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tv   Battlefield Washington  Al Jazeera  July 9, 2020 9:00am-10:00am +03

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all i did for this to blow up a personal finance against judicial corruption as in my. eye i come back in an exclusive documentary al-jazeera and examine one man's extraordinary battle for justice in donna at this time 'd. hello i'm daryn jordan with the top stories here on al-jazeera ivory coast is focusing on certainty after the sudden death of its prime minister. collapsed and died during a cabinet meeting just 3 months before he was supposed to run for president there was nicholas hock reports moments before his death prime minister i'm going to go on could be appeared upbeat as he entered a cabinet meeting chosen by the ruling party as its presidential candidate he just
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tweeted to have a vision is not about church and political gains but careful planning for decades to come but inside the meeting he suffered a coughing fit collapsed and died no official cause has been given but he suspected of having suffered a heart attack last thursday he was welcomed home by president ouattara after spending 2 months in france for medical treatment over his heart condition the 61 year old was what he has chosen successor. to i'm back to take my place alongside the president to continue the work of development and construction of our country the ivory coast. in address to the nation what are described as his younger brother his son. with the death of. ivory coast loses a mugging for the youth an example of competence and persistence. after the tribute will come the political fighting his death creates a political vacuum with many eager to take his place and become the ruling party's
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candidate for october's presidential elections. the president's spokesman. and defense minister. favorites while water as got the country's economy back on track critics accuse him of failing to address the deep grievances that led to the 2011 civil war 3000 people died after former president refused to concede defeat to ouattara. whoever replaces the will have to put up a strong campaign against experience rivals including former prime minister and opposition leader oh he could not be a former president with elections just 4 months away the sudden death of puts ivory coast into a period of political uncertainty nicolas hawke al-jazeera the un secretary general is warning of unprecedented levels of foreign interference in libya. is urging warring parties under international backers to end the political stalemate and
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agree to a cease fire australia has suspended its extradition treaty with hong kong in response to china imposing a new security law it's also extending these as for hong kong residents in australia and offering permanent residence the government has warned its citizens and residents in the territory that could be a greater risk of being detained under the. government together with other governments around the world have been very consistent in expressing our concerns about the imposition of the national security law on hong kong and. to die we have agreed to announce that that national security local institute a fundamental change of circumstances in respect to an extradition agreement with young hong kong 5000000 people in australia is 2nd biggest city back in lock down office in new corona virus infections melbourne's downtown district was
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deserted as residents work up to the 1st day of restrictions they are barred from leaving home for 6 weeks unless it's for essential reasons the u.s. president has welcomed his mexican counterpart to the white house and there is money lopez obrador has been criticized for holding talks with donald trump the remains of a divisive figure in mexico his immigration policies and border war the leftist leader defended the trip as trade related and more than $3000000.00 americans are now tested positive for cope with 19 infections are slowing in some regions but cases are surging in most states especially in the south and serbia's president says a weekend curfew may not go ahead as his government considers the best way to control an increase in cope with 19 infections thousands of people tried to storm parliament and protested across belgrade for a 2nd night of the government's handling of the pandemic those were the headlines the news continues here on al-jazeera after a battlefield washington station that's a watching i fell. her
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. body donald trump do solemnly swear donald trump do solemnly swear that i will faithfully execute i will faithfully execute the office of president of the united states the authors of president of the united states the day trump this morning and the 2016 election that secured his victory is already under investigation did russia help him get the presidency. so help me god breath with.
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my. as he walks on pennsylvania avenue from where he took the oath of office towards the white house he steps onto a political battlefield. pennsylvania avenue is the heart of washington that connects major political players congress the f.b.i. the department of justice. the press. the white house. this is the story set at one of the most powerful capitals in the world a political and judicial conflict. a battle that has pitted tromp against those who believe he was an accomplice and russia's interference is. a battle for the truth.
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about the president of the united states and for the principles of american democracy. according to top u.s. intelligence chiefs the russians interfered in the 2016 presidential election putin they say developed a clear preference for trump over clinton so russia's intelligence services stole and leaked thousands of clinton's e-mails to discredit her. 2 weeks before his inauguration they brief trump. trump rejects their conclusions he does not want his victory to be questioned. the intelligence agencies maintain their findings and partially release them to the public they say putin ordered an influence campaign to help trump win the election.
