tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera July 1, 2020 9:00pm-10:00pm +03
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in any way shape or form the closer to batten down the investigation into michael flynn and also as you. know. next question battlefield washington on al-jazeera. al-jazeera. alone can now this is the news hour live from doha coming up in the next 60 minutes hong kong police arrest 370 people protesting against a new security law angering former colonial rule of britain and the united states. now we've just another communist run city where it's people we subject to the party elites wimps. said. france warns turkey of possible sanctions and withdrawals from a nato operation of the tensions in the mediterranean. in ethiopia at least 60
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people killed in violence that followed the murder of a popular singer and activist. and the yemeni rights group documents abuses including deaths in secret prisons as a devastating war continues and i'm santa how much with all the sports including. pakistan's cricket tour england received a major boost 6 players who had tested positive for corona virus that have now been cleared and are set to join up with the squad in the u.k. . more than $370.00 people have been arrested on the streets of hong kong as a contentious new national security law opposed by china's central government took a fix of people defied tear gas and pepper bullets to protest on the anniversary of the former british colonies handed over to chinese rule u.s.
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secretary of state has again condemned the law saying china promised 50 is afraid of falling kong but only gave it $23.00. free hong kong was one of the world's most stable prosperous and dynamic cities now now will be just another communist run city where its people we subject to the party elites whims it's sad indeed this is already happening security forces are already rounding up on congress for doing to speak and think freely the rule of law has been eviscerated and as always the chinese communist party fears its own people more than anything else. and the british prime minister barak's johnson has confirmed that the government is creating a new route from to 3000000 hong kong residents to live and work in the u.k. i will hear from our white house correspondent kimberly helka shortly but 1st we have sarah cox report from hong kong. despite the searing heat and defying a police ban thousands of protesters marched to test the new national security the
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legislation was fast tracked in record time in beijing and in acted on july the 1st the 23rd anniversary of britain's handover to chinese rule as sad as it makes me say so all of it is yes. china is china it's all going home it's china as of today 1st of july it's a sad day but that's what it is but i also take to the streets are still say what i think because it's my right as a human being. i protested started marching chanting 3 hometown lang out they key demands i need to be met by a line of riot police but this group of demonstrators say it's they duty to stand up to china they law enforcement in hong kong what they always do is you are allowed to protest and make their arrest later so i today i come out and an out and one out it dictatorship knowing full well that probably i'll get arrested i'll try
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. the scope of the national security is far reaching article 38 says it can essentially target anyone anywhere extradition to china for trial and a maximum sentence of life in prison faces vandalizes of the legislation people were arrested during wednesday's rally for breaking the new no they were in position of items cooling the hong kong's independence from china police sealed off the area fired the water cannon and tear gas and pepper balls to break up the crowd police say one officer was stabbed in the. strategy by police on wednesday was a cordon off carries where the practices had gathered at one time times. i feel like i owe much protest rival to the radical right the police were still able to mike at least 300 arrests. earlier on wednesday the city's chief executives celebrated the handover anniversary of the swift introduction of the new security law kerry was sidelined in the drafting of the script but said it was necessary to
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restore into and rebuild hong kong's reputation as a leading international financial center in asia. the enactment of the national law is regarded as the most significant development in the relationship between the central authorities and hong kong since its return to the motherland in beijing government leaders were doing their best to counter critics who say china's actions marked the end of hong kong special autonomy the government in beijing says one that is responsible for the former british territory and they want to prevent it becoming a springboard for subversion against china. al-jazeera hong kong. let's bring out all white house correspondent kimberly health at a complete read a little bit of what mike had to say about the hong kong issue what else did he have to say. well this secretary of state and the broader united states government very concerned about article 38 given the fact that it is so broad and sweeping and
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could be interpreted to not only hurt those living in kong in hong kong but also americans that are living there the concern being that they could be accused of subversion of terrorism colluding or with a foreign power simply with trying to do ordinary business with friends or family back home so the united states today made an announcement we know already that it has ended hong kong special status that we the united states believe could be of benefit to china economically now it's got a step further it is sending out a business advisory through a number of u.s. agencies especially discouraging american companies but also companies around the world of doing business particularly with companies inside china that may have ties to forced labor and other human rights violations so this is yet another escalation in a relationship that's already very tense between the united states and china and the united states promising that there could be even more countermeasures. i'm hoping
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you supposed to do a bit of context for our viewers in terms of the already really quite solid relations between the u.s. and china. yeah i mean this is a relationship that has been tense for some time but we've really seen the market escalations in recent weeks not only the ending of that special relationship but last week the united states imposed visa restrictions on communist chinese chinese communist party officials they believe specifically undermine hong kong's autonomy as this week we've had the secretary of state calling out the revelations that there have been forced sterilizations abortions on chinese muslim weaker women so the united states is calling this out but also calling on the united nations to demand an end to what they say are human rights abuses but of course this is that the escalating tension that has just happened over these last few weeks we've seen the trade war that has existed between these 2 nations and of course most recently the united states pointing the finger at china blaming it for
