tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera July 9, 2020 9:00pm-10:01pm +03
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revealing eco friendly solutions to combat threats to our planet on which is iraq. this is al jazeera. it's 1800 hours g.m.t. i'm kemal santa maria here in doha with the news out from al-jazeera the u.s. supreme court has ruled president donald trump's tax and other financial records can be handed over to a new york prosecutor but not to the u.s. congress. is not good news for president trumps the court has reaffirmed the congress's authority to conduct oversight on behalf of the american people. also in the news al jazeera is showing the ruined remains of what's described as
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a secret prison for opponents of the libyan warlord after we're told shoot as the anger and frustration builds in sudan the prime minister responds by asking the government to resign and a stroller suspends its extradition treaty with hong kong in a deepening rift with china over the new security law. and on time how much not all the sporting clothing one of the major football leagues in europe will make its return in september that top division will be back with a limited amount of fans in the stadium. so the u.s. supreme court has issued a mixed verdict on demands for donald trump's financial records and for now at least the president's tax returns and other documents will remain out of the public eye the judge has ruled that a subpoena issued for documents relating to
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a criminal investigation in new york those ones can be enforced but they sidestepped a major ruling on with the committees in the house of representatives could also tend trumps financial documents the battle in both cases will now continue but it will happen in court at a lower level donald trump said this on twitter a little bit earlier he talked about those cases going back to the lower court but said this is all a political prosecution he says i wonder which chances he calls it but i have to keep up and fight politically keep fighting in politically corrupt new york it's not fair to this presidency or administration just one of many tweets the trades didn't put out today. house speaker nancy pelosi the house speaker nancy pelosi she says the democrats will continue pushing their case against trump. careful reince frame court ruling related to the president financial records is not good news for president trump the court has reaffirmed the congress's authority to conduct
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oversight on behalf of the american people as it asks for further information from congress congress's constitutional responsibility to uncover the truth to ship a clique related to the president russia connection that he is hiding the congress will continue to conduct oversight for the people polled in the separation of powers that is the genius of our constitution we will continue to press our case lots of other reaction to this today one of the major lenders to donald trump over the years put out this statement in response deutsche bank has demonstrated full respect for the us legal process and remain neutral throughout these proceedings we will of course abide by a final decision by the courts so let's talk about those decisions that were made today without saying to me how could the white house who would be with shortly just hang around kimberly want to start with cher pretense at the supreme court 72 was
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the majority in the ruling explain those numbers to our international audience and why they are significant. well it wasn't close if the president and his lawyers were trying to suggest that there was a good legal case for presidential immunity either from the courts or from congress they weren't able to make it and it wasn't close. that $7.00 to $2.00 majority that 7 includes the 2 appointees from donald trump himself justice corps search and justice kavanagh so that's pretty significant on that 1st case the new york case donald trump's lawyers that argued look if you allow any state prosecutor to subpoena the president this will just lead to the floodgates the floodgates opening and harassment and the president not be able to do his job as politically motivated district attorneys around the country starts petering the president all the time the justices had no time for that at least a majority of justices had no time for that they pointed to the president president you know various presidents have cooperated with investigations no problem they
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were able to do their jobs so eventually that new york grand jury will get these these papers these documents these are kept these records from donald trump's accountants but they'll be in private they will still be confidential this is a grand jury investigation held behind closed doors so the public will not see those documents and barring some sort of leak on that 2nd case of the congressional oversight of the president it's true as nancy pelosi said supreme court upheld the right of congress to subpoena the president but they're establishing limits now they're saying ok you can do this but it can't just be unlimited you can't just say well we'll just have anything we want because one day that might end up in legislation show us what legislation you think these documents will be relevant to and the court was concerned congress and congress' laws hadn't been specific enough so this would go to the lower courts and be argued there as to as to as to what specifically congress wants this information for so not a good day for dog lawyers but if you think the overarching plan of donald trump is
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to prevent his records from being seen by the public before the november election specifically well that's still going to happen this is still going to run and run thank you she had pretend there at the supreme court. a little more reaction from us to say so many statements come out today this is from the new york district attorney's office quote this is a tremendous victory for our nation's system of justice and its founding principle that no one not even a president is above the law on vista cation which was delayed for almost a year by this lawsuit will resume guided as always by the grand jury's solemn obligation to follow the law and the facts wherever they may lead and how kids at the white house without stating the obvious kimberly's not going to like this is he going to court is actually what donald trump likes to do when he doesn't and something doesn't go his way you see as well so you'll take it to the court well the court isn't even on his side here. well you that's right and you know the
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president has not one in the least one of these cases i said last hour you know over and likes to claim victory and certainly even though this is not going to donald trump's favor particularly in the one case with the returns heading back to new york. his lawyer is claiming that there is something positive in all this that is that they can run out the clock which is what you point out donald trump's been doing this even before he became president is real estate dealings that every time there's a conflict go to court drag it out and you know see if the you can exhaust the other side their peers that's what the tactic will be once again jay sekulow the president's attorney saying we're pleased with the supreme court temporarily blocking congress and near prosecutors for retaining financial records and we will proceed to raise constitutional legal issues in the courts so the very clear about the strategy is from downtimes playbook at hasn't changed but you know the headline here is not good for the president the question now becomes can he keep this from
