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tv   NEWS LIVE - 30  Al Jazeera  July 22, 2020 2:00am-2:34am +03

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yemen war profiteers on al-jazeera really understand the differences on the same cultures across the world so no matter what we are using the calendar for that matter. whether you like the mask or not they have an impact they'll have an effect donald trump appeals to americans to cover their faces and see resumes daily coronavirus briefing. this is out there in life and also coming up the u.s. charges 2 chinese men trying to steal covert 19 vaccine research and accuses china of sponsoring them. a long delayed intelligence report says the u.k.
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government actively avoided investigating russian interference in the brits and referendum. iran's supreme leader calls on the visiting iraqi prime minister to end the u.s. presence in his country. so then u.s. president donald trump has warned that the corona virus outbreak is likely to get worse before it gets better it is a month apart sure from the optimistic picture he's projected so far even as cases continue to rise in many states well trump was speaking of his newly resumed daily coronavirus briefing the 1st since april the public to wear masks and promise to deliver a vaccine as soon as possible united states is the worst affected country in the world more than 141000 whatever 3800000 cases. to join a virus is a vicious and dangerous illness but we've learned
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a great deal about it and who it targets we are in the process of developing a strategy that's going to be very very powerful we've developed as we go along some areas of our country are doing very well others are doing less well it will probably unfortunately get worse before it gets better something i don't like saying about things but that's the way it is i want to analyze some of what the president said we can use an old radio host in a country contributor to the washington diplomats newspaper joins us via skype from washington d.c. welcome to the program so the 3 months away from the election and numbers of 40 i guess is one way of reaching a wider public what did you make of what you civil of course we were all bracing ourselves we were remember the last time president donald trump spoke before that podium regarding the corona virus where he instructed americans that possibly injecting bleach could actually help cure them of the code 1000 virus we hadn't
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heard from the president since stands of course many of us were looking for a reality style presentation that we would get but today was very different we saw a president who stayed on script who was far more certain do than we usually get and someone who again attempted to tout his administration successes rather than harp on the failures and of course it was very different than what we're used to seeing from the president in fact going so far as to say things will get worse before we get better and that's something we have not heard from the president in fact if you go back to a interview he gave this past weekend to fox news the president talked about how the virus would go away and so we saw something very 'd different today you know health experts on how the 95. irrate in fact that was something that was very striking especially when the president was axed about that and he said that dr dr birch was right outside the door and so it's interesting that the president did not
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want to have the medical experts there and it's important given that nearly 2 thirds of americans not only do not approve of the president's handling of the virus but said that they do not trust him to speak about what's happening in real time in the country and when so many people so many millions of americans now trust dr tony more than president down the truck you would think having at least some of those experts next to him to bolster some of the arguments that he was making but again this is a president who tends to rely on his own good his own judgment and we saw that take place in real time at this briefing given this is quite a high risk strategy for the president i mean do you want to give him the catastrophe of the previous briefings you know the injecting disinfectants of will that you just alluded to. do you think this is a high risk for him. this is this is absolutely high risk and i would go so far as to say no reward the president right now is drowning in the polls we're less than
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100 days away from the election and the virus continues to grow exponentially across this country many americans simply do not have the faith and full confidence that that this president can lead the united states out of this crisis and right now people don't want to hear platitudes people want to see results and president donald trump even when he announced that these briefings will continue he talked about ratings we didn't see those experts standing next to the president so clearly the president saw today more ass political theater than trying to reassure americans that he alone can lead the country out of this pandemic and given all of this do you think the election that's coming up in november is it biden's to lose or is it just to start saying that sort of thing well i think it's too early to say at this moment again we still have not held the conventions. former vice president joe biden still has to name a
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a vice president pick so there's still so much left to be held debates to be held there still so much left to take place before you can determine but when we look at the polls you're looking at a snapshot in time and right now what we're seeing is a president who just has an either an unwillingness or an inability to simply turn things around and when you look at not just this pandemic but where things stand particularly in terms of race relations the country has moved past the president and right now the president needs to try to find a way to gain regain his footing not only with the american people with more importantly his base because that's where the president now is beginning to hemorrhage some of those key votes are great to get your perspective on this is a thanks very much indeed. from washington thank you. now nearly 2 dozen potential vaccines for a growing virus under various stages of human testing worldwide and at least 2 are being conducted in brazil one is