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a lack of transparency when it comes to crowd a virus or covert 19 that has decimated the u.s. economy thanks so much for that can really help get there our white house correspondent well it's has more now for british prime minister of ourselves and had to say impala meant of offering a powerful hong kong residents to move to the u.k. . if trying to continue down this path we would reach introduce a new route for those with british nationals to see status to enter the u.k. granting them limited leave to remain with the ability to live and work in the u.k. and they're off to to apply for citizenship and that is precisely what we will do. u.k.'s foreign secretary has also said that the law is a clear and serious violation of the british joint declaration the 2nd close look at that agreement that was signed in 1984 by then chinese premier geology again and british prime minister margaret thatcher of the 2 years of negotiations the treaty
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is the basis for the one country 2 systems guarantee for when hong kong was handed back to china in 1907 it states that beijing's policies regarding hong kong will remain unchanged. that includes hong kong's legal and judicial system and the promise that the city would keep a high degree of autonomy recently china has shown the agreement saying it was only valid up until the hand of the u.k. says it remains legally binding and must be on it. let's bring and why in london he is an associate fellow in the asia pacific program at chatham house thank you for your time so the u.k. is offering a path to citizenship for some few 1000000 hong kong residents beyond that how far do you think the u.k. will really be prepared to go and its objection to this new national security lol. well i mean i think it has done the 2 things that it really added to. that is the
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giving new rights to the british nationals overseas in hong kong and secondly calling our calling it outdoes age clear and obvious bridget you want to correction next steps are very difficult what do you do once you as that is a breach of the go to great thing because there is no mechanism in that tree people doing that violation so it is a question of finding ways to keep our international pressure on china to express the dismay of the international community that want to have this national security law and they have done that we think that it's going to go on and in particularly on respect to the rule of law because this is being and i have fundamentally damaged by this bill this the fact that there's no mechanism to hold a joint declaration to the council to hold china to account for violating it i mean that seems like a pretty major oversight is there anything that the u.k.
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can do here. well i mean what it can do is mobilize its diplomatic resources to do it i would say to find ways to bring what china's actions to the attention of the world in areas such as the commission on human rights and the united nations where they can find a suitable. venue all who are. voicing our real concerns over the mobiles and to try and persuade other countries to voice similar goods as well as as mates question what can can any individual country really have an impact on china and its plans for hong kong or do does the u.k. the e.u. the u.s. need to get together and what are the chances of that actually happening. it's going to hit back is going to be
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a diplomatic challenge i mean i think it is obvious that it is not the that this floor is now here it is here it is day the question is how to mitigate the ways in which it is implemented. and to try as far as possible to protect the rights and interests of the people of hong kong with dark guarantee by the other international . community such as the international covenant on civil and political rights which does seem to be in many ways in contradiction to this new role so there's a long way to go yet it's not going to change as i say china's fundamental i hate him but we must do what we can to make life and to try to make life bearable for the people on car. thank you time your analysis roderick why they're an associate fellow in the edges of a program that's had a mouse. that the 60 people have died in ethiopia during 2
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days of violence following the murder of a popular singer and rights activist the prime minister is accusing foreign forces of being behind the high plus all that and just about reports. that. as a former political prisoner and a romo activist a chuckle one day so was known for more than his lyrics about economic and civil rights his songs became the melody of the protest movement and 20 teams that elevated the new government to power he was shot late on monday. he needs somebody that is. i can buy that feet he passed media and what was. the whole of africa. is. going to how do you really want to go. my duty of power had the rhetorical facility but ability beijing the critics question was which he you know very ably committed in fact we don't fight some of
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the deeply interested and probably knows a lot of the facing as floats used to be. his killing provoked a furious response from his many fans thousands followed his casket through the capital addis ababa. the room or ethiopia's largest ethnic group which is long complained about discrimination and oppression even with a fellow romel as prime minister nobel peace prize winner met said what he called an evil act of assassination was orchestrated abroad in order to divide the country he alluded to egypt and sudan which are in dispute with ethiopia over the opening of africa's largest hydroelectric dam. but it could be one. as the u.n. security council was meeting to discuss their own ice on stem crisis the cessation crime took place it's a crime which an external force has participated and carried it out using a local force the aim is to prevent us from completing their nice aunt's dam project our enemies will not achieve their objectives even if we pay more prices
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and offer more sacrifices. that it difficult to chuckle or was critical of the prime minister to appearing out a media network owned by a government critic joe or muhammad a few days ago. the 36 year old singer spoke out about receiving death threats before his life was abruptly ended now many ethiopians will remember him as a larger than life figure in life and in death the center of national intrigue. and al-jazeera. and more ahead on the news hour including. dozens of refugees the migrants drawn and eastern turkey we'll have the latest on the cover yes it's. also a hate speech a boy called begins taking some of the world's biggest brands and their advertising dollars off facebook. at this place still has reason to celebrate despite the word stupidly being called off i think that santa will explain all this for us.