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the public as long as he hopes to and that is beyond the november election now where do you hear more from the white house we hope we're watching very carefully to pierce the white house press secretaries started her briefing so we should have an update for you where she has to say next hour ok keep an eye on that one as well thank you kimberly how could at the white house there. let's analyze everything we've heard now with joe watkins a republican party political strategist former white house aide to george h.w. bush as well he's joining us from philadelphia and scott today thanks for your time kimberly how that sort of pointed out there how well all sides are trying to claim a little base of victory here today from the president's perspective how much victory can he claim when 2 of his appointees to the supreme court actually went against and against him today it will the president has been very. very
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smart when it comes to politics and he realizes that all of these stories have a have a cycle and this is a relatively short cycle because there are so many other things happening in the world in the united states but for the short term surely this helps this means that this case who will be decided there won't be any new news on his financial information before the november elections so if democrats will want to integration or to make that an issue in the november upcoming election it's not going to be show so from that standpoint the president wins in the short term and none of this anyway does anything to dissuade any of his base to not support him will continue to enjoy the strong support of his base to roll this is an idea why didn't he just hand over the details in the 1st place every president every presidential candidate before him has disclosed tax and financial records and he just wouldn't do it all of this would have been in avoided if he just done what
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everyone else did. yeah i think. from the standpoint of the president's campaign team they felt that it was wise to let the information which is being litigated continue to be litigated in to not disclose it to the general public because as long as it's being litigated it could be spun one way or the other and only spun in a negative way by those on the other side of the political aisle so the president i think and his team sought to keep it out of the news and to keep it from being an item that could be spun against him since he is still being dishonest. by saying it and so far that's worked at the end of the day while there's there's tremendous and certainly from from democrats and from from many in the united states about the disclosure. of his legal financials at the end of the day you know it's not been a problem for me didn't keep him from being elected in 2006 it is not likely to
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hurt him in the 2 $1020.00 election cycle either so you don't think this is an election issue or that because it will be dragged out it will quite possibly be dragged out beyond the election but it's something that the everyday american voter won't care about. the everyday american voter will care about people who are not inclined to vote for the president bush will see this is just another reason to not support him but from the standpoint of those who are considering. how they're going to vote 'd in the upcoming election there are issues that are far more important then is financial disclosure issues. for them to consider so i don't think this ends up being at all a major issue in the upcoming 2020 election cycle so it's joining us talking about the supreme court rulings today coming out of the united states thank you john thank you so much. to other news in the united states top military general has said there is no place in the armed forces for symbols of racism general mark milley and
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testifying at capitol hill over the military's role in responding to recent unrest triggered by the killing of george floyd he's appeared alongside the u.s. defense secretary mark esper who reiterated his view that national guard members are not active duty troops with the most appropriate response i want to make very clear that no active duty military unit engaged protesters or otherwise took part direct part in civilian law enforcement or federal protection missions in the district of columbia or anywhere else in the country and with regard to the role the national guard played in lafayette park on june 1 i also want to make clear the following that the guard did not advance on the ground that the guard did not shoot rubber bullets that the guard did not employ chemical agents of any type rather the guard remained in a static role as backup to law enforcement if needed i have many policemen in my
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family and i am personally outraged by george floyd's brutal and senseless killing the protests that have ensued not only speak to this injustice but also to centuries of injustice towards black americans we as a nation and as a military still struggling with racism and we have much work to do it is your pastor following this one from capitol hill today i guess how much pressure these men actually under given the the scenes that we saw referred to it as well the things that we saw and in lafayette park with the force used against american citizens. that's right both of these military leaders have really found themselves in a tough position since president really used their presence. i mean really their presence because the 2 men
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a company president on that walk across lafayette square and they participated in the photo opportunity of trump after having used armed forces to clear protesters from that zone of trying to using the backdrop of a vandalized church as a photo op holding holding a bible in his hand and that episode has drew much scrutiny into the military's role as part of the response to this black matter lives crackdowns we heard defense secretary mark for voicing his support for the demands of the peaceful protesters also saying that racism is a very real problem in america and that the killing of george floyd was only yet another horrific death of a black american at the hands of police and that reform is required but you also heard these leaders trying to make specific claims that the national guard were standing by in that confrontation between the peaceful protesters and police in
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washington as 1st so that they were the national guard was there but that the rubber bullets and the pepper spray was not dispersed by national guard troops so the question is by whom while it was local law enforcement that really took those measures these military officials trying to make that clear that the military should not be blamed for that violent confrontation while at the same time of course they're facing the scrutiny for having a company president trump on that photo op and both men have expressed publicly prior to today's hearing that their presence was on the stake because it rist the appearance of the u.s. military and a political institution influencing in u.s. domestic politics come off. on capitol hill thank you for that. here are some of the stories we've got coming up. we cannot proceed we cannot.
