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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  July 21, 2020 1:00pm-2:01pm +03

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the world it isn't the 1st time that the work was forced off the air in 1972 it was also shot down. the. al-jazeera. hello i'm fully back to go this is the news hour live from our world headquarters in doha coming up in the next 60 minutes new accusations of political meddling by russia a u.k. report says it tried to interfere in the scottish independence folds after days of acrimonious negotiations european leaders come up with a coronavirus recovery deal worth nearly $860000000000.00 also this hour hallucinations and a feeling of being abducted one man's long battle to overcome covert 19.
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and on putin's term who sports news crews to honor him elder becomes the 1st man to school 50 golds in the english premier league spanish and italian city. thank you very much for joining us we begin in the united kingdom where i delayed intelligence report on russia has just been released it says moscow is attempting to interfere in u.k. politics and there is evidence the kremlin has tried to meddle in elections it says as credible information that russia tempted to influence the 2014 scottish independence referendum the committee says it's hard to prove interference in the bracks sits right. friend him in 2016 but the u.k.
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was slow to recognize the threat and it also warns that russia's cyber capability is a matter of grave concern that poses an immediate threat to britain's national security live in london for a source sony a report that we've been waiting for for almost 18 months now tell us more about what it indicates about the level of russian interference in the u.k. . well it's finally here the 50 page document that was outlined in that press conference given by the members of the. i s c the intelligence community that was looking into this and it does paint a rather a dismal picture of how lax the u.k. government has been in terms of dealing with this sort of threat and that it has been trying to juggle that with sort of perspire a few strategy that so it was in place of the country and also lays the blame at
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successive u.k. governments for not treating it seriously as it should have been that russia considers the u.k. to be one of its top intelligence targets and that it should have recognized this off the back of the 2014 scottish independence referendum when there were already signs of russian interference there but it failed to tackle that at the time and then going subsequently into the european union independence referendum as well the problem was that i didn't see specific threats however what was difficult to gauge and they said this in the report was exactly how about disinflation that was played out across social media platforms could have influence people they say they can't can't tell that it's would be impossible to tell how much that affected that but really it was the fault of the governments every time for not taking this strategy seriously by russia and the report sonia says that the u.k. was targeted because of its relationship with the u.s.
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how damaging has the interference been to the u.k. overall and what has been done to counter it if anything. well folly precious little if you listen to what the internet. said at the time when regarding to that it wasn't so much as that they willfully wanted to resist any form of investigation or any look into how corrosive russian interference was in british society but also they didn't want to know they don't want to touch it with as they put it with a 10 foot pole the problem is that this is not just in terms of a lecture all interference of hacking as well but most subtle forms of interference as well how prominent russians were able to infiltrate british society and then created a sort of cottage industry of really sort of getting into the heart of british society as well it came in the form of prominent russians giving political donors
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and political donations to parties such as the conservative party the ruling party now and also in terms of creating this other landscape where they co-opted lawyers accountants and estate agents into spreading their influence what the phenomenon that's known here as london grat so really it's not just the sort of aggressive approach that has been taken as we've been seen with the hacking not just in this country but also with the democratic party that happened in 2016 but also the soft power of that influence as well which and this report lays that open to say that this the failure to tackle that has really brought us to the situation where we are now at and really that governments need to tackle this not just the ukraine itself but it needs to also have a cross government and also an international strategy to deal with this kind of interference folly thank you for that sonia gago live there in london and we'll
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have more reaction and analysis of this report released today on russian interference in the u.k. sonia thank you very much for the moment. as being hailed as a pivotal moment for europe rescue deal worth nearly 860000000000 dollars to help economies ravaged by the coronavirus the agreement between e.u. leaders was a days of tough negotiations for the details let's go to our correspondent in amsterdam set boston the step this deal is being described as a good in a strong deal but it took a lot of effort and a lot of compromise to get it yes exactly it was a long and dramatic meeting also with the banging on the table lead a struggling to leave but at the end they all decided that it would be dramatic for the european union if it would have failed so they had to hamper out a compromise on it it's a very complicated compromise because what it comes down to the fact that there is not as much grants on the table now than at the beginning of the summit so it is
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a compromise that only half of the money is going to be grants and half of it's going to be loads but as you can see in the report it was a test for the european union on all fronts. it was a test of insurance for e.u. leaders in their longest block summit in decades 4 days of tough negotiations with tempers often frayed finally on the 5th a deal $859000000000.00 in non repayable grants and loans to countries worst affected by the coronavirus. in we've we spent 4 long days and nights of negotiation more than 90 hours but it was worth it this agreement is a signal that europe is able to act after all people often accused europe of being too little too late whereas here we're demonstrating not the opposite is the case dawned unmasks it was the leaders 1st face to face meeting since government imposed