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there is uncertainty of a when israel will begin its side annexation of the occupied west bank debate on the issue was due to begin on july 1st the prime minister benjamin netanyahu says talks with the u.s. about the plans are ongoing coalition partner bet against us suggested it should be put on hold while the government deals with coronavirus with all the berkowitz ambassador friedman and members of the delegation i spoke about the question of sovereignty which we are working on now and over the coming days of their senior political analyst. says netanyahu is still pressing ahead with an accession for. and you know who really wants to take advantage of the fact that trump is president or for sure to be president until the end of the year and hence exploit that opportunity in order to go through with an exhibition that is long. but what's really fascinating and
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a probably this something should be shocking to our viewers around the world is that we're all waiting you know for the for the white smoke comes out of the white house as it were a century after another white man in the seat of empire lord balfour in london decided to give parts of by the side to the zionist movement one century 100 years later we have another white man in the super brain by in washington also. driving through or will you give the amount of people by this time to the zionist movement so the fact that this continues to go on that a person doesn't own palestine gives it away to someone who doesn't deserve it against the woodwards people it was quite outstanding police initially say they've seized the world's largest hall of them sesame produced but i still in syria 14
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tons was found hidden inside machinery in the port of salerno south of naples valued at about $1100000000.00 syria has become a major producer of amphetamines during its stand a 10 year war. iran russia and turkey in a political solution to the war in syria and a calling for talks between opposing factions following a video conference joint statement said they agree that the conflict of its 10th year has none of the trees solution fighting has killed 380000 people displaced millions. recovery operations are the way in turkey after both capsized and a lake in the south at least $6.00 bodies have been recovered it's believed around 60 refugees and migrants from borders it was crossing lake van our correspondent said of course all that was in istanbul and says police have spoken to a witness to the incident the rescue teams are still trying to reach the boat and the rest of the bodies that are believed to be. that who have who are who are
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who are believed to have drawn on the night of such a day this is this is not the 1st incident on lake one because a van is a border border city with iran and from afghanistan bangladesh pakistan and iran there are always irregular migrants crossing the sporter regularly and they are there a muse actually to cross turkey and reach to europe. via agency there is a witness about this incident and 11 people were detained linked to this incident and that witness is actually one of the human traffickers who range to board for those people and according to his statement that he gave to the police he was in the boat and the boat was capsized because it its capacity was for $25.00 people but there were at this $55.00 to $60.00 according to his statement and after it was capsized he and his cousin who was in walden this trafficking jumped into water and
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if they were just 8 kilometers from the coast and he was able to swim to the cost what while because and wasn't able to make it but the police sources that i have spoken to tell me that his statement is conflict and conflicting and probably those irregular migrants on the boat they were locked in a room and they didn't have any chance to get out. france's foreign minister has called an e.u. meeting to discuss possible sanctions on turkey france's temporarily pulling art a nato operation in the mediterranean it's demanding nato and forces an arms embargo on libya turkey is supporting the un recognized government in tripoli and asked about the joins me now live from paris that i should what exactly the french foreign minister have to say what the french foreign minister was speaking to the senate and he said that he's called a special meeting of the european union foreign ministers for july 13th and he said
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that what he wants is for europe to try and decide what sort of relationship it should have with turkey the inference being that some of turkey's actions of late haven't quite fallen into line with e.u. values joyce are saying that e.u. foreign ministers need to have a very open a conversation about turkey without any to booze never sort of thing that our joy of talking about is the fact that france has claimed that turkey is fueling instability in libya for example by importing say says frogs fighters of from syria something that a present mark or even spoke about just one day ago on tuesday calling turkey's actions in libya a criminal responsibility is a very strong words from france indeed on turkey and what they want the e.u. to do is pull turkey more into line with what the e.u. actually wants don't have a jury or suggesting the e.u.
