tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera July 30, 2020 4:00pm-5:00pm +03
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people try to tell them what's happening in their communities in and out by saying that in africa i couldn't be more proud to be part of the. world. this is al-jazeera. the whole room and you're watching the al-jazeera news our lives my headquarters here in doha coming up in the next 60 minutes 2 of the world's strongest economies recall the sharpest declines on record on record as a result of the global pandemic hong kong disqualifies 12 opposition candidates from running in september's election as a new security law is used to detain students for posting content online. and valerie says it's tightening border controls after detaining suspected russian
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mercenaries accused of attempting to disrupt next month's election also. seeking answers from nasa launches its biggest rover to the red planet in search for evidence of ancient klein. i'm going to get your skill with this sport as a swiss special prosecutor opens a criminal case against the president jennie implant tina. welcome to the news there's more bad news coming out of the united states with the world's largest economy shrinking at the fastest pace on record in the 2nd quarter the health emergency turned into a global financial crisis saw the u.s. economy contract by 9.5 percent the recent rise in cope with 19 cases that has seen more businesses shut down and left millions out of work and. the 1400000 people
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applied for jobless benefits in the past week elsewhere germany's plunged into a record recession with its economy shrinking by 10 percent in the 2nd quarter that the pandemics wiped out nearly 10 years of growth company shell saw its profits fall by 82 percent just over $18000000000.00 the pandemic has pushed down oil and gas prices and the world's biggest plane maker has posted a net loss of 2 point $2000000000.00 in the 1st half of the year its rival boeing announced a similar 2nd quarter loss on wednesday well the touch of butler is in paris for a song not big loss for us from the german capital be speaking to dominic cain he'll have more on the country's shrinking economy but 1st let's go over to the white house. is our correspondent there and kimberly the booming economy is something that the president prides himself on promises the nation day in day out but it has to be a very different tone today based on these figures. these are horrific
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numbers there's really no way to spin this in the positive direction as you point out 2 sets of numbers giving us a snapshot of what this economy looks like and it's a far cry from the job gains that this president donald trump built in the early days of his presidency all of those gains have been wiped out and then the gains from some of the growth that happened under barack obama as well as you mentioned the g.d.p. plunging 32.9 percent now softening the blow a tiny bit is the fact that they thought this would be up at 34 percent but still very bad numbers numbers that we really haven't seen in terms of scale and scope since the mid 1920 s. and then you also have to put into account these jobless claims which is ticked up a little bit not as bad as we saw at the peak in march but at the same time more than 20000000 americans remain unemployed now you can point to cope and say this is
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the reason for all of this we've seen the contraction in personal spending whether it's cars restaurants we've also seen a decline in the other areas of health care spending and also when it comes to exports and investment so when you put that all together that is what is painting this very grim picture for president who is counting on a strong economy to help him win re-election in november but of course this all does seem to cd into what the president is tweeting what within the let's talk about the presidential election is going to cause some concern in certain political quarters. yeah the u.s. president not only facing a horrific economy but also double digit plunging in the poll numbers next to his rival joe biden has been for days trying to discredit the election at least in terms of the mail in voting which many democrats support the president tweeting just now with universal mail in voting not absentee voting which is good 2020 will
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be the most inaccurate and fraudulent election in history will be a great embarrassment to the usa to lay the election until people can properly securely and safely vote this is going to cause quite a bit of concern the suggestion of delaying an election is really remarkable and many would argue the president is doing this to stack things in his favor given the poll numbers given the economic numbers the bottom line in all of this it is the president has been discrediting the results of the election but now to be suggesting it should be postponed altogether is something that is not going to be met well not just from opposition democrats or his rival joe biden but also i expect some within the republican party itself i'm sure will let him all fall out as the day progresses for the moment given how it all white house correspondent thank you let's cross over to john you know it all mccain is in the comp to let me really these figures from your perspective is that even germany's perspective
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broadly in line with what has been 4 cuts for the 2nd quarter but does it really mean the chimney house with the stalled war the news to come. well we need to put this into perspective the 1st is that this is the worst quarterly performance for 50 years for the german economy though that refers back to the west german economy rather than to the east german economy but nonetheless it is very bad news but as was alluded to this is needed this needs to be seen through the prism of what had already been predicted for the quarter and several months ago once the 2nd quarter was underway once the pandemic was really here taking hold of the economy of the country the predictions had been that they would be expected that the economy would shrink by almost 10 percent in the event it's a bit more than 10 percent but not much more than that and so there's very much the sense coming from ministerial circles that they feel that they've kept
