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tv   NEWS LIVE - 30  Al Jazeera  July 21, 2020 2:00pm-2:34pm +03

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from around the world those who will give up their fight for justice. al-jazeera selects justice. understand the differences and similarities of cultures across the world. taking the news in current affairs that matter to you. and your accusations of political meddling by russia a u.k. report says it tried to influence the scottish independence vote. come about this and this is all to 0 live from doha also coming up after days of acrimonious negotiations european leaders come up with a coronavirus recovery deal worth nearly $860000000000.00
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a new situations and a feeling of being abducted one man's long battle to overcome covert 19. consistently important new like. important places. and china wants the u.k. over interference in hong kong as britain scraps an extradition treaty with its former colonies. i delayed intelligence report on russian interference in u.k. politics has just been released it says there's evidence moscow has tried to meddle in elections it also says there is credible information that russia attempted to influence the 2014 scottish independence referendum committee says it's hard to prove interference in the 2016 bragg's it referendum but the u.k. was slow to recognize the threat and it warns russia's cyber capability is
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a matter of grave concern that poses an immediate threat to britain's national security but reacting to the report the u.k. government says it isn't being complacent when it comes to the flow of russian money into the country. what we do know about russian influence in the u.k. is that it is the new normal successive governments of welcome russian oligarchs and their money with out in homes and there is a lot of russians with very close links to. putin who are now very well integrated into but both u.k. business political and social scene it was referred to as lending as it london grad yet few if any questions of the national guard the province of considerable wealth this open door approach has provided an ideal mechanism by which illicit finance could be recycled through the london laundromat ok for more on this let's bring in
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so you know in london i had a quick run through the report before we came on air sunday and as far as i can tell it's very critical of the way that the u.k. has been responding to perceived threats from russia almost to the point of turning a blind eye and disarray in the intelligence communities as well. absolutely and the focus of rough really comes on to how not just one government but successive governments really have been really are uncurious to as to why how russia may have been tactical trying to interfere with the u.k. democratic process and also with the evidence already being seen from the 2014th scottish independence referendum already obvious really sort of some very strong questions being pointed at the government of david cameron as well as to why they
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didn't take the hint from that and why they launched on this other referendum breck's it referendum without seriously taking a look at what are the possible interferences they could have been now the intelligence and security committee is at pains to say that it is not going to be joining to any political observer of this box their observation is still they are stunned as to how there is this reluctance as it were even just this lack of curiosity as to do anything to try and stem what really was a very profound threat at the time still is considering that russia regards the u.k. as being a western target of its own intelligence tactics one of the thing that was noticeable from the report that they weren't just including what one would perceive to be the hiking process is that russia or any other hostile state would go through
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but it was talking about using government television networks as well in social media to try to influence elections and yet it still comes back to this request really that this should be a massive overhaul of the intelligence services within the u.k. to try to do this. yes indeed and putting that particular crime of cyber crimes for example and sort of scrutiny really needs to be a major focus according to the committee as well they've said that the too long these kinds of issues have been sort of spread out across different government departments really not being controlled over by the intelligence agencies themselves and that that direct lack of focus that really has contributed to russia being able to uses its its own interference prices because there has been a lack of robust action taken by the u.k.
