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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  July 21, 2020 6:00pm-7:01pm +03

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keeping you up to date with what's happening on the ground in the ward and in the lab now more than ever the world needs w.h.o. making a healthy a world for you. to everyone. this is al-jazeera. the whole room and you're watching the al-jazeera news our headquarters here in doha coming up in the next 60 minutes the u.k. government under fire for not doing enough to stop russian interference in its democratic institutions. also u.s. secretary of state meets his british counterpart and calls for the building of
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a coalition that understands what he calls the chinese threat. iraq's new prime minister seeks better relations with iran but without any intervention in its domestic affairs. by way reporting from. to be the largest exporter of rife in the world we'll tell you why the numbers are continuing . and i'm peter stand with your sports leading rights group calls on the premier league to take saudi arabia's human rights record into account when considering the country's take over bird from newcastle united. welcome to the news and intelligence report has found the british government actively avoided looking into evidence of russian interference in u.k. politics it says the government failed to take action even after evidence of
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emerged of moscow trying to influence the 2014 scottish independence referendum the authors say it's hard to prove the kremlin meddled in the later brics it referendum but the u.k. was slow to recognize the threat and the report warns that russia's cyber capability poses what it calls an immediate threat to britain's national security. now the u.k. government insists it's not being complacent when it comes to the flow of illegal russian money into the country but members of the parliamentary committee didn't agree. what we do know about russian influence in the u.k. is that is the new normal successive governments of welcome russian oligarchs and their money with out in homes and there is a lot of russians with very close links to. putin who are now very well integrated into business political and social scene he was referred to as
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lending as in london grad yet few if any questions have been asked regarding the provenance of considerable wealth this open door approach is provided an ideal mechanism by which illicit finance can be recycled through the london laundromat sonia geiger london. it is really quite damning and very critical over the lax and complacent way that the government's excessive government's going going back a few years now have dealt with this issue of russian influence through social means as well as economic means as well and the cottage industry of lawyers and estate agents and and accountants that welcomed high profile russians into the country and dedicated themselves to their services as was put there as
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a kind of functioning as a kind of laundromat as well and also there's a very serious question mark being put over certain members of the house of lords the upper house in the palace of westminster and in parliament over their ties to russian businesses and russian financial institutions as well the british government has already said that retrospective assessment of the of the vote is not necessary as there was no attempt of any successful interference well that we cannot know at all considering that there was all the micro-targeting and the focus that was put on social media platforms to provide misinformation which is really a stall. of of what russian interference has been able to do. is chairman of the fund for political research and consulting in russia he says that the u.k. leaving the european union but noisily into syrians was involved. it's the 1st trip
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or which is directly accusing. russia from u.k. side and its of course it's create additional problems for the future now let relations. and official level we will always denying any kind of interference on the state level there are of course a band from several groups who in friends to spread information that cetera et cetera was not didn't feel there was an opinion among many our experts that brags it will be in favor of russia because it will ease our relations with european union they were saying that ok we should welcome brett arends it we should see it as a possible way olive of the current crisis with the european union. well issues surrounding china have top the agenda between a meeting between the u.s. secretary of state and the u.k.
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prime minister in london the talks come as both countries increase pressure on beijing over allegations of human rights violations and national security issues the u.k. has banned arms sales to hong kong and suspended its extradition treaty with the territory while the u.s. has in posed visa restrictions on employees of the chinese tech giant wall way. we think that the entire world needs to work together to assure that every country including china behaves in the international system in ways that are appropriate consistent with the international order but you can't go make claims for maritime regions that you have no lawful claim to you can't threaten countries and bully them in the layers you can't engage in cover ups and co-opt international institutions like the world health organization we hope we can build out a coalition that understands this threat will work collectively to convey to the chinese communist party it's not in their best interest to engage in this kind of
