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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  August 8, 2020 12:00am-1:01am +03

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on the course of the war world war 3 are all but my own knowledge as a. man . 0. 0 i'm maryam namazie a watching the news hour live from london coming up in the next 60 minutes the u.s. state department calls a former saudi intelligence official a valued partner saying it's concerned by allegations the saudi crown prince sent its men to try to kill him. anger is growing off the explosion in beirut residents blame corruption and mismanagement president says he's not ruling out a missile attack. in a india plane skids off the runway after landing in kara at least 16 people have
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been killed and hong kong chief executive carrier laumann 10 all the chinese officials sanctioned by the u.s. over a controversial security law. are me running through this for students on the not the champions league to be 5 months to go on in formula one a familiar and familiar story for world champion. he sets the place for the 70th anniversary groom for a service to. the u.s. state department has called former top saudi intelligence officials sadal jobbery a valued partner it comes a day after it was revealed filed a lawsuit in washington accusing saudi crown prince mohammed bin sell none of sending a hit squad to canada to try to kill him the state department says it's concerned
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by algebras allegations and any persecution of his family members is unacceptable it's also being reported that interpol rejected a request to extradite back to saudi arabia because they said it was politically motivated well the u.s. state department comments were made in a letter to democratic senator patrick leahy who had requested a formal update on the case in. the letter the department praises dr algebras work with the u.s. embassy in riyadh describing him as someone who responded around the clock to threats against u.s. interests in the kingdom it goes on to add the department of state is concerned by the alleged activities that led to bree's exile in canada the state department is calling for the immediate release of children saying in the letter that it had repeatedly requested the saudi arabian government to clarify the status and nature of the algebra children's detentions well for more on this let's speak to mike hanna he's in washington so that is the letter from the state department do we know
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if they are prepared to take any further action over this. well at this stage it's not clear this letter was in response to a letter that was sent by patrick leahy and 3 other senators to the white house asking for the matter of our job raise children to be addressed now the children now aged 20 and 21 are being held in riyadh according to our job as human bait to lure him out of hiding but now the senators have got a response from the state department and interesting in that state department letter that they have already made repeated approaches to saudi arabia as to the status of these children being held by the saudi authorities so that is a very strong step forward in a way i'll jump he has argued very strongly that he had to leave saudi arabia because he was worried about the succession to the man that he was working for
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muhammad bin nayef the former crown prince who was usurped by the present crown prince mohammed bin salman in his court to papers i'll judge priest says that he had was concerned for his own safety about the strand solution of power and that's why he went into exile the crown prince sent him a number of texts are seeking him to return and then according to those court papers he began to threaten him and then said sent according to the court papers the hit squad to him in canada that was turned away at the canadian border by alert border guards but one must stress as well is that the state department letter confirms that our job really was a very valued intelligence and said to the united states he worked very closely in the counterterrorism division and so was highly regarded and highly respected by the u.s. intelligence committee as well and we know from that letter of many u.s. senators who had workings with him while he was basically the head of come to
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intelligence within saudi arabia but what this in the end all highlights you see. massive division between the white house and congress when it comes to relations with saudi arabia regardless of repeated allegations of human rights violations president trump continues to describe mohammed bin salman as a valued ally and friend the view in congress is very different to that thank you very much mike hanna in washington also following the story kimberly how to get any response from the white house. well the response from the state department is certainly part of the trumpet ministration but at the same time i just want to build on some of the comments made by mike hanna when. you know he talks about this relationship with saudi arabia when you talk about the u.s. relationship it's very fragmented there is the relationship of this white house and then there is the relationship of the u.s. congress now with respect to the white house the you noted 6 or rather the target
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ministration has made a very strategic decision that it believes that saudi arabia is a valuable ally in order to counter iran's influence as they call it and so as a risk result they have a very strong and unwavering relationship with the kingdom in fact we know that jared cushier himself has a personal relationship with the crown prince mohammed bin solomon he gave an interview last week where he is said that with regard to the order killing of shows he that these were some missteps and that in other words he believes the saudi arabia is a very good ally this as the u.s. intelligence overwhelmingly concluded that in fact there have been solid men ordered the killing of jim she so this is ministration has been defending those denials but again the congress and even members of the president's own republican party overwhelmingly have a different view and so what we've seen is this concern from congress about the
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saudi record when it comes to human rights but at the same time this administration has a loyalty is so strong they've defied congress repeatedly for example the us president used his veto power to reject legislation that would have ended u.s. support for the saudi led conflict in yemen the president later vetoed legislation to block a weapon sale to saudi arabia so what's again there is this from this administration and unwavering defense of saudi arabia even as the u.s. congress is infuriated by these actions. thank you very much kimberly how kit from the white house. is an author and specialist on middle east and gulf issues joins me now via skype from washington we do anticipate that congress will continue to put pressure on the white house to do more over the case despite the a sort of incoherence of the u.s.
