tv NEWS LIVE - 30 Al Jazeera July 23, 2020 5:00am-5:34am +03
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we're trying to just actually get people to understand that it kills people and it kills people now it's medically both roads return back to people's doors or no jazeera. the arab . today i'm announcing a surge of federal law enforcement in 2 american communities plagued by violent crime. donald trump says federal forces will be deployed to chicago and albuquerque democrats say it's a political stunt to boost the flagging reelection campaign. this is out there alive from the heart also coming up spying claims in a mysterious fire china is ordered to shut its consulate in the u.s. 5th used as a diplomatic war intensifies. california now has the largest number of coronavirus
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cases in the u.s. to pass in new york. cemeteries overflowing and hospitals running out of space desperation in bolivia as the government wants a virus will reach its peak only in or. so he's been criticized for his response to the worsening coronavirus pandemic and to the demands for racial justice following george ford's death going just over 3 months to go before the presidential election donald trump is taking action and talking tough on 2 other fronts as administration has ordered china's houston consulate to be shut down in the latest move against beijing and in the past few hours the president has announced that hundreds of federal law enforcement officers will be sent to the cities of chicago and albuquerque to combat what he calls rising crime state governors and city officials all democrats say this is
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a political stunt mike hanna as it's. the concern about federal involvement was sparked by scenes like this from portland oregon to weeks of anti racism protests federal troops in unmarked uniforms moved in confronting demonstrators and detaining them in unmarked vehicles much to the end of the state's governor this is a democracy not a dictatorship and we cannot have secret police abducting people into and putting them in unmarked vehicles. i cannot believe i have to say that to the president of the united states now the president has announced his intention of sending federal offices to several other cities today i'm announcing a surge of federal law enforcement into american communities plagued by violent crime will work every single day to restore public safety protect our
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nation's children and bring violent perpetrators to justice for months president trump has regularly tweeted law and order in capitals and this decision is regarded by many as a campaign ploy in an election year. the political nature of his gambit underlined by the fact that he's talked at in cities run by democratic party mayors we don't need federal agents without any insignia taking people off the street in a holding down i think unlawful that's not what. the mayors of several major cities have sent this letter to the attorney general blasting the proposed deployment the letter reads in part these are tactics we expect from authoritarian regimes not our democracy that has been an especially violent summer atlanta has seen
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a 300 percent spike in shooting victims compared to the same week in july last year in new york city over the past week shooting victims are up more than 200 percent. mounting frustration during this pandemic and widespread anger at police has led to what many view as a perfect storm of increased violence that federal involvement could intensify rather than fickle mike hanna al-jazeera washington well philadelphia's top prosecutor has warned that federal agents will face criminal charges if they on lawfully assault or arrest anybody in the city if they choose to follow the law then we all get along famously and if they choose not to follow the law then they will discover that there are laws in the commonwealth of pennsylvania that can be used to prosecute. it is certainly my hope that their behavior will be entirely legal but based on what i saw in portland it is my opinion that some of their
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behavior looks like criminal conduct. all right well let's take this only to speak not to their plumber who's a democratic strategist 2 served in both the obama administration and on the presidential campaign for me a sector state john kerry joins us live from washington d.c. but there are probably. the president says he has no other choice other than to do this to deploy this as he puts it in federal troops there and just the election nearing maneuver firstly thank you for having me listen i have to say then what we've seen from this president is not real leadership we have not seen from him someone who has even to lead this country musi toward better angels and i would have to argue that what we're seeing right now and his quote of the law and order strategy is really nothing but an election year ploy to directed at democratic cities to try to demonstrate it is they said he is the quote law and order
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president if you recall 4 years ago he said i alone to fix the problems plaguing america and what we've seen out of this president is higher unemployment we've seen him again many other western countries have been able to handle a completely go off the rails we see now i just pointed 1000 americans die as a result of the pandemic we're seeing economic calamity we're seeing unrest in the streets and we're also seeing a president that has absolutely no clue as to what's happening in cities and has absolutely no plan in order to 16 of these issues he said the federal troops into chicago and it looks like chicago despite what you say actually some help doesn't it because it's experiencing this uptick in gun violence dozens of being shot daily 60 shot and 12 killed over the weekend those that need help. what i would argue is that what we're seeing it with state local governments is that they need resources from the federal government we've seen from this administration we've
