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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  June 28, 2020 9:00pm-10:01pm +03

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so something else amanda and. thanks to for only this is. 0. hello there i'm a star and this is the news hour live from coming up in the next 60 minutes ignoring the warnings several u.s. states report wreck or rates of new coronavirus cases pushing the global total to 10000000. removing the last remaining confederate symbol in an american state flag politicians in mississippi approved legislation. outrage in india after the death of a father and son and police custody parallels with the killing of george forty's.
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and low turnout in municipal elections in france seen as a midterm test for president his governing party is expected to face big setbacks. i mean well into the sports news is not just a city and so place the f.a. cup semifinals to the drawing board now but also already true thanks to the labor not in the sun chelsea are into the last one no one of the less than the best of the action coming up. now the number of confirmed coronavirus cases around the world is now more than $10000000.00 and there are warnings that time is running out to get the pandemic under control in the worst affected country that's the united states where several states are reporting record numbers of new infections the spikes are concentrated in a. southern and western states mostly controlled by republicans even as vice president
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mike pence claimed the country is that inning the cut of more than 2500000 and affections have now been recorded across the us india has also announced its highest ever daily jump with nearly $28000.00 cases confirmed that on sunday that takes the country's total to nearly 530000 china says it's launched a mass coronavirus testing scheme in the capital beijing aimed at screening all 3000000 people in the education system tests have already begun for university students and teaches well our correspondent patty culhane is in maryland just outside washington d.c. for us patty as we've been saying it does seem that every day brings with it new records just how bad things then are well we expect to get new numbers shortly but just saturday's saudi increase of 65 percent of new cases 65 percent of cases over the last 2 weeks i want to show you this map
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this is from a group that tracks whether states are ready to reopen based on the concrete tyria from the federal government basically having enough i.c.u. beds intensive care beds having a decrease in cases take a look at this map if it's red it means these states are not ready to reopen the economy even though many of them have and it says that only really 4 states in the entire country are in a place where they can go ahead and start lifting restrictions but that's not what we're seeing on the ground were seen a few weeks ago that a lot of these southern and western states just basically lifted all the restrictions we saw people flooding into bars or restaurants and shops many of them not wearing masks and health officials said this was what's going to happen now we've seen the vice president come out in an interview today and say that states are reopening these trying to say it isn't connected to the move to reopen the economy but we're starting to hear a little bit different of a thought from his own health and human services secretary let's take
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a listen. but the window is closing we have to act and people as individuals have to act responsibly we need to social distance we need to wear for our face coverings if we're in settings where we can't social distance particularly in these hot zones or patti as you say we have had fairly contradictory messages from the administration especially when it comes to mosque wearing and i say that mike pence said at an event today in dallas he decided to wear a mosque today is as did many of his supporters does this shift do you think for the administration. well it depends on the next time we see you u.s. president donald trump so far today what we've seen from the president is he tweeted and then deleted a video of some of his supporters one man yelling white power we haven't really heard much from him today he's golfing again at his virginia golf course but the vice president often takes a different tact than the president the president the vice president says though the president wears mask live in
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a couple of pictures of him doing so but the general rule is he doesn't and his supporters don't even when they're in a packed crowded auditory not packed but crowded auditorium they're not wearing masks and the president has made this a very political issue you're seen poll after poll say republicans say they are not worry mask and public the vast majority of democrats are and a lot of it has to do with the media that these people are consuming there's a fascinating poll of independents and it said it last independents you watch conservative media and they were wearing masks not the majority of the independents you watch over a wide range of media the majority of them wore wearing masks so somehow in the middle of this pandemic in this very polarized country the issue of worried a face mask which health workers say is the only way to stop the spread of the virus has become a partisan issue. speaking to us from just outside washington d.c. thank you very much patty well we can now speak to graham he's a reporter for high country news and he joins us from norman oklahoma state that
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has also been seeing some big spikes grain you in the middle every opening in your state and you're seeing these records being broken over the last week how do people there regard the state government's plans. well i don't think that there's a been a huge backlash that the governor because it does seem that a lot of people in oklahoma are taking the law down measures very seriously and we've had a lower number of cases relatively compared to other parts of the country but our per capita rate has often led the nation so governors to spend very reluctant to slow down the reopening efforts he was at the trial it also was not wearing a mask and he downplayed a lot of questions and concerns from reporters who asked about what the next move is now that we are seeing in a prize but he's done what the federal government has done here which is largely who left that decision up to the local levels so we are seeing some mayors. even some conservative mayors the mayor of oklahoma city trying to enforce stricter