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response overall as kimberly was describing now. yes absolutely and i would i would add the. decision to pursue this case through to court song. strategic decisions in order to shield the outcome from political pressure because as we know if you're in a united states courts are politically independent of. the executive order white house the order congress so pursuing a strategy to go through the courts he soaping that that the courts will rule old timidly in his favor and that way to government whether it's the state department or the white house will how to enforce that ruling so i think that that's exactly the destructor here. what do you make of the timing of when this was alleged to have happened the plan to can kill saddam jobbery around the time of the murder of the journalist jamal khashoggi what will what sort of questions is this
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going to raise i think what i think the real question that we're seeing here is that this is most likely that you didn't really explain for why saudi arabia severed the. yes i can hear your meat but what i mean yeah yeah we can we can still hear you sorry for that i think there might have been a bit of interference in the show please continue. yes i was saying that when canada and saudi arabia had their biggest diplomatic crisis it was supposedly over the canadian ambassador's criticism of human rights violations and. saudi arabia but i think that the real story that we're seeing emerging now is that side of arabia severed relations were counted out because canada foiled a plot to kill all jobber in canada and i think that that's the real story going forward and how is that likely to plan out. well i think that here in the united
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states it has already been established what kind of an actor side arabia under a prince mohammed is and we know but from a u.s. government perspective the relationship with saudi arabia is a strategic one which is to say that it's not we did individual leader but it is with this state and with the government and for that reason we need to interpret the state department's statement just this afternoon saying that he was a valuable partner that is a code language for to merican government saying to to saudis don't try any of these games again because another scandal of the magnitude of the jamal khashoggi can scandal cannot be tolerated and it would have significant. implications for to us saudi relationships and that's something that the americans are trying to put brakes on all right thank you very much. at least in golf and she's joining us now from washington thank you so much. with the news hour live from london well still
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ahead looking at chinese influence as political tensions grow over president charles plans to take talk. unemployment shows signs of easing in the u.s. but tens of millions remain out of work and politicians still can't agree on emergency funding. and that it's for the head of world football reacts to a criminal case being launched against him in switzerland. in lebanon following tuesday as devastating chemical explosion in beirut lebanon is president michel aoun has launched an investigation into what happened he says the blast which killed at least 157 people could have been caused either by negligence or missile attack 19 port officials have already been detained questions are being
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raised as to why nearly 3000 tons of the chemical compound ammonium nitrate had been stored inside a warehouse for 6 years fears are also growing about an impending humanitarian crisis lebanon imports 85 percent of its food much of it through the port which until now is the main gateway into the country officials are estimating losses of up to 15000000000 dollars this for a country that was already drowning in debt an economic collapse saying the holder has this report from beirut. this is what is left of port the stockpile of tons of ammonium nitrate that appeared to set off tuesday's blast was in one of the warehouses some of the missing people are believed to be underneath the rubble it's a complicated job to look for them because the damage is considerable international rescue teams have joined search operations but hope of finding survivors is fading and they say to figure out. what we're trying to do is to find the structures that are still under tons of rubble specifically the cells in the technical rooms that's
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under the silos. they could have been buried by the rubble and still be standing which could allow us to find survivors the. lebanese authorities have begun investigations into the blast that destroyed much of the central parts of the capital port and customs officials have been detained and their assets frozen investigators initially said it was triggered by a fire the president michelle and says they are looking into all possibilities. this accident is a wake up call as i said it could be an act of negligence all we have another possibility it could be a rocket attack or a bomb attack i personally requested from the french president if they were in possession of any aerial footage to kindly provide us with it in order to identify any aerial attack or missile attack if any. popular anger at a political class blamed for years of corruption and mismanagement is not new people have little face in a government inquiry that is led by the politicians and security officials who they
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believe should be the ones questioned there's a problem of. trust between the political system and the population and this exists for years not just now but now the problem is that the investigation that the person in this committee they feel they are a part of the security services that people are asking questions about their attitude french president manuel mccall visited the devastated neighborhoods in beirut on thursday joined voices in lebanon and abroad calling for an independent international inquiry but the governing alliance headed by the iranian backed hezbollah has dismissed that. and i would like to emphasize that hezbollah categorically refutes and rejects that we have materials at the seaport not a single bullet weapon ammunition or a bomb nothing at all belongs to hezbollah even the materials the ammonium nitrate
