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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  July 29, 2020 4:00pm-5:01pm +03

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this is al jazeera. hello i'm rob matheson and this is the news hour live from doha coming up in the next 60 minutes as the authorities in vietnam warn of a major coronavirus outbreak hong kong is also bracing for the worst. unprecedented in modern history only 10000 pilgrims attend this year's college in mecca the colors of the pandemic. u.a.e. backed separatists in southern yemen say they're abandoning demands for self rule.
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and the hunt for the missing billions in one of germany's biggest foreign scandals . i'm joining the with the sports including south a major league baseball fan now the miami marlins have the upcoming games despite as the team battles occurring to find southbank. countries and cities in asia praise for effectively tackling the pandemic are now raising the alarm over new infections vietnam's prime minister says every city and province is at risk of an outbreak after being virus free for months hong kong's leaders also warning the city is on the verge of a large scale outbreak and that the hospital system there is at risk of collapsing . meanwhile in india a new report says more than half of the people in mumbai slums have had coronavirus about 40 percent of the city's population lives in shanties in the u.k.
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a report by m.p.'s criticizes the government for sending thousands of patients into care homes without testing them britain has imposed a 2 require 900 for people coming from spain as it records a resurgence in new cases and africa's fragile health care system is burdened with nearly 900000 new cases more than half of them are reported in south africa scotland has more from bangkok. vietnam has been viewed as a success story during the covert 1000 pandemic through centralized quarantine and strict contact tracing the country of 95000000 people had no deaths from the disease with the borders sealed the government encouraged to travel. but things took a turn for the worse last weekend when the central city of denying was hit by an outbreak the 1st cases of local transmission in months the city was locked down and domestic tourists were sent home just before the airport was shut for 2 weeks and
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now there are cases linked to demand in vietnam's 2 largest cities and city and even in the central highlands the prime minister has called on all regions to be on alert and then old provinces doing high risk all provinces should raise their alert level chairman and general secretaries of each province should take action how should the entire political system. one case in the capitol hill no it was a worker at a pizza restaurant who had returned from a trip today despite these cases some feel that the government has the ability to control the potential next wave of covert 19. ministry of health has gained much more experience in combating to virus and his face waves this time i think them also pos quite soon because we have experience and in hong kong which so far has been spared from a high number of cases the city's leader is warning of a potential large scale outbreak after local transmissions surged the most strict
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measures since the outbreak began were enacted on wednesday for at least a week no gatherings of more than 2 people and no dining in restaurants thailand has also been viewed as a success story with no locally transmitted cases in more than 60 days time officials are no doubt looking nervously at their neighbors after these recent spikes in cases of 90 mm that's because the government here has also encouraged domestic travel and tourism to help the ailing economy al-jazeera bangkok and is with anonymous in new delhi and explains why india's infection rates may be far higher than the other official figures. the results are very much a reflection of what independent health experts have been saying for a long time now which is that because india is still not conducting enough tests it has one of the lowest per capita testing in the world that the real number of infections in india are at least 10 times the reported number and possibly even up
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to 40 times while the official number for mumbai is around $100.00 and again it's a fraction of the millions who. says have antibodies and this is very much in line with the last one which was done in the capital. last week showed that it's 20000000 people have antibodies have had coronavirus and here in the cases have been coming down the last few weeks bought yesterday on tuesday. to explain why it's conducting off the number of the most accurate. tests that it's capable of and conducting twice that number of tests which as accurate so. that it's coming down. to conduct more tests and to conduct more tests all over the country the prime minister promised in the. in mumbai not far from. noida and also in kolkata to
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continue with this drive to test more people to have a more accurate picture of the situation in the country. but here governments being criticised by its own m.p.'s for discharging functions of patients from hospitals into care homes without testing them 1st across party committee report says the initial decision was reckless polling that accused ministers of being slow to support social care during the crisis around 25 patients were sent to care homes in england in march and april to free up hospital. more than the british reports. in london rory these are very strong words the decision was reckless appalling. yeah they are tough words you're right that they've come from the public accounts committee he says as a cross party group of m.p.'s that essentially it's haast with scrutinizing
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government policy and working out whether a sufficient and effective they look at spending they look at how well the policy is actually done and in this report they've been looking at the health and social care sexes and how government policy. is to react well or badly to the coronavirus pandemic and they were looking at lots of different things by various different recommendations but you're right there toughest language and then most strident criticism was to do with this policy that was put into practice late march and the 1st half of april and this was a time when they or everyone was expecting a huge onslaught of coronavirus patients to hit the national health service and the governor was frantically trying to free out beds inside the n.h.s. and one of the things they did to free up beds was to ask hospitals to discharge