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foreign ministers decide on possible future sanctions on iraq or there are already ease sanctions or 9 kora over an oil drilling dispute thank you so much then attach a butler there live from paris. a vestments from more than $400.00 brands including coca-cola and starbucks starting to vanish from facebook the social media giant failed at last but it talks to convince them to stop a boycott of a hate speech on the site record gupta has a story. it was an ominous warning by the u.s. president during mass protests against the police killing of george threw it so badly after donald trump's tweet twitter issued a warning for the 1st time so his message to his flood violence facebook didn't follow suit sparking a reporter asked by some stuff right now facebook is trying to walk or really dangerous line where are really fine line in any case between free speech and haste hate speech so zakhar has said repeatedly that they don't want to be an arbiter of
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truth so some things are being taken down particularly when it comes to a lot of inflammatory remarks trump has made. these this is where they kind of fall short now a campaign by wide scoops urging companies to stop advertising on facebook during july is gaining momentum more than $400.00 brands including. coca-cola ford honda and unilever one of the world's largest advertisers of consumer goods are posing their ad campaigns the point call it is aimed at causing enough financial damage to force facebook boss mark zuckerberg into changing his policy what brands are asking now for is for the injury to put in place advertising industry wide policies which are consistent across the board which means setting standards of what's home for content today definition of a content will depend on the platform are you dealing with it is about finding
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common ways of reporting the incidence of harmful content it is about putting in place a thought party verification for the data which is being reported and it's about creating tools which allow our brands to be making informed decisions on where they want their ads to be placed with more than 2000000000 users facebook has long been accused of not doing enough to stop misinformation think news propaganda from spreading among its users we're going to start labeling content last friday zuckerberg announced that facebook will start flooding use with the content the violet's truth and take violent content down among other measures. and to stay facebook announced that it is battling a us based violent act to cover the network broadly connected to the book lou movement but stopped short of banning all references to the far right program network whose supporters believe violence could lead to a 2nd u.s.
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civil war the july boycott seems to have got sucker both attention but it remains to be seen if it will have enough impact on facebook's profits to force more meaningful action. on to 0. derrick johnson is president and c.e.o. of the national association for the advancement of colored people and double a.c.p. it is the oldest civil rights organization in the u.s. he joins us now live from jackson mississippi via skype thank you so much for your time sir are you fastened by the response so far by these brands to the calls to boycott facebook advertising. i think many companies see the urgency of the moment we want to keep people safe and protect our democracy platforms such as facebook was to take more responsibility and put in place guard rails so that groups like this book a little group are now are not able to recruit members and make plans to cause harm
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to the general public which happened last month. as we reported there there were some last minute talks facebook executives apparently put forward some press releases why does of facebook's proposed changes go far enough. we've been in conversation with facebook for over 2 years they have both technology and bitterly to implement the necessary guard rails they have simply failed to do so. gradual steps will not resolve the issues that many on the platform see advertisers have stepped up many of whom will realize that next year they're at a bird it's meant our racial hate groups are also advertising next to it if we want this country to be the society we are proclaim it to be corporations like baseball must be more accountable for how they are allowed their platform to be used to
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spread our racial hatred this campaign that obviously the end. was pot also starting has a long list of proposed actions i'm wondering what say you are the most pressing changes that facebook should be make it what should be at the very top of the list . well 2 things. is sure that we keeping people safe and we're protecting our democracy there are specific things that fall under those 2 buck is that facebook can produce we've had multiple conversations they've had an internal audit independent audit there are many recommendations and out that audit there has been a road out over the last 2 years they simply must execute on once in trying to how are they are maintaining the agur rhythm so that they're not promoting racial hate groups and so those groups can recoup people in how they are positioning themselves to ensure our elections this year is not temper with either domestic or foreign
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influence the black lives matter in this event has got this huge impetus this huge movement this huge a congress on the what they get out of it it's got the sad the space to it right now is this now part of turning protest into policy you know changing and really rooting out racism that isn't demick in so many societies where that's our goal is as an organization and the c.p. we are working hard now to move the peaceful protesters to the place of power through exercising their rights to vote and doing so at a record numbers that sends a value message because the policy makers who get elected must carry all those values so we'll get a public policy implementation that public policy would reflect the values but more importantly begin to address the systemic issues of structural racism that is
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plague this nation not only for decades for centuries thanks so much for time unfortunately i have to leave it there for time derrick johnson their president and c.e.o. of the devil a.c.t thank you thank you for the opportunity. still to come here on al-jazeera the un security council finally endorses a global sea sun during the pandemic the bird change anything on the ground. allegations of brutality new evidence emerges from indian and minister kashmir almost a year after it was stripped of autonomy. and in support the chinese super league has finally got a confirmed start date sun is here with that story that from the program. if you want to see dramatic thunderstorms go to a man they've been around recently in this time of the year it's