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that does not belong to hezbollah. i believe that there is a consensus amongst all lebanese that a complete comprehensive transparent and fair investigation must take place authorities are welcoming international humanitarian assistance which has started to arrive in a country already broken before the disaster but they are against internationalizing the crisis which would weaken their control calls for actions against the ruling class are growing louder following reports that officials were aware of the presence of highly explosive material in the middle of a densely populated city there are plans for mass demonstrations the priority is no longer just a humanitarian emergency there are attempts to revive the momentum of the protest movement that began in october but bringing about change won't be easy. beirut i'm now joined by dr i mean kathy a professor of clinical emergency medicine from the american university of beirut
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medical center and dr when we spoke a few days ago you were telling me you are concerned about a shortage of medical supplies and also a lack of actresses what can you tell us about the capacity and hospitals that it to be able to to continue treating patients. well i can't it was it was like you put out to me when you we talk about capacity of us for the beds it's about function and capacity not only physical space so having a better than that you need to think about that stuff by proper body fight people having the capacity to actually provide care meaning provide them support of providing medication provide them 25 help but if either nursing and medical personnel. qualified in big investigation or studies from the x. they do interventions i mean how can you how can we take it off work to rescue the
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other day if we don't have the stamps and if the stent disgusting $10000.00 to purchase and our money's evaluated and. the country is bankrupt how can you take care of that docs your arteries how can you take care of injuries and 2nd does that mean can i just austin in on this even several days since the explosion on tuesday what what are you starting to see in the hospitals now a year in saying patients with more serious injuries. that we didn't receive the next day some cases that obviously had been to extricate it out of the rubble and we provided them the kit i mentioned to the other day that some of these cases are sick that is not high and we did get a higher mortality i'm in the 3rd wave book basis of you to come up at m.s.k. with the incident what i need to tell you is something we didn't give enough attention to lost time. and there but what it what what i would like to say is that while at the making of or still believe that we have the capacity to have
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a surge capacity to levy serve our our people that he well i mean i can tell you that the 400 casualties would receive for under the 500 goatees with his sleeve i don't need 10 percent of the b.b. the guys will give of course beirut. that means the other 30 hospitals in the good of beirut area took care of them to get on the other 90 percent and i cannot get it through your hole let it be late shannon just might have been to everybody especially in the situations that italy didn't have it of it or sunk chinning didn't have you with were functioning with collapse walls with with dead with dead doses for nurses and change or medical centers one nurse in the whole city had done last bit lost their lives there were a lot of people wounded among our staff and among their staffs and i know. of course you know that the hospital staff have been putting up an incredible ethen
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and honestly that their own lives and their own health at risk as well in any i'm just wondering of the patients that you've seen families that you've met over the last few days i know it's been a very traumatic time for the country particularly for people like yourself as the anyone any particular patient any case that. is at the forefront of your mind. of course the next day clock in the morning coming back from 5 hours in the dia to see the calls from families asking me to go back and look for the missing individual that they couldn't identify the distant missing tell now i had to sleep i had to be back at 8 o'clock in the morning so i actually went and ate there it was a picture of a young man was 30 years or looking for him in the 8 bodies that we had where i'd unidentified an hour or more and i found him he had a small beard that's where probably the evil did not do nines and then i had to call his mom i can tell you i have to 30 years in the field after all the mass
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casualties that as i've said i still have an awful client time nightmares thinking about this mother was holding on to my scrubs and telling me what couldn't you save my son i mean you know there's kids that we just lost today a 40 it all for you all day was announced that she but she passed away the image of this mother telling me how could i not to save her son or my colleagues because with the team we lost anywhere between 12 and 20 people using that night and we saved many others but but this is a story that happens in every emergency department i still have. images of a for a father at 8 year old man was asking me to seized his son's body and his that i would tell him i mean that your son is one of 8 bodies of have been charred and i mean how can i bring him to see wonder when you when you when you have that when you've got to be burnt bodies shrinks down to 50 percent of the size you normally
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have you can't tell a male from the female you can tell nothing so what do i tell a father like that who is going to i think holding on to your body and telling you please let me see my son this human side is the one the person as the most and that doesn't happen typically in the 1st the our doing a blast during the last when everybody's bludgeoned and we're going to get a patient when baby baby can do or not the cycle of us harder to do or not with little babies but we do get done it off and we can move on the care of patients but the day after i can tell you that every single one of the nurses physicians personnel look at as if you were to look at all these people must be feeling the ball the next day and the day after we are angry we are fed up for 3 years decades bomb blast after bomb blast or we see the lip service corruption mafias and militias and off of them we want what people like what we heard president michel