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as well now of course the u.k. has said that it has the u.k. government has said that there has seen no successful evidence of any interference into the brics it referendum as well but however this is something which is really impossible to know because of course these kinds of tactics that were being used to try and sway opinions were all taking place on social media as well it is very difficult to know at this time in the public domain as to how much of an effect that would have had in people and what who were the actors who were behind this also of course the government is going to take this stance as well because this is the government that took britain into or certainly taken britain into a bricks a future the prime minister boris johnson was in was the face of the prominent breck's it campaign as well if there is anything to be found that would actually you know damage that notion at all that it's going to be very damaging for him as
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well and of course for the exit process but it is going to raise more questions as well about that rob. thank you very much indeed the sun your life for us in london . well patrick diamond is an associate professor of public policy at queen mary university of london and he says the report shows the u.k. has been ill prepared to deal with russian interference the report itself doesn't really contain a smoking gun in terms of highlighting incompetence all nefarious practice on the part of any particular individual or agency it really highlights in a sense systemic use use which had to do with the front of the british government the british intelligence services and more widely the british system of democracy has not proved to be very resilient in terms of protecting itself against threats posed by potential russian and parents and the report does particularly highlight deficiencies around the intelligence services it argues that lead out and so is the
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should have been much more proactive investigating potential russian interference particularly in the 20 sects 2016 breaks it referendum campaign in terms of actually quantifying the impact of russian troops on the outcome of the referendums there is no robust evidence to suggest that russian interference necessarily changed the outcome of either referendum but of course the results of both were close and so in that sense and you percentage point separating the 2 sides so in that sense this parity speculation about whether. these kinds of social media activities really did affect the result or say i don't think that's the evidence that it did but in any close referendum campaign people are bound to look at these kinds of interventions and activities and think that they may have had a more decisive in fact it's being hailed as a pivotal moment for europe a rescue deal worth nearly 860000000000 dollars to help economies ravaged by
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coronavirus their game and between the e.u. they'd us was reached after days of tough negotiations step by some reports for months to the. it was a test of and durant for e.u. leaders in their longest gox summit in decades 4 days of tough negotiations with tempers often freight finally on the 5th a deal $859000000000.00 in non repayable grants and loans to countries worst affected by the coronavirus can that make cuts. in we we spent 4 long days and nights of negotiation more than 90 hours but it was worth it this agreement is a signal that europe is able to act after all people often accused europe of being too little too late for us here we're demonstrating that the opposite is the case dawned in masks it was the leaders 1st face to face meeting since government imposed lockdown restrictions in march lockdowns that also meant the biggest economic downturn since the great depression german chancellor angela merkel was
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among leaders from france spain and italy who led the way in convincing the block to consider the amount evenly into loans and grants. we've laid the financial foundations for the e.u. for the next 7 years and at the same time came up with a response to the biggest crisis in the history of the european union with the recovery fund. the south proclaimed frugal for sweden denmark austria and the netherlands initially stood opposed to the deal. the group led by the dutch prime minister mark hurd worried about debt but in the end they were also convinced. this is of course difficult in the decisions in very difficult times for all your appearance and martin which ended in success for all 27 member states with especially for the people this is a good deal this is to only you and most importantly this is the right deal for
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europe writes no it's an unprecedented aid package and unprecedented times with so many european countries suffering from the covert $1000.00 crisis the european union did not have much choice but to show solidarity and unity otherwise its relevance would have been seriously questioned now it's up to the individual leaders to sell this expensive deal at home while the e.u. bloc has been faced with rising unemployment as large industries including airlines and car manufacturers lay off workers inside these walls in brussels many are hailing this as a historic deal and a big step forward in suffering the economic blow the liver by dependent make steps fast and al-jazeera amsterdam coronavirus vaccine developers are reporting promising results but a mass vaccination program covering the globe still looks to be some way off until
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the docs at the doctors are testing existing drugs to see what works know when a hole was given access to scottish hospitals taking part in a huge experiment that could save thousands of lives in the 1st of a 3 part series it travel to east coast bride to hear one man's story of survival. a simple household ritual with his daughters that eddie hughes will never take for granted. 7 points and long pipe than what i was packing in our shoes was $200.00 necessary fainter liters dialysis machines whether was to a body was a functioning service machines were basically for 1st percent to keep me alive aged 56 and the contracted code 19 after 2 previous pouts of sepsis had weakened his immune system and flashbacks to call it and
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flashbacks but you don't know if the viewer not at the very computer. the various the letter. was a generic. feeling of being abducted trapped daughter stacey fills in some of the blanks software titles were told what don't overbuy ever know him keep your feelings on him and we may have to thank you both when pearson but it will come up to see could by only one person be allowed in but then the next year you can do with 14 caesar salad a little bit like it's starting to need lasik surgeons only have one point it's 100 percent oxygen requirement which means basically the machines do nothing for them and then the next they are members of these we lose people who 1st master drives. and then we're not really used to you high dependency you among that was probably water if it had been an i.c.u. because i was a weak. you could move troops everywhere or. could be controlled no strength
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at all you know a lot of boat kuhlmann was probably new on trucks and stuff a lot of stuff really very ugly to. shoot or not could we see the parking lot. at the hospital in scotland where eddie was treated i spoke to critical care nurse laura ferguson he was quite slow to wake up but when he did he was very pleasant and in many of the players to look after him and i very clearly remember taking pictures to send to his family and he has a big snail and thumbs up but his family and to us that is my lasting memory of him . approvals as every finally left intensive care after weeks on ventilation in an induced coma a long road to full recovery lies ahead but says he'll make every day count i got to do with what. sports people do from something else happens.
