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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  June 28, 2020 6:00pm-7:01pm +03

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wash. the the a. 0 . hello there i'm a star and this is the news hour live from doha coming up in the next 60 minutes the u.s. health secretary warns the window to is closing to coronavirus as a spike in cases pushes the global total to $10000000.00. making history in malawi the opposition leader is sworn in as president of valuing to make the country inclusive for everyone. myanmar's military is targeting rakhine
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but a separatist forcing thousands to flee their villages the un is warning of intensified fighting. and a factional fighting in the congolese government over the justice minister the rest pushing the current president against his predecessor the forces. i'm going to go with the sports also but their place in the f.a. cup semifinals they join manchester united who made it thanks to a last minute goal from carlina white. now at least 10000000 people across the wilds have now contracted coronaviruses 5 u.s. states had a record number of new infections on saturday the spikes in the u.s. have been concentrated in the southern and western states mostly controlled by republicans even as vice president mike pence claimed that the country is flattening the curve more than 2500000 infections have now been recorded across the
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united states well india has also announced its high. ever daily jump with nearly $20000.00 cases confirmed on sunday that takes the country's total to nearly 530000 china says it's launched a mass coronavirus testing scheme in the capital beijing aiming at screening all 3000000 people in the educational system tests have already begun the university students and teaches well our correspondent patty culhane is in the state of maryland for us just outside washington d.c. patty i believe we're looking at 5 states that hit record daily highs yesterday and now mike pence is calling off events even while encouraging states to reopen how's that all going over. well the polls show that the trip administration is falling out of favor but this exactly what health officials feared was going to happen we saw just a couple of weeks ago spurred on by many republican mostly republican governors
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they said their importance here was to save the economy so people were so sick of being stuck in their homes we saw them flood into indoor restaurants and bars and public places with very little ventilation and now because of the leg time you get with this virus you're starting to see those symptoms and it is paint it is really showing a pretty dire picture in the united states just to give you an example there's been a 65 percent increase in the number of diagnosed cases in the last 2 weeks now president trying likes to say that that's because they're tested more but health experts say that's in fact not at all the case you're also seeing i.c.u. beds in houston they're near 100 percent capacity in your you a city that they will simply run out of ventilators and have to choose to decide which patients get the needed help for a chance to live. virus the other problem they're having is testing in both arizona florida and texas what we're seeing is mobile testing sites where the car stretch for blocks and blocks and blocks people are waiting for up to 5 hours and in many
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cases they're being turned away and health experts are warning this morning that this is just the beginning remember in a lot of places these states are not required to wear masks so the spread is likely to continue well let me ask you about mosques because so much of the country is coronavirus responsible the pandemic response has become so politicized especially the debate about mosques where is that conversation now. the conversation is becoming a partisan one republicans overwhelmingly say the majority are not wearing masks when they leave their house democrats the majority say they are and again you're seen a lot of these republican led states they're not only not telling people to wear masks but in some states they governors have told counties that they're not entitled they're not allowed to make masks mandatory in this is all become very political in large part because of us president donald trump he has refused to wear a mask and he's really stepped away from handling the pandemic in public in fact
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right now he's gulf i mean for the 2nd day in a row at his virginia golf course he's taking to twitter not to tell people to wear a mask but tweeting a video of a trump supporter who yells out white power we've seen the vice president he was going to campaign in the very heavily affected states but then he decided he's still going to go to texas today it's not a political campaign but he's going to go to what they're calling a celebrated rally to celebrate freedom not clear if anyone's going to wear masks in that baptist church so we're seeing the president at his rallies no one's wearing masks the president's not wearing masks and this is really in large part because of media there was a really interesting study and looked at independents and what kind of television they watch now independents who watched liberal television or mixed diet of television news channels overwhelmingly they were wearing masks independents who watched only conservative media 92 percent of those people said they weren't wearing masks so somehow in this country wearing masks has become
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a political statement whether you're for the president or your for public health. patty callahan there speaking to us from just outside washington d.c. thank you very much patty let's now dig into this a little more with marcus plash he is the chief medical officer at the association of state and territorial health officials and he joins us now via skype from atlanta thank you for being with us marcus your currently in georgia that's one of the states that has a new record yesterday so let's stop that what's driving the such well what we're seeing is significant increases in cases we think it's mostly now among younger adults as many of the states have started to open people who have been caught up in the side or are ready to get out and we're seeing a lot more activity not just on the streets which would be ok but also in bars and in indoor settings where people are congregating and these are the things that put people at the highest risk to transmit and catch the virus so i think it's it's
