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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  July 11, 2020 4:00pm-5:01pm +03

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on the bottom line your weekly take on u.s. politics and society on al-jazeera. al-jazeera. hello i'm can but al fizzes the news hour live from doha coming up in the next 60 minutes as. survivors families and dignitaries pay their respects to the thousands of muslim boys and men who were killed in the $995.00 tripper needs a genocide. iran's president says he won't free impose a lockdown despite a rise in culvert 19 infections because the economy can't handle that. setback for
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press freedom the largest pool comes from the philippines is permanently taken off air. and caught between conflict and trying to find a better life we meet one migrant who's decided to call libya. an installer bron james and the l.a. lakers head into basketball's call insane bubble the game's biggest star has now arrived in florida ahead of the n.b.a. leagues reached. we begin the program with a memorial to the victims of an atrocity that happened 25 years ago and is still fresh in the memory of those who lived through it it's the anniversary of the srebrenica genocide and more than 8000 muslim boys intimate were murdered by both troops the ceremony took place in eastern bosnia and herzegovina where survivors families and dignitaries remembered those who died the killing was the worst crime
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of the 900 $95.00 balls deemed war was the only mass murder to be a genocide on european soil since the end of the 2nd world war. our correspondent eric is in trouble we'll talk to him shortly but 1st this report from sandy gable an expanse of grave stones each one a victim of the genocide perpetrated here a quarter of a century ago. the fathers grandfathers brothers uncles and sons of striper needs. those they left behind come to pray here but the trauma of what happened is present . i only wonder why they killed my children they were my neighbors and my oldest son's wedding day i invited them 1st neighbors. the widows and mothers of srebrenica left with their photos their memories.
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lost her 3 sons and her husband the body of her eldest has never been found every day she is haunted by the last time she saw her youngest son movie and. she hung on to me when super soldiers came to take him he said mother don't leave me i stroked his curly here and said i won't leave you they took him and i followed i don't know if they hit me i don't remember anything it was this man retcon lad teach the commander of the bosnian serb forces who gave the order to exterminate the muslim men and boys of srebrenica here he reassured the younger they had nothing to worry about before condemning them to a massacre together with a war time leader of the bosnian serbs rather one cottage each the unleashed an atrocity the like of which had not been seen in europe since world war 2 they were later found guilty of genocide and crimes against humanity by
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a un real crimes tribunal both are now serving life sentences in the hague. but the failure of the dutch forces acting as un peacekeepers sent hundreds to their death many of the victims fled to the un designated safe zone only to be handed over to the bosnian serb forces. lost his entire immediate family in the killing that ensued he succeeded in holding the netherlands partly liable for their deaths yes i was reading. here all. it was to do with the army. was always a. bystander while a genocide was. now there is a new generation of young people many may have been born after the genocide but it is never far from their minds or their family history as is the need to preserve
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the memory of those who were killed and i grew up near here i keep an eye on the symmetry i lost a lot of family then i lost my grandfather keeping the memory of the victims alive and for their families a chance to remember them in dignity. al-jazeera character i'm so it's joins us now live from needs just tell us what happened today as part of today's commemorations. while the commemoration was held there were dignitaries who couldn't be here although they were announced corona virus pandemic they send a video message in advance the likes of. bill clinton antonio. justin trudeau and so on initially the defense was planned to be a large scale big event but due to depend demick that had to be scaled down we saw
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a much smaller crowd this year up to 5000 people approximately and we saw the burial of 9 victims of this terrible incident side who 25 years later finally found their eternal peace and it's pretty incredible to think that even 25 years old remains are still being found why is that what what's the difficulty in that. now there is still a local community that lives here and that faces tremendous challenges several challenges and when you talk with them. the challenge they think as. of paramount importance for them is the challenge of genocide denial i will come back to genocide genocide denial i just want to talk about genocide itself now for our for our layman are the genocide is defined as a physical while and in a committed with the intention of this strong certain group now here's
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a shack that can shed some light on what happened here 25 years ago at this well at this moment in the identification center there are 1009 and i dented victims there are yet to be a date identified there was a large. scale in a sample gathering now the experts say that the problem the probable cause why. they are still to be identified is that there's just no next of kin you know there's no close enough relative that could guarantee a d.n.a. match now that tells you that whole families have been wiped out of existence here in eastern bosnia in srebrenica and that tells you that the massacre of evidence indeed was a genocide and that was confirmed by basically every court that ever touched the case including the highest court in the world the i.c.j. which confirmed that the massacre amounted to the crime of genocide both by the acts of physical violence but also by the intent now imagine surviving all of that
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victims find genocide as a slap in the face and not just that the genocide watch organization has classified has found that all genocides always happen in phases in stages. there can be 8 or 10 different stages the pending on the methodology but not to go into the. haled the point is that the last phase of the genocide is genocide denial and that is an indicator that it could happen again so benign genocide for the victims is not just a slap in the face and recognizing genocide is not just on the ring they are suffering but also they consider it they perceive it as a sort of a shield for what central future suffering thank you for that tarik terms of it should live from stripper needs. while their coverage is
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a srebrenica survivor he was a teenager when the war began and spent more than a month in hiding when soviet troops to send it on his town he joins us now from of the on insta venia thank you so much for your time as we said you were 17 when the war started what do you all most vivid memories of that time. well he can be about to come forward and say you know i was just a typical teenager like anyone living in that part of the world or europe. but unfortunately. sort of our lives were completely changed in the spring of 92 when the forces keeping the towns of eastern policy which were huge serbia and started canceling the area which means that most people will be home non-serious the bosnian muslims. you know other minorities who are living with
