i mean rod is with us now from beirut she is an attorney who works with the lawyers committee for the defense of processes ayman thank you for your time protests have quietened down in lebanon in the past month or so but this issue i mean i guess this is an ongoing one regardless of whether there are protests or not. yes protests says the numbers. came down you do of course one of wires and. that actually the protesters and
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demented before the government the protesters said that we need to protect ourselves and so we're not going to go to the streets that's before the official learn not ban was announced by the government but now that we're not as critical that might be in them but better. that people got me going back to the streets not in big numbers of course but people back 3 on the streets once lebanon in the past more tolerance of freedom of speech allowing people to speak their mind allowing them to gather outside government buildings and protest. well before october 7th the government the not oppress the protests because there was not a real revolution was likes what brought us so they would let the people who are down the street in small numbers and make some protest even look at this process
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not meet anybody but anywhere but that's the book it's like they were giving people the. fake sense of 3 them and they want like yeah you can say whatever you want that doesn't mean that you want going to hear this is october 7th and with the big numbers of people going to the streets and but but i think of these and the government feeling that there's a real threat to their existence the oppression rates very quickly and we can see now that the political parties and the government and even the security forces are pressing the front that's the force i mean raw joining us from beirut today on the new south bank you for your time sir. thank. you mention the certainly a victory day celebrations being held in cities across russia moscow saw the annual military parade an air show commemorating the surrender of nazi germany 945 usually
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this is held in may but of course it was delayed this year because of the coronavirus pandemic. as we've been reporting this week britain's economy is slowly coming to life after months of lockdown pubs restaurants cinemas they've been told they can reopen next month theaters though are still waiting for news on when they can welcome their audiences again almost 300000 jobs depend on the theater industry well here's john hall for us in london's west end the entertainment center of the capital and that area where you are journo mean it's something quiet there it is just so important to the economy. it is you know theater land that's where i'm standing home to a world class drama comedy and musicals rivalled perhaps only by new york's broadway and as has now become so familiar to all of us it's totally shut down because of the coronavirus lockdown but on tuesday boris johnson the prime minister took a very big step towards unlocking the economy announcing that large swathes of the
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hospitality entertainment sector could reopen in 10 days' time but as you said there no word on when here to will be allowed to reopen and no sign of any financial help for this industry as has been offered to other sectors in other industries to help them survive through the lock down it's an enormous revenue generator it's worth a $1000000000.00 more than a $1000000000.00 in ticket sales in london alone and yet it's also an enormously precarious industry staffed largely by freelancers who exist show to show in theatres that operate on famously tight margins and in just the last few days there have been dire warnings issued by high profile faces and names inside the industry itself that very many of those theatres stand on the verge of total collapse in an industry they say on the verge of potential destruction is my report being an actor. you want to act. you know you want you want to be on stage or
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whatever you do if you're on camera and film t.v. you want to be doing that. on london's $1000000000.00 a year west-end pretty woman was sent for a sold out run with actor mark holden among the cost then just weeks after opening coronavirus brought the curtain down. in our profession. 90 percent of actors are out of work at any one time. what are they doing the rest of the time in normal circumstances and we're not in normal stuff sort of circumstances now we're in something that our generation has never experienced it's estimated that without a government rescue up to 70 percent of performing arts companies countrywide will close for good but the government has not so far included theatre among the businesses it's trying to protect some larger theater companies are already announced that layoffs are inevitable meanwhile andrew lloyd webber the creator of
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phantom of the opera is trialing thermal imaging equipment to test audience temperatures and make it safer to return eventually they will likely survive many smaller companies may not and phyllis there is no remedy the fight back has been online like the sonnet a day program performed under the auspices of the tiny german street theater why does that promise so few beauty. but it's no match for ticket sales we all need financial help airlines are getting financial help we need financial help in the same way that most theaters in fact i think all think it is must have an audience to be able to pay their bills we need help because if we don't have all coming into our buildings who are able to buy those tickets these buildings won't survive they will collapse a packed auditorium here is just 70 people social distancing will mean future audiences of less than half that size nowhere near enough to survive. and so do the
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writers creating new work but for fewer actors to keep costs down i think writers will have to find different ways of telling multicast stories it will still be the same story. will still have the same content but even under adversity writers will trust trying to find a way of producing the same story within only a couple of characters shakespeare produced plays like king lear and mack beth wiley in lockdown because of the bubonic plague now too they will be cauldrons of creative work bubbling away behind closed doors the question is what sort of theater world will exist to bring it all to life. now the theater industry insists that it can reopen safely that it like other businesses is perfectly able to put in place mitigating measures against the spread of the virus like socially just in c.t.