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patients who would be medically fit many of those were elderly and many of those people had come from care homes and then was sent back into care homes and crucially they were sent back into care homes without being tested so we don't know how many people died as a result of this but we do know that their care home saxa was. dramatically hits by coronavirus with a huge number of deaths maybe some of those were voidable and we can listen now to make him leah who is the chair of the public accounts committee how she describes it. it was an appalling era just as soon you could take people out of hospital which was in itself not a bad thing but then just to put them into cat homes without the right protection around them and what was really bad was when this became more apparent so the government has a we perhaps weren't sure about it well you can argue about that but when it became more apparent there wasn't really then a solution on the proper support and yet the minister was talking about a ring of support around care homes they feel empty words now when you know what
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happened people dying alone without their family there. so what this report is intended to do is to make sure that the deficiencies are mistakes that the government committed in its response to the initial wave of coronavirus these and repeated repeated for any 2nd wave for if and when it comes along the the committee is requiring the government to responds to its recommendations by september. rory just briefly we were also talking an hour on in the program about the fact that the u.k. has instituted this 2 week quarantine for people returning to the u.k. from spain i know there's been a certain amount of speculation in the u.k. about 5 or not other countries are going to be added to that do we have any more information about what is going on. you know this is still speculative we know who that boris johnson has been talking up what he says is
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already a 2nd wave taking place in europe at the moment that spain was at its at the core and seeing list over the weekend in a somewhat of a surprise move countries that are being talked about that might follow spain of belgium luxembourg croatia but nothing definitive yes of course the travel industry is up in arms of the moment saying this is a. policy that leaves everyone in chaos that people can't predict whether they're going to quarantine when they get back from any country that they might be traveling to over the next few days and they want to see different measures taken they want to see perhaps testing be done to airports testing being done what an after week after you get back to being more specific about the areas that people are trying to not blanket bans blanket quarantine for a whole countries story johns reporting for us from london rory thank you very much indeed well the i know muslim pilgrimage to mecca known as the hobs has begun under very different circumstances this year millions usually travel to saudi arabia but
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for the 1st time in modern history worshippers from abroad are not allowed to take part authorities have cordoned off the holy called saying pilgrims will not be able to touch it it is the kingdom's 2nd biggest source of revenue after oil bringing in billions of dollars from all one called the mountain is director of political studies at the out of center for search and policy studies and he's joining us here in doha by skype thank you very much indeed for being on the program just how significant is this change to saudi arabia. i think it's pretty significant because i'm so here and yes that of the 9 employees in case number one is mainly that i've talked to factors that the last one was being the host and because of what you're going to do about him most and the hogan eyes are of the most important picture that was just a joy it's not just how just. because of the kind of uncovered circumstances because the koran of course i mean so i get it you don't want to be able actually to organize as as usual and the 2nd fact of course as you know is as all get in is
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that it's the major oil exporter in the world and as you said also that would have picked some good it yet because given up the collapse and like i say is sort of get it also by not being able to organize hijazi which is what it is it was a more as i put it in what i saw something come when i mean when because i saw it it gets more than 50 but even though that's a. big images coming and changing but either i've been tied up to hide or soul and i talk about dying which is a big thing nice quality so decent are the 2 main effects that i want back in saudi arabia what is it it's that mean as that is to get up to all of your wants and the other one is you know is in this media source following the call give me i'm going to interrupt you there because i wanted to take offense to the white house i believe it is distance for a live event. this includes optimizing our
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force presence worldwide directing our time money and manpower toward our highest priorities implementing our immediate response force contingency response force and dynamic force employment enhanced readiness concepts and moving toward greater use of rotational forces from the united states to enhance our strategic flexibility and operational unpredictability as we've done over the past few months with our bomber task forces. we're pursuing several other initiatives under this rubric as well there are currently more than a half dozen combat command reviews underway beginning with u.s. africa command which began late last year and most recent being u.s. space command today we want to update you on the status of our u.s. european command review which was accelerated with the president's decision in early june to reduce our footprint in germany and our plans to reposition our forces in europe to be better situated for great power competition. it is important
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to note that in nato's 71 year history the size composition and disposition of u.s. forces in europe has changed many times sometimes this is been a result of changes in the threat sometimes because of other changes in the international environment and sometimes simply because the borders between nato countries and russia have shifted as new allies have joined as we've entered a new era of great power competition we are now at another one of those inflection points in nato history and i'm confident the alliance will be all the better and stronger for it since june eucom is done excellent work in developing a plan that achieves the president's objective and meets the following 5 principles that i gave general walters as he and his staff began their planning 1st enhanced deterrence of russia 2nd strengthen nato 3rd reassure allies 4th improve u.s.