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bosnian muslims who are majority in the area were any clue cleansed from that here yet those who were captured or killed in that were expelled. talk to us about your experience what we've covered earlier about about positive very important place there was a un base there some 20000 civilians sought refuge but as the serbs advanced 10000 muslim boys and men set out on foot photos it became known as the death march you yourself spent more than a month in a forest trying to trying to avoid the serbs tell us about that. well and that there was a head say. extremely difficult even to describe how it looks like a mean we were attacked when we were really means that. we were told by our local leadership that we need to try to break through this so blinds and then hopefully reach a mostly entirely controlled territory which was you know
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a 100 kilometers away through to hostile territory. at the beginning we were immediately attacked. even though before we departed surveys and that's when the when the massacre began you know groups of you know tens or hundreds of people were captured by the by the serbs soldiers those who were not executed at the spot they were taken down to to be something we call it properly which is mean communication between. say bill green saturday or so we need to cross that road in order to push towards those about most majority of people who actually died in that massacre in genocide our studies were captured in that area even prior to their. chance to cross the road so the services and the so soldiers surrounded these these majority you haven't seen 95 percent of people were hung on the in civilian clothing and
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those people can't shoot and some of them were killed and spot some of them were taken down to the asphalt road and then transported to the queue should fields. for my part. i've went through a lot of different difficult situations you know trying to escape the bushes survive if you are just you know the 1st day and then and then just try to stay below the radar and observe the troops insert the troops and their movements and try to escape escape from them. on the day to day bases it was extremely difficult physically because you know about countryside is very heli so it's either you know it's very difficult to to to to navigate through that land and you can get lost in the you know time and but also psychologically was very difficult to cope with that all the death and destruction. you know there was going on there were
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a lot of people who were wounded there a lot of people were. crying for help and nobody can help them no you know there were some people were just begging to for someone to finish them off and so they can stop suffering so that kind of. psychological pressure was extreme and it was one of the tactics to do with those used by the so soldiers to actually. inflict so much fear into those who create used to surrender so they would rather no you know surrender to continue on with this truck and so. aside from that you know we didn't have anything to ease surviving in the wild and without any food and then access to water was also also very big challenge just awful do you think you know you were a young man you were you're in your your late teens at the time did do you think you understood at the time the sense of that being very much life or death and do
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you think you had a sense of of the scale of what was what was really going on. nobody could have imagined that the 1000 plus people will be massacred and executed. i think not not normally when you know those people who are the most informed around the world understood that my conversations with some of the top un people that i have conversed over the past 25 years the idea was always that these people will be actually arrested maybe some be executed last morsel end up in some sort of course interation camp. but it's not 100 suit that this is what was about to happen on the other side i saw it i saw how those people who haven't decided to turn themselves into the service say hey i'm serially and i done nothing wrong in my life and or i'm just a teenager boy 814 years old why should they kill me they were they were massacred
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they were the there was so much brutality. and when i was the one with these of these brutality at the beginning which helped me make up my mind that my mind was. either come to boston in control territory or i will die trying so i never and never even the idea of surrender never crossed my mind. i would think talking today about you know serbia doesn't accept this as a genocide how is the fabric of genocidal politics and policies still present in the area today about how does that affect it. it's a it's a it's a very be no problem and unfortunately believe it or not about the end has to go into da we have survived and mend their experience genocide are we are the only country in the region which does not have the law which prevents general the national defense and your denial of holocaust so we are becoming some sort of you
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know really a zone or a country in which the extremists can to arash with their statements and the hate speech with these he speech is encouraged by their local politicians especially coming from the some of the so political parties in the in the early the ships and this has not be condemned in any way even by serbia so this is extremely difficult for the survivors and their families not only the in lost loved ones but they're also they're united the truth about the fate of the other ones there were so many theories which were developed by the deniers over the past 20 years after starting how these people were actually shooting each other they were killing each other instead of they were executed by the so soldiers or there were some sort of foreign intelligence services who committed this murder there is all different kinds of theories which were used or the know or the tunnel but we do
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d.n.a. advancements and we were able to action through his effects which were. conducted during the escalations or the very means of those surveyed said it and we were able to establish a lot of you know how this beautiful evidence that these people were actually captured by the services or stake in by certain trucks to certain locations but they were executed and then put in a primary mass graves after this information about the massacre was leaked out the you know to the surface in the nude in summer of 95 a few months later they started reading these police didn't hiding it in some sort of were. known as a secondary masterpiece to these. shield many of these spirits here is still recovering though we are still missing 1000 people from syrians and there is no information about the reports thanks so much for your time i really appreciate you sharing your experiences. a stripper needs to survive a thank you. thank you. but your head on the news are including.