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behavior. let's go straight now to our correspondent joins me now from london and charlie really it was a chance not. just to meet the prime minister but to meet his counterpart robin to talk about the strategy they will proceed with in tackling with china. yes absolutely i mean that press conference. the 2 men took a markedly different approach dominic robb with his diplomatic hat on talking about their shared security concerns talking about iran plans for the middle east. as you heard there really playing into china talking about the crackdown on hong kong their treatment of the ego muslims and their mishandling of the corona virus outbreak saying he wants every nation to now work together to create a coalition. to push back against the china chinese communist party and he used
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that word communist party about 8 times wanting to build this coalition he also did thank the u.k. government for their decision to ban the chinese telecoms company away from building out this country's 5 g. infrastructure he called that a sovereign decision again using that word sovereign again and again possibly to dispel concerns here that the decision from boris johnson came after pressure from the united states because this country's intelligence services had done their own research into what way and they had concluded that even though while we could build back doors through the 5 g. infrastructure intelligence services here could mitigate any risks now that analysis has not been updated but the decision to ban what we has now changed earlier pompei or before meeting the prime minister and the foreign minister decided to meet 20 parliamentarians who don't hold positions in this government but what they have in common is that they have all in the past pushed back against
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china and fall. that concert and he really sees them as allies and i think he was meeting with them to hear what what else they would like to do to express their displeasure with beijing and that ranges from banning tick-tock to barring china from investing in power stations here and he's also thanking them for that pressure they helped put on the government to reverse that decision on while we're in this country challenge with or the latest thank you from london and join brett brew and he's the president of the global situation room a political consultancy and the former director of global engagement in the white house and president obama joins me now via skype from alexandria in virginia good to have you with us mr brune on the program i mean how much of this meeting seems to be in a sort of a close joint equal partnership with washington and london both being on the same page or was it really a well choreographed dance with pompei leading well i think it was an effort by
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the u.s. and the u.k. to put to bed some of the strains and the stress that has been on that special relationship over the course of the last few years and the u.k. desperately needs merica backing as they exit the european union to show that they are still a relevant and the important power on the world stage and they can really only do that if they regain that special relationship with the united states so this issue in the anwar way was in large part in effort to throw a bone to the americans and say we're with you ok well then much of the charge was or may have been well considered all proportionate in its response in terms of the suspension of the extradition treaty which the u.k. have done now in terms of hong kong and will it have an impact in your opinion what does that move or how does that move impact on the u.s.
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in the way that it moves forward. well i think it's a nother sign that the u.s. the u.k. australia are trying to put pressure on china both on hong kong as well as on the weaker is why way as we mentioned so this is a call warden a good strategy but let's also recognize that the trumpet ministration has not had a great track record when it comes to maximum pressure campaigns as they call them whether it's on iran or venezuela north korea so it's yet to be seen whether or not they'll actually be able to hold this together in and get many results in your opinion how many ask your opinion here do you think the u.s. is pressurising the u.k. and influencing the foreign policy because the cynics in the united kingdom and sometimes the general public do have a suspicion of sort of the american weight being thrown or thrust upon the british
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public and the pressure being increased on politicians especially the british prime minister in times of dare i say it trouble oh i think so and this american administration in particular has not been afraid to use pretty aggressive tactics including against some of our most already and allies and i think it's surprised a lot of folks in london and elsewhere in the world unfortunately that is the style of trumps foreign policy and i think ultimately the u.k. realised that if they were going to regain that special relationship they were going to have to cede some of these points on china it does seem though that the rhetoric from both governments seems obviously very anti china at the moment but what's the alternative in terms of the technology when they remove something that the international community as a whole would like to invest in because it potentially is crucial to a mall fast efficient communication especially with the wall way issue. oh it is
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and i think a lot of tech companies would argue that it is going to raise prices on technology on communications because the why way option is taken off the table so at the end of the day there are going to be costs from this decision but i think the hope that washington and london now have is that china will back down on some of these issues and that they will be able to reach some sort of negotiated solution but broun in washington alexandria virginia thanks very much for joining us from the u.s. appreciate time to be with you know it's being hailed as a pivotal moment for europe a rescue deal worth nearly $860000000000.00 to help economies ravaged by coronavirus the agreement between you leaders was reached out to days of tough negotiations and has more from amsterdam it was a test of an durant for e.u.