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lockdown restrictions in march lockdowns that also meant the biggest economic downturn since the great depression. german chancellor angela merkel was among leaders from france spain and italy who led the way in convincing the block to consider the amount evenly into loans and grants we've laid the financial foundations for the e.u. for the next 7 years and at the same time came up with a response to the biggest crisis in the history of the european union with the recovery fund. the self-proclaimed frugal for sweden denmark austria and the netherlands initially stood opposed to the deal. the group led by the dutch prime minister mark hurd worried about debt but in the end they were also convinced this is of course difficult in the decision's been very difficult targets for all your appearance and martin getting success for all 27 member says with
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especially for the people this is a good deal this is a strong leader and most importantly this is the right deal for europe writes no it's an unprecedented aid package an unprecedented times with so many european countries suffering from the covert $1000.00 crisis the european union did not have much choice but to show solidarity and unity otherwise its relevance would have been seriously questioned now it's up to the individual leaders to sell this expensive deal at home while the e.u. bloc has been faced with rising unemployment as large industries including airlines and car manufacturers lay off workers inside these walls in brussels many are hailing this as a historic deal and a big step forward in soft economic blow the liver by the pandemic and as he said 70 may have a deal by the difficulties in obstacles may not be over just yet. exactly
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it's fixed 3 for now for the european union but now all the individual leaders have to travel back to their capitals and explain why they're going to spend so much money on europe and especially also mark kirk to the dutch prime minister who has fought a very tough battle in brussels and he didn't want to give in until the last moment he has to explain to parliament here why there are so many money spent in grants. hoping not hoping to avoid and he has to battle with conservative parties here right wing parties who are very euro skeptic and that's the same situation and i don't european countries so for now the european union has won 27 signatures are on the deal but of course it's still a long way before this money is going to go exactly to where it has to go to the people who have been suffering from the pandemic thank you very much for that.
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forest let's discuss this further now with david harrison someone who's a political economist on affairs he joins us live from brussels on skype in fact thank you so much for being with us david from an economic point of view of just how good and generous a deal is this economists have been predicting of course a recession far worse than anything since world war 2 because of the pandemic do you think this will soften the blow. well there's no question that what leaders are counting on here is a robust enough package that it really does send a reassuring message to the financial markets we know that that was clearly a concern when christine legarde the president of the european central bank weighed in surprise on sunday telling reuters that in fact leader should be given time to reach a good deal not to pressure them to send that message to the markets that in fact you know if the world wouldn't end if they didn't have an agreement yesterday that seemed to work the markets were calm today they come back with this agreement that will deliver quite
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a lot of money as countries start to make use of these recovery grants and if they access these loans at preferential terms right quite a lot of money as you say but also quite a complicated compromise countries will raise large sums by selling bonds collectively rather than individually and much of that money will be handed out to the countries that are hardest hit by the pandemic in southern europe this is the biggest joint borrowing ever agreed by the e.u. how do you see it impacting on the bronx overall finances and its regular budget. well the whole reason for structuring it this way and having this unprecedented amount of borrowing is so that the the pressure on the individual countries countries like italy france portugal that already have sizable amounts of debt and the e.u. has done this before at a smaller scale in the response to the eurozone debt crisis a decade ago so they understood they had this ability using what's called the headroom in their budget it's the difference between what they actually plan to spend from the budget and what legally they can call on from each of the $27.00
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countries so using that guarantee they're able to generate this borrowing on the commercial markets the governments will then be able to undertake various economic recovery initiatives and what they don't face then is the pressure of having their debt load grow so high that then they're on pressure from the markets right to pay that back vast they limits their spending in other ways so the e.u. officials are working to figure out how can they do the 2nd they both fashion a response that would deliver money to the capitals normally that happens through loans but do it in a way that in fact would not add to the burden that they're already experiencing obviously remember when greece portugal ireland spain under pressure in the debt crisis some of these loans made it a lot tougher for them a lot of austerity requirements that were put in place the e.u. has backed off from that angle merkel of germany sending a clear message that in fact this crisis is hitting everyone equally it's not that any country did anything wrong here this is
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a pandemic that's affecting everyone but italy and spain are expected to be the main recipients do you think they will be able though to follow through when the conditions add that have been put forward as by the e.u. and make changes to make it easier to create jobs and stimulate growth. well there's no question that government programs have already saved jobs that would have been lost in this crisis otherwise the question now and what they've done that is unusual and different is that the e.u. every year issues recommendations to the individual countries telling them the steps that they ought to take to improve their financial systems to improve their economies many of those recommendations have long been ignored so a prime minister like marc rich whose country is fairly solid on a fiscal level wanted to be sure that if there was going to be this grants program if his taxpayers were going to be borrowing money in order to help spain italy and other countries that at the same time he could tell them look it's not that you're
