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tv   Mada Underground  Al Jazeera  July 21, 2020 6:32am-7:00am +03

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egypt's parliament has voted to allow the president of the c.c. to deploy troops abroad is allows for a possible intervention in neighboring libya since he has previously threatened to support world who for huffed as forces if tripoli's government and its turkish allies in almost an assault on the city of. the u.k. is suspending its extradition treaty with hong kong and blocking sales and response to beijing's new national security law last month china imposed sweeping new legislation outgoing what it calls subversion delegation of west african leaders are heading back to mali later this week to help and mediate an end to the political crisis the opposition has already rejected their proposal calling for unity government there insisting that mali's president abraham back a case that should resign well there's the headlines next up it's witness. a global pandemic mass protests demanding change economic recession and geopolitical tensions not to mention the small matter of
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a looming election join me steve clemons in conversation with leading voices on the bottom line your weekly take on u.s. politics and society on al-jazeera. she'd laugh at least for a skewed view do not the piece the shock sure. school no song. wait only clip. could no have a nes. the more keep bless the notes would you feel. that you. can't i do for the buzz of all of the guests. on the branch this get i defer to fellow that's all 6 primo charlie middle defense week but the focus of the moment
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is so neatly more highly movements to lessen the 40 mona song but pretty much just to. do but. i want to really fun. they bought me a new mini quad. spiel that i'm nearly down for mony i want. all . our. young new gallery you know a few days after he steps down and see if i cannot. see the bumper due to the big. extension seem not to get looky did. not see by see nazi. could think. jay. sun city but keep it to catch the disc it up. the gamma utah sky.
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and. seek a not quiet on their slumbers. after the don't leave the house. on the gong issue of. the town stuff up on the long. haul one. of. these get your mind some damage done yesterday saw for you can have the didn't you call. me to say i don't guess your approach. choice don't call home to. see.
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the new term isn't a long. skate illusion. the disc it gets it. the problem you figure already. found it leads. to swallow is all you need to. sorry my mom i'm not here to borrow much again i'm just getting. to. the. moon and the while out on all that's involved i'm out on the stump all of the up i'm not gonna put up a country but. the lord. of the monarchy. but. such things go but they insist on knowing the.
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other bit about the. mob. but not all but. that's enough to get me. on the back. on the answer that i'm now just going to get up on all the number nothing. about everything they've done the same news bad news minute good morning cmu a day and never. be. caught oh. well. she did. this to get him down to santa bits where i was doing a lot of things i gots and i got i don't think that was
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a good don't need to book well i know that ground inside of for the upside one of the coffee that. i am c. sitting. on the pull me out don't deny that funded and. so if you need done you think you feel drowsy. yeah. if 'd. you want you to convince us a tea party to still know that. jim says auntie elaine is there goes the city decide she was feeling good and they said i saw lazy.
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so this is bill. of unfair love to see if you're going to be. journalist routine work of. a revisit through your part of i remember the good source here yearns to the free market to move the mental shift the more people who should own we've gone up and do it again of what number grows you should be able to support your status bar as your publisher put it through 3rd parties with. open mind.
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in the end of the day that i'm sure doesn't make the best out of the pulse the stand up front that comes on that doesn't apply on a function if you have a fight that doesn't apply fun and among that company will be with a young man i mean that doesn't appear fun of jump on someone i got me from when i get to heaven and the things that need to tell you to love me enough but when a c c h h mother gets gallons it doesn't matter just get a phone does a move within feet of what i perceive will be doled out the bitter cold bucket feel rather than the bad of a typical to see a lot of ducks in a sea of black clouds i need something to that's nice as that much for my name you know my you can buy it on my luck and if you rank you keep the same but i don't i didn't say that it would take them and i got in touch about some sort of a schism michael was someone to some that this is someone that you know well of you that i got enough of them that there would be some about to choose donna kupp i'm about to say that right from pakistan to the sick she had done for the company stands for the combat was about to get
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a better deal from us to say normal or someone who for the based on general mob believe them would not matter and would laugh at saddam bana give all command stuff and they did have a very unique keep don't. i know my spirits might the senate human or puerto rican from last month about any of that. stuff we let me let me look at our. form walk on artist c c f come quickly some c.d.'s towards killie's or propose to bar c. over on the kid issues. society. person whom i should call a foster do me move. this shows. the usual i'm going to them of this moment over it before but this you know so much and been so. different a. 1000000 on. the field. he's a selfish prick did she. feel. forward on this
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. siragusa she was here only from email guess. sex nor could. the sex of a kitten really fears ocean made while a policy for cyclists who demand. the common knowledge of. such he says don't know the balance phenomenon i don't bank he love low smiler minutes. stuff is a lot of killing never just a mommy bit. sam father. is that often. such a little bit into. a lot. of amana that i.