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leaders in their longest block summit in decades 4 days of tough negotiations with tempers often frayed finally under 50 a deal $859000000000.00 in one week payable grants and loans to countries worst affected by the coronavirus can that make cat. in we've we spent 4 long days and nights of negotiation more than 90 hours but it was worth it this agreement is a signal that europe is able to act after all people often accused europe of being too little too late whereas here we're demonstrating that the opposite is the case don unmasks it was the leaders 1st face to face meeting since government imposed lockdown restrictions in march lockdowns that also meant the biggest economic downturn since the great depression. german chancellor angela merkel was among leaders from france spain and italy who led the way in convincing the block to
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consider the amount evenly into loans and grants. we've laid the financial foundations for the e.u. for the next 7 years and at the same time came up with a response to the biggest crisis in the history of the european union with the recovery fund. the south proclaimed froogle for sweden denmark austria and the netherlands initially stood opposed to the deal. the group led by the dutch prime minister mark hurd worried about debt but in the end they were also convinced this was of course difficult in the decision's been very difficult targets for all your appearance martin ended in success for all 27 member says with especially for the people this is a good deal this is a strong leader and most importantly this is the right deal for europe writes no
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it's an unprecedented aid package an unprecedented times with so many european countries suffering from the covert $1000.00 crisis the european union did not have much choice but to show solidarity and unity otherwise its relevance would have been seriously questioned now it's up to the individual leaders to sell this expensive deal at home while the e.u. bloc has been faced with rising unemployment as large industries including airlines and car manufacturers lay off workers inside these walls in brussels many are hailing this as a historic deal and a big step forward in soft economic blow the liver by the pandemic step fasten al-jazeera amsterdam. potential corona virus vaccine which has been developed by chinese and brazilian scientists has been flown from beijing to some apollo phase 3 trials some 900 volunteer doctors and paramedics will be the 1st in the country to receive the drug the study is being conducted by
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a chinese company is silver biotech and brazilian vaccine producer the britain turn institute. is long for us in the origin time capsule borders on research joins me now there's lots of expectation about the results of sort of the late stage trials of the covert 19 vaccines in developing nations and he was going all in brazil. well most certainly lots of expectation on monday the governor of seoul palos of the idea an ounce that 20000 vaccines from china had arrived to brazil to begin this trials today on tuesday he's hoping that this study will be completed in about 90 days that's what the governor was saying and what's interesting is that this is not the only vaccine that is being tested in brazil and now in june the oxford vaccine started to be tested in the country around 5000 people are expected to participate in that test lots of anxiety about what that brings about there's been
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a letter of intention that's been appearing about the agreement between the federal government of brazil and also the ox florida and the company involved astra zeneca laboratories that it is it's $130000000.00 euros $130000000.00 agreement between both countries around 100100 1000000 doses of the vaccine to be available in brazil let's not forget about that brazil has become the epicenter of coronavirus in latin america over 2000000 people have been infected over 80000 have lost their lives so certainly there's a lot so than diety for this vaccine to be available in this country indeed the assumption the trees that brazil participates in the troil zz they get a successful vaccine much earlier than other nations. well certainly and there's lots of anxiety not only in brazil but in developing nations like argentina they want to have access to the vaccine in brazil
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specifically most of what he we have heard is that both vaccines if tested possibly will be available by the end of this year or early in 2021 but we've been talking to several consumer groups they're afraid of how fast that's actually going to happen they say that brazil participated in the test of the h one n one virus several years ago and that it took 8 months for that vaccine to be available in brazil and that's also there's several groups in brazil that are calling for a compulsory licensing in brazil this is something that would have allowed the federal government to 9 allow public agencies a lab or a tourist in a way to copy their medicines and the vaccines that are involved in the fight against kovac 19 there is a project of a law that's already in congress since april it's not clear yet what acted to it will the government of joey to also narrow have towards a law like this when it's well known that it was and i don't has downplayed the
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risk of corvet 19 but as we've just mentioned before there's lots of anxiety there's lots of calls for a vaccine for brazil and a vaccine that is needed very very fast treatable desirous thank you. developers are reporting promising results but a mass vaccination program covering the globe still looks to be some way off until and doctors are testing existing drugs to see what works no hope has been given access to scottish hospitals taking part in a huge experiment that could save thousands of lloyds in the 1st of a 3 part series he traveled to east kilbride to hear one man's story of survival. a simple household ritual with his daughters that it is hughes will never take for granted. 7 points and longer pipe than what i was packing in our shoes was put on a necessary thing to liters dialysis machines whether was to
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a body was a functioning service machines were basically for 1st percent to keep me alive aged 56 and the contracted code 19 after 2 previous bouts of sepsis had weakened his immune system and flashbacks to call it and flashbacks you don't know if of you were not at the very computer. the various the lariam who said janick. feeling of being abducted trapped daughter stacey fills in some of the blanks software title we're told what don't overbuy ever know him keep your feelings on him and we may have to thank you both when pearson believe we come up to see it by only one person would be allowed in but then the next year you can do with 14 caesar salad a little bit like it's starting to need lasik surgeons only have one point it's 100