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giving away any money bong economic reforms you're strengthening the entire economy of the e.u. the single market that they all rely on and that's really what they're counting on here that when this is all said and done not only has italy recovered from coronavirus but in fact has improved its economies in ways that it is failed to do for the last 15 years and david the timing is very critical isn't it i mean the money is needed now by many of these countries but he has still to both start an authorization process not on d.c. that taking right will this is a combination of steps that they have to take they know that they've had to rush some money out to the countries and they started by doing that we wrote about this in politico how immediately when the crisis hit e.u. leaders started liquefying the current budget making as much cash available as possible what they've now approved is the new 7 year budget it begins on january 1st and what they need to newbie between now and then is get all of the national parliaments in all of the $27.00 countries to approve what they have done it's a long tough process it will take several months but there is
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a general consensus that in fact everybody recognizes the need everybody recognizes the urgency and step by step they will get those approvals thank you so much for talking to us and thank you for your insight david has a hard and therefore economists on european union affairs joining us there from brussels thank you for your time. short. back on a virus vaccine developers are reporting promising results but a mass vaccination program covering the globe still looks to be a long way off until that time doctors are testing existing drugs to see what works now algis arizona who was given access access to a scottish hospitals taking part in a huge experiment that could save many thousands of lives in the 1st of our 3 part series he traveled to east kilbride to hear one man's story of survival. a simple household ritual tea with his daughters that eddie hughes will never take for granted 7 points. for those party who are
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issues with 200 necessary fatal eaters dialysis machines whoever was to order was a functioning says machines would be silly for foster said to keep me alive aged 56 and he contracted covert 19 after 2 previous buyouts of sepsis had weakened his immune system. flashbacks to call it. flashbacks you don't know that we were not very computer. the various the lariam. was a jake and feeling of being abducted trapped daughter stacey fills in some of the blanks software told you were told what don't overbuy over know it keep your feelings on it and we may have to thank you both when pearson believe we come up to see it by only one person below it in fact in the next year you can do with 14 c's really don't like the fact that like it's starting to need
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lasik surgeons only have one point it's 100 percent oxygen requirement which means basically the machines do nothing for them and then the next they are members of these we lose people who 1st master drives. and then we're not really used to you high dependency you among that was probably water if it had been an i.c.u. because i was a week. you could move tubes everywhere her. control new strain for thought you know a lot of how to call my own was probably new on trucks and stuff they are still very very hard to treat it. should have not used could we see the back of me. at the hospital in scotland where eddie was treated i spoke to critical care nurse laura ferguson he was quite slow to wake up but when he did he was very pleasant and him and he was a pleasure to look after him and i very clearly remember taking pictures to send to
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his family and he has a big snail and thumbs up but his family and to us that is my lasting memory of him . approvals as every finally left intensive care after weeks on ventilation in an induced coma a long road to full recovery lies ahead but says he'll make every day count by gods to do with what. sports people do from something else happens. to understand which more importantly life yeah. i understand how important life was journal al-jazeera east kilbride scotland. drona hope for the next part in our coded 19 series as we go beyond survival to look at the experimental drug he believes so used to his life.
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now issues surrounding china and at the core of a virus pandemic are expected to dominate discussions when the u.s. secretary of state needs to u.k. prime minister shortly in london the talks come as both countries increase pressure on beijing over allegations of human rights violations and national security issues the u.k. has banned on sales to hong kong and suspended its extradition treaty with the territory while the u.s. has imposed visa restrictions on employees of the chinese tech giant. let's bring in china in london outside the prime minister's office shot johnny china high on the agenda of talks tell us 1st about who is going to be meeting with. the right now he's in a meeting with 20 members of parliament from all different list pool parties and the thing that they have in common is of able spoken out against china in the past it's quite an old move to meet m.p.'s who hold no position in government before meeting the prime minister it's
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a very deliberate one and it's an opportunity for the secretary of state to really gauge the parliamentary mood on china and see how far they are willing to go to express their displeasure now we know that one of those and these ian duncan smith is calling for a ban on the social media company tick tocks for its proximity to the chinese intelligence services and i think will be asking for the us to do the same others are saying that they want to china from building the u.k.'s nuclear power stations and also reassess beijing's impact on u.k. universities and 60 pompei will probably be looking how he can support that he'll also be thanking them because it was their seceding pressure on the government that led to boris johnson's recent. decision to strip while we components from the u.k.'s 5 g. net now off to that meeting he'll be going on to meet the prime minister boris johnson and foreign minister dominic robb behind me at number 10 and what will be the agenda with prime minister johnson and foreign minister rob.