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be a view a new military age the u.n. expert on extrajudicial killings delivers a warning about drone strikes. we'll have the latest from democratic republic of congo where people police have opened fire on demonstrators and in sport tiger woods is making a return to golf after 5 months out of action the details with santa at about 10 in the hour. right now though the saudi led military coalition which is fighting yemen's hooty rebels has destroyed 2 explosive laden boats in the red sea a saudi state television report of the destruction of the vessels which it said happened south of the yemeni port of saif the 2 remotely controlled boats were threatening navigation says the coalition to libya where the un recognized
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government says it's found a prison used by the warlord khalifa haftar to torture opponents government leaders in tripoli according on the u.n. to widen its investigation into mass graves which were discovered near the prison and. forces of the government of national accord captured the city from have to fight as a shooting and tony for us is mahmoud up the wide he tells us now what's believed to have gone on in the prison. this is one of the prisons that was used by forces loyal to the world really for have to are in the city of lahore now in these very tiny sills they used to keep their opponents including government forces captives and also all civilians from to horner hope posed the military rule and the city government officials here enter who now tell us that some of those who were kept here or the killed and voted in the mass graves that
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were found recently in the city of horn or others were transferred to other notorious prisons under have those forces in the east of the country now the crimes committed by have those forces in and around the city of the horn including the mass graves and also the torture of in such prisons is being looked into by international justice organizations and the international criminal court is due to send a team to libya to investigate their war crimes including the mass graves and other crimes also that were committed by have those forces over the past year now government officials here tell us that they also found blood in in and around this prison and also they suspect that there are some victims who are killed
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and buried in the vicinity of this prison. in democratic republic of congo at least 4 people have been shot dead during a demonstration demanding election fanous supporters of the party of president phoenix were on the march in kinshasa and when they say police opened fire it was the appointment of an election administrator who's accused of rigging previous elections that it's infuriated those protesters katherine sawyer is following developments from neighboring kenya and she said rising tension between the president and it's pretty. threatening to bring down the government. while people are also concerned about the choir lish itself they feel that the president. is not in charge basically because he doesn't control much of their main important institutions like the senate in parliament. president former president joseph kabila square lieschen call the f.c.c. has the numbers is in control of those bodies including provinces he has
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a majority governors while so a lot of supporters of the past which is the party led by the president saying that they feel that the coalition to see katy side of the choir lucian is in a weaker position they feel that it's a junior partner they feel that former president kabila is a side of the quality show and is the one that seems to be running affairs. iran's total number of confirmed corona virus cases has now passed a quarter of a 1000000 more than 220 people died in the last day which has pushed the death toll up above 12000 as well it is the relaxing of lockdown measures which has seen a spike in new infections president hassan rouhani has announced new punishments though for people not wearing masks and workplaces that don't implement social distance. the u.n. is calling for countries to assist latin america financially with the economic
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fallout of the pandemic chile was one of the region's fastest growing economies but now 2 and a half 1000000 people are out of work one of the most punished places is a town known for its production of traditional pots and dishes but as the cinnamon reports the residents of palmyra no longer make enough to eat. or hasn't opened his shop for months all the handmade played pottery inside is full of dust including the emblematic piggy ready banks that he makes so they were all there for saving money into good luck he says for all. but today partridge in this small rural town had neither money nor luck for my use streets and shops used to overflow with visitors but not since april through one of the month of when i leave my shop open to air out the place so if anyone passes they can take a look old habits are hard to break for generations the people of poor might have made their living from making this type of pottery as emblematic as the chilean
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quantize there served in. but now my day is as empty as people's pockets just before lunch time you suddenly see residents coming out all heading in the same direction to the same place. and siena is in charge of the community center that's become paul might is lifeline. for the volunteers at the soup kitchen or out of work porters. we started with 100 meals then 120 every day more and more until the day came that we had nothing left to serve so we called the press and asked for help. 2 weeks ago that help started arriving especially from the capital's poor neighborhoods and from the fish fruit and vegetable markets. he gave will serve $500.00 meals. brussel welcomes her neighbors as though they're being invited to lunch except that they're all carrying parts to take the food home as many portions as there are in each
