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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  August 11, 2020 4:00pm-5:01pm +03

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history has called it the great in the 1st episode conscription draws hundreds of thousands of arabs troops into both sides of the conflict their story is rarely told but had a huge impact on the course of the. world moonwalk. but my own knowledge is evil. this is al-jazeera. hello i'm adrian forget and this is the live from doha coming up in the next 60 minutes a damning revelation reports that lebanon's prime minister and president warned in july about explosive material stored in beirut pools. russia says a coronavirus vaccine has been successfully developed with production due to start
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in september. auckland goes into corona virus locks out new zealand reports its 1st cases of community transmission in more than $100.00 days. and the roosters leading opposition candidate leaves the country of a violent protests over the election results. and in sports the los angeles like leave it late and a 3 game losing streak. going again whenever the same the n.b.a.'s western called. lebanon's prime minister and president warned just last month about the explosive material stored in beirut port that caused last week's blast security documents seen by the reuters news agency say that leaders were told the 202750 tons of ammonium nitrate posed a security risk and could destroy the capital if it exploded. it comes as lebanon's
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parliament decides on a new prime minister of the house and dia but on state that he and his government would step down the decision follows widespread public fury the blast killed more than 200 people injured thousands more and left hundreds of thousands of this. 7 days on let's go live now to beirut was a serious book smith is there but where are you what's happening. i'm in a moment fail all beirut throughout the last few days we've been showing you how volunteer groups have been sweeping the streets cleaning out and fix it filling in the void left by the state but there's also another really pressing read and that is for medical assistance provided by the state the best of times at a very minimum so this is walls well above all it's been secured as best as possible by. n.g.o.s doctors without borders medicine something. they are helping
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out people who you know urgent medical assistance and i'm joined. by chris starr and i saw earlier that one of the doctors here she's a regional epidemiologist for m.s.f. she's very busy dealing with a patient at the moment is somebody who needs help you know when that is when i finished will speak to her in the meanwhile just explain that there are about 70000 homes have been destroyed and maybe 252300000 people left homeless because a lot that is why places like this inside out so quickly now the government says that now there are more than 220 people have been killed or died in the last may found about 171 bodies meanwhile the government of course is in crisis as we know the covers resigned there is an acting prime minister now in an acting cabinet and talks are underway to replace that cabinet
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with what the international community wants is essentially a huge national unity government because partly the cabinet is made up of his ball and its allies its isolated international community it doesn't want to deal with it you're. for the 1st ones the middle east is we construction money it wants to suit the wants to see a more representative if you like the type of administration their love going to china or a style that's ok because. i asked. so i turn to because you know way more you will immediately see what is the world war where there is no where a lot of news that obviously around after the explosion what we're doing here is we're providing and cd configuration non-family can give you so many patients is that he answered with a smile with the next hour we'll be providing medication for those people in need
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who have lost almost everything we're also doing whom you can visit so we're providing also care its own management for injured give us and we're doing this and point of care as you see here but also roaming around in the most affected areas so we're talking about infighting and cut and tino's and they're not going to be all just force the coronavirus which is well in the situation i asked to have you been here we're trying to control as much as possible where we're aware that covered 1000 assistance a problem around here as well as in the words we are trying as much as possible and just see where in march this year you think martha for people who are who are coming to also put their mark we're trying as much as possible to give one to 2 metres distance between people to actually to do the risk of transmission as much as possible before they go medical provision here it was all over it all at the exclusion of all i mean what are people coming to because they lost everything.