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this impatience to to come out and get back out into society. that has maybe moved a little bit too fast oh patty there was also talking about the politicize a scent of mosque where in the states and which is clearly an ongoing issue just how damaging has that been for controlling spread especially at this stage. it makes a great deal of sense to wear masks right now it's probably our strongest intervention and people want the ability to get back out into society to get back to their jobs and a mask is a ticket to be able to do that the more we learn about mass the more we learn that they're very very effective at containing germs the problem with masks is i'm only protected if you're wearing a mask it's a little bit of a give and take i protect you you protect me and so that's the challenge really everybody needs to wear a mask so that we can all feel that that we have that protection i'm not sure what the backlash has been about masks in the past i do know now that we are starting to
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see republican governors urge their populace to wear masks and even in some places begin to put those kinds of regulations back into place i hope that's the thing that will make the difference we need we need our leaders to be very vocal on this issue we've got to get people to start taking wearing masks more seriously when alongside the mosques contact tracing and testing both critical tool is also in trying to manage this and i say that crown of ours testing sites are now being described as chaotic and crowded and contact tracing has been very patchy in various places how is all of that going now. well i think in the states that are beginning to have surges they've gotten a little bit overwhelmed by the numbers of cases they have and that's caused problems for the testing we were seeing improvements in testing we're not where we need to be we need to be at a place where when there is a surge we're ready for and we can handle and we're not there yet but to get on the positive side we're in a much better situation than we were a month or so ago we have many more tests we actually can we have the capacity to
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test people who are sick and have symptoms that used to be we tell people if you're mildly ill don't get a test because there are enough of them now we're really encouraging those people come in get a test we want to know if you have the corona virus because that way we can do the next step which is the context racing the context racing i think is going well where we're seeing significant increases in the capacity to do contact tracing in every state a lot of the local levels that still gotta grow but it is growing i think we're moving in the direction we need to be and that's going to be another big thing that can help us keep this under control without having to go back to these very disruptive situations where we make everybody stay at home because he spoke about leadership just a moment ago and i say vice president mike pence who is also the head of the crowd of ice task force is now canceling events will postponing them in states that are seeing these spikes as a medical professional yourself how do you think the white house has handled this.
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well we need leadership from everybody we need more of a leadership from the white house we need them to be very clear about the things that work and the things that we need the populace to do but you know we also need leadership from our our governors i think that i've seen very good leadership there across the country but now even in some of the areas where there was some more skepticism those leaders those governors are really being a lot more vocal and people listen that's the thing that's going to make a difference and frankly we need every single person in this country who holds a leadership position who other people respect because ability to perception whether it's local government faith community medical people we have those people to speak up and really get clear about what we've got to do to get through this pandemic we've got to wear masks we've got to do social distancing we've got to participate in the context raising those are some basic things these are things we can do we need our leaders to really start pushing that and lead us what where we're at
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a moment of adversity what we need is good leaders. especially the chief medical officer at the association of state and territorial health officials thank you very much for your time i know it's a very busy time for you thanks for being with us here on out of there and i do want to show you some vision that we've just gotten in to send the last few minutes mike pence as we were just saying the u.s. vice president is canceling a number of other events is today attending a celebrated to freedom rally in dallas and he has just touched down and as you can see he is wearing a mask which is seemingly a relatively new development for members of the trumpet ministration so that's an interesting point tonight we'll be following that event very closely right here for you on al jazeera. now the global pandemic has left tens of thousands of migrants in limbo across the african continent and kenya many have been stranded without work waiting for a crowd of our sister actions to be lifted the international organization for migration is calling on governments to organize humanitarian flights to get them
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home our correspondent mohamed odeh reports now from nairobi in the 2nd part of our series on people who've been left stranded by private 1000. these are some of the migrants stuck in transit unable to reach their destination or get back home because of the coronavirus pandemic. non-doing the mission is a syrian national who's been stranded in the kenyan capital nairobi for the past 3 months he was put in this hotel together with other migrants by the u.s. into plus an organization for migration but only after completing a mundus a 14 day quarantine period the other on the docket of this is nothing we can do but be patient when the veil of a shut everything down we have been treated will vote taken good care of by the united nations. senegalese fisherman was on his way home from socials when the kenyan government announced the looked on measures. with his vacation time already
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spent here he dreads any further delays because it is because of. the i guess hope they don't extend the lockdown so all the deal can come to an end i really don't want to lose my job. according to the international organization for migration tens of thousands of migrants are stranded across africa in djibouti hundreds have been abandoned by traffickers in a country with one of the worst coronavirus outbreaks in the continent the agency says it's providing many with financial support food clothing shelter and other essential relief however it seems there is a limit to what it can do and just governments to assist and protect stranded migrants the international organization for migration flows some of both measures of the by governments to stop the spread of 19 are having an impact on migrants he says most powerful in 40 countries of not access to work making them vulnerable