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household and. on this day they're treated to a seafood stew with salad and a fruit or marker that there are 4 adults and 4 children in our house we can't afford nappies but thankfully here we get a good meal. it's finally. turned her mother who has difficulty walking has been waiting eagerly for the warm lunch and arkansas and at all. before we sold enough for all our needs now my father and i have no work and i have 2 children. the house is humid and cold because as in most homes the floors are made of dirt. but in good pottery like everyone else's is gathering dust so there's no money for heating this town is one of the few that is not under obligatory quarantine in fact there are very few people here infected with covered 19 and yet the impact of the pandemic has been devastating so much so that many are
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very worried that unless the pandemic energy economic to fix is quickly like pompei or might as we know it will cease to exist. they know they can't depend on charity forever to fill their empty pockets some are already looking for other ways to make a living even if it means the end of one of chile's most beloved cultural icons you see in human al-jazeera. the number of americans filing for unemployment benefits continues to fall but it's still very high over a wall 1300000 claims were made last week down slightly from the week before the u.s. has seen a steady slowdown and layoffs as states reopen but it's nearly $19000000.00 workers are still without jobs. strayer has suspended its extradition treaty with hong kong in a worsening diplomatic dispute with china prime minister scott morrison says it's all in response to the new security posed and he'll also offer more hong kong citizens
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a path to move to australia as nicolas cage reports marson risks an even bigger fight with australia's biggest trading partner. china's imposition of the controversial national security law in hong kong has prompted widespread protests across the former british colony and now a response from australia for skilled and graduate visa holders will be extending the iss by 5 years from today with the pathway to permanent residency at the end of those 5 years that's a pathway for the $10000.00 or so students and skilled workers from hong kong in a strike and follows similar moves in the u.k. announced by prime minister boris johnson china resist biggest trade partner and is infuriated. way for the comments images from the australian side constitute grave violations of international law and basic international relations as well as gross interference in chinese domestic affairs will not work on china we condemn the
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comments and reserve the right to take further actions in response or consequences will be blown by the australian side kember is also seeking to entice businesses in hong kong to move their operations to australia and we know that means of the jewels now might be looking elsewhere because they do want to be in a free country they want to be in a democratic country and we want to make it attractive for that super talent to consider a striver and that's what these measures doing similar to canada astray it will also suspend its extradition treaty with hong kong saying it's concerned people could now be sent to mainland china human rights groups had been hoping asylum seekers would be included if the government is taking steps to protect that is fearing persecution no matter where they're from in the world. that is a great thing that australia should be doing and i would really welcome to say that extended to other nationals that are in our country right now seeking the same protection from persecution the last time
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a similar move was made was in 1909 after the massacre of pro-democracy protesters in tiananmen square when a stray 42000 chinese students. just hours before the announcement of updated its troubled boss for hong kong warning a stray lions could be at increased risk of detention on vaguely defined national security grounds it says they could also be a similar risk on the mainland. tensions have been rising between the 2 nations since a strongly a called for an inquiry into the origins of the coronavirus by using has imposed heavy tariffs on bali from the strike and banned some of its exports leaving many astray and business people nervous about what it might do next gauge al-jazeera sydney. in the news ahead attacks in broad daylight we will tell you about allegations against lebanon's government that it is clamping down on free speech
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also with months off limits we will meet the japanese religious order that's made of many replicas like people worshipping. and i just makes its post around the road by the. sun is here a little later. and other more of the same across much of the middle east it is hoss and it is dry some dust as well been picked up on the fairly strong winds and then all 3 turkey quite a bit of cloud that has the rings and that they haven't reached georgia just yet it is pretty hard to tell much as in the high 30 celsius this young boy enjoying the cooling waters now there is some rain on the way that will push through friday really quite heavy at times across eastern sections of georgia heading on towards the caspian sea to the south of there it is hot and dry dusty as well the winds are quite strong but look at these temperatures 50 celsius in baghdad 47 and q 8.