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well yeah unfortunately yes it was in the it's and now it's even a bigger thing than what we're trying to do as much as possible you try you also to link those people still ask of an organization like providing also. number 2 for people who are exempted depends on infill and we also have a clinic we have something very sad that our regular operation is a trying to let him down without a regular operations and i miss that that's not how i like it but people need to have something like you very much and i'm a father so as you see filling in the gulf there's a green light by the state and there is an increasingly sort of medical home medical assistance you're seeing here as well as food and as well as helping people to rebuild their homes it's obviously very very busy the birds and this is all going on in a building that itself was damaged in the explosion. yes
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this building we're in it only because he's been merchants and made a safe as possible by the m.s.f. is that there are teams actually for an engineer in this area they're checking building security runciman german engineers who were just before the whole street though we were all the whole streets to be closed down because many of the buildings the fold down at the moment so prepares their old buildings anyway and made very weak by what has happened so there is it's a very dangerous environment and the young people you see cleaning up with maybe just a helmet or rubber gloves that caning up in what is a very dangerous environment like glass and bits of masonry a falling down old sign how does it is but it's worth reporting live from beirut but it many thanks indeed. russia's president vladimir putin says that the country has become the 1st in the world to approve the use of a corona virus vaccine it follows less than 2 months of human trials the president
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says the vaccine has been given to one of his daughters the speed of the roll and those raising concern that moscow may be putting national prestige before sound science for this from charley and who joins us live from london charlie tell us more about this vaccine. well we 1st heard about this vaccine in june when russia's gamma law institute said that they carried out human trials on 38 people and they had developed antibodies against coded 19 they then moved on to the phase 2 trials involving 100 people but they've yet to start the phase 3 trials that are going to start on wednesday and that is one of most crucial stages in clinical trials involving thousands of people from very different demographics in terms of age and underlying conditions and it's the phase when they work out how the drug or the vaccine reacts with other drugs and also possible side effects so until a drug or a vaccine has completed phase 3 trials approval is really very premature and has
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the scientific community worried about the transparency of russia's research in this vaccine. but to prove its safety president putin has said that the dose was given to his daughter she developed a slight fever that loss of a 24 hours and then was tested for antibodies against kovan 1000 and showed she had a high antibody levels so it's very unusual for the president to ever talk about his children he's 50 guarded their identities from the press so he's obviously very proud of this alleged scientific achievement and he says the vaccine is now registered and will be made available within 7 days now the institute says that the vaccine is based on a proven vaccine against a dean a virus which is the common cold they're calling it sputnik 5 after the 1st russian satellite into space and they say it comes in 2 doses the 1st dose developing some immune response after $21.00 days the 2nd dose doubling that immunity level and
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lasting for 2 years so it's very unclear how they could come to that conclusion so in the trial phase the health ministry says it will be given to doctors and teachers 1st before a mass vaccination program is rolled out across the country in january. that will start with 30000000 doses and they've also talked about interest from 20 different countries for over a 1000000 doses. they've mentioned saudi arabia and philippines as possible manufacturing partners and philippines president president deter to has even announced that he will inject himself in public with the vaccine to prove its safety security has some support from the philippines but the world health organization has come out with a statement in the last hour that says we are in contact with russian health authorities discussing the process for possible w.h.o. prequalification we 1st need to rigorously review and assess all of the required
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safety and efficacy data so obviously concerns there about the speed of this announcement and they're also going to be questions about the contents of this vaccine off 5 to britain's national cybersecurity center reported that hackers backed by the russian state had tried to gain access to covert 19 vaccine research in academic and pharmaceutical institutions across the world as allegations that moscow denies but the u.k. the u.s. and canada stand by those quite unusual accusations linking them directly to the russian state what does it mean for other vaccines in development we know there's 100 being developed around the world well there are 4 in those phase 3 clinical trials at the moment so i think for russia to be saying it is one in this race to find the 1st vaccine against covert 900 is premature until it has that w.h.o. stamp of approval of 0 as charlie and she were reporting live from london many
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thanks dr peter is an infectious disease medic global health expert he joins us now live from oxford peter what do you make of this would you get this job. i would not get this job certainly not outside of a clinical trial you know look as we heard this is really only that vaccine has only been tested on at best a couple of 100 people those data have not even been published so even those early results we really only know what's come out in press conferences from politicians but the scientific community has not been able to review those data and of course they haven't yet on those critical phase 3 trials where you really need thousands of patients to demonstrate both safety and effectiveness so at this stage i really think this is a risky move ok you can understand though the many people around the world are pretty desperate for this kind of news you know that that a vaccine a safe and effective vaccine has been found that could solve all the world's problems training in one stroke. well i think we have to be careful not to put too