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percent oxygen requirement which means basically the machines do nothing for them and then the next they are members of these we lose people who 1st master drives. and then we're not really used to you high dependency you among that was probably water if it had been an i.c.u. because i was a week. you could move troops everywhere or. could control no strength at all you know a lot of boat kuhlmann was probably new on trucks and stuff a lot of stuff really very hard to teach it. could we see the parking lot. at the hospital in scotland where eddie was treated i spoke to critical care nurse laura ferguson he was quite slow to wake up but when he did he was very pleasant and him and he was a pleasure to look after him and i very clearly remember taking pictures to see him to his family and he has a big snail and thumbs up but his family and to us that is my lasting memory of him
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. approvals as every finally left intensive care after weeks on ventilation in an induced coma a long road to full recovery lies ahead but says he'll make every day count by god to do with what. sports people do from something else happens. understand which will put a new life yet. you know just learned who has joined a whole al-jazeera east kilbride scotland. to help for the next part in our coded 19th series as we go beyond eddie he was survival to look at the experimental drug that he believes saved his life to get african our leaders from ethiopia sudan and egypt began a virtual summit in yet another attempt to break the deadlock over africa's largest
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hydroelectric dam the last round of talks on the ground raisons dam ended a week ago with very little progress made major sticking points include how any future disputes will be resolved and how ethiopia will respond to drown in the region the $4600000000.00 project has caused nearly a decade of tension between all 3 countries ethiopia denies egypt and sudan's claim that it's down will control the flow of africa's longest river the nile the aims to provide electricity for 70 percent of its population but cairo and khartoum fear this will restrict the only source of water they rely on for nearly 150000000 people the main disagreement is the time it will take to fill the dams reservoirs which will affect the flow of water downstream ethiopia says it will take 5 to 7 years to complete but egypt has proposed 12 years instead egypt and sudan want a final agreement to be legally binding and to refer future disputes to 3rd party arbitration ethiopia prefers to settle through negotiation amongst the 3 countries
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. i speak to our correspondent moment val who's covered this story for 6 tenth's of lee on the surface and how it is one of the most complicated discussions i think regional leaders have had to face for some time when we speak about this dam so we seem to come full circle haven't we it started with regional discussions that he went to the us then the un security council they were involved it's now come back to the african union looking really for a local solution to this problem what seems to be going on. that's right so it's very significant that it made this full circle coming back to the countries that are primarily concerned those 10 countries by the then i'll be in south africa is not one of them but it is concern but it is because it is chairing the african union for the for the moment so it is it is of very crucial importance for african countries to try to resolve this problem and to show that they could do what the
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u.n. and the u.s. could not do egypt is pushing behind this because that any negotiations about that that the job done is not pushed by who has no interest in any good negotiations they say they have their waters they have the they are constructing it they have time on their side and it is for others like this is like between the lives is for others to push for negotiations so egypt is behind this egypt resorting to african countries is very interesting because there was some criticism leveled against egypt when it did not actually show support to kenya when kenya opposed the construction of the of the of the of a dam on the omo river. flows into lake turkana inside kenya that was a few years ago so it also has lost some of its influence in africa because of china taking the lead there and other countries so it is now time for them to try
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to go back to africans asking for a solution the. oh that the countries by the nile basin are concerned they want to make sure to resolve this problem because otherwise it can create problems for them not just for so that each open and and egypt the problem as you said is very is very very complicated especially the talks have been going on for about 10 years now since the beginning of the construction of the dam so it's not it's not it's not easy to resolve this problem overnight the sudanese officials was quoted saying that. actually there is an agreement about on about 90 percent of the of the issues and only 10 percent are pending you know that among those 10 percent of the duration that the feeling of the dams that is of washer take as you just mentioned a long gap there between what egypt once and what. once that's a very difficult issue and more difficult is how to guarantee how to guarantee that
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it's your people will make sure to. guarantee the flow of water to egypt when it when there is a prolonged drought ok so mohamad the to a certain extent time is running out ethiopia wants to get this done up and running not just to generate electricity for itself but also to sell it to its regional neighbors diplomacy can only go so far so how long is this conversation going to go until ethiopia says right hard enough i'm just going to start whether you like it or not. well i think i mean there are even conflicting reports about where they chop it has really started filling the result while we know that you know a week ago a few days ago there was that confusion which is still there. started has it not started nobody knows because there was no access to the dam site itself at the moment. but we know that it's oprah has one day to try to listen to egypt and so that at least to some extent because they know that egypt answer than will not
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relinquish their of the months for some kind of contribution and role in the observation and operation of the dam having access to what's going on there because it's it's a huge interest for them so i mean it's going to take time but there should be at least some kind of concession by utopia if if it wants to go ahead with this with its project in a calm way in the future but we should see what happens certainly in the coming few weeks i'm sure in doha thank you. still ahead here on the al-jazeera news hour. opposition agrees to stop protests calling for the president to step down. and rights groups demand information after a prominent pakistani journalist goes missing. and donald trump again criticizes players who neil during the national anthem as baseball teams do exactly that in preparation for the n.f.l. be restart do stay with us here on the news hour.