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state home measures but by and large most. but most of the local government officials in the state seem to be moving along with the with governor steps to try to reopen the state at a steady pace and we say that people haven't been necessarily adhering to social distancing that the health experts that i've been speaking to have been expressing concern particularly around young people and those crowding into boz and other places as they reopen what are you seeing as you move around the. you do see a lot of younger people in restaurants and bars norman where island here is a college town university of oklahoma is here you know it's it's not uncommon to see driving past a bar and see it full of people there's been several bars in oklahoma city over the recent months that have caught a lot of public attention for allowing people to come in and not social distance and not wear masks. i think that more people and more local governments are encouraging mask wearing but i haven't seen
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a lot of evidence that that's taking place in places other than that the grocery store you mentioned there and i want to ask you because patti was saying it is very much a political statement is that how it's regarded in oklahoma i think so i mean it's kind of hard to tell like you said you know. i think governor just it's definitely playing to his base which largely questions how bad the pandemic really is whether or not mass clearing is necessary she hasn't he's been very reluctant to take a step to ask people who are local officials to start wrist requiring a mask he kind of pisses on a personal responsibility and. pace the the idea of requiring mass wearing as infringing on people's personal liberties so i don't get the sense that there's a a real strong pushback within his base and oklahoma is a very very conservative state and yeah i mean in terms of his political future or
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anything like that i don't get the sense that this is really changing anyone's mind oh let me ask you more about his political future because president trump himself went to oklahoma and his while his rally last week knocked rather empty and as you say oklahoma very much a red state odd things changing could this have implications for november. i dunno you know i think when you look south to texas where governor abbott is has reversed course quite significantly and public about reopening the been very. very open about the fact that he regrets opening that quickly and i think that that you know that pressure is even being you know illustrated in places like arizona but still it seems to be sticking to his guns that reopening and reopening at a steady pace and a careful pace is the right option at a press conference last week he said that you know these the rise in cases is just something that we're going to have to live with and i mean that's almost
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a direct quote. you know there isn't a strong democratic rival that's been popping up on anyone's radar recently so in terms substance political future i think he still sits pretty strong in oklahoma in terms of reelection grammar there are reports that the high country news speaking to us from oklahoma thank you very much great to get that update from ukraine you bet. well speaking of reopening some disneyland workers in the us protesting the company's plans to open the california resort during this ongoing pandemic many are concerned that employees went to given enough protection from the outbreak especially given the recent surge in cases across the u.s. disney had hoped to welcome guests back to its the impacts next month but the restart date has since been delayed labor unions have called on the company to provide on site testing. we want the park to open but we wanted to open the safe and right now disney has not assured the conditions to do that they are resisting
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testing they can't tell us details of how they're going to handle cleaning what they're going to do if somebody gets sick and our workers want to come back they love disney they love their jobs but they cannot afford to come back safely and neither can california open theme parks and you've opened california to the world so when we do it we've got to do it state. well the global pandemic has also left tens of thousands of migrants in limbo across africa and kenya many of them have been stranded without work waiting for coronavirus restrictions to be lifted the international organization for migration is calling on governments to organize humanitarian flights to get them home mama to the reports now from nairobi in the 2nd part of our series on people who've been left stranded by car the 19. these are some of the migrants stuck in transit unable to reach their destination or get back home because of the coronavirus pandemic. non-doing the mission is
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a syrian national who's been stranded in the kenyan capital nairobi for the past 3 months he was put in this hotel together with other migrants by the u.s. into plus an organization for migration but only after completing a mundus a 14 day quarantine period the other on the docket of this is nothing we can do but be patient when the veil of a shut everything down we have been treated well of the law and taken good care of by the united nations. sigel is fisherman was on his way home from seychelles when the kenyan government announced the looked on measures. with his vacation time already spent here he dreads and in for the delays because of what. i guess hope they don't extend the lockdown so all the deal can come to an end i really don't want to lose my job. according to the international organization for migration tens of thousands of migrants are stranded across africa in djibouti
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hundreds have been abandoned by traffickers in a country with one of the worst coronavirus outbreaks in the continent the agency says it's providing many with financial support food clothing shelter and other essential relief however it seems there is a limit to what it can do and just governments to assist and protect stranded migrants the international organization for migration flows some of both measures of the by governments to stop the spread of 19 are having an impact on migrants it's a small problem but in 40 countries of not access to work making them vulnerable to exploitation from different parts of the world it's now calling for the establishment of humanitarian corridors to help people cross international borders in a timely and dignified manner their discussions underway to ensure that you open up