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to exploitation from different parts of the world it's now calling for the establishment of humanitarian corridors to help people cross international borders in a timely and dignified manner their discussions underway to ensure that you open up humanitarian space for all different categories of migrants that are coming into kenya who remain stranded in kenya so it's very important to ensure that we open the airspace especially for humanitarian purposes. aid workers say covered 1000 has exposed migrants as the most marginalised people during this crisis they also feel migrant rights might be cut because they've been blamed in some places as cuddy has of the disease and maligned by politicians and media like. beacon. on that was point to an end part 3 of
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a series out latin america to tell you see new men will be reporting from chile where border closures have left thousands of people from across the region stranded that's on monday hair on al-jazeera. how moving to some other news and malawi's new president has been sworn in marking a historic result and african politics lazarus was declared the winner after a court ordered rerun of last year's election the 65 year old came to nearly 59 percent of the vote to defeat incumbent piece that lisa rica took where a vow to unite the country and make it intrusive for everyone this is the 1st time in africa that a court order the election has led to a victory for the opposition candidate and. with your help we will restore a new generation strain. in the possibility of having our government that serve. not our government room. big government bodies
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spiers. not a government that if you're a. big government that listens not a government that's shown. a government that fights for you. i'm not against. what our correspondent is in harare with more on the new president's priorities. a lot of them. live in rural areas. struggling to make they need to go to towns in the sixty's people are living hand to mouth. also struggling to make ends meet one is in the. dividing the manufacture and able to be made much. of the. president. and vice president. individuals. have used.
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the big. at the polls to manage political ambitions of people and find ways to drastically improve. all there is plenty more ahead on this news hour including colombia's coronavirus restrictions have forced some venezuelans. restrictions pushed turkey. to turn over a. 1000 . states facing the prospect of military raids have fled their homes the u.n.
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says urgent measures are needed to save civilian lives religious were ordered to leave as the army prepared to launch an operation against the rebel groups seeking . ethnic. they want to evacuate has been called off after the u.k. australia the u.s. and canada all called for an end. to the so called clearance operations refugees and humanitarian groups say the operations are a cover for military crackdowns the military had used that term clearance operation back in 2017 when they targeted the richenda muslim minority that then led to accusations of genocide. when is the executive director of the burma human rights network he says despite the stage officials assurances raids are still taking place . what we're hearing is that it is just you know it shows that they call off but it is not true they are still conducting some operations a lot of operation on the ground and i contacted myself my team also contacted
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a lot of people on the ground there saying that they have been hearing the shelling hiring and firing and there are so many you location the civilians have been detained to interrogate and berryman the interrogator regaling in torturing so they are. facing torture because the rock i'm at like the kind they are bullies but they are still because they are supporting. me commie konami so they try to create fear and pressuring the population to give them the information where they are about and in the meantime as. we reported within 48 hours for civilian has been killed and there are several injured and also there are a couple of villages there some houses have been turned on by the shelling and by the military activity and also we are also learning that you know 111
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month old baby was killed a few days ago so the military operation is continuing no matter how the rest of the community crying and talking about it to stop the so this military operation is clearly breaching. you know. provision measure the international criminal court of justice has you know ordered them to stop all kind of activities that they're going to suffer in your community in china say so they're clearing breaching this or that. people are voting in france where a 2nd round of municipal elections is underway and the 1st round was held back in march versus are set to choose mez and municipal council the election is seen by many as a test of president among them across reform policy. and of his centrist party while our correspondent. in paris natasha surfed the fast round of these elections france has been a knock down turnout wasn't great back then and by my count it's now just under 3
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hours to polls closing hours turnout looking today. yes we're outside a polling station in central paris and it's been i have to say very quiet and that gives you an indication of the participation in this ballot across france because the latest figures show that the turnout it's only been 34 percent it's actually an historic low much lower than for the last local elections 6 years ago another reason for that you know in many ways it has a lot to do of course with the current virus pandemic people still feel very uncomfortable perhaps about being out and about about going to a polling station it's also got to do with the fact that we're coming up to the traditional summer break here in france so many people simply aren't around and the fact that this 2nd round is take place so many months off to the 1st round means that a lot of people have just lost interest in this election altogether nevertheless of course people are still voting for men as across from villages towns and cities
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including paris where it is the top merrill drop if you want and the 3 main candidates in the running of and you don't go she's a socialist incumbent looking for another 6 year term running on an environmental platform she's actually teamed up with the greens nearest rival is received a conservative former justice minister under nicolas sarkozy and a trailing 3rd after the 1st round of voting here in france is former health minister under president michael she seems have struggled to make a mark we'll have to see how she goes in this round and attention i see of the party is bracing for a bit of a defeat one of the reasons behind that. well michael's party sunny's struggled in this election there are a few reasons it is a very new party didn't even exist 6 years ago of the last local elections it was a party created to propel him out all micro to the presidency in 2017 but has never really managed to connect with many people across from local lections really around
