tv Old South Al Jazeera July 2, 2020 3:00pm-4:01pm +03
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for you. every 1. 100 hours g.m.t. on al-jazeera i'm come all santa maria with the top stories tension remains high in ethiopia 3 days after a popular singer and activist was murdered a child is in there has been laid to rest following a funeral in his home town of just west of. it was his death that saw the violence that killed more than 80 people shot bellus with this report. people gathered in a suburb or to a school the casket of popular musician her childhood days are shot dead on monday . this procession marks the beginning of violence that has met dozens to.
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the challenge was an icon for ethiopia's biggest ethnic group the aroma. his music was the soundtrack to protests that propelled prime minister made into office in 20 until now not much but how chile was a role model for the struggle for democracy human rights freedom and justice he was treacherously murdered by some external and internal elements who have been planning for a while now to start a strife and chaos among our people. his killing has spurred angry protests which led to the government shutting down the internet on tuesday there is now little evidence of what is happening inside ethiopia. there are unconfirmed reports of gunshots and explosions in the capital where the military has been deployed in response to gangs and legibly roaming addis ababa prime minister has accused foreign forces of assassinating the singer in an attempt to the stone. the mines
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the country. as the u.n. security council was meeting to discuss the relicensed and crisis this is cessation crime took place external forces may have colluded with local forces to destabilize peace and security in the country. others argue it's unlikely another country orchestrated its killing isn't it tensions have grown in recent years with iran complaining of marginalization despite them being the biggest of ethiopia's groups and having a fellow aroma as prime minister i challenge other romo's had become more critical in recent months of one of the big questions is to actually kill the musician. that touched everything off and i think what you're seeing here is a great deal of. rush which has. by this incident. human rights watch has accused the government of making a volatile situation worse after some of these political opponents were arrested
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including media tycoon john well mohamad. the europeans now fear. in his hometown of and on thursday may result in more violence shalah ballasts and jazeera in other news rival palestinian groups hamas and fatah have said they will work together to fight against israel's an extension plans for parts of the occupied west bank the comments come a day after the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu was due to launch the whole process we are united and we will this the tactics on the ground the tactics on the field according to the israeli actions is that are easily behaviors that is that are easily. way of trying to destroy trying to do this coalition and so on as there are for
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intifada for us is it mean the end is to in the cube wish the end is to end and to remove the annexation from the table a decision by turkey's highest court on the status of the highest of fear museum is expected in about 2 weeks the council of state met on thursday to discuss the government's push to convert the building back to a mosque prior to the ottoman conquest of istanbul that was also a christian cathedral and government in mexico killed at least 24 people and injured 7 others at a drug rehabilitation facility the 2nd such attack in the city of it apart or north of mexico city up to date with the headlines here on al-jazeera the latest edition of witness is coming up next. larry.
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felt what would you have. i'm not going to talk about one athens because we all know that there is no one. ok i think we've got a great question on the floor and that is how do we filed one athens how do we build the trust that will be necessary to go follow it is there an elected official like to respond to that question. i had a. i'm very familiar with your neighborhood very familiar with your neighborhood and i want to see your organization succeed we're not trying to make you go away we want you to succeed and we want you to fulfill your potential. is nearly have a common we need for you all to look at race. because that is a large pot of laugh problem but i hope that us saying what i say here with all due
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respect this is not from a about racism. i taught school i taught black children i taught white children i taught very very poor poor black children when i taught school and every child no matter where they lived what their parents did what clothes they wear what they smelled like and some of them smelled not too good because they lived in homes without kwame got my equal attention they lived in mill homes they were poor children rich children and white children black children i am not going to stand here and have you accuse my actions as being racist mislead only stop talking out. please be quiet you be. on. on talking is for god and. now i am not going to say that there has
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not been racism in the community there have was and i think that's true. and i'm sorry that there has been but to simply say that our actions are racist is not correctness nearly and i will not let you accuse me of that i'm just that's that's all i want to say and i want to say thank you because this leap in just yet needed to wake up to what you have done. is. the flying. to that got a body. that's going to blow up more than just this situation because there's too much else going on all you know what can you.
