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tv   Child Slaves  Al Jazeera  August 4, 2020 1:32am-2:01am +03

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hundreds of prisoners remain at large after attackers affiliated with eyesore stormed a prison in the afghan city of jalalabad thora trees have regained control but only after at least 30 people were killed including several of the assailants jalalabad officials say more than $300.00 prisoners managed to escape. spain's former king is reported to have left the country as he becomes mired in allegations of financial scandal on colors told his son the current king that he would move to another unnamed country as investigations over payments for high speed rail project continue 82 year old abdicated in 2014. those the top stories do stay with us slavery a 21st century evil is next more news for you after that. and counting the cost the wealth of banks prime ministers and parish because built on the backs of slaves how much does britain know evaporation album pandemic could wipe out latin america has
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all been social and economic gains plus wild cards missing billions counting the cost on al-jazeera. on the 300 years the most powerful nations on a us group richer and strong go on the profits of the slave trade over $12000000.00 men women and children would also be transported from africa on slave ships like this to the colonies and plantations in north and south america today slavery is illegal in every country on the planet but the truth is slavery did not die in the 19th century it is a law if it is thriving and it is bigger than ever. amid
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the ruins of a devastating earthquake the human tragedy plays out in the slums of the caribbean and in states of haiti and. it goes by another name but it's amounts to child slavery. and instead saying no blood diamonds as alaska and milo. when they assume 1000000000 man need not very poorly. and really a good neighbor but we cannot. room. full bus tony and no fun there. was in. civil affairs. i'm going to a problem floated why then do i want. you
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now feel that i will know you want us to leave he what they really want to see is that the bad. news was they want this that is that both think. it is only 2 hours flight away from the beaches of florida and yet it's the poorest country in the caribbean and off the decades of ruinous dictatorship and crushing poverty thousands of haitian families have been forced to place many of their children into a system that's led to the abuse and exploitation this system is called rest of it . rest effect was some say a system with good intent that went back. rest of a children with typically those born into the poorest the families in rural haiti was sent to wealthier families in cities in the hope that they would get an education and
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a better life. the reality is that it has always been open to abuse and today up 222-5000 children here a little bit somehow slaves. never you know that if i did it. but how in a country that prides itself on being founded by slaves who rose up against a colonial masters could charles slavery become so endemic. in this that you see only. shasta. food libya really is this crowd. pose only schussler kolo there's this real estate soulive. or boards really you know 12 for this crap huge dome for the beastie city. and that is 11 years old. her life was changed dramatically for the worse by the quake.
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last. night. but annette had already been robbed of a normal family upbringing. she was just 8 years old when she went to live with her aunt in the country's capital also prince. she did receive some schooling in the afternoons but her working day typically began at 3 or 4 in the morning at nights she slept on concrete. and the days were filled with threats of violence hanging over her. nose and gunfire lives in consumer. markets. and that's arms had a boyfriend who is a policeman but this offer had no protection. plan or
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file for now. that we know. that we're planted in a well you know file i'm going to clear call them going full blast them confide. in my god where. they come to me. and that's experiences as a rest of act are far from unique. and beyond the violence is something perhaps even worse. the overwhelming sense according to writer and former rest of a day of a lost family life it's like living in a family. but you're not part of the family it's like living in a home it's not your home because you know eventually they're going to tell you to get out it's living in fear fear of fear of adult and fear of the unknown the unknown is the future because you here today you don't know if you
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going to be with that family tomorrow everyone knows that rest of it actually is a word rarely spoken publicly in haiti today. it has become almost a 3rd been subject to talked about only by those who campaign to stop it. why are people so reluctant even to use the word. it's in haiti and why. people don't want to talk about it because also good says look if it wants. enough on restavec. face i want to. enough of the stuff i want to deal get there least efik post a good way simone sing. god save key if you want bullet lead then the tunica. and
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so embedded is the rest of it system in haitian culture. that it even takes hold in the sprawling tent cities that are still filled with a pool made homeless by the 2010 earthquake. organizer jackie chan shows us around this un supervised camp conditions on. the moon but i fail to live. on the outside of a show coming up because i know. he enjoys. the camp is filled with children many who have lost their parents and yes quite. starved in makeshift schools try to bring back an air of normality to their lines. but it is a constant struggle against the appalling conditions as this teacher explains to me . by the conditions here and. this is a makeshift plastic. drawing of
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a running rains obviously just walls of holes through the the tent was fitted so the searching water here publishing no speaking to any other classroom those 3 boys were just chatting with me or with their parents had died in the earthquake so. their fertility orphans being looked off to here and what they do eventually. is impossible to tell what was in conditions as bad as these and with so many orphans the dangers of children. ling into lives as rest of x. are so great that the camp overseers send out regular child protection patrols. isaac is a member of one of them. could see it if you see the. opera live. and the more difficult the