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really based on own local connections people tend to vote for parties or people they know traditionally or have been around for quite some time so that's why it's very difficult for michael's party to try and make a mark in some of these places because it is so new and also the parties of course in their visibly linked to president back or whose popularity has fallen over the past couple of years the best protest the pension reform so you could also say that in many respects that the party is struggling because of president marcos popularity and is being seen by some as perhaps a test of how well he might fare in 2 years even though this ballot doesn't actually have any direct impact on the government and. live for us in paris outside a polling station thank you very much natasha for millions of people in poland are also very saying to choose a president in elections delayed because of the coronavirus pandemic conservative
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incumbent is seeking a 2nd term but there are 10 other candidates judah's closest challenger is warsaw is a liberal pro european union mare ski poles predict the 2 men will likely face each other in a runoff next month. he is the editor in chief of the political magazine that's a grad in science and he says the current president has become a polarizing figure during this pandemic. he's basically there it is not so much disappointed but he could not reach beyond that circle will see of course after today's result but it seems that the high opinion polls that the result that he's likely to achieve is exactly the result of us law and justice government party so that means he was not able to grow old in the base so far and it's unlikely that in the 2nd round he would grow their debates and secure his election in a clear way that's why there is had to have the right neck to neck raise his
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popularity has been limited to its most wanted by unpopular controversial decisions where he was signing off on the deals on the illegal acts of the government that are so controversial and indeed paula rising for most of the society in problem but importantly i had a 10th of may he was nearly secure he had a nearly secured advantage and it was ready to win but the election and the voting did not take place because of the point that. police in hong kong have arrested at least 53 people during protests against china's plans national security scuffles broke out following a relatively peaceful silent travelling offices used pepper spray to dispense demonstrations who are blocking roads this comes as china's top legislative body begins a 3 day me saying it's expected to enact a new deal with the target subvention terrorism and foreign interference in hong kong sarah clarke explained. we do know that
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a delegation from hong kong has flown to beijing to attend the meeting and china's purely came to fast track and basically on the eve old of the july 1st protests which we do expect to rally on wednesday now this is the marking the 23rd anniversary of the british handover from a britain great britain to china and as a result every year we see a number of people rally in the streets last year we saw around half a 1000000 people march on hong kong island this year the super human rights fund which is the organization which attracts the big numbers of numbers of people marching the streets last year one and $2000000.00 people marching in the n.t. extradition protests they've requested to have another protest this when so but of course the police have rejected their request down there now feeling that they're taking it to court for that appeal but we don't expect them to get that pass and clearly the police the starting of the social distancing regulations and i don't want to go ahead as a result but now basically the national security laws we're hearing but from some
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local media here in hong kong that the largest is that the investment penalty could be position and subversion it could mean life in prison we're yet to confirm that but certainly we've had a local media report that so far i should start with the national security knows what it does it bans acts of subversion foreign interference terrorism and any talk of secession and independent to say a lot of people at these protests of recent months calling for independence you might recall seeing some of the flags calling for secession from china so clearly these national security though think of the target of these protests is. still ahead here on out as there. are join a hole in the heart of why with the success of the trial involving the delivery of medical supplies by drove from the bay but as important to put patients from isolated communities everywhere. and find munich lift dead 8 straight german league trophy after yet another big away that's coming up at church.
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throughout the middle east now the has died down i'm watching for cloud along the coast of oman there is some most of the time. for example where the heavy will come in is cloudy is not showing drizzle so a lightish a mile now blowing out of iraq not quite as dusty as it could be but there is some dust in eastern sorry temperatures in the middle forty's would be typical obviously cooler on the coast so bethlehem and jerusalem around about the high to mid twenty's fairly nice that's right north africa is much the same obviously hotter middle does it the coastal areas where most people live are affected by the onshore breeze so it's cooler about it's a $27.00 degrees there isn't that much of a breeze for most than that but coming on shore not affecting current temperature
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much is that breeze which would be a good dusty egypt now the sherry bit where you tend to raise some pretty big showers these if you in holland and further west that's showing up some big tops in south and chance for example nothing much as far west as the ivory coast which is very seen recent flooding but there are still showers there it could be repeated south of that and the coastal tanzania is remarkably free of cloud now and it's also the case in the forecast the cape so shows windy and wet weather. july on al-jazeera in a controversial move israel is expected to unacceptable settlements in the occupied west bank how will the world react in a not so sweet a story chocolate heart of darkness expose the continued use of child labor on cocoa plantations president putin will try to stay in power beyond his final term with an attempt at changing russia's constitution may have sound will host
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a special series of interviews with passage and tackling the big issues of our time marking the 25th anniversary of the biggest war crime on european soil since world war 2 we will witness a ceremony paying respect to the victims of the 2nd so genocide. july on al-jazeera. to odors their own. let me ask you how worried you are about the increase in hostilities in yemen we listen this is the moment to stop old military action this is the moment it also trades on fighting everybody we meet with global news makers and talk about the stories that matter on the edges their own. land.