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putin's role is immediately raised in congress which calls the chiefs of the intelligence community to testify. on. their question by democratic party senator i just go down the line in. any of your careers have you ever seen this level of russian interference in our political process and start would recommend just going on the lord no. no you know. i think very few documents that i can remember would have had the political weight and the political influence of this particular document.
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the purpose of making that report public was to make sure the american people were aware of some of the dynamics going on behind the scenes this was the 1st time that a major covert action major clandestine action against the united states at the very heart of our democratic process had been tempted because of the sophistication of the attempts and then the pervasiveness of those attempts to have a widespread impact it was broader than anything that had been seen in prior actions. bring. us intelligence community you know fish is blaming russian president vladimir putin to win the game are going to russia tried everything possible to get to the november election i pod intelligence and there are. only 3 days after the intelligence report
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a new classified document makes the headlines i want to be very precise here multiple u.s. officials with direct knowledge of the briefings tell c.n.n. that classified documents included allegations that russian operatives claimed to have compromising personal and financial information about mr trump this is a confidential report written by an ex british spy christopher steele on secret links between trump his businesses and the russians. it claims moscow has been helping trump all along with the regular flow of intelligence and that the russians have compromising material on. the main point of the steel dossier that there was an ongoing attempt by the russians to get close to the trump campaign is undisputed at this point he doesn't
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like the fact that the press said it but it is out there is no mr president like less and less if you were trying to organize a decision can you get with the still dossier made public news trucks battle with the press intensifies rights are going to do it mr president you say categorically why should the president like can you give us are going to be reuniting us can you give us are going to be you know yesterday or today during his 1st weeks at the white house trump is on the defensive the man he just appointed national security adviser general michael flynn is caught in the eye of the storm. he lied about his contacts with moscow and the russian embassy and washington. the press reveals it and trump has to retreat mike flynn is a fine person and i asked for his resignation he respectfully gave it flynn is the 1st victim of the battle of washington but firing flint is not enough the
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question remains what are the relations between trump and moscow did she knowingly cooperate with a hostile foreign power to take over the leadership of the united states. for many months to come finding the truth will test the pillars of the american political system the independence of justice of the freedom of the press and the rule of law. under pressure from the press and from the democrats congress gets involved. in congress before the 2018 it term elections the republicans promise party are the majority and the democrats are the opposition but on some crucial issues it's a tradition for the 2 parties to work together this is the spirit of bipartisanship . it's just.
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since keeping the american people safe and maintaining a such a strong homeland in national security is so important to this country it is the issue that demands the most bipartisan support and so democrats and republicans demanded that there be a bipartisan investigation demanded that there be bipartisan hearings and i was hopeful that this would lead to bipartisan action congressional committees have power and they can summon whomever they want as witnesses and lying to them is a crime their public hearings are followed by millions of americans and so high ranking high level government officials came to the congress the united states in front of the american people under oath and gave their assessment about russia's interference in our election a key figure and they see hearings as james combing the director of the f.b.i. who had that the staff of more than 35000 men and women. i have been authorized by the department of justice to confirm that the f.b.i.
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as part of our counterintelligence mission is investigating the russian government's efforts to interfere in the 2016 presidential election and that includes investigating the nature of any links between individuals associated with the trump campaign and the russian government and whether there was any coordination between the campaign and russia's efforts. and early may 2017 if he is grilled over the involvement of truong in camp coleman himself us gets into a minefield and have you ruled out the president out of state i don't know what people over interpret his answer i'm not going to comment on anyone in particular so potentially the president ited states could be a target of your ongoing investigation. i just worry i don't want to answer that that that's seems to me unfair speculation that we will follow the evidence will try and find as much as we can or will follow the evidence wherever it leads by
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refusing to say publicly that trump is not under investigation komi is just put himself on a collision course with the president. this is an n.b.c. news special report here's lester holmes and good day everyone we learned a short time ago that president trump has fired f.b.i. director james comey but we less than a week after coleman's hearing in congress trump fires him an attack against the f.b.i. and explosive news. bombshell from the white house wait to be i director james cooley fired by president we we don't know this is something that caught all the law enforcement community by surprise and it caught the intelligence community in washington d.c. and surprise you. and the dismissal came in harsh terms in a letter signed by the president you are terminated immediately.