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a lid on it that they've prevented it from being much worse than they possibly imagined and indeed there are elements certain sectors in the economy that are rebounding already from the worst. problems caused by the pandemic and the economy minister several weeks ago was talking about his hope that the economy would rebound in 2021 but obviously all of that optimism is predicated on there being no 2nd wave of corona in this country that's why over the course of the past few days and indeed over the course of the past few weeks we've seen a succession of state prime ministers of federal ministers trying to urge caution trying to urge people around the country for not doing things that might cause corona to come back and that's why we saw in the course of the last 2 days that at airports there will soon be mandatory carona tests because the fear amongst the the
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industries and indeed the government is that a 2nd wave of corona will be terrible for the economy they feel they weather the storm they hope they don't have to weather a 2nd one double again in berlin thank you let's go across the border to france and to paris when the doctor is standing by and of course released their figures natasha it's not looking good but the impact of course could. suffer other countries across europe. yes some terrible figures for air bus the european plane maker a $2200000000.00 of net losses in the 1st 6 months of this year they've had to deliver half the amount of aircraft in the 1st half of this year that they had planned on and also in the 2nd quarter revenue tumbling by 55 percent so whatever us are saying is that they have had to cut production by 40 percent
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which of course have a huge impact on the company old staff across the europe who work for us and all the suppliers the whole industry that is always linked to any one company now what air bus are saying is that this is due of course to the question of virus pandemic the fact that during the lockdowns people pretty much didn't fly airlines were grounded and even after the restored restrictions have been lifted in some places airline travel has been severely reduced in fact air bus are saying their visibility for the future is very limited indeed they may not be forecasting in the short term because the airline travel industry isn't really expected to get back onto its feet at least preplanned demick levels until 20232025 that's a a long way off indeed and it's something of course that will affect as i said all these industries that are connected to the european playmakers are bad news indeed out of france today with a battle in paris thank you. greg swenson is
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a specialist on violence in the virgin marcus is also a founding partner of brigham mcadam a london based investment bank joins me now via skype from london good to have you with us on the program mr swenson global economies have taken a huge hit because of the unprecedented circumstances around covert 19 the falls were expected but the degree to which they fall that should most probably worry economists. well i think so but you know most of the the consensus was actually higher than the number today so you know the consensus was 35000000 and a consensus on initial jobless claims is 1.45 so both numbers came in in a little lower i'm not that worried about the g.d.p. number because it's a lagging indicator everyone expected it you know and and obviously it was weighted toward the 1st month of the quarter which was april the claims numbers a little more troubling but also that a perspective there is as important you know that they did tick up 800000 but the
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the actual employment rolls have not shrunk that much recently so the trend is still pretty good i mean the last week or 2 yes there was a little bit of a lag due to the regional or local shutdowns but i think you can expect you know the consensus of up 17 percent for q 3 is really what we should be looking at is is the recovery and not necessarily what happened 3 months ago and does the recovery depend on the sort of coverage depend on governments for example like in the u.s. and germany being able to formulate a stimulus package that would get the economy back on track pending the fact that there isn't a 2nd wave of prone to violence. well look i think i think the stimulus is important you can't necessarily have you know central bank stimulus alone you need the fiscal stimulus as well but it's more relief package at least the ones that were passed earlier and earlier this year you know were important for relief what i would hope is that the government stimulus now is driven or focused on growth
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because really the best way to protect incomes is g.d.p. growth and job creation we saw some good numbers coming out of the employment in the us in may and june you know you had to have 1000000 jobs created in may and 4 point 8000000 in june i don't expect we'll see those numbers again for july when when those are released next friday but but i think it's a it's a good trend and again most of these layoffs and initial claims are offset by new jobs so so the number of you know with layoffs you still have job creation and so that's a that's a very positive indicator for the u.s. economy as for germany they've done a good job in keeping jobs in place they really unscented and we're paying companies to keep their payroll so you didn't see as much job loss in germany the question is is that sustainable you know germany has really depended on exports it so i think we have to look it's you know if i can just jump in there because you talk about germany but the normal phrase that germany sees is the rest of europe
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gets a cold i mean how will this impact on economies that we rely on depend on german growth to sort of in direct to help their economy especially across europe and some of the e.u. . yes great question and i you know germany is 20 percent of the e.u. right now 20 percent of the u. g.d.p. and there is that effect from german manufacturing especially in northern italy and eastern europe so yes this could have some effect you know the as i said the german economy depends on exports 47 percent of g.d.p. so their biggest trading partner is china so they're all ability there and the 2nd largest u.s. so i think because they're they're dependent on exports some of this job preservation i think is vulnerable so i think you know we really have to look forward and not look at the past quarter you know it's just not as important as the leading indicators and joining us from london thanks so much for joining us i hate to say thank you.