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against smaller cost shows in order to be able to survive but you know as i said no word from the government and many will wonder why it's ok to put people back in cinemas but not back in theaters and all the while that 70 percent figure wringing alarmingly away the number of individual theaters that stand to close their doors for good by christmas in the absence of urgent help jonah hole in the west end of london thanks jonah now police in forcing coronavirus long towns across europe have disproportionately targeted ethnic minorities and marginalized groups with violence discriminatory identity checks for scorn teens and fines this is all coming from a new report from amnesty international covers 12 a united nations and exposes what the report says is a disturbing pattern of institutional racism within police forces reporter goes wider concerns raised in the ongoing black lives matter protests. iraq is seeing in
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unprecedented rise in the number of corona virus infections as doctors warn the health system there is close to collapse 32000 cases have been reported so far and the government ministers say the peak is yet to come simona full team with the support from baghdad. 10 days after the government decided to partly ease the curfew in iraq the rate of core with 19 infections is rising with more than 1800 new cases recorded a day showed that in. the last few days saw an unprecedented increase in the number of new infections which suggests that the situation in iraq is about to reach its peak. officials and doctors have wanted iraq's health system is nearing collapse field clinics are being opened to cope with the growing number of patients a charity helped set up this temporary hospital bed but the dot international fair iraq's health sector has been chronically underfunded and the latest crisis has
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made matters even worse doctors say they lack medical supplies including protective gear and according to the ministry of health hundreds have fallen sick. but on the streets of baghdad life appears to go on as normal many iraqis don't observe social distancing or the requirement to wear masks in public some blame the government for not doing more to help iraqis comply with government measures i am all about you and your mom and the health ministry is not making too much effort they didn't provide people with gloves all mosques there are people who don't have any money to afford them there's almost no government support for small businesses hit hard by the pandemic and while many shop owners say they can't afford to stay home this juice bar owner wants a full lockdown to contain the virus but one that is enforced equally and live out favor out of court on it. so i just have. to fight it corona we demand the
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government to impose a proper curfew for 15 days close all the roads don't let anyone go out at the moment everyone has a special badge and they go around as they wish with a protein beginning medicine while they have no disease. despite the increasing cases the government appears to want to eat. travel restrictions preparations are underway at baghdad international airport to resume flights. in the beginning we will open up internal flights and hopefully once we can deal with the virus we will open up the entire airspace. when the passengers depart we will examine their temperatures and we will sterilize them in special tunnels before they enter the halls. reopening would give a boost to iraq's ailing economy but many fear it could further deepen a health crisis that the government is struggling to contain seem awful to al-jazeera but that 3 of the stories in brief monday's ceasefire announcement in yemen is being breached by fighting in southern coastal provinces no casualties
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reported so far yemeni forces government forces backed by saudi arabia are battling separatists supported by the united arab emirates the breakaway movement called the southern transitional council is fighting to reestablish the country of south yemen . the u.s. troop presence has provoked a protest and yemen's 3rd largest city dozens rallied in one of the main streets calling for the a morality is and other coalition forces to end what they describe as an occupation . iran's president says the un's nuclear watchdog risks losing its independence after the i.a.e.a. asked around to clarify if under clear nuclear activities took place at 2 sites back in the early 2000 hasan rouhani says those a baseless accusations from enemy states. our position towards the i.a.e.a. was based on cooperation within the framework of the law we're concerned that the i.a.e.a. will be exploited by israel and america by returning to all the files dating back
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18 years ago we will continue to deal with the agency in a principle of cooperation but we hope that it will not be subject to american and israeli pressure. now some disturbing videos emerged of cruelty to elephants in thailand wildlife shows are a major tourist attraction of course they've been closed due to the pandemic and more welfare experts are urging the thai government to ban the show's altogether when he reports from bangkok this has become a familiar yet still painful routine for. it's the 4th time she's had one of her calves taken from her the latest 18 month old blue shoes is tended to another adult and taken away was tied to a tree is clearly distressed the as is. a way chained up crying out for her mother it's really traumatic for those elements
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while especially male cops stayed with their mother. most entire life they would stay axel shot her with the mother. assists on the videos some of which is too disturbing to show we shot secretly at an elephant training school in a province north east of the thai capital bangkok. the techniques and punishments such as being beaten or prodded with metal hooks while being forced to walk while their legs are bound together and designed to make them compliant all in the end to entertain too. many want to close encounter with one of thailand's national symbols or another animal 4 years ago one of the most popular wildlife attractions the tiger temple was raided and closed because of allegations the owners were trafficking big cats and animal parts soon after the park was given permission to reopen elsewhere these elephants that are among thousands captive in thailand will also be heading to parks and zoos but the coronavirus pandemic has meant the
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tourism industry here has ground to a halt almost 200 animal welfare organizations wrote to the thai government asking them to use the opportunity to reset the industry they've heard nothing back we really. raise. and. and also ensure that the current generation of. string al-jazeera also approached the tourism authority of thailand for reaction to the video but it declined the concern is that when the borders reopen operators will be desperate to make up for lost revenue and the elephants will be trained and put to work harder than ever wayne hay al-jazeera bangkok. we'll take a break on the news all sports coming up there with far in a few months action from a dramatic comeback. coronavirus