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say soul that we know what we need we need the right people at the right place and wind up we need people to be ethical and if a minimum degree of government leadership integrity now i'm talking politics i should lock them up but to go back to medicine. downtown you know yes and so i don't think we can really imagine i want to everyone there has been through the last few days and i cited here this but thank you much yeah. one last think. we have lost tens of less skewers who were called in to put off the fire by people with the nap of the decency to go down and open the doors for them these are nurses visit firefighters who would die and dying to do that to the world you are most of the time these people don't even have any wanted to get out of their orphans or set off to that of their parents where you think is going to ticket of them a government that hasn't bate out on university $45000000.00 off of of medical
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care where all the hospitals in lebanon are all but the government 100 it was almost 2000000000 dollars of medical care that have not been paid for every institution cannot continue operating when our government is busy busy spending their money on projects that don't they don't need so i knew it and then to go on publicly and say we are governing the expenses of these injured when hard what they can afford is private jets to god to support forum for an 8 when they they should learn modesty and integrity now can win or lose it that's. about i mean thank you for giving us some insight into the situation there in a very challenging situation i know you and your colleagues are having to deal with obviously our thoughts and prayers are with you all thank you thank you expects to
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all our colleagues who served in the disaster the city well of course all other hospitals. want to turn to some other stories now and particularly one so you've been following out of india today at least 16 people have been killed in a plane crash the ak craft slid off the runway as it was coming into land it cause she called the airport officials say the pilots vision was impaired due to heavy rain this all took place in the southern state of carolina and the hayward reports . the desperate search for survivors from an entire express flight which is being bringing people home from the u.s. 190 passengers and crew on board the bering 737 when it overshot the runway because according coursing karen. but how did the pilot apparently try to land minutes earlier in heavy rain officials say the plane landed at speed and skidded down a slope before finally coming to
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a store it broke into several pieces it seems to have crossed that runway and fallen into a ditch sort of a place because there is a different field between the runway on the other parts of the airport and because of that impact there seems to have been a breaking off of the fuselage into the aircraft or the front porch and has been very badly mangled and damaged. it is moments are in season in india making the rescue effort even more difficult many of those injured and now being treated in hospital birth pilots reported to be among the dead there are currently no commercial flights in or out of india this was a repatriation point from dubai bringing indian nationals home who've been stuck overseas because of the current virus pandemic in a tweet india's prime minister narendra modi said he was pained by the accident thoughts which will be shared by the nation investigators who now want to know how
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and why this accident happened and who would al-jazeera. or we can now speak to end the t.v. journalist who joins us on the phone from kara any update on the casualties. well the latest that we do know and this is as conciliation coming from the police officials that there are 17 casualties that the latest that we do know about this apart from the. 2 pilots have died this is part of the 17 and. the 4 cabin crew who are bottom part off the team they are safe in the house but there's also a huge humanitarian crisis if you look at it you know many of these people who are returning to india or people who had lost their jobs due to the covert crisis in several parts of the world or they were they had their visiting visas which were over the many of them with senior citizens they were on priority list of the
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country and that's why they were they were they will be allowed in the repack creating flights. as part of the entire mammoth x. mommas exercises getting them back into india so this literally coming as a shock for many people who are just looking for work to return to their loved ones back in that country now or what we do know here in india is the chief minister of carriage lupton dr vijender has also designated a minister to oversee the entire operations in fact all right from 740 in the night when this accident happened there were local police. fire rescue teams all of them who were pressed into action just to be able to ensure that people could be rescued and around 190 people apart from that
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of the 190 people of those who could be rescued they have been centered around 13 hospitals in and around that airport. all right now question from andy t.v. thank you very much for updating us on that story. and watching the news hour live from london more still ahead as rajapaksa brothers tighten their grip on power in a landslide election when. russia's declared an environmental emergency after a ship stranded off its shores there's tons of fuel and then later in spore we've got quick action as in the fight hard against pakistan. hello england is into a 3 day heatwave the rest of the european plane it will probably last longer than
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that pressure is high as long as the scar in the days are still long there are few showers around temporary what it feels like in for example greece stalled in greece or at least there will be some time later on saturday and this frontal system will tend to edge temperatures out a bit in oland and scotland nevertheless where insert he's quite happily bordeaux will have cooled down a little bit with a northerly breeze coming into northern spain as well as to not the temps back just a little bit but also maintain the heat for injecting more humidity which tends to just so be more cloud and a few more showers developing in that heat not right in the heart of it probably could argue paris at $39.00 may we'll see sunday weather on sunday and monday even on tuesday the temperatures do not drop so much she's a human to feel dry heat across north africa august is the wet season for hot too for sudan actually is about as far north as the rain is going to get and you tend to form clumps of these shells that drift slowly west which we've seen as far north