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strategic books ability and you come operational flexibility and 5th take care of our service members and their families in the process the president approved the eucom plan in late june we briefed key members of congress last week and the team and i spoke with nato secretary general stoltenberg and directly affected allies over the past few days as we share the plan with you i want to note that this plan is subject to and likely will change to some degree as it evolves over time. the current eucom plan worry position approximately 11900 military personnel from germany from roughly 36000 down 224000 in a manner that will strengthen nato and hance the deterrence of russia and make the other principles i set forth of the 11900 nearly 5600 service members we will be repositioned within nato countries and approximately 6400 will return to the united states though many of these or similar units will begin
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conducting rotational deployments back to europe the broad strokes of these moves are as follows. first various united states headquarters will be consolidated in locations in europe outside of germany including in some cases co-locating at the same locations as their nato counterparts in belgium and italy this will strengthen nato and improve the operational efficiency and readiness of over 2000 service members in these headquarters 2nd the nearly 4500 members of the 2nd cavalry regiment will return to the united states as other stryker units begin continuous rotations farther east in the black sea region giving us a more enduring presence to enhance deterrence and reassure allies along nato's southeastern flank 3rd the 25th $2500.00 airmen based in milton hall united kingdom who are responsible for aerial refueling and special operations and who had been scheduled to rebase to germany will remain in the united kingdom thus ensuring
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the an in an interrupt the readiness and responsiveness of these units 4th a fighter squadron and elements of a fighter wing will be repositioned to italy moving them closer to the black sea region and better capable of conducting dynamic force implements and rotational deployments to nato south eastern flank. in addition to these moves and the rotational forces announced by president trump and polish president due to end $21000.00 we also plan on rotating for the late element of the army's newly established 5th corps headquarters to poland once were saw signs a defense cooperation agreement and burden sharing deal as previously pledged there are may be other opportunities as well to move additional forces into poland and the baltics our aim is to implement these moves as expeditiously as expeditiously as possible consistent with the principles i set forth from the get from the beginning particularly being fair to and taking care of our service members and
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their families we could see some moves begin within weeks others will take longer as anyone can see the repositioning of our forces in europe constitutes a major strategic and positive shift wholly in line with the n.d.s. and consistent with other adjustments to the united states just means the united states has made within nato in previous times these changes will achieve the core principles of enhancing u.s. and nato deterrence of russia strengthening nato reassuring allies and improving u.s. strategic flexibility and eucom operational flexibility and of course at all times we were prior ties our most important resource our service members and their families no moves will take place without thorough communication with our people continue to engage with congress and consultation with our allies thank you and i will now turn it over to the vice chairman of the joint chiefs of staff general hayden and then you come commander general walters. thank you mr searcher good
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morning everyone and thanks for being here today. looking back at history nato was established more than 70 years and you're watching al-jazeera that was mark esper the u.s. secretary of defense speaking live at the pentagon announcing that the u.s. is planning to withdraw about 12000 troops from germany they will keep nearly half of them in europe we understand the exact figures around about $11900.00 some of those troops are going to be in despair a star crossed other u.s. military bases within europe some of those will also be then taken back to the u.s. we understand also that this is part of a restructuring that the u.s. is doing all of its military in and around europe it's also going to be coalescing a lot of its headquarters into centralized headquarters that are spread out throughout the year the european union we're going to have more on this story of course as it develops but for now we're going to move on. and there is plenty more
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ahead on the news hour including a controversial social media bill bastone turkey sparking concerns about freedom of expression. and being held to account we're going to have more on why the so-called big 4 tech companies in the u.s. about to face questions in congress. and in sports joe's going to be here to tell you why they're still bad blood between the dodgers and the astros. yemen's president has named a leader of the southern transitional council as the new governor of aden that's out of the u.a.e. back southern separatists say they're giving up attempts at self rule and will work on a stalled peace deal s.t.c. says it's to give an opportunity to end a rift among the allies in the us what follows one by saudi arabia saying it will present ways to implement last year's power sharing deal between rival factions in
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the south well let's take a closer look at the southern transitional council which has been waging what's being described as a war within yemen's complex civil war in august its fighters seized the southern port city of 8 of the temporary seats of yemen's internationally recognized government in april its forces declared a state of emergency saying they needed to tackle covert 19 proclaimed self rule in aden and other southern provinces they accuse the yemeni government of corruption and failing to provide basic services the 2 fought as allies against the who feeds in the north since 2015 but they've been battling each other for control and the ultimate secession of the south. who is from the risk consulting firm gulf state analytics and he thinks there are several obstacles that could get in the way of the alliance. this resolution is the basis of some hope for officials in riyadh as well as washington who wanted to see the riyadh agreement