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well china will still be front and center of the agenda he'll be applauding boris johnson for his decision on why and also for yesterday's decision to end the extradition treaty with hong kong indefinitely it's a move that the u.s. is considering on the official agenda is the code economic recovery plan and no doubt they'll be discussing vaccine manufacture because the u.s. has just bought 300000000 doses of the vaccine being developed by the british drug maker astra zeneca for ported 1200000000 of the prime minister his going to want to talk about the u.s. u.k. free trade agreement negotiated but we're not really expecting a breakthrough because the formal talks and those aren't due until the end of the month and they've really tripped up over this issue of fluorinated chicken and hormone injected beef which are practices completely banned in this country but the u.s. is insisting it once it's farm is to have full access to the u.k.
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market while politicians here are saying that they will not compromise on the agricultural practices really compare is here to see how well president trying to push to get britain to reassess its relationship with china is going and he'll be here to see what more he can do on that front it's incredible because actually 5 years ago i remember covering the state visit of president paying and not the conservative government rolled out the red carpet and there was talk of closer relationship a golden era that they were meant to be entering and how much has changed in those 5 years is the u.k. moves away from the e.u. isolates china and makes that strategic shift towards the u.s. thank you for that go live for us there in london. a trial has begun for sudan's ousted president omar bashir over a military coup that brought him to power 30 years ago bashir is accused of
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plotting to overthrow the democratically elected government of prime minister. in 1989 a number of former top officials us standing trial and longside him a 76 year old is currently serving time in prison for corruption he was forced from power during an uprising last year. miley's opposition has called for a pause in protests ahead of the upcoming eades festival they're demanding that president evo steps down international mediators are heading back to bamako later this week to try to find a solution the opposition has already rejected a proposal from regional bloc calling for a unity government in guinea protesters have returned to the streets of the capital after 3 months of relative calm because of the coronavirus restrictions they fought with police in conakry on monday they're angry about a potential reelection bid by 82 year old president. the 2nd 5 year term ends in october he made changes to the constitution this year and opposition groups are
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concerned he'll run for a 3rd term. i think that we achieve the goal to show that in guinea they are people who suffer injustice and that the people of guinea do not support the mandate of president. pressure is mounting on china's dams because of days of heavy rains and flooding at least $140.00 people are either dead or missing rivers along the young sea system have burst their banks in some areas flooding villages and crops heavy rain since the beginning of the month has forced $1800000.00 people from their homes seasonal rains affects launch parts of china each year but conditions this year have been particularly severe and let's get an update on the weather now with jenny and jenny more rain ahead for you here as you said if we're going to if we follow it and it's going to continue for a few more weeks as well. you can see plenty of clouds no such should define. and line is we have seen just a massive cloud here indication of course where the rains are always his followers are telling you the the rivers have just been fit to burst and of course what
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they've been doing along some of these stretches you can see there is actually opening the sluice gate so this particular stretch of river they've actually opened 13 to try and alleviate the flooding over to stop it just literally coming over the banks but this is where the rain will be as we go through wednesday and in fact it has moved further to the north so a little bit of break through areas further in the south you can see here some very heavy rain in the forecast and of course it didn't just stop in china it had flooding in japan we've had flooding across the korean peninsula and we could well see more of perhaps as we go through thursday because of some very heavy rain coming down although it does lie in off a little bit for a while across that central portion of china meanwhile back across into india bihar anna some of course have been very hard hit bihar at least 9 of the major rivers have burst their banks and in assam state as many as 36000 people are now in camps because of the flood waters and of course they continue to rise this is where the heavy rain will be for the next 2 days across bihar across west bengal and again up
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into assam but also whilst all this is going on bangladesh will also see some torrential downpours as we go through thursday so of course that also fully won't help with the flooding in bangladesh thank you so much jenny for that update and still ahead on this subject there are news hour china warns the u.k. over interference in hong kong as britain scraps an extradition treaty with its former colony. by way to pay reporting from thailand which used to be the largest exporter of rights in the world we'll tell you why the numbers appeal to you in q 4 . and the new portuguese champion spot on the show before receiving the trophy the it'll be here with the auction and to see this. from fossil fuels to modern day renewable. as societies develop the energy demands increase requiring innovative solutions to meet such to moms as
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a global power development of investment company nebraska power is uniquely positioned to deliver against these developments we provide business growth promote social economic benefits and provide innovative safe and environmentally sound energy solutions for a future generation the breast power pioneering future energy what is the price of luxury. an undercover team travels deep into the illegal cocoa plantations of the ivory coast simple solutions are very hard to find for something as complicated as the child labor chocolates hearts of darkness and count as unpaid child labor is working in 100000000000 dollar industry overhaul of the country's cocoa live below the poverty line. on al-jazeera. the.