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conditions the worse of the lives of children who become rest of things. but. i mean. members of the child protection patrol look for clues the children without parents being exploited in the camp. just tell me you know what one of the things that identifies the rest of the children from among rest of the children. on the mount. on the. media. so. its. members of the patrol can remove children they think are restaurants but they have
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nowhere outside the camp to take them. so the patrols are more about being visible and collecting information. on why. then fears are sick in. the south. but these problems are not limited to 10 cities they are also endemic in the city's crowded and earthquake damaged slums. there is never a shortage of rest of children dragged into this life by conditions elsewhere in the country. decades of poverty and the destruction wrought by the earthquake of 2010 have made the already harsh conditions in port-au prince even worse and yet despite this thousands of haitians make the journey out of the rural areas to the capital almost every week and that's because as bad as things are here there's an
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even greater lack of resources in the provincial countryside. one of those children is. he lives with his aunt sonia her 2 children and her husband roosevelt. all of them are trapped in lives that are spiraling downwards. more. liberally in oblivion. here you phone from. going to see why do men with. the obviously bad laugh. a lot once in a while dubbed in with out of your limit do may even. do your year guys in their. living and when you move your mouse will be illegal to you. if you will soon know where gay so we're going.
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it will be another no $184.00 when they. do and when the avenue. that it. would seem when you have been going to class you without the bass in the movie. but if there was ever a part of these plans the families collapse into poverty off to be earthquake has changed all that. you know what they would say on their. team when you're up. to no nos i want her. to. marry her only want to. do all this if ok so yeah they. know who is going to win out over.
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there you know. you do that if only you know even though it's only a quarter. it's a measure of how insidious the rest of it system is that so much of it seems to happen among relatives. and rest of the children are often hidden in plain sight. 9 year old smith for example running off alone looking still on the tiny rundown street on the outskirts of port au prince. smith lives in a 2 room shack with her cousin shelley. who maintains that smith is simply being towards domestic chores you can get him by. someone to be aboard you visit him the last. way yeah. good bad people dead one bad didn't fit in even the way i would do i even seemed fishy w.h.y.
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even after i've been quite an i.v. you have to live in a fish that we didn't know we didn't have even we could make it a levee. but smith tells a different story in which she is much more than a mere observer of housework done. up to check. on they assume length i really. believe i always have been moved him where you really are. only. and according to smith a cousin is far from a caring guardian. you could live on but we shall have your room there full by then you have been effective and i. am back. with a little bit of. the back to be back if you will use the fear but as i have offered moving to different in the past when then let me. let on that
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we focus on. my mileage to go week. despite this charlene denies that she has been responsible for any mistreatment of smith. the governments in haiti has been the practice of rest of us it argues it is no longer tolerated and may not even exist today. cannot tell if i mean that. i may doubt but i will find almost instant film in this very yeah. ok that ministers are still. on the market accept the belts here by the middle. that you feel sayings and then you know what god would this is them with vic the. son existed son xander where proof exists. some people describe the rest of it
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phenomenon as a modern form of slavery what do you think non thereby that. for those looked. through to be starving so live that success. downtown in port au prince and the earthquake damage streets can seem full of working children . rest of this is a common sight and with little evidence that there is a. we attempt to regulate all moments of what goes on. why isn't it more of a political priority in this country i think it's because this system is so ingrained into the culture that people become so desensitized to it the haitian ambassador said that haiti is too poor haiti does not have the resources necessary to combat the system and then plus he said that the system is too in going into the
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fabric of our culture that is difficult to eradicate it. america has long been haiti's biggest international fund this year alone it has sense more than $27000000.00 to tackle the aftermath of the 2010 earthquake. america is also the leading international player in the fight against modern slavery. yes its commitment to help haiti's chance slaves is undermined by a simple problem of terminology. the rich countries of the north have entered trafficking units and they don't quite grasp that it's all about slavery most of the slaves in the world are trafficked anywhere they're in slave to their own community and it's a shame that it's taken so long for the richest countries to get a grip on this problem and really come to an understanding of it because they are the ones who are most capable of doing something something about it do you not feel
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. that with a little international focus and almost no political will or capability in haiti itself the fight to free rest of children from the chains of slavery is largely left to n.g.o.s. but also but they have found a way to erode the system it relies on the most precious and prized commodity of all in haiti education. we have to have men to toe education but until we have men that oh education i think the work of sensitizing the general public or influencing the new generation i think this work is a vital. street corners in early rush hour in port au prince filled with children not working but on their way to school.