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still big in the world of sport far as got some more details. when you come home england's cricket board have confirmed to al jazeera that pakistan's tour of the country is not in doubt that despite 10 pakistan players testing positive for corona virus star opener froch is among the players that have contracted the illness none of the 6 players will travel with the squad departing pakistan on sunday will spend 14 days in isolation upon arrival in the u.k. pakistan are set to face england in 3 tasks and 3
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t 20 matches starting in august although more on this we're joined by dean wilson he's the cricket correspondent for british newspaper the daily mirror again are you surprised this tour is going to had despite positive tests. no i'm not surprised think that there is a real desire to get international cricket up or running again of course as the 1st set of matches against the west indies to come before the pakistan series so there is quite a long lead in time i think the key here is about getting healthy players those who tested negative. believe the virus really is taking hold at the moment and getting them to the u.k. . infection rates are lower the moment putting them into a secure bubble making sure that they are regularly tested we still go over a month or so ago before the series is due to start and as long as all the players
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who then here continue to test negative able to play and train in a secure bubble where the risk of oil. then that series should go ahead as planned and it will be great to see pakistan and england playing later this summer when you mention the west indies there and they've already arrived in the u.k. ahead of their series next month how's that gone so far. yes so far so good actually it's been a really smooth process their very very to 1st charter flight into manchester and were transferred to old trafford where they've been remained where they remain in quarantine for 2 weeks again or being tested twice a week and coming back with negative test they were then able to start. training practice match yesterday so they're now into day 2 of their 1st warm up game
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they're playing to warm up games before the 1st test in southampton on july the 8th and everything going really smoothly from their point to be both healthwise and of course from playing cricket and technical wise and tell us how damaging has it been for international cricket to be on hiatus for so long. it has been a issue absolutely and absolute most so for england because we're in the you know the english summer this is when cricket really was supposed to be up and running over here for many of the other countries around the world things haven't been hit too hard because you know cricket season tends to run from sort of september october time into kind of april may time so when this virus is kind of taken hold this would have been a slightly quieter time for many of our cricket playing nations but of course you know it's still ongoing and so we've got a lot of cricket to come there is a good supposed to be a global cricket autumn and in australia in october the world
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t 20 world cup that looks very much to be in doubt so there has been a bit of cricket aspirant and counsel but we hope that the virus moves through infection rates come right down and we'll be able to see more international cricket in the in the coming months ok dean wilson thank you so much for your time thank you. an f.b.i. investigation into a news found in the garage sale of nascar driver bubba wallace found no federal crime has been committed authorities concluded that the road had been in garage number 4 at talladega racetrack since last year and nobody could have known at that time wallace would be assigned to it wallace the only full time black driver in the series successfully got nascar divan the confederate flag from all races it came amid global protests against the death of george floyd in police custody in barcelona barcelona have once again reclaim top spot in the spanish league ivan rocketed scored the only goal in the match in the 71st minute to give them the one
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nil win against athletic bilbao are certain now 3 points clear of 2nd place round madrid who host may orca later on wednesday saddle chasing benfica had a dramatic collapse in portugal's top division on shoes day was set off by a handball in their area while leading santa clara 3 to the resulting penalty was slotted way with ease and then deep into spot stoppage time benfica completely lost it in seeding again for a 43 loss. and some baseball fans in japan are getting to view the game in a new way no supporters are allowed inside the news the giants team is giving some of its fans the chance to watch the action v a monitor mounted on a robot that can be controlled from home stadiums in japan will reopen to limited numbers of fans from july the tap. ok and that is all you sport for now come on back thank you more sport with far in the next news our 1300 g.m.t.
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also you for that as well in a couple of hours right off to the right there that i did snooze. frank assessments tourism but income stream is dead in the water what's been the result seen perching go up quite significantly informed opinions there has been a very aggressive political rhetoric that has become very normal in israeli society in-depth analysis of the day's global headlines it's time for new policy say countries that he cannot all be seen to grady but he's great to meet face to
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leading to overhaul continues inside story on al-jazeera the whole d.n.a. of al-jazeera is to deliver news of people who are subject to the decisions made by the powerful when you look call them feel about will the general election in december the both result anything when you see big groups of people walking through your they're all individuals with children the law apes but with back story this place has become a complete crock so of course there is simply no way to put all these people you have to hear all of them and to treat them with something that in respect. from young my cuteness. to revolutionary things. from political activism to incarceration in part one of the 2 part documentary see how disease explores the single minded. it's the 1st sleeve of an independent government. is that because. from prisoner to prison on jesse.
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every generation has a higher purpose. ours is. a cooling off for now north korea dials down threats of murder reaction against the south. hello i'm sam is a band this is out there a live from also coming up it will be a nation factor to destabilize the region a plea from the u.n. to israel to not annex occupied west bank and continue efforts towards a 2 state solution. the.


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