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as the gambia a month ago they're not that far north no no list they are quite significant and they form in the storms in the atlantic. rewind returns with a new series. of brand dates on the past down to serious documentaries and think. that it's fun to. just rewind continues with the last try secret army of the cia 675 a live in the same way that the ancestors did living in the forest in the jungle and it seems like they're abandoned by everybody on al-jazeera. breaks everybody on this planet matter the body has power when people need to be heard and the story needs to be told here human development has moved right to the edge of the forest
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with exclusive interviews and in-depth reports hope it is a disease going to affect anyone any age how does iraq has teens on the ground this is the main business lobby money or the person here to bring a new movie would win documentaries and life needs. to. welcome back you're watching the news hour live from london a quick run through of the headlines the u.s. state department is saying the former saudi intelligence official seidel jobbery who is the subject of an alleged assassination attempt in canada is a valued partner countries crown prince allegedly sent a hit squad to kill him. as people in beirut continue to deal with the aftermath of
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cheese days devastating explosion president michel aoun has launched an investigation into what happened he says the blast which killed at least $157.00 people could have been caused either by negligence or a missile attack. and that 17 people have died after a plane crashed on landing in india the air india jet broke into 2 when it overshot the runway at an airport in quiet in the southern state of kara. now and all the news we're following the u.s. is imposing sanctions against hong kong's chief executive carrier and the territories current and former police chiefs are also among 11 official officials targeted sanctions imposed come under president trump's executive order last month seeking to punish china over sweeping national security will imposed on hong kong china insists the norreys needed to criminalize acts of secessions secession subversion and terrorism but critics say that it's being wielded to silence dissent
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. was also growing tension between the u.s. and china with the president trumps plan to ban a popular social media including video including a video sharing at tick tock but china says the u.s. is using national security as an excuse to suppress foreign firms katrina you reports now from beijing. job news videos have 1400000 followers on video sharing. the chinese version of talks. the 25 year old uses the app every day and isn't surprised it's become so popular in the us. we're very proud of anything that originated in china is not just a video sharing platform as an example of chinese in january. she's a loved by dog executive order to bad tick tocks use there unless the app is sold to an american company. i'm not sure how the company would develop if the owner
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changes i believe every company has this also if you replace that saw something the coral will be lost. the u.s. government says it's cracking down on chinese apps which it says spread propaganda and pose a security risk to americans beijing says the move is a pretext for suppressing chinese tech companies move on the relevant u.s. approach has no factual basis at all it's clearly malicious smearing on a political many people the point of it all is to maintain the ovaries high tech industry. talks parent company is in talks to sell the app to microsoft washington has given it 45 days to confirm the sale tick-tock denies sharing data with the communist party and is threatening legal action against the us government it isn't the only chinese in the firing line messenger we chat which has 1100000000 users worldwide is also facing
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a ban the bad. ending of we chat is likely to cause problems for chinese users and businesses dealing with china from the us here the platform is more than a social media app it's used to buy products invest in shares book travel and even tech a person's covert 19 health status washington is expanding its so-called clean network initiative which aims to root out major chinese tech products from the u.s. system analysts say the move is part of donald trump's tough on china campaign ahead of the u.s. election in november for the master chinese people especially those who have very fond memories of the u.s. this came as a surprise and many people are pissed off because it just seems that chinese people are chinese companies are in a way i don't think is a good sign because we have seen the anti china sentiment going on around the world the chinese government is urging the u.s. to roll back the move or face retaliation trumps executive order deep in the
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digital divide between china and the u.s. adding to diplomatic tensions and a growing list of disagreements over geopolitics and trade katrina. well now to sri lanka and the rajapaksa brothers of consolidated their hold on power in the country with a dominating win in the country's parliamentary election and a rajapaksa will now become prime minister with his brother got a buyer the president and as many elfin and as reports from colombo they plan to change the sri lankan constitution. celebrations in the rajapaksa heartland the reason a 2 thirds majority in sri lanka's new parliament on thursday will resist queued to see incumbent prime minister mind the ranch to secure the highest number for financial votes. similar scenes at the house of riyadh middle son