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fake you so much for joining us on al-jazeera a reminder of our top stories this hour a u.k. intelligence report says there is evidence russia has tried to meddle in british elections they says is credible information the kremlin tried to influence the 24000 scottish independence referendum but the authors say it's hard to prove interference in the 2016 breck sit phone. e.u. nations have agreed a multi-billion dollar coronavirus recovery package for 4th night of talks on majority of the packages being offered as grants to hardest hit member states after intense negotiations and the us secretary of state mike compare was due to meet with the british prime minister boris johnson in london shortly issues surrounding china and at the corner via spun demick are expected to dominate their discussions
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as both increase pressure on beijing. returning now to our top story and the report that russia has been attempting to interfere in british elections joining us now is patrick diamond who is an associate professor of public policy at queen mary university of london his via skype thank you so much for your time this report is critical of russia of course but also highly critical of the british government 1st of all why do you think it took so long for the government to release its report. well i think that the reason for the reports to lay was a sense of the 2019 general election which took place obviously at the end of last year the government was very reluctant to have the release of the report prior to the elections in case it's interfered with all in some way impacted on the can on the conduct of the elections so that seems to be the explanation for why this delays occur because many people see the delay somewhat suspiciously it's just an excuse to suppress the findings of the report right and the delay in releasing the
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reports led to allegations of a cover up if there was a cover up why and why this precedes failure to confront russian activity what is at stake for the u.k. well i think talk of a cover up is something of an exaggeration the report itself doesn't really contain a smoking gun in terms of highlighting incompetence or nefarious practice on the part of any particular individual or agency it really highlights in a sense systemic use yes which is to do with the fact that the british government the british intelligence services more wired a british system of democracy has not proved to be very resilient in terms of protecting itself against threats posed by potential russian and parents and the report does particularly highlight deficiencies around the intelligence services that are you certainly are and so is the should have been much more proactive in
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investigating potential russian interference particularly in the 22nd 2060 breaks it referendum campaign and it does talk about the fact that the british while come drug money with open arms. yes it does and in a sense the report really very effectively highlights the tension u.k. policy which is of course between economic prosperity designed to attract foreign investment into the u.k. including from russian sources russian oligarchs and so on the tension between that and obviously national security imperative so much certainly i think suggested in the report that perhaps it be too much emphasis on attracting an economic investment and insufficient and better focus on protecting national security object to this and how significant do you think was the impact as far as a russian interference in elections there talked about the scottish referendum of course but what has been the impact of that how well in terms of actually
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quantifying the impact of russian ference on the outcome of the referendum there is no robots that wouldn't suggest that russian interference necessarily changed the outcome of either referendum but of course the results of both were close and so in that sense i knew he sent his point separating the 2 sides so nasa is disparity speculation about whether these kinds of social media activities really did a factor result i must say i don't think that's the evidence that it did but in any close referendum campaign people are bound to look at these kinds of interventions and activities and think that they may have had a more decisive effect and finally patrick the report also raises questions about whether enough has been done by the successive british governments to counter russia do you think this will change now how the british government deals with russia going forwards or is is system much at stake. yeah it's
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a very good question i think that in truth the situation is already changing prior to this report you are absolutely right that successive british governments of all political class actions unhappy maintains really a very liberal approach to russia in terms of welcoming russia investment welcoming many russian citizens into the u.k. pacific the london bombing foreign investment from russia but i think that that situation is already changing there's already been i think greatest skepticism within british politics towards certain aspects of how russia conducts itself geopolitically there's great suspicion of the putin regime certainly in the u.k. so i think this report will cement the change that was already underway which is a stronger predisposition within the u.k. to be more suspicious of more wary of potential russian and there it's russian intervention british democracy in british politics thank you very much for talking to us patrick diamond from queen mary university joining us from london thank you for your time. but china has accused the u.k.
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of violating international law after britain suspended its extradition treaty with hong kong beijing has arijit to immediately corrected mistakes but as foreign secretary dominic robb calls the measures a reasonable and proportionate response to hong kong's new national security law last month china imposed sweeping legislation on the city outlawing what it considers secession said that terrorism and collusion with foreign entities so no through the british side has made some wrong moves on hong kong related issues such moves violate international law and basic norms guiding international relations they violate china's internal of fear is china firmly opposes them and reserves that's right to react hong kong or fears of china's internal of fears that allow no foreign interference and al-jazeera is katrina you is in beijing with more on the reaction from china. one woman has also said that beijing reserves the right to
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take countermeasures against the u.k. in response to this move now we don't know exactly what those groups might be but we have had some suggestions from chinese state media newspaper got the global times here and it says this one of the headlines is the u.k. urged to make court in court smart choices and it actually says that beijing should consider taking aim at british companies particular it mentions treasury h.s.b.c. and the automotive company land rover which has investments in china it also mentions chick talk which is a 20 social media app owned by the chinese company by now as we understand it by was in talks with the u.k. government or been a new headquarters in the u.k. that would provide about 3000 jobs but according to some sources these talks have stalled due to political reasons so we may see some sort of trade tit for tat or certainly some economic ramifications from this move by the u.k.