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hello again i'm the star that's remind you of our top stories this hour more than 10000000 people across the wilds have now contract at the crown a virus the u.s. health secretary is warning the window is closing for effective action after 5 states record a daily high the new infections on saturday. lazarus to cuero has been sworn in as malawi's new president after he defeated incumbent peter mares rica and historically around it's the 1st time in africa that a court ordered. it has led to victory for the opposition candidate. thousands of people in myanmar's rakhine state and that there are as the army threatens to launch an operation against separatists the u.n. says measures are needed to spare civilian lives. now the democratic republic of congo as prime minister has protested against the brief arrest of the justice minister sylvester. the president to guarantee cabinet members legal protections said a student turned out the justice minister was released after being questioned by
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prosecutors it follows a disagreement with the president of a proposed judicial reforms critics say an attempt to muzzle the judiciary we can now speak to come of really he's with the center for research on congo he joins us now on skype from across and gonna come by this really seems to be a story about the developing tensions between just acadian his predecessor joseph kabila who continues to wield plenty of power despite not being office the justice minister i believe is one of his can you break down those dynamics for us. indeed it is and i think it's important to look at this crisis mentally from the election as 28 seeing the 2018 the election we see which was contested by many as mean as fraudulent but what actually created is a deal between the presidents who did not control the state the protests we've committed who controls both chambers of parliaments it controls the military and many others to constitution. almost 2 years later we are seeing now that the
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president is unable to actually rule in the country and he does not have the support of the whole is a permission given the grievances of elections have not been addressed so it's easy to see it is agreement between the justice minister that we've been i rest not following the process but also to actually hear the prime minister send a strong warning to the president something that would never happen in the congo in the past 2 decades that the prime minister can actually warn 'd the president so we know that critics just look at it does not control the states does not control the country and there is a power struggle in preparation of 2023 presidential elections but let me ask you then about public opinion because we saw primarily just a catty support has take to the streets to protest these judicial reforms in the last week how does the congolese public feel about all the attention that's escalation on what's going on here. it won't be fully correct to say it was only
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just to get his supporters who took it to the streets where you know motorcycle riders different segment of society they actually went out of course political supporters are usually noticeable in these protests but what is population is clear they have observed for the past 2 years they have notice that they have not received they have not seen their spiritual reflected in how the government is ruling specifically around the question of justice as you may know we have the. nobel peace prize but that we quit was called for in independence courts to recreate the 'd international tribunal for congo to try major atrocities that have taken place so the. today could have been. anxious to see justice for the crimes taking place but what we have seen is a government that's on the level to rule and actually to provide justice for them
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so what the congolese people are saying in mass is the true test of justice in the r.c. is if the crimes of yesterday committed by the by the regime is actually tried in court and they actually see people in crime. to 3 hours. the result will the minister now in his home watching problems program watch who is to long for justice in the country let me ask you then about the judicial reforms that happened proposed because a number of people would say that they eliminate any kind of separation of powers so what does that potentially mean for justice and and where this conversation now goes around these reforms. indeed of course you pointed out very clearly the reform is actually taken the judicial branch to be now under the supervision of the justice minister and that's predictable i mean the house if i have to speak about the parliament. 350 members of the 'd lower chamber are part of the
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regime what we have 5500 members of parliament something for the senate so they have been putting a place in laws that will actually change the judges usually sure system works in advantage and as i said in the beginning it's predictable there was a deal to have fixed the kitty as a president today to have a coalition where even the coldest population none the worse of the contents of the agreement for the coalition to for power sharing but what is clear we have in the coalition joseph kabila has allies are still strong and they are deciding for the future of the congo but the call is not necessarily what felix just acadian supporters will do because the sort of people there showed force in the streets the in this week when they went out there last thing this judicial reform and they must continue to be vigilant and put pressure on till they can have leaders 'd come from desperations rather than those who are cutting deals on the back of they work and
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they struggle in the country the situation will continue watching very closely indeed count as their combined i miss a vent must have really hit the center for research on the congress great to get your insights here on out of there thank you for joining us thank you. now forces loyal to libyan war after say they're deploying reinforcements to regions that they hold in the center of the country have a look at this video it's from the self declared libyan national army and it's such a show fighters being sent to the crew for and search regions the un recognized government of national accord recently pushed back cuffed us forces from the capital tripoli and on wednesday arab leaders called for a truce and peace talks between the warring sides venezuelans who fled an economic collapse in their country have begun returning home as neighboring colombia restricts economic activity to prevent the spread of covert 19 the decision has left many migrants without money to pay rent or even buy food but heading back home