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a man that gets the edge moisture from the monsoon over india so you do get some pretty big thunderstorms yes improper rain every now and again that's true certainly also is not might be the start of the honey for that long event that takes place and so our just on the edge of the monsoon cloud drizzle the breeze elsewhere has become lighter you see a bit of an orange face here that is the idea of dust in the atmosphere is not particularly a big event at the moment it picks up more in northern iraq and this is during friday temperatures because the wind is not strong in the sunnies on the high side of 424748 nearly 50 were 2 places it's cooler it looks like in doha that's a humid 35 you will not like to experience that mostly dry and dusty throughout north africa look ticky dusty with the showers as far north star as a hell of course the biggest ones tend to grow in the ethiopian highlands but more recently they've been in west africa running up through almost was the gambian there's the orange tops all the biggest shows the dust is again the orange stuff in
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mauritania western sahara and something like that in northern nigeria in fact our jury has been the hottest place in the world in the last 24 hours. but. chile's infamous dictator may be long gone but inequality fueled by his neo liberal economic reforms still plagues the nation. and dissent is still quashed by a heavy handed state apparatus. the people in power examines whether forging a new constitution can turn the page in the most unequal of the world's 13 wealthiest nations chile in a chaise legacy on a jet 0. in a 2 part series. on g z or not observes the lives of 2 children. over 20 years the land where insights into circumstances that shape
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lives. in a rapidly changing world. 20 years of mean continues with good morning groups in young on al-jazeera. the. you're watching al-jazeera a reminder of our top stories this hour at least 370 people have been arrested on the streets of hong kong as a contentious new national security drawn by china's central government took effect . u.s. secretary of state michael has again condemned the law saying he'll continue president trump's directive to end hong kong's special status. to be 60 people have
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died in ethiopia during 2 days of violence following the murder of a popular singer and rights activist the army has been deployed in the capital addis ababa the prime minister is accusing foreign forces of being behind the high profile murder. of the european union is reopening its borders to some travelers from outside of the block visitors from 14 countries have been approved for entry these include canada japan south korea thailand algeria and. for those not on the list are having serious problems containing covert 19 like the united states turkey and russia europe's tourism sector has been struggling throughout the pandemic many businesses are hoping the opening of the borders will help salvage part of the all important summer season was there steadfast and is in the tourist town of mark in the netherlands. so here at the fishing village of markham it's a very traditional village and it's a very popular tourist destination and normally at this time of the year hundreds
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of tourists visit just village on a daily basis and as you can see now this hardly anyone here we went to amsterdam earlier and you could see that tourism is picking up a little bit but it's mostly european tourists and dutch tourists who are now here and people here are complaining that they are not buying enough americans are the 2nd largest group of tourists in amsterdam usually and there are none of them there because the americans are still not allowed to enter the e.u. so they are badly missed a lot of business owners have complained to us saying the only 20 percent of their income right now and many are fearing that they will lose their business if this summer is going to be so bad as it is predicted. the pandemic is left around 1400 cuban migrants who are seeking asylum in the u.s. stranded in mexico that they wait months for appointments with my question or thought some of the doctors and nurses have been helping to fight call the 19 and
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the latest report on people left stranded sharing the pandemic we hear from one of those doctors. my name is you know gonzales i'm 37 years old and i'm cuban i've been a family doctor for 8 years and i'm currently. requesting asylum in the u.s. . when the pandemic began the u.s. closed its borders due to the health emergency and all the appointments to attend u.s. immigration courts were postponed. i feel that i am in migratory limbo i can't go back to cuba i'm not allowed to cross to the states to wait there until my case is heard and in this country in mexico i'm nobody. who knew a friend of mine a doctor asked me if i wanted to work at this shelter helping migrants. the most beautiful thing was to put on a white doctor's coach again and to grab
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a stethoscope and to be able to hear someone's heartbeat again. when the migrants realize that we are also migrants they feel happier and they feel like we have family. in me. the most difficult thing about leaving cuba was leaving my family my mom my dad to leave everything behind and start a new. there. but not really because i can't say that i have a life here i can't even say that i'm starting to build a life here. polls are closing in russia for a vote on constitutional amendments which would allow president vladimir putin to run for another 2 terms in office early results suggest that more than 70 percent of voters are backing. what this report. brewing disobedience alexander can overloads cafes stayed open during lockdown in st
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petersburg despite government directives to close. so did his beauty salons the largest network in the city once loyal to president putin the businessman has lost his faith he says coronavirus measures were inconsistent illogical and unfair and this vote to change the constitution is the last straw for a free i was not just loyal to him like so many russians for me he was almost an idol my attitude to the president began to change even before the coronavirus when they began to introduce this amendments to be the reset of his terms my friends and i have one question why did he lie that he wouldn't do this for many years he said that he would not change the constitution in order to remain in power and this is exactly what he's doing russians have spent the last week voting on a package of constitutional amendments the headlines a new benefits but buried in the text is permission for president putin to rule until 2036 if you continue to win the votes you're still nervous with there are