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seen from republicans in congress an unwillingness to actually give the states and localities the resources that they need to actually handle the issues that they are addressing and we also recognize the constant context in which we are actually seeing all these things happen again you have people who have been at home who are now calling home more than 4 months because then adequacy of this ministration we are seeing unemployment levels greater than we saw in the 1930 s. around the great depression and so yes there are issues for sure that are happening but again what we've not seen is a real strategy to address these issues and we have all have a responsibility to make sure their democracy is working president trump is doing in those who support him like our attorney general is with flouting the loss of our country and i really think making situations worse especially what we're here in
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chicago. does want to confrontation for that will key into his base well into his strategy will work in that sense. what's what's really interesting is that there are a number of holes and shown that. trump was actually losing on this cortical law and order strategy so a.b.c. news washington post poll recently biden has a 9 point lead over trump when it comes to issues of security and law and order kaiser family foundation has a template lead by over trump the one percent to 44 percent when it comes down to the issues of safety and crime so poll of the close are showing that trial actually does not have a winning hand when it comes to this and give i think what people are seeing is that the emperor has no clothes again though your leadership on crime and safety issues they are leadership on economic issues though your leadership on the public see the public health issues are very clear and as we get closer to the elections i
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think that's just going to really exacerbate conceal for the president their public just great to get your analysis appreciate that thanks a lot thanks for having me. the u.s. and china have traded threats and criticism over the coded pandemic hong kong in the south china sea well now the diplomatic war between the 2 global powers has a new focus beijing has been given 72 hours to shut down its consulates in the u.s. city of houston this is the latest in a series of actions meant to punish china for what the trauma of ministration calls undiplomatic behavior and chinese officials are threatening to retaliate roselyn jordan has more. it's a scene straight out of a spy film employees at the chinese consulate in houston burned documents before they're forced to leave the u.s. on friday the expulsion of the 60 diplomats and their families is just the latest step taken by the u.s. against a country it considers a national security threat we are setting out clear expert taishan for how the
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chinese communist party is going to behave and when they don't who are going to take actions that protect the american people protect our security our national security and also protect our economy and jobs even before the u.s. officially announced the closure on wednesday officials in beijing were condemning the move you don't. maybe this is intentional sabotage to buy national relations and it's extremely outrageous china strongly condemns it and which is the u.s. side to withdraw its decision otherwise china will definitely take unnecessary and legitimate response the top administration's decision is the latest in a string of what it calls punishments for china's recent actions imposing tariffs on hong kong goods after beijing revoked its autonomy officially opposing chinese efforts to claim the south china sea as its own imposing sanctions to protest the alleged abuse and imprisonment of weaker muslims and what washington has insisted
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was beijing's failure to warn everyone about covert 19 before the virus outbreak turned into a global pandemic later on wednesday senators grilled deputy secretary of state stephen wiig and during a hearing about the administration's china policy i know you argue that this president and the administration has been uniquely successful with china and i know you're good at your job before the hearing devolves into a hearing bashing china on the world health organization for the code pandemic let me assure you blame game politics won't save american lives some analysts say that despite the administration's harsh rhetoric there may well be justification for closing the houston called to light prolonged time the chinese have gone after. internet related technology. much of which is texas is a sensible step from that. the trumpet ministration says by closing the chinese consulate in houston it's punishing beijing for its bad behavior but political
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opponents say the white house strategy could backfire by encouraging its chinese counterparts to retaliate rosalyn jordan al-jazeera alexandria virginia. u.s. states and territories have reported more than 1100 new deaths from coronavirus that that's the highest daily toll since may and the most populous state that's california now has the highest number of infections in the country supports in new york the spike has been attributed to the state a prenup and most of its economy since may there are now nearly 415000 cases in california but more people have died in new york california has had to reimpose restrictions on businesses. south korea's economy has plunged into recession after suffering its worst decline in more than 2 decades the knock on effect from the pandemic hit exports and factory output of causing the economy to contract 3.3 percent in june i compared to the previous quarter analysts predict asia's 4th
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largest economy will slowly recover during the 2nd half of the year. air strikes in western afghanistan have killed 45 people a district governor in the province of herat says at least 8 civilians died in the attacks which he blamed on afghan forces members of the taliban were also killed in afghanistan's defense ministry has launched an investigation still ahead here on al-jazeera why indonesia's politicians have been accused of failing to protect society's men's final. hello there bit of a break from the heavy rains across japan over the next couple of days not so the korean peninsula plenty of cloud on its way bringing some very heavy downpours but meanwhile back across into china of course more rescue operations underway and this