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successfully implemented but simply just declaring in a resolution that efforts will be accelerated to implement the riyadh agreements. doesn't mean it's going to be easy to do so the reason why it's been so difficult to implement it. since it was signed last year has to do with the fact that there are so many obstacles that make implementation very difficult the parties have very different interpretations of the riyadh agreement there are sensitive issues that the parties do not see eye to eye on i think the future of this relationship will be a very difficult one there are numerous reasons why that's the case one of them that i think is very important to keep in mind pertains to all is slaw which is the muslim brotherhood's yemeni franchise islam has played an important role as an
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ally of the hardy government but the s.t.c. views the muslim brotherhood linked group in yemen as a very dangerous group and is a big threat to the s.t.c. and if hardy's government in the s.t.c. will ever be able to see eye to eye on this question of what role is sly's to play in the future of yemen we don't know. turkey's parliament has passed a controversial social media law but human rights groups are warning it's going to give the government even more control over the media landscape sites like facebook and twitter will be required to have local representatives in turkey but also need to store users data inside the country making it easier for prosecutors and authorities to access the companies could face fines or essentially be blocked under the new law. that has more from istanbul. basically the turkish government says if something is a crime according to turkish though that it is
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a crime on social media as well the bill has some positive sides but especially on the possibilities of restricting personal freedom of speech and restricting journalism suppressing journalism many international organizations hooman rights groups and also even the united nations have reacted against the social media bill saying that it would harm. this freedom of speech in turkey in turkey even the mainstream media is currently under government control so the media it's not wrong to say that media is. not dick and that's why many fear that this could cause more marginal marginalization in media but on the other hand it turkey has been fighting with our kurdistan workers party and the glen of scripts who the government accuses of trying to overthrow the government in 2016
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a saw and they are all using fake accounts and brute accounts that might be helpful for the security institutions to find out what kind of people are trying to manipulate or this inform the public now everybody's curious whether the government is going to apply this bill in an appropriate way or whether the government is going to use it exploited as a means to suppress its power over all media and all its critics. c.e.o.'s of amazon apple facebook and google are expected to testify together before the u.s. congress on wednesday to defend their powerful business practices they run companies worth a total of around $4.00 trillion dollars the video conference meeting is expected to be one of the most aggressive shows against tech companies in decades well brunell's reports. for small tech companies being featured in apple's i phone
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app store is essential to getting customers but apple squeezes these companies hard says david hanson chief technology officer for the project management company base camp we were shaken down by our own home showed up and demand to be handled by 30 percent of. our homes taxis. times complaints about monopolistic practices prompted the house judiciary anti trusts of committee to hold a virtual hearing with tech bosses calling on amazon's jeff bezos apple's tim cook facebook's mark zuckerberg and google's. it is apparent that the dominant platforms are increasingly using their gatekeeper power in abusive and coercive ways the c.e.o.'s will be questioned by lawmakers who have carefully prepared for months and
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terry you know you didn't just i don't know where a lot of these numbers and study. corporations incidentally for that matter hurt your inner city and kind of prepared very pointed question among the issues likely to be probed are how google uses its control over advertising on its platform to squelch competition how amazon tries to squeeze out rivals by placing its own products more prominently in its sprawling virtual marketplace apple's role as a gatekeeper for app developers imposing arbitrary conditions on companies trying to reach consumers through its smartphones and how facebook distributes full sin from asian and hate speech on its platform and what they have said very blatantly very clearly that they intend to be accomplices for misleading the american people ultimately the hearings could lead to anti-trust proceeding. with the companies
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potentially being broken up into multiple parts that's really what this kind of downturn investigation into that kind of fundamental power. perforation and what the government is going to do that the tech giants plan to argue that they face abundant competition and are therefore not monopolies they have republican allies in congress big is not necessarily bad and i trust laws do not exist to punish success a hearing that will be closely watched and may have wide ranging consequences rob reynolds al jazeera los angeles columbia's army has been called in to rescue people cut off by flooding heavy rains hit the central myths out of region inundating rural areas they are me and if the children the elderly and even a pet dog the region is bracing itself for more rain with the downpours full cost to continue for the rest of the week. and it is time for the weather and jenny is
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here with details of a developing tropical storm yes this will be the 9th tropical storm of the atlantic hurricane season so yes this could be another big deal i can show 1st of all on the satellite where it is in fact is not that easy to really determine there's no real circulation just yet is massive cloud here it hasn't been named yet over the national hurricane center they're calling it took a little pression number 9 and this as you can see is a progress it is going to make through wednesday night it is not a tropical storm yet but the tropical storm warnings already in place they've been issued for the leeward islands also across into puerto rico and the dominican republic and of course before the winds develop into those sustained winds of at least 65 kilometers an hour the rain is going to be fairly torrential knew you can see as it works its way westwards it cv a fairly good pace that these rains will be torrential in fact we could see as much as 250 millimeters of rain in some areas because the danger with that is life threatening flash floods also mudslides so this is of the track this isn't expected