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in other world news a blast in pakistan's baluchistan province has killed at least one person the explosion in the busy to our as injured several others police have cordoned off the area and rescue teams are on site as many of the wounded have been taken to hospital no one has claimed responsibility for the attack. saudi arabia's government may soon announce corruption charges against former crown prince mohammed bin nayef according to the reuters news agency it points to a pro-government twitter campaign that's been active since friday accusing been naive of misspending billions of dollars of counterterrorism funds ahmed been some inside on been life in 2017 when he became crown prince since then he has consolidated power by prosecuting potential rivals within the ruling family under the guise of fighting corruption meanwhile saudi leader king solomon is in hospital he was admitted on monday suffering from information of the gallbladder. in the u.s.
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an american couple who pointed guns at anti-racism protesters have been charged with the unlawful use of a weapon the felony charges against mockin partition mccroskey stemmed from the display outside their house last month they said they were legally defending their $1000000.00 home from protesters and no shots were fired a couple was neuer seeking community service rather than jail time. and us federal officers have been broken up have broken up rather long running protests against police brutality in the city of portland. this video captured multiple explosions near the city courthouse where the demonstration was being held hers and donald trump sent federal agents dad to try to control the ongoing rallies over the death of african-american george foy's in police custody on monday trying to criticize city's run by what he called liberal democrats were sending law enforcement portland was totally out of control the democrats
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a liberal democrats running the players and no idea what they were doing they were ripping down for $51.00 days ripping down the city destroyed the city looting it. for the presence of the federal police in portland has caused outrage even from within trump's own party several cases of been launched against the deployment including one by oregon state which accuses the forces of unlawfully detaining protests says the american civil liberties union has described the situation as a constitutional crisis. now president trump has put the conflict in libya on his agenda holding talks with multiple leaders on the situation the white house says that during a phone call with egypt's president. the 2 leaders affirmed the need for immediate deescalation in libya including a cease fire also spoke to french president emanuel deescalation white house
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statement says the situation has been exacerbated by the presence of foreign forces and arms meanwhile egypt's spawn amende has voted to let president deploy troops abroad for a potential military intervention in libya 6 years previously said egypt would support forces loyal to warlords honey for half time that's if shipley's government and its turkish allies a touch the city of sirte the areas controlled by have tossed forces and is a gateway to libya's oil which we. the coronavirus crisis nonu cases of call that 19 in there in the state of florida have sort past 10000 for 6 days in a row california and texas are also experiencing surges and with expanded employment benefits set to expire next week president donald trump has met republican leaders to discuss another relief they'll alan watts. as the u.s. heads towards 4000000 qubit cases the president has been discussing a new package for states being overwhelmed he plans to bring back the daily
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briefing he abandoned weeks ago frankly a lot of the country is doing well a lot of people don't say as you understand but we have had this big flare up in florida texas couple of other places. and so i think what we're going to do is get involved in was shuttling briefings florida has no recorded more than 10000 new infections for the 6th day in a row the state slowly and reopen quickly protesters disrupted a briefing by the governor in a london. in los angeles there are lines at the famous dodger stadium but no one's watching baseball these are for covert tests the site is handling your own 6500 tests a day but still people have to wait for hours in washington congress is back after a summer break 6 months to the day after the 1st positive us test the democratic controlled house has already passed a raft of new measures including
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a 3 trillion dollar relief plan the economy will only get worst worse if we do not if we do not continue to support working families in our country as we have done but the senate ignored the measure the republicans there say they're working on their own package it would neither be another multi trillion dollar bridge loan to make up for a totally shut down economy. noren ordinarily an ordinary stimulus for a notion ready to go back and all the needed now of some more and between the president who'd been reluctant to cover up has now sent out a picture of him wearing a mask or an issue which has become politicized he tweeted we are united in our effort to defeat the invisible china virus and many people see that it is peachy or take to win a face mask when you can't socially distance there is nobody more peachy or take than me your favorite president it was just over
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a week ago the president was seen in public for the 1st time wearing a mask and he continues to reject the idea of issuing a national mask monday alan fischer al jazeera washington has been a breakthrough in the race to develop a covert 1000 vaccine the lancet medical journal has promising results from scientists at oxford university who have been conducting early human testing they say it has few side effects and a straight ahead of the critical immune response which could stop the virus paul brennan has more from oxford. phase one really couldn't have gone much better for the oxford team early positive signs now confirmed in the published research so this is an important milestone on the par but we're now moving rapidly forwards to trying to evaluate whether the vaccine actually protects the population. by conducting large scale trials we have 10000 people already vaccinated around the world we still need to see how the vaccine in older people more is the disease than