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many things that i like about this amendments to protect our territory to support and restore our culture children education social support animals and happy with entire package on wednesday putin made an unprecedented plea. we're not just voting for amendments that are laid out in clear legal norms we vote for the country we want to live in with modern education and health care with reliable social protection of citizens with an effective government that is accountable to society we vote for the country we work for and we want to pass it on to our children. the new rules created for this vote are also unprecedented exit polls were announced midway and polling stations popped up everywhere from fields to car parks making it impossible to ensure the vote is fair or free from tampering for you to judge him by exposing the flaws in the system a number of journalists deliberately voted twice and there have been numerous
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reports of coercion and vote buying. putin's approval ratings are at 59 percent an all time low but analysts say the true figure could be even lower. when we see a drop in support from 79 to 59 percent in north korean countries it means that support in society is actually much lower because the numbers are distorted we see put his charisma is eroding and ratings are declining but this is not yet accompanied by protests so support is weak but there are not so many reasons for the population to rebel and yet they predict amendments will pass granting putin the opportunity to rule russia until he's 83 years old charlie angela al-jazeera. sorry state t.v. says air strikes have targeted who the rebels and yemen's capital there are no reports of damage so far the attacks on some are following last week's misawa an armed drone attacks targeting the saudi capital riyadh though they said the strikes on the defense ministry and a military base was their largest military operation yet against the kingdom rights
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group in yemen is accusing both sides in the civil war of carrying out abuses and its nearly 90 page report the motown organization for human rights documents hundreds of arbitrated tensions forced disappearances and torture 2016 of a 66 yemenis it says have died in secret prisons the report identifies at least 11 unofficial detention centers blames the hoodies and militias trained by the u.a.e. for the majority of the abuse more than 100000 people have died in the nearly 6 year war involving iran back to the rebels and the saudi u.a.e. coalition. is the chairperson of the motown organization for human rights she's calling for the immediate release of detainees. a was the very terrible details about torture it was back to the extent that i couldn't review their report more than once i refused to read it more than once i didn't even
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imagine that parties to the conflict are dealing that. the in a terrible terrible where they were to date and and to end the reports 66 of those who were detained by different parties to the conflict where killed they have died so the torture it's not one case not even 2 or 3 or 4 cases it's many cases of a horrible details of torture inside there where the facility is different an office full of prisons facilities detainees since 2016 until now. they are in a very bad situation and even when corbett 19 just a period in yemen we were very scared and we pushed that the detainees who should be released because we also have done research about the situation offered detention centers and different given rates and we know it's it's
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a horrible situation and if the court in $1000.00 just started with one case in any detention facility so it's going to be a disaster for all detainee's that's why it's very urgent that all parties of the conflict should release those detainees. the united nations cultural agency is warning that its name and local vocal rather are being illegally used to traffic african artifacts u.s. car says its name has been printed on false documents to certify the value of stolen art some trafficking is connected to organized crime and the funding of terrorism and tolerance of more than 100 people recovered 900000 stolen artifacts in may as our own do is the director for culture and emergencies at unesco he says rampant fraud and boosting of artifacts forced the agency to take action. we talking about. cultural object that are coming from from africa you know that are really important for the country's cultural and cultural heritage for the identity
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so this our very important testimony is of how you know all the our cultures are so important and having them as sometimes sort. of because people are using the name of your desk or we don't really it was important a 21 everyone against this kind of situation unesco does not issue a set if it gets to 4 people 2 are fraudulent the sale or a transaction about countries cultural heritage this has been going along for for falling for many many years in all the east you're fighting. against cultural property unesco we have been doing it for the past 50 years this year we celebrating the 50th anniversary of this effort and that's why it was important to really want everyone out out out on the wire that i would role is to work with
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countries to. prevent this sort of looting then to issue file significate to do people or to make business with. the united nations security council has just approved a global cease fund to help countries with conflict zones focus on stopping the spread of the coronas eyes time space has moved from the united nations. it was back in march that the secretary general of the united nations at the start of the band mc antonio good terrorists made the unprecedented call for a global ceasefire to coincide with covert 19 to try and silence the guns and some of the world's trouble spots although he made that call $100.00 days ago initially the security council was paralyzed on this issue unable to come up with a resolution of their own mishal problems between the u.s. and russia russia wanted language on lifting sanctions during this health emergency and then the problems emerged between china and the u.s.