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hello there mostly horse and drive course throughout much of the middle east we have had wanted to showers in the last few days across areas of yemen also these coastal areas of oman we could see a few more days as well in the next. days but the north is being clear and dry and it has been warm so you can see why people are cooling down in this fountain in it to be seen now and actual fat also showers on the way across into georgia as you go through wednesday heavy downpours as well particularly towards azerbaijan maybe going to 2 shows on the way to to run as well but a warm day hi there if the g 8 degrees celsius and you can see the blowing sand and dust through iraq and further south across into saudi temperatures of course here typically in the mid to high forty's celsius but the winds a sunny kicking up out sundin does for the next couple of days and as i say be
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prepared wanted to showers in and around santa and also across towards a solid then down into southern africa plenty of rain through those central tropical regions but we're also watching this this massive cloud here it's a possible tropical cyclone developing in the next couple of days it doesn't make a great deal of headway tools madagascar but even so conditions through these eastern areas and of course the usual shaz a say across seas the central tropical regions them by thursday the rain becoming a little bit closer to nor the madagascar but staying fine and dry across south africa very nice in cape town. but. growing up in a harsh and unforgiving circumstances children learn to play dangerous games they exist without studies that the store the harvest will take worn down by frustration and broken promises young men living under the constant threat of imprisonment it took me to the cheap and blindfolded me the time for them to regain control of
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their lives is when the boys returned prison life inside and out. on al jazeera. setting the discussions we are living at times when we are going to have to defend our democracies examining the headlines this is not the way to treat a migrant workers law the way to treat human explore an abundance of world class programming designed to inform motivate and inspire. the world is watching on al-jazeera. all.
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of the back you're watching al-jazeera is news hour with me the whole romney reminder of our top stories an intelligence reporter's found the british government actively avoided looking into evidence of russian interference in u.k. politics it says the government failed to take action even after evidence emerged of moscow trying to influence the 2014 scottish independence referendum. china has topped the agenda during a meeting between the u.s. secretary of state and the u.k. prime minister in london the talks come as both countries increase pressure on beijing of allegations of human rights violations and national security issues. here nations have agreed to a multi $1000000000.00 coronavirus recovery package for a 4th night of talks and intense negotiations continue the majority of the deal is being offered as grounds to hardest hit member states. iraq's prime minister has made his 1st foreign trip since taking office in may most of his
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entire wrong meeting president hassan rouhani the 2 leaders discussed several issues including boosting trade and supporting each other in the fight against terrorism with armies visit was meant to come after a trip to saudi arabia but that's being canceled as saudi king still man the number lizzie's has been hospitalized back even quantum. to our brothers in iran i say our people hold positive sentiments to yours and the iraqi people always ask prior to exceptional bilateral cooperation based on mutual respect and without any intervention in domestic affairs we fought against isis and other terrorist groups and iran was the 1st to stand by our side and this cannot be forgotten let's join same struggle correspondent in tehran it's been a busy day really for the iraqi prime minister saying i mean what else has he has been has he been saying and one of his iranian hosts also said.
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well so here though there's quite a bit to get into but let me start by saying the prime minister of iraq. has met with the supreme leader. a privilege that is only reserved for the closest of iran's friends who make diplomatic visits to the capital here in tehran and if you want to get a sense of what a post coronavirus economy or economic relationship between iran and iraq might look like you only need to look at the entourage that the new iraqi prime minister brought to tear her on with and let me just read the list of who he brought with him the minister of defense the minister of industry mind and trade the minister of foreign affairs oil agriculture planning and energy this is a very very long list of very very influential people certainly gives us an insight into how significant iraq considers its relationship with iran and what they plan for the future of their bilateral trade and of their shared economy now we have to remember that the new prime minister took over the role in iraq just around 2
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months ago when he began by cracking down on pro iranian militias and if that was the stick on this 1st diplomatic visit his 1st time out of the country's prime minister's 1st time visiting iran as prime minister he brought a carrot in a speech made in front of his his delegation as well as some of the most important leaders some of the most powerful people in iran the prime minister of iraq really gave a speech that was a kind of love letter to iran he emphasized the importance of iran's relationship with iraq he emphasized the important role that iran plays as a regional actor in terms of stabilizing the region in terms of bringing peace and stability and prosperity to the region and i'll read to you some of what he said he said iraq attaches importance to defending iran and will not allow any threat to be imposed against iran from iraqi soil certainly a significant thing to say is specially as iran is continuing to investigate a series of explosions in india. astral accidents that people say are of