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to understand new life. in the stand who thought at least as jonah hill al-jazeera east kilbride scotland told me just to hope for the next part in our coded 900 series as we go beyond eddie hughes survival to look at the experimental drug that he believes saved his life. and still ahead on al-jazeera u.s. politicians are divided over a new cover 198 billed as the number of cases there are edges closer to 4000000. i'm going hey reporting from my language used to be the largest exporter of rice in the world we'll tell you why the numbers continuing to pour.
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hello there yet more rain across central and eastern areas of china japan the korean peninsula not too bad at the moment but there's more rain on the way you can see this massive cloud and of course the rain has actually moved slightly further to the north but really impacting shang dong and as a say on its way towards the korean peninsula. very heavy rain pushing into the far west of honshu and then by thursday more in the way of scattered showers and thunderstorms and there is that heavy rain on its way towards the korean peninsula very heavy downpours this could also lead to some localized flooding but by thursday the rains lightning a little bit across the central areas but of course still we have that very serious ongoing flooding problem me want to cross into india we've also got flooding of course here across many areas that take up to the north and the pool has seen some torrential downpours this is the main river the course burst its banks and believe it or not this is actually the 3rd world is beginning to receive but as we know over 100 people have died in the floods that is more very heavy rainfall calls throughout wednesday you can see it also pushing on towards the northeast across
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areas of assam and as he had off into thursday those rains becoming particularly heavy a very strong on shore flow central falls very widespread throughout much of bangladesh and again pushing up into the northeast and generally scattered showers and thunderstorms elsewhere throughout india. growing up in harsh and unforgiving circumstances children learn to play dangerous games they say so the studies that destroy the house and take worn down by frustration and broken promises young men living under the constant threat of imprisonment they took me to the blindfold that time for them to regain control of their lives is when the boys returned prison life finding out. on al-jazeera. rules.
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you're watching out is here a reminder of our top stories this hour a u.k. intelligence report says there's evidence russia has tried to meddle in british elections it says there is credible information the kremlin tried to influence the 2014 scottish independence referendum but the authors say it's hard to prove interference in the 2016 pregnant vote. e.u. nations have agreed a multi-billion dollar coronavirus recovery package after a 4th night of talks the majority of the deals being offered as grants to hardest hit member states after intense negotiations. issues surrounding china and the coronavirus pandemic are expected to dominate discussions when the u.s. secretary of state meets the u.k.