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see that that night when that 2nd salmon you just sounded on the promise to madagascar to. come to the zone not use a bulldog and use invest before sunk after. 2 days after standoff ended that nice scene a perfect event. to . try to turn to. to.
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get their own youngsters to side grass and that puts. up something on a small they now see standing. in force at the oscars. to. go to. the dump this guy. monologue and you know little monkey and it's him the in physics bottle put on the bottle put on the 2 c. and in a potato and i live in. the. city of atlanta you can cut through say and get in a month on top of all. this week if you remove any. to the city
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to get. the government says it has its own son to home cheers to his then fiancee can't get it it's an addict us of anyone that was hearing it from. the. nuts and then notes and. now they're cemented to gauge the story but it's like i'm the main thing a cancer and it's just something that. i hope i will come up when i was cycling when i didn't really saw him to get the pain to. say it on the love it because i get up and go get a ski spots all right on the vid group cody comes off you would visit.
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your buddy the lot and the bugs. you would always see to get out for t.v. 1st. some of. the stuff. she said i stuck my tongue i wanted a certain part of the moment there's and. i'm taking. she's you know the last. autumn's on. blue to want to speak but i wanted. un to carry biologists and she said feds. you know it. right that you just go among them kids a few of the cheats on one tune close to you know what is it it's like she. was a. to say you see on or on i did bomb. it it that this all updated
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it at the pump if you will sort of through these. were fed of victims by so they'll never see a victim pass or so don't go back to the book. god what the nominee for cell phone if underneath me it's unknown i had to. find other work done on the fonder self under-funded it did because. it's on when i . touch on in about. money money money none find. money money money none find gain money money money. what are now the fond self an effective thing. to say i'm a little
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a. little eat. meat will not. be easy meat to me. it's not easy enough for them now you need. them want you to take enough coming for you coming up on the news you need to. move. mine. mine. mine mine mine mine are shallow in the. mind this is you know i'm sympathetic.
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on the. only. thing. on the. way. i'll. get it. but let me. ask you and i. didn't mean. this. with the money no desire to put profits before smith and. all the stuff that's wrong.
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let's take you now to brussels where european leaders are speaking after 4 days of talks on the crown of virus recovery package they are listening now to that european council president shall michel let's have a little thing responsibility and severity and we show also a belief in a common future and this agreement sends a concrete signal that europe is a force for action we need you should it's about money but of course it's both a lot more than money it's about workers and families their jobs has and there will be much i believe this agreement will be seen as
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a pivotal moment in europe's journey but if you also are launched into the future in fact it's the 1st time the 1st time in european history that our budget will be clearly lynched to. objectives the 1st time the 1st time that the respect for rule flow is a decisive criteria for budget spending and the 1st time the 1st time that you are drawn to leave we enforce huge turn a nice against a crisis then this is the. oceans and nickel georgia music don't get to the media tools that will decide. well years and listening that to european council president shall michel it's when he's speaking now after 4 days and 4 nights of american of an acrimonious talk with leaders at
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have finally clinched a deal on a multi 1000000000 dollar coronavirus rescue fund now that recovery package we understand will provide almost. $860000000000.00 in grants and loans to counter the effects of the recession that we've been seeing set in they had been huge divisions over just how much of this package should be loans how much should take the form of grants that don't need to be repaid they finally agreed and that was a unanimous decision that was agreed in the early hours of this morning well we can now speak to our correspondents and she joins me on the phone now from amsterdam step 4 days 4 nights of infighting finally a deal can you talk us through just what's been agreed here. yes finally they have this $27.00 signatures or indeed a long and dramatic summit more than 4 days and nights as you say but it is at the historic deal and they will also try to. economic growth trend of the european
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union and that's of course the reason why the countries were very keen to to find a deal although it was very very difficult 750000000000 euros of what it's a matter of a package and the grill go mostly to the countries will were affected the most in the south of europe mostly italy of course and state lines but also sorry to interrupt you we will come back to you shortly but shall michelle is speaking in english and in brussels and what we're going to listen in to that and we'll come back to you shortly thanks for being hit by an unprecedented crisis. i think is 630. 2 the last figures i saw a few hours ago this crisis could be 2 years and will continue to affect people. families women 2 political leaders we have responsibilities we have a democratic mandate which we all share and we have to answer that challenge by