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i was stunned i think most of the american public was stunned i didn't even realize the president could fire the f.b.i. director the f.b.i. director serves by law for a 10 year period and so it came as a shock i talked to a number of friends colleagues after that happened who are still in the f.b.i. and it was this essence of i can't believe the president did this but i think he was just exercising what he believed was his authority just as if he was the c.e.o. of trump enterprises. and congress one question needs to be addressed by the investigative committee why did trump fire james komi. why do you believe you were fired. so i don't know for sure i believe the
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prick think the president at his word that i was fired because of the russian versification something about the way i was conducting it the president felt created pressure on him they wanted to relieve he was asking for something and i was refusing to give it. and fact early in his term trump asked to speak to me in private. there was a meeting at the white house a one on one meeting between trump and call me call me must have had his antenna up because he felt like something was wrong because as soon as he was done that meeting he wrote up these memos. after meeting with trump called me sat in his car and wrote down what was discussed the meeting was about general fled the advisor who had lied about his contacts with russia trump said he hoped komi coming let the matter go. i hope you can let this go now those are his exact words is that correct correct and you wrote them here and
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you put them in quotes correct ok he did not order you to let it go it is a present united states with me alone saying i hope this i took it as this is what he wanted me to do i didn't obey that but that's why it took. colin's account is correct if the president calls in the director the f.b.i. and says can you can you drop the case you guys have against this person for political reasons i think that absolutely is obstruction of justice. american law says anybody from an average citizen all the way up to the president who tries to block and a criminal investigation for the wrong reasons with what we call corrupt intent a bad motive. is guilty of obstruction of justice did you at any time the
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urge former f.b.i. director james comey in any way shape or form to close or to back down the investigation into michael flynn and also as you well know next question next question. soon after firing the f.b.i. director trump is about to face a new challenge. feature breaking news right now tonight a bombshell announcement just disappointing the special counsel to counsel robert. bobb holder to now oversee the pressure probe and look at the possible connections between top campaign associates and russia this is. only 8 days after the firing of james combing the justice department appoints robert muller to take over the russian probe. for this mission robert mueller was called out of retirement he had been director of the f.b.i. for 12 years and in 2013 he had left the law enforcement agency with full honors
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and his farewell speech he proclaimed his unshakable faith in the rule of law. have always been proud to say that i work for the department of justice because of that for which it stands which is an unyielding commitment to the rule of law and to the safety and security of the citizens we serve a know. quite well. i worked with him for about 4 years when i was the cia deputy director and he was the director of the f.b.i. . he's not a self promoting individual and he has a very high standard for what is true and what is not true administrator pistole he pointed me as his number 2 person in the f.b.i. as a deputy director and so i had the chance to get to know him and then. work with him so let me say
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a few words about director ball or politics or just don't play any role in his calculations so he is all about finding the truth and doing it under the rule of law so yeah he's a man of integrity. robert muller has placed under the authority of the department of justice and it's deputy attorney general rod rosenstein. his new orders give him far reaching powers. moller can investigate moscow's relations with the trump campaign and any other matters. most are waste no time immediately orders the preservation of millions of official documents forbidding the destruction of records that could be useful in the russia probe e-mails phone records audio recordings metadata and storage devices recordings eventually or exit
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of the building's video surveillance. once a person or a company or or a bureaucracy knows that there's a criminal investigation to destroy evidence after that becomes a federal crime and so i think mahler's 1st move was a smart one but the order also shows that there is a concern that these documents might be destroyed by a white house that is trying to hide the truth from investigators. this was only the beginning of a bitter struggle between muller and the president of the united states. so we have mr miller who's known as a tough cop he's a big impose in 6 foot something experienced justice department official he's a tough cop the press was saying he's a tough cop he always gets his man. and he will press and squeeze
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and he will find what is truth and what is fiction he is careful he is by the book he does not speak publicly other than his court filings he is incredibly hard working and focused mr trump on the other hand is a bulldog and it is impulsive where i could stand in the middle if if they have a new and shoot somebody and i wouldn't lose any voters ok it's like incredibly there are not 2 more different people on earth than bob mahler and president trump and very early on in that in this whole process i think the trunk people realize that the best defense would be a political one not a legal one legally they really don't have a lot to stand on trump and his people made his determination very early on we're going to claim that this whole thing is politically motivated is a witch hunt that a whole new way if they really were the witch hunt i would call it the rigged to which aren't. ok what you're saying if only to when she was
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a democrat gets fired when you don't add something that is not for the phony which you truly was. is washington celebrates the 4th of july. and dependence day a major offensive against the president is about to be launched. the surprise attack comes from the center of washington from the press. the new york times claims the trump campaign was in secret contact with russian officials 5 months before the 2016 election a major scoop. this was the work of our washington best occasions it was over