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thank you where. they're putting a mailbox we're having a community meeting tomorrow at 7 berry just to talk about the different things that are long on in the community you know how they were torn down so if you have time please stop ok stop by. my mother lives here this is her home was my grandmother's home my mother was raised here are one of the homes that my mother was raised in. my grandmother's. grandparents lived in this home. and then of course you know we have a fraternity that they're moving in right at someone. and you think now here they have not found these 2 homes and the other is that. the homes where does the malitia. the basically leave my mother's house. and the k. a house. the only thing left on the wall
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*. yes hi mr atkins i was calling because i want to order i guess about a 100 or 200 and custom play and all right all right thank you sir are you happy. we've been in business for. about 50 years if generation or more titian i've only been in the forest 7 years now my young as i don't know who was supposed to run the business. when he was my age. the system thing that went bad after my grandfather passed in the eighty's on what's my line with. the stability in this business.
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is. based down to her way of living julie. so there's my hood was. able for me and where i was when john where this girl's father and grandmother they sacrificed so much to be able to keep this business going and i wanted to keep our legacy continuing. not. with the you. so let us. say well that was close.
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to god. i am. so blah blah blah. oh on the law the law law the law shall ah ah ah sounds like he was so lucky as he was when al was growing up we were the 1st black. churches mother and. son. tito de reese the school. that was when i went to high school in. the law. it was for you haskell. i am one with a they hate to be all in one with the home. and the
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other was where their fellows used to go. on believing. they had it in order to. win people would come down and they hate day sit down. and was aware and asked. when we finish tasks we were. and across the street to mark church here 1st baptist church. that's where we have graves. right here for this baptist you. know what it's really when they get to a point to look at their show. the
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research a community is very valuable because it's close to downtown and also close to the chase camp and. what do you do do you protect them to protect try to protect the people that are already there and the shock shoes that are already there and the history that's already there are do you just not. whatever buys property well milly come in and you know tear up the neighborhood that you knowing you up. we got involved with the restraint when the case 1st bought property there because the neighborhood got exercised and began to get organized and we started working with them and eventually the neighborhood decided that they wanted to try to get
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their due to their neighborhood locally doesn't it as a historic district and the important thing about local historic does a nation is that it protects the neighborhood this is a map for the proposed re street local historic district. this is the hill 1st baptist church at the corner of reese and polk street and that is where we have our community meetings it's a very old and and significant african-american church the property that the k.-s. bought is a a large l. shaped lot here which is just south of hank street so their house will be here they've got a parking lot here they also bought these 2 lots here the 2 houses here they were roughly 100 years old a little more a little less but still they appeared to be pretty sound structures k.a. said that they were not what they were about all of them but i don't know if we can believe that or not this 237 church street this is the house that dr hurley lives
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who was hope by the hearts mother and her house is now the only historic residential house from the number one. if we don't get this local has torn down the nation for development for going to start popping up all over the place the 2 homes that were purchased by k. they are no longer standing as soon as we realized the houses were vacant on the other or contacting a me. so i was sort of about logging with care a jot came with neighborhood meetings and he said in here and he you know when asked he was supported we want to be part of the neighborhood we want to support the neighborhood and then to turn around and do that like a car and told him. you move i was given the car to see
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a call but of course they didn't tell us that it was the houses were going to be demolish so at best kind of trickery making me kind of leave me ok i have a lot of power they do they get over everybody they do what they want to. know is true in affects you and your family most of them affects mine because your mother is right but. but you know sometimes you think you find lives and that when i came to the 1st meeting our recalls pat allen across maine and those return to boston do not sit out there tell us absolute last they lied to us i mean grin in his face and i'm not going to grin and his face he's not in a better than me and i guess that maybe one of my downfalls i don't come to suck up to you just because you know you've got the authority. to try to make a fly on a confederate flag just to show them sitting in this thing.
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i remember at the church where they showed us the plans to do with the the architectural adia for the home that they were going to bill and i question that. was different about this when it would be on the plantation you know this is the same confederate house confederate everything that that this picture shows us is a hurtful time by african-americans. is hard to just bear that history of hate and dislike and you don't even know the people and now you want to live in the same neighborhood with us.