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a mysterious nature that have happened throughout the country in recent weeks before that day. in tehran for us 1st let's get more on this and dig a little bit deeper with grown up men so he's the director of the iraq initiative a chance i'm house joins me now via skype from london good to have you with us on the program just for international viewers let's just begin with the significance of this visit by the prime minister to iran it's hot on the heels of the iranian foreign minister arriving in iraq on sunday so what should we read into this in terms of the larger the bigger picture. well i think 1st of all very clearly their relationship the 2 countries is important to both of them particularly in current times with the economy and both countries being really oil producing countries being questioned in challenge as well as with covert 19 and along the border that they share with each other so very clearly both countries need each other and the 2
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are in each other of course the bigger picture as you say is that this prime minister is trying to kind of begin to move iraq out of its battleground out of iraq as a country where you have an experience from iran from the gulf from us and trying to almost begin to formulate an independent foreign policy for iraq one that works for iraq but of course that's a very big task for him to do but this is the beginning of it this is his 1st trip and really will begin to see an indication the extent to which how much words he'll use what types of words to use but also where the action will be on on some of the domestic issues that he's facing he has to be very careful about how he treads because tension has been rising between the 2 countries of course that was the sala money assassination by the u.s. earlier in the year and sort of clamping down on militia groups in iraq be they supporters of all funded by iran iran i suppose really wants to know where it stands with this man who's sort of apparently in charge. well let's keep in
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mind that the iranian decision makers operating in iraq had a veto on their knees premiership from the early days in fact many iranians had accused him of being complicit in the assassination of the general us and stand money at the time he was the head of the iraqi intelligence service so it's been a very bad relationship at that time but over the months i suppose iran also felt you know with all the chaos and budget that they needed anyone so there was a compromise made in iran to grudgingly agree and helped facilitate his premiership and so now they're trying to see how it could work of course all of iranian foreign policy isn't dictated by one strand there are those who are more pragmatic and those that are against. me but very clearly it's a very very fragile relationship and the more that he goes against iranian interests in iraq whether it is going against their militia allies or going against
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some of the economic practices he's been going to the ports and bustle he's been going to sites and border crossings trying to get the state back in there will be a lot of back and forth and for tatts i would say iran may find economically their interest beaking being more and more threatens to be interesting to see how this actually pennzoil in the time ahead for the moment to read out months or thoughts of joining us from london. now germany's foreign minister has called on turkey to stop drilling in the eastern mediterranean if it hopes for any progress in talks with the e.u. also says egypt's decision to send troops abroad for potential military intervention in libya could escalate the conflict egyptian president of the sisi has previously pledged support for forces loyal to all of cleaver hafter that's if tripoli's government and its turkish allies attack the city of sirte the areas controlled by have to forces and is the gateway to libya's oil rich region let's join john psaropoulos our correspondent in athens we were expecting of course the
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german foreign minister to obviously talk about the relationship between turkey and greece but how much of a sort of a curveball was that the also mentioned libya. well it was really all of the same mind search the 2 statements on what he was doing in the eastern mediterranean in water as opposed to be a g. and what it's doing in libya. as you say of course germany wants to avoid escalation in libya the statements of the foreign minister was the decisions on military operations are not to be welcomed but always run the risk of contributing to an escalation rather than having to kill egypt face off over libya the german minister said he would like to see a demilitarized zone around it and the base city of joy for the south and to deescalate the tension surrounding those 2 areas that seems highly
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unlikely because the libyan parliament a week ago invited egyptian assistance apparently the libyan national army is unable to face the onslaught of the government of national called based in tripoli on its own especially given that the g.n.a.t. now has backing so all the events of the past few days and weeks have been leading to a builder rather than a deescalation for the update there is. going to be john that was my not my fault but please finish. well there is a parallel development here in the a.g.m. now again concerning turkish actions the greek armed forces today were placed on amber alert because turkish authorities have issued a navigational telex which says that between now and august the 2nd a turkish hydrocarbon exploration ship your race will be conducting explorations in
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the greek exclusive economic zone greece has warned that it will respond with force if that happens and this standoff has been going on since last november so those armed forces are now on amber alert people have been recalled from leave and people have been placed in battle ready positions in anticipation of what will happen the defense ministry says in a terse statement merely that it is very closely monitoring the situation so we get to go to always good to get the full picture from you john stop listening in athens thank you. so to south asia now a prominent pakistani journalist critical of the country's military has gone missing in the capital islamabad police say john who was last seen outside a school in the camp long choose the morning footage from surveillance cameras show men dragging a driver out of his car into another vehicle rights groups are demanding more information on his whereabouts kemal haida more from the capital. john
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should be remembered a popular journal been angry. for several network air in pakistan and recently one of. the 2 move all. working contempt of court charges against proceeding on going by however had wife. may think that it was. a cell phone. and their clothes. from their school which would of course put in place after that handed it back again that cool and. i recorded to be security forces from the police. here in the form taking him away however the government had not yet commented on a nation on the other hand. coming out against the government.