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humanitarian spaces for all different categories of migrants that are coming into kenya who remain stranded in kenya so it's very important to ensure that we open the airspace especially for humanitarian purposes. aid workers say covered 1000 has exposed migrants as the most marginalised people during this crisis they also fear migrants rights might be cut because they've been blamed in some places as kutty has of the disease and maligned by politicians and media like. well that was point 2 but in parts 3 of us areas our latin america editor lucien human will be reporting from chile my border closures have left thousands of people from across the region stranded that's on monday here on al-jazeera. all that has whalen's who fled an economic collapse have begun returning home as cut neighboring
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colombia restricts economic activity to prevent the spread of private 19 bad decision has left many migrants without money to pay rent or even buy food that heading home is also a challenge for many as to raise about explains. him if he can a loan was one of the millions of venezuelans who left the country in recent years she was living in england via right at the border with venezuela but when the colombian government imposed a lockdown she decided to return home because she couldn't find work the trip she says was one of the most difficult in her life yet. what they kept us in a station for 4 days with more than 500 people there was lots of security and there was medical attention but it was filled with people i thought we were all going to get sick. from there they were taken to a school where they spent 8 days until they were put on a bus towards 30 kilometers away from there in a swollen capital. and out the window for 30 hours we were given no food or
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anything and all the time we were being stopped by security forces they wouldn't let us open the windows of the bus and i was trying to grab them when i arrived i had to spend another 2 weeks in quarantine. is just one of the thousands of venezuelans who have returned but authorities are not making the trip easy for them even though the government has repatriated people using you many tarion flights there are thousands more quite trying to get back in by land but border officials are allowing only 300 people a day 3 times a week. 1000 infections have been on the rise in the past weeks who's in a major challenge to venezuela's health care system which some say is on the verge of collapsing resident evil amado accuses migrants of being used by colombia's president even located to spread the disease and he said we've proven the buses were contaminated so that venezuelans would come back and this is by the orders of
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iran venezuela was under siege and we're trying to take care of our border and oh people i know one of but human rights groups say that's not the case and abuses against returning migrants have put thousands of people at risk. we've seen margaret's being called biological weapons carriers of the virus and they are paying a price for leaving the us while they're not given food or sort they're in overcrowded places and shouldn't be treated like. him if he can a lawn says the ordeal to return was worth it she's now back with her 2 year old son the challenge now is to survive in a nation where economic difficulties have become the norm. and. well there's plenty more ahead here on this news hour including the. car where the no time to be silent protests in colombia after the killing of a mother and her daughter. by mykola gauging the astronomy and industrial crispier
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would go looking at the reality of valuable energy is eventually replacing killed in a coal mining industry. and in sport still going to one of football's veteran players rolls back 3 years with an eye catching cold in. the legislators in the u.s. state of mississippi vote very soon on scrapping the regional flag on sunday the last in the country to feature the confederate battle emblem now the state's house and senate both passed a resolution on saturday paving the way for the flag change many view the current design as racist for its links to slavery in the south the state's republican governor says he will sign any bill into law which will remove the image from the flag point playing a big role in these changes which were resisted by conservative mississippi
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politicians until very recently were college football players and coaches in a state where they are incredibly popular one of them kyle and hill a star running back at mississippi state university had even threatened to leave the program if the state did not change its flag he tweeted either change the flag or i won't be representing the state anymore adding i'm tired another player had tweeted last month that it was crazy as an african-american student athlete that i play for a team in a state that still has the confederate flag incorporated into their flag still in 2020 well we can speak now to byron de andra or he's a professor of political science at jackson state university and he joins us now on skype from jackson mississippi professor let me start by asking you for your reaction to today's upcoming version i imagine it's felt a long time coming. yes so let me 1st bow paying homage to my ancestors and the ancestors of african-americans across the state across as
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a nation and. you know you have ancestors who. when the voting rights act passed in 1965 you had these white legislate tours who stir to actually prevent african-americans from electing the kind of their choice so they gerrymandered districts and what not to dilute the black vote so you get people like hillary curtsey who vote for removing the flag but he's also responsible long and was frank parker keros they're responsible for creating majority black districts in this state that went before the courts and worked through and the rest of the country actually followed suit and so this is why. the city has the largest number of black elected officials and so you have to pay homage support like that and didn't think about you know the local people who have not gotten recognition over the years a divorce or a miss pittman but you literally would call the local shopping center who flew the