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a chinese made drug that's being tested on $9000.00 volunteers the other is being developed by oxford university which has also begun testing in sao paolo to raise about has this report. that denise have run she's was one of the 1st brazilians to receive the oxford vaccine against with 19 she's a dentist in hospital and her exposure to the virus and they need to prevent the spread of the disease is what made her want to become a volunteer for the clinical trials this case would be of us since receiving this vaccine i have had no adverse effects no symptoms or reactions i keep a clinical diary for the researchers and inform them of my temperature i continue working with the same level of exposure to the virus and working full time providing full assistance to this coated patient last month the oxford trials got underway in 3 faces and their brazilian government has signed a letter of intention to have access to around $100000000.00 doses but it's not the
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only vaccine that is being tested on monday the governor of so powerful an ounce 20000 scene of active x.t.s. from china had arrived in brazil sticky testing is now underway and is expected to last for 3 months. this study is controlled by the institute and we're not just participating it will become an open study since we have the 1st evidence on the efficacy of this vaccine and that will allow us to bring the vaccine to the brazilian people quick 3 we have the possibility to become the 1st country in the world to use this vaccine on a large scale so this is a historical moment. more than 2000000 people are infected with a virus in brazil and it has killed at least 80000 others while the testing could one day prove promising some consumer groups awarded to brazil could be left out and that's why there are calls to vote on a law on compulsory licensing only licenses and the leverage is kind of.
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large scale access and pursue should adopt a license and especially the love you it's just bursting congress which is $62.00. train which is i love you that says that each and every technology useful to. today and they make. are subjected to. compulsory license in other words it's nice that no technology should be undermined openly but many say it's unlikely that government. would support the law because he has downplayed the threat of covert 19 brazil is a country of over 200000000 people a vaccine is crucial to help save lives. and to see the. united states is charged 2 chinese men for hiking hundreds of companies including firms
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developing prone to virus frank seems a prosecutors say the pair acted on behalf of chinese intelligence as part of a long espionage campaign targeting global defense and indeed industries because they're also accused of trade secret theft and wire fraud conspiracy you allegations come we call to the united states the united kingdom and kind of are accused russia of trying to steal code with 1000 data china has now taken its place alongside russia iran and north korea in that shameful club of nations that provide a safe haven for cyber criminals in exchange for those criminals being on call for the benefit of the state. here to feed the chinese communist party's appetite for american and other non chinese companies hard earned intellectual property including covert 19 research the u.k. government has been accused of actively avoiding looking into evidence of russian interference during the break that referendum intelligence committee report into moscow's activity in britain called for immediate action russia's foreign ministry
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does dismiss the claims as a russophobia so negiah has its report. in the shadows of britain's democratic process and its economy the threat of interference from russia looms large russia whose is an all encompassing security threat which is fueled by power noise about the west and a desire to be seen as a subject great power companies at malicious cyber activity in order to sept itself aggressively for example by attempting to interfere in other countries elections by pre-positioning itself in other countries critical national infrastructure and this is on the major threat to national security. the warning signs whether the scottish independence referendum in 2014 the 1st post soviet interference in a western democratic election but it raised little curiosity from the government
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this long awaited report paints a picture of a political system rife with complacency when it came to the issue of russian attempts at interference. britain's democratic processes were at stake as was national security so the question remains why did governments take so long to tackle them there is a lot of russians with very close links to. hooten who are now very well integrated into the business political and social scene and was referred to as lending london ground yet few if any questions are being hashed regarding the problems of considerable wealth. this open door approach it provided an ideal mechanism by which illicit finance could be recycled through the london laundromat. it was the government's failure to look into possible russian meddling in the 2016 breck's referendum that spoke to the investigation by m.p.'s no
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evidence of interference has been found but the lack of curiosity to examine that raised alarm in the report after the break said vote it was the turn of the us in the 2016 presidential election u.s. intelligence agencies concluded that russia had been behind cyber attacks on the democratic party to help the eventual winner donald trump it was a wake up call that turned into an uproar after the attempted murder of former double agent said on british soil with a soviet developed nerve agent russia denied it was to blame but it plunged u.k. russian relations to a low not seen since the cold war but it is the undermining of british institutions that is at the heart of this storm the u.k. will have to overhaul its previous approach if it is to have a chance of tackling this new normal sunny day of al-jazeera london. saudi arabia's king solomon has held a cabinet meeting via video call from