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is a particularly huge one as you can see just look at all those rescuers in that boat as many as 10000 people have already been rescued from the buildings but there are still several 1000 trapped inside and see why when you see all the see the the depth and the breadth of those folks waters that 1st has a say this is the day for a very heavy downpours across the korean peninsula this could also lead to flooding is beginning to push into western as a japan and such will make more headway on friday very heavy rains in particular across q show and it'll take a while before it pushes into central home sure but a much better day really across the central and eastern as a china still some rain but a lot lighter than we have seen of lace meanwhile across into south asia very heavy rains here of course bangladesh but also the northeast of india here are pictures coming out of to the states as you can see again of course the fed which is really in some cases several meters deep so people doing what they can to get about now this move very heavy rain in the forecast again to the northeast through much of nepal behind the dash the northeastern states and all the while training back into
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all central and southern regions of india. mexico's coded 19 death toll is one of the one time with one in 5 of its inhabitants living in the capital with the deadly absolutely inevitable to take over for the 1000000 visitors every day there's really no way that they can go through this thing going without full. full has the governments on orthodox strategy lead to unnecessary suffering. frontline mexico the fight against 19 on al jazeera. rule. or.
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tell you what you are there remind of our top stories this hour the u.s. president says he's going to send hundreds of law enforcement officers to the cities of chicago and albuquerque donald trump says it's to combat rising crime offices already in portland in oregon they've been accused of detaining protesters without justification. the u.s. government has ordered beijing to close its consulate in houston saying it's to protect american intellectual property and chinese foreign ministry has denied reports his staff had been burning documents inside the building. california has surpassed new york to become the u.s. state with the largest number of coronavirus cases the spike in cases has been attributed to the state opening place whose economy since may. the number of creative ice cases in latin america has now exceeded the 4000000 mark and several countries reporting increasing rates of cave in 1000 including bolivia where police
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say they've recovered hundreds of bodies from streets and homes and will repel a has more. in bolivia a special police unit is tasked with recovering bodies from people's homes in the cities of la paz and santa cruz authorities say they've recovered $420.00 bodies from homes streets and automobiles over a span of only 5 days. the vast majority are believed to be deaths from code 19 it's a sign the health crisis in the country is accelerating now more to the 30 and 32 of my relatives have died we went to the hospital and they didn't take care of them they told us the hospitals were all crowded we went to several hosp. no my 2 closest relatives have died from medical negligence the government does nothing. coronavirus cases in bolivia have surpassed 60000 and there are predictions the number of cases could double in the next 2 weeks this exponential rise in corona virus cases is also playing out in several other countries in the americas with
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alarming rates of contagion in ecuador colombia and others joined the last week there were on was 900000 new cases a nearly 22000 deaths reported in our region most of there is within brazil mexico of the united states of america. on tuesday evening mexico surpassed 40000 coronavirus deaths it's the 2nd highest death toll in latin america just behind brazil. people need to know the epidemic is still active that we have to stay home engage in social distancing etc or guarantee some moral commitment from health officials but everyone needs to do their part. despite a reopening of mexico's economy the still worsening outbreak is expected to lead to new lock downs as cases surge. latin america remains one of the worst affected
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regions of the world the pan american health organization so the crisis in the region shows no signs of slowing down world health experts are also expressing concern over contagion rates in central america where countries are reporting the highest weekly death tolls since the start of the pandemic. al-jazeera. well catherine labor is the director of the information network a group that analyzes political dynamics and social justice issues and she says believe his public health system cannot cope with a growing number of patients. let me issue is that the year the protocol dictates that bodies should be cremated if they have the person has died of coke that the problem is there aren't very many of them to cremate there's a backlog and who are procedures in terms of identifying who is infected who is not the cause of death and so what we have is that last week in cochabamba
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a one week backlog so people are having to keep their loved ones in their home or in worse case than they are going to put them out on the street and you know the health system the public health system has collapsed private clinics are full in cochabamba a city of a 1000000 people there are approximately 50 respirators in intensive care units there's no way that they can meet the demand people are so desperate scrambling for oxygen if they can afford it and many times people who can't afford it would have to pay $30000.00 you know in a private hospital there's just nowhere for people to turn right now and nope that solution. brazil has reported almost $68000.00 new coronavirus cases over the last 24 hours taking the total number of infections to $2200000.00 presidents a job also has tested positive for the virus for a 3rd time reported