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the. so that's the subject of work and to be more public. the oxford vaccine is adapted from a common cold virus found in chimpanzees spike glycoprotein a genetic material from the covert 1000 virus was added the hope is the human body will develop immunity to the spike protein stopping the virus from entering cells and preventing infection tests indicate the vaccine produces 2 reactions by producing a defensive antibody response as well as t. cells which attack the infected cells t. cell response peaked just 14 days after volunteers were injected antibody response peak to 28 days and side effects were minor mainly just tiredness and headaches treated with paracetamol i'm hopeful i've got my fingers crossed but to say that i'm 100 percent confident that we'll get a vaccine this year or indeed next year is a last just you know an exaggeration we're not there yet this is
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a hugely encouraging result for the team here in oxford but provoking an immune reaction is just the 1st stage in vaccine development phase 3 trials already underway in the u.k. south africa and brazil are looking at issues such as optimal dosage and exactly how much protection vaccinated people have when exposed to the actual corona virus fairly cameron was injected with the oxford vaccine as part of the phase 3 trials she's a family doctor herself and has lost friends and patients to the virus. rather than sitting in front of the t.v. and screaming at the mortality rates every day or screaming at politicians or getting annoyed on social media right i really felt very strongly. that i wanted to do something i just wanted to be a part of the answer after a day i think there's going to be one and that cave it i think there's going to be a few different answers 9 in 10 vaccine projects end in failure and there is no
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guarantee that the early promise of the oxford trials will lead to an effective covert jab but it is a very positive step paul brennan al-jazeera oxford on the world health organization has welcomed the breakthrough but says any viable vaccine must be available to everyone with political commitment of course. that's the only way you can get you know fair distribution but one of the worrying part of this we see is. some countries moving the other direction of course more and more countries are joining the. benefits the advantages of making this global public good. now thailand has been relatively successful at handling the coronavirus pandemic so far but its economy is struggling and is expected to be most effect the most
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affected in asia that's largely because of its reliance on international tourism exports by the agriculture sector mainly rice is also facing a particularly tough time when he has a story from bangkok. farming has never been an easy way to make a living but in thailand these are particularly tough times this year growers of rice and other crops have been hit hard on multiple fronts all beyond their control but. there's not enough water to grow rice probably the rainy season arrived late this year and the water in the canal is true salty the farmer be in trouble if there's not enough rain soon because the drought was really bad this year. thailand is the world's 2nd largest exporter of rice but is likely to drop down the list this year the coronavirus pandemic slow demand to tie rice as other produces such as vietnam stockpiled their own product to protect domestic food stocks in case of a shortage now there are freeing up supply flooding the international market which
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is pushing prices down but not the thai exporters who can't compete on price even though thailand's rice farmers have had a difficult year with drought which affected production where houses and mills like this are expected to fill up in the months ahead as exports continue to decline they'll have the product to sell but the strong thai currency makes it the most expensive rice in southeast asia exports mayfly by 30 percent this year and industry leaders worry about the long term future of the sick. we are less competitive now you know why because our labor costs is increasing our land prices increasing and our farmers. you know it's more than 55 years old most of them are next generation they don't want to go into farming so any more. growers who have been working the fields their whole lives are also concerned they say a government subsidy in the form of a price guarantee won't be enough but walking away from farming isn't an option for
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the incumbent in the uk continue to grow rice i don't know what else i can do i'm getting old and i can't work in the factory and know that i'm not going to make a lot of money but i have to carry on with around a 3rd of thailand 70000000 people working in agriculture that's a sentiment that will be echoed around the country wayne hay al jazeera bangkok. and still ahead on al-jazeera the dodges and veil away for fan speed closer to the action when major league baseball returns as coming up in sports next with to stay with us.
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i'm source for you thank you so much u.s. president donald trump as again criticized plays you neal during the national anthem tweeting in the last hour that it shows disrespect at the game would be over for him if that happened the president also said he's looking forward to live sport restarting well the baseball season gets underway on thursday but many. or expected to take a knee in support of black lives matter movement several san francisco giants players knelt during the anthem ahead of an exhibition game against the oakland athletics on monday the giants' manager who joined them said he wanted to support his players and says he's not happy about how the u.s. handles police brutality meanwhile champions the washington nationals have announced dr anthony felt she will throw the ceremonial 1st pitch in the opening game against the new york yankees felt she is the face of america's fight against
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the coronavirus pandemic he's also a big national fan and fans of the los angeles dodgers can still be in attendance for their game against the san francisco giants albeit as cardboard cutouts the dodgers are offering the chance for fans to send in their pictures and depending on where they want their cut out to sit it will cost between 150 and 300 dollars australian is the n.r.l. did a similar thing in june but fans pranked teams so the dodgers say vet every picture before it goes in the stands now we're just over a week away from n.b.a. basketball restarting in a bubble at disney world in florida the l.a. lakers will play their 1st game against the clippers in 10 days time they can start le bron james says he's mentality towards the game hasn't changed in the time he's been away but admits it's all a bit strange iraq is asked me how the bubble or out to go in august is 2020.