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and over weeks that we learned more and more about the meeting and the fact is that occurred. so yes it was very exciting to have that scoop again we didn't know that much about the meeting we didn't learn it all at once but we've built on it since then and mahler is looking at that meeting the meeting is organized to be a emails between a son of the president and an intermediary who offered quote information that would incriminate hillary and would be very useful to donald trump ultra sensitive stuff he adds don jr answers if it's what you say i love it the meeting takes place on the 9th of june 2016 in new york at trump tower around the table donald trump's son his son in law his campaign director paul manna for intermediary and for russian nationals the news spread like wildfire according to the new york times to new york times report on to the new york times reports the president's son donald
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trump jr was promised damaging information about hillary clinton for agreeing to meet last summer with a russian lawyer a russian lawyer a question has and actions with the from lynn when donald trump jr responded enthusiastically to the idea of receiving information that would be harmful to hillary clinton i think that was a gift to russia it represented an attempt by. russia to have a base of influence if you will. the news comes at a time when trump was in hamburg for an international summit where he had a meeting with vladimir putin. but we're told through a lot of very positive things that russia is for the united states and for everybody in. the minor to be with you if you. immediately after this handshake the trunk camp has to do damage control over the new york times. they put out
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a statement saying the story was wrong. you know from air force one they were very very alarmed by it on the plane ride back to the united states is when the president and his team come cox this story about how the trump tower meeting was about adoptions. flying back with his father trump jr sends an explanation to the press. at the meeting he says was merely about the adoption of russian children in the united states. so the $1000000.00 question with the trump tower meeting is what did the president know about it and when did his son tell him about the meeting at a time junior called his father and said hey we have this meeting coming up with some russian people that are offering us information and the president said great go for it let me know he's part of a conspiracy that is a not to bring someone into a conspiracy trump. back. i came up with the term fake news it's
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a lot of fake news this is fake news put out by the media is called fake news people back there you know those very dishonest people back there but these guys are crooked. words have meaning and power and a lot of people myself included good republicans were going to go for pizza don't you still do that call us the enemy of the people is just going too far the press is trying to report the facts as they see them and the president has decided that he would like to shoot the messenger. for thousands of years farmers and shepherds have lived this long but their traditional way of life has been under threat for generations. as israel plans on
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the seashore into the occupied west bank al-jazeera who goes to the jordan valley where the illegal settlements have already expanded and asks what the future holds for these palestinians for much shepherds of the jordan valley on al jazeera. an image can change the way we see the womb if we did not see in theirs we would be talking about it it can spark mass action or serve the interests of the powerful he created this moment for a photo opportunity that can obscure the truth this is a legitimate news story but this thread and the talking points look pretty identical it can forge narratives already right through the listening post gives you the full picture. i want to have is on china last working in asia and africa every day is where i'd be choosing editing my own stories in a refugee camp with no electricity and right now we're confronting some of the
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gracious challenges that humanity has ever faced and i really believe that the only way we can do that is with compassion and generosity and come from miles because of the only way we can try to solve any of these problems is together that's why al-jazeera so important we make those connections. with the top stories here on the. coasts prime minister has died after fainting during a cabinet meeting. was the ruling party's candidate for the presidential election in october. the u.n. secretary general is warning of unprecedented levels of foreign interference in libya and turn over terror warring parties and their international backers to end the political stalemate and agree to a cease fire australia has suspended its extradition treaty with hong kong in
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response to china imposing a new security law it's also extending these is for hong kong residents in australia and offering permanent residence the government has warned its citizens and residents in the territory they could be at greater risk of being detained under the laws their government together with other governments around the world have been very consistent in expressing our concerns about the imposition of the national security law on hong kong and to die we have agreed to announce that that national security low constitutes a fundamental change of circumstances in respect to extradition agreement with young hong kong 5000000 people in australia's 2nd biggest city are back in lockdown after a new corona virus infections melbourne's downtown district was deserted as residents work up to the 1st day of restrictions there barred from leaving home for
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6 weeks unless it's for essential reasons the u.s. president has welcomed his mexican counterpart to the white house and there's mandela opens up a door has been criticized for holding talks with donald trump who remains a divisive figure in mexico his immigration policies and border war the leftist leader defended the trip as trade related. more than 3000000 americans have now tested positive for covert 19 infections are slowing in some regions but cases are surging in most states especially in the south. serbia's president says a weekend curfew may not go ahead as his government considers the best way to control an increase in coburg 19 infections thousands of people tried to storm parliament and protested across belgrade for a 2nd night over the government's handling of the pandemic protests spread to other cities with many people calling for the president to resign those are the headlines the news continues on al-jazeera after battlefield washington state's intense watching.
