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tv   NEWS LIVE - 30  Al Jazeera  July 8, 2020 7:00pm-7:34pm +03

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storytelling are the biggest issues but had to do is do it again. the conflict is in the new phase its foreign interference reaching and levels the un secretary general raises the alarm over the increasing role of foreign powers in the libyan conflict. i'm not matheson and this is all just here on live from doha also coming up pumping new life into the economy the u.k. government announces 37000000000 dollars more for a pandemic recovery plan. pulling out thousands caught in the flood waters china as well hun province back on high alert after battling the corona virus outbreak. a
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question of identity kashmiri muslims what it will be reduced to a minority as new delhi allows outsiders to settle in the disputed region. the un secretary general has warned that the conflict in libya has entered a new phase with foreign interference reaching unprecedented levels and tony as was addressing a virtual session of the security council on the violence ahead of the session russia's foreign minister said he's in talks with his counterparts in turkey about a possible ceasefire now this isn't the 1st time the wall kloof has considered a ceasefire it so last month after his forces began losing their major strongholds the libyan conflict been fueled by a number of international backers the u.n. recognize government in tripoli has been backed by turkey has had support from
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russia egypt and the u.a.e. . he's not on our side in libya the conflict there's a new phase is foreign interference reaching and dissident that levels you have very concerned about the a lot of the military buildup on the cd and the a level of that if i don't think the theaters in that are fully in violation of u.s. arms embargo all u.n. security council resolution and that they need months made by member states in the early ok let's go live to our diplomatic editor james bays add the united nations james in very very strong statements that were made at this at the start of this meeting but of course the question will be what happens now yes and you heard the secretary general say how unhappy he was about the situation worse reminding you the secretary general in recent weeks has been taking personal charge of the situation in libya because his previous special representative garson
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salami resigned his post in the said recently that he feels he was stabbed in the back he came up with an international plan for libya that he put to that conference in berlin 6 months ago but many of the security council members were not on board with it they get paid it lip service but in their actions were supporting something very different and that was supporting general half and his move on tripoli and certainly a similar point was made by the german foreign minister marse because germany as the host of the berlin conference has been pushing a political process and mr maher said things really have to change ships planes and trucks with weapons a mercenary is kept arriving in libyan cities. ladies and gentlemen it is time to stop this cynical absurdity foreign interference remains the main driver of the conflict in libya it must be prolix to an end
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that means no more planes no more tanks no more trucks or cargo ships full of weapons and no more lice. well where her furrows planes and cargo ships been coming from well on one side you have turkey which has been supporting the government of national accord which is the internationally recognized government although people say that that still isn't a reason to send in forces and send in weapons in breach of an international arms embargo certainly turkey defends its position because it says it is supporting the internationally recognized government and turkey has been very successful in recent weeks pushing general half that all the way back from the doors of tripoli all the way back to sirte on the other side involved militarily you have the united arab
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emirates you have egypt you have russia which has mercenaries even in recent days the u.s. has reported that russian planes have come from syria to libya bringing in weapons and mercenaries to the area around sirte and to the area around the libyan oil fields and then the last player is also a permanent member of the u.n. the security council perhaps not as involved militarily france's ambassador speaking right now in the security council certainly seized it seems to see are you to why with the u.a.e. they seem to have a growing alliance strategically with the us a and certainly a recent meeting between president pak mccraw and president putin they seem to have quite a line views on libya so france or more tacit support or we think of general haftar or were of course going to be sitting across that meeting as it's happening but for now our diplomatic editor james bays at the united nations thank you very much
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indeed. well more than 3000000 americans have now tested positive for covert 19 the latest figures come as the trumpet ministration moves to withdraw the country from the world health organization the u.s. secretary of state's mike pompei oh says the organization is failing in carrying out its core function we are not going to underwrite an organization that has historically been incompetent and not performed its fundamental function there there's a real focus on the failures that took place around. the world health organization's fundamental inability to perform its basic core mission of preventing a global pandemic spread you know white house correspondent kelly hall that is following developments 1st of all on the move of the u.s. withdrawing from the w.h.o. it sounds from what might compare was saying there that this is quite definitive and that there's no going back. that's not entirely true well the process