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a theater seeker another top performer for the governing sri lanka people's front party. would lead us into the unknown also a bit and then we have 2 thirds majority in the parliament and i didn't know the country can be developed in a very short period to see all what is the business of plea and also the theatre in it in both these know within the government this analyst says the strong support for prime minister rajapaksa and his brother who's president just 5 years after they voted out is the message from the people that we're prepared to offer. reforms and perhaps those reforms actually retarding guards which is also the main message the president has sent since his election so back has been i think the clear message is. what the people are demanding use unless of course to. reform
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and more of economic development. seen around the predicts the new government will increase the president's powers get rid of independent institutions and an amendment on power sharing in the north and east when m.p.'s walk into the parliamentary chamber of the building behind me on august 20th seating arrangements would have changed to accommodate one of the largest number of m.p.'s to ever sit in government and those in their ranks will face a series of economic and political challenges indeed that the done who are the noise of the economic challenges. he's been struggling to keep his garment factory afloat in difficult times made worse by the couvade 1000 crisis castro to do when it comes to a market negative sentiment and then with the market contraction so we have been having lost if you take 4 to 5 months 80 percent of our business was gone it's a common complaint among small and medium businesses throughout sri lanka and an
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indicator of the difficulties facing the new government to things that critical immediately. one is to provide stability of policy so one of the big challenges that sri lanka has faced is this sense that sri lanka mix policy remakes policy and does that continuously that we have that creates instability the 2nd is confidence despite the huge mandate the rajapaksa brothers still feast allegations of war crimes and foods disappearance 11 years after the oversaw the defeat of the tamil tigers in sri lanka civil war a former member of the national human rights commission voiced these concerns we also see a rise in single a buddhist nationalism and it seems like that is what is taking hold and and shaping the policy of the country so this means that minorities in particular feel frightened because the few who are critical of the government you can be called
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a traitor you can be called a terrorist you can be arrested merely for expressing an opinion balancing the multiple challenges facing she lanka will not be easy for the new government but for the majority of people here the rajapaksa led government is the best option for now and then there's just era fillable. on our germany and france have both abandoned talks to reform the world health organization out of frustration with the u.s. attempts to dominate negotiations the move is a blow to president donald trump is administration had hoped to lead a sweeping overhaul of the w.h.o. before the upcoming u.s. election france's health minister says the u.s. should not lead the reform though often already announcing it would be leaving the organization trump accuses the w.h.o. of being too close to china and of mishandling the coronavirus andranik. well india is now the 3rd country in the world to record 2000000 coronavirus cases coded 19 count has doubled in just 3 weeks with
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a record daily jump of more than 60000 new infections but the country behind only the u.s. and brazil for the most number of infections more than 41 and a half 1000 people have died and epidemiologists the same that india is still months away from hitting its peak it comes as india's sara minster chewed has been awarded $150000000.00 by the bill gates foundation to make $100000000.00 vaccine doses for india and other emerging countries well turning to the u.s. now in the economy added more than $1800000.00 jobs in the month of july and march slow down from june when $4800000.00 jobs were added the u.s. unemployment rate fell to 10.2 percent in july down more than one percent from june alone the figures are encouraging they represent only a fraction of the 22000000 jobs lost in march and april when locked down measures were introduced to cut the spread of the virus on top of this the safety net for those unemployed is shrinking last month the weekly unemployment benefit of $600.00 a week expired republicans and democrats have so far not been able to agree on
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a new fiscal stimulus package john hendren reports from chicago. for more than 30000000 unemployed americans warm summer days feed 2 sleepless nights i never anticipated being on unemployment period i think that that was never something that i thought would happen to me in my life among the newly unemployed since march is syria guard who lost a human resources job in fears losing her identity what's at stake for my family is . being able to stay who we are. being able to maintain the life that we have when us job losses began to accelerate dramatically early in the covert crisis congress took the unusual step of creating a $600.00 weekly subsidy for the jobless in addition to state unemployment insurance that averages a little over $300.00 but that funding expired last week since the coronavirus shut
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down much of the united states in march the u.s. economy has shrunk by one 3rd the fastest drop in u.s. history according to a new study by the associated press and the university of chicago's national opinion research center about half of americans believe the jobs that have disappeared are gone forever as congress debates renewing jobless payments the virus is resurging spreading to tens of thousands more americans every day this thing is coming back around and it's traveling from other states and if we had gotten it under control earlier we might not be in this position right now as washington struggles to respond to the virus and the unemployment crisis americans face insolvency and hunger thousands of them hourly at this los angeles food bank alone one cove it happened i couldn't there was no i had no money no money and now for millions coping with unemployment often for the 1st time dwindling hope john hendren al-jazeera chicago. cathy feingold is director of the largest federation of