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a fever on 2 of the 7th the government now says means in good health about sonars says he's taking the malarial drug hydroxy chloroquine which most studies have found to be ineffective in treating covert 90 is often dismissed the disease is a little flu brazil has the 2nd biggest outbreak in the world after the united states more than 82700 people have died. the u.s. house has voted to remove statues a confederate leaders from the capitol building the bill was passed 53052113 house majority leader said removing statues honoring those who serve the confederate states of america during the civil war is an act of principle and conviction the move is the latest in a nationwide push to take down historical symbols of racism and oppression from public places. the self-confessed middleman in the murder of a maltese journalist has been found with serious knife wounds just hours before a court hearing it's unclear if melvin through much tried to kill himself the
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former taxi driver was given a presidential pardon and immunity in exchange for evidence about the case deftly karuna against multis journalist dane for exposing government corruption was killed by a car bomb near her home 3 years ago. russia's judiciary has come under fire for gerry and prominent historian yuri to be to have was convicted of sexually abusing his adopted daughter a charge he denies human rights groups and activists say he was jailed over his work on covering massacres during the rule of the soviet leader joseph stalin supporters say his focus on start and crimes is seen as incompatible with the state's view of russian history to be treated with sentenced to 3 and a half years in prison but is expected to be released within months because of time already served. some of my greatest desire now i would really like to see my father and hide him i hope that i will see him tomorrow but unfortunately without the possibility of hiding
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him however i hope that this will happen very soon. no child rights activists in indonesia have condemned legislators for failing to. govern officials and. drugs because they've been dealing with the coronavirus problem rick just to washington. in this is. this is where children can come together to play seeing and to be safe it's a place for children who would otherwise spend all day on the street. is a volunteer at the shelter she spent her youth on the streets and she knows firsthand how perpetrators of sexual abuse target these children. living on the streets or sleeping in front of shops is a nice but if someone suddenly offered you access to an apartment facilities who would refuse there's no concept of social distancing here but these children food and a safe place to rest are more pressing concerns and covert 19 the volunteers who run
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the shelter say sexual predators use accommodation and food to target children. and. street children are very much at risk of sexual violence that's why we have to be patient embrace them and protect them but in many parts of the country children have been left to fend for themselves this is just one of many shelters across indonesia which has closed its doors because of covered 19 precautions alone on the streets and with nowhere to go child rights activists say children are now at even greater risk of becoming victims of abuse. this month a number of child abuse cases have sparked calls for change including the case of a 65 year old french national who was arrested late last month accused of abusing more than $300.00 children in jakarta the accused committed suicide in his jail cell most of his victims were children on the street he lured them to hotels by
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pretending to be a photographer. before the corona virus outbreak the number of cases of abuse of children was already high the situation's only got worse now because there are more opportunities for the abuse to happen. despite this legislators have dropped a sexual violence eradication bill from their agenda. because it's not that we don't think the bill is important it's just a technical consideration we're finishing a bill about handling covert 19 we don't have time to finish the other bills activists say combating sexual abuse should be a priority and laws need to be strengthened. if they refuse to discuss the bill it means they fail to understand the need for protection for women and children against sexual violence. life has always been dangerous for children on the streets but the pandemic has highlighted just how vulnerable they are just washington al-jazeera jakarta sudan has appointed 18 civilian governors as the country
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continues to transition into democracy from military rule the prime minister says they will begin their jobs in a couple of days the point it's a part of a power sharing agreement signed last year between the military and protesters rallying for leadership change also announced a cut in fuel subsidies as he works towards qualifying sudan for international funding. to give a security ministry has defended officers accused of acting correctly during protests in conakry. 2 people were killed when police fought with demonstrators the funeral for one of the victims took place on tuesday and minister albert don't tank morris says some protesters in stolen uniforms may have used illegal weapons against the police and i wanted. the money we did not receive a single complaint about the behavior of our officers who i say again were exemplary regarding other allegations or accusations we ask for the evidence to conduct a proper internal inquiry i believe that the forces acted in an exemplary way