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shopping for the south on this fairly strong winds and as we go through saturday it is a similar scenario this time which is just not coming down atoll little bit less harsh i was and all 39 degrees celsius but probably feeling rather humid as temperature comes down and down into southern africa into the coast of south africa there's a very strong storm system on its way as we go through friday to get closer the winds will be strong the rain as well very heavy pushing up into namibia but the rain could accumulate about $150.00 millimeters of rain and the winds at times they could actually reach speeds of about 75 kilometers an hour through saturday it iis off in cape town the winds will pick up into port elizabeth and the showers in the rain will travel eastwards along the coast. but. they signed up for a luxury cruise but some would never come ha ha ha ha ha ha ha no cold
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want to waste investigates new zealand's deadly boko eruption on al jazeera. what is resistance. in akra people are grabbing social and political issues by the forums. and time to sing creativity parody and protest to challenge and change ideas. gun a controversial a witness documentary on al-jazeera. played important role protecting human. touch face.
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from the news i hear al-jazeera and these are the top stories the u.s. supreme court has ruled president donald trump's financial records can be released to prosecutors in new york but not to the u.s. congress trump says the rulings are unfair and politically motivated the u.s. is top general mark milley and defense secretary marty esper testifying before congress about the military's role in the recent black lives massive protests they condemned racism and defended the use of the national guard. and libya's u.n. recognized government says it's found a prison used by warlord pretty fast to torture opponents government leaders in tripoli are calling on the u.n. to widen its investigation into mass graves discovered near the prison in tough
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enough. so that the prime minister has asked his government to resign have been large protests in recent weeks demanding foster reform with the country transitioning towards democracy off the roma bashir was ousted last year ever morgan are reporting now from khartoum she says things of the getting progressively harder for people. we've seen people lining up for bread and fuel people have been complaining about the shortage of fuel especially gasoline saying that they have to stand in line for hours sometimes these to be able to fill up the car tanks we've also seen people queuing up for bread now that is what triggered anti-government protests in 2018 that eventually led to the former president i'm going to show you we've also seen over the past few weeks the government's response to the coronavirus pandemic a lot of people have criticized the government saying that the lockdown that was imposed was not advocate and that not enough studies have been made especially with regards to those who have limited income and who rely on day to day work to be able
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to feed their families so lots of criticism we've also seen on the 30th of june hundreds of thousands of people around the country taking to the streets demanding the government correct the power of the revolution and their demands that they came out from which was freedom peace and justice so they were saying that the government has been moving off track and that this track needs to be corrected and that the government needs to deliver aspirates promised when it came to power in august 29th team lots of pressure on this transitional government which eventually led to the father to the prime minister to dismiss most of the most of the pressure of the ministers and to replace them with caretakers until new ministers are appointed the un special rapporteur on extra judicial killings has presented their annual report to the human rights council has raised concerns about the growing use of drone. earlier said the u.s. drone strike that killed top iranian general some sort of man in january was illegal. now is the time to regulate drones fearing some governments are using them
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without any accountability. drones are becoming stealthy here speedier smaller more lethal and can be operated by teams located south of kilometers away and in my opinion and the opinion of all the experts i have consulted over the last 6 months these is bringing the world to a critical point in regulating the use of armed drones and the use of force who aren't drones so. they're running capitol explaining what the report means for they does their. the iranian government here at the time of qassam so the money is killing there was an outpouring of grief there was an outpouring of anger by government officials as well as the public this was after all one of the most popular public figures in the country perhaps in the history of the islamic
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republic of iran so certainly this ruling what we still haven't really heard from iranian leaders this time around it seems that they're letting the un special rapporteur tourers findings do the talking for them they're really letting this breathe at the moment and certainly it will be supporting the sort of legal arguments that the iranian government is making for pursuing a legal case in the international courts against the united states for justice for cars and so money the foreign ministry has said that it is looking into at least $40.00 people americans and not americans that were involved in this coordinated effort they say to assassinate this beloved general now the united states has said that the findings of this report are dishonest and they've characterize it as giving a pass to terrorists and this really gives us a sense of how the u.s. sees iran iran is still considered by washington especially this government as a state sponsor of terror but the un's findings the u.s. pressure up to us find things calling this an unlawful killing of an iranian