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a hospital in riyadh the 84 year old moloch was admitted on monday from 2 concerns about his health and the future of the kingdom is reportedly in a stable condition while being treated for information or the gallbladder. still ahead here on al-jazeera fears that egypt's plans to deploy troops abroad could escalate the conflict and may really be. the police free hostages through bus in ukraine all through 12 hours on the. helo there the heat is still very much on across the northeast of the united states and at the same time we've had some fairly strong thunderstorms working their way face larry across the southeast but also you notice a quite a line of thunderstorms across the central and northern plains so that he's
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a say is on time which is getting up to the high 30 celsius in marathon people trying to cool off obviously in the water doing some a kayaking and in central park in new york as well a very warm day for it is not just the natural temperature is the humidity factored in so it's feeding a lot had the challenges really hovering at about 38 degrees celsius you can see a wide scotching of showers and thunderstorms all the way from eastern canada right way down into all of the texas and to the northern plains it is mostly fine by thursday that rain still very much in the 4 cars some heavy downpours particularly through the ohio valley we could have some really strong thunderstorms but all across the west it is mostly fine and dry but we can see some of the seasonal monsoon rains across the 4 corners region very welcome rains they all say and then some of the heavy rain as we go into wednesday across areas of cuba it will also impact southern areas of florida very very unsettled really across much of the bahamas and then by thursday it's a similar sort of scenario and in fact the rain across cuba really is very heavy particularly the west and it could lead to some flooding.
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growing in farson unforgiving circumstances children learned to play dangerous against. they exist or there are studies that destroy the house and take worn down by frustration and broken promises young men living under the constant threat of imprisonment they took me to the cheap and blindfolded me the time for them to regain control of their lives is when the boys returned to prison life inside and out. on al-jazeera. org or. form.
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i don't know what you had 0 amount of our top stories this hour and u.s. president donald trump has warned that the corona virus outbreak is likely to get worse before it gets better he's urging the public to wear masks and has promised to deliver a vaccine as soon as possible the u.s. is the worst affected country in the world and is dealing with the infections. saudi arabia's king solomon has held a cabinet meeting 5 video call from a hospital in riyadh the 84 year old monica was admitted on monday from to concerns about his health and the future of the kingdom. the united states has challenged 2 chinese men for hacking hundreds of companies including firms developing coronavirus vaccines prosecutors say they carried out a long campaign targeting global defense and in g. industries on behalf of chinese legend. the u.s. secretary of state might pump is calling on other countries to follow the u.k.'s lead in its push back against the actions of the chinese government on penn met with prime minister boris johnson and his british counterpart the dominant rap he
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described china's leaders as a threat and called the handling of the coronavirus pandemic disgraceful the u.s. secretary also praised u.k. for dropping the chinese telecom giant well away from its 5 g. network and suspending its extradition treaty with hong kong that off to beijing impose a sweeping national security law that. we think that the entire world needs to work together to assure that every country including china behaves in the international system in ways that are appropriate consistent with the international order but you can't go make claims for maritime which is that you have no lawful claim to it you can't threaten countries and bully them in the himalayas you can't engage in cover ups and co-opt international institutions like the world health organization we hope we can build out a coalition that understands this threat will work collectively to convey to the chinese communist party it's not in their best interest to gauge in this kind of
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behavior. south korea's neighbor has become the 1st major foreign tech group to retreat from hong kong moving its backup service of users personal data to singapore the firm says it deleted all of its data stored in hong kong shortly after china imposed a new national security law several u.s. tech giants including facebook and google and said they won't process hong kong's government's requests for user data. the mayor of new york city is pushing back against a threat by the u.s. president to deploy federal agents to deal with protests bill de blasio says he'll take donald trump to court if he goes ahead with his plan trump is considering intervention in several democratic led cities including chicago new york and philadelphia he's been critical of the handling of protests against racism and police brutality sparked by the death of george floyd in may. well the white house has already deployed federal agents to the city of portland in oregon which is also run by democrat. they clashed with protesters