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nothing is normal and. nothing seems as if who knows if it will ever go back to the way it was you know just what is the same as. what we have we're here to do but. it's the vision of trying to it's not like we're. cristiana rinaldo has become the 1st man to score 50 goals in the english premier league spanish league and italian city are when the portuguese striker netted vers penalty to open the scoring on monday against a lot c.-o. best brought up his half century for you venters he would score again as you've a 121 it means you venters on are potentially just one win away from clinching their 9th consecutive league title 8 points clear of into milan with games to go and fight barlow monkey ball. in the last 4 matches we have to get 4 points that's
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a win and a draw that's it we don't have to think about anything else getting points at this stage of the season is not easy it requires an incredible effort from everybody so let's focus on the results that we still need without thinking about anything else over in rebel those home country portugal f.c. porto thrashed more here in say 61 on the night that they also received the primera liga trophy. luis the as i opened the scoring for paul so with this header. what he didn't say equalised before him to reclaim the lead and then the floodgates opened moose america's free kick followed by the 1st of 2 goals from kenya also had its finished 2nd last year today bitter rivals been fico but they were not to be denied this time around this is the 29th time in porter's history that they have won the portuguese league title. england cricket captain joe root has hailed teammate ben stokes after
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a match winning performance in the 2nd test against the west indies stoke scored a 1st inning century before hitting 78 quick runs on the final morning to help set a target of 312 for the west indies to win at old trafford in manchester he also took 3 important wickets and a catch as the visitors were bowled out for 198 only pope also picked up a fantastic catch to secure the victory by $113.00 runs that means it's one all going into the deciding test starting on friday at the same ground still with no spectators and root had this to say about stokes who was named player of the match . mr incredible as. well yes. i can only think of well it probably looks a bit like it well that's incorrect. and we probably will look at. this. meanwhile the west indies who are currently 20 world champions won't be able to defend their
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trophy in australia this year of the world cup was postponed until 2021 the decision was made because of the disruption caused by the coronavirus and the entire cricket calendar has been shifted there will be another t 20 world cup a year later in 2022 and then it's the 1st ever world cup in india in 2023. you're looking at close to $20000.00 and credited people who are required to run an event and for that kind of magnitude to make sure that everybody is safe and secure is an extremely important decision that was taken through we were extremely conscious also off not putting undue pressure on the national health services. which would have led to possibility of compromising the kind of facilities that were available to the local public there on this account so that also played a huge part in coming to the decision on that back in 2017 al-jazeera brought you the story of the world's 1st transept land to get league sports scene that
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surrounds a wolfpack well they've now had to withdraw from the remainder of the english rugby league season because of financial challenges caused by the coronavirus the league has announced that no teams will be relegated this year and move back say they do intend to field a team in 2021. with coronavirus also halting the world's surf legal guys is have announced their nominations for this year's big a wave awards and among them the front runners for wipeout of the year is the 1st time fans will get to vote on a category in the league's annual awards among the entrance of 3 wipeouts on hawaii's infamous jewels wave fans have 2 more days to vote online with the winner announced mixed week. looks a little bit scary most sports news for me again later looks very scary indeed thank you very much for that peter well that's it for this news hour on al-jazeera i'll be back with you at 1300 g.m.t. for another news hour coming up next at swap matheson with more well news including
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territorial social and ethnic divisions. france has seen some of the biggest recent protests over black lives matter. al-jazeera world goes to some of its least privileged communities. where treatment by the police is still a contentious issue. paris a divided city on al jazeera. week will get a feeling that you belong. in a simple soul. for a 3rd. person or $2.00 just. short documentaries from around the world about those who won't give up their fight for justice. al-jazeera selects justice.
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understand the differences and similarities of cultures across the board. really take it we'll bring you the news and current affairs that matter to you. and your accusations of political meddling by russia a u.k. report says it trying to influence the scottish independence vote. tomorrow baucus and this is all to 0 live from doha also coming up after days of acrimonious negotiations european leaders come up with a coronavirus recovery deal worth nearly $860000000000.00 elucidations and a feeling of being abducted one man's long battle to overcome covert 19. understand which will cause the.


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