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to take a course that is what we have 2 or 3 close in the coming days you can see it does move away from that particular area through friday pushing up towards the bahamas but of course again we're still dealing potentially with more flooding and also of course those winds could be actually strengthening in the coming days they are watching very very closely and then up across united states plenty of activity in the south some fairly strong thunderstorms but actually it's about the heat in many of the areas this is up in new york city they call this the cool streets initiative that she began it last summer and what they've done this year they've got $305.00 hydrants which they've opened up they put some special contractional now to make sure the water comes out in failure regulated pace but it just helps people who don't have access to cool air now through wednesday it's all about the rains across the south in the southeast they'll continue on thursday but also it's about the heat across these areas in the east and eventually into friday will see some cooldown as the rain begins to push him up and actually this this new storm just to say the trouble storm if it when it forms. l's. ells
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a very unusual name i am glad you said i didn't even try so you can thank you jenny thank you very much indeed still ahead on al-jazeera spain's infections fight continues threatening a much needed cash injection from tourists shopping for their summer holidays. after months of lockdown chilly cautiously unless destruction is what its neighbors across latin america struggle to contain the coronavirus plus. with just one game to go and if those top football league into milan are on course for their best finish in nearly a decade just going to be here to explain the sport. as protests rage over police brutality and corona virus grips the nation campaigning on the election trail has been forced to take a back seat will the presidential candidates ever hit the road and so their brand of politics to americans before the vote follow the u.s.
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elections on an. every war makes a devastating impact on used cars earthrise explores some of the efforts to recover what was lost from the syrian scientists safeguarding one of our most valuable resources these are important southpaws that we have to make sure there are surviving to the refugees striving to coexist with nature i think that what's going on there simulating what happens when an elephant comes life up to conflict on al-jazeera. be the hero the world needs. washing.
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ga ga 0 a reminder of our top stories this hour after being virus free for months vietnam is bracing for a wave of covered $1000.00 infections dozens of cases have been reported in the central city of denying meanwhile hong kong as leader kerry lamb says its hospital system could face collapse as it deals with a sharp rise in cases. the annual muslim pilgrimage known as hives has been drastically scaled back this year because of coronavirus for the 1st time in modern history bush oppose from abroad will not speak allowed to take part in the u.a.e. back to southern separatists in yemen have announced they're abandoning demands for self rule they say is to give an opportunity to end a rift among their allies. and hit back to our main story on the pandemic our medical survey is revealing alarming statistics about the spread of the virus in india's most populated city of mumbai more than 4000000 people living in the
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city slums have had the virus but tests on nearly 7000 randomly selected people there find 50 percent 57 percent of them have antibodies for the virus about 40 percent of mumbai's population lives in shanties and it's home to asia's largest slum but the nest emitted $1000000.00 people the survey suggests a high rate of infections without symptoms all this cultural is a professor at the tata institute of fundamental studies is also the principal investigator for this study and he joins us live from mumbai thank you very much indeed for being with us on al-jazeera one of the interesting things that i noticed was the fact that there is this high rate of infections without symptoms why do you think that is given that people are in such close proximity to each other. that's interesting because if you look at the other surveys that have been done in india in fact and they all seem to suggest the same thing but probably the number of the
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proportion of the population that is asymptomatic is likely to be higher. it's also possible that many of these people had mild symptoms and did not report and probably about recovered so that's an interesting finding but that seems to be the case because the reported cases are lower than compared to the privileges that we observe in terms of the number of cases themselves does that give us any sort of reflection on the total number of cases there might be in india as a whole. well that's difficult because in fact. one could imagine that a complex that my graphic like india. for example even mumbai and for that matter any city in the in the world is not a homogeneous population to have a density it's a different socioeconomic factors and incarnations going to be hugely heterogeneous our study actually wanted to capture population density and driven out the prevailing winds and other factors that i just mentioned and seems to be that
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that's likely the case because the slums seems to have a higher prevalence and in the same area the non-fans seem to have low approval and indicating crowding share facilities and to maintain seems to be the driving force is there anything i realise i'm making something very simple which is actually incredibly complicated but it sounds a little bit as though those figures might lend themselves to the suggestion that there is something in the suggestion of herd immunity. so that's the $1000000.00 question i guess. in a lot of. positions that have been made. it's quite likely that the scum population will reach herd immunity sooner than later but i would like to make given to that and we still don't understand how long the immunity last in population and studies are still emerging that that's better about how long you're
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perfect and whether it's going to be based immunity or otherwise and also if people are susceptible to the infection. given dr. caviar i think it's fair to assume that at this trade. slumps might reach herd immunity sooner than later but again the minute is a question of this quarter we appreciate you joining us on al-jazeera thank you very much indeed my pleasure thank you. spain's prime minister is scrambling to save his country's tourism industry the u.k. and germany are warning their citizens to avoid spanish islands and beaches during the height of the summer 2 season which is crucial to rebuilding the country's economy after months of restrictions reports from barcelona. jungen relaxed to little has changed for the youth of parthenon arsons a crown of ours crisis despite 3 months of strict lockdown in c.t.