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much faith in any vaccine to be a magic bullet against this pandemic it's going to be obviously an extremely important tool when once we have them but there's no guarantee they're going to be 100 percent effective they may only get partial effectiveness or partial immunity we don't know how long they last for so yes we're all eager obviously to see these results and are backing all the scientists race around the world to do this but we can't sit back and just wait for the vaccine to come we need to use all the tools at our disposal to control a pandemic that's still raging in much of the world how does what we know about this russian vaccine compared to the vaccines from say the one that's being developed in oxford where you are on the madonna vaccine. the vaccine in russia is based on an add a new virus specter add new virus or a type of virus that causes common colds and they use that to bring in a bit of d.n.a. from the spike protein of the corona virus there are a couple of other candidates that are somewhat similar to that including the one
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here in oxford as well as one that's undergoing trials in canada from a chinese company called can sign the early as olds from china have not been too impressive actually the ones from oxford have been quite encouraging so there are similar vaccine candidates out there that are actually further ahead already in phase 3 trials the material vaccine in the u.s. use a totally different technology and that's good because we want to have vaccines that are trying to attack this from very different angles because it increases our likelihood of success so we can write off this this russian vaccine even though it appears to have been rather rushed i mean it and it may end up being just as effective as any other a vaccine is just that it hasn't gone through all of the the safety testing that is required before it can be released. and given administered why it but we just don't know as i said none of the data from the early trials on this vaccine have been published and so we have no idea whether even the claims that are
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being made about the safety and the immune response of this virus are true or not i hope they're true you know once there is a safe and effective vaccine personally i don't care where it comes from we need to work together to get this to everybody around the world one of the things that i worry about is that you know this is really more about you know sort of geopolitics and being able to claim victory it may put pressure on other countries to cut corners on safety and effectiveness as well and that could put us all in danger really gets to you peter many thanks indeed talk to peter drew back there in oxford . thank you new zealand has reported its 1st community transmission of the corona virus in more than 100 days from minister just send a hold of auckland into lockdown after 4 you can cases were confirmed and leave all 3 your ass to stay at home in your bubble other than for essential movements such as going to the supermarket or local recreation if you are in oakland you must work from home unless you are an essential service worker or
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schools in child care facilities in oakland are closed as of tomorrow morning except for the children of essential service workers and those who are who are involved will remember that it leave all 3 we allow you to x. the schools and do a childhood for a level 3 for a scene chill service with his son lee or public facilities 3 strong same businesses must close by midday tomorrow or this ultra retirement village in christ church grounds in the lockdown after residents that showed flu like symptoms the facility told families that 8 residents were affected swabs to test the curve at 19 of been sent to a laboratory protesters in better roosts are being urged by opposition presidential challenger svetlana to kind of skier to avoid endangering their lives she confirms in
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a video that she's going to lithuania following a 2nd dies a violent protest against the results of sunday's presidential election the election commission says that long time president alexander lukashenko won by a landslide the opposition says the election was rigged lithuanian government was given to going to sky a one year visa the foreign minister says that she had little choice but to leave bellows. as far as i understand maybe late there will be more clarification is but she had not so many options just to be for the country and she decided to do that to leave it because she had as he said that was possible to do and options where not too many. let's go live now to men's councils in a steadfast and is that step more recent and took on sky a giffen leaving the country. well yes there were a lot of questions about how her sudden disappearance last night from bella ruse we
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just went to a briefing by the opposition teams and now there's been some clarification it's still not completely clear what exactly happened but what we know now is that the person same team sas that the better russian authorities have taken her to the to the lithuanian border and returned her complain manager who has been detained for the last couple of days was released and now is and little way to get together with her another statement also saying that she was in the room yesterday at the election commission but she was filing a complaint against the election results together with 2 men with suitcases and also video equipment suddenly also a video has appeared in which she is serious and seemed to read a statement saying that she actually wants everyone to accept the official results and also to stop protesting on the streets well as the compay scene says this is
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clearly a forced recording people in that room we still don't know who they were truman apparently forced her to read this statement after that she left and she hasn't been in any contact directly with her campaign team until she was at the other side of the border so this is a front an important development because she's been the symbol of this growing opposition in the last couple of months there were 3 women on the stage in belarus during the election campaign 2 of them are now abroad because they are worried about their safety and the safety of their family only one of the labs left here in baton rouge and she says i will continue we will all continue this is not going to stop where does this leave the protesters the opposition to president elect from the shanker now. well this is definitely a massive protest so it doesn't rely on one or 2 people anymore so even if the kind of sky of the main candidate is now abroad and she's actually still officially