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confederate flag and they would disguise their voices so that it seemed like laudable people were calling and then you had people like you know the same kind of schemes and literally snaps the flag down from the city council and the state capital of jackson new surfie and so for me it feels like really a burden removed out of the state in 2001 after the flag vote and i decided to leave. i began to do research on this for years and so now yesterday it don't like you know what to do our. best hope is that i'm here to listen to what a hopeful. this is what i feel and what most african americans love the state you're feeling now you mentioned some of the research you've done and i know that you've looked into just how the human body deals with
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racism and trauma can you talk us through some of your findings and the impact of a decision like this if it passes be expected to are today. yes so if you have individuals who are going to a state job and up lie against waving there if they really oppose based on the history of slavery and the dissociated with you know rate. listings and they have to see that black every day can you imagine what that does look works and so what we did was we ran experiments where we showed individuals the flag and we looked at what we examine whether or not they had a response to flag and this response was a white or black response and we can determine whether or not it made them angry made them say it and so in this particular case they're good americans had some of these images were aroused lore and when you go into this part of flight mode
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describing fight or flight mode it has you know it has these health implications and one of them is strong and so you know doing the book a lot of quiet both literally had a dream about monuments in the state of mississippi and people trying to take those miners down and backs really close to the line with p.t.s.d. and so you have a lot of african-american you know who actually go to the legislature for example have to see that state flag and you know and so it had a huge impact on the way so we've been talking here a lot about symbolism but these issues clearly go far beyond the flag what do you think should be the next part of this conversation. well this is a new chapter and i'm so glad to start a new chapter put in the answer that jammed although we still have a book within the next hour on burial who will go ok but you know when you're at
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the bottom and there's a series on the bottom in almost every socioeconomic category the only place that you can go up the only way that we can go up is for blacks and whites to come to your book and you know move forward as opposed to a talk of a war and you know continually to stay at the bottom for example you know i don't know whether or not these moves made towards who cross the vote to get rid of the flag are genuine in their efforts for saying african american progress you mentioned earlier about you know alan heal who said that he would lead you know some of this is based on the pressure that the state received from corporations on the southeastern conference so on and so forth so until we start looking at both identification which is a form of book dilution until we start looking at federal disenfranchisement would disproportionately impacts african-americans and to we start to look at the things
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like the the international airport here in jackson mississippi has been taken by the state jackson is 80 percent black and it you know bears the name of medgar evers the slave you know civil rights leader x. so until we can see that kind of change you know funding historically black universities at the same rate that they on traditional whiteness to 2 things are majority white is teaching teens when they formed public schools that are majority black relatives of those schools that are majority white until we see that type of change and you know. you know that the flag of the symbol. it will leave will be and i think they. have been a mistake so that is what. we have to see these. punitive only right now we have to get rid of the.
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mansion and indeed the fight goes on byron de andre henri there a professor of political science at jackson state university really great to get your insights and your thoughts here on al-jazeera thank you for joining us professor thank you very. well now demonstrators in the u.s. state of colorado are demanding justice for ally john mcclane he's a black man who died after being pushed into a chokehold by police last year rallies were held outside police headquarters in the city of aurora calling for the officers arrests colorado's governor has promised to re-examine the case maclean's death is one of many who are getting renewed attention following the death of george floyd when our princeton university has announced its removing the name of former us president woodrow wilson from its school of public policy because of his history of racism wilson served 2 terms as president helping to found the league of nations the forerunner to the un but he
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also supported segregation and also barred black students from princeton while serving as university president the board of trustees concluded that wilson's racist views and policies were significant even by the standards of his own time. now an investigation is under way in india after 2 men died in police custody and tamil nadu state relatives of the victims say they were tortured that case has sparked outrage was found hundreds of thousands of people calling for justice victoria the reports. what started off as a small protest by relatives of 2 men who died in custody has grown much larger in recent days and reignited a debate about police brutality in india. j. raj and his son ben ics were arrested last week accused of keeping the shop open during a lockdown to stop the spread of the coronavirus they spent the night in jail and
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died days later within hours of each other relatives of the men say they were tortured an investigation is under way. in districts of the new immobile shoppers run by their identity bendix there was an issue between them and the police regarding the closure of the shop and the police file a report they were held in custody in. the hospital and died. 2 police officers have been suspended many on social media are comparing this case to the death of george floyd in the united states latest figures from the national human rights commission show that 9 people on average dying custody every day in india and a further 50 report violence and top. leaders in tamil nadu state say they'll transfer the case to the central bureau of investigation but that's unlikely to stop demands from the victim's family and hundreds of thousands of others for justice and accountability victoria gate and be al jazeera well let's speak more