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but hong kong 12 opposition politicians have been disqualified from running in september's legislative council election leading pro-democracy activists joshua wong is one of those disqualified he says it shows a total disregard for the people of hong kong electoral forties have asked the candidates about their views on beijing's national security law and u.s. sanctions the move has been denounced by the opposition as a political witch hunt and for the 1st time in hong kong police have used the new national security law to crackdown on pro-democracy activists online 4 students have been arrested they're accused of posting content that calls the hong kong's independence from china beijing imposed its controversial 4 weeks ago and china's ambassador to the u.k. elysia main has accused the u.k. of being responsible for the deterioration in relations between the 2 countries
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lisa says that the u.k.'s condemnation of hong kong's new national security law and moves to grant people in the city a pathway to british citizenship constitute blatant interference in china's domestic affairs on hong kong. they have been planted us interference from the u.k. in hong kong. we in turn are those of china including wrong accusations against the national security more as they are change to the policy more being passed. as benjamin our tradition treaty we are this move seriously interrupted ability and prosperity are. the chinese embassy in london he'll give us the latest reaction out of the u.k. in a moment but 1st let's cross over to pollen in the whole colon divya really the 1st
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arrests in hong kong using the national security law online communication of course online communications that sort of tells us more tell us more about the group that's being held or was arrested. but 1st we need to point out that these are 4 very young people that were arrested overnight police went into their homes without a warrant which is now a provision under that national security law they confiscated documents their computers and devices saying that they are investigating them for advocating home console dependence the group of 4 are between the ages of $16.21 their leaders said to be a 19 year old who formed a word or was called a student look what they call the student localism a group or organization advocating for hong kong secession from the rest of china but they said they shut down their organization on june the 30th just hours before
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that national security law was due to come into place as that law clearly states that any acts of advocating independence are secession or sedition would be penalized so they said they shut down that organization but have since advocated it overseas encourage other organizations or groups to come under one umbrella to promote independence for hong kong that is what the police are saying is the action that they are taking they have arrested them for and detaining them for now and once again this is raising a lot of concern not only because this is unprecedented many are unsure of what the legal course of action for this will be given the fact that there is a parallel judicial system now that can run along with hong kong's rule of law these young people could be sent to mainland china to face the courts there for this and on top of that just the general questions about freedom of speech and rights in hong kong particularly now in cyberspace and online of course for the
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actions pending divya in september it seems though opposition candidates are being targeted. absolutely so what's happening here is that 12 proto moxy candidates that said they were going to run for those legislative council elections in september have now been disqualified and the government is saying this is because they have in principle oppose that national security law so once again this national security law is being used as a basis to to make decisions or to impact hong kong's pro-democracy camp the opposition groups say just a few weeks ago the opposition cabinet held these primary unprecedented primary elections to consolidate their support and turnout was huge in the hundreds of thousands and the opposition camp said that it indicated that they had a very good chance of reaching a majority or winning a majority of the seats in the legislative council elections these legislative
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council the job this would allow them to influence bills rules in hong kong and decisions made in hong kong what they say would be unpalatable for beijing so the opposition camp says that now all these candidacies popular candidates are being disqualified just a day before their candidacy or there is no candidacy ends as of tomorrow all nominations close so that they will not be able to front any new candidates or any new people to replace them so they say that this is definitely an affront to the democratic process in hong kong and this is the government's way of ensuring that the probating establishments will still hold the upper hand in the upcoming elections to be a pall of the whole goal thank you let's cross over to the british capital and the challenge of standing by rory i mean what reaction from the u.k. really to the arrests that we're hearing about in hong kong and also the sideswipe really from the chinese ambassador in london about sort of the u.k. interference in china as
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a. well we're still waiting for responses to bias of those things i'm sure they will come in in due time of course relations with china soured over what's going on in hong kong at the moment the new national security law the arrests we've just been hearing about. but there are other aspects china u.k. relations as well as for wall way the chinese treatments of its weaker minority the chinese ambassador in the u.k. came out in a press conference in the last few hours so basically put across china's perspective on many of these things he was striking 3 broad notes really wanted to say that china is a but 9 actor in the world it follows international law he said it doesn't invade other countries and try to export its model of governance overseas he said that the . that the national security lower in hong kong is not the problem hallway is not