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a candidate i i cross check that you happen to rate so she's still in the race and she has filed official complaints against the results this wouldn't stop people from focusing on the street they have been thousands of people who think they have been. taken against peaceful protesters in the last couple of nights. huge crowds gathering at detentions and especially mothers who are looking for their children for that for the boys who have to be it. the protests nobody has any word where they are so there's a lot of emotions of course building up not only about what they take big elections but also about the crackdown that the government has put on the population since al-jazeera stopped reporting live from bene reuss many thanks indeed. this is the news hour from syria still to come on the program the protesters are striking a nerve in thailand the prime minister warns them against breaking the law. and in
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sport we'll hear from the tennis player who suffered a heart scare during her return to professional action and they have advanced the rest of the sport a little later. china's top lawmakers voted to extend the courage of the hong kong governing council by a year hong kong was due to hold elections this or something they've been postponed because of the coronavirus pandemic of pro-democracy activists say that this is a pretext to stop people from voting several opposition candidates of been banned from running for office let's go live now to hong kong al-jazeera saverin brown can tell us more what's been the reaction there in hong kong to this adrian. pretty muted i have to say to him but let me try and decode this for you because hong kong politics can be complicated at the best of times and of course these are
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very much the worst of times essentially at the end of last month the chief executive carrie lamb announced that she was going to perspire the elections of a jew to be held on september the 6 citing coded 19 saying those elections would be postponed until september next year that's fine except the people said well what happens when the current term of parliament ends on september the 30th they could well be you know a dangerous political vacuum so as a result of that sort of political roadblock she contacted her superiors in beijing and said look is there any way that we can extend the current session of the hong kong parliament until next september and today as expected the standing committee of the national people's congress which is the highest political body in china did just that so it means that basically the current government will remain for another year it also paves the way adrian and this is the significant bit for 4 opposition
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legislators who were banned from seeking reelection to remain in the legislature adrian what we're going to hear despite a bring people up to speed with a story we did a lot on monday the arrest of the media tycoon and activist jimmy lie what's the latest on that. well his son has been given bail tonight remember his son was one of 5 other people who were detained along with jimmy lie on monday so we expect that jimmy lie himself will possibly also get bail on tuesday night possibly wednesday morning here in hong kong he was once more paraded before the cameras on chews day morning once more i think the police were trying to demonstrate that on the one hand they were being transparent and i think on the other hand they were trying to demonstrate to the leadership in beijing that you know your new national security law is working
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a lot of people though here in hong kong are concerned that perhaps we are beginning to see the beginnings of a much wider political purge because remember it's not just prominent pro-democracy figures like jimmy lai who've been detained so to have people lie agnes chao just 23 years old she too is facing the prospect of being charged under this new national security law she suspected of colluding with foreign powers now under the national security legislation adrian it basically says that if someone is you know accused of a crime that touches on you know foreign affairs also defense matters then that person could possibly be tried in china because it would become a complicated case now remember they are facing as i say the prospect of being charged with you know colluding with a foreign power and that leads to a life sentence so that is sent a real chill in hong kong
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a paradox of all of this is that jimmy light today has become an even richer man because shares in his media company have soared as people buy you know stakes in the parent company of apple daily that is you might say a bit of you know sort of investor activism and we've also seen you know a sort of other sort of silent type of solidarity. going on at the moment people have been buying copies of the apple daily normally it prints about 50000 copies a day on tuesday morning you know more than 500000 copies were published by midday you could not buy a copy of the apple daily in hong kong just one footnote to today's dramatic dramatic events here in hong kong the department of homeland security in the united states has announced that from now on all goods coming from hong kong will have to carry a made in china label and not a made in hong kong label that's one more piece of bad news from the united states
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for hong kong al-jazeera is adrian brown live in hong kong adrian many thanks taiwan's foreign minister has accused china of trying to turn the island into the next hong kong joseph who issued the warning on the 3rd day of visits by the u.s. health secretary a trainee reports from beijing but. on the 3rd day of its visit designed to spotlight u.s. support the taiwan the u.s. health and human services secretary alex gave a speech to university students in the capital type pain the highest level american business here in 4 decades lauded taiwan success in containing coverage 19 and accused the world health organization of political 1000000000 by excluding the island from being a member of the united states i want it to be recognized in the world. and that taiwan should be able to hear these lessons and that it will or.
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i've made that point repeatedly and the world health organization from which taiwan has. the last 4 years taiwan's foreign minister joseph who thanked the u.s. sports friendship highlighting shed democratic values in a defiant speech he said taiwan would never submit to china. because. the u.s. is reportedly in talks to sell for military drones to taiwan's forces signaling its displeasure china sent fighter jets to patrol the taiwan strait on monday the taiwanese considered that to be harassment easels visit has angered china's leaders who consider taiwan to be a renegade province valen to one day seize the island by force if necessary china's foreign ministry is urging the u.s. to respect the one china principle and avoid sending so-called wrong signals to