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in the go see a chanst the trumpet ministration wanted to call covert 19 the chinese virus then president trump pulled out the world health organization and china said that the resolution had to have a mention of the world health organization in it so although we now finally have this resolution in place and that's important it clearly has highlighted the very deep divisions on the u.n. security council for one country that is particularly pleased is germany it has assumed the presidency for july on this day so it believes this is a sign of new cooperation on the security council as it begins its month long presidency. at least 229 people have been killed in indian administered kashmir in the last 6 months that's according to a local human rights group the latest deaths from wednesday during a shoot out and so for north of strength guy that it's both reports. caught in a gun battle between indian paramilitaries and kashmiri fighters bashir carne is
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the latest civilian victim of violence in this region. yeah. there are 3. in this incident one soldier was martyred 3 of the soldiers were wounded during the firefight one civilian traveling in his vehicle right there charlie jumped from his vehicle and ran for safety but he too got hit by bullets and died. the child was mr khan's grandson. lucky to be alive local police took him to his family from the scene of the shooting in support north of srinagar. the death of increases the total of civilians killed in kashmir since the beginning of the year to at least $33.00 also killed says the local coalition of civil society $55.00 armed forces personnel and more than 140 fighters for kashmiri independence.
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khan's relatives say he was deliberately killed by the security forces. militants but i want the check i said by job. if militants killed him how did the child survive they would have been some bullet marks on the vehicle these are all lies the truth behind this is that security forces killed him in cold blood. allegations denied by the police who say they should be thanked for saving the grandsons life. without having learned that. it's now almost a year since india's prime minister stripped kashmir of rights they gave it widespread autonomy or under modi says the territory needs to better integrate with the rest of india. over the area remaining under military control with one of the world's longest mobile internet blackouts there doesn't seem to be much in the way of integration the bernard smith al-jazeera. so come
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last month that have now been cleared. will join their team mates in the u.k. the group will depart on friday and includes a star open up the month as well as shut up and mohammed have fees. will face the hosts in 3 tests and 3 t 20 starting next month the tour follows the return of top class cricket and it's week with england hosting the west indies full 3 test lead title has already been decided in england with liverpool taken top spot with 7 games to spare the players are now preparing for a game against a last season's champions bashes to city on thursday the reds manager your gun club believes the city will challenge them a hard next season in what he expects will be difficult to facts the city will be strong next season united will be strong next season just will be strong next season i will be strong next season that only does we have them it's obvious it is not as it is just saying to united is now saying shape and chelsea is
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a really good shape and. is doing some interesting business that's. been us they don't come less that will be there well 4th place chelsea are looking to secure a spot in the champions league next season and they face west ham in a little while with manager frank lampard admitting his team are still adjusting to playing games in empty stadiums it's different less the felt most different for us because i think it was a one performance where on the 1st i didn't have an energy and then i didn't see it bounce which kind of was a reflection the fact that i when i find the study shows you with the in the obvious you can get. it you can inject as you say without fans. that's not what. the chinese superleague has finally got a confirmed start date this is it will begin on july the 25th that with all matches to be played in 2 hub cities no fans that will be allowed to attend games the
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competition was originally due to begin in february and major league soccer is on course to resume its season on july the 8th at the news within the disney world resort in florida the tournament will be held without fans teams that will be playing competitively for the 1st time in the 4 months that strike vivian has been named a football right as player of the get in england the arsenal star top the year goal scoring charts in the women's super league this past season that with 16 goals her latest award adds to her winning the players' player of the year prize the previous season their most also her country's leading goal scorer. and western conference leading l.a. lakers that will be without every bradley when the n.b.a. restarts later this month in florida the 29 year old is among a growing list of players that to opt out the top 22 teams that will also be