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is also a challenge for many as tories about explains. was one of the millions of venezuelans who left the country in recent years she was living in england via right at the border with venezuela but when the colombian government imposed to look down she decided to return home because she couldn't find work the trip she says was one of the most difficult in her life yet. what they kept us in a station for 4 days with more than 500 people there was lots of security and there was medical attention but it was filled with people i thought we were all going to get sick. from there they were taken to a school where they spend 8 days until they were put on a bus towards 30 kilometers away from the onus well on capitol hill and out the window for 30 hours we were given no food or anything and all the time we were being stopped by security forces they wouldn't let us open the windows of the bus
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and i was trying to grab them when i arrived i had to spend another 2 weeks in quarantine. is just one of the thousands of venezuelans who have returned but authorities are not making the trip easy for them even though the government has repatriated people using you many tarion flights there are thousands more quite trying to get back in by land but border officials are allowing only 300 people a day 3 times a week. 1000 infections have been on the rise in the past weeks who's in a major challenge to venezuela's health care system which some say is on the verge of collapsing precedent equal amado accuses migrants of being used by colombia's president even located to spread the disease and her computer low we've proven the buses were contaminated so that venezuelans would come back sir and this is by the orders of iran venezuela was under siege and we're trying to take care of our border and oh people i don't know. but human rights groups say that's not the case
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and abuses against returning migrants have put thousands of people at risk down there. we've seen moderates being called biological weapons carriers of the virus and i are paying a price for leaving the us while they're not given food or sort they're in over crowded places and shouldn't be treated like. him if he can a lawn says the ordeal to return was worth it she's now back with her 2 year old son the challenge now is to survive in a nation where economic difficulties have become the norm. and. well south africa has been easing up down restrictions to try to revive the economy including it's a vital tourism sector but as the government deals with the highest number of coronavirus cases on the continent the industry is expected to struggle and coming months our correspondent for me to millet visited a winter resort where it's fear that the season has already lost more than
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2700 meters above sea level this is the highest resort in south africa it's also the only ski resort in the country and one of 3 in africa but with no leisure travel allowed the covert 19 lockdown has brought to fidel and south africa's tourism industry to a standstill the resort hires about 120 people during the 3 month long ski season with good new talent cold front coming. now we know. make sure to begin running soon. so tonnage really is a ski instructor who also teaches in the resorts trailing program for the underprivileged it too has been canceled now that season the winter season is closed due to lock down it's very rude difficult for me because our are more current in council i just sit at home. the resort usually hosts at least one
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international ski competition every year but it's likely this season will be lost and surrounding tourist attractions are also empty this is the cold the fear that this area's had in 7 years conditions are perfect for winter sports making it all the more difficult for people here it's a bit had it not been for coronavirus this resort would have 3500 people pass through during the peak of the winter tourism season instead of being on the slopes 17 year old top is spending his free time trying to keep fit earlier this year he competed in the youth limpy games in switzerland he was one of only 2 competitors from africa he had hoped to train during the winter at his home in the eastern cape i feel embarrassed because i really really looking forward to this game this year and trying my best to qualify for the 20202022 winter olympics and
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china. but. destroyed everything well topples plans have been put on hold the tourism industry in south africa waits for word on when it can reopen the government says the bulk of applications for unemployment grants has come from the sector and up to 600000 people in the industry could lose their jobs if it's not fully operational by september but for now the ski resort stays empty for me to malaya al-jazeera east and cape. now legislators in the u.s. state of mississippi are set to vote on scrapping the regional flag on sunday the last in the country to feature the confederate battle emblem the state's house and senate both passed a resolution on saturday paving the way for the flag change many view the current design as racist for its links to slavery in the south the state's republican
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governor says he will sign any bill into law which will remove the image from the flag while turkey is one of the world's top tier producers but from the say the state owned company is not giving them a fair price and now with the pandemic and border closures they can no longer rely on cheap labor from neighboring georgia sin and cos only who has. the journey of a cup of tea begins here this is turkey's northern to grow big region along the slopes of reserve running down to the black sea to get the best quality of tea leaves you have to pick them with care this is the 1st harvest of the year with 2 more by the end of august but the farmers who work for only a short season so they are not getting what they deserve from the state company which by 60 percent of their crops you know is just conditions are better than before we used to receive our money once a year you know the state company pays every month the state has