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despite the fact that virtually private in haiti children from even the poorest families a filing interest impeccably turndowns and fresh uniforms. and for rest of the children left on the sidelines as their cousins and friends attend lessons education is the one thing they design the most as you. know it's good to let alone. but. that's because we. want this classroom is full of respect children who have been rescued by an anti slavery greed. for most if not all of the this kind of charity provision is their only chance of getting a decent and regular education. full here to make food. the
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tweeted of conflict with the 44500000 full sail for this would you do feel sick and still you need to avoid the 5 because. in the mean that you need yes you know. it's a humiliation keenly felt by rest of it children wasn't doing. ok so yeah. i think. about us it was a sadness are you by media side the. fun. but i'll often shows you the list bullimore new york defecating with limited to manufacture but that's a pretty. good i would still campaign as like detroit says to take their message into schools because many of these pupils encounter rest of x.
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or live in families where rest of the children a can't see their battles all the dangers she believes is that they may not recognize the presence of rest of x. in their lives as a problem in our. own life what are some or is it still that also to me. are very. real. they have missed out there can i see yet the systemic problematic. there was another source getting see who is 0 day so. south are continually of course even. as commitment. what. good is the school even if they're not exactly the same as a 1st step. on the road in the other injustices suffered by them way
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in new the not to accompany a new new pope was only travel yet. so you know no one. stepping on see it does that's a fine enough on the one i. love for the one. who i knew consider my lad. yes. my lad. well memon any money got in my lad on a mensch. these former rest of actual gym in an american run rescue home in port au prince a reintroduce of the comforts and brigades of a home life and an education that has had a dramatic effect. monday. in
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new london on. this movie i made my status. my new design lives. but these children are the lucky ones the problem with rest of x. is that their numbers are a solo launch and the attempts to abolish the system so relatively piecemeal. as this country tries to rebuild itself from the earthquake the real test of progress will not just be new bricks and mortar. but new hope for the children trapped in an old and been growing food of slave. ship awful games in the single digits is that. more than reactors will get back in moment to happen should they all do almost all that bad falls short of the
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me lad who asked him in china then. if we accept. that children being used as rest of the child slaves. would only about 10 percent of the haitian population i don't think. would have a future. full board loudness out was a bad fellow on. a mission buffet. this
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underwater treasure is a risk of disappearing coral bleaching caused by rising temperatures but we think the great. strain the area heritage's. under tourism industry. we will lose instantly if we have another bleaching event of these magnitude if this continues they just will not be the opportunity for the girls to recover in between those. sides a supporting full strong climate policy from the government to reduce emissions without this the situation well on the get worse. in russia mixed martial artist didn't just pull. it to bring the same cheer
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and the talk on that one when he did best again on al-jazeera. coven daintiness you know war of words escalate between the us and china challenge us general robert spaulding and british diplomat and also kerry brown on whether the west is entering into a new cold war with china in a special edition of head to head you want to travel ban on china for much of the muslim proposal we need a strict vetting process is due to finally turning against beijing we have a china centric world and then a world which is not china centric head to head on out his iraq. al coverage of africa is what i'm most proud of every time i travel there whether it's east or west africa people stop me and tell me how much she appreciated country and our focus is not just on their suffering but also on a more uplifting and inspiring stories people trust on just to tell them what's
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happening in their communities in kenya and biased and as an african i couldn't be more proud to be part of the whole. world. should person have a lot of respect for. the u.s. president talks up his working relationship with the leader of the coronavirus task force after accusing dr deborah burke's of quotes hurting the administration. that he's an aussie little bullet at the moment and that might never be. the world is warned not to put too much faith in a vaccine the world health organization says the pandemic could go on for a long time.


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