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this is the story set in one of the most powerful capitals in the world a political and judicial conflict. a battle that has pitted donald trump against those who believe he was an accomplice and brushes interference. to flood knowing. cooperate with a hostile foreign power to take over the leadership of the state. this is the 1st time. a major covert action major clandestine action against the united states at the very heart of our democratic process at the text of. an october 2017 special counsel robert muller issues his 1st indictments against people close to
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the president. metaphor trumps campaign director and gates deputy director of the campaign are both charged for breaking a series of laws papadopoulos foreign affairs advisor to the campaign is charged for having lied to the f.b.i. . motion for us to be patient and 0 d. and on his 1st targets to the. right here by the. french a string is a for each. line about his contacts with foreign nationals in a series of people in d.c. suddenly in deep deep trouble those charged by muller become fair game for the press even if they're not directly linked to the russian interfere. in the 2016
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election. when the initial indictments were issued by mueller people rightfully said wait a minute this is supposed to be about russia so what's going on and a lot of people have said none of this is collusion who cares why is moller charging these crimes if it's not clues you know collusion there's no collusion and it just seems to be the focus don't collude you know approach you know nothing there's no police no good whatsoever present trumps reactions or that any time one of his colleagues or friends has been indicted or even pled guilty for him the litmus test of the bottom line is did they stab us if there was collusion between president trump and his inner circle and the russians and thus far that has not been charged publicly so that's what he is. claiming there's a victory one thing that people i think really misunderstand about the american federal criminal justice system is just how much we rely on cooperating witnesses
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the defendants the people of being charged the people who have done something wrong have the option of cooperating why then would incriminate characters cooperate with the investigators it's all about leverage you have to charge someone with a crime that you have the evidence on and then hope that that person is unwilling to take the risk of going to jail for a long time and instead decides to come in and cooperate in this drama between miller and the white house there's there's a lot of behind the scenes negotiation and strategy play it's very much a game as muller builds up his case his investigation suddenly faces a setback. we start with a new explosive information be key secure in the mole investigation removed from this job one of my trusted aides is discredited it's
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a long time efficiently impeach bush shows name is peter strong to the f.b.i. agent peter struck and struck the legend mistress an f.b.i. and we're named lisa page. the press publishes the text messages of peter strong and lisa page. start was a trusted adviser a bomb all or transcripts of his messages show that he was for family anti trump. oh my god he's an idiot so has struck. these awful says page. i have no idea how destabilizing his presidency would be. struck was dismissed but the damage was done in congress presidents can't can now use trucks opinion to claim that the f.b.i. and the special counsel are politically tanta now the investigations into donald trump have been infected. with the fire a subsidy or bias the pro truck media escalates the attack it denounces it as
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a conspiracy theory investigation was weaponized to destroy his presidency and who is underway right here some sort of subversion campaign for trump diehards the investigations that are closing in on the president are weapons in the hands of an anti trump top deep state we've been hijacked by a deep state it is so addition. father we pray for president trump yes lord give him extra calcium in his backbone yes god made his enemies confound his enemies alou not fall into their traps this we pray in the name of jesus hey man and the mickey for watching 'd. the idea of a deep state is one of the dumbest ideas i've ever heard. there is no such thing as a deep state i have not seen that the state this is another made up conspiracy
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theory that there is a deep state out to get trump he's always looking for ways to blame his own problems on other people and this is another one totally false. but a deep state notion drives. and congress well the consensus over investigating the russian meddling withstand the pressure. there was a hope an expectation that congress as a bipartisan institution could get to the bottom of all this and we've been through it well enough at that and. the leader of the democrats in the house intelligence committee has to admit that there will be no consensus on the issue. last night the majority on the intelligence committee made the decision to prematurely shut down the russian best occasion the only authorized investigation in the house of representatives that was