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the problem the united kingdom is that is the problem is the united kingdom that is poisoning relations between these 2 countries and the last note he hit really was to try to say look you know good sense should prevail here if the u.k. can stop interfering as he put it in hong kong affairs which according to him and china are chinese internal affairs then russia for them china and the united kingdom can get back to the kind of the agreeable relationship that suits all and of course rory one of the issues within the press conference from the chinese ambassador was the close relationship between the united states and the united kingdom when he was really making reference to the fact that the u.k. is to all intents and purposes doing america's bidding. yeah i mean he is into that the u.k. is the. view of britain that has been
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around for some time it's of course being felt in the u.k. as well back in the the george w. bush and tony blair years it was said of the u.k. that the u.k. was being the united states poodles so the ambassador the chinese ambassador was kind of pushing on those. 'd in this press conference. pointing to the u.k.'s ambitions. to be an independent global player and he was saying look if you want to be an independent global player you have to have a good relationship with china you can't exclude china you can't cut china out and you should really be independent not to do the united states bidding so we'll have to wait and see how those sorts of words go down here in london indeed. divorce thank you i'm joined now by a senior research fellow with the centerfold globalization and government think
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turn based in beijing he joins me now live via skype from good talking with us mr bell called the program china making a very clear that it means business when it comes to national security especially on the subject of independence. yes right. well i think you're absolutely correct when it. being where we are now learning national law. matter. we're running on national security. issues. have been how will china continue to engage with important areas of the world light europe and north america where a large part of its economy depends on when it's sort of being heavily criticized ostracized from the economy of it and it needs to succeed we're seeing in this way for example as one example of being sort of banished sidelined and that has
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a huge impact on the chinese economy. no it's certainly going on but we need. a little. ways to read and where there are. of course trying to find those words back with form confidence will. our with our knowledge more another think. we're. seeing. more than you will ever use any around all the things that we. asked. that we. saw when it was. part of. if we focus it on hong kong for example you talk about mutual respect i mean where
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is beijing's respect for hong kong i'm testing of the question because then any criticism of beijing as all of beijing or china is often met with fierce crackdowns or retaliate is that any space for open debate or open criticism of beijing and china that won't get you arrested under the new national security law in your opinion. i actually do the we that we lost in hawaii as we hear words and with the. certainty of all the last. thing we need to back to work so long as just. reading with school a little we. are wired successful we spiral and we. think one of the things that aren't all which things are little wants to see when we astound school possibles them and go forward see how that goes and i think we
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also need to recognize that there is a difference between the or us to the last thing the. 'd sum of we all means working for us through some of them were ours because we work with them. so i think we do need to bear in mind that there is a lot of. possible to. walk or. see what happened when he broke from the subform globalization joining us from beijing thanks for your time sir. devastating floods in northeastern india have killed dozens of wild animals including rare one hold rhinos around 60 percent of the cars here on the national park in the state of asylum is under water the unesco world heritage site is home to the world's largest population of those runners india correspondent elizabeth.
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taking refuge from the floods $100.00 rhinos gather on artificially built highlands and india's carried on the national park more than half of the 1000 square kilometer wildlife reserve is under water heavy monsoon rains in the northeast and state have killed $143.00 of the park's inhabitants of the past month including 16 rhinos run up to where it was or not the plug situation is what he many wild animals have gone to the hills looking for for the highland grass but it's not enough. flood so an annual occurrence during the monsoon season but conservationists say they are becoming more severe if your. blood is. blood was raised in a cell from the now it is a human induced because there are so many dams in upstate. is not only home to the world's biggest population of the $100.00 but many other protected
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species including elephants and tigers. government has built artificial highlands for the animals but there are concerns the changes will turn into a dry habitat in the long run making it unsuitable for many of its wildlife. park officials also say many animals prefer to leave the reserves for natural highlands conservationists suggest clearing paths to allow them to move to the cabbie on long hills during floods so that they don't have to cross a national highway there are many many many things in be doing them assimilate lands. and the park and dan did get disoriented because they're necessary to make this and but rock due to certain development activities and do so in case of a young babies. specially that i knows they get separated from their mother. rather
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than bowman's all been a zation has been rescuing wild animals for the past 20 years in that time the status of man horn rhinos has improved from endangered to vulnerable but with severe flooding becoming increasingly frequent he says more needs to be done to ensure the rhinos story remains one of conservation success elizabeth pradhan al-jazeera you daddy. the weather has robin really not looking very good across the caribbean specially if you're impressive rico put to use being battered at the moment by significant rain and wind because underneath these massive cloud that you see here there is a tropical storm it hasn't goes on ah it's not a hurricane it might just reach her can strengthen i don't think so currently the winds are about 85 kilometers for near battering the north coast of puerto rico where the rain is also falling heavily the better 100 millimeters for in the last 3 to 6 hours and that's enough to cause flash flooding potentially mudslides and deary walkmen puerto rico obviously that's where the story's at the moment it is