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a new voice in singapore's politics are small but significant gains by the opposition have cast a shadow on the governing party's election win. and people can now go back to the most magical place on earth but some americans are not happy about the reopening of disney world. and in sports national hockey players formerly agreed to return to action for the 1st time since the coronavirus knock down. the wrong thing that says the country can't afford to go back into lockdown despite a sharp rise in new corona virus infections the number of cases in iraq has now tops a quarter of a 1000000. cast we cannot hold tell economic activities any longer there is no country in the world capable of doing so the only way to break
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through this tough time is to observe the social distancing recommendations a lockdown is the easiest measure that can be taken against the virus but the economic repercussions of the lock down resulting resentment among the public we have to ban gathering in this includes weddings funerals and conferences any similar groupings are not necessary we also have to urge our people to adjust their way of life during this period of time as the number of infected cases has risen over the past weeks. from all we can bring in our said bag who is in tehran so what does this made no matter how bad it gets around that. well president rouhani has just confirmed what many people here thought would happen that a shop shut down or a lock down won't be reimposed and that's because the economy just can't gillet it going into this pandemic inflation is around 41 percent the country has seen an increase in unemployment the currency has lost value against the us dollar but also the economy is on the u.s. sanctions so what president hollande is essentially saying is that the economy
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cannot deal with it but also he acknowledged that the government does fear that there will be opposition from the public and it was only in november last year that we saw widespread protests against the government fuel price increase but the government are trying they've made face masks mandatory in enclosed spaces they've been running campaigns on state t.v. telling people that the krona virus is no joke but they do face a challenge according to the health ministry adherence to social distancing and some of those regulations started off 80 percent of the start of the pandemic now is down to 10 percent but here at the sports centers that have close contact sports are not now closed so in full of clothes and reception holes that host wedding ceremonies and mourning ceremonies of having told not to host those and that's seen as a key factor in the spread of the virus now president rouhani did go on to say that iran has dealt with the virus better than some european countries something that he said in the past saying that despite all the sanctions iran is still doing well but he encouraged the public to observe social distancing to abide by the rules and to
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face this challenge together but he is essentially defending his policy because it has been differences within the government that the health minister did come out a few days ago and say that he did not want to be lifted so we're back in mid april and that he's warnings were taken seriously and that the country is paying a huge price so a president rouhani has come out and defended that and he's essentially saying that the economy and the public can't deal with another shutdown regardless of how many people are dying we have 221 people died in the space of 24 hours just 2 days ago that's the highest the country is experience and infections are high. somewhere near to the minds we saw during the peak of the virus back in mid march but the for the priority for the government seems to be to protect and maintain the economy as a bank in tehran thank you. the philippine congress has refused to renew the operating license of the country's biggest broadcaster and what rights groups are
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calling a dark day for press freedom they say it's part of a broader crackdown on dissent she went on doggedly ports from manila. to deny a.b.c.'s french application is here but adopted it is seen as a crushing blow to press freedom but 70 out of 84 lawmakers voted against the renewal of the broadcast license of the country's biggest media network t.b.s. c.b.s. . it looks highly political highly highly political but that being said i respect. their decisions and i respect what they have done oh my i will accept it it's it's painful. the ruling a sparked a public outrage and criticism of congress where most members are allied with president rodrigo to terror to join. the decision comes as the government is already grappling with its response to the coronavirus pandemic which has led to
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millions of filipinos losing their jobs maybe a c.b.s. closure threatens the livelihoods of another $11000.00. iraq war we're moving the channel from there also means depriving many people of information in remote areas where it's often the only one available the government spokesperson denies the president was involved in influencing congress. but president of the go to tear down has repeatedly tried to a.b.s.e b.n. in the past saying that the network did not air his political campaigns during the 2016 presidential elections and instead to brenne most of the ads of his political opponent choice next year if you're expecting. him sort of. euro. rights groups a do terror to has often treated journalists with contempt and the closure of the
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network is the grave assault on media freedom under the current administration it isn't the 1st time that the media network was forced off the air in 1972 it was also shut down by then president for didn't markers when he declared martial law and a.b.s. c b n only reopened in 1986 after the dictatorship was toppled by a people power revolution. b.s. . they say the network is being punished because of the tear it is grievances and the position will further damage and already troubled nation jamila duggan. reporters without borders says the philippines has become one of the most dangerous places in the world for journalists when president ford very good to her they came to power and 2016 he publicly want reporters that were not exempt from