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pretty much everyone has the you know we were exactly welcomed with open arms into the neighborhood and. we did while we didn't want to leave our 1st location in the 1st place either and told us we had to move. the guys that are in control the were in charge of. the leaders of the adult leaders. made it possible for us to have a house closer to the school. my uncle my mother's brother was. back in the glory days so. i ended up getting a bill through fraternity it's been a wonderful wonderful experience for. some 1st year
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i was 12 i shot him with the blue. those are my 2 grandfathers the on blue passed away in 2000. and he still. and this is our al well he had a rebel flag on this account. and he was the thing that doesn't bother me for having a rebel flies because the the the reason the civil war was fall and was to keep slaves which it wasn't to hurt black people because yeah they were not they were part of society and they were slaves it wasn't because the reason the way we fought the war was because we hated black it was because we wanted to keep an institution going of oppressing black people but it was a owes all about money it's basically what i'm trying to say it wasn't about oh we
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hate white people let's make sure they don't ever have a real job in their home. to me having that little flag in my house on a whole host is really big. you know. that's just out i think a lot of people would agree with me. oh . brother was it unless the mother's lower started saying only although it will probably fruit under the force the mention of self-love can sure see the only your presence i think a man of whom i don't really overall virginia was. in the cause of the race of the 1st that you're the dame a southern girl and so as for deal pleasanter it was in the us when dexys play center itself on the wound up the service nurse has the abilities of jackson and
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davis and the nurse all those less fortunate unreconstructed get used that the south has truly risen the. writers they were yeah you're right you're the salad we're. all. 6 the whole reason that we have old south parade is that at that period of time. a man like a gentle southern gentleman had to be a nice person and had it all he had was his reputation i did some thinking about this and thought about you know why this is how it is you know you have was your reputation so being a gentleman was a necessity to me being a gentleman is seamless and it's it's just the way i was raised is just the way i
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was taught to be. i know nothing else but to be nice to everyone that i know and just do what i think right and that entails you know and you know holding doors for ladies at all times like you know having nice table manners yes ma'am no ma'am shaking hands looking people in the. those are the things that come to my you know. i tie myself in the mix something. people always thing the morning a problem to me and then you know i work with in the middle of there trying to do the same thing to bring about change or i kind of take it on my cell. all right we're ready now to move to our public hearing and deliberation on the recommendation from the historic preservation commission regarding the dozen nation
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of the restricted areas a local historic district. madam mayor and commission i stand before you today to ask you see approve the local historic designation for re sank all for restraint we have worked really hard to see you see this coming to fruition there are only 10 historically african-american districts across the state we would like to be a let the 11th we the restraint community want to say and what we what our community looks like and feels like we are passionate about our community and we will light positive single family growth so we are asking for the local historic designation thank you. all this labor saying. thanks. just like people
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napkins people sleep right now oh my mom is checking on somebody who is chicken to smoke ok what about the fraternities i think. it's much say hey i think we should think that. i mean at my mom when they're really keen on but. we just happen to come out of saturn there are like ghosts. powered bottles like right there in from our 1st day at my lawn so i don't know but i feel the tension in the air just when i drive through the neighborhood and they're looking at me and i'm looking at them. but i don't want them to just say well no one ever approached us or we would exclude it was even though they are stakeholders in the community the only reason only way they're going to act is if they are. i was a force but they were. brought in to participating i don't know how it's going to match but. we just don't see how a war this neighborhood's those organizations that they're groomed to participate
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in community events no i think with a political courage you know i think they know that you know there's the side that leaves you know all of their beer bottles out on game day and then there's the side that you know will be very light and respectful so let me just go ahead and send them a copy of the fire send them a. copy of the donation sheet that way and we've done our part. from fossil fuels to modern day renewables as societies develop the energy demands increase requiring innovative solutions to make such demands as a global power development of investment company nebraska power is uniquely positioned to deliver against these demands we provide business growth promote social economic benefits and provide innovative safe and environmentally sound
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energy solutions for future generations the breastpin pioneering future energy trends on donald trump jr was promised a damaging information about hillary clinton and i like a she like to see an investigation sit down to see did the trump campaign collude with russia did you at any time of the urge the former f.b.i. director james comey in any way shape or form the closer the batten down the investigation into michael flynn and also as you know you know next question bottle field washington on al jazeera. al-jazeera explores prominent figures of the 20th century and how rivalries influenced the course of history steve jobs a much better marketeers than bill gates was apple is going to reinvent stuff all below made software what it is today will change the world to high tech visionaries whose breakthroughs inspired a digital revolution jobs and gates face to face on al-jazeera.