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already gone over or is affecting the version looks just like windy wet weather which is all that is really its course over the next 12 hours or so takes it off of his tenure as a dominican republican catching haiti leaving. behind left the winds on here because the winds other things are showing themselves at their worst on the north and they are the rain is sort of following after the the center of the storm is gone through so the rain will be falling heavily on dominican republic and to the north and then the track beyond that it goes up towards the bahamas of course the turks and caicos then towards the bahamas this is a fairly certain track with some strengthening in the wind beyond that it heads towards florida we have to totally sure exactly where in florida so we'll watch that so thanks very much rob. well still ahead here on al-jazeera the tide is turning on china was the u.s. secretary of state as he testifies in the senate. scaling back on the hard
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coronavirus concerns for saudi arabia to slash numbers and ball foreign pilgrims from attending. a harsh punishment for this mel b. players over his behavior triggered some bitter opponents that's coming up with joe in sports. i am. frank assessments seeing there in yemen. and of the. wife being sued is an informed opinion is ethiopia on the verge of breakdown many parts of the old immediate region are actually under a de facto state of emergency and critical debate after years of proxy because look every sunday enters the bill if you've been in-depth analysis of the day's global headlines inside story on al-jazeera. as a weapon of war leaves the very deepest scars. scars so rule that the victims
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men and women can barely talk about it. they are the only witnesses who can help bring about justice al-jazeera follows human rights campaigners in libya investigating since the 2011 revolution. libya unspeakable crime on al-jazeera. welcome back you're watching al-jazeera news our lisa hold on the reminder of our top stories the u.s. economy shrunk the fastest pace on record between april and june there are 9.5 percent as a surgeon quoted virus cases sold more businesses shut down and forced millions of
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people out of work. police in hong kong have used a new national security law to crackdown on social media posts by pro-democracy activists 4 students have been detained accused of supporting independence from china it comes as 12 opposition politicians have been disqualified from running in september's legislative election. u.s. secretary says the tide is turning on china testifying to u.s. senate hearing once again said the u.s. closed the chinese consular office in houston because it was a den of spy. let's go to russell in jordan in capitol hill of course we're watching those proceedings as we speak rolls what key questions will lawmakers be asking the secretary of state. well the questioning has been underway now for about 35 minutes and the questions are coming
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for on a number of fronts one about the secretary's ability to run the department affectively senate democrats on tuesday released a report criticizing the handling of the state department foreign policy objectives its staffing its morale accusations of retribution and retaliate against key officials including against the inspector general who was fired unceremoniously back in may there are also questions about whether the state department and the white house by extension are doing enough to hold russia accountable for these reports that it allegedly had put out ballots he's on the heads of u.s. forces in afghanistan this as the u.s. is trying to help the afghans the government and the taliban negotiate a peace deal this is something that particularly had senate democrats white angry during the discussion senate republicans are much more accommodating of the
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secretary mike pompei o instead focusing on questions of how china in the administration's view is posing a threat to u.s. interests and to that of its allies roselands that bid to continue to monitor what sector estate says through the day thank you. now russia has denied trying to destabilize valerie's ahead of its upcoming election but the. mercenaries to incite riots state media are reporting that a criminal case has been launched against more than 30 alleged russian mercenaries it claims that they were working with opponents of president look. and rest the president's critics blogger sergei to ski opposition politician may call a static of it which are named in the case and they're both currently in jail bellary as has been one of russia's most reliable allies since the fall of the soviet union but relations have strained in recent years moscow wants batteries to
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implement a union agreement signed in 1999 that would create a single currency constitution parliament and court system between them but president alexander lukashenko blames moscow for domestic discontent and has accused it of plotting to overthrow him meanwhile relations with the west have improved in february like pompei became the 1st u.s. secretary of state to visit minsk since the early 1990 s. and after that washington appointed its 1st ambassador in over a decade there in a bella resort oil from the u.s. for the 1st time after failing to agree a price to buy it from russia and a whore as the penya is a fellow at the russia and eurasia program of chatham house which is a british foreign affairs think tank but he says this is part of a wider attempt to hold on to power by looking. actually not so many people in belarus believe that these people came to belarus of the civilized many people in belarus i jailed on the freight charges and previously below sneath ortiz several