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unions in the united states and says employers say using the coated $1000.00 crisis as an excuse to lay off workers we are seeing in the garment supply chain in particular yesterday there was a report released showing how many of the major brands produced in countries like me and mar bangladesh in cambodia the suppliers are using this opportunity to fire workers especially workers who've been speaking out about the lack of health and safety protection in these factories the lack of wages that are owed to them so this is a real crisis it's really important that major companies respect worker rights make sure the respect union contracts ensure there are state workplaces for workers. well now to the u.k. economy it's facing its biggest annual decline in a century the bank of england's forecast tammas home the impact of the crime virus and then it but even though there are perhaps some signs of recovery it could take
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more than a year to get back to pre lockdown levels providing there isn't a 2nd surge of coronavirus cases the fokker reports from london. this rush hour but there's little on the move this coffee kiosk normally serves long queues of customers powering workers in surrounding offices for the small business is under pressure shari economic storm is brewing i have a team of 7 people and currently at the moment with the way things are of the lucky to bring maybe one or 2 back. if it remains like this i think it's going to be very bleak specially for small independents like ourselves that will cash flow. on the foot float come through. is a similar story in london's financial district where every day feels like sunday this week the bank of england forecasts the economy would contract by 9 and a half percent over the year that's less severe than 1st thought but it's still the
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biggest annual decline in 100 years but by the end of the year when government funded support schemes come to an end the bank believes unemployment will double. with many office staff now working from home the streets and alleyways in and around london's financial district are fallen silent that's catastrophic news for all of the local businesses that depend upon passing traffic kovac 19 is redefining the country cities and towns can see the from the beginning of march that for started to decrease quite rapidly data scientists in the u.k. have been watching our changing behavior since the start of the pandemic using tracking technology and shops and high streets to find out how where and when we spend our money they are the economies of vital signs and point towards a slow recovery when lock down hit for dropped like a stone and really we were looking at drops of 8 men over 80 percent over 90
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percent in london where the streets are absolute deserted we've opened 3 non-essential retail we've opened hospitality we're encouraging people back to work all of those things created those some for and yet post those because we are still 40 percent lower than we were last year the figures are going in the right direction a surge in online sales is keeping parts of the economy afloat but a 2nd surge in coronavirus could risk another damaging lock down denting consumer confidence silencing the nation's high street for potentially years to. leave barca or london. early voting is taking place in the better routes presidential election ahead of the official voting day on sunday despite criticism of president alexander lukashenko his handling of the covert 1000 crisis he is still expected to win is 2 leading opponents were not allowed to register and ronnie's by all the opposition candidates were cancelled by the authorities. but it was since 1904 winning 5
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elections by massive lodgings in what critics of called europe's last dictatorship . when it comes as the loading the fuel begins at the 1st nuclear power station to be opened in the country the plant in the us threats has been built by russia's state nuclear corp it's location close to the lithuanian border is courson control this is it's only 40 kilometers from the capital vilnius fuel loading will take 3 months before the pot begins generating electricity in november now oil salvage experts in the on into malicious are attempting to save endangered coral reefs it's off to a grounded japanese tanker started leaking oil ipanema flied run aground off the indian ocean island 2 weeks ago with $4000.00 tons of oil on board one of the main tanks has now been breached in rough seas which also thwarted attempts to stabilize the ship and pump out the oil. cap by you muito is an environmental engineer an
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oceanographer he says the impact of this bill will not just be ecological but also it will have an economic effect in terms of fishing and tourism. it is unfortunate that this spill occurred in an area which is the site where you have to ramps are internationally recognised wetlands you have the blue beam are in part which is the next 135053 actors with 38 coral species and 7250 sion you've got the point this new wetland which is subject to a lot of mangroves you've got it was incorrect which is also a place where you have a lot of conservation so all the army is now spilling it to those very very sensitive areas frightening more and better every city in unique area of marriages and this will cause a lot of damage according to me to mine by diversity and terrestrial bad of a city in the area the impact will not only be ecological it illegally be economical because many people here are their livelihoods from the fish they fish
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in the area there are a lot of hotels also in the area who market which market this place runs outside in order to get clients and you have a lot of people earning their livelihoods also on the land on the coastline where you have people dealing with tourists or people getting and visiting them aren't park so the destruction is not only ecological it's also economical in terms of tourism attractiveness of marriages around the world and there is also a health hazard in as much as you have also now the older of the hydrocarbons which is now in the town of my work and also the risk of fire so it's a multiple crisis which is a karate occurring in marshes and which is cook causing a lot of trouble and is the 1st of its kind in fact in mauritius. still ahead on the program we'll tell you about the chinese gulf has taken a commanding lead in the p.g.a. championship all that and more with the wedding special.