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part 2 of witness is coming up in a moment but 1st we'll check the headlines and tension remains high in ethiopia 3 days after a popular singer and activist was murdered a child who has been laid to rest following a funeral in his hometown of just west of the capital his political songs provided a soundtrack for anti-government protests that ultimately led to a new prime minister in 2018. rival palestinian groups hamas and fatah have said they will work together to fight against israel's an expansion plans for parts of the occupied west bank those comments come a day after the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu was due to launch the whole process that has been delayed as high level talks on the issue continue to be
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held and we are united and we will this is the tactics on the ground the tactics on the field according to the israeli actions this is the israeli behaviors their israeli way of trying to destroy trying to do this coalition and so on as there are for intifada for us is it mean the end is to in the cube wish the end is to end and to remove the annexation from the table the decision by turkey's highest court on the status of the idea severe museum is expected in about 2 weeks the council of state did meet on thursday to discuss the government's push to
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convert the building back to a mosque prior to the ottoman conquest obvious temple it was also a christian cathedral this is a move that is heightening tension with neighboring greece. a landslide at the jade mine in may in ma has killed at least $113.00 workers bought of waste collapsed into a lake burying mine is in a wave of muddy water disaster in the mineral rich region follows days of heavy rain. gelman in mexico have killed at least 24 people and injured 7 others out of drugs rehabilitation facility this is the 2nd such attack in the town of it up what the north of the capital mexico city an area that has become one of the main flashpoints of gang related violence they go to europe today with the headlines news hour in about 25 minutes back now to witness.
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rachel. i'll kill where you put it just where you want those who. want that alley i would like me to cover it for you manley. think i would associate having our best people and they were the 1st historically african-american mabel who had been a local who ordered the nation and always hand in maybe 2 words. to get people her way to the place if you pulled up to a war. if i were to put up. an evening jim with a. white bear again a little bit further. thank you appreciate.
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it we. were in a rare one would be a breakthrough. imo honor. and therefore we want to have all my faculties like her when i'm 82. i. have a bear flame out from time to be shamed. his. family it would really really appreciate. she's made me very tough. but she is definitely sacrificing given a lot for me to me. while he's there. with. my.
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kids was the plan. bowling and some other stuff but they are over there within them and they're women and they're here on the corner play i'm. constantly. everybody out there can you hear me. and i'm very happy to be here today to celebrate the restraint neighborhood a group of organizations and individuals joined together to take the steps necessary to protect the research district people such as hoe and her mother and grandmother but actually this journey started well over 100 years ago when people began to settle here doctors lawyers teachers businessmen community leaders there were churches and a vital vital cultural area now this area nobody can come in and tear down a house nobody can come in and make major changes to the historic properties here
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a pain. to. play. with. i really love this community my husband i've been here for just about a year and i wanted to contribute something to the community and picking up trash is a way to make the community look nice on a daily basis. i know that there were some big parties last night which was. kind of a game that. you could see in this last block that there's been a lot where trash the and the other blocks the other blocks are single family houses mostly or apartments with maybe 2 to 3 people who need to 3 different
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people in the community told me so many interesting stories that house just up the street with the help of the 1st african-american dentist and i can see and i'm a doctor an african-american doctor lived right here on this route used to be a boarding house on the 2nd floor and the bottom floor was a place where people ate and drank and so when i started clearing out that corner i found more than 700 beer bottles. and people used to come and look at old bottles. and a lot of i'm really knowledgeable about the ecology here and they had a good laugh thinking that i was from colorado that i thought i could control this vine i think it's called kudzu. and so i
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asked your advice about what kinds of plants and vegetables would grow well here and what people thought they'd like to harvest this is colored in kale and daily called had something called mystery plants nobody knew what they were and so i planted a whole bunch of those mustard solid has been sort of a community project. thing some for today actually. i'm given a lot of my free time to try to provide a quality of life for my community and everyone there and some in community have appreciated not now do i. still do
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want to. i have germinated tonnes of seeds in our gardens pretty much planted by now and i know a number of other gardeners in the community now so i'm transferring some plants so that they can come pick them up this is what my husband gave me for christmas this is what it looked like and december of the year ago it was completely full of. are you here a couple of weeks ago walking down here with bare feet i was also all right. i thought i thought i had was
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a kappa alpha guys but i didn't know if it was the barefoot one or not but i'm glad you had refused. to go. yeah it's yours well no it's you know it's actually the neighborhood garden oh that's how i do a lot of farming but the produce is for the neighborhood we have people planting some people digging some people bringing water we were hoping that would be a place where the community i mean.