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has begun and that is certainly the indication that is being given by the trumpet ministration it won't take effect in terms of this withdrawal of the united states from the world health organization until july 6th 2021 a lot can change in the next year including a u.s. election that could put joe biden in the white house as president potentially undo this we know that democrats do not feel comfortable with the move by the trumpet ministration to withdraw from the world health organization they've called it short sighted dangerous that it will really hurt the united states when it comes to influence in the global spear so i think it's safe to presume that should there be a democratic president this may not go into effect having said that right now we have a republican president donald trump and his secretary of state has been very clear that is their intention if donald trump does win reelection that the united states will not be part of the world health organization having said that the other thing
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that needs to happen in the next 12 months is the united states needs to pay its dues in full before it withdraws its one of the biggest donors contributing a very large sum and right now at least half of that remains unpaid and this all happening of course as the number of coronavirus cases as we mentioned continues to rise in the united states. yeah continuing to rise arizona being one of the big hotspots that's being watched as well as florida where we should point out the u.s. president in spite of that is set to attend a fundraiser on friday but what's really of note are some of the president's responses particularly contrast that to the guidance of his public health officials including the centers for disease control or c.d.c. the u.s. president once again coming out defying their recommendations to essentially pump the brakes if you will on getting schools open in the fall for children now the concern is from scientists that if you reopen these schools and we know the science
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now is that a lot of that transmission the droplets in our breath and poorly ventilated areas like schools that this is where things can really get out of control so the centers for disease control putting in place some guidelines that they would like to kind of slow things down make sure that things are clean before the schools are reopened the u.s. president not liking that at a pair of tweets he has said that he wants to round up pressure on state leaders that the opening of schools are crucial to the economy and even suggesting he may withhold federal funding from some certain school districts if they ignore his recommendation that these schools need to reopen so a very astonishing sort of point of exclamation by the u.s. president going in defying the recommendations of his own public health leaders that we have a briefing of the coronavirus task force going on right now the chair mike pence the vice president saying that watch shortly because there will be some guidance for reopening these schools even as public health officials say that is the wrong
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approach and to not go too quickly on that that more needs to be done to ensure the students are safe and company hold good white house correspondent is with us from washington d.c. kimberly as always thank you very much. well the u.k. government has announced a $37000000000.00 mini budget aimed at saving jobs and pumping new life into the economy battered by the pandemic businesses are being offered a $1300.00 farlow bonus if they bring stuff back on in full time work until january the government has scrapped a tax on properties above 500000 pounds that's around 630000 dollars and then eat out to help out scheme has been introduced but as a pacing restaurants will offer half price meals every monday to wednesday throughout august and they'll be reimbursed by the government within 5 working days john hall's got more from bogner regis and west sussex it's an area hit hard by job losses the signature measure here along with other measures to stimulate consumer
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spending and to encourage employers to keep their staff on the signature measure here is this job creation scheme the kick start scheme the government effectively paying a salary up to the minimum minimum wage of young people under $25.00 for the 1st 6 months of their employment employers then taking over after that in the hope of keeping them in work getting them in work rather than having them in unemployment benefits and trying to avoid a sort of failed generation as a result of this crisis here's what we have to say. people need to know we will do we can to give everyone the opportunity of good and secure. people need to know that although hardship lies ahead no one will be left without. so today we act with a plan for jobs our plan has a clear goal to protect support and create jobs it will give businesses the