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official this really reinforces how iranians see themselves how this government sees itself as a member of a club of nations and as a legitimate regional power whose officials both civilian and in this case military deserve to be recognized as legitimate. has backed away from plans to impose a weakened coronavirus lock down 2 days of protests thousands of people tried to storm the parliament and wednesday nights after the lockdown were initially announced it also lets wider anger of the government's handling of the pandemic the presidents blamed by lets on. no you don't have a choice and i am urging all our people in belgrade and novi sad and all other cities not to confront the hooligans themselves we will do that as a state we will work and we will win we will preserve peace for our country surrender was never an option. countries are being urged to avoid dirty greenhouse
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heavy investments as they revive their economies after the pandemic the u.n. secretary general antonio terrace made that appeal during a virtual summit some countries are using their recovery money to invest in clean energy jobs and to limit emissions japan however is interesting looking to build as many as $22.00 new coal fired power plants in the next 5 years and china approved 6 major coal projects earlier this year china and india are the world's top coal producers using most of it domestically strelley russia the us indonesia south africa are the biggest exporters we've got chris look at with us now associate director of the 3 g. which is an independent european climate change think tank he's in milton keynes in the u.k. chris i want to talk about some of those countries we listed there but seniors who are in the u.k. i thought it would be pertinent to to talk about the fact that the u.k. i believe hasn't actually used coal power for 2 months now is that correct since
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the the demand went down during coronavirus they shut off the coal plants and haven't used the middle so it can be done. yes absolutely it can be done. the u.k. story's a really good one for showing the way the world is moving if we if we look back to 2012 the u.k. still got 40 percent of its electricity from coal and as you say we had a run just a couple of weeks ago which ended at $67.00 days it only ended because a coal plant switched itself back on for testing and we've now got a further 3 weeks without cause since so the u.k. will be out of coal certainly by 2024 at the latest it's down to its last 3 coal power plants and it's amazing growth in offshore wind and increasingly even in solar so what then are the likes of when i mentioned japan and china there who are approving a number of coal projects what's their reasoning behind it is it just the fact that they've got lots of it and they want to use it simple as that. well china is half
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of one half of everything in the ground economy in many many ways it's certainly true for coal it's a half hour of coal consumption half of the world's coal power plant capacity and also half of the new plants under construction it's been a big boom in demand but increasingly even in china renewables are now the cheapest new source of electricity and what we're seeing in china including for the economic recovery to the covert crisis is dynamics where provincial leaders and and industrial interests are pushing coal plants. as a way as a way of increasing economic output even though that those coal plants themselves don't make economic sense and china has massive overcapacity coal plants are running at less than 50 percent across the year they're actually losing money but because of the way the system is set up there are still these incentives at
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provincial level to to keep going with construction so there's a real tension emerging there between the national government which has made commitments to paris agreement and to act on climate change and this dynamic still coming through a provincial as paris saying is you mention that because i wanted to talk about the united states obviously the united states under donald trump withdrew from the paris climate. accord so i think we can safely say that it's not terribly high on donald trump's agenda and yet he talks about quote beautiful clean coal. is that something or is that just his way of saying no we should still commit to this industry because jobs because trying to win votes all of these issues. yeah i mean that was he was big pitch ahead of his election and his positioning you know he made a big claim that he would be bringing back coal in the u.s. that's not happened there are 0 new coal power plants under development in the u.s.
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. there's been a really massive. retirement process underway over half of the coal power plants unit level in the u.s. are closed already a load more will follow and the u.s. is now. seeing that growth from renewables pick up just as it has in europe the latest projections from the u.s. government should signal that this year they will see greater generation from renewables and co and there's definitely never in a sense coming really interesting that if you look at the president's own tweets and his own. rhetoric around this he's kind of i think kind of silently admitting defeat on this he's really not promoting the case of the cause of the coal miners or bring about coal anywhere near as much as he did before so i think reality is cold is not coming back in the u.s. it is firmly on its way out really interesting talking to you about. an interesting
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topic with a look out on the issue of coal thank you. floods and landslides have killed nearly 60 people this is in japan since saturday and of thousands of soldiers police and rescue workers are trying to reach remote areas where many people are stranded the support from priyanka gupta. mudslides in the scenic mountains of central japan followed days of heavy rain homes in nagano and sheaffer prefectures lie precariously close to flooded rivers carrying debris hundreds of tourists to towns famous for the hot springs and mountain trails are safe but stranded the food it did leave it was my 1st time seeing so much rain it just kept raining on and on the. rocks from the valley were falling and the sound of the river also sounded different. streets in japan supposed to fetid prefecture
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kumamoto aligned with trails of destruction the trench and rain in southwestern japan started last weekend triggering flooding and mudslides. tens of thousands of rescue workers and soldiers are scrambling to reach the hardest hit areas to help survivors again growing more cocky the kids are currently units from the police firefighters self defense forces in the japan coast guard or in various areas for search and rescue missions who continue to do our utmost for disaster measures including search and rescue and prioritizing people's lives. japan's meteorological agency says heavy rain is likely to continue until early next week and a recreation order has been issued for more than 350000 japanese and fear of growing of virus infection is increasing the difficulty for relief efforts tokyo has