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promote independence forces. substandard relationship between the united states and taiwan and $100.00 taiwan related issues carefully and the probably so as not to cost serious harm to china u.s. cooperation in important areas and of peace and stability across the taiwan strait . china's government has described taiwan as the most sensitive issues inside the u.s. relations officially alex visit is about exchanging ideas for combat cards in 19 and officially this tour is designed to provoke. the u.s. is already at odds with china of the newly imposed national security law as well as training and technology with this high profile so it supports the taiwan washington's relationship with boji only deteriorates. al-jazeera into. thailand's prime minister is warning demonstrators not to violate the law the
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latest protest and days of rallies led by student unions is on the outskirts of bangkok $34000.00 ties to mounted the resignation of prime minister prime channels and an end to military rule will also question the role of the monarchy in thailand which is something of a to boo subject to hate is there monitoring the situation he says the momentum of the protests seems unaffected by the prime minister's warning. there's no sign that the. comments by the prime minister warning the protesters to be careful about what they say will put them off and remembering also on friday night that 2 of the protest leaders were arrested charged with sedition before being released on bail that doesn't seem to be putting them off on monday night of course again we had a very large rally on the campus of university the organizers are planning another potentially larger rally on sunday on the streets of the capital city so no signs
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that they're going to start to play these protests down the government i think senate difficult situation now they need to decide whether they crack down on the protest movement which is something they've not been afraid to do in the past ending it potentially before it becomes much larger all they allow it to continue in the hope that it will eventually fizzle out the danger with that approach. of course is that it becomes much larger as i mentioned as just the student protests and potentially attracts people from other sections of thai society and the discussion about the role of the monarchy that we mentioned becomes much broader and therefore it becomes much more difficult for the government and the security forces to bring it to an end. in pakistan at least 68 people have died as heavy monsoon rains continue to lash many parts of the country more than 300 homes have been severely damaged or destroyed in recent days flash floods have swept away bridges and destroyed groups that link hundreds of the churches for now from
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al-jazeera has come all high and up in islam about. and i did rend a heavy cloud from the arabian sea go across india and pakistan with the heavy rain so flood warnings. but they heavy amount of rain or the rainfall recorded income of the. dead had led to open flooding where i dad had been reports of considerable damage to infrastructure in baluchistan province great case where. the problem and he'd been. thread a. large because of the heavy rain the. mountain range gave. the need to. drive a bed in to big weeping over a bridge and die away however the heavy brunt of the north being up in the
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north a few years ago there would be a huge flood in fact in great detail when millions of people were displayed a warning that because he didn't like. the meteorological department up to the end of september when it didn't look too bad it was that in islam about his tell us why it is just evident faux i suppose it's all for the science is it yeah the worst of the rain 7th recent days have been in the south they have walls and all of the chemical pull it's a few showers over the next couple of days truth be told i see plenty of clouds showing up on the satellite picture here we are going to see the showers into northern parts up toward. the foothills of the himalayas and further south as well whole so $59.00 millimeters of rain yesterday or showers where they came from actually we see the showers just up towards the hole then a little further north of that where weather is actually cross the northern plains of india who to protest my protests the big downpours all the way across into we're
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behind see some showers there into bangladesh as well more showers coming back into good giraffe and as we go on through the next couple of days see some heavier pulses of rain just not in their way back up towards the far north of pakistan they get some yellow showing up there system intense downpours and also some intense downpours down towards the south i speak go on through the course of the weekend we will gradually see that western weather continuing here then make a way across irradiance sea towards the market we've had some flooding rains here as well as seen some very heavy downpours think over the next few days the least it should be somewhat drier and somewhat brighter those winds are can the way back around to the southwest towards southwest the monsoon pushing up towards south asia heavy showers continue across a good part of ethiopia more showers adrian for a good part a sit down ever so many thanks indeed this is the news hour from al jazeera still to come a crackdown on the independence of journalists turns on is government steps up its
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campaign against press freedom. escalating protests in bolivia provide memories of last year's violence restored to the resignation of former president ever what honest. and explore spaceballs highest paid player underlines his value to los angeles and. rewind returns with a series. on the disease. just to remind continues with the last tri secret army of the cia 675 believe in the same way that the ancestors did living in the forest in the jungle and it seems like they're abandoned by everybody on al-jazeera. breaks
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everybody on this planet matters everybody has power when people need to be heard and the story needs to be told here human development has moved right to the edge of the forest with exclusive interviews and in-depth reports cobe it is a disease going to affect anyone any age al-jazeera has teens on the ground this is the main business lobby money any person here to bring you move all 20 documentaries and life needs. the. hello again this is the news hour from al-jazeera adrian finnegan here in doha it's good to have you with us the headlines lebanon's prime minister and president