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confidence to retain and hire to create jobs in every part of our country to give young people a better start to give people everywhere the opportunity of a fresh start yes the costs have been enormous and the government here just adding yet more tens of billions of dollars to a build ready wrapped up close to $200000000000.00 spent since lockdown came in in march the government since then says it's helped $11000000.00 workers to retain their jobs or at least to retain their sources of income a 1000000 businesses big spending pledges on infrastructure and public services and all of it deeply necessary of course in unprecedented times with this country facing a slump in g.d.p. by the end of this year 14 percent possible unemployment going up from close to 0 to close to 15 percent and a deep sense of disquiet now about quite how all of this is going to be paid for in the years to come so as president has called on protesters to stop attending anti-government rallies or risk further spreading of coronavirus alexander voters
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says there are no beds left in hospitals after dozens of demonstrators and police were hurt in tuesday's clashes demonstrators accused of reopening the economy too early for political gain serbia's seen a dramatic rise in cases. listen hygene nicholas is joining us live now from belgrade we were talking about an hour ago and you were saying that there were some protests that that were expected round about this time is there any indication that people are turning out for those protests. yes the protests the are about to start here in the red again today it expected a lot of people would gather around downtown belgrade yesterday everything was very violent and there was a very much of rioting around the streets of belgrade police was very unprepared for what happened nobody expected that something like what happened yesterday could
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happen nobody expected compacted does because the president who treats yesterday none of the curfew could be imposed this weekend and shortly after that people started to gather around in front of the national assembly 1st about some 100 people and then in the next couple of hours thousands arrived in front of the national assembly and then everything's sparked out and the riots started in their losses on field some 3 am so very along the yesterday today it was announced as protests their position partisan and pro announced protests because they don't want that curfew to be always a thing that the government these orally with a coded crisis and that is why they want to gather people on the on the 3 today but before that president which is that today said that there's a curfew will not be probably will not be for was that the prime minister and the health minister will decide about that tomorrow but nevertheless the opposition
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parties the decided together in the downfalls well downtown belgrade and there and as we speak there the people are arriving into downtown belgrade and it is announced at the 1900 hours local time there will also again gather around the national assembly we will see what will happen there because a lot of police came to the serbian capital today to the outskirts of the center of the city if i can say. a lot of police buses came riot police special police there married to cavalry everybody from. the police came so we expect the police is very prepared for the clashes today and we will see how it will go on in the next couple of hours whether it's going to be violent as yesterday or you know i know we're going to be monitoring those protests as they go on and if they do turn out the way that we hope they will not to of course we'll come back to you to some high g. nicolaides thank you very much indeed for your time. still ahead on all dizzy to why
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a bail and business been jailed in the u.s. providing millions of dollars to his ball is back home. and still some very heavy rain in the fall calls across much of japan but also of course training back across into central and southern areas of china it is old to the system here and it is not moving at all over the next few days the rains are just become havea in different areas so east in china and again through across western japan key issue again making it some very heavy downpours not a bad day across the korean peninsula but that is also set to change as we move on into friday the rains again very heavy through eastern china and look at that mass there working its way across much of south korea that could also bring some localized flooding the rains will be particularly heavy and in the next couple of
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days key issue again could pick up another 150 millimeters of rain and the china could see as much as 360 meanwhile to the north that is fine and dry warm is well into hob in a high that 30 celsius meanwhile in south it is those he 3 in hong kong and across into india the monsoon rains have been very active they're going to stay very active but a slight change as to where those rains will be this massive cloud you can see here that has taken the heavy rain across into southern pakistan still more rain than 4 calls in mumbai the house of course being some dreadful dimples and some storm damage but as we go through the rains heavy again across the west but also much of the northeast some bangladesh. during a moment in time. the line. of the story. people are predicting and there is a. chance provided. someone else is. the dream
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of your life inspiring documentary coming. on al-jazeera. one war in the war world war 2 or more. you're watching out to see a reminder of our top stories this hour the u.n. secretary general ones that the conflict in libya has entered a new phase with foreign interference reaching unprecedented levels that says russia's foreign minister says he's in talks with his counterparts in turkey about a possible cease fire. and u.k.