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reported more than $220.00 daily infections the highest in the capital since april . japan is in the middle of its rainy season. and the pandemic is increasing the challenge of coping with natural disaster. to see. a prominent lebanese activist has been assaulted in broad daylight the opposition says it's all part of a campaign of intimidation by the government against the anti establishment movement as in a hotel reports from beirut these soldiers once again raise concerns about a clampdown on free speech seen by security cameras and in broad daylight with their faces uncovered for men on motorcycles assaulted a prominent activist as he was leaving a radio station opponents of lebanon's leadership say the attack is part of a campaign to silence dissent. moments later a lot of heartache he describes how he was hit on his head and face with
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a hard object but he remains defiant. but i was expecting this to happen because of the structure of this police state if they think that by attacking us will back off they're wrong. many like hockey linked to the anti-establishment protest movement that began in october say they've been harassed interrogated and detained. as was the country is turning into a police state and the intelligence and security forces are working for their rooting allies. received here after his release from detention was questioned for social media posts criticizing those in power he fears further harassment that . the intelligence forces are asking my friends about me if they called me in i won't go unless i stand in front of an independent judge because we all know what they are doing today knees they broke my friend's bike when he was detained by
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international human rights groups say the lebanese authorities are using different nation laws to violate freedom of expression but party leaders say there is a limit to free speech. there are those who are crossing the red line they are being summoned by the judiciary and questioned for a few hours but this doesn't mean freedom of expression in lebanon is at risk opponents disagree rights groups report more than $100.00 violations against activists and journalists by the authorities and supporters of the ruling alliance since the beginning of the year. the square in central beirut is no longer filled with tense protesters have been forced to leave by the authorities their movement has largely been broken many blame intimidation and violence but the solution men but in the words of the top u.n. official and 11 on efforts to silence free speech usually backfire notably in times of crisis. lebanon is in crisis and politicians have so far failed to ease growing
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leagues in europe will make its return in september the top division will make its comeback at with the limited number of fans allowed to attend games the jets football association confirmed on thursday that 15 to 35 percent of stadium capacities will be available for home supporters no away fans will be allowed legal says social distancing rules will be implemented and that fans will have to bring their own mosques touch football was shut down due to the covert 19 crisis in march . joining us now from ask them is football writer. first of all how surprised are you by the move to let fans attend these matches. that speak completely honest it wasn't that surprised dutch government has been restricting a lot of the lock down regulations of the parts couple of weeks and the past month as well and shown so far that they were willing to go quite far in part to other
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countries but their decision to allow a certain percentage under certain conditions are supported to stadium it was not bad because rice me pretty good can you talk us over the restrictions and some interesting rules are going to be implemented. yeah the most important restriction is the one in our meters socialists the world the dutch government has been going up for that to 100 percent in dutch society in general one and a half metres at any time is always very important except for people from the same household apart from that they have also said that there will be no singing or loud cheering allowed in stadiums as well which is right whereas some for our supporters and it collapses well because obviously look an absolute match in the stadium without sharing can be very difficult to some fans and it's a bit strange 2 clubs are also worrying about how to put in place regulations to
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make sure that nobody sexually chairing and so on certain see about that in that regard interesting rules indeed to elko point and answers and football right there thank you very much for that. major league soccer has made its return as the 1st north american men's league to rescind since the koran a virus that locked down come back again was a person that by a powerful anti racism protest and they were to send reports of. a silent gesture that major league soccer hopes will echo throughout the world black players for change has been formed to help fight racial injustice both inside and outside of the m.l.s. and more than 100 players from different teams stood side by side ahead of the league's restarts. it was beautiful to see you know all the players come together on the field like that as one being on the field i could tell you very powerful so
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you know put my 1st the coronavirus is the more immediate challenge for the league all seems a based on a so-called quarantine bubble within the disney world resorts in florida for this tournament and no fans are allowed to attend games but one same f.c. dallas has already dropped out due to the high number of positive tests within the squad this sort of medicine that's important to our way but anytime we believe that anything is going to happen that's going to threaten their health and safety and we're going to have to have it make decisions you know we're operating in this new world and we knew that there were going to be some some risk and there were going to be some things that we would have to address the fly the u.s. can't rely on a plan that would work in a league in germany or south korea or even spain or italy because we simply have way more cases and it's a numbers game ok the more cases you have the more likely a case is to sneak in to will be. after the regular season was halted in march this