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outside the federal courthouse late on monday and the agents were sent in again against the wishes of local and state officials causing anger even within the president's own republican party well democratic senate minority leader chuck schumer has criticized trump's deployment of federal agents he says it won't work it's despicable it's like a 3rd world despotic country you pick up someone no identification drag them somewhere and he doesn't even know or she doesn't even know what's doing and 2nd it's so typical of trump he can't solve the covert crisis testing is a mess the whole country realizes he's an abject failure so he tries to do a diversionary thing but this one is a despicable diversionary thing and it will backfire on him. well the homeland security acting secretary says only those breaking the law and being detained. we are only targeting and arresting those who have been identified as committing criminal acts like any other law enforcement agency does across the country every
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single day of the week we all have a responsibility to condone the violent activity that is occurring night after night major u.s. and european airlines have asked the e.u. and the white house to launch a joint coronavirus testing program to allow travel to resume american airlines united airlines lufthansa and the international airlines group say they want the safe and swift restoration of air travel nearly all europeans are currently barred from traveling to the united states and similar restrictions are in place for americans in most of the european union to south african cabinet ministers have been admitted to hospital with coronavirus efficient number of infections that has passed 373000 south africa accounts for 50 percent of cases in africa iran's 5th in the world after the us brazil india and russia the virus has killed more than 5000 people in the country so far. was a bubble as president has announced
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a dusk till dawn curfew in the effort to contain the spread of the virus and most men and gaga says it will begin on wednesday and will be enforced by security forces critics say the measure is aimed at stopping anti-government protests planned for next week zimbabwe has reported just over 700 infections and 26 deaths iran has reported its highest daily number of deaths since the outbreak began the $229.00 deaths pushed the total to more than $14600.00 and this follows weeks of rising infections across the country this month face month became monday 3 in the close public spaces and further restrictions have been introduced in the worst affected areas including the capital tehran. egypt and sudan say they will keep open negotiations of ethiopia's controversial dam on the river nile even though it's already being filled ethiopia's prime minister meant says they've reached an understanding and that technical discussions will now follow suit on in
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egypt concerned that the ground renascence dam will impact their water supplies that want to filled with out of agreement that ethiopia says the recent rainy season means reservoir already contains a year's worth of water germany has become the latest country to warn egypt not to get militarily involved in libya's conflict comes a day off egypt's parliament approved for its approach but it's not like trying to reports people in the libyan city of misrata say this will only escalate the conflict and i have a lot of hype egypt's president absence at the has sisi has long been a supporter of living warlord khalifa haftar who has failed to take control of the capital tripoli after a 14 month military campaign with egyptian support. his forces have had to retreat back towards their eastern stronghold shortly after that happen in june sisi announced a so-called cairo declaration of political initiative for talks between libya's
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warring sides but it failed to get international traction he is now reportedly considering military intervention. on monday egypt's parliament unanimously approved sending military forces on combat missions abroad. but people in the northwestern live in city of misrata say they don't want more foreign fighters in libya. we refused to libya to become a stage for regional and international proxy wars the libyan fight was in tunnel in the end we are brothers and brothers can fight and then make up but if egypt is intervene they will eventually regret adding to the fire and egypt cousins what did we do to them we love the people but they don't have a decision in this the egyptian government is wrong with this decision city officials say with more than $700.00 men killed in the conflict with hussar their fight for libya to become a democratic country. whether. mr articles for peace but
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we will not be relied on and faced in bani invading force we sacrificed so much to get rid of the dictator and now with the new take to have to the people of misrata will continue until libya becomes a civilian and democratic state. many here in misrata libya's 3rd largest city support the u.n. recognize government in tripoli which is backed by turkey they say they have to use a dictator attempting to take the country back to military rule regional and international leaders are calling for negotiations and peace talks while the german foreign minister on tuesday criticize egypt's plan to deploy troops abroad it's not clear yet if president c.c.u. will intervene in libya by sending troops but many here say if he does the only escalate the conflict and further destabilize the country right now al-jazeera misrata iran's supreme leader says tehran will not interfere in relations between
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iraq and the united states he was speaking off the meeting iraq's prime minister mr hoffa could be in the iranian capital but i tell anyhow many warn that the u.s. is an enemy who doesn't want an independent iraq like sam brown has. iraqi prime minister moustapha to me is the 1st official iran's supreme leader has welcomed face to face and 5 months ayatollah ali how many's matings have been called off until now because of the coronavirus pandemic these talks a privilege reserved to one of iran's most important allies how many using the occasion to warn about the influence of the united states saying it's against an independent iraq and the rivalry between tehran and washington came close to open conflict on iraqi soil earlier this year when the u.s. launched air strikes in baghdad killing iranian military commander.