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they feel mediately return to the old social habits. is 19 years old she's refusing to follow the government's social distancing measures or wear a mask which is now mandatory in public places we want to see people going to pay now we are free and we don't know when they gonna close everything again and yet some easier just might close your eyes and give it to. the cattle and government is trying the best to reach the junger generations in sending a clear message. they would like to treat young people as citizens they are citizens like we are like we are all are so we all have their share on this so yes i mean maybe it's a bit harder to get the message through them but i think that the only way to make them feel responsible corresponds to the whole situation because they are historically this message infection rates are very high for those between 18 and 44
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years old and the youth are now being blamed with fuelling a so-called 2nd wave. president of. the scribe the situation is spiritual he has said that if in the next 10 days the corner virus outbreak is not contained tougher measures will have to be put in place jude law is usually the pick month of the tourist season in catalonia but only 25 percent of the hotels are open and more and more is evasions are being canceled every day. some restaurants won't be open until september those trying to right out of the storm can't believe what they are witnessing afonso goalmouth has worked for 42 years as manager of this restaurant at the brothel on it. there's no tourism atoll markets and restaurants are empty it's very sad to witness never in my life have i seen a situation like this and i'm 65 years old and the spanish government is facing an uphill task convincing the world that this is
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a safe destination and the cup 19 is on the control it's going to be a tough and uncertain summer. after months of locked on chile's began lifting was tractions in parts of its capital but some medical experts say the government is not following recommendations from the world health organization america doesn't seem human has more. free at last from monday to friday residents of 7 affluent m.p.i. would neighborhoods are finally free to leave their homes to take their children out and to get exercise and nobody is happier than the elderly after 4 months they're now allowed out for an hour 3 times a week at a museum and for me this is wonderful why because if i don't then i will forget how to walk forget how to have a conversation forget places that i would frequent to go shopping. footpaths have been marked to encourage social distancing
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a traffic light and 2 lanes of marked so pedestrians will walk on the right side of the street but many ignore them and medical experts say the government is also ignoring the w.h.o. guidelines for deep confinement that it claims to be following them when they aren't even following the recommendations of their own advisory committee which was created in order to make decisions based on science we see that they're ignoring science and they need to strengthen the ability to test trace and isolate infections relaxing the confinement measures means that some shops can now open in this area but the problem is that those who work here come from other parts of town that are still under lockdown and where the infection rate is still too high and that's the sort of recipe that could lead to disaster exactly the sort of thing that's happening in neighboring peru. in lima 25 percent of the population is said to have been infected. has the highest death rate per 1000000 inhabitants in all of
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the americas with no enforcement of social distancing even funerals pose a threat. as they say farewell to. their loved ones dozens of people seen in drink many of them infected themselves. genet how to eat pieces nervously outside a hospital emergency room entrance where her father is being treated triple that 19 . from the moment he went in the doctor said he couldn't leave i'm very worried about him in here. but at least he's receiving chair unlike in other areas where hospitals can no longer cope confinement measures were relaxed too soon to try to save the economy. and just like in chile it's a decision that many applaud even though it can have deadly consequences if taken too early you see in human al-jazeera sente out of all the us reporting it's
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highest a single day increase in nationwide coverage 19 deaths since may more than 1200 deaths were recorded on tuesday the death toll is now fast approaching 850000 the state of florida is one of the worst hit and seen a record number of fatalities in the past 24 hours protestors across southern iraq are demanding stable alan tricity supplies last week temperatures in southern iraq reached 54 degrees centigrade the highest ever recorded increase demand on the grid has led to frequent power cuts so one of 14 reports from baghdad under baghdad scorching sun electricity workers go from house to house to collect their dues government electricity in iraq is heavily subsidized hussein's monthly bill is $16.00 but like most iraqis people living in this neighborhood only get a few hours of electricity per day during the summer and amid rising temperatures their anger at the government is boiling over i'll. look at me i'm swiss and you're