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about the story with debian and he is a professor of international relations at the university of westminster and he joins us now on skype from london professor i'd like to start where victoria left off that this case has triggered outrage but this isn't a new issue so what's caused such a reaction this time. robin you were all of an intense reaction in one the details of the murder of that to war like father and son and that lead us into graphic description of that raid in which they were thought sure they were sexually assaulted or they were murdered and what we find of course of freedom park not with the political bullets in the for the creator of violence here but also clear and dark judiciary hospital in this cave that make it so it apparently did not even speak to the people who believed in the full of their destinies that were basically using a figure against the believe in front of math not the loudest not for the partly the graphic video that are coming out now secondly behold are you locked down
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because of what the shopkeeper going to have been saying is that the police have been quite a bit cool in the way in which a lot there have been in both the normal time where police has to pay a person to the pork bank for a month to be extended in these times because that's not happening basically what's happening in their best to be sterling people escaped and that the reason why they have been back in the ninety's speaking of a police state i see some rights monitors in the country put the number of deaths in police custody last year at more than 1700 that's a huge number but it's not just the decks it's also the manner of death as you were saying i say a large proportion of or all of these incidents involved allegations of torture so what's driving such behavior here. yes i've been busy. dr joy florida but aquarius unlikely similarity even dumb fuck be here to the office and the rhythm is lifting but they can get through the impunity what effects the behavior fully think
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it are when they're in because they're from a larger with the meter for the think that needs a bullet in your following one from the paul o'neill for listening that the british import both we have a combination of a colonial mentality that are costing that of love and secondly i don't want to cast politics where certain gaza groups were dominant car window the thing that they will not be again challenging with before and heard in the same breath what we have a 4th of right like is sort of national where the state looks liberal with pot and the student of politicians i mean the people who are different people why this is probably what we're going to be better in mind if we drop it because ever coming out will shock anyone in that regard since the 2 men are using a baton and the political bent even the writer were been suspended for the look it's like you know that from this in the film from us to give us the somewhat without vision we join the flock he gives nothing there and only writes to perfect and more than 1700 dying in custody barely for the fly in rest to get it and what
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he could do for him back to give us a little number while you say these officers haven't been charged only transferred i believe to a different part of the country and that's a bit of a trend that we've seen in other cases like this before so who is it exactly that needs to be holding these police offices to account is it state it is at the local is a federal who needs to take responsibility here. politically and critical sceptical the thing is on the global stage and that is the center right it's like in the states thing that gets some or not but the subform and bargaining there was in place and that didn't work actually to occupy very blatant the fall on the negativity in other places and looks bad is this it might best be happening there right now the prime minister who is accused of citing over a mass murder of muslims in tucson soon but you know at that point in time a couple of walks who actually exposed to those are in prison because they were. going to get a cell with tools off who are
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a human rights abuses of their workload of the politicians but they're hardly that's what's likely to happen in this case one of these u.n. price goes down before also been transferred to transport back somewhere so what the government will try to compensate people the victims but also makes what the u.n. crisis will boil down to and this is a way to be i think in the media i'm a social media walking because all these ducking of the estate where they're suspended they would not change and they would not have done anything without. a professor of international nations that you know best to rest when it is a case that we will continue watching very closely in detail and out of there thank you feel full. oh my to your watching al-jazeera let's remind you of our top stories this hour more than 10000000 people across the wilds have now contract to the coronavirus the u.s. health secretary is warning that the window is closing for a sect of action after 5 states there recorded daily highs in new infections on
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saturday. legislators in the u.s. state of mississippi are due to vote in the next hour on scrapping the regional flag on sunday the last in the country to feature the confederate battle emblem many view the current design is racist and said its links to slavery and sachs. there's been an outrage in india after 2 men died and police custody in time will not to state relatives of the victims say they were tortured an investigation is underway. polls have now closed in france where a 2nd round of municipal elections has been taking place the 1st round was held back in march voters have been choosing men as and municipal councillors and this election is also seen by many as a test of president policies as well as his centrist policy what our correspondent is live for us in paris the national polls have just closed then turnout wasn't great the 1st time around so did people come out to vote today.