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a terrible disservice to the country and the american people this is no way to run investigation it is only a way to go through the motions to give the pretense of trying to find the truth the truth that the congress' failure to uncover the whole truth to this task to only one name robert mueller. did on the 9th of april 2018. new york attorney becomes the latest target of a moment michael cohen donald trump's personal with michael cohen is donald trump's longtime personal lawyer and fixer is the sitting president super and he has as the keys to the kingdom even though all the secrets about donald trump through. hard work. the f.b.i. searched cohen's office at the request of a local prosecutor on charges of financial fraud. the move initiated by paul miller as a direct challenge to the president himself. so i just heard that they broke into the
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office 'd of one of my personal attorneys a good man i said that is really valid to all. to a level of unfair that. cohen is someone who might know about alleged real estate dealings in russia it was fairly common knowledge in the real estate community and the international finance community in the political community the russians were funding in various ways many major trunk real estate projects cohen my also know the president why months earlier he denied having anything to do with russia i know nothing in russia i have no loans in russia i don't have any deals in russian the lack of financial transparency of the trump organization and the extent to which they have received financing from russian oligarchs or russian interests is unknown to the american people even to this day i have nothing to do
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with russia i haven't made a phone call to russia in years i don't speak to people from russia not that i wouldn't i just have nobody to speak to did putin help from the election is there a secret pact between the 2 men if so cohen could be a key witness a major element of the special counsel strategy i immediately recognize the strategy that muller was following because my own background as a federal prosecutor was doing organized crime mafia cases it is incredibly rare that you're able to right off the bat make a case against the top guys usually the way you have to build these cases is you have to do it brick by brick and you have to start on the outside and work your way in start at the bottom and work your way up and so in the mafia cases we would start with the low ranking guys and if we could get one to flip and cooperate he would then give us information about these 2 guys higher up the chain and you have to build up and it seems that that's what robert muller has done here the pressure on cohen builds investigators are digging into his life the f.b.i.
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also sees communications between michael couple again to great intro. turn to michael collins life and cost. when donald trump's life the question to all trump is asking himself at the white house tonight is will michael cohen cracker crumbs lawyer is faced with a choice remain silent go to jail or reveal his client's secrets and there his wrath there is this notion of loyalty one of donald trump sort of defining beliefs is you're either loyal to me or you're dead to me and that's consistent with the way the mafia. operates if you are loyal to the boss and the family how can trump keep his lawyer loyal. he enjoys an extraordinary constitutional power the right to pardon he says me makes an expeditious use of the. president started to do with our far right how would you know you're not just hearing president donald trump has
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officially departed for america how confident sensation is considering a pardon now president of the century which is one terminally very very good to hear especially given her part that. the pardons are a very positive thing for a president i think you see the way i'm using that yes there will be more bark. trump issued some high profile pardons and i think by doing that i think he was sending a message to some of the people who might flip on him michael cullen paul metaphor and others of hey i'm using this this part of power and perhaps there could be one for you down the line if you stay quiet there is basically a deal if you will an informal deal that if you keep your mouth shut then i'll take care of you. if witnesses keep silent it weakens mahler and his investigation. no i'm not above the law but yes i do have an absolute right to pardon myself if i have the absolute right i don't have to do it never did anything wrong or you know
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that better than anybody the idea that a u.s. president would even talk about or even consider pardon themselves is just unprecedented and i think. undermines the credibility of our whole way of governance and democracy in general so when you have president trump who seems to think that he is above the law it's antithetical not just to the american idea but to the idea of modern democracy here's one person who is in charge of the state on the have evolved us he has not seen. more than a year into his presidency comes actions are about to test the very hard hearing system of government. if he was there. to try to fire. the. corrupted no. no no honest mantra no army
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and it appears to be brought under control we just got to i was fired 3 years should be restricted. as the attacks on mom are intensifying the man stands up to protect the special counsel rod rosenstein the number 2 at the department of justice he appointed muller and that's the legal authority to oversee his operations and to fire him. i'm assuming but steady he has been shielding moller for months. have you seen good cause to fire special counsel no thank you if you were ordered today to fire mr mohler what would you do if there were good cause i would act if there were no good cause i would not and you have seen no good cause so far correct rod roses that is has become a beacon for anger. and from congressional republicans and i think they're disappointed i think they hoped that he would be partisan because he is a long time republican but instead rosenstein has shown himself to be sara lee independent and