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prime minister shortly in london the talks come as both countries increase pressure on beijing over allegations of human rights violations and national security issues the u.k. has banned arms sales to hong kong and suspended its extradition treaty with the territory meanwhile the u.s. has imposed visa restrictions on employees of the chinese tech giant hallway jodi angela is in london with more on point papers visit. well right now he's in a meeting with 20 members of parliament from all different parties and the thing that they have in common is. against china in the past it's quite an old move to meet m.p.'s who hold no position in government before meeting the prime minister it's a very deliberate one and it's. for the secretary of state to really gauge the parliamentary mood on china and see how far they are willing to go to express their displeasure now we know that one of those smith is calling for a ban on the social media company take top for its proximity to the chinese
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intelligence services and i think will be asking for the us to do the same others are saying that they want to china from building u.k.'s nuclear power stations and also reassess beijing's impact on u.k. universities and $64.00 k. will probably be nothing how he can support the. thanking them because it was. only government that led to forced. to strip components from the u.k.'s 5 g. network now after that meeting he'll be going on to meet the prime minister and foreign minister dominic rob behind me at number 10. china's accuse the u.k. of violating international law after britain suspended the extradition treaty with hong kong beijing has urged it to immediately correct its mistakes british foreign secretary dominic robb calls the measures a reasonable and proportionate response to hong kong's new national security law china imposed sweeping legislation on the city outlawing what it considers
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secession subversion terrorism and collusion with foreign entities. she's the british side has made some wrong moves on hong kong related issues such moves violate international law and basic norwegians guiding international relations they violate china's internal of fear is china firmly opposes them and resistance right to react on the fears of china's internal fears that allow no foreign interference or to use in beijing with more on the reaction from china 11 that has also said that beijing reserves the right to take countermeasures against the u.k. in response to this move now we don't know exactly what those waves might be but we have had some suggestions from chinese state media newspaper got the global times here and it says this one of the headlines is the u.k. urged to make quote unquote smart choices and it actually says that they think should consider taking aim at british companies particular it mentions troop
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h.s.b.c. and the automotive company jaguar land rover which has investments in china it also mentions chick talk which is a chinese social media app owned by the chinese company by now as we understand it by was in talks with the u.k. government or been a new headquarters in the u.k. that would provide about 3000 jobs but according to some sources these talks have stalled due to political reasons so we may see some sort of trade tit for tat or certainly some economic ramifications from this move by the u k. police and protesters are facing off at a shopping mall in hong kong officers are trying to prevent a rally marking the 1st anniversary of a mob attack at the u.n. long railway station last year a large group of men armed with metal rods indiscriminately beat up train passengers dozens have been arrested in connection with the attack but protesters say not enough has been done to punish those responsible for
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a trial for sudan's ousted president omar al bashir has been adjourned until august to due to a shortage of courtroom space but she is accused of plotting to overthrow the democratically elected government of prime minister statical marketing in 1989 milledge a coup allowed him to take power until he was forced from the government during an uprising last year the 76 year old is currently serving time in prison for corruption. mollies opposition has called for the polls in protests ahead of the upcoming festival they've been demanding that president evo him steps down international mediators are heading back to bomb a cold later this week to try to find a solution the opposition has already rejected a proposal from regional bloc ecowas calling for a unity government an american couple who pointed guns at anti very cism protesters have been charged with the unlawful use of a weapon the felony charges against marc and patricia mccloskey stem from this
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display outside their mansion last month they said they were legally defending their $1000000.00 home from protesters and no shots were fired the couple's lawyer is seeking community service rather than jail time. yes federal officers have broken up a long running protest against police brutality in the city of portland. this video countered multiple explosions near the city courthouse where the demonstration was being held as in donald trump sent federal agents there to try to control the ongoing rallies over the death of black american george floyd on monday tom criticized cities run by what he called liberal democrats we're sending law enforcement to portland was totally out of control the democrats the liberal democrats running the place had no idea what they were doing they were ripping down for $51.00 days ripping down that city destroying the city looting it. but
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the presence of the federal police important has caused outrage even from within trunk's own party several court cases have been lost against the deployment including one by oregon state which accuses the forces of unlawfully detaining protesters the american civil liberties union describes it as a constitutional crisis. you cases of corona virus in the u.s. state of florida have soared past 10000 for 6 days in a row california and texas are also experiencing surges and with expanded employment benefits set to expire next week president donald trump has met republican leaders to discuss another relief bill alan fischer reports. as the u.s. heads towards 4000000 qubit cases the president has been discussing a new package for states being overwhelmed he plans to bring back the daily briefing bandon weeks ago frankly a lot of the country is doing well a lot of people don't say as you understand but we have had this big flare up in