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talking to me and i'm full of swit from 2003 into now these people promised as a punishment with 0 atrocity. it's a state of the. when the government cuts electricity the family relies on the neighborhoods private generator company that costs the family 4 times as much as they pay the government but the power from the generator is not enough to run the air conditioner so everyone gathers in the living room where only an old air cooler and a fan of her responded from the heat next door hussein's wife prepares the family's lunch with only a small fan to battle the he tell you this hour every hour the power cuts and we have to run to turn off all the appliances including the fridge and the freezer if i want to run the washing machine i have to turn off everything else it's so difficult. the family would be willing to pay more for government electricity if supply was stable some accuse the private generator companies of exploiting people
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by charging high tariffs but this provider says his price does not cover the cost of fuel and maintenance none of them so we are not the ones deciding on the price we charge per ampere was decided by the mayor and local council and the income is not enough. the poor state of iraq's power infrastructure is the result of decades of war corruption and mismanagement rapid population growth has for added pressure on the grid. it's 48 degrees celsius today and in the hour that we've been filming here electricity has cut 3 times the previous electricity minister told al jazeera a few months ago that the government had added 3500 megawatts to the grid since $2800.00 increasing capacity by 22 percent but many people here say that they're not seeing the difference on the ground earlier this month the parliament formed a committee to investigate corruption in the ministry of electricity the prime
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minister also announced a deal to import electricity from the gulf but that will take time. and i wish there was a magic solution but unfortunately many years of sabotage corruption and mismanagement can't be solved overnight it's not fair to ask a government that's been in power for 2 months to pay the bill for the pillaging committed by previous groups and governments as the power cuts push many iraqis to the brink of exhaustion confidence that prime minister mr. government can resolve deeply rooted structural issues is melting away leaving many iraqis to find other ways to escape the stifling heat. see wonderful clean al-jazeera baghdad. german prosecutors are investigating one of the largest accounting frauds in the country's recent history wild card was an online payment services company which crumbled into insolvency last month after admitting that $2200000000.00 was missing
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dominic king has more from berlin. until recently this man's company y. account was worth tens of billions of dollars and a lucrative investment option now the firm is insolvent and marcus brown and several of his former colleagues are in custody on suspicion of manipulating accounts that. the suspects and further accomplices agreed from 2015 to inflate white cards balance sheet and sales volume through fake income reported through business with so-called 3rd party acquirers. wire cards core business was online payment processing over the course of several years it expanded its business around the world but it was his activities in asia which raised suspicion journalists like dan mccrum of the financial times discovered that the vast sums of cash the company claimed to have just could not be found the business didn't really seem to exist and then we started looking at these accounts what
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company that sat and these various business deals which it in singapore and other places in asia and really what we found just didn't add up so we started publishing pieces which raised questions about these things and that led more people to get in touch and us to raise more questions about the company's accounts when wire cards filed for insolvency a few weeks ago that share price plummeted many of its shareholders found themselves facing serious losses. gang sheer is a burden based lawyer representing thousands of them it starts with there was a grandmother who has invested some of her pandan fund money in a card and maybe just 2000 euros and then has lost everything and go it goes up to huge private prisons and also institutional investors who may hold 2 digit 1000000 euro or figures or even hundreds of millions of euros the man accused of
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masterminding the alleged fraud has denied any wrongdoing as candy as at least it can't be ruled out the wild cards become big party in the case of florida's considerable proportions. on a wider scale the scandal has highlighted the role of the regulators in germany and the behavior of successive governments. the official response here at the finance ministry is a 3 point action plan firstly to strengthen the financial regulator baffin to give it the sovereign power to intervene in public companies secondly. the orders regulator half assed through allows it to him. sanctions on rule breakers and finally to oblige all companies to change that order things every 10 years. but right now there remain many unanswered questions about what really happened with wockhardt dominant campaign al jazeera berman wildlife conservation is groups in thailand have released a rare video and still images of 3 new male indian chinese tigers taken in the
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western far as stories in the pages were captured by camera traps and most in show the animals were roaming at night according to the groups this is the 1st time this species has been seen in the region in 4 years. and still ahead in the sport the corona virus outbreak in major league baseball sees the new york yankees make a big detour joe's going to explain that in sports. business leaders is both to buy the brass pot.
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business leaders is to buy no brass pot. you're. the only.