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well the of abstention raid was historic i mean it's looking as if it 60 percent of those eligible to vote simply stayed away and there are a few reasons for that i mean one of the main reasons is most likely to be the cove it 19 pandemic people are simply worried about being out and about in public even though many restrictions of eased in france and in some ways you might say there are sections of life which seem quite normal but of course inside the polling stations people had to wear masks they had to social distance they were precautions in place so many people perhaps the most vulnerable decided that they didn't want to vote there's also a problem that this 2nd round of this election has taken place more than 3 months after the 1st round so lots of people are simply well disinterested you might say disengaged from the process where they might have been interested in the 1st round they've simply sort of lost track of who's running and what's happening and we're
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going into the traditional summer break here so again lots of people choosing to stay away from the polls nevertheless cording to the least say the french president a man or micro has said that he's very concerned about this tension rate because of course it is all good when you've got a democratic process when so many people don't want to take part i imagine is also pretty concerned about how his party is doing i say they have been bracing for a bit of a defeat do you have a sense of what the exit polls might look like now. well the exit polls have just started so we don't have many results but what we are expecting is that president party is really not going to do very well they certainly did not do well in the 1st round so they're very unlikely to do well in the 2nd round and there again there are a few reasons for this present our cross party republican the move it's called was created as a platform by mark crawl to really launch him into the presidency in 2017 but ever ever since it's just not managed to really create the sort of supporter base that
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in needs is not connected with people around france and when you're talking about local elections new talking about mayors those are positions which traditionally have been filled by the traditional parties the socialists all those on the left those on the right parties and people that people really recognize and connect with so i think that's where marcus parties really struggled in this election and also it has struggled because of course it is connected to the president and marcos popularity personal popularity is formed over the last of a few years to get the all events protests think of some of the protests over various reforms like the recent pension reforms and again that has really had an impact on the way the republican the martial republican the move has really just failed to capture the voters imagination. their force of all the latest from paris will of the bring you all those results as they match thank you very much natasha on millions of people in poland have also been voting and they've been choosing
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a president and elections that were delayed because of the crown a virus pandemic conservative incumbent is seeking a 2nd term but there are 10 other candidates and did his closest challenger is water as liberal pro e.u. mer as kosky polls predict that the 2 men will likely face each other in a runoff next month. well malawi is opposition leader has been sworn in as president marking a historic result and african politics lazarus one vast election rerun with just under 59 percent of the voters of the 65 year old self faces many challenges are in the tussle reports. malawi's new leader spent time talking about good governance and uniting the nation in his inaugural speech the form up into coastal preacha city no said people didn't want him as a president his swearing in came after months of protests against last year's disputed election that left the country it's a divided the new president asked malawians to give them
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a chance to earn their trust with your help we will restore a new generation restraint. in the possibility of having our government that serve. not our government our room. a government body aspires. not a government that infuriates. the government but listens that our government that show. a government that fights for you i'm not against. that would mean trying to work with his political rivals supporters a former president. who's criticized a presidential run saying when i was a true commission known as the ne see made a mistake these are perhaps the worst elections are held in the history of mali and we only see means to ensure that it will uphold the principles of
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hobby and quality elections in milan otherwise researching a very very bad precedent for future elections in most. jacquier is promising to tackle corruption poverty and create much needed jobs in one of the poorest countries in the world most of malawi's budget comes from foreign aid the greatest challenge now is how do we set things right how do. we. build a task that is huge group promises were made by the politicians now or do is up to them to achieve those promises or else pay the price at the next elections. is the 1st time in africa a court ordered election has led to victory for an opposition candidate over the decades the continent has sometimes had a turbulent history with democracy some leaders a stage and others for much longer than the mandates required people are closely
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watching shakira who's promising a new start for malawians but can he deliver. algis a. democratic republic of congo as prime minister has protested against the brief arrest of the justice minister sylvester a longer the president to guarantee cabinet members legal protections celestin turned on that's the justice minister was released after being questioned by prosecutors and follows a disagreement with the president over proposed judicial reforms critics say they're an attempt to muzzle the judiciary. forces loyal to libyan warlord cliff i have to say they're deploying reinforcements to regions that they hold in the center of the country this figure from the self declared libyan national army is said to show fighters being sent to the crew for and search regions the un recognized government of national accord has pushed back half to us forces from the capital tripoli on wednesday arab leaders called for a truce and peace talks between the warning sign. now the u.s.