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against the freedom of the press. that now are getting together to try to move against the government after the ied holiday. about john kerry and. the american couple who pointed guns at the races and protesters have been charged with the unlawful use of a weapon the felony charges against mark and partition mccloskey stem from this display outside them and last month they said they were legally defending their $1000000.00 home from protest as a new shots were fired the couple's lawyer is seeking community service rather than jail time. mollies opposition has called for a pause in protests ahead of the upcoming festival they've been demanding that president. to step down international mediators are heading back to bamako later
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this week to try to find a solution the opposition has already rejected a proposal from the regional bloc and of course calling for a unity government joins us now from neighboring dhaka in and senegal a key demand of those protesters was the resignation of the president what more do you think can mediators do to help reach a sort of consensus. well eco was and led by the mission led by good luck jonathan on sunday said that that would be a red line red line that they wouldn't cross it is out of the question and not even on the table that president democratically elected would be resigning that would be unconstitutional and yet protesters want exactly that they say is no longer legitimate and so one of the recommendations of the eco oss mission is to look at the parliamentary elections that happen in april they want new judges appointed to the constitutional court and that
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a koran is set up of judges of 5 judges to look at the contested results of $31.00 seats most of which have gone to members of the family. or close allies to him but at the heart of this crisis according to one leading opposition expert is the failure. to address the security situation in mali without the presence of the french. wouldn't be in control of the north in the center of the country where there's 4000 french troops as well as 14000 u.n. peacekeeping troops there on the ground to try to help the government to regain control of these areas and other frustration the protesters is the rampant corruption from president allegedly at least from critics from his critics and also the fact that. teachers haven't been paid for 7 months that civil
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servants haven't received their pay so corruption is $1.00 key issue as well as the lack of security in mali now absent in all these negotiation is the french the former colonial power that has 4000 troops on the ground they have a key role to play before the moment they're leaving the negotiations judy ecowas mediation effort with 4 heads of states coming to bamako on thursday to try to broker a deal so nicholas i can duck thank you. now thailand has been relatively successful at handling the current virus pandemic so far but its economy is struggling and is expected to be the most affected in asia the agriculture sector many rice is facing a particularly tough time when he has more from bangkok. farming has never been an easy way to make a living but in thailand these are particularly tough times this year growers of rice and other crops have been hit hard on multiple fronts all beyond their control but. there's not enough water to grow rice probably the rainy season arrived late
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this year and the water in the canal is true salty the farm will be in trouble if there's not enough rain soon because the drought was really bad this year. thailand is the world's 2nd largest exporter of rice but is likely to drop down the list this year the coronavirus pandemic slow demand to thai rice as other produces such as vietnam stockpiled their own product to protect domestic food stocks in case of a shortage now there are freeing up supply flooding the international market which is pushing prices down but not the thai exporters who can't compete on price even though thailand's rice farmers have had a difficult year with drought which affected production warehouses and mills like this are expected the fill up in the months ahead as exports continue to decline they'll have the product to sell but the strong thai currency makes it the most expensive rice in southeast asia exports mayford by 30 percent this year and
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industry leaders worry about the long term future of the sick. we are less competitive now you know why because our labor costs is increasing our land prices increasing and our farmers. you know it's more than 55 years old most of them. next generation they don't want to go into farming so any more growers who've been working the fields their whole lives are also concerned they say a government subsidy. in the form of a price guarantee won't be enough but walking away from farming isn't an option for the incumbent in the uk continue to grow rice i don't know what else i can do i'm getting old and i can't work in the factory and know that i'm not going to make a lot of money but i have to carry on. with around a 3rd of thailand 70000000 people working in agriculture that's a sentiment that will be echoed around the country wayne hay al jazeera bangkok. well still ahead here in sports another historical milestone for christiane the
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rinaldo p.c. we'll have those details in sports so don't go away.