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assassination as he put it he said the freedom of expression in try and in the constitution cannot help and have done something wrong the union representing journalists reports 13 killings since 26 saying news website rappler has angered the president over its criticism of his government its editor maria ressa is now facing up to 6 years in prison found guilty of what's called cyber libel charges but even before deters a journalism was a risky business 2009 members of a powerful political club murdered 32 journalists and media workers on the island of mindanao. lay on the board is the justice reporter for an investigative news outlet she says the government is sending a message with the closure of the broadcaster. it's really an assault on press freedom because. the largest television network in the philippines that's been in existence for 50 years if this largely symbolic of our friends freedom in 1970 with
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the shutdown with 11000 jobs on the line it's really sending a clear message that if you don't knock that with a line in the government then you're going to be next. x. from the administration it started with a newspaper the newspaper the biggest newspaper also developing new inquirer and then wrap their team next and then the unthinkable shutdown of this event has happened so that you really think the white house about what you're right and what you publish what i mean we are we the are a country to us face this attack on press freedom before so we're just trying to hold the line and trying to do our jobs as best as possible under circumstances that. only last friday and yesterday this this happened so there's there's really been a chilling effect because as i say there are a lot it's widely seen by critics a crackdown on on on this and people are human rights advocates jury and the lists are in are often are against this law and
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a dozen petitions are going to be filed in the supreme court to try to revoke this law which they say will really have any crackdown on the set. at least 5 people have been killed during a hostage taking at a church in south africa a number of people are now under arrest let's go live to for me to mina who is there what more can you tell us. well at this point although 40 people have been a risk good thing seems to have been a shooting and then a hostage situation at the church just behind us just south of johannesburg it seems that there was a factional battle or least 3 factions of the church with their members with at least 3000000 members across southern africa so factual. really was about the leadership of the church since the previous leader passed away in about 2016 at the time of his death it seems that he had left behind in
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a state of at least 26000000 dollars so i wonder standing at this point is much of the tension around leadership of the church is related to income of the church membership of the church and its results as in a hostage situation that saw at least 200 people who live on the premises kicked in the church while these factions battled it out at least 5 people were killed and in fact all of them were killed in a vehicle just outside of the church and it seems that they were burnt burnt to death it's not quite certain given what the police have that so far but their bodies were found in those burnt the arkle we also know there is one other person who's been killed and of the people the rest are there also members of the police the national defense force as well as the metropolitan police which really is quite bizarre given at the extent of the violent scene at this church during the course of the day was there was for me the miller thank you. it's time now
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for the weather his efforts in with news of stormy weather in the u.s. yeah that's right. trouble storm fay made landfall around about around about 12 hours ago into the northeastern call of the u.s. good news is it is weakening quickly there we go you can see that lovely swirl of cloud just store around that northeastern corner made landfall in new jersey fed some very very heavy rain and some rather choppy waters into new jersey right around the 3 quarter states actually is going to continue making its way further northwards into where that eastern side of canada as we go on through the coming hours produce 70 millimeters of rain in the last 24 hours typically we were looking at 70 to about 100 millimeters of rain but in some places it was a good deal wetter than that still where to where the world that it is drive its way further northwards one stage we were looking at winds gusting to around 70 to
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100 kilometers per hour those winds are now easing quite quickly and the storm has already looking at the final warning has already been issued here so quite an active system there you can see the position of the storm there would see well eastern central parts of new york present it will continue to drive his wife further north which is a separate to the south of that little i eat still in place and down towards the southwest extreme heat the fire risk remaining a big problem heavy showers longer spells of rain then they will continue up that eastern side of the u.s. new england pushing into quebec the eastern side of canada gradually seeing some quieter weather coming in behind but showers for the central plains kim thank you for that ever. so ahead on al-jazeera. voters in hong kong choose which democratic candidates they want to run in september's elections. and out why millions of lives are at risk in syria as the u.n. security council fails to meet an important deadline. sports jack charlton one of the all time greats of english football has died at the age of $85.00.