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a purchase quota so we sell the rest of the crops to private companies and they beat down the price. most of the t. forms here are dotted along the rock terrain it is difficult to carry the loads of tea in these weighing nearly 50 kilos each from the farm to the village it's a job people in the area no longer wish to do so since the 1990 s. nearly 40000 workers from neighboring georgia have come here to work in these farms often for lower wages than what the locals would ask for but this year the cover $900.00 pandemic close the borders and the workers couldn't come so the salvation was the master should go this garden belongs to my cousin this year i picked his 3 georgians don't pay attention with the job is done properly or not they think the more they pick the more they are when the harvest begin in late may the turkish government lifted its travel ban allowing locals who live in other cities go back to their villages for the harvest industrial present it is hunger that georgian
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workers that income but $100000000.00 state in their pockets. we hope to introduce our unemployed brothers from the south to the job opportunities here so money stays in our country we plan to train students from the university on how to cut professionally for content owners say they enjoy nature while working here with 10 other friends from southern turkey where they don't have many job options across the black sea region some 1200000 farmers factory workers traders and their families make their livelihood from the tea industry and the screen province a phrase that has been the center of the turkish teen dust free since the 1920 s. c.n.n. because solo al-jazeera. russian mining giant norilsk nickel says it stopped a toxic spill into the arctic tundra the announcement came after a local newspaper released a video of what it says here is contaminated water from
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a nickel processing plant being pumped into nearby waterways and reportedly in the same region as the diesel fuel spill last month both of those incidents have been linked to normal cynical getting and eventually vaccine or treatment to isolated communities will be one of the big challenges of this global pandemic and it's just one way that a drone now being trialled in the u.k. could be used in the future turn a whole reports from the isle of wight. high above the soul and off england's south coast and unmanned drone hurries pathology samples across the water to a hospital on the isle of wight it's 4 times faster than a conventional ferry crossing at a fraction of the cost and enormous benefit to remote and island communities and their stuff is there live or die either by boat which is really slow or by manned aircraft which is really expensive and so i can see a commercial operation in areas like that where there are poor logistics links
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where a really cheap platform such as this can reliably deliver things and can fly at night can fly and for can fly in paul's weather the ground operated drone system was developed at the university of southampton with the aim of distributing humanitarian aid it's been given special permission to fly in britain skies to assist with the government's covert 19 response in fact i like to think of it as a sort of a landrover of the sky a similar sort of needs in that it's very robust very tough very easy to repair. twin engines so it's capable of flying on a single engine therefore very reliable the successful use of drone technology to transport medical supplies from the mainland here to st mary's hospital on the isle of wight is a breakthrough for island communities everywhere but think of the wider humanitarian possibilities the ability to deliver lifesaving supplies to isolated communities by
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air efficiently at times of natural disaster or war or pandemic. it's easier just to be to reach the places which where i'm not reachable before. and you can evan from just remotely by a lot of drone which is in bangladesh i think we have a lot of charities like doctors without borders already make extensive use of drones for filming and mapping hard to reach areas but the amount of one trial with the ability to carry a 100 kilogram payload over a distance of a 1000 kilometers is the most significant advance in autonomous drone flights yet. al-jazeera on the isle of wight while still ahead on al-jazeera. high drama in the closing minutes of an f.a. cup quarter final show we'll have all that action.
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in a new series al-jazeera explores prominent figures of the 20th century and how he's influenced the course of history itself that he did not get enough credit for in the budget if you want to be the big historical figure but he was mandela the biggest con in the world the prisoner and the president who came together to end apartheid in south africa nelson mandela and f.w. de klerk face to face on all this is. examining the impact of today's headlines i need to go to work because i need to make money risking our lives by going in setting the agenda for tomorrow's discussions racially charged social unrest on a scale not seen in the international filmmakers in world class journalists bring programs to inform and inspire you to terrorist but you hear the story of the city
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walk the path on al-jazeera. the old. but it is about time for sports in history the stars here thank you 13 time f.a. cup champions all sinhala through to this year's semifinals up to defeating sheffield united 21 on sunday ivory and strike a nickel a pet they open the scoring early in the match for the away side they looked to have the game wrapped up until the home team equalized in the 87th minute david gold rick it appeared to be heading towards extra time but then one minute into added time daniel sabai us popped up with the winning goal for us. 2 more
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quarter finals taking place on sunday on the field right now leicester city hosting chelsea and it's goalless at half time and then the late kick off manchester city visit new castle united will city have won the premier league title in each of the previous 2 seasons but lost out to liverpool this time around they will be keen to win the f.a. cup for the 2nd straight season to make up for that disappointment. so joined manchester united who were forced into extra time by norris city before eventually winning $21.00 david stokes has the story of the f.a. cup was back after 3 months to lay by coronavirus those lost to the pandemic were remembered before kickoff and players also took the need to mark the black lives matter movement. after an uneventful 1st half it was manchester united he scored 1st after the break. nigerian striker audience garlow sending them ahead nor