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a law enforcement person 1st and congress is miss ross and i you are at will and i was astonished and i'm not keeping any information from conyers cause of you why did you marry me should we allow those who does not call you why didn't you have to present it is for finding mr good fund raiser all for your own just here where we've come and hiding information that you can answer if you have evidence of wrongdoing by any member of the trunk campaign presented to the dam grand jury whatever you guy. then you shoot the hell up to attack someone like that is very damaging ultimately to the system and importantly to the confidence that americans have in their government when elected representatives politicize the judicial process going to sicily the independence of justice. what is remarkable now is the white house and the justice department are at war our justice department and our f.b.i.
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. have to start doing their job and doing it right and doing it. the president's view seems to be and his lawyers have said this he's in charge of the executive branch he can do whatever he wants i want to stay out but at some point if it doesn't straighten out properly i want to do that job i will get involved and i'll get in there by half. and i won't rod rosenstein he does not hearing direct and there are people who have been. making threats privately and publicly against me for quite some time and i think they should understand by now the department justice is not going to be extorted we're going to do what's required by the rule of law and any kind of threats that anybody makes are not gonna affect the way we do our job we have a responsibility and we take an oath that's the whole yes everybody in the department take that oath the 115000 employees and if they violated they know they're going to be held accountable and i know those folks know that i'm not going
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to violate my oath. and mid july 2018 months capitol post the 1st summit between donald trump and vladimir putin. just 3 days before in washington rod rosenstein made a momentous announcement a new wave of indictments by bob. good afternoon indictment charges 12 russian military officers by name for conspiring to interfere with the 2016 presidential election according to the allegations in the indictment. the defendant's work for 2 units of the g.r.u. the g.r.u. russia's military intelligence service is accused of conspiracy against the united states units and gauged an active cyber operations to interfere in the 2016
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presidential election. the russian agents targeted in particular the computers of trump's adversaries the defendants covertly monitor the computers implanted hundreds of files containing malicious computer code and stole e-mails and other doctors. mahler's indictment of 12 russian military intelligence officers conspiring to interfere with the 2016 u.s. presidential election to benefit trump implicated russia at the highest level. the indictment of a dozen russian g.r.u. intelligence officers in july 28th in was a kind of turning point the election interference is now a fact of law as far as the united states is concerned and it is not something that the president can dismiss it is in fact a state operation by a hostile foreign power. what i see is good because when you go to the new usually
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easy berates and when you show that americans give neutering you do look we've been in the pits is. that a question just now president putin denied having anything to do with the election there france or 2016 every u.s. intelligence agency has concluded that russia did my 1st question for you sir is who do you believe my people came to me they said they think it's russia i have president putin and he just said it's not russian i will say this i don't see any reason why it would be so i have great confidence in my intelligence people but i will tell you that president putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial thank you. he basically took the side of putin over his own intelligence service and that was
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a really bad thing to do it was. the wrong thing to do the question then becomes what is it that the president owes to the russians and what is his relationship with some suggest that he's an asset of putin's but we don't have evidence of that. i think what i would say is that this is someone putin can use pretty easily. perhaps even without trump realizing. september 2018 summerlin comes close aides have agreed to cooperate with investigators. his former campaign director paul man ford and his lawyer michael cohen have already signed agreements with robert mueller. they all agreed to cooperate with the investigation if they do so foley prison sentences they are facing will be reduced apparently those close aides to trump have flipped and are
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ready to share with bob muller the secrets of the president. president trump finds himself in a corner the walls are closing in on him and he doesn't know where to run. him but the kick the yankees fan picchu impeach trump maxine waters we will impeach him but he didn't do anything wrong it doesn't matter we will impeach. him is a hell of a place. november 2010 the midterm elections are approaching fast top earners on the campaign trail. if this party keeps control over congress his legal troubles might fade away.