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warned last month about the explosive material stored in beirut airport because last week's blast documents seen by the witches news agency said the ammonium nitrate could destroy the capital. russia's president vladimir putin says the country has become the 1st in the world to approve the use of a coronavirus vaccine it follows less than 2 months of human trials. and protesters in belarus being hurt by the opposition presidential challenge us from atlanta. to avoid a danger in their lives she's not going to lithuania following a 2nd prize a violent protest against the results of sunday's presidential election. last week's explosion in beirut dealt a blow to lebanon's food security the head of the un food agency says that he's now worried that the country could run out of bread before the end of the month 85 percent of grain came through the port of los destroyed the only storage silo
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leaving lebanon with no stockpiles setting huge precious with already dire food situation prices have risen by 80 percent before the explosion because of the country's economic crisis almost half of lebanon's population lives below the poverty line and struggles to access food the world food program is sending 50000 tons of wheat flour. so has a top runs the lebanese food bank in beirut she says that it's making hundreds of meals every day. we are receiving a lot of donations and we're buying food with this donation lost who are serving in kind donations agree. to make the case everything with sending this donations through a cake datings. donors that used to support us and they want and they offer it open they can cook with their staff. support us and hug me is good
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to be able to distribute them so they were able to cover almost 3400 meters per day. as the lungs other than the snacks other than the just those other than the breakfast that is offered these. the number of recorded corona virus infections worldwide has passed 20000005 months off the pandemic was to play has been more than 707000 i'm sorry 737000 deaths according to the johns hopkins university track and about 12000000 people have recovered the u.s. brazil and india remain the worst affected countries is starting a state of victoria has reported 19 deaths in the last 24 hours that followed the state's biggest one day reported rise in deaths some monday the epicenter of the country's resurgence in infections also reported $330.00 new cases the turiya is it
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a 6 week lockdown that includes a nightly curfew in melbourne australia is 2nd largest city bars beaches and restaurants are again closed in cuba as lockdown measures a reimposed the highest number of infections in 5 months was reported there on sunday and will missed 100 new cases businesses reopened last month after doctors thought that they had the outbreak under control. opposition supporters in mali have called for more antigovernment protests later today on monday the country's constitutional court swore in new judges hoping to calm political tension tens of thousands of demonstrating since june demanding the resignation of president ibrahim boubacar kaita a protester led by the end 5 movement of opposition activists they accuse president of corruption mishandling the economy of failing to improve security and 5 is rejected proposals by the regional body echo was which include the formation of
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a unity government let's go live now to dhaka of zeros nicholas hark is following the situation from the nick why has the appointment of these do judges not. these demonstrations. well you do it certainly has been called the demonstrations because right now as we speak hundreds of people are gathering on independence square in bamako there's a heavy police presence well yesterday when there was this swearing in ceremony in the presence of the chief negotiator from the ecowas of former nigerian president goodluck jonathan and the president sent was the and 5 in their leaders who are not involved in the the the the decision on who these judges will be nor is there a national unity government as planned by the cost mediation effort and the $31.00 judges that were supposed to resign well they haven't certainly knowledge and the one of these judges who is the president of the national assembly was in fact the
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person that nominated these judges and who is he well he's no other than the father in law of the president's son another close ally to the president and adding fuel to the fire in this feeling among the protesters that a president is abusing power bring in close allies close to him and this government is not representing the people and the aspiration of the people who are protesting today and while this is all happening in burma go in the last in the last few weeks we've seen an uptick of violence just last night a prison was attacked by armed groups several prisoners were were freed in the center of the country and this despite a huge military presence in the north in the center well the president is not in charge or the state is largely absent in these areas and there's a huge presence of 814000 u.n.
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peacekeeping peacekeeping force and 4000 french troops and despite all of that while the security situation is just getting worse because france has 4000 troops on the ground in the country its position. well it's interesting because we've seen president being so outspoken on the on the former french protectorate lebannon but so muted when it comes to mali where there are actually french troops in and a heavy french presence in this former colony yet no real outspoken words from the court today he held a meeting following the killing of french. workers in a neighboring you share an attack suspected being operated by the seat in the greater. but he hasn't been really outspoken the friends say that they're backing the echo aust mediation. one of the influential leaders that's leading the protest
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movement has accused france of backing president again fermenting division among mali and france was welcomed in 2012 when they came in intervened and prevented armed groups are reaching the capital bamako but now there are a key player and and whatever they say might sway the balance in this crisis situation in the last summit of the g. 5. when president took to the stage with the hellion president he was key to know that you know the. the security of the european union is contingent on the stability of mali saying that you know the northern mali is used by by migrants to cross the mediterranean it's also used by drug dealers narcotics and it's also used by armed smugglers so the argument of president is that a stable mali is key in order to protect the border of the european union in fact
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this month was launched a new force the force which involve european forces $200.00 italian special forces joined that operation there is to tackle counter. insurgency operation but also to tackle this the illegal trafficking of migrants and arms and narcotics and so the french have a key role to play in mali and yet they haven't stepped in overtly at least to to dissuade the balance. out of serious nicholas uk reporting live from dhaka but many thanks indeed tanzania's crackdown on press freedom is intensifying the government there has banned all media outlets from broadcasting phone content without its permission and any foreign journalists working in the country will need to be accompanied by a government official the new law means that reporters must seek approval to cover stories relating to the coronavirus critics say the ban will affect the ability of