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i think one of the interesting things about community initiatives is you can't plan everything and you can't plan anything actually you start something and you see it evolves with the needs of the community. but if people coming into the fraternity realise you know that they're part of a community where could major go to meet. you know i mean in theory you could go a lot of places but it might just happen here. you know it's somebody who is living right next to hopes house if they no hope to be if they're just going to be a whole different dynamic and behave here and if i just think it's a wonderful idea and i'm convinced it will work. major and i have not yet and i'm going to become a part of a good part of maybe maybe and also in back you know i you know we have service imo and i know they're going to rough them. back some don't come with us on monday to
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be. sure he caught them and there are things that we. noticed community in transition so we just don't have time to time you have to work you know have to go don't bother going away so we did that that's how communities were and i thought we were. speaking on behalf of you know jahar and you know i think. if you all 'd of anything also it's a mutual some mutual relationship where you know if you have like once in the morning without it was something to sort of members well i know i'm not going to really i'm not going to rub. your friend i might be all right i did lose again if i could be really good to maybe need to come to. my life not me it was nice to be hard i mean i know what. i think i got a bad knee so when i get up i want us all you know and we'll be around this afternoon i'll see her and ok all right thank you. karen had you know well you know
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a lot of things we coul want to do with the garden and it's hard to do a lot of these saying especially when you know you have to dig a trench like this. to do with just 2 people and get it accomplished in one day i'm like well you know every fall we have 4018 year old kids that are very well equipped to help out and they are required to do the series or is it something. i go. you know right now we're. a korean pipe from the gutter system and we're putting in night not rain barrels on the side of a hill. and so the garden can get water and in summer it will be like a $75.00 foot long trench about 8 inches the hope to get it all done and i hope this all works out.
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and for me. feel like a 3rd grade teacher to be on their best behavior. the only or best behavior today. i guess that is the rain barrels and we're going to this corner right here at the church i'm going all over. marked off. everybody come i guess grab the shovels. take a pic take him down there leaf or down here and then just right there. on the run and on the ground 0. 000 a awarded storyboarded you know it was door was going to go to the right of those little digs and what you're going to get making right. you know. and you know you go in the western white new no need for us now live by you know
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you know i'm saying team based out of work you go. that's ok. we'll be fine. if you want to size you can get it so you have you have more pressure. on that quite a few people just working in the garden. but honestly until i started work in the garden i didn't have it at all. that really no interaction with anyone in the neighborhood.
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because when she came out about. maybe 40 chicken in order chicken to fish yes or ok our eyes open she said was ok and i'll bring that i'll bring you the money tomorrow you check this out of spite make you feel the 1st that still 1st that is all right and thank you. it was nice to meet you did you. come. up and say see what you want i want a thing. thank you and now. you want to contribute $60.00. and. if you want to you don't know ok so i'll just put. this is what i want to. we work so that we have monies to give. these so we we we get from the fruit of our labor
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and we live from the from drugs. so what you gear becomes a seed. we leave. from our people. ok this moment right here he said with news like socrates and plato. how do. i know ok that's. going to crack. the make sure. you bring back what you want to be doing ok not you we're going to do it and i want back i want to marry. you all right i'm going to comment right. well supported doing to me service and someone else has to be you are not going to do it in your own right a block away. we got a lot of work done quicker than i thought we would today
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a face i was gathering again over the chair and so another to be our ally sure where it is out on the books yeah that's all and i'm. fine i think they might be all right he's really sweet and. yeah we're really appreciate . we're told that your car wash your butt to make sure you know that on the way on time with you come march absolutely. you've got to. do it i mean i.