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the rule. for. time after all is for woodley mary and frank here the champions league returns a lot after this season's competition was halted for nearly 5 months by the coronavirus pandemic and there were 2 huge ties that hadn't been resolved manchester city are for an off the completing the job against 13 time champions roger it relating to one of the 1st like by any marches increase their lead inside 10 minutes to inviting sterling row him back before half time their goal is called by all the coverage they want on the night city through to the quarter finals for
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21 aggregate and that same guy will play in that match in lisbon later this month is live on the french public a 10 lead to cheer interplay you ventus i want further ahead through an early memphis the pi penalty. christiane of an out of course with a goal of a sort of half time a true one win for you've on the night 221 are good but it's really on not for now done through on a white house in scotland it's emerged that premiership club aberdeen broke the rules by going to a bar and 2 of them of now tested positive for coronavirus aberdeen's next game has been cancelled and scotland's 1st minister nicolas sturgeon is not impressed they blatantly broke the rules that had been agreed between a safety s.p.s. fail and the scottish government which to put it mildly is completely unacceptable has been given the go ahead or in the strict condition that clubs and players abate by the gate and that has been agreed if they don't do that they put at risk the
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return of the professional game. john in france a no says the criminal investigation against him has damaged his reputation and that of the future president has written to all members climbing up the case was opened because of anonymous complaints about meetings he had with the swiss attorney general in france a no who will carry on in his role is the meetings were not secret or really go and hopes the facts emerge he says has tried hard to clean up its reputation in the white of the corruption that existed under previous president sepp blatter now it's a formula one and all eyes on the right point same had against this weekend's race it's over certain the driver sergio perez will miss the 2nd rice in a row after failing another coronavirus again it is nico hokum who takes his place in the car racing point have also been handed a $470000.00 fine and docked 15 points the governing body rode by copied parts of last year's myside is car racing point disagree i can still appeal we did nothing
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wrong so that's all. you know there's always 2 perspectives i guess. were the arbiters of this and we. discussed with what's going to happen going forward what would we can't change brake dogs we cannot learn what we've learned. on the track not surprising to say championship leader lewis hamilton topping the time sheets again his mistake. was 2nd quickest very well into the 2nd round of golf's p.g.a. championship the 1st major in 13 months plenty of stars competing in san francisco but it's a little known chinese player who's taken the tournament by storm on friday night only has moved to 8 under par that's one clear of the field. 2 more top 10 women tennis players said i won't play in the u.s. open elena certainly and kiki burton's follow world number one ash barty who
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withdrew last month or because of coronavirus fields defending men's champion rafael nadal 2016 when a stand of inca and nick carriers have also pulled out and there's been another positive test of a low risk cardinals baseball so their game on friday against it you had to be perspire and the cardinals who previously announced 13 tests have not now played for 9 days which means their fixtures backlog is really starting to build up the postponed t 20 cricket world cup in australia will now be delayed by 2 years until 2022 the tournament was thought of by the pandemic but cannot be held next year because there was already another one planned in india which is still going ahead it's also been confirmed the women's 50 over world cup in new zealand has been moved from next year to 2022 and pakistan if they're in a good position to win the 1st test against england after day 3 pringles bowl is fighting hard to get them back into the match currently taken it's pakistan continuing to build on that substantial 1st innings advantage by late by 244 rounds
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and we finished with some positive news about dutch cyclist. who's out of a coma following his horrifying crash on the tour of poland the 23 year old went into the barriers at the finish line on stage one of the colliding with dutchman dylan going to vegas who was disqualified and could face further sanctions are in a vacant has since apologized jakobsen underwent 5 hours of facial surgery doctors expect you know to make a full recovery but cynthia's saddam this bone or the patient is conscious follows orders and has been disconnected from the ventilator his blood pressure is also good and we're very satisfied i think you'll definitely return to sport. good to hear from stephanie attend on it will have a positive night thank you ali well that wraps up the news hour but i'll be back in a moment with more the day's news a full blessing coming up very shortly of course around up the day's top stories as well i will see in a bit i found. frank
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assessments what are you seeing back in yemen. there's a new poll. like the links look this is an informed opinion is ethiopia on the verge of a breakdown many parts of the old will mean a region are actually under a de facto state of emergency and critical debate of that is a proxy he does not have pursued the enters the bill if your people in depth analysis of the day's global headlines inside story on al-jazeera.
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played an important role in protecting human. face. the levees broke out of the water we play with the rest in 2017 people in power are investigating why trinidad and tobago became a ripe recruiting ground for ice. for a few years to this is known for almost 2020 we return to uncover the fate of those who left their homeland to join conflicts in iraq and syria. caribbean to calif and. i join dog 0 as part of the launch team in 2006 protesters have called for a 1000000 man march in the time i've covered wars revolutions elections i'm going to treat poorest. from the favelas of caracas to the battlefields around also i
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would drop just to get to the truth and empower people through knowledge. and u.s. state department calls a former saudi intelligence official a valued partner saying it's concerned by allegations the saudi crown prince sent his men to try to kill him. hello i'm maryam namazie watching al jazeera live from london also coming up on the program anger is growing in beirut after a devastating explosion residents blame corruption and mismanagement the president says he's not ruling out a mistrial attack. an air india plane skids off the wrong.


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