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times he used all civil terrorist attacks as a tool to suppress them a practical activities during the election campaigns so what most people believe if that this mess their wrists were going to do that middle east or africa through balor is because of the problems with connections caused by the pandemic so presently i do not see much point for russia to into fact into this presidential election and to send 10 messages here we can imagine that gramley become the measure of what grumman swarms to see as a result of the selection that belarus will destroy links with the as that the well west will introduce sanctions against dollars that bill or some society will be in depression and the political system will be the bush demise and that the bill or some economy will be very weak and dependent on russia so actually question is deliver in during this presidential election after seeing what's coming towards because he's oppressing everyone now in the country and the west will have no other
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choice but to tell you some sanctions against. nasa has lost its presence rover from cape canaveral florida to seek out life laws when it reaches the red planet the rover will look for bio signatures take rock samples and fly in eric's experimental helicopter over the planet's surface now the launch comes on the heels of similar missions from china of the united arab emirates and the reports of florida. launching on a mission to mars this is the starters nasa is most ambitious project to answer the age old question point are we alone. it will take the perseverance rover almost 7 months to reach the red planet and if all goes well place the car sized robot safely in the $20.00 crater once they're the rover will spend almost 2 years exploring an ancient martian lake
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a location scientists say may hold the building blocks to life so one of the key steps that perseverance is taking is collecting samples that can be brought back to earth in the future and then analyzed with all the trust real laboratories we have which should actually provide us a definitive answer to our question. in a 1st in space exploration the rover is equipped with an experimental helicopter called ingenuity it plans to make several hops above the planet's surface something nasa say will be a wright brothers moment in space ingenuity helicopter on the perseverance rover is one of the most exciting aspects of the mission because this will be the 1st time we demonstrate flight on another planet and that's really important as an exploration tool if all goes as planned this would be nasa's 9th rover to land on mars and so far the most sophisticated perseverance will carry out an experiment to try and generate oxygen down through the martian atmosphere drill for rock samples and most importantly look for signs of frozen microbial life if you keep adding
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more rovers. you get incremental increases in knowledge but bringing the samples back and letting thousands of scientists and hundreds of laboratories look at them that's where the big increase of biology is going to come once the samples are collected nasa plans to retrieve them by launching another mission to the red planet before hopefully returning with them safely to earth what the mission delivers may answer the question did mars ever have life before any of that happens perseverance will have to land on mars our window of time nasa calls 7 minutes of terror that's how long it takes the rover to send a radio signal back to earth the curiosity rover managed in 2012 and if perseverance does the same it will begin a whole new era in the search for life and gallacher al-jazeera miami florida. francisco diego is a senior research fellow in the department of physics and astronomy at university
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college london joins me now from there good to have you with us always on the program as to diego in your opinion what would you like to see come out of this particular research project to mars. well there are several things of course the mission itself he's very challenging way you'll see the start of fire 7 months and then the last part of the mission which is actually going to lay into the atmosphere of mars and then a slowing 'd down and finally soft landing on the spot of the plays which is a fantastic i mean when you see the image you see all these great. marks made by letting the boss to you see a belt that really benefit and the great that was full of water because it's a reservoir he has worked at coming in i want to corning out there is i want to come out of coming out you can see lay the marks all these work that i was throwing millions who need it so he has to go and then of course as we just know when there is more i don't feel time there is
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a high possibility of very primitive life and the sex after a while these rogueries going to try to find some some kind of a b. then thought about life in the past it is a technological nightmare to get expeditions like this off the ground so how have previous expeditions to mars prepared the americans for this particular adventure. well he has been mainly a united states army shows which out of the viking out there seen the seventy's and then wake out in the ninety's when how the johnny rolled and then we have the. opportunity of oversight finally quilt his program we have the phoenix lander we have a lot of machines a problem that i'm the rudest especially specially useful because they can't bear to look out for us for special things so it's a very long sequence that us taking decades to come to this point and they persevere and so programmer is. barely sure they could also take over that was
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a long pause the last one that was launched a few years ago i mean something kind. of equipment talk by instalments i lost weight just so now. he's one of us i'll throw that he's going. through that even though the i miss you don't know if he's a 100 times thing about here and they're going to still have a high speed high speed the propellers will really hold and then explore the planet with commerce essentially you know much more efficient way the whole day for nasa to do this if resources are found in the long term what do you expect the americans will do with this if. for example there's always talk about mining operations or the habitation of the planet is that realistic is it a real possibility. well of course he is but he snored long i shall short and as we've think. we expect that the fairest humans will be walking on my scene more than 10 years to go. there is a long way to go before we can establish