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player. for thousands of years farmers and shepherds have lived to see what their traditional way of life has been for generations. as israel plans on the seashore into the occupied west bank ug a 0 world goes to the jordan valley where the illegal settlements have already expanded and asks what the future holds for these palestinians for much shepherds of the jordan valley on a 0. the latest news as it breaks this crowd of hundreds of people didn't come with invitations to came to pay their respects to george floyd we detail coverage the government needs to balance the needs of the economy with the trace of the virus returning. from around the world organized
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crime is now beginning to try to play the role of robbing and like by giving a way forward to win over the loyalty of people in desperate. the. geology is there a reminder of our top stories the solemn survivors families of dignitaries have gathered in the east in bosnia and herzegovina to remember the srebrenica genocide it's been 25 years since bosnian serb troops murdered more than 8000 muslim men and families. iran's president tom rouhani says the country can't afford to go back into lockdown despite
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a sharp rise in new coronavirus infections the number of cases in iran has now passed a quarter of a 1000000. just broadcast from the philippines will remain permanently off the air after m.p.'s refused to renew its license the a.b.s. c.b.s. corporation was forced to go off air in may after its franchise expires. the u.n. security council has failed to reach an agreement to keep a cross border age flowing into syria to separate proposals did not pass the 1st vetoed by russia and china the 2 countries want to cut the number of crossings used aid agencies are warning of dire consequences for displaced people many in northwestern syria depend on aid from turkey let's take a closer look at the cross border a delivery the u.n. and humanitarian groups say 2800000 people in syria's rebel held north west depend on those 2 crossings for aid russia insists only one of those is necessary the border saying it accounts for 85 percent of aid deliveries the u.s.
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says 1300000 people living in northern ireland depend on the other crossing which is known as the salam. well romney karim is a senior fellow at the harvard kennedy school he joins us now from cambridge and massachusetts thank you for your time stiles why russia and china are blocking this resolution to keep 2 crossings out but i mean this is aid to people who need it in syria. it is and this is really a continuation of the war that's been going on in syria for almost 10 years now and it's the latest phase of this war in which regional and external powers like turkey and iran and china and russia and the u.s. are all shocking to maximize their strategic influence and position they've all essentially said that they can flow to the people who need it but they
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want to the russians or the chinese want to make sure that they use this process to maximize the reassertion of controllable in northern syria by the syrian government of bashar less that they're afraid that if the of too much international aid flowing this weakens the syrian government then strengthens the opposition already to border posts to border crossings for aid from jordan and iraq were closed earlier this year and they're now down to 2 in the north they may be only renewed for 6 months now or set of one year or so this has to be seen as part of the regional strategic game very complex game which includes kurds and syrians and tribal groups and russians and turks all kinds of people who are physically in northern syria and jockeying for position ok they're all jockeying for positions let's talk about russia what is russia hoping to get out of this. russia has for many years seen syria as
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a small court strategic foothold or link in the region and it has now vastly strengthened the role of syria in the eyes of the russians 1st by killing involved militarily to keep the syrian government in power and 2nd of all to the best lee increase the facilities the naval bases the air bases on other facilities now that it has syria and it's using syria as a kind of jumping off point to other places in the region like libya other. jews that i was in the area with people like the united arab emirates and it's true it's trying to show the region that russia is at the end of the freshest supports you militarily politically economically whatever it may be it will stick with you unlike say the americans or the europeans who are much more fickle in their eyes so this is the really important point for the russians to maintain
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a certain power and to keep that strong link with with syria with it with russia which the russians can leverage and the other linkages in the area turkey often talks about how many syrian refugees it's hosting that it can't deal with the weight of just how many refugees are in turkey might it eventually find some might find some support from the tax in terms of keeping the keeping aid flowing or are the 2 on dave definitely on different sides here. but the actual number of refugees that can be taken into turkey is quite plex above the surface of a pretty big country and has a lot of. a lot of resources and of course can benefit from international aid to the refugee so i don't think it's a question of the number of refugees just a question of how do you love bridge that refugee open door into political gains that turks are clearly trying to reassert some control 'd over parts of northern