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by. the results are a blow to the president. the american voters give the house of representatives to the democrats. they now have the ability to proceed with intrusive congressional investigations and to trump's conduct. the day after the vote the russian investigation comes back to haunt the president . thank you mr president going back to the russia investigation some say that you could stop all this by going i insist i could fire everybody right now but i don't want to stop it because a politically i don't like stopping it i don't want to do that but you're right i could end it right now i could say that investigation is over well on the russian vesta geisha are you concerned that that you may have not get i heard about
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anything with you may have a joint investigation because it's a hoax are you that's enough to put down the mike as president are you worried about indictments coming down. on april 18th 2019 the u.s. department of justice releases the redacted version of special counsel robert melissa the court it concludes there was no conspiracy between the trunk campaign in moscow. the democrats demand the underage acted report and from dollar to testified before congress on july 24th 2019 now former special counsel robert muller testifies before 2 congressional committees muller concludes there was insufficient evidence to charge any trunk campaign member with conspiracy but it cannot exonerate the president from an obstruction of justice and would have a total exoneration if you actually totally exonerate the president so. there was no defense for this ridiculous hoax just which on the street going on for.
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a long time. a month later however pushed firmly into the background and a new twist in the tussle between the legislature and executive. evidence emerges from an unnamed state department whistleblower that attracts congressional attention to president trunk's activities in ukraine. this triggers a house of representatives inquiry into whether trauma of losing his powers. by legislating withholding a truck train to pressure president vladimir selenski to investigate wonder mice president joe biden was at the democratic front runner and this year's white house race was. it you might think why are a fine strong did solicit foreign interference and the 2020 presidential election and so on december 18th the house of representatives approved articles of
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impeachment against trump on charges of abuse of power and obstruction of congress make it be derrick's leo and this president will be held accountable to no one is above the wall. we came in today as a 14 pitchman stands a joy. out of the daily event of building big thunderstorms in the high ground in this part of the man continues there is proof that writing this finally dying off is just shows how much of this edge of the monsoon trough is full of moisture is just showing
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itself in the developing countries in somalia but for most it's drawing the orange indicates dust in the air stuff to the strong breeze and i would in fact temperatures are rising partly because of that you've got 54 costs in baghdad and 44 and on the breezy day just is not particularly sandy. so most of north africa is much the same but the rain belt is stretching from ethiopia through sudan and south sudan and beyond daily showers is hardly a surprise but we go to rejuvenate asian of the west is in this monsoon when all the way from normal our way up through the coast to tanzania to kenya it seems fairly wet in the next day or so we've been following the fortunes of south sudan to the forecast of juba still showing daily thunderstorms the temperature rising to 34 at best and 30 where it's not quite so warm optically humid environment there so it's welcome rain in south africa just gathering here is cloud so for the next couple of days increasing wind and then rain stretches right up into namibia.
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they signed up for a luxury cruise but some would never come ha. ha ha ha ha lol when i went to investigate some new zealand did sleep ok no raps on al-jazeera. talking about ivory poachers decimated populations of elephants in africa they almost always shipped the ivory out of a different country from where it was poached because that's where you start to search for looking in the wrong place this radiocarbon dating method tell us their trade is legal then we have a place who can focus law enforcement on take those out and perhaps the source of the ip from entering the network take no one else is in. the whole d.n.a. and there are still even used people who are subject to the physicians play by the
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pound to simply no way to put all these people they're all individuals with children the. back story this place has become a complete crap you have to hear all of them and to treat them with something within respects. was trying to die is taken steps to suspend extradition agreement with australia takes action in opposition to hong kong's new security law imposed by china. and this is. coming up.


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