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playing at the walt disney world resort in orlando beginning on july the 30th says he made the decision because his 6 year old and not the son suffers from those 3 illnesses. process we want to stay close with readers who are involved with or. live core strategy was tough it's tough to. avery's toughness is defensive tenacity was a starter but we completely understand his decision. and after a false start in australia in march formula one teams are gathering in austria to get their season started the melbourne race was cancelled due to poor advice just hours ahead of the 1st official practice session the season though will now begin a behind closed doors a with back to back races at the red bull ring spellberg with the opening coming up on sunday but i think. you want to 'd know when you're going to
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race again like i hate it when i don't have a set date to do work towards and luckily at one point we had confirmation and you know i think now we are just very excited to to get going again the start of the major league baseball season in north america is still 3 weeks away but there's plenty of action happening in asia over in taiwan the time that 1st brothers that moved a step closer to winning at the 1st half time title after thrashing defending champ is robertson monkeys 20 to nothing in doing so the brothers became the 1st team in the league get to collect $53.00 run homer. and thus host well from your hand you back to camp thank you for that. we have an update for you now on the breaking news from ethiopia where more than 80 people are now known to have died during violence and protests in the all near region the unrest follows the shooting death of singer and activist. a police commissioners
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there says 78 of the dead all civilians the rest are security forces personnel. one of the world's biggest contributors to plastic pollution indonesia has banned the single use plastic bags extensive used during the pandemic has added to the mountain of waste just to washington with this report. on the outskirts of the indonesian capital this is where jakarta is rubbish ends up a mountain of garbage that never shrinks and there's always more on the way for those who live here it's a danger to their health but for many it's also their livelihood as coppa 19 forced many in this densely populated city to stay inside and out of groceries and meals on line so mia and her husband were among those sorting through the mess they've worked here for more than 30 he is right about that money but no money because of
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course on a virus there's more plastic now we find a lot of water bottles plastic cups and more waste management is a major problem for jakarta with its population of more than 10000000 landfills are overflowing and the city's rivers are among the most polluted in the world local authorities say it's time to change. single use plastic bags or plastic in general is a serious problem for jakarta and the majority of waste in term pretty landfills and your culture is plastic starting this month all single use plastic bags are banned in markets grocery stores and malls most of the city's plastic waste comes from markets such as this one and sellers say the ban will make their jobs more challenging the sound of the. it's difficult should we wrap our product with banana leaves it's impossible if we wrap a paper it's costly plastic is cheaper but if it's banned i don't know what else i
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can do. but environmental activists say the change has been a long time in the making and banning plastic bags is just one small part of improving waste management here we've been pushing for the. past 4 years specifically. this is an odd time coming and we're quite excited that it's finally happening on the 1st day of the new policy local government inspectors visited shops in indonesia's largest shopping mall explaining the rules to store managers many have already embraced the new policies rejecting plastic in favor of reusable options and plastic activists say the next step is to encourage online stores to do the same just to washington al-jazeera jakarta. and that is it for me kevin allen the whole team here in doha lauren taylor and i colleagues and london will take over next with more of the day's news thank you for joining us also you next time
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is going to be good seafood by nature is high risk management sometimes trump is raised using production drugs. that are not approved for use in the u.s. the f.d.a. simply isn't testing enough on the imported market to really find all of these pilot the president take note on al jazeera. al-jazeera explores prominent figures of the 20th century and how rivalries influenced the course of history steve jobs a much better market share than bill gates for apple is going to reinvent stuff bill made software what it is today will change the world to high tech visionaries whose breakthroughs inspired a digital revolution jobs and gates face to face on al-jazeera.
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al-jazeera. hundreds of protesters arrested in hong kong the 1st to be taken into custody under contentious new security no. i'm going to miss his al-jazeera live from london also coming up polls close in a referendum which is expected to reshape russia's constitution and extend that to make putin's grip on power. with 80 people confirmed dead in what anger over the murder of a popular singer.
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