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the press to report on the presidential election later this year catherine sawyer is in nairobi and says it's not only the media feeling the impact of this crackdown . there's also fear among the ordinary tanzanians themselves people afraid to speak out against issues that affect them fearing that the government is going to arrest them and things like that a lot of people are saying that may not be objectivity people saying that journalists covering 8 because of the fear are going to you know false sense of themselves and is going to not want to look at the t.v. especially when it comes to the opposition and like i mentioned it also comes in the midst of a coronavirus pandemic again journalists are not allowed to cover or report on coronavirus only a few people are supposed to speak on coronavirus that the president the prime minister the health minister and his deputy and journalists are only expected to
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cover. directed by the government when it comes to coronavirus being increasingly government that is how bent on controlling the health and political narrative in tanzania and you know a lot of critics really worried about that especially in this very sensitive period greece has called for an emergency e.u. summit on a growing dispute that turkey over drilling rights in the eastern mediterranean on monday turkey began gas exploration work in an area claimed by both countries greece as its illegal a threat to peace and security in the region turkey's foreign minister is refusing to compromise your limits of at this point no one can say turkey has not shown good will we have shown it but there is a country with ill intentions on the other side so whoever is looking for someone to blame can blame a great. japan's government has to send a team of experts to help clean up an oil spill in the richest the japanese ball-carrier workers sheo ran onto an offshore reef 2 weeks ago then leaked around
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a 1000 tons of its fuel experts are pumping the remainder off the ship for more pollution damages coral reefs and beaches popular with tourists cracks a widening in the ship's hull and its fear that it could break up in the indian ocean. into law the commandant of the japanese coast guard instructed them to do the base to provide support on the ground in regards to this incident that is cool huge inconvenience and trouble to related parties we would like to respond firmly and appropriately while closely watching the development of the situation keith rowley trinidad and tobago as prime minister has claimed victory of his party in monday's general election early results show the ruling people's national movement secure a 2nd that's despite concerns over the coronavirus pandemic migration and a shrinking economy. just ahead here all the news all the coastal city and but mean that's restoring monuments from the slave trade. and in sports suffers
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with a head for heights of the schools recognized abbey there with that in just a moment. business leaders does vote to buy no bra spot.
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business leaders does vote to buy no bra spot. moving or. i get time to support his addict thank you so much i dream of the top seeds in the n.b.a.'s western conference found an unlikely game winner on monday night's call kuchma got the l.a. lakers over the line against the denver nuggets upon james had $29.00 points and 12 assists for the likeness of play in the free chain losing streak that was close was 3 pointer with less than half
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a 2nd to go on the clock the sort of secure 81242121 victory the playoffs begin next monday. i would like to get better no matter who is on the floor you are going to bear the same you get a rhythm going to the playoffs. we need a word in there for a sure line up but we know we want to work a day that can help us get better. you know so i'm a going to get worse and i feel good to get to get a win again. dallas mavericks pulled off the biggest comeback in more than 4 years they recovered from a 22 point 3rd quarter deficit against the utah jazz the mavericks eventually winning this 11222114 the mavericks and the jets have already secured their playoff spots. serena williams we back in action a little later on for the 1st time in 6 months the women saw is holding its 1st u.s. competition since the coronavirus lockdown and world number 15 john a concert suffered heart palpitations just minutes into her 1st round match against
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the czech republic's maria briscoe over the briton needed medical attention before carrying on concert ended up losing this one in straight sets. in under stressful situations it's been on the actual no stress situation so. we don't know to be honest it's one of those things that you need to catch in moments and be able to record in measuring rain which we haven't been able to just because it really has been sporadic and it rarely happened now in the last few minutes celtic in aberdeen have had their next 2 matches in scotland's top football league called off after players broke coronavirus lockdown rules in the case of reigning champions celtic a player travel to spain but failed to quarantine on his return this is just not acceptable you we're asking members of the public every day i stand here and ask members of the public to make huge 2nd faces in how they live that late and the vast majority of members of the public are doing that and it's not easy we can have
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privileged football players just decided that they are not going to to bother. in sum a lot of peace and love accusing the europa league semifinals in so winning 21 in dust old of all of these games being played in germany behind closed doors knockout games have replaced 2 legged sides because of the disruption caused by coverage not seen during the season a penalty next song from a phenomena so many nights of beating f.c. copenhagen united have already lost 2 semifinals this season in the english f.a. and only cups and premier league champions liverpool of signed greek international costa cynicus in a $15000000.00 deal for a 1000000 p.r. cos the defender just won the great title with his club the new premier league season that gets some way on september 12th uniting behind the hash tag we want to play many american college football is arriving to save the season the mountain west and mid american conferences have already been called off it's a current virus and 2 of the big get college competition sets have meetings later