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government as an answer $37000000000.00 many budget in debt saving jobs and pumping new life into the ending economy incentives include a nationwide jump or attention plan taxes will be reduced for buying homes in thing out. savvy as president has called on protesters to stop attending anti-government rallies all risk for the spreading coronavirus demonstrators accuse alexander footage of reopening the economy to rally for political gain savvy has seen a dramatic rise in cases. mexican president and there is manuel lopez obrador is set to meet with the u.s. president in the coming hours that's a meeting that's officially about trade but the summit in washington is already provoking a mixture of an bewilderment i know in a part of explains why. mexican president under this one brotherhood is meeting with u.s. president donald trump this week at the invitation of the white house but what would normally be a standard meeting between 2 world leaders has stirred criticisms but. by sickly
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there is an election season underway in the united states and the mexican president's visit could be misinterpreted but also over the years president trump has expressed many offensive things toward mexico and mexicans this is why many people have a deep distrust and reject the way president trump has treated us. president trump is not very well liked in mexico and much of that has to do with his past rhetoric regarding the mexican people when mexico sends its people. they're not sending their best they're bringing drugs they're bringing crime they're rapists and mexico will pay for the war. one to get that attitude soured further in 2019 when president trump threatened mexico with export tariffs unless mexico agreed to carry out a strict militarized immigration enforcement policy since the start of his administration 19 months ago mexican president under disciplinary lopez obrador has
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sought to avoid a political conflict with president trump opting instead for a relationship built on pragmatism for either way that the visit scheduled for wednesday is the 1st time the 2 presidents will meet in person does visit out of their lives void we can talk about baseball we can talk about a lot of things everything without confrontation because it's a political meeting i think you're probably going to have a tough critics of lopez obrador to say the mexican president is making a mistake by sitting down with trump who many in mexico regard as racist and anti mexican a recent poll however found that while few mexicans are fans of trump a majority favor lopez over the meeting with the u.s. president with many hoping the trip will help improve a bad economy. going on in mexico there are many who do not look kindly at our president attending this meeting but there are those who understand the weight of the economic agenda and recognizes the economy's the result of political negotiations between leaders there's not such
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a thing as friendships between countries and geopolitically their own interests. president lopez of another says the focus of his u.s. visit is to mark the launch of the us mexico canada trade agreement or u.s. m.c.a. a replacement to nafta that mexico's president has said will generate jobs and help reactivate the mexican economy went up in mexico city. a lebanese businessman who's accused of financing husband has returned home after 3 years in a u.s. jail. had been sentenced to 5 years in prison but he was released due to poor health and the risks of contracting covert 19 there comes as the u.s. secretary of state called on all countries to classify hezbollah as a terrorist organization said acosta reports. carson treasure dean is back home the lebanese businessman charged by a u.s. court for financing the iranian backed lebanese group hezbollah was released from
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prison on compassionate grounds. landed in beirut after completing 3 years of his 5 year sentence the us administration denied his freedom was part of the backroom deal and insists dean remains a designated global terrorist but his release increased speculation of a swap months after a naturalized american was released from a lebanese jail the release of the incomes of the context of prisoner swaps that we've seen in the past phase between the trump administration on one hand and the iranian regime tozer dean's arrival coincided with a visit by the commander of the u.s. central command general canis mckenzie reaffirmed america's partnership with the lebanese army but not with the government the americans say is beholden to hezbollah the armed group along with its allies control lebanon's government and parliament on this thing because of possible i believe the united states is going to. increase the pressure thanks. very
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efficient but what is much more efficient will be would be or could be the thanks again hezbollah allies lebanon is caught in a power struggle between the us its arab allies and israel against iran as are the israelis does not signal improved relations between hezbollah and the us administration u.s. officials have said that does not diminish the severity of the crime and that there are still determined to go after the groups finances just last month u.s. secretary of state pay all said hezbollah poses a threat to the u.s. its international partners and threatens the ability of hezbollah and its allies say international powers are imposing a financial siege on lebanon on. the americans are exploiting the piled up political and economical failures to incite the lebanese against hezbollah the us
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decision to besiege hezbollah will not lead to any result we will not surrender the us has said aid is not flowing in because the hezbollah led ruling alliance is refusing to fight corruption and carry out reforms that would weaken their hold over the state's resources lebanon yet again isn't a rino where regional international rivalries play out but the stakes are even higher this time with a country close to economic collapse center their leader beirut china's government has opened its office in hong kong to enforce the new national security law police blocked roads for the inauguration saturday the converted hotel will be a base for chinese intelligence agents police can conduct searches without a warrant stop suspects from leaving the city and intercept online communications critics say the new legislation strips hong kong of its freedoms and independence. phase of heavy rain has swollen rivers and triggered mudslides across china japan