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during the band protests. q 8 samir is traveling to the united states for medical care after undergoing surgery over the weekend 91 year old shakes medallists about was admitted to hospital on saturday for unspecified medical treatment crown prince shaikh no a fall out with all sub has temporarily taken over some of his responsibilities. all right there is one year to go until the delayed olympics tokyo 2020 was of course postponed because of coronavirus a bit with the virus far from contained the games are still very much in doubt as david stokes now reports. back in the pool for the 1st time in months like so many olympic athletes brazilian swimmer and the marcela has been unable to train properly because of the pandemic but with the reopening of facilities in rio she can now refocus on getting ready for the perspiring games in tokyo a year from now. it's
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a good time for us to go back looking forward to the 2021 and then picks the field and starting over to fill it dreams. brazil is the world's 2nd most infected country with more than 80000 deaths so athletes at the olympic training center must follow strict biosecurity rules but it beats training at home. don't present i came back from denmark with a knee problem in june and was in quarantine training at home is not the same as training here i'm very motivated to recover quickly and return 100 percent in preparation for tokyo a year to go but doubts and uncertainty remain about what the olympics will look like or if they'll even go ahead at all with a worldwide containment of the coronavirus seemingly some way off it will be a huge challenge to stage qualifying events and then bring 11000 athletes to tokyo not to mention spectators and broadcasters this is a member of the task because we cannot prepare or be games as we are used to in
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fact there we have to prepare for multiple scenarios of the games we have to take all these seem to work out what and what may happen the international olympic committee estimates the delay will set them back 8 $100000000.00 but what's less clear is the size of the bill facing japanese taxpayers before the perspire at the games were already set to cost more than $12000000000.00 all $42.00 venues have been secured for next year but if it is stage without fans the loss of ticket revenue will hit hard despite. the grim economic landscape though organizers remain hopeful they can keep hold of existing sponsors and maybe even attract new ones to think is that if the businesses are in dire circumstances because of coronavirus but still there are companies who are coming forward to say they want to sponsor the games which we appreciate very much it's a bright piece of news. tokyo last hosted the games in 964 if they
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do return in 2021 that unlikely to be such a grand affair with organizers already scaling back their original plan but given the global situation with 365 days to go getting the frame later told would be a victory in itself providing some light at the end of a very dark tunnel david stokes al-jazeera. so this is a 0 these are the top stories and the u.s. president says he's going to send hundreds of law enforcement officers to the cities of chicago and albuquerque donald trump says it's to come but rising crime officers are already in portland in oregon they've been accused of detaining for testers without justification $100.00 is in chicago and he has more. as about a week ago 373 people had been killed in the city of chicago that's about 100 more
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than at this same point just a year ago so we're on pace to have 700 deaths that's a very high number in a city that often has high numbers so it is a violent year but i spoke to a federal law enforcement source and he said this would be very different then what happened in portland in portland you had a bunch of federal officials in cammo gear with helmets and pads they were protecting federal buildings from vandalism but they were also going out and chasing down vandals these federal law enforcement source that i spoke to here in chicago says it will be entirely different that no one will see than the officers here on this street. and the u.s. government has ordered beijing to close its consulate in houston saying it is to protect american intellectual property the chinese foreign ministry has denied reports that staff had been burning documents inside the building. a california was supposed to new york to become the u.s. states with the largest number of coronavirus cases a spike in cases has been attributed to the state
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a pretty most of its economy since may. south korea's economy has plunged into recession off to suffer his worst decline in more than 2 decades the knock on effect from coronaviruses has hit exports and factory output causing the economy to contract 3.3 percent in june that's compared to the previous quarter. as strikes in western afghanistan have killed at least 45 people a district governor in the province of herat says at least 8 civilians died in the attacks which he blamed on afghan forces members of the taliban were also killed afghanistan's defense ministry has launched an investigation the united states has denied any involvement right up to date with the headlines here and out there got more news coming up right after front line mexico. as protests rage over police brutality and coronavirus grips the nation campaigning on the election trail has been forced to take
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a back seat will the presidential candidates ever hit the road and sell their brand of politics to americans before the vote follow the u.s. elections on a. this is how paramedics me duty come warner says you'll be a fine fish fish. racing down a highway on the outskirts of mit's great city trying to find a horse between the holes in response time covert action just 39 years on the run for a. lot. of. the mexico cases kept rising death toll is now higher than italy and spain. with dodi and surf you run the government every day trying to help their patients well protecting themselves.
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