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a chip back though when todd cantwell try to look from 25 yards. wide his sweetly struck drive levelling things up for the home side who haven't gotten this far in the cup since 1902 but with one minute left defender tim close was sent off for a foul on the garland and norwich were down to 10 men heading into extra time united used all 6 subs including paul pogba and dominated the added 30 minutes north goalkeeper tim krul did his best to keep them out and they very nearly hung on for a penalty shoot out the pressure told eventually though and with 2 minutes left captain harry maguire came up with a winner for united. a scrappy goal but it sends them through to wembley for a record for 30 f.a. cup semifinal only going to so scares men on track to claim the trophy he won twice as a player david stokes al-jazeera well saturday maslow now could only manage a draw against celta vigo and that means they are one point ahead of fierce rivals real madrid who have
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a game in hand xenophanes downs men could go 2 points clear passer at the top of the table with a victory over bottom com espanyol is sacked the 3rd coach of the season they are battling to extend their 26 year run in. but here are 4 points behind italian study our league leaders eventis off to their latest win on saturday they were up against urine tina who actually took the lead 37 year old from robbery rolling back the years with this stunning 25th minute go here later equalized with a penalty before luis alberto net the winner with 8 minutes left sharon tina's dissent which was sent off in an ill tempered finish to the match to one the final score to the rome club by munich have lifted the bundesliga trophy for an 8th straight season they finished 13 points ahead of boomers who don't mind thanks in part to 9 successive wins after the german league returned from the coronavirus break. byan have won 29 title since their 1st in 169 and about victory
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celebration they racked up 100 bundesliga goals this season with a 4 no when i will last for a while but never the excuse penalty meant he topped the scoring charts with 34 league goals. team a burner scored twice against out spoke in his last game for our beloved stick the german international will move to chelsea next season he finished up with 95 goals for light sic to become the club's all time leading goalscorer. the national women's soccer league returned to action in the u.s. on saturday the season beginning with a message of unity to black lives matter campaigners. carolina courage and. now showing the national anthem and before kickoff blackcurrants matter all game the match was played behind closed doors because of the current violence continued. 3 time grand slam tennis champion andy murray says
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the revised calendar which includes 7 tournament since many weeks is not safe for players the a.t.p. tour had to be suspended to mars because the crowd of ours outbreak and is set to restart in mid august before nonstop lead up to the us open now murray is concerned about picking up an injury having just returned from another hip operation. it's not safe for players to go let's say you play 50 or the semifinals your. quarter final. played on the. trade out you don't equate you know when the players are very long time pakistan's cricketers are on their way to england for their test and t 20 series it comes off to 6 of the 10 pakistan cricketers who tested positive for current virus retested as negative one of those mohammed have faced went for private tests and announced negative results on social media he's been criticised
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by the pakistan cricket board for bringing them into disrepute. so the gulf now in american dustin johnson is in contention heading into the final day of the traveler's championship the world number 5 hit a 9 am to paul round of 61 to move up the leaderboard the lowest round of his career at 16 on the 2nd place but it's brendan told her lead also hit a career best 61 to get to 18 on the paul 2 shots clear. and there's signs that the n.h.l. is returning to action although there's no specific date yet for games to resume tell starlix of its can return to the ice for a washington capitals practice session on saturday for the 1st time since the league's shutdown and most teams are allowed to have up to 12 players on the ice at one time they'll move to the next phase of lifting restrictions july all right that is all you sport for now we'll have more from the stars here thanks very much to it from me to stop the tape at this news out don't go away i'll be back in just
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a few minutes with more of the day's news. a moment in time. shots of. other stories one people are predicting and there is a. chance dividing into someone else's. dream of your life inspiring documentary passion filmmakers. witness on al-jazeera. the u.k.'s biggest hospital with eventual cup.
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for 4000 covert 19 patients built inside a london conference center it took just 9 days to construct with the help of engineers dramatically expanding the critical care bed count and other similar sites on the way the actual london numbers could be much higher than advertised researches say that huge gaps in testing capacity that the government is now trying to close extrapolate that across the country and the spread of corona virus appears far wider than anyone thought. presents on donald trump jr was promised a damaging information about hillary clinton allegation like to see an ongoing investigation says the troops did the trump card. with russia did you at any time birch the former f.b.i. director james comey in any way shape or form the closer to back down the
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investigation into michael flynn and also as you well know. next question battlefield washington on al-jazeera. ignoring the warnings several u.s. states reporting record rates of new coronavirus cases in the global total to $10000000.00 and they just want to go home but venezuelans are getting caught up in a cross border roué the spread of private 19. and this is al jazeera from our wild headquarters here and also coming up.


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