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a colony on mars and we certainly will establish a colony on them or much earlier than the time that will be a very bad. experience to learn how to leave unsaid and i know there are celestial bawly but don't to colonize mars is going to take a long time and i must say i save normally say in these seem to be 0 but i hope that by you that and we will go as you might need to not as a single nation not as a single company you will not be competent showing it will be for a show i may hold that will be the case because the child in tucson enormous i mean face the challenges we should be down to the one she is seeing a sucking money will be all in all the enforce the oxy well put all the air force together colonize the moon and correlates mars that's what i would like to see out the problem he said all these missions for the moment are about to me sure like
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this one is going to be fantastic you think i'm that microscopic i'm kind of whole 'd misty just or a chemical agents are all kind of everything so for thoughts about the area on mars that would be fantastic of course getting to mars it is ringback another thing i mean there are lots of you might say hurdles along the way space debris asteroids what are the most dangerous parts of the trip for. this this expedition because obviously needs a very specific to dick tree to get to mars and to land in laws a table and to get the information required it's all precision timing isn't it. well it is procedure to start with because now you have to be very careful he's not playing football i mean you launch your 1st to your receiver and then you calculate that by 6 he was going to be around or you're going to just that trajectory says you'll go but you come from the beginning because the when the right direction which is what these things i'm. talking about human missions to mars is
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not any any better i mean of course human missions can be more controllable not so robotic solo you have a few months on board you have brought their way sort of for dealing with contingencies but this still you are stuck there in a small space ship with several people force a lot of 9 months there is no way around it yet about that it's a major thing that's going to mean so i mean you're saying we've got the ation the concepts well because they were the subject for the action from from space that. find a way to mitigate that technologically ok well we'll see what does happen francisco diego always good to speak to you sir thanks for joining us from london. thank you very much. for the annual muslim pilgrimage to mecca known as the hard just at its 2nd day of pilgrims on their way to mount our front but this is unlike any seen before last year 2000000 people climb the sacred hill this time the pandemic means worshippers from abroad have been banned only a 1000 people will be allowed to perform the hard all of them either nationals or
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residents of saudi arabia and it's not just the harsh crowd of viruses changing the way muslims around the world celebrate evil huldah well it trained a visit to the libyan city of misrata where residents and traders are trying to keep a positive outlook. as is known burns is even selling handmade traditional items. he says they're in a deal and previous years business was good but this year it's different. i don't know that i'll ever forget this time maybe. at the moment people aren't really buying the market is slow maybe some people on my products to show their kids how their grandparents used to live. he'd known as the festival of the sacrifice is the holiest of the 2 main islamic holidays for muslims on as the willingness of abraham to sacrifice his son is my view as an act of obedience to god from the. muslims believe god replace a smile with
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a lamb. the holidays usually spent with families and friends gathering and spending the day. even together but the cove with 19th and has forced many to spend the holiday alone. but. this year isn't like every year as we will have to take precautions and evan is worried instead of extended family who would be spending it with our immediate family. needle say it is a sheep farmer and seller with rising prices and the health crisis he says the market has changed. so that if they get that he has before buying a sheep was a family occasion now the father comes by himself because of covered 19 it's harder to import wheat and food so it's more expensive that's also had an impact on the market. in any other year this market would have been busy crowded with customers trying to find the perfect cheap for their families but the covert 19 pandemic and
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libya's years long conflict have made that difficult which means this year's eve holiday will be significantly less the. prices of basic commodities have also gone up making it even more difficult for libyan families. fear for gaza to doublecheck to this year residents are in a difficult position many fathers are going to be embarrassed in front of their families because they can't afford a sheep and he displaced because of the fighting we are dealing with coronavirus and the prices are really expensive for many the sheep cost them 3 to 4 months salary. at the roundabout and is determined to keep it positive outlook and says people need to find happiness through the hardships but for some here that may not be as easy as it sounds like traina. misrata. well still ahead here on the news hour in sports leagues football champions are
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business majors this is what you'll find the brass. ear. of talk to joe and trouble in the football world yeah just a little bit it's a hell of a criminal case has been opened again to the head of world football free for president johnny inventin or in his native switzerland is connected to a meeting in france you know held with the swiss attorney general michael lauber when football's governing body was being investigated for corruption lab offered to resign last week after
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a court concluded he covered up the meeting and lied to supervises a special prosecutor is also seeking permission to open a case against louka both he and i have denied any wrongdoing. event as manager. he has threatened to field an under 23 team in his side's last 30 game said he was complaining about the congested fixture list since the league resumed after current curren of our suspension you they were beaten by calgary on wednesday when they were wins for lats here roma and ac milan p. to stem as the action i have offered i have respect for the 9 times consecutive sorry our champions but only before kick off. 8 minutes in and luka galliano had put kalyani in front against you ventus was. and then on the stroke of half time giovanni simeoni netted to double the lead.