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syria that they they historically consider to be part of turkey but they will negotiate with the syrian government with the kurdish groups with the local tribal groups and they have some kind of relationship with the russians which is wary bizarre because they do the shoot each other should just and then they make truces i'm joined patrols and things like that a so the term playing a very complex regional game which you see also in libya in a very clear way that the some syrian fighting forces are going from syria the turks are sending them to libya so you can see in northern syria in the isolated lens of just that little territory we really need to see it in the larger picture of syria and the levant and also of russian and. aims in the wider middle east
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thanks so much for analysis rami corey there a senior fellow at harvard kennedy school. voters in hong kong are causing the ballots to narrow the field of democratic candidates who will run in an upcoming election campaigning is on the way and people will have the weekend to vote beijing's newly imposed national security law in the city is overshadowing the main election in september from a call to vehicle pollin has more on the challenges facing poll organized. organizers say the face an uphill battle in trying to get these primary elections up and running one of the major obstacles the faces that many of the venue's that were meant to be ballot centers pulled out in the very last minute many of them are shops and offices and they say that their landlords put pressure on them saying they don't want their property used for political means organizers say they've had to become creative to circumvent any last minute issues that may crop up for instance 3 district councils in this area hard this bus to use as
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a polling station we. fight for the everybody can come and take a load every member dream in the past and they can dream for the future now a number of pro-democracy candidates and pro-democracy fringe groups are not taking part in these primary elections they say these elections could undermine the actual elections which will be held in september they fear that this could even lead to their disqualification but advocates of these primaries like legislative councillors who are trying to win back their seats have been campaigning they say this is a very important process because this is the 1st widespread democratic action since the national security law came into effect that could be some sense of some feelings of western nation among some columnists because whatever you do they seem to be able to get you on this new security law and with this crime rate in place
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we can tell. the whole government and for that matter. the baking regime in that home told me that we would do our best to stick to it with stick it out those who are taking part in these primary elections are hoping this process will help consolidate support for the democratic camp so that they will be able to win a majority of the 70 seats up for grabs in september's legislative council elections but even if they do manage to attain that with this new national security law there is no guarantee that they will be able to push their mandate through effectively within government. at least 23 people have died and thousands have been displaced by flooding and landslides in nepal heavy rain is slowing down rescue and recovery efforts dozens are still missing with crews searching remote areas for people who were swept away by floodwaters. so paul's ruling party has won friday's general election but with a reduced majority at a lower share of the vote the opposition party secured its best ever result the
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vote was largely seen as a referendum on prime minister lee hsien loong handling of the corona virus pandemic and the looming economic crisis frank a good to reports for most people the result was never in doubt the people's action party that has to do with the poll to do than half a century has retained. the p.d.p. one flight is general election with a 2 thirds majority in the parliament but with a share of the vote close to a record low prime minister lee hsien loong called the stop board last month to deal with the corner of our spawn denecke and what could be singapore's worst recession in history he says the results fell short of his expectations the results reflect the period on certainty that singaporeans few scratches the loss of income . jobs the disruption caused by the circuit breaker and the safe distance the restrictions. this was not
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a feel good election but one where people are facing real problems and expect more rough weather to come. in the opposition camp there were celebrations despite rumors limited large gatherings workers' party members killed their biggest election victory. oh fighting. for a lovely time every year for $53.00. dollars. making. the opposition's victory to small is significant it's still only 10 seats out of $93.00 but now we have the government people government recognizing that this party can be a leader of the opposition and so we have a kind of meaningful opposition party and its in its party that served to regenerate itself and take on new leadership and actually brought in a lot of young candidate so i think that this is a very new voice for singapore politics the p.d.p.