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olsen a $25.00 team events will culminate in a final in early august orlando city beating into miami to warm the league's comeback fixture. was to be different you know who was waiting for it is known for so long we've been working hard. it's always difficult when you used to force a long time without playing a game the m.l.s. has top level basketball players for neighbors the n.b.a. league is aiming to restart with a similar set up at the end of this month and the richardson al-jazeera former world number one a tiger woods will compete at next week's memorial tournaments and what will be his 1st p.g.a. tour event in 5 months the 15 time major winner pulled out of the players' championship in march with a back injury before the corner virus shut down with 2 has one at the memorial tournament 5 times is currently 14th in the world rankings professional men's golf
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has already resumed in the us behind closed doors. chris froome is to leave the team where he won 4 tour de france titles from and he's a decade long stay at any os and will join israel start up a nation next year the briton no will compete for in the us at this year's tour which is set to begin at the end of august why the delay the baseball season gets underway in just 2 weeks in north america some former players have been given fans plenty to cheer about in south korea on thursday the. tour apart the twins in seoul form all cleaned athletics pitcher role and gave up only 2 hits in 7 scoreless innings while striking out 8 shows in jail for amanda's who used to play for the l.a. angels it was also in good form he smashed his 10th homerun of the season on route
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to a 6 to nothing win. and also as well for me i have more for you later on but for now it's back to come up thank you for that santa for me for the 1st time japan has closed mt fuji to high kids trying to contain covered 19 volcanoes a favorite among climbers but is also sacred for those who believe it holds special religious significance. and the found a way to keep worshiping as i asked her to reports. sculpted and shaped by thousands of years of eruptions mount fuji considered by many to be the perfect volcano has been venerated for generations as the home of the gods each year hundreds of thousands of people as send it slopes among them many worshippers on a religious pilgrimage but with the climbing trails closed this season believers have to find different ways to worship its cold who achieves a calm
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a miniature replica of the volcano located in the heart of tokyo. created and maintained by the 450 year old whose equal religious association it allows followers to be bestowed with the same blessings as climbing mt fuji itself and with the volcanoes closure it's never been more important to this religious order and its chief priest who me. who is suitably philosophical about the situation skewed out there maybe mount fuji needed a break we're going to quietly watch over the mountain as it rests for a year only on deep below silent beauty lies a destructive force in spite of being silent for 300 years it is still an active volcano. numerous shrines encircle it to placate the fire spirits with eruptions believed to be the work of the gods and water flowing from the peak their
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blessings mount fuji was granted in a world heritage status in 2013 it was designated as a cultural site recognizing it not just as a natural wonder but as an icon that sing grain into japanese culture entering in emerging from the caves when the volcano is believed to be a symbolic act of rebirth we are money in a step we take to climb the mountain in a state we take you know daily lives is the same i do it with great care and i put my heart into it in a time of such uncertainty because of the pandemic where she know each step becomes a prayer to peace to unpredictable forces of nature. i asked al jazeera tokyo. al jazeera bringing all the angles on the covered $900.00 pandemic from all around the world especially with stories like that thanks for joining us for this news out. there and the team in our london news center already with your next post and
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a couple minutes i'm kemal santa maria. as protests rage over police brutality and coronavirus grips the nation campaigning on the election trail has been forced to take a back seat will the presidential candidates ever hit the road and so their brand of politics to americans before the votes follow the u.s. elections on a. we're talking about ivory poachers who have decimated populations of elephants in africa they almost always ship the ivory out of
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a different country from where it was poached because that's where you start your search to look in the wrong place this radiocarbon dating method tell us if trade ivory is legal or not then we have a place we can focus law enforcement on take those out and perhaps choke the source of the ivory from entering the network take note on al-jazeera. a global pandemic mass protests demanding change economic recession and geo political tensions not to mention the small matter of a looming election join me steve clemons in conversation with leading voices on the bottom line your weekly take on u.s. politics and society on al-jazeera. examining the impact of today's headlines i need to go to work because i need to make money risking our lives by going in setting the agenda for tomorrow's discussion racially charged social unrest on a scale not seen in the international filmmakers who moon class journalists bring
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programs to inform and inspire you to terrorist but you hear the story of your city walk the path. for now just 0. the supreme court ruling that cleared the way for the u.s. president's tax returns and other financial records to be passed to new york prosecutors. blow up our boss are you watching out there alive from love but also coming up inside the libya prison where its alleged detainees were tortured by forces loyal to the warlord had before halftime calls grow for the new way to investigate the government appointment that sparked angry protests and have them.
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