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no goal to christiania rinaldo as kalyani one to know a. lot see a strike a cheeto immobile a took advantage over and all those blank he's teammate whacking korea put latino in the lead against russia. before he scored he's 35th goal of the season immobile a is 4 goals ahead of rinaldo on the leading goalscorer his list to no to last year . zlatan abraham a bitch was also among the goals he scored twice to help ac milan defeat some doria for one. it's the 2nd time in 3 matches the 38 year old has school the brace melanne owing 6 position and assured of a europa league place the mixed season. just ahead of milan in the standings are roma they made sure of 5th place with a 32 win over torino inject 0 chris smalling and armor to the water on the school. who were also headed to the europa league next season the final round of matches
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for the season said they are will take place on august 1st and 2nd. peter stammered al-jazeera. we're going into that final round of matches the battle will be over who finishes 2nd 3rd and 4th into will take on 3rd place to atalanta if that ends in a draw lats could overtake them both by beating napoli. women's tennis number one ashley barty has pulled out of next month's u.s. open because she doesn't want to risk traveling during the current virus pandemic the australian is the highest profile player so far choose not to play the grand slam in new york which begins on august the 31st is yet to decide if she'll defend her french open title at the delayed tournament in paris at the end of september other players have also expressed their concerns about traveling to the u.s. and more than 150000 people have died of code and 90. m.l.d. is tightening its current virus protocols after the outbreak at the miami marlins players will now have to use surgical facemasks instead of cloth ones when they
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travel and each team will have to have a compliance officer to make sure they're following the rules the marlins season remains on hold off to 16 players and 2 staff members tested positive one players taking precautions to a step further by wearing a mask while playing which is not required under the current rules boston red sox taiwanese infielder 2 way lin has been doing it since before the season started he helped the red sox beat the mets 65 on wednesday to. l.a. dodgers pitcher joe kelly has been handed in the 8 game suspension for his role in an ugly standoff with the houston astros kelly throw a fastball behind alex bergman's head and then mocked astros star carlos correia because both benches to clear in what was their 1st meeting since it was revealed that houston stole ching signs from the dodgers before going on to win the world series in 2017 dodgers manager dave roberts has also been given a one going to spend sion the kenny has appealed his and will continue to play
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until that appeal is heard. the n.b.a. returns from its pandemic shut down later on thursday the new orleans pelicans open against the utah jazz inside the disney world bubble but the leeks commissioner admits he's anxious and wants the competition could be stopped again if the virus spreads. probably if we had any any significant spread at all we didn't mean it we stuck one thing we do is try to track those cases to determine where they're coming from and whether there have been spread on campus i would say alternately we see it completely if we saw that this was spreading around the campus and something more than isolated case was happening. but denver nuggets player michael portaging as calls controlled the say from inside the bubble when he backed a baseless conspiracy theory in a question and answer session with fans on social media personally i think that the crown of ours is being used obviously
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a bigger agenda has been used for population control you know obviously i'm not the thought police margaret so any of our players but you know we can't say oh i would say you know just be sensitive to the current situation in our country and throughout the world in regards to coronavirus well rugby has approved a temporary coded 19 calendar for the international game it means the northern hemisphere 6 nations tournament will resume in october after suspended in march meanwhile the southern hemisphere is rugby championship has been given a 6 week window across november and december will be held in one country most likely new zealand. that is i guess but for now i have more later site thanks very much chad of course you have been watching the house is there a new way for me to take a shot i'll have more news on the other side of the bright side tucked away in time from the news team and myself thanks very much for your time and your company.
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kidnappings and murders in crimea says russians forced an extension of the black sea finnish. i don't understand why. schools of crimea into tas have been arrested tortured and killed. most believe by russian security forces. crimea russia's dark secret on al-jazeera. every war leaves a devastating impact on. the fries explore some of the efforts to recover what was lost from the syrian scientists safeguarding one of our most valuable resources these are important southpaws and we have to make sure there are surviving to the
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