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must offer them a way into tehran a gets a point out that iraq would not be a battlefield for iran and the u.s. but also aware that iran is crucial to iraq's security as well as its financial recovery from the pandemic. from the iraqi people always aspired to exceptional bilateral cooperation based on mutual respect and without any intervention in domestic affairs we fought against isis and other terrorist groups and iran was the 1st to stand by our side and this cannot be forgotten. while the coronavirus means the visit was socially distant both sides wanted to emphasize the closeness in their relationship more to my own house i am confident that this visit will prove to be a turning point in expanding ties between the 2 countries of iran and iraq that are 2 friends and your brothers had. how to make shows regional rivals iran and
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saudi arabia for his 1st trip since taking power in may another one of the careful balancing act he'll face in office a former intelligence chief became laid it with the support of both washington and tehran after months of political. angling but his 10 years being mocked with a government crackdown on probably raney and paramilitary groups this prime minister is trying to kind of begin to move iraq out of its battleground out of iraq as a country where you have an experience from iran from it out from us and trying to almost began to formulate an independent foreign policy for iraq one that works for iraq but of course that's a very big task for him to do. the rounds president hassan rouhani says his country will work with iraq to ensure the region's security and stability but with the iranian supreme leader vowing to retaliate against the u.s.
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over silly manny's day that stability is far from certain and example on al-jazeera . in guinea 2 people have died in another day of protests against potential reelection bid by the president as several people were wounded in confrontations between security forces and demonstrators president of condé has been facing growing anger after the constitution was changed allowing him to run for a 3rd term in october selections protests resumed on monday after 3 months of relative calm due to coronavirus restrictions. 13 people were taken hostage on a bus in ukraine have been freed on home to after a personal intervention by the president a 12 hour standoff ended soon after the law demands an entity spoke to the hostage taker and agree to his demand to endorse an animal rights documentary the president posted a video encouraging people to watch the 2005 film things before the captives were released in the city of the us the hostage taker who was armed with guns grenade
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surrendered and has been detained. if there was an unusual show of support for joining us on the side of london court on tuesday morning. the british fashion designer vivienne westwood dressed in yellow likely herself to a canary in a john bird cage she told supporters the u.s. request to extradite the wiki leaks founder on espionage charges was a stitch up she's been a long time supporter of the songs and said he's like a bird that's been locked up. so this is these are the top stories and the u.s. president has warned the corona virus outbreak is likely to get worse before it gets better donald trump urged the public to wear masks from promise to deliver vaccine as soon as possible the u.s. is the worst affected country in the world with more than 141000 deaths whenever
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3800000 cases. my kind has more now from washington d.c. it was a somewhat measured president compared to his previous performances at these briefings the 1st one in a number of months but once again the president believing the role for the most part that he describes himself as america's cheerleader attempting to pay every vote of the picture pandemic that continues to rip through the majority of us states still climbing cases coronavirus recorded and certainly the death rate as well the united states has charged 2 chinese men for hiking hundreds of companies including firms developing coronavirus vaccines prosecutors say they carried out a long campaign targeting global defense and it industries on behalf of chinese intelligence so to arabia's king solomon has held a cabinet meeting via video call from a hospital in riyadh the 84 year old monaco was admitted on monday ponting concerns
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about his health and the future of the kingdom. south korea is never has become the 1st major foreign tech group to retreat from hong kong leaving its backups of users personal data to singapore at the firm says it deleted all of its data stored in hong kong shortly after china imposed a sweeping national security law several u.s. tech giants including facebook and google have said they will not process hong kong government requests for use it data egypt in sudan say they will keep open negotiations ethiopia's controversial dam on the river nile even though it's already being filled the prime minister ahmed says they've reached a common understanding that technical discussions will follow suit on and egypt concerned that the ground in a sense dam will impact their water supplies and don't want it filled without an agreement. you know state with headlines here and odds are good when he's coming up right off the 11 he's. a global pandemic mass protests demanding change
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economic recession and geopolitical tensions not to mention the small matter of a looming election join me steve clemons in conversation with leading voices on the bottom line your weekly take on u.s. politics and society on al-jazeera. we have over 10000 new cases. 102000 voters tested positive 14000 hospitalized. the frontline battle is in the health care system. a deadly pandemic has cut a swathe through america's biggest cities and filipino nurses are in the hospital battle filipino nurses they are very friendly you are very carrying 150000 nurses from the philippines make up the largest foreign contingent of health care
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workers in the united states. but for somebody.


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