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president has denied reports that he's been briefed on intelligence about russia targeting american troops in afghanistan donald trump was referring to a new york times article which cited anonymous sources saying that russian spies paid taliban fighters to kill u.s. soldiers in a tweets the president called that fake news and says none of his predecessors were as tough as him on russia that comment was refuted by house speaker nancy pelosi who accused trump of siding with russia's beta that i'm a person this is as bad as it gets and yet the president will not confront the russians on this or denies being breached whether he is or not his ministration knows and our allies who were so over our was who worked with us in afghanistan and have been briefed and accept this report just as i've said to the president with kim all roads lead to putin he will not he will i don't know what the russians have on the president politically personally financially or whatever it is but he wants
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to ignore he want to bring them back into the g. 8 despite the an accession of crimea and the invasion of ukraine. israel has ordered a channel owned by evangelical broadcaster god t.v. to be taken off the cable and satellite broadcasting council suspended the license for new t.v. that's a hebrew channel from the group which is headquartered in the u.s. it's accused of hiding its missionary agenda to convert jews to christianity the controversy comes at a time when a majority of evangelicals in the u.s. are strong supporters of israel. well there's been a surge in violence against women in colombia since it went into crime to virus lock down and now the killing of a woman and her daughter has sparked protests in the capital and a sound reports from bachata. violence against women is nothing new in colombia but a spate of recent cases has people reeling. despite
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a coronavirus lockdown these protesters took to the streets saying they can turn their backs on women being attacked and killed at a pace that depends seems to have made worse. crime rates have fallen in the country during the quarantine violence against women has increased by a planned 6 percent we're being killed more for being women than the coronavirus we are sick and tired we all think guessing the virus but we can't accept this violence anymore activists say at least 315 women have been killed since the beginning of the year at least 100 in 10 of these murders are family sides with the victims killed because of their gender it's the entire structure of society that's just signed and our lives and well being to crush us it's like having a knee constantly on our necks it's time to take the new way protesters are blocking intersections different intersections neighborhood in the south that were
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just last week a woman was killed together with her 4 year old child allegedly by our partner even if she had reports of many times to the tories so professors are saying that some disruption is needed to bring more attention to what is happening and pressure out tory these. protesters scuffled with the police when they try to tag the walls of this military barracks. many or furious after 7 soldiers confessed on thursday of the rape of a 13 year old indigenous child. greece passed a new law allowing for life sentences in cases of rape against minors which many here consider useless when few of those responsible or punished at all. it's ridiculous that the state focuses on this kind of action when we have 85 percent impunity in sexual violence cases it's evident they don't understand where
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the problem lies is just a band-aid over an open wound. to women's right movement is relatively new in colombia but it's growing as is the attention of the general public to crimes against women in the cries studio tour it is to do more to protect him and listen to them and just. well police in hong kong have arrested at least 53 people during protests against china's national security law scuffles broke out following a relatively peaceful file and tragedy officers used pepper spray to disperse demonstrators who were blocking roads this comes as china's top legislative body begins a 3 day meeting it's expected to enact a new law that targets a version terrorism and foreign interference in hong kong well in a straight there's growing concern the nation's 2nd largest export coal will be the next victim of an escalating trade dispute with china and that's opened up a why the debate on the use of fossil fuel pressure is building on the government
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to invest in renewable energy as it recovers from the current a virus pandemic nicola gage reports from the city of wollongong on the east coast . inside this workshop in the city of large industrial gear boxes are being made and repaired most of for the mining sector but recently the business has turned to renewables also fixing wind turbines it now makes up 10 percent of the company's repair work and that's expected to double in the next 4 years. we see renewables an important part of her we know it's growing and we want to be there to support it. colin still making have defined will go on for more than a century but the focus is quickly shifting to cleaner technologies including the potential of building components for wind and solar and making cleanest. but history it doesn't have a national climate or energy policy and union leader. says that's slowing
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investment what we have in this country is a policy vacuum and it's letting down our environment as much as it's letting down our coal miners while the use of renewable energy is rising as surely remains one of the world's biggest exporters of thermal coal and mines a being expanded the coal industry employs about 3000 people here locally and thousands across this trailer some experts believe that using renewable hard. grain steel is the most competitive option in the future to replace the jobs in call as demand for carbon products. but still some years away but there is huge debate about whether a strategy is post coronavirus economic recovery should be powered by clean technologies that would need government support what it's telling is that comply are all a meaningful role provide an alternative but only within
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a water it is for developed land that diversifies is raisins in a variety of different industries 19 has cuts demand for coal forcing down prices there are also reports. it's that some chinese power plants have been told to stop importing astroland coal has tried tensions escalate with a large scale switch to renewables now inevitable pressure is growing for the creation of an energy policy to invest in projects that can protect job's and the environment gauge al-jazeera in the city of lu dong well still ahead on al-jazeera and sports we will have all the latest action in the quarter finals at last. chile's stinson mystic tater may be long gone but inequality fueled by his neo
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liberal economic reforms still plagues the nation. and dissent is still quashed by a heavy handed state apparatus. people in power examines whether forging a new constitution can turn the page in the most unequal of the world's 30 wealthiest nations chile in a chaise legacy on a. half hour as. a. al-jazeera. where after the war.