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on this cheesecake decide if play can begin as scheduled next month leading players have taken to social media everyone involved to follow health guidelines going to mars means your job is safe in this season that's why i'm here that's why i'm back i don't care about worried about don't care about me because this is and i know somebody young guys they're mad they might not get it but for me it would be a bit of us all to work out putting this is easy sacrifice you know you're going to think about that we go out there the club you know just put yourself at risk you put that same with coaches or muslims in or if you're not in iraq and have them. well u.s. colleges are a breeding ground for a huge number of professional athletes around 85 percent of the n.f.l. is made up of players who've come through the college system there are 5 big conferences that organized the highest level of collegiate football in the u.s. none have yet counseled the seasons college football brings in around $7000000000.00 worth of revenue every year many coaches want the seasons to start
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on time. we feel and i feel 100 percent certain that the safest place for our players in regards to coronavirus is right here where there's structure where there's testing where there's medical supervision where they have motivation to make smart decisions to stay away from the virus because if they don't they're going to lose what they love and lose their opportunity to play football mike trout on the line his value to the l.a. angels trout hitting sue home runs as the angels and it opens the 9 game winning run and now has 6 home runs and 11 rb eyes in his past 7 games last year had signed a 12 year 426000000 dollars contract the angels the richest deal in history. and sea surface with a head for heights of how best kills recognized america's colony and justin de paul fronts have won the big wave awards for overall performance of the year the titles
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reflect the greatest number of outstanding performances in the most diverse number of venues over a 12 month period ok that is why sport is looking finale at even a thanks indeed. anti racism protests have grown this year so have demands for the removal of statues linked to slavery recesses toppled and vandalized others were removed by city leaders plus a city is going the other way and restoring money amounts to the slave trade. ports. this beach in bend in may look like the perfect holiday destination but it has a sinister history in the 17th and 18th century it was a slave trading ports from when more than a 1000000 men women and children left africa for their often fatal voyage across the atlantic. government wants to restore much of the area including historic monuments. it's part of
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a $1000000000.00 development project aimed at promoting tourism and confronting its role in the slave trade. further inland stone carvings of captive villages forced into slavery and on to ships by rival tribal chiefs this tall guy says it's vital to acknowledge the past. is the most marked city in the history of slavery that's why beyond the movements claiming the cause of black people we want the sites that have known history to be restored so that the history doesn't die. remnants remain in we does nance cave and architecture portugal britain and france built forts to protect their profits. nearby a renovated museum showing african colonial history from a church bell brought by roman catholic missionaries world maps and tools to imprison slaves. this emotion i have every time i
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see those chains that were used to chain the slaves our grandparents our ancestors were deported by the colonisers it makes me relive that hurts a bit but it's our story and we have to accept it. then ins leaders say the heritage site will ensure that future generations are educated about their ancestors. i came here this morning because i was missing some information about my culture which is what i came to visit and after the visit i really appreciate the idea of the state showing us what we need to know about history of our country so. these are not things we usually told at school or never daylight if it continues like those who have some very beautiful thing is and will be able to properly represent our country. as many in the americas and europe debate how the slave trade should be remembered for many in bed in understanding and confronting sensitive relics of the past could pave the way to move forward. mohammed al
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jazeera. and that's the news hour i'll be back in just a moment with more of the day's news all see it. play. frank assessments what are you seeing. firsthand. like he thinks look this is an informed opinion which is ethiopia on the verge of a breakdown many halts or beyond will mean a region are actually under a de facto state of emergency and critical debate after the use of proxy because you have to respond because the delivery people in-depth analysis of the day's global headlines inside story on al-jazeera. these men are survivors of a covert 9046 year old is a limousine driver is the only one here who needed to go to hospital when he became
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ill in early march with the. border will be on balance what do you know so deep it is a 34 year old driver for guitar a family and he tested positive for years but it will be a small problem your health officials say the rate of new infections has low the goal here is to conduct a broad serving to better understand transmission and asymptomatic cases which in turn could help policy decisions in the future so it would be easy for us to inform the decision making on what to do next the goal now is to increase testing and contact tracing. the government provides free testing and medical treatment for those who need it while campaigns to raise awareness continue. the slums of manana home to an extraordinary community on the front line remy a self-taught midwife. delivering new life into some of the toughest living
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conditions. in a unique 6 part series al-jazeera follows the knights of the remarkable people who go out. and ride in the slant on al-jazeera. a damning revelation reports that lebanon's prime minister and president will warm blast months about the devastating explosive material stored in beirut port. again i'm adrian forgetting this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up russia says that a coronavirus vaccine has been successfully developed with production due to start in september. auckland goes into coronavirus lockdown new zealand reports its 1st
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cases of community transmission in more than 100.


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