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florida texas couple of other places. and so 'd i think what we're going to do is get involved in was shuttling briefings florida has no recorded more than 10000 new infections for the 6th day in a row a state that close slowly and reopen quickly protesters disrupted a briefing by the governor in orlando. in los angeles there are lines at the famous dodger stadium but no one's watching baseball these are for covert tests the site is handling your own 6500 tests a day but still people have to wait for hours in washington congress is back after a summer break 6 months to the day after the 1st positive us test the democratic controlled house has already passed a raft of new measures including a 3 trillion dollar relief plan economy will only get worst worse if we do not if we do not continue to support working families in our country as we have done but
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the senate ignored the measure the republicans there say they're working on their own package it would neither be another multi trillion dollar bridge loan to make up for a totally shut down economy. noren ordinarily an ordinary scramble for an ocean ready to get back to know all the needed now of some more and between the president who'd been reluctant to cover up has now sent out a picture of him wearing a mask on an issue which has become politicized he tweeted we are united in an effort to defeat the invisible china virus and many people see that it is peachy or take to win a face mask when you can't socially distance there is nobody more p.h.e. or take than me your favorite president it was just over a week ago the president was seen in public for the 1st time wearing a mask and he continues to reject the idea of issuing a national mask monday alan fischer al-jazeera washington. thailand has been
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relatively successful at handling the pandemic but its economy is struggling largely because it relies on tourism and exports things are tough for farmers particularly those who grow rice wayne hale reports from bangkok. farming has never been an easy way to make a living but in thailand these are particularly tough times this year growers of rice and other crops have been hit hard on multiple fronts all beyond their control but. there's not enough water to grow rice probably the rainy season arrived late this year and the water in the canal is true salty the farmer be in trouble if there's not enough rain soon because the drought was really bad this year. thailand is the world's 2nd largest exporter of rice but is likely to drop down the list this year the coronavirus pandemic slow demand to tie rice as other produces such as vietnam stockpiled their own product to protect domestic food stocks in case of
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a shortage now there are freeing up supply flooding the international market which is pushing prices down but not the thai exporters who can't compete on price even though thailand's rice farmers have had a difficult year with drought which affected production warehouses and mills like this are expected that fill up in the months ahead as exports continue to decline they'll have the product to sell but the strong thai currency makes it the most expensive rice in southeast asia exports may fall by 30 percent this year and industry leaders worry about the long term future of the sick. we are less competitive now you know why because our labor costs is increasing our land prices increasing and our farmers. or age you know it's more than 55 years old most of them. next generation they don't want to go into farming so any more growers who've been working the fields their whole lives are also concerned they say
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a government subsidy in the form of the. price guarantee won't be enough but walking away from farming isn't an option for the incumbent in the uk continue to grow rice i don't know what else i can do i'm getting old and i can't work in the factory and know that i'm not going to make a lot of money but i have to carry on with around a 3rd of thailand 70000000 people working in agriculture that's a sentiment that will be echoed around the country wayne hay al jazeera bangkok. this is all just everything's at the top stories in u.k. intelligence report says there's evidence russia has tried to meddle in british elections and says there's credible information the kremlin tries to influence the 2014 scottish independence referendum but they also say it's hard to prove interference in the 2016 brags about reacting to the report the u.k.
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government says it's not being complacent when it comes to the flow of russian money into the country what we do know about russian influence in the u.k. is that it is the new normal successive governments of welcome russian oligarchs and their money with open arms and there is a lot of russians with very close links to. putin who are now very well integrated into but both u.k. business political and social scene which we refer to as lending london ground yet few if any questions of the national guard the province of considerable wealth this open door approach has provided an ideal mechanism by which illicit finance could be recycled through the london laundromat. even ations have agreed on a multi-billion dollar coronavirus recovery package after a 4th night of intense talks the majority of the deals being offered as grants to
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the hardest hit member states china and the coronavirus pandemic are set to dominate discussions between the u.s. secretary of state and the u.k. prime minister in london the talks between mike pompei on boris johnson come as both countries increase pressure on beijing on allegations of human rights violations and national security issues a trial for sudan's ousted president omar al bashir has been adjourned until next month because of a shortage of court room space but she was accused of plotting to overthrow the democratically elected government of prime minister statical maki in 198976 year old is currently serving time in prison for corruption. mollies opposition has called for opposing protests ahead of the upcoming ied festival they've been demanding that president even him but because steps down and those are the headlines coming up next on al-jazeera it's inside story but for.
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the u.k. is reported to have turned to japan in its search for 5 g. networks technology but can anyone fill the way void what does it mean for the timeline of the 5 g.'s services this is inside story. hello welcome to the show i'm sam is a than now the u.k. is reportedly japan to help build its 5 g.
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infrastructure it's seen as a major blow for chinese technology and the way in for us president donald.


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