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this time the sport is joe thank you the miami marlins baseball team have been temporarily shut out of the major league season as they try to get the coronavirus outbreak under control all of the games have been perspire and up to monday the decision was made after the team announced a full positive cases bringing that total to at least 15 players and staff the marlins remained stranded in philadelphia where they played last week in a statement the m.l.t. said it wanted to allow the ballance time to focus on providing care for their plays there's at least some good news for the marlins last opponents the philadelphia phillies all of their tests came back negative but out of caution the team's game against the yankees on cheese day was cancelled anyway and the phillies will continue to test their players and staff at their upcoming game on saturday against the toronto blue jays the outbreak meant a schedule reshuffle for the m.l.t. the new york yankees who are meant to play the phillies found themselves in baltimore instead ready to start a series with the orioles on wednesday. we always try to be prepared for erst we
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know the person is coming our way and 2020 is unlike anything we've all experienced and we know going into this we're going to have to prepare for some comfortable situations difficult difficult days. you know from a baseball standpoint from a virus standpoint from travels from inconveniences and i do feel like we are uniquely equipped to handle that. and again i think it's one of those things that's going to be critical if you're going to have success on the baseball field this year is you're going to have to be able to deal with you know that the curve balls that you know can likely come on a daily and weekly basis so all night coronavirus have that you might say the dodge is a sick of the astros they were quite a series of pitches like they cinci stays game and there's history between these 2 sites and a $2700.00 scandal houston stole pitching signs using
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a video camera when they played at white to winning the world series is that this is the 1st time the teams have played since then and clearly there is no love lost between them when just a day away now from the n.b.a.'s return to action off the pandemic break 22 franchises will play in a bubble at disney world in florida among them the l.a. like has he taken the l.a. clippers in their opening game on thursday and will be strict rules and no fans but off to 4 and a half months of waiting the players are ready to get back out on the court if you back somehow is the bubble in us it is 2020 and you know you know everything is different is that you have to be able to adjust to it so. i don't i don't know as far as you know if it was like a home game or staples center they will have that feeling because our fans just give us so much energy our fans give us so much support and we want to try to give that back to them on the floor. but also at the same time we know our fans back in l.a. and all over california over the world want to go for to see us play again. he soon
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rockets have their opening game against dallas on friday and james harden is on fine form he led the rockets 21372112 when thanks to a game high 35 points against a 2nd string boston celtics team. the n.h.l. has returned to the ice as it builds up to the start of a shortened season the philadelphia flyers beat the pittsburgh penguins $32.00 in overtime in an exhibition game in toronto on tuesday the 24 teams will formally return to action this saturday in a shortened formats with all much is being played in the 2 canadian hub cities of toronto and at minton. major league soccer appears to be getting its coded 19 protocols right as they complete their season in a bubble at disney world on tuesday the portland timbers were up against f.c. cincinnati in the last 16 of the m.l.s. is back tournament portland the lead half way through the 2nd half through yet us well for years ghada but with 11 minutes to go cincinnati equalise through
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a penalty you're going to make no mistake from the penalty spot. it was won or lost in 90 minutes or so scott kicks were needed to separate the sides enough to 2 cincinnati misses it was mis slotted in the winning spot kick for portland. into manor on the verge of their best finish and it's a he said he asked since 2011 on tuesday they defeated napoli 2 nil when puts into 2nd with just one more game to play a victory in that last match will see them finish 2nd danino d'ambrosio and this beautiful solo effort from now total martinez enough to sink napoli than a full squad now in danger of missing out on qualifying for the europa league. they saw this a galaxy. now we have to play the last match in 30 are i believe it'll be a great game because we are operating at a lancer who have worked hard in the last 4 years to become one of the top sides in this league but also to be important to stay focused on that game so we can finish our league season well before we turn our attention to the europa league football's
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been hard hit by the current virus pandemic around the world but there is financial relief on the way from the sport's governing body pfieffer has just approved a $1500000000.00 fund which will see each of its $211.00 member nations receive a $1000000.00 grant to kick start the game and another half a 1000000 each just for the women's football team fifa will also offer interest free loans of up to $5000000.00 to alleviate the impact of the pandemic. to the a.f.c. we go and undefeated lightweight champion of the rug will be in action on october the 24th against justin. no mccombs of was unable to defend his title in april as he couldn't leave russia because of coronavirus travel restrictions the american stepped in to take no more coverage of place and became the interim champion as a result. all right that is useful for now it is back to rob joe thank you very much indeed and that's it for me rob patterson for this news
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hour i'll be back in a moment with more the party. beyond going fight between donald trump and the golden state because of drones philosophy he used in the everybody going to conflict with gulf war and exposes contrasting ideologies on immigration the environment economic and cultural issues trump is calling attention to the failure of the blue state model the key battlegrounds for
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the 2020 alexion people in power reports on trump places california on al-jazeera. the u.s. is the richest country in the world yet it still doesn't have a universal health care system i'll be asking why not to influential republican lani jan on top democrat bob dole say it in a special edition of head to head in 68500 miles a year we would say under medical solemne study this doesn't happen in canada on all fronts all spain australia people don't die because of confidential well they die because they can't get access to care head to head on algis iraq. al jazeera. and.
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the u.s. says it will withdraw thousands of troops from germany sending some home and some to other countries. i'm wrong about this and this is obviously a lie from doha also coming up yet nam's pandemic success story comes to an end as the prime minister warns that every province in the city is at risk of coronavirus infection. and saudi arabia drastically scales back on the number of pilgrims it allowed to perform the hardest this year due to the pandemic.


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