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or. talk about his speech tonight with all of the sport so thank you so much human rights watch has called on the english premier league to take into account saudi arabia's a human rights record when considering the country's takeover bid from newcastle united the build has been with the premier league for months but still no decision has been made the fiance all. murdered saudi journalist jamal's ashaji has called
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for the deal to be blocked and also one of the league's main broadcast partners be in sports want it rejected because of the 5th of their content by the saudi backed a pirate channel be out q human rights watch wants the premier league and the english football association to adopt a human rights policy in line with that of football's governing body fifa christiana rinaldo has become the 1st made a score 50 goals in the english premier league spanish league and the italian said they are with the portuguese striker native penalty to open the scoring on monday against lot c.-o. that brought his harsh same story up for you venters he would score again as you've a 121 it means events on are potentially just one win away from trenching the 9th consecutive league title 8 points clear of into milan with 4 games to go over in portugal f.c. puerto thrashed madea insists 61 on the night that they also received the premier
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league trophy luis thea's open the scoring for porto with a header or errancy equalized before porter reclaim the lead in the floodgates opened. free kick followed by the 1st of 2 goals from takin your soirees 4th of finished 2nd last year to their bitter rivals been figure but they were not to be denied this time around it's the 29th time in porter's history that they have won the portuguese league title. sunday's greek cup final has been postponed the fears of fan violence of the police from petrol bombs and wooden bats near the stadium in athens ek athens and olympiakos who played in the greek super league last sunday were meant to meet in that final but the greek football federation said they are looking a new date and possibly a new venue. u.s. president donald trump has again criticized sports stars who neil doing the national anthem tweeting that it shows disrespect the president also said he's
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looking forward to live sport restarting where the baseball season will restart on thursday but many players are expected to take a knee in support of the black lives matter movement several san francisco giants players knelt during the anthem ahead of an exhibition game against the oakland athletics on monday the giants' manager who joined them said he wanted to support his players and says he's not happy about how the u.s. handles police brutality. fans of the los angeles dodgers can still be in attendance for their game against the san francisco giants albeit as cardboard cutouts the dodgers are offering the chance for fans to send in their pictures of depending on where they want to they cut out to sit it will cost between $150.00 and $300.00 australian eneral did a similar thing in june but fans pranked teams so the dodgers say they'll visit every picture but just over a week away from n.b.a. basketball restarting in a bubble at disney world in florida the l.a.
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lakers will play their 1st game against the clippers in 10 days time lakers star le bron james says he's mentality hasn't changed in the time he's been away but admits it's all a bit strange. iraq has asked me how the bug wore out to go in august says 2020. nothing is normal and. nothing seems as if who knows if it will go back to the way it was you know you make just what is the same as much inmates. in what we have we're here to do but. it's different from the vision of trying to it's not a career paralympic and motorsport hero alex the noddy has been transferred to a special recovery center a month after suffering serious head injuries and a hand bike crash the 53 year old italian has had 3 operations since he collided with a truck during a road race in sienna but he's now been taken out of a medically induced coma which means he can now be moved from hospital to another
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facility for recovery and functional rehabilitation therapy process after the olympic games are pushed back by a year because of the coronavirus pandemic swimming's governing body has announced financial assistance for its athletes pheno will donate nearly $6500000.00 to help swimmers ahead of the olympics which will now take place next year 4000000 dollars will support athletes with expenses for training competitions and living over the next year while an additional 2 $1000000.00 will help athletes who have not yet achieved the olympic qualifying standards with coronavirus also holding the world surf league organizers have announced their nominations for this year's big wave awards and among them the all the front runners for wipeout of the year it's the 1st time fans will get to vote on a category in the league's annual awards among the entrance of 3 wipeouts on hawaii's infamous jewels wave fans have 2 more days to vote online.
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and that's where we leave it most forward latest thanks very much pete and of course you have been watching the al-jazeera news hour with me celeron lot more news after the break and to learn from me and all of the team thanks for your time and your company.
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the earth is a tipping point scientists are telling us right now that we have just 12 years as the world's leaders fail to agree upon a solution. taking matters into their. lives . with its actions to get its understand that it kills people and that it kills people now it's critically both fronts with the people's doors on al-jazeera we call it is that you belong in the club in the center so long. 8 as our southwards dials us that. show documentaries from around the world about those who won't give up their fight
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for justice. al-jazeera selects justice. context these are the things in storytelling around the biggest issues done but had to do you should do it again. the u.k. government under fire for not doing enough to stop russian interference in its democratic institutions. the rommany what you have is there a lot of my headquarters here in doha also coming up after days of acrimonious negotiations european leaders come up with a coronavirus recovery deal worth nearly $860000000000.00.
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elucidations and the feeling of being abducted one mines long battle to overcome the covert 19.


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