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is the party of singapore's founded leader lee kuan yew which is enjoyed uninterrupted power since the country became independent of malaysia and 1965 minutes his son $68.00 yo d.c. along has been a prime minister he says to pass before this election could be his last before his ties but before that he has to stay one of the world's leading financial hubs out of an unprecedented economic and health crisis and with a strong position the parliament. could go on to see the. libya has long been a transit point for migrants and refugees attempting to reach europe the recent fighting between forces of the un recognized government and warlord holy father star has made matters worse for them but some say they are still willing to stay in libya as long as there's work i'll just try to reports from the coastal city of misrata. every friday misrata city center becomes
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a flea market it's known for its cheap products and laborers come from all over the city to buy and to so they're mostly from other african countries and came to libya looking for work to provide for their families back home so. these are people who are looking for opportunities and they can make a decent living in the country so they come here a stable libya would mean many of them will be able to find work and make a good living here alice women is from niger and works at this wedding hall it's been closed for nearly 4 months because of the covert lockdown now he's preparing for its reopening and. i came to libya to look for money i have 2 brothers a sister and my parents i send the money every month ali says he's been promoted twice and given a raise he's happy he can support his family. and. me but the man
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a fear ali began working with us as a laborer we immediately noticed that he was a hard worker so we developed him now he's an assistant supervisor there are many like ali who are looking for opportunities for work they are a very important segment of our economy while many people focus on libya being a transport hub for migrants attempting to reach european shores others come here to provide for their families back home some here tell us a stable libya would likely lead to fewer people making the dangerous journey across the mediterranean. ali and many like him say they have no interest in going to europe he says after a few years of saving he will move back to niger sort of a stable income here in libya allows him to do that from our trainer. was rather. despite a rising number of corona virus infections in florida one of the state's most famous tractions is reopening its doors the disney world has been closed for nearly 4 months strict new health measures will now be in place the hasn't stopped
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thousands of people signing a petition calling for the park to hold off its reopening. walt disney world in orlando reopens on saturday with enhanced hygiene temperature checks and mandatory mask wearing to prevent the spread of covert 19 florida's governor says disney world is safer than a party at home people are going to be it's a safe environment disney i have no doubt it's going to be a safe environment but a quarter of park workers have signed an online petition against reopening saying it endangers their health doctors say safety depends on public cooperation and self discipline but the bottom line is you can rely on disney to keep things clean and then you as a guest are going to have to make sure that you practice good hygiene and wear a mask several disney parks in asia have successfully reopened but unlike visitors there are some people in the us stubbornly resist mask wearing there's no question
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the global lockdown hit disney hard disneyland in california remains closed indefinitely disney cruise ships are docked most movie theaters are closed in the premier of disney's big summer film move on is postponed till august also hurting the company's bottom line the pandemic has severely curtailed professional sport leaving disney's sports center television network e.s.p.n. starved for content the major league soccer season restarted earlier this week at the disney world sports complex but no spectators pro basketball will follow on july 30th all teams and officials will stay at disney hotels on site and will not venture outside some n.b.a. players are skeptical you tell me where you know 22 james well where's. the rules. well we have 100 percent everybody
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or the urge to restore sports in reopen fun parks is part of a deep desire to return to a precocious world that may be lost forever there's no going back home again and there's not going to be enormous in the past our lives going forward are going to be different for ever all we do know is that we cannot we cannot we cannot return to the lifestyle we add balancing health risks and economic rewards in a world were all has changed robert oulds al-jazeera. still had on al-jazeera and sport a simmering rivalry that boil other planes to facing tauntings. the coronavirus manful sus to change the format of head to head for the time being but that would stop me doing robust interviews with challenging direct questions in
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a u.s. election year i'll be seeking accountability from both sides of the political spectrum on who's to blame for the horrific coronavirus desktop on how to fix the us health care system and whether the war of words with china is entering a new and dangerous phase join me may the awesome 1st special series of head to head on al-jazeera. short films of hope. and inspiration. a series of short personal stories that highlight the human triumph against the odds. al-jazeera selects.