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dozens of people have been killed in the flooding and millions have been told to leave their homes or as louis has more. than some of the heaviest rain in decades has batted who be a province in china on the outskirts of hong kong city rescue workers dig through landslide debris in central south west and east in china rescue teams have evacuated people trapped by rising floodwaters in cities towns and villages you need to see because the water is so deep we have asked the brigade to help transfer residents by rubber boats dams and river banks are being reinforced further to the east heavy rain has continued to pound japan causing flooding and landslides it's up rooted trees and downed electricity pylons making some roads impassable water levels in many areas remain high. even though it may have stopped raining there are many things to be worried about whether there could be mudslide happening here as well i was wondering along with you the worst hit areas of japan on the southwest
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island of. which has seen the highest number of casualties more than a 1000000 people on japan's 3rd largest island have been advised to seek temporary shelter and stay with friends or relatives where possible to avoid overcrowding at emergency centers health workers say basic measures to prevent corona virus from spreading in the crowded conditions seem to be working on you know the fact there have been no coronavirus patients in this area proves that we are doing the best we can whether experts are warning more heavy rain is expected over much of japan florence louis al-jazeera. muslims in india than most of kashmir are accusing the hindu nationalist government of trying to reduce them into a minority the government's changed its rules to grant residency to tens of thousands of people in jammu and kashmir which is india's only muslim dominated
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region here's our india correspondent elizabeth put on them. sharing sweets to celebrate their new status the butty family as some of the newest residents of jammu and indian administered meet despite living there all their lives their parents were brought from punjab in the 1950 s. to work as street sweepers but they haven't been eligible for residency until now. we think mr modi we have this piece of paper in our hands because of him now our children have received residency terry they can progress in their lives. in march prime minister that is the government why did the criteria for residency in the disputed region saying that change would grant equality and dignity to or now anyone who's lived in the region for 15 years all studies for 7 those registered as migrants and children of government workers who've served in kashmir are allowed to buy land and apply for government jobs more than 30000 domiciled certificates have
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been issued since the law was implemented 2 months ago most of them in hindu majority. people are satisfied because there are fewer procedures to follow when they had to become a resident before there was a lot of documents required they had to have them verified by that ministry it was a very long procedure. while it's now easier for non-cash midis to become residents many others are afraid that the government will make it more difficult for them to prove their status i belong to displays and you ask me to say that my identity basically depends on a piece of paper that your own people. something wrong with that the new domicile law was announced nearly 8 months after the government revoked the region's autonomy that had protected it from demographic changes the idea is that it would want to change the demography here in jammu and kashmir and create pressure on the society so that at some point of time into society doesn't give up they would
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completely transform the demography of this police so that the muslims who are demanding freedom from india would come in minority the organization of islamic cooperation which represents $57.00 nations had almost $2000000000.00 muslims as among other critics of the changes saying they are part of the hindu nationalist government's plans to drown dissent and at a time when protests they have been banned for a needy a year elizabeth pradhan al jazeera new delhi. this is al-jazeera these are the top stories the un secretary general says he's very concerned about what he called an alarming military build up in libya of direct foreign interference until you protest as was addressing a virtual session of the security council on the violence in the country. he's not
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on our side in libya the conflict is sense of the new face of its foreign interference reaching and president levels yeah very concerned about the a lot of the military buildup on the city and the eye level of that it's foreign interference in the conflict in violation of u.n. arms embargo u.n. security council resolution and the commitments made by member states in bali more than 3000000 americans are now tested positive for covert 19 the latest figures come as the trumpet ministration moves to withdraw from the world health organization the u.s. secretary of state mike compare says the organization is failing in carrying out its core function. we are not going to underwrite an organization that has historically been incompetent and not performed its fundamental function there there is a real focus on the failures that took place around and the world health organization's fundamental inability to perform its basic core mission of preventing a global pandemic spread u.k.
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government has announced a $37000000000.00 mini budget aimed at saving jobs and pumping new life into the ailing economy incentives include a nationwide job retention plan and taxes were reduced for buying homes and eating out. sabby as president has called on protesters to stop attending anti-government rallies all risk for the spreading coronavirus demonstrators accuse alexander who change of reopening the economy to atlee for political gain sabia has seen a dramatic rise in cases. days of heavy rain have swollen rivers and trickled mudslides destroying houses and roads in parts of japan at least 58 people have died in flooding since that we can. and those are the headlines coming up next on al-jazeera it's witness good bye for now.
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here's my favorite of all the whole jack obi wan canobie. he's not afraid he's just so slam tested with his not. clear on right there he is. sly isabelle oh look at my older you know. where they're from boy.


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