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sharing that with the will to deal with these through concrete real results and through decisions to concrete is not virtue to says the decisions which will have an impact it must have an impact a positive impact so that we can move towards the future in them and meet our challenges thank you madam president m.s.e. will call me then see me soon as you would i have to double the mess here but it is interesting because i get very much i'd like to start by sinking the president of the council shall mission for his really hard work and his tremendous perseverance. because this excess of this european council is his success as well i'd like to sink in. in america for her exceptional guidance. we spent 4 long days nights of negotiation more than 90 hours but it was worth it since this agreement is
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a signal that europe is able to act. now in germany after all. people often accused europe as being too little too late whereas here we're demonstration that the opposite is the case at the end of april the european council gave us as the mandate of designing a recovery package and today today only 2 months later next generation europe is. up and running and it has the agreement of the european council and in the history of the european union that is an absolute record for a new budgetary instrument. and next generation europe is very extensive more than 1.8 trillion euros and that's more than 5 percent of the g.d.p. of the e.u. 27. and europe still has the courage and the imagination to think the u.k. . and it was so doing we. are fully aware that
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this is a historic moment in europe. we are currently in one of the most difficult economic and health crises but nonetheless europe it. is managing. having worked really hard to tackle this crisis in a really effective way and this will benefit the e.u. budget and it will link solidarity with responsibility solidarity here because all 27 countries together her. parents support next generation is your responsibility because next generation the e.u. it doesn't just point the way out of the crisis but also it serves the very foundation of a modern and sustainable europe one of the tool more points we have now on the new own resources tightly linked to the repayment this is a big step forward with a clear timetable member states will benefit as they will contribute less to repay
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the investments and the new on resources will strengthen the european union also in the long term. i'm glad that we managed to safeguard this achievement during the whole negotiations. and europe's recovery will be green the new budget will power the european green deal it will accelerate the digitalisation of europe's economy thanks to next generation e.u. national reforms will be boosted we invest in europe's future. and finally. i'm like in previous crisis is this time member states have not opted for an intergovernmental agreement but they haven't trusted the european commission of europe's recovery we will together manage a total of $1.00 trillion euro the bulk of the money will be channeled through the
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programs in which the european parliament is involved. next generation you'll comes with a great responsibility and we are determined to bring about reforms and investment in europe. nevertheless i must also mention a difficult point. in their search for compromise leaders have made far reaching adjustments into the new m.f.f. a next generation you for example in health migration external action invest you they have not taken up with the solvency instrument this is regrettable it decreases the innovative part of the budget even if more than 50 percent of the overall budget m.f.f. and next generation e.u. will support modern policies and so finally to conclude europe as
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a whole has now a big chance to come out stronger from the crisis today we've taken a historic step we can be all proud of. but another him porton step remains ahead of us 1st and foremost we now have to work with the european parliament to secure agreement. we have a lot of work ahead of us but tonight is a big step forward towards recovery thank you. thank you madam president we'll be taking a couple of questions and 1st on is that it got it or that it's. messy very regularly thank you don't occur to regularly coalitions of you sure it was mission impossible you called it off congratulations having sort of that. for a couple of questions. because i mean 1st of all the rule of law. has
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a compromise. which seems to be at a very low level if you look at the initial. proposals on the commission and do you solve that. did you sacrifice the rule of law at the altar of compromise. and secondly. for one. person for the line. with so little money will you be able to carry through your career is a $100000000000.00 less in the recovery plan and whose through the european budget . which generation if any is going to get fixed well i'll try to help both parties as with a vision to start work on the rule we are for.


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