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definitely learned a lot about people i myself. initially i was a little you know like. yeah they don't look at me funny but they. all right we're getting ready to start of meeting if everybody would take the same plays. i want to welcome you all here today and wasn't necessarily about ok per se if so about the community. so it's really a neat thing to be able to recognize these people if i don't change what i hope you know when how far from. one high filmmaker down. my contestants time on. i've moved on sat what we need to do right now is just kind of introduce ourselves and students
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can talk about what they have what is what are they good. and what are they not so good because i think we all need to know each other in the sense of what areas we need to work our you know that's our 1st. take over. from that you have these very thoughts and there are you were you were serious right it was about that have to get your imagination read in my day we are all we do all that so is it your is 3 still got a square to scientists to get right out there if you give us the warriors to live as. we once we have all. of you to pay the price to get right down to your. basic $1060.00 so we have 60 percent. right to assist there not what we have in the one spot you have it i see where it was how you got it for good so that you get more excuses as i say what i think you
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mean because those are the questions ok at least yes. and nothing not as material climate i mean she will focus on what they pack come out ok i'm hungry you know how we're now common man get your hair out what your classes with all the. world. yes try stuff your stores. with those who are just not. it. it's all built the war for those that the top military over on or younger did it who knows mars you'll see at the unit where the sensors are staring at us they don't want us all to do what it is that they are sure it will source for they really are going to hear this they didn't say ok. as you create
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a relationship you learn each on their own we have to create relationships in order to make this thing more or stop with each other man in a bad way i say that horrendous contacted had. someone help go this were the time that we can look up to take them off their asses ok so we'll see all their stories are really paint a very. nice night. out with a private hat it just to be things that we all of them seem to be they didn't just say we are all without a baby a. driver here anything that i could name to be sent to you my church the children of course i will anywhere you live have to become stakeholder it's not mine you're not a part of the community and if you're not a part of what makes the community work and why are you there.
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new road trip this summer and sewing up a white truck or. buying a smaller one put my cover on it yeah i'll need some kind of campaign chivalry. hopefully i can get somebody you know a me to but if i don't start a proud day i'm going to go do it and i'll go get those states out and then to. it's worked i mean it's it's working. say i know everybody on the street i know everybody on the block i know about their families they come and they help me in the garden it's just a good place. that's. not is resistance. in
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a crack people are grabbing social and political issues by the horns. and time to seeing creativity parity and protest to challenge and change i.d.'s. gonna controversial a witness documentary on al-jazeera. how do we have a cold wind blowing across one of service at the moment a fair amount of cloud into that based inside of south america what's the weather driving through here as well we'll see temperatures around 11 celsius than what is
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there is around 45 to be below what they should be at this time of the year little bit more in the way of a war weather there for santiago 17 degrees there we go somewhat to whether someone whether they're just up the eastern coast of europe wide pushing a little further north much of brazil stays dry and far not so many showers showing up across the amazon we have got some showers into northern parts of brazil pushing up towards the columbia and also into venezuela some rather every show. not too far from panama at present a loss of clout showing up around that western side of the caribbean pushing across towards cuba spattering of rain across the islands will see want to show is creeping in for many more in the way of sunshine than shaz some rather heavy rain for a time looks likely into parts of haiti at all into the dominican republic the weather will make as well little for the west was as we go on through friday still some showers there into cuba lossie try and find fortune maker with the kingston with
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a high of 33. this is al-jazeera. 1300 hours g.m.t. one can all santa maria and this is the news hour from al-jazeera. a popular ethiopian singer whose murder sparks 2 days of violence is laid to rest in his hometown. also in the news more than $100.00 jaded minus killed in a landslide in me and now the worst accident of its kind in via its rival palestinian groups come together to voice opposition against israel's.
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