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welcome back it's now time for us forcing his li. thank you very much don't start with sunday's f.a. cup quarter final action the holders manchester city are playing right now against newcastle and is currently city who need one no midway through the 2nd half but already it is i would say both all snow and chelsea when to reach the last fall as they did stocks reports by arsenal have won the f.a. cup 13 times more than any other team and they went ahead again sheffield united midway through the 1st half with a penalty alexander lakas that was brought down in the books and pep a did the rest. have sheffield are actually a place higher than arsenal in the premier league and created more chances after the break they go keeper dean henderson nearly equalized with
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a wind assisted goal kick but it bounced just over to the relief of his opposite number arsenal did concede from a long throw though failing to clear the ball and david mccullough drik level things up by with 3 minutes left it seemed certain to head for extra time but arsenal went up the other end and grabbed the victory substitute daniel said by us firing him the winner in the 91st minute. to one the final score and arsenal on track for f.a. cup no 14. after that it was leicester up against chelsea in sunday 2nd match less they were the strongest side in the 1st half but didn't take their chances and they were made to regret it chelsea were a different side after the break and ross buckley pops up off the bench to score the game's only goal my so frank lampard team had to wembley while the play manchester united in the semifinals while arsenal will take on the winner of the
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newcastle man city game david stokes al-jazeera. we told you about robin coming out of retirement to join his boyhood club in the netherlands well his old body of munich taken by frank where he has been rolling back the in italy where he plays for fiance you know a 37 year old with a great goal to get the laid against nazi aryan sorry he's still got it but not here for black so when the going to do is alberto with the winner minutes from the time it moves within 30 points of ladies eventis. milan have won their 2nd straight not since the race stopped by big round one there on sunday with goals from answer very rich and how can i hide my glue in the 2nd half back into 7th place one mistake 56 points away from the champions league places over in germany there was a familiar scene on the follow that this is a bit by a new cliff in the bundesliga trifle for the right year running finished 13 points
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clear thanks to ny nj for a win since the very start from the coronavirus shutdown it was a very different feeling for fortunate they were relegated following a 3 no home defeat. in their final going. back finish this is not a high note secured 4th place with a 2 when i had the darling and with that comes a price that makes citizens champions. and strike at same over and ended his time at leipsic in style he scored 2 goals including one with his final touch of the ball $95.00 goals a mix of lights and all time leading scorer vernon now had the privilege to join show say. it's another big night in the spanish league title weis after barcelona yesterday have the chance to open up a 2 point lead at the top and they'll be expecting all for points to go. through a bottom of the league and of just. manager of the same reason.
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we have 7 games to play and we expect them all to be like finals of course we have won our last 4 matches but it doesn't mean anything at all espanol will make things complicated for us because they need the points we need to play at our very best to . the national women's soccer league return to action in the us on the season beginning with a message of unity to black lives matters campaign is. trying to take players from the north carolina college and. join the national anthem before kickoff. has played behind closed doors because of the qualifier pandemic. there are signs the n.h.l. is returning to reaction although there's no specific date yet for games to resume star alex returned to the us for washington capitals practice session on saturday
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for the 1st time since the league shut down in march teams are allowed to have up to 12 hours on the ice at one time in training the move to the next phase of lifting restrictions the new july. 3 time grand slam champion andy murray says the revised tennis calendar which includes 7 tournament in as many weeks is not safe for players the a.t.p. tour had to be suspended in march because of the coronavirus outbreak and he said to restart in mid august before nonstop laid out to the u.s. open murray's concerned about picking up an injury having just returned from his hip operation. it's not safe for players to go from let's say you play the final or the semifinals in new york. quarter final season and then you play on the tuesday in a thread i'll shit on a player or you know whether the players have to compete in a very very long 5. to golf and the ladies of just teed off at the travelers
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championship while number 5 dustin johnson is playing in the final group of these best round ever on saturday he fired a 10 under par 61 to take 2nd place out wide but he remains one shot behind fellow american brendan taunt who also hit a career best 61 to get 18 under par overall we'll keep you updated of course on the those guys finally pakistan's cricket is on there why good for the test and t 20 series it comes off to 6 of the 10 pakistan cricket as you tested positive for corona virus retested as negative one of the biggest mohammad hafiz went for a private test and announce the negative result on social media he's been criticized by the pakistan cricket board for bringing them into disrepute that's all the sport for what i have plenty more lighter. on than 3 months layabout said for me. to barbara starr and our team and love them all have more news for you and just to stay with us here on out for them.
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in a new series al-jazeera explores prominent figures of the 20th century and how and why buildings influence the course of history. felt that he did not get enough credit for it in the book to be the big historical figure but he was not the biggest part of the way. the prisoner and the president came together to end up apartheid in south africa nelson mandela and f.w. de klerk freaks. the fix on all this is. this underwater treasure is
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a risk of disappearing juice a coral bleaching caused by rising temperatures when we think about the great. strain the eric eric. and the tourism industry baseband steps we instantly if we have another bleaching event of these magnitude. continue they just will not be the opportunity for the corals to recover in between those mad. scientists supporting for stronger climate policy from the government to reduce emissions without this situation and they get worse. join our global community called the crisis is just slap doesn't the face the blessing upon my sin upon my soul human health equals global health keeping you up to date is why so for situation where we have a human rights prices that persist beyond the health crisis answering your
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questions is a dialogue just nothing we are now approaching a crossroads this is an opportunity that we must mark missed the stream on al-jazeera. the number of confirmed coronavirus cases passes 10000000 as numbers continue to rise rapidly in the americas president trump is urged to set an example amid growing calls for facemasks to become mandatory after spikes across southern states . alone barbara starr you're watching al-jazeera live from london also coming up. the law is opposition leader.


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