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time export has andy thanks so much kamala bron james in the l.a. lakers and now inside basketball's quarantine bubble the biggest name in the sport is arrived in florida ahead of the n.b.a. restart lights from this month james is probably but publicly back to the expense regime action if any is within the disney world resort players returning negative coverage 19 results are back in training after a full month layoff social issues in the u.s. schools are as many players debating about whether or not the league should resume you know it was a roller coaster of whether we should play or. get american. we have an unbelievable opportunity to use our voices. i don't necessarily take away by start to lead i don't think it's taking away all of what's important issues
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in our in our world i think we can still address those. more so than we've done before without platforms or players staying healthy is of course the other concern basketball rights are from the robinson saying the players have been far from united about the n.b.a.'s plans. it depends on who you ask i said down in the teens when call with joel embiid of the philadelphia 76 ers earlier this week he expressed. just that he's on he almost decided not to play luke certain feel on his part. he doesn't know what it's like and if you pay attention to the news cycle the other day he showed up to orlando with a hazmat whole body on mask and gloves and all you know there are the terms of who you ask in the n.b.a. there are some players who have expressed to me that they are excited they can't wait to play you know others are on the fence and the some of the players have made
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mention of the fact that they don't like the food in the bubble but i think that's the least of the worries youngest son please put the product on the floor because the big doll play and they'll fulfill travelgate you know be able to pull your dollars i think from a bronze rings i'd be pretty motivated you know the family guy who did the other day when he flew out to orlando they're going to be missing this family for some time and i think that's something that's very understated some of these guys are married and have families and they've got to lead their families for 3 to 4 months while their peers as their husbands go through the bubble so for le bron james have the is that they had the crown of you where you got a lot of things he's considered to you know hopefully he in the lake to stay safe and you know they can compete in the october. well the n.h.l. has become the last major north american league to finalize a return to action plan games scheduled to begin on august the 1st of the stanley
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cup being decided in late september early october sarong so and edmonton alberta will be the host cities after the high number of coronavirus cases in the u.s. which the entire tournament to canada several players have already upset out because of health concerns or 6 time all star buster posey has decided to opt out of the upcoming major league baseball season the san francisco giants player has newly adopted twin baby girls and says he doesn't want to risk his all their health during the pandemic a shortened 60 game season is set to start on july 23rd. in a current state there we are right now and these babies being as tragic as they are . you know for months and then. there's also only wasn't that difficult decision for them based last night when it was. well despite sitting dropping out due to a high number of positive coronavirus tests major league soccer's come back to him
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and has just about stayed on track the seattle sounders in the san jose earthquakes played out a goalless draw in the late game all matter she's being played behind closed doors within that quarantine bubble in florida. japan's major sporting leagues are now starting to allow limited numbers of fans into stadiums the jail league is the latest competition to commit reduced capacity crowds the maximum number is 5000 or 50 percent of these 33 whichever is smaller. and will come when jack charlton in the number 5 shirt has died at the age of 85 chance it was a key part of the england scene that lifted the trophy in 9066 he also made a record number of appearances for leeds united winning the f.a. cup in 1972 and as a manager he took the republic of ireland to 2 world cups reaching the quarter finals in one scene right. now rain is going up final qualifier for the ones styria grand prix these are the chaotic scenes in austria earlier in the day that's during
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the formula 3 grown prix that race and that prematurely after a number of crashes slightly better weather forecast for sunday when the f one grand prix is actually due to start and a simmering rivalry between 2 nascar drivers reached a fairly ugly conclusion on friday there were gregson and harrison burton throwing punches at each other after this race in kentucky the 2 had collided in the final laps with both cars brushing against the wall rice organizers have spoken to both drivers but say no penalties or suspensions are expected. that's. 2 times since he came back after the canine teeth and then they can restart strange situations no time for just an offense charlie and i here say i had a lot of people coming up to me afterwards saying man that was scary time coming so i guess there was a party to get you know like that was frustrating so you just started firing seemed to have a. ok that is how your a sport is looking for now thank you for the andy. that sits for me for this news
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but before we go about to leave you with these pictures from sharpening so the people have been honoring the victims of the 95 genocide.
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the health of humanity is at stake a global pandemic requires a global response. w.h.o. is the guardian of global health delivering life saving tools supplies and training to help the world's most vulnerable people uniting across borders to speed up the development of tests. treatments and of that scene working with scientists and health workers to learn all we can about the virus keeping you up to date with what's happening on the ground in the ward and in the land advocating for everyone to have access to essential health services now more than ever the world needs w.h.o. making a healthy a world for you and. for everyone.
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the ultranationalist marks connected with one of the world's worst humanitarian crisis we doe as any gaily maigret joining with the military to impose a deadly political agenda we have 2 photos of our nation what has happened to their attention that's one of the biggest stains on the country as a whole. as another religion this is the politics me and an unholy alliance on all jews here. and the next episode of techno the team travels to the heart of the amazon. where we are now should be grateful to investigate illegal gold mining mercury has a very unique characteristic of binding the goal for a minor it's almost like magic and the technology being used to expose its
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devastating impact and so what we end up doing is imaging a forest in very high fidelity street. techno on al-jazeera. as. survivors families in dignitaries pay their respects to the thousands of muslim boys and men who were killed in the $995.00 stripper needs to genocide. them to the bell this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up. iran's president says he won't reimpose a lockdown despite her role as a covert 1000 